data/gss-1.0.3/configure:18209: nknown ==> unknown data/gss-1.0.3/ BRE ==> BE, BRIE data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:297: screem ==> scream, screen data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:481: screem ==> scream, screen data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:665: screem ==> scream, screen data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:849: screem ==> scream, screen data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:1033: screem ==> scream, screen data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:1064: te ==> the, be, we data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:1217: screem ==> scream, screen data/gss-1.0.3/ABOUT-NLS:1245: te ==> the, be, we data/gss-1.0.3/ChangeLog:1591: inofficial ==> unofficial data/gss-1.0.3/ChangeLog:1643: parmeters ==> parameters data/gss-1.0.3/ChangeLog:5640: accidently ==> accidentally data/gss-1.0.3/NEWS:164: offical ==> official data/gss-1.0.3/NEWS:318: underlaying ==> underlying data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, 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data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Windo ==> Window data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Implemen ==> Implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ erly ==> early data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ commen ==> commend, comment, common data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ erly ==> early data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ tage ==> stage, take, tag, tagged data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ curren ==> current data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Chec ==> Check data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ libarary ==> library data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ sensitiv ==> sensitive data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ sensitiv ==> sensitive data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ primitiv ==> primitive data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ primitiv ==> primitive data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ primitiv ==> primitive data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ primitiv ==> primitive data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ arameters ==> parameters data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ ded ==> dead data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> 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data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ OT ==> TO, OF, OR data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ OT ==> TO, OF, OR data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ TE ==> THE, BE, WE data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> 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also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alse ==> also, else, false data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ activ ==> active data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ curren ==> current data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ wrapp ==> wrap data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ matc ==> match data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ elemen ==> element data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ preserv ==> preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Chec ==> Check data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ matc ==> match data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ ded ==> dead data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ describ ==> describe data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ alue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ OT ==> TO, OF, OR data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ tage ==> stage, take, tag, tagged data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ implemen ==> implement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ preserv ==> preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ fron ==> from data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ exclusiv ==> exclusive data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ theses ==> these, thesis data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ displa ==> display data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ fron ==> from data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ fron ==> from data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ preserv ==> preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ ue ==> use, due data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ preserv ==> preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ fron ==> from data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ statemen ==> statement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ preserv ==> preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ theses ==> these, thesis data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ lik ==> like, lick, link data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ ond ==> one data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ kno ==> know data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Preserv ==> Preserve data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ whic ==> which data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ statemen ==> statement data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Fo ==> Of, for data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ Windo ==> Window data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gss.html:326: parallell ==> parallel data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gss.html:920: libarary ==> library data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gss.html:1292: indentifies ==> identifies data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:92: CHANGLOG ==> CHANGELOG data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:261: preceed ==> precede, proceed data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:279: aguments ==> arguments data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:517: guage ==> gauge data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:587: occurences ==> occurrences data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:697: Dont' ==> Don't data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2101: preceeded ==> preceded, proceeded data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2323: Maxiumum ==> Maximum data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2370: inlcude ==> include data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2377: inlude ==> include data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2438: reenabled ==> re-enabled data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2685: Sliently ==> Silently data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2791: consistancy ==> consistency data/gss-1.0.3/doc/asciidoc:2842: miscellanous ==> miscellaneous data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ parallell ==> parallel data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ libarary ==> library data/gss-1.0.3/doc/ indentifies ==> identifies data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gdoc:96: ommitted ==> omitted data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gdoc:296: descriont ==> description data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gss.texi:136: parallell ==> parallel data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gss.texi:664: libarary ==> library data/gss-1.0.3/doc/gss.texi:1003: indentifies ==> identifies data/gss-1.0.3/doc/reference/ abbrevations ==> abbreviations data/gss-1.0.3/doc/reference/ abbrevations ==> abbreviations data/gss-1.0.3/lib/cred.c:142: chosing ==> choosing data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:30: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:37: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:38: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:53: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:55: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:57: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:65: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:85: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:88: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:90: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:90: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:91: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:98: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/asn1.c:102: ans ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/lib/headers/gss/ext.h:36: initalization ==> initialization data/gss-1.0.3/src/gl/m4/strerror.m4:75: nknown ==> unknown data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/config.rpath:7: gord ==> gourd data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ gord ==> gourd data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ retuned ==> returned data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ incase ==> in case data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ clea ==> clean data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ execut ==> execute data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ instal ==> install data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ inluding ==> including data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/ MSDOS ==> MS-DOS data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/config.sub:836: msdos ==> ms-dos data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/depcomp:438: Maked ==> Marked, made data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/depcomp:447: Maked ==> Marked, made data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/depcomp:451: Maked ==> Marked, made data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:528: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1056: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1196: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1197: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1198: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1199: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1200: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1201: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:1409: adn ==> and data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4103: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4212: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4212: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4215: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4217: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4218: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4229: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4901: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:4910: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:6063: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:6102: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:8171: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:8307: ifset ==> if set data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:8346: fo ==> of, for data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:8417: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:8777: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:8792: openin ==> opening data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:8940: ba ==> by, be data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/texinfo.tex:9061: ba ==> by, be data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/config.guess:331: Ake ==> Ache data/gss-1.0.3/build-aux/config.guess:1102: configury ==> configurable data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:67: oder ==> order, odor data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:68: oder ==> order, odor data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:88: ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:100: ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:104: oder ==> order, odor data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:104: ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:119: Funktion ==> Function data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:119: oder ==> order, odor data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:120: Funktion ==> Function data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:128: ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:172: ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:224: Sie ==> Size, sigh data/gss-1.0.3/po/de.po:348: ist ==> is, it, its, it's, sit, list data/gss-1.0.3/po/fi.po:119: funktion ==> function data/gss-1.0.3/po/fi.po:260: versio ==> version data/gss-1.0.3/po/fi.po:414: vaue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/po/fi.po:419: versio ==> version data/gss-1.0.3/po/fi.po:433: versio ==> version data/gss-1.0.3/po/fi.po:436: vaue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/po/fi.po:472: versio ==> version data/gss-1.0.3/po/zh_CN.po:395: vaue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/po/it.po:232: comando ==> commando data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:45: tipe ==> type, tip data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:97: lokal ==> local data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:105: Elemen ==> Element data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:125: Periode ==> Period data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:169: Tipe ==> Type, tip data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:198: Tipe ==> Type, tip data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:273: standar ==> standard data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:398: vaue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/po/id.po:406: standar ==> standard data/gss-1.0.3/po/vi.po:408: vaue ==> value data/gss-1.0.3/m4/libtool.m4:607: incase ==> in case data/gss-1.0.3/m4/libtool.m4:644: permision ==> permission data/gss-1.0.3/m4/po.m4:270: ba ==> by, be