These are just some notes about third party libraries and how they are or perhaps should be managed in VisIt. The table below is approximately how things are named currently. However, there is much variation and so the table is more to capture a desired goal than to document current usage. Symbol name Context Where Defined Where used Description and Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFAULT_XXX_INCLUDE configure config-site/ Default location of XXX includes. No examples where it is overridden. Only the path, not with leading '-I'. DEFAULT_XXX_LIB configure config-site/ Default location of XXX libs (.a/.so) No examples where it is overridden. Only the path, not with leading '-L'. Associated with --with-XXX=INC,LIB. Often one path sufficient to define both Are there standard places we can search? XXX_INCLUDE configure config-time def'n for XXX_INCLUDE XXX_INCLUDE make make-variables Makefile Location of XXX includes XXX_LIB configure config-time def'n for XXX_LIB XXX_LIB make make-variables Makefile Location of XXX library file(s) XXX_LIBS configure config-time def'n for XXX_LIBS XXX_LIBS make make-variables Makefile Linker directives for linking to XXX (e.g. "-lbox2D -lg2c") HAVE_XXX_H preprocessor visit-config C++ sources Compile-time symbol to check for existence of XXX's header files. HAVE_XXX_LIB preprocessor visit-config C++ sources Compile-time symbol to check for existence of XXX's library files. Why need one for header/lib?? XXX configure config-time def'n for subdir containing code depending on XXX Proposal for when VisIt's internal libraries may introduce dependencies on third party libraries... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIB_VVV_LDFLAGS configure config-time def'n for LIB_VVV_LDFLAGS LIB_VVV_LDFLAGS make make-variables Makefile Location(s) of other libs VisIt's own VVV library depends on LIB_VVV_LIBS configure config-time def'n for LIB_VVV_LIBS LIB_VVV_LIBS make make-variables Makefile Linker directives for linking to VVV when it has dependencies on other libs. As libs are changed, how do we handle version compatibility so that if we introduce code that is useable only in a given version of a lib, VisIt can still compile with an older version of that lib? We create a lot of links in VisIt's main lib directory that point at other libs that VisIt uses. If that is so, why isn't it the case that all we need everywhere in VisIt link link is a -L for the main lib directory? some libs needed only by given database plugin - if lib not available, plugin is not built. So, no need for HAVE_XXX compile time constants - not necessary to fiddle with LIB symbol because the lib is tacked on in plugin's makefile - libs often installed manually on various local platforms. - architecture specific install points vary and do not match VisIt's internal arch-specific install points. - often built as .a to avoid recursion in load of plugin's .sos with lib's .sos - use --with-lib=inc,lib to turn on off during configure - use DEFAULT_XXX_INCLUDE, DEFAULT_XXX_LIB for site config files some libs used by visit internally (AND OPTIONALLY) -bzip2, zlib (where), silo (not essential but currently is) -need to fiddle with INCLUDE symbol(s) and LIB symbols -some tested with AC_CHECK_LIB (libsocket for example) -others use --enable-xxx configure controls -often need HAVE_XXX compile time symbols to avoid compiling lib dependent code when lib is not available -often check for existence of *both* .h and .a (.so) file, why? -visit's include point (visit/include) has links to specific lib's include files. The way that silo's include path is handled is... - for siloobj, SILO_INCLUDE is added to SILOBJVTK_CPPPLAGS which are used specifically in siloobj Makefiles - for avtprep, SILO_INCLUDE is added to PREPROCESSOR_CPPFLAGS which is used specifically in prep Makefiles Verdict library is part of visit There are problems with carrying a lib around with visit - bigger distribution tarball - longer compile - multiple installations waste space due to duplicated lib - definately do not want sources being version controlled So, it is best to get libs visit uses and install separately - HDF5, Boxlib and other database libs - verdict library - CSG rendering library if we ever have it - python, gl, vtk, qt - interval library - bzip2 library - other compression libs - image magick stuff - some libs, like vtk, aren't easily swapable - if a lib is intended to replace something ordinarily found in system places, it requires special handling But, its nice to have the option to produce a tarball with all of them. Here is an ideal scenario... Visit vob has the tarballs as obtained from various sites for various libs it uses, un-edited. When visit gets installed on a given platform, it checks to see if there is already the current (as determined by contents of third_party tarballs) library compiled and installed on that platform (by doing some comparison between what the current tarball thinks it should have and the "standard places" where standard places should include previous installations of visit). If the lib is not found, visit will untar and "install" that lib so that not only the current installation of visit can proceed with it but future versions of visit can link to it.