data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/Rakefile: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/Gemfile.lock: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/bin/dbf: Ruby script, ASCII text executable data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/Gemfile: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_8b.dbt: dBase IV DBT of T5.DBF, block length 512, next free block index 10, field length 20, 1st used item "First memo" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83_record_0.yml: ASCII text, with very long lines data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_f5_summary.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_f5.fpt: FoxPro FPT, blocks size 64, next free block index 566, field type 1, field length 2752, 1st item "El meu pare." data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83_missing_memo_record_0.yml: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_31.dbf: Visual FoxPro, autoincrement DBF, 77 records * 95, update-date 02-8-2, codepage ID=0x3, with index file .MDX, at offset 648 1st record "\001" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/cp1251.dbf: Visual FoxPro DBF, 4 records * 105, update-date 03-10-7, codepage ID=0xc9, with index file .MDX, at offset 360 1st record " 1\340\354\341\363\353\340\362\356\360\355\356-\357\356\353\350\352\353\350\355\350\367\345\361\352\356\345 2\341\356\353\374\355\350\367\355\356\345 " data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83_summary.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_03.dbf: FoxBase+/dBase III DBF, 14 records * 590, update-date 05-7-13, at offset 1025 1st record "0507121 CMP circular 12 " data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83_record_9.yml: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_30_summary.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/cp1251_summary.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83.dbt: dBase III DBT, version number 0, next free block index 79, 1st item "Our Original assortment...a little taste of heaven for everyone. Let us" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_31_summary.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_30.fpt: FoxPro FPT, blocks size 64, next free block index 730, field type 1, field length 25, 1st item "Domestic Life" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_f5.dbf: FoxPro with memo DBF, 975 records * 969, update-date 04-2-28, at offset 1921 1st record " 1hjoan-ramon ivern pinazo *77665875petaquilla 2 3 19510113el vendrell el v" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83.dbf: FoxBase+/dBase III, with memo .DBT DBF, 67 records * 805, update-date 103-12-18, at offset 513 1st record " 87 2 0 0 871 " data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83_missing_memo.dbf: FoxBase+/dBase III, with memo .DBT DBF, 67 records * 805, update-date 103-12-18, at offset 513 1st record " 87 2 0 0 871 " data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_30.dbf: Visual FoxPro DBF, 34 records * 3907, update-date 06-9-9, codepage ID=0x3, with index file .MDX, with memo .FPT, at offset 4936 1st record "1999.1 " data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_03_summary.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_83_schema.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_8b.dbf: dBase IV, with memo .DBT DBF, 10 records * 160, update-date 100-6-12, at offset 225 1st record "One 1.001970010" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/dbase_8b_summary.txt: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/contacts.CDX: Maple help database data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/types.CDX: Maple help database data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/contacts.FPT: FoxPro FPT, blocks size 64, next free block index 15, field type 1, field length 163, 1st item "Education includes a B.A. in Psychology from State University (1970.) She also completed "The Art of the Cold Call." She's go" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/calls.CDX: Maple help database data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/calls.dbf: Visual FoxPro DBF, 16 records * 283, update-date 15-4-28, codepage ID=0x3, with index file .MDX, with memo .FPT, at offset 488 1st record "\001" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/FOXPRO-DB-TEST.DCX: Maple help database data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/types.dbf: Visual FoxPro DBF, 2 records * 55, update-date 15-4-28, codepage ID=0x3, with index file .MDX, at offset 360 1st record "\001" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/calls.FPT: FoxPro FPT, blocks size 64, next free block index 27, field type 1, field length 76, 1st item "Nancy told me about their blends. Thinking about it. Should call back later." data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/setup.dbf: Visual FoxPro DBF, 3 records * 55, update-date 15-4-28, codepage ID=0x3, with index file .MDX, at offset 360 1st record "CALLS \025" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/FOXPRO-DB-TEST.DCT: FoxPro FPT, blocks size 64, next free block index 167, field type 1, field length 11, 1st item "\013" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/contacts.dbf: Visual FoxPro DBF, 5 records * 1845, update-date 15-4-28, codepage ID=0x3, with index file .MDX, with memo .FPT, at offset 1224 1st record "\001" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/FOXPRO-DB-TEST.DBC: Visual FoxPro DBF, 58 records * 165, update-date 15-4-28, codepage ID=0x3, with index file .MDX, with memo .FPT, DataBaseContainer, at offset 552 1st record "\001" data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/fixtures/foxprodb/setup.CDX: Maple help database data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/dbf/file_formats_spec.rb: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/dbf/record_spec.rb: UTF-8 Unicode text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/dbf/table_spec.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/dbf/column_spec.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/dbf/database_spec.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/spec/spec_helper.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/column.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/schema.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/table.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/encodings.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/record.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/header.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/version.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/memo/dbase4.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/memo/foxpro.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/memo/dbase3.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/memo/base.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/column_type.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/lib/dbf/database/foxpro.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/docs/supported_types.markdown: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/docs/supported_encodings.csv: CSV text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/Gemfile.travis: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/LICENSE: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/ ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/ Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/Guardfile: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/dbf.gemspec: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/patches/series: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/patches/0001-default-external-encoding.patch: unified diff output, UTF-8 Unicode text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/dbf-rb.1: troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/compat: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/ ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/rules: a /usr/bin/make -f script, ASCII text executable data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/changelog: UTF-8 Unicode text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/ruby-dbf.manpages: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/control: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/source/format: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/copyright: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/ruby-tests.rake: Ruby script, ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/debian/watch: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/.pc/.version: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/.pc/.quilt_patches: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/.pc/.quilt_series: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/.pc/applied-patches: ASCII text data/ruby-dbf-3.0.5/.pc/0001-default-external-encoding.patch/spec/spec_helper.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text