# TODO(compnerd) once we have a newer CMake we should be able to use the new # `Swift` LANGUAGE support in CMake to simplify the build. For now, just add # the project so that it is possible to start working on extracting the Swift # standard library from the Swift compiler build. project(swift-stdlib LANGUAGES C CXX) # Add path for custom CMake modules. list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") include(AddSwiftStdlib) # Create convenience targets for the Swift standard library. # NOTE(compnerd) this will pass the *build* configuration to the *host* # libraries. Explicitly indicate to CMake that it should **NOT** track the # implicit language runtimes. This can go away once we migrate to an external # project with its own configure with the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME set rather than # using the custom cross-compilation solution set(CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES "") set(CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_LIBRARIES "") set(CMAKE_C_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "") set(CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_LINK_DIRECTORIES "") if(SWIFT_BUILD_RUNTIME_WITH_HOST_COMPILER) if(NOT "${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang") message(FATAL_ERROR "Building the swift runtime is not supported with ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}. Use the just-built clang instead.") else() message(WARNING "Building the swift runtime using the host compiler, and not the just-built clang.") endif() else() # If we use Clang-cl or MSVC, CMake provides default compiler and linker flags that are incompatible # with the frontend of Clang or Clang++. if(SWIFT_COMPILER_IS_MSVC_LIKE) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${SWIFT_NATIVE_LLVM_TOOLS_PATH}/clang-cl") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "${SWIFT_NATIVE_LLVM_TOOLS_PATH}/clang-cl") else() set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${SWIFT_NATIVE_LLVM_TOOLS_PATH}/clang++") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "${SWIFT_NATIVE_LLVM_TOOLS_PATH}/clang") endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER MATCHES ".*distcc") set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "") endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER MATCHES ".*distcc") set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER "") endif() # The sanitizers require using the same version of the compiler for # everything and there are various places where we link runtime code with # code built by the host compiler. Disable sanitizers for the runtime for # now. add_compile_options(-fno-sanitize=all) endif() # Add a workaround for older clang-cl with a newer MSVC runtime. MSVC 16.27 # ships with a C++ compiler that enables conditional explicit from C++20 # unconditionally. Newer clang supports this, but the 5.3 release branch clang # does not. Add a workaround. add_compile_definitions($<$,$>:_HAS_CONDITIONAL_EXPLICIT=0>) # Do not enforce checks for LLVM's ABI-breaking build settings. # The Swift runtime uses some header-only code from LLVM's ADT classes, # but we do not want to link libSupport into the runtime. These checks rely # on the presence of symbols in libSupport to identify how the code was # built and cause link failures for mismatches. Without linking that library, # we get link failures regardless, so instead, this just disables the checks. if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.12) append("-DLLVM_DISABLE_ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS_ENFORCING=1" CMAKE_C_FLAGS CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS) else() add_compile_definitions(LLVM_DISABLE_ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS_ENFORCING=1) endif() set(SWIFT_STDLIB_LIBRARY_BUILD_TYPES) if(SWIFT_BUILD_DYNAMIC_STDLIB) list(APPEND SWIFT_STDLIB_LIBRARY_BUILD_TYPES SHARED) endif() if(SWIFT_BUILD_STATIC_STDLIB) list_intersect("${SWIFT_APPLE_PLATFORMS}" "${SWIFT_SDKS}" building_darwin_sdks) if(building_darwin_sdks) message(SEND_ERROR "cannot build static standard library for Darwin SDKs") else() list(APPEND SWIFT_STDLIB_LIBRARY_BUILD_TYPES STATIC) endif() endif() function(swift_create_stdlib_targets name variant define_all_alias) if(NOT variant STREQUAL "") set(variant "-${variant}") endif() if(define_all_alias) add_custom_target(${name}${variant}-all) set_target_properties(${name}${variant}-all PROPERTIES FOLDER "Swift libraries/Aggregate") endif() foreach(sdk ${SWIFT_SDKS}) add_custom_target(${name}-${SWIFT_SDK_${sdk}_LIB_SUBDIR}${variant}) set_target_properties(${name}-${SWIFT_SDK_${sdk}_LIB_SUBDIR}${variant} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Swift libraries/Aggregate") foreach(arch ${SWIFT_SDK_${sdk}_ARCHITECTURES}) set(target_variant -${SWIFT_SDK_${sdk}_LIB_SUBDIR}-${arch}) add_custom_target(${name}${target_variant}${variant}) set_target_properties(${name}${target_variant}${variant} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Swift libraries/Aggregate") if(define_all_alias) add_dependencies(${name}${variant}-all ${name}${target_variant}${variant}) endif() add_dependencies(${name}-${SWIFT_SDK_${sdk}_LIB_SUBDIR}${variant} ${name}${target_variant}${variant}) endforeach() endforeach() if(NOT define_all_alias) set(ALL_keyword ALL) endif() add_custom_target(${name}${variant} ${ALL_keyword} DEPENDS ${name}${SWIFT_PRIMARY_VARIANT_SUFFIX}${variant}) set_target_properties(${name}${variant} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Swift libraries/Aggregate") endfunction() swift_create_stdlib_targets("swift-stdlib" "" TRUE) if(SWIFT_STDLIB_ENABLE_SIB_TARGETS) swift_create_stdlib_targets("swift-stdlib" "sib" TRUE) swift_create_stdlib_targets("swift-stdlib" "sibopt" TRUE) swift_create_stdlib_targets("swift-stdlib" "sibgen" TRUE) endif() swift_create_stdlib_targets("swift-test-stdlib" "" FALSE) # FIXME: Include the toolchain directory before the public directory. Otherwise # the clang resource directory symlink stops installing correctly. add_subdirectory(toolchain) add_subdirectory(public) add_subdirectory(private) add_subdirectory(tools)