Flawfinder version 2.0.10, (C) 2001-2019 David A. Wheeler. Number of rules (primarily dangerous function names) in C/C++ ruleset: 223 Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/BasicExamples/HepMC2_reader_example.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/BasicExamples/HepMC3_fileIO_example.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/BasicExamples/basic_tree.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/BasicExamples/hepevt_wrapper_example_main.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/convert_example.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/ReaderGZ.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/WriterDOT.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/WriterRootTreeOPAL.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterRootTreeOPAL.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/gzstream.C Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/LHEFExample/LHEF_example_cat.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/Pythia8Example/pythia8_example.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample/rootIO_example_read.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample/rootIO_example_write.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/class_example_read.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/class_example_write.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/include/LinkDef.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/include/MyClass.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/include/MyRunClass.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/include/myclass_Classes.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/src/MyClass.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample2/src/MyRunClass.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample3/rootIOTree_example_read.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/RootIOExample3/rootIOTree_example_write.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/include/HepMC3ViewerFrame.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/include/LinkDef.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/main.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/AssociatedParticle.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Attribute.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Data/GenEventData.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Data/GenParticleData.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Data/GenRunInfoData.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Data/GenVertexData.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Errors.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/FourVector.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenCrossSection.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenCrossSection_fwd.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenEvent.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenHeavyIon.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenHeavyIon_fwd.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenParticle.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenParticle_fwd.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenPdfInfo.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenPdfInfo_fwd.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenRunInfo.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenVertex.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/GenVertex_fwd.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/HepMC3.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEF.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEFAttributes.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Print.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/PrintStreams.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Reader.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/ReaderAscii.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/ReaderFactory.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/ReaderHEPEVT.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/ReaderLHEF.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Setup.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Units.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Version.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Writer.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/WriterAscii.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/WriterAsciiHepMC2.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/WriterHEPEVT.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Photospp/include/Photos/PhotosHepMC3Event.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Photospp/include/Photos/PhotosHepMC3Particle.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Photospp/src/PhotosHepMC3Event.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Photospp/src/PhotosHepMC3Particle.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Tauolapp/include/Tauola/TauolaHepMC3Event.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Tauolapp/include/Tauola/TauolaHepMC3Particle.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Tauolapp/src/TauolaHepMC3Event.cxx Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/Tauolapp/src/TauolaHepMC3Particle.cxx Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/mc-tester/include/HepMC3Event.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/mc-tester/include/HepMC3Particle.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/mc-tester/src/HepMC3Event.cxx Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/mc-tester/src/HepMC3Particle.cxx Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/pythia6/include/Pythia6/Pythia6ToHepMC3.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/interfaces/pythia8/include/Pythia8/Pythia8ToHepMC3.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/include/HepMC3/ReaderRoot.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/include/HepMC3/ReaderRootTree.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/include/HepMC3/WriterRoot.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/include/HepMC3/WriterRootTree.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/src/ReaderRoot.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/src/ReaderRootTree.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/src/Streamers.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/src/WriterRoot.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/src/WriterRootTree.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/include/HepMC3/AttributeFeature.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/include/HepMC3/Feature.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/include/HepMC3/Filter.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/include/HepMC3/FilterAttribute.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/include/HepMC3/Relatives.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/include/HepMC3/Selector.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/src/Relatives.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/search/src/Selector.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenCrossSection.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenEvent.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenHeavyIon.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenParticle.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenPdfInfo.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenRunInfo.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenVertex.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/HEPEVT_Wrapper.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/LHEFAttributes.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/Print.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderHEPEVT.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderLHEF.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/Setup.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/HepMC3TestUtils.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/IsGoodEvent.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/McTesterValidationTool.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/McTesterValidationTool.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/PhotosValidationTool.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/PhotosValidationTool.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/PythiaValidationTool.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/PythiaValidationTool.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/SimpleEventTool.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/SimpleEventTool.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/TauolaValidationTool.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/TauolaValidationTool.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/Timer.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/ValidationControl.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/ValidationControl.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/ValidationTool.h Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testBoost.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testDelete.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testDelete2.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO1.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO2.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO3.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO4.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO5.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO6.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testLoops.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testMCTester1.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testMass.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testMultipleCopies.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPhotos1.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPolarization.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPrintBug.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPythia1.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPythia2.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testReaderFactory1.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testReaderFactory2.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testTauola1.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testThreads1.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testUnits.cc Examining data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testWeights.cc FINAL RESULTS: data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:401:3: [4] (buffer) strcpy: Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy easily misused). strcpy(result, s); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:22:14: [4] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. cursor +=sprintf(cursor, "%-52s% 19.11E% 19.11E% 19.11E% 19.11E% 19.11E\n"," ",HEPEVT_Wrapper::x(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::y(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::z(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::t(index),0.0); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:107:17: [4] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "U %s %s\n", Units::name(evt.momentum_unit()).c_str(), Units::name(evt.length_unit()).c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:131:21: [4] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. sprintf(m_cursor, "A %i %s ",vt2.first,vt1.first.c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:302:17: [4] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. sprintf(m_cursor, "A %s ", att.first.c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:153:25: [4] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, " \"%s\"",names[q].c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:160:17: [4] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "U %s %s\n", Units::name(evt.momentum_unit()).c_str(), Units::name(evt.length_unit()).c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:42:18: [4] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. cursor +=sprintf(cursor, "%-48s% 19.8E% 19.8E% 19.8E% 19.8E\n"," ",HEPEVT_Wrapper::x(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::y(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::z(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::t(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/BasicExamples/HepMC2_reader_example.cc:37:36: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). if( argc >= 4 ) events_limit = atoi(argv[3]); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:370:13: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). outfile = fopen(filename, "w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:1444:15: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. (*((char ***)field))[i + field_given] = tmp->arg.string_arg; break; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:1464:15: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. (*((char ***)field))[0] = gengetopt_strdup(default_value->string_arg); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/convert_example.cc:165:107: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). if (options.find("Run")!=options.end()) ((WriterRootTreeOPAL*)(output_file))->set_run_number(std::atoi(options.at("Run").c_str())); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/convert_example.cc:183:94: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). if (options.find("Style")!=options.end()) ((WriterDOT*)(output_file))->set_style(std::atoi(options.at("Style").c_str())); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h:51:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buffer[bufferSize]; // data buffer data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h:65:18: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). gzstreambuf* open( const char* name, int open_mode); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h:81:10: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). void open( const char* name, int open_mode); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h:98:10: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). void open( const char* name, int open_mode = std::ios::in) { data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h:99:23: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). gzstreambase::open( name, open_mode); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h:109:10: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). void open( const char* name, int open_mode = std::ios::out) { data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/gzstream.h:110:23: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). gzstreambase::open( name, open_mode); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:51:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "digraph graphname%d {\n",evt.event_number()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:52:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v0[label=\"Machine\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:58:49: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (v->status()==2) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [color=\"green\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:59:35: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. else m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [color=\"black\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:62:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=ellipse];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:63:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v%d[label=\"%d\"];\n", -v->id(),v->id()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:68:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=point];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:69:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v0 -> v%d [label=\"%d(%d)\"];\n", -p->end_vertex()->id(),p->id(),p->pid()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:79:88: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (is_parton(std::abs(p->pid()))&&p->status()!=1) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "edge [color=\"red\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:80:48: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. else m_cursor +=sprintf(m_cursor, "edge [color=\"black\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:85:33: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=point];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:86:33: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v%d -> o%d [label=\"%d(%d)\"];\n", -v->id(),p->id(),p->id(),p->pid()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:90:29: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=ellipse];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:91:29: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v%d -> v%d [label=\"%d(%d)\"];\n", -v->id(),-p->end_vertex()->id(),p->id(),p->pid()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:96:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "labelloc=\"t\";\nlabel=\"Event %d; Vertices %lu; Particles %lu;\";\n", evt.event_number(), evt.vertices().size(), evt.particles().size()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterDOT.cc:97:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"}\n\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:8:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[512];//Note: the format is fixed, so no reason for complicatied tratment data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:10:14: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor," E % 12i% 12i% 12i\n",HEPEVT_Wrapper::event_number(),0,HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:16:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[512];//Note: the format is fixed, so no reason for complicatied tratment data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:18:14: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor,"% 12i% 8i",HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(index), HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:19:14: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor,"% 8i% 8i",HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:20:14: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor,"% 8i% 8i",HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/WriterHEPEVTZEUS.cc:21:14: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor, "% 19.11E% 19.11E% 19.11E% 19.11E% 19.11E\n",HEPEVT_Wrapper::px(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::py(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::pz(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::e(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::m(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/gzstream.C:45:27: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). gzstreambuf* gzstreambuf::open( const char* name, int open_mode) { data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/gzstream.C:53:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char fmode[10]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/gzstream.C:88:5: [2] (buffer) memcpy: Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120). Make sure destination can always hold the source data. memcpy( buffer + (4 - n_putback), gptr() - n_putback, n_putback); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/gzstream.C:142:5: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). open( name, mode); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/gzstream.C:149:20: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). void gzstreambase::open( const char* name, int open_mode) { data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/src/gzstream.C:150:16: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). if ( ! buf.open( name, open_mode)) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:55:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "digraph graphname%d {\n",evt.event_number()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:56:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v0[label=\"Machine\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:63:49: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (v->status()==2) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [color=\"green\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:64:35: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. else m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [color=\"black\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:87:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=rectangle];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:88:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v%d [label=\"%d\nd=%4.2f\"];\n", -v->id(),v->id(),energyviolation); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:92:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=ellipse];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:93:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v%d[label=\"%d\"];\n", -v->id(),v->id()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:96:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=ellipse];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:101:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=point];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:102:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v0 -> v%d [label=\"%d(%d)\"];\n", -p->end_vertex()->id(),p->id(),p->pid()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:115:76: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (show_as_parton(p)&&p->status()!=1) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "edge [color=\"red\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:116:48: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. else m_cursor +=sprintf(m_cursor, "edge [color=\"black\"];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:121:33: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "node [shape=point];\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:122:33: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v%d -> o%d [label=\"%d(%d)\"];\n", -v->id(),p->id(),p->id(),p->pid()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:126:33: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "v%d -> v%d [label=\"%d(%d)\"];\n", -v->id(),-p->end_vertex()->id(),p->id(),p->pid()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:130:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "labelloc=\"t\";\nlabel=\"Event %d; Vertices %lu; Particles %lu;\";\n", evt.event_number(), evt.vertices().size(), evt.particles().size()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ViewerExample/src/HepMC3ViewerFrame.cc:131:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"}\n\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Attribute.h:169:17: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). m_val = atoi( att.c_str() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/Attribute.h:210:17: [2] (integer) atol: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). m_val = atol( att.c_str() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h:159:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[255]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h:161:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(buf,"%5i %6i",index,hepevtptr->idhep[index-1]); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h:163:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(buf,"%4i - %4i ",hepevtptr->jmohep[index-1][0],hepevtptr->jmohep[index-1][1]); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h:165:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(buf,"%4i - %4i ",hepevtptr->jdahep[index-1][0],hepevtptr->jdahep[index-1][1]); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/HEPEVT_Wrapper.h:168:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(buf,"%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f %8.2f",hepevtptr->phep[index-1][0],hepevtptr->phep[index-1][1],hepevtptr->phep[index-1][2],hepevtptr->phep[index-1][3],hepevtptr->phep[index-1][4]); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEF.h:166:14: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). v = std::atoi(it->second.c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEF.h:177:18: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). v = int(std::atoi(it->second.c_str())); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEF.h:399:14: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). v = std::atoi(it->second.c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEF.h:413:18: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). v = int(std::atoi(it->second.c_str())); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEF.h:2937:11: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). efile.open(fname.c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/include/HepMC3/LHEF.h:3175:11: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). efile.open(fname.c_str()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/src/WriterRoot.cc:48:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[16] = ""; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/rootIO/src/WriterRoot.cc:49:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(buf,"%15i",++m_events_count); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenCrossSection.cc:54:27: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). accepted_events = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenCrossSection.cc:56:33: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). else attempted_events = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenPdfInfo.cc:21:20: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). parton_id[0] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenPdfInfo.cc:24:20: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). parton_id[1] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenPdfInfo.cc:42:17: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). pdf_id[0] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenPdfInfo.cc:45:17: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). pdf_id[1] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenPdfInfo.cc:51:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[255]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/GenPdfInfo.cc:53:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(buf,"%i %i %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %.8e %i %i", data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:52:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[max_buffer_size]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:199:16: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). event_no = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:204:17: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). ret.first = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:208:18: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). ret.second = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:285:10: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). id = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:289:23: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). data->set_status( atoi(cursor) ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:297:28: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). int particle_in = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:356:9: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). if( atoi(cursor) != (int)evt.particles().size() + 1 ) { data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:364:17: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). mother_id = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:400:20: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). data->set_pid( atoi(cursor) ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:425:23: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). data->set_status( atoi(cursor) ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:438:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char name[64]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:442:10: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). id = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:448:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(name,"%.*s", (int)(cursor2-cursor), cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:463:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char name[64]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:469:5: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(name,"%.*s", (int)(cursor2-cursor), cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:53:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[max_buffer_size]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:261:16: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). event_no = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:266:62: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). shared_ptr<IntAttribute> mpi = make_shared<IntAttribute>(atoi(cursor)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:286:76: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). shared_ptr<IntAttribute> signal_process_id = make_shared<IntAttribute>(atoi(cursor)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:291:80: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). shared_ptr<IntAttribute> signal_process_vertex = make_shared<IntAttribute>(atoi(cursor)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:296:22: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). vertices_count = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:306:26: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). random_states_size = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:311:28: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). random_states[i] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:319:20: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). weights_size = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:365:15: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). barcode = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:369:23: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). data->set_status( atoi(cursor) ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:393:25: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). num_particles_out = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:398:20: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). weights_size = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:435:20: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). data->set_pid( atoi(cursor) ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:460:23: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). data->set_status( atoi(cursor) ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:474:15: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). end_vtx = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:478:18: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). int flowsize=atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:483:24: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). int flowindex=atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:485:23: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). int flowvalue=atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:533:15: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). w_count = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:562:22: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->Ncoll_hard = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:565:22: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->Npart_proj = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:568:22: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->Npart_targ = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:571:17: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->Ncoll = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:574:30: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->spectator_neutrons = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:577:29: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->spectator_protons = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:580:33: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->N_Nwounded_collisions = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:583:33: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->Nwounded_N_collisions = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:586:40: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). hi->Nwounded_Nwounded_collisions = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:613:24: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). pi->parton_id[0] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:616:24: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). pi->parton_id[1] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:636:32: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). if(pdfids) pi->pdf_id[0] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:640:32: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). if(pdfids) pi->pdf_id[1] = atoi(cursor); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderHEPEVT.cc:49:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf_e[max_e_buffer_size]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderHEPEVT.cc:80:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf_p[max_p_buffer_size]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderHEPEVT.cc:81:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf_v[max_v_buffer_size]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:87:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "E %d %lu %lu", evt.event_number(), evt.vertices().size(), evt.particles().size()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:93:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," @ %.*e",m_precision,pos.x()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:95:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.y()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:97:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.z()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:99:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.t()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:114:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, " %.*e",std::min(3*m_precision,22), w); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:210:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf( m_cursor, "V %i %i [",v->id(),v->status() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:221:26: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"%i", pid); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:224:26: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. else m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,",%i",pid); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:231:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"] @ %.*e",m_precision,pos.x()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:233:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.y()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:235:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.z()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:237:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e\n", m_precision,pos.t()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:241:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"]\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:280:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "W "); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:313:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"P %i",p->id()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:316:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i", second_field); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:318:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i", p->pid() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:320:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().px() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:322:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().py()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:324:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().pz() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:326:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().e() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:328:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->generated_mass() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:330:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i\n", p->status() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:121:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "E %d %d %e %e %e %d %d %lu %i %i", data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:134:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, " %zu",m_random_states.size()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:137:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, " %ii",(int)q); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:142:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, " %lu",evt.weights().size()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:144:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, " %.*e",m_precision, w); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:148:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "N %lu",evt.weights().size()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:155:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, " \"%i\"",(int)q); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:163:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if(cs) {m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "C %.*e %.*e\n",m_precision, cs->xsec(),m_precision,cs->xsec_err()); flush(); } data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:184:25: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. sprintf(m_cursor, "F "); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:270:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf( m_cursor, "V %i %i",v->id(),v->status() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:284:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," 0 0 0 0"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:288:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e",m_precision,pos.x()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:290:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.y()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:292:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.z()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:294:21: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,pos.t()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:297:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i %lu %lu",orph,v->particles_out().size(),weights.size()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:299:57: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. for (size_t i=0; i<weights.size(); i++) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,weights[i]); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:332:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"P %i",int(10001+m_particle_counter)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:335:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i", p->pid() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:337:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().px() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:339:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().py()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:341:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().pz() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:343:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->momentum().e() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:345:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision,p->generated_mass() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:347:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i", p->status() ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:356:30: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (A_theta) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision, A_theta->value()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:357:22: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. else m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," 0"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:359:28: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (A_phi) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %.*e", m_precision, A_phi->value()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:360:22: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. else m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," 0"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:362:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i", ev ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:370:17: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," %i", flowsize); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:371:30: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (A_flow1) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," 1 %i", A_flow1->value()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:372:30: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. if (A_flow2) m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor," 2 %i", A_flow2->value()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:34:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[512];//Note: the format is fixed, so no reason for complicatied tratment data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:36:14: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor, "% 8i% 8i",HEPEVT_Wrapper::status(index), HEPEVT_Wrapper::id(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:39:18: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor,"% 8i% 8i",HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_parent(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_parent(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:40:18: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor,"% 8i% 8i",HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:41:18: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor,"% 19.8E% 19.8E% 19.8E% 19.8E% 19.8E\n",HEPEVT_Wrapper::px(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::py(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::pz(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::e(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::m(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:46:18: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor, "% 8i% 8i",HEPEVT_Wrapper::first_child(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::last_child(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:47:18: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor, "% 19.8E% 19.8E% 19.8E% 19.8E\n",HEPEVT_Wrapper::px(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::py(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::pz(index),HEPEVT_Wrapper::m(index)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:55:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[512];//Note: the format is fixed, so no reason for complicatied tratment data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterHEPEVT.cc:57:14: [2] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length. cursor +=sprintf(cursor,"E% 8i %8i\n",HEPEVT_Wrapper::event_number(),HEPEVT_Wrapper::number_entries()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/HepMC3TestUtils.h:11:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char string1[16*256], string2[16*256]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/ValidationControl.cc:60:5: [2] (buffer) char: Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the maximum possible length. char buf[256]; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/ValidationControl.cc:145:56: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). else events = atoi(buf); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/ValidationControl.cc:154:56: [2] (integer) atoi: Unless checked, the resulting number can exceed the expected range (CWE-190). If source untrusted, check both minimum and maximum, even if the input had no minus sign (large numbers can roll over into negative number; consider saving to an unsigned value if that is intended). else events = atoi(buf); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO5.cc:20:10: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). isrA.open("inputI05.hepmc",std::ios::in ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO5.cc:25:10: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). osrA.open("frominputI05.hepmc",std::ios::out); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO5.cc:44:10: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). isrB.open("frominputI05.hepmc",ios_base::in ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testIO5.cc:49:10: [2] (misc) open: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). osrB.open ("fromfrominputI05.hepmc",ios_base::out ); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testMCTester1.cc:11:18: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Finput=fopen("testMCTester1.input","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testMCTester1.cc:42:19: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Fconfig=fopen("testMCTester1.config","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPhotos1.cc:11:18: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Finput=fopen("testPhotos1.input","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPhotos1.cc:42:19: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Fconfig=fopen("testPhotos1.config","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPythia1.cc:11:18: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Finput=fopen("testPythia1.input","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPythia1.cc:41:19: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Fconfig=fopen("testPythia1.config","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPythia2.cc:11:18: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Finput=fopen("testPythia2.input","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testPythia2.cc:41:19: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* Fconfig=fopen("testPythia2.config","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/testTauola1.cc:11:13: [2] (misc) fopen: Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks), force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its contents? (CWE-362). FILE* F=fopen("testTauola1.config","w"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:126:7: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). (strlen(CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE_NAME) ? CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE_NAME : CMDLINE_PARSER_PACKAGE), data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:129:7: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_versiontext) > 0) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:136:7: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_purpose) > 0) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:139:7: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_usage) > 0) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:144:7: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if (strlen(gengetopt_args_info_description) > 0) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:288:21: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). for (i = 0, len = strlen(val); values[i]; ++i) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:294:15: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if (strlen(values[i]) == len) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:398:26: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). result = (char*)malloc(strlen(s) + 1); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:434:11: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). len = strlen (arg) + 1; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:479:16: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if (! tok || strlen(tok) == 1) data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:938:24: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). == (unsigned int) strlen(p->name)) { data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:960:18: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). d->nextchar += strlen(d->nextchar); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:984:20: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). d->nextchar += strlen(d->nextchar); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:998:20: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). d->nextchar += strlen(d->nextchar); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/cmdline.c:1003:18: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). d->nextchar += strlen(d->nextchar); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/examples/ConvertExample/include/ReaderGZ.h:46:14: [1] (buffer) read: Check buffer boundaries if used in a loop including recursive loops (CWE-120, CWE-20). file.read((char *) file_magic.bytes, sizeof(file_magic)); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAscii.cc:68:13: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if( strlen(buf) == 0 ) continue; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderAsciiHepMC2.cc:76:13: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if( strlen(buf) == 0 ) continue; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderHEPEVT.cc:55:13: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if( strlen(buf_e) == 0 ) return false; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderHEPEVT.cc:86:9: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if( strlen(buf_p) == 0 ) return false; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/ReaderHEPEVT.cc:89:13: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if( strlen(buf_v) == 0 ) return false; data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:103:17: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:112:21: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "W"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:115:21: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:134:29: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:283:21: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:291:21: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:305:25: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAscii.cc:341:9: [1] (buffer) strncpy: Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). strncpy(m_cursor,str.data(),str.length()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:145:21: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:157:17: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:187:33: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor, "\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:300:17: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:373:17: [1] (buffer) sprintf: Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source is a constant character. m_cursor += sprintf(m_cursor,"\n"); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/src/WriterAsciiHepMC2.cc:386:9: [1] (buffer) strncpy: Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). strncpy(m_cursor,str.data(),str.length()); data/hepmc3-3.1.2/test/ValidationControl.cc:69:13: [1] (buffer) strlen: Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126). if( strlen(buf) < 3 || buf[0] == ' ' || buf[0] == '#' ) { ANALYSIS SUMMARY: Hits = 262 Lines analyzed = 24958 in approximately 0.71 seconds (35344 lines/second) Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 14930 Hits@level = [0] 157 [1] 36 [2] 218 [3] 0 [4] 8 [5] 0 Hits@level+ = [0+] 419 [1+] 262 [2+] 226 [3+] 8 [4+] 8 [5+] 0 Hits/KSLOC@level+ = [0+] 28.0643 [1+] 17.5486 [2+] 15.1373 [3+] 0.535834 [4+] 0.535834 [5+] 0 Dot directories skipped = 1 (--followdotdir overrides) Minimum risk level = 1 Not every hit is necessarily a security vulnerability. There may be other security vulnerabilities; review your code! See 'Secure Programming HOWTO' (https://dwheeler.com/secure-programs) for more information.