Flawfinder version 2.0.10, (C) 2001-2019 David A. Wheeler.
Number of rules (primarily dangerous function names) in C/C++ ruleset: 223
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32lib.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/config.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/devicemanager.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pretty.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Color.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pragma.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/opengl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/TextSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ABCLineSet.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/geom.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PlaneSet.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/par3d.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/rglview.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ClipPlane.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/select.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pretty.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gui.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/assert.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ABCLineSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/lib.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Light.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/callbacks.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SpriteSet.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/assert.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/render.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/RenderContext.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/render.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Viewpoint.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PlaneSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Light.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/init.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PointSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/types.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/select.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Surface.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/scene.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/config.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyphContainer.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTVectoriser.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFace.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTSize.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTLayout.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTBuffer.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTGLPolygonFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTGLOutlineFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTPixmapGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTPolyGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTSimpleLayout.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTGLPixmapFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTGLExtrdFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTPoint.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTExtrdGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTGLTextureFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTGLBitmapFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTBufferGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/ftgl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTBufferFont.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTOutlineGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTBBox.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTTextureGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTBitmapGlyph.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTContour.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTPixmapGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTBitmapGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTExtrudeGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTTextureGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTPolygonGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTBufferGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTGlyphGlue.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTPixmapGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTBitmapGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTExtrudeGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTOutlineGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTTextureGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTPolygonGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTOutlineGlyph.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTBufferGlyphImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTList.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyphContainer.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTContour.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLayout/FTSimpleLayout.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLayout/FTSimpleLayoutImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLayout/FTLayoutGlue.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLayout/FTLayoutImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLayout/FTLayout.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTBuffer.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLibrary.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTCharToGlyphIndexMap.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTSize.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTInternals.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTPoint.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFace.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTVectoriser.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTPixmapFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTOutlineFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTTextureFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTTextureFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTOutlineFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTPixmapFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTFontGlue.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTPolygonFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTExtrudeFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTBufferFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTExtrudeFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTBitmapFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTPolygonFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTBufferFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTFontImpl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTBitmapFont.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTVector.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTCharmap.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTCharmap.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTUnicode.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLibrary.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/windemo/demogl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/windemo/singlewin/demo.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/windemo/demogl.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/windemo/multiwin/demo.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/windemo/multithread/demo.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/glxdemo/demo.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glext.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/wglext.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.c
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/gl.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/rglview.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gui.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/scene.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Color.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/NULLgui.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/rglmath.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Background.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ClipPlane.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/platform.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Material.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/R.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/init.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/x11gui.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Disposable.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/platform.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/LineSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Device.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SphereMesh.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Shape.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ftgl.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/api.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/TextSet.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/DeviceManager.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/x11gui.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Background.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/device.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SphereMesh.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Disposable.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glErrors.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/geom.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/LineStripSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SpriteSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SphereSet.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SceneNode.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/String.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/api.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/x11lib.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Material.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Surface.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SphereSet.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/rglmath.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/fps.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/String.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/fps.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Viewpoint.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Shape.h
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/RenderContext.cpp
Examining data/rgl-0.103.5/src/NULLgui.h


data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:136:3:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  sprintf(buf, "GLU Library Error : %s", (const char*) gluError);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glext.h:3118:71:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
typedef GLvoid* (APIENTRYP PFNGLMAPBUFFERPROC) (GLenum target, GLenum access);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glext.h:3527:74:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
typedef GLvoid* (APIENTRYP PFNGLMAPBUFFERARBPROC) (GLenum target, GLenum access);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.c:2357:62:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
static GLvoid* APIENTRY InitMapBuffer (GLenum target, GLenum access)
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.c:2370:29:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
	return glMapBuffer(target, access);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.c:4789:65:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
static GLvoid* APIENTRY InitMapBufferARB (GLenum target, GLenum access)
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.c:4802:32:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
	return glMapBufferARB(target, access);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.h:209:56:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  GLvoid* (APIENTRY *MapBuffer) (GLenum target, GLenum access);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/GL/glprocs.h:361:59:  [4] (race) access:
  This usually indicates a security flaw. If an attacker can change anything
  along the path between the call to access() and the file's actual use
  (e.g., by moving files), the attacker can exploit the race condition
  (CWE-362/CWE-367!). Set up the correct permissions (e.g., using setuid())
  and try to open the file directly.
  GLvoid* (APIENTRY *MapBufferARB) (GLenum target, GLenum access);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:423:11:  [4] (format) vsprintf:
  Potential format string problem (CWE-134). Make format string constant.
    ret = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:425:11:  [4] (format) vsnprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
    ret = vsnprintf(bufptr, bufsize, fmt, args);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:436:13:  [4] (format) vsnprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited,
  and note that sprintf variations do not always \0-terminate (CWE-134). Use
  a constant for the format specification.
      ret = vsnprintf(bufptr, bufsize, fmt, args);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:449:11:  [4] (format) vfprintf:
  If format strings can be influenced by an attacker, they can be exploited
  (CWE-134). Use a constant for the format specification.
    ret = vfprintf(gl2ps->stream, fmt, args);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:914:3:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
  strcpy(prim->data.text->str, str);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:916:3:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
  strcpy(prim->data.text->fontname, fontname);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:939:3:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
  strcpy(text->str, t->str);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:941:3:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
  strcpy(text->fontname, t->fontname);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:3331:16:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
    if(i <= 0) strcpy(name, gl2ps->filename);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5272:9:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
        sprintf (lcap, "%s", "butt");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5275:9:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
        sprintf (lcap, "%s", "round");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5278:9:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
        sprintf (lcap, "%s", "square");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5283:9:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
        sprintf (ljoin, "%s", "miter");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5286:9:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
        sprintf (ljoin, "%s", "round");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5289:9:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
        sprintf (ljoin, "%s", "bevel");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6060:5:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
    strcpy(gl2ps->title, title);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6069:5:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
    strcpy(gl2ps->producer, producer);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6078:5:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
    strcpy(gl2ps->filename, filename);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/par3d.cpp:252:3:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
  strcpy(result, f);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/par3d.cpp:312:3:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
  strcpy(result, f);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.cpp:105:5:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
    sprintf(buffer, "Pixmap load: unable to open file '%s' for reading", filename);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.cpp:146:5:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
    sprintf(buffer, "Pixmap save: unable to open file '%s' for writing", filename);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:115:7:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
      sprintf(buf, "PNG Pixmap Loader Error: %s", error_msg);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:121:7:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
      sprintf(buf, "PNG Pixmap Loader Warning: %s", warning_msg);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:226:7:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
      sprintf(buffer,"%s%s format unsupported: %lux%lu (%d bits per channel)", 
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:377:7:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
      sprintf(buf, "PNG Pixmap Saver Error: %s", error_msg);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:383:7:  [4] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
      sprintf(buf, "PNG Pixmap Saver Warning: %s", warning_msg);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/scene.cpp:214:7:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
      strcpy(*types, buffer);        
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:410:7:  [4] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused).
      strcpy(*types, buffer);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:458:7:  [4] (buffer) strcat:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when concatenating to destination
  [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Consider using strcat_s, strncat, strlcat, or
  snprintf (warning: strncat is easily misused).
      strcat(fontname_absolute, fontname);  
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:176:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy (ticks, from.ticks, sizeof(float)*nticks);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:613:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
                char text[32];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:614:17:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
                sprintf(text, "%.4g", value);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:629:17:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
                char text[32];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:630:17:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
                sprintf(text, "%.4g", value);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:656:19:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
                  char text[32];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:657:19:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
                  sprintf(text, "%.4g", value);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Color.cpp:164:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy( arrayptr, src.arrayptr, sizeof(u8) * 4 * ncolor);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Device.h:33:8:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  bool open(void); // -- if failed, instance is invalid and should be deleted
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/String.cpp:41:7:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      memcpy(tptr, in_texts[i], 1 + len);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:64:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy(filename, in_filename, 1 + strlen(in_filename));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:134:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buf[256];        
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:232:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char buf[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:233:7:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
      sprintf(buf, "GL Library : Maximum texture size of %dx%d exceeded.\n(Perhaps enabling mipmapping could help.)", maxSize,maxSize);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/api.cpp:893:6:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
	    char buffer[20];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/device.cpp:54:14:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
bool Device::open(void)
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/devicemanager.cpp:38:17:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  if ( pDevice->open() ) {
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/devicemanager.cpp:79:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buffer[64];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/devicemanager.cpp:88:7:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
      sprintf(buffer, "RGL device %d", (*current)->getID() );    
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/devicemanager.cpp:93:7:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
      sprintf(buffer, "RGL device %d [Focus]", (*current)->getID() );    
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/glxdemo/demo.c:316:19:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
                  char buffer[10];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFace.cpp:118:18:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    FT_Open_Args open;
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFace.cpp:120:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    open.flags = FT_OPEN_MEMORY;
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFace.cpp:121:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    open.memory_base = (FT_Byte const *)pBufferBytes;
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFace.cpp:122:5:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    open.memory_size = (FT_Long)bufferSizeInBytes;
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFace.cpp:124:38:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
    err = FT_Attach_Stream(*ftFace, &open);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTBufferFont.cpp:197:9:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
        memcpy(s2, s, len);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTBufferFont.cpp:217:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(s2, s, len * sizeof(wchar_t));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGL/FTFont.h:552:56:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
FTGL_EXPORT void ftglGetFontBBox(FTGLfont* font, const char *string,
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTBitmapGlyph.cpp:94:13:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
            memcpy(dest, src, srcPitch);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTGlyph/FTBufferGlyph.cpp:75:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(pixels, bitmap.buffer, bitmap.pitch * bitmap.rows);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTLayout/FTLayoutGlue.cpp:83:45:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
void ftgGetlLayoutBBox(FTGLlayout *l, const char * s, float c[6])
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTUnicode.h:151:18:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    static const char utf8bytes[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/fps.cpp:25:5:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
    sprintf(buffer, "FPS %d", framecnt);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/fps.h:21:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char  buffer[12];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:411:10:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  static char buf[1024];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:442:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(gl2ps->compress->start + oldsize, bufptr, ret);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:460:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char tmp[10] = {'\x1f', '\x8b', /* magic numbers: 0x1f, 0x8b */
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:480:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char tmp[8];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:574:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy(&list->array[(list->n - 1) * list->size], data, list->size);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:629:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy(data, &list->array[index * list->size], list->size);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:632:45:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
static void gl2psEncodeBase64Block(unsigned char in[3], unsigned char out[4], int len)
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:632:66:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
static void gl2psEncodeBase64Block(unsigned char in[3], unsigned char out[4], int len)
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:645:12:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  unsigned char *buffer, in[3], out[4];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:650:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy(buffer, list->array, n * sizeof(unsigned char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:776:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy(image->pixels, im->pixels, size);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:899:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(prim->verts[0].rgba, color, 4 * sizeof(float));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:1079:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy(prim->verts, p->verts, p->numverts * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:2232:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy(prim->verts, verts, numverts * sizeof(GL2PSvertex));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:2477:13:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
            memcpy(&(((char*)(node->image->pixels))[i + v]), &(current[2]), sizeoffloat);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:2479:13:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
            memcpy(&(((char*)(node->image->pixels))[i + v]), &(current[2]), vtot - i);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:3012:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char tmp[16];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:3319:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char name[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:3334:5:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
    strcpy(name, "untitled");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5014:52:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
static void gl2psSVGGetColorString(GL2PSrgba rgba, char str[32])
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5022:3:  [2] (buffer) sprintf:
  Does not check for buffer overflows (CWE-120). Use sprintf_s, snprintf, or
  vsnprintf. Risk is low because the source has a constant maximum length.
  sprintf(str, "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", rc, gc, bc);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5028:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char col[32];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5083:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char col[32];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5218:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char col[32];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5219:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char lcap[7], ljoin[7];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5400:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char col[32];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5905:41:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage(const char *title, const char *producer,
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:5905:60:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage(const char *title, const char *producer,
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6040:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(gl2ps->colormap, colormap, gl2ps->colorsize * sizeof(GL2PSrgba));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6268:7:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      memcpy(prim->data.image->pixels, pixels, size * sizeof(GLfloat));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6275:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(prim->data.image->pixels, pixels, size * sizeof(GLfloat));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.h:206:41:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage(const char *title, const char *producer,
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.h:206:60:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
GL2PSDLL_API GLint gl2psBeginPage(const char *title, const char *producer,
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.h:29:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(family, in_family, strlen(in_family) + 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.h:31:5:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
    memcpy(fontname, in_fontname, strlen(in_fontname) + 1);    
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/init.cpp:83:9:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
        open("nul", O_WRONLY);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/init.cpp:85:9:  [2] (misc) open:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
        open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.cpp:102:10:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  file = fopen(filename, "rb");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.cpp:104:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char buffer[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.cpp:143:10:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  file = fopen(filename, "wb");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pixmap.cpp:145:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char buffer[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:19:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char buf[8];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:114:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char buf[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:120:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char buf[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:143:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char buffer[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:252:7:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
      memcpy(rowptr, new_row, load->pixmap->bytesperrow);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:284:14:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    unsigned char buffer[4096];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:376:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char buf[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/pngpixmap.h:382:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char buf[256];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/rglview.cpp:454:19:  [2] (misc) fopen:
  Check when opening files - can an attacker redirect it (via symlinks),
  force the opening of special file type (e.g., device files), move things
  around to create a race condition, control its ancestors, or change its
  contents? (CWE-362).
  std::FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");  
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/scene.cpp:182:7:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
      char buffer[20];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/scene.cpp:207:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buffer[20];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:401:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char buffer[20];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:419:7:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
      strcpy(*types, "light");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:428:7:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
      strcpy(*types, "bboxdeco");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:437:7:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
      strcpy(*types, "subscene");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:446:7:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
      strcpy(*types, "userviewpoint");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:455:7:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
      strcpy(*types, "modelviewpoint");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:464:7:  [2] (buffer) strcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination [MS-banned]
  (CWE-120). Consider using snprintf, strcpy_s, or strlcpy (warning: strncpy
  easily misused). Risk is low because the source is a constant string.
      strcpy(*types, "background");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/types.h:89:3:  [2] (buffer) memcpy:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when copying to destination (CWE-120).
  Make sure destination can always hold the source data.
  memcpy( (void*) to, (const void*) from, size*sizeof(A) );
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:440:5:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
    char fontname_absolute[MAX_PATH+1] = "";
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/x11gui.cpp:218:3:  [2] (buffer) char:
  Statically-sized arrays can be improperly restricted, leading to potential
  overflows or other issues (CWE-119!/CWE-120). Perform bounds checking, use
  functions that limit length, or ensure that the size is larger than the
  maximum possible length.
  char   keybuffer[8];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ABCLineSet.h:23:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "abclines", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:616:31:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
                String string(strlen(text),text);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:632:27:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
                String s (strlen(text),text);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.cpp:659:29:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
                  String s (strlen(text),text);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/BBoxDeco.h:60:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "bboxdeco", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Background.cpp:264:19:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    return String(strlen(buffer), buffer);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Background.h:32:48:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "background", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ClipPlane.h:29:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "clipplanes", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Light.h:31:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "light", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PlaneSet.h:24:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "planes", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h:26:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "primitive", buflen); }
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h:149:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "faces", buflen); };  
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h:202:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "points", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h:219:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "lines", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h:241:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "triangles", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h:261:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "quads", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/PrimitiveSet.h:277:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "linestrip", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Shape.h:67:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "shape", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SphereSet.h:63:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "spheres", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SpriteSet.cpp:232:19:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    return String(strlen(buffer), buffer);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/SpriteSet.h:30:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "sprites", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/String.cpp:34:36:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      buflen += 1 + ( lengths[i] = strlen(in_texts[i]) );
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Surface.h:30:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "surface", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/TextSet.cpp:165:21:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      return String(strlen(family), family);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/TextSet.h:28:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "text", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:63:28:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  filename = new char [1 + strlen(in_filename)];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:64:37:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  memcpy(filename, in_filename, 1 + strlen(in_filename));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Texture.cpp:120:3:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
  strncpy(out_filename, filename, buflen);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Viewpoint.h:36:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "modelviewpoint", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/Viewpoint.h:64:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "userviewpoint", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/api.cpp:371:4:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
	  strncpy(*result, s.text, s.length);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/api.cpp:1002:8:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  if ( strlen(pixmapfn) > 0 ) {
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/api.cpp:1069:32:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/glxdemo/demo.c:95:8:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
	len = strlen (checkExtension);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/GLsdk/windemo/demogl.c:52:8:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
	len = strlen (checkExtension);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/ext/ftgl/FTFont/FTBufferFont.cpp:212:20:  [1] (buffer) wcslen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
        len = (int)wcslen(s);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/fps.cpp:39:29:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    ctx->font->draw(buffer, strlen(buffer), -1, 0.0, 0, *ctx);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:913:46:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  prim->data.text->str = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(str)+1)*sizeof(char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:915:51:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  prim->data.text->fontname = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(fontname)+1)*sizeof(char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:938:35:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  text->str = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(t->str)+1)*sizeof(char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:940:40:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  text->fontname = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(t->fontname)+1)*sizeof(char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:3323:25:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  if(gl2ps->filename && strlen(gl2ps->filename) < 256){
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:3324:18:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    for(i = (int)strlen(gl2ps->filename) - 1; i >= 0; i--){
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:3326:9:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
        strncpy(name, gl2ps->filename, i);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:4597:12:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    ? (int)strlen("/TrSh sh\n") + (int)log10((double)childobj)+1
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:4598:12:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    : (int)strlen("/TrSh0 sh\n");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6059:40:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    gl2ps->title = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(title)+1)*sizeof(char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6068:43:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    gl2ps->producer = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(producer)+1)*sizeof(char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/gl2ps.c:6077:43:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    gl2ps->filename = (char*)gl2psMalloc((strlen(filename)+1)*sizeof(char));
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.h:28:23:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    family = new char[strlen(in_family) + 1];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.h:29:31:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    memcpy(family, in_family, strlen(in_family) + 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.h:30:25:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    fontname = new char[strlen(in_fontname) + 1];
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/glgui.h:31:35:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    memcpy(fontname, in_fontname, strlen(in_fontname) + 1);    
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/par3d.cpp:251:20:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  result = R_alloc(strlen(f)+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/par3d.cpp:311:20:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
  result = R_alloc(strlen(f)+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/scene.cpp:213:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen(buffer)+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:331:19:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
    return String(strlen(buffer), buffer);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:409:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen(buffer)+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:418:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen("light")+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:427:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen("bboxdeco")+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:436:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen("subscene")+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:445:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen("userviewpoint")+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:454:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen("modelviewpoint")+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.cpp:463:24:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      *types = R_alloc(strlen("background")+1, 1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/subscene.h:218:56:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Risk is low because the source is a
  constant string.
  virtual void getTypeName(char* buffer, int buflen) { strncpy(buffer, "subscene", buflen); };
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:400:14:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
        if ((strlen(fontname) > 1) && (fontname[0] == 'T') && (fontname[1] == 'T')) {
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:404:11:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
          strncpy(lf.lfFaceName, pf, LF_FACESIZE-1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:408:11:  [1] (buffer) strncpy:
  Easily used incorrectly; doesn't always \0-terminate or check for invalid
  pointers [MS-banned] (CWE-120).
          strncpy(lf.lfFaceName, fontname, LF_FACESIZE-1);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:451:15:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
        len = strlen(fontname_absolute);
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:453:11:  [1] (buffer) strcat:
  Does not check for buffer overflows when concatenating to destination
  [MS-banned] (CWE-120). Consider using strcat_s, strncat, strlcat, or
  snprintf (warning: strncat is easily misused). Risk is low because the
  source is a constant character.
          strcat(fontname_absolute, "\\");
data/rgl-0.103.5/src/win32gui.cpp:457:20:  [1] (buffer) strlen:
  Does not handle strings that are not \0-terminated; if given one it may
  perform an over-read (it could cause a crash if unprotected) (CWE-126).
      assert(len + strlen(fontname) <= MAX_PATH);


Hits = 207
Lines analyzed = 67190 in approximately 1.51 seconds (44535 lines/second)
Physical Source Lines of Code (SLOC) = 46388
Hits@level = [0] 129 [1]  71 [2]  97 [3]   0 [4]  39 [5]   0
Hits@level+ = [0+] 336 [1+] 207 [2+] 136 [3+]  39 [4+]  39 [5+]   0
Hits/KSLOC@level+ = [0+] 7.24325 [1+] 4.46236 [2+] 2.93179 [3+] 0.840735 [4+] 0.840735 [5+]   0
Dot directories skipped = 1 (--followdotdir overrides)
Minimum risk level = 1
Not every hit is necessarily a security vulnerability.
There may be other security vulnerabilities; review your code!
See 'Secure Programming HOWTO'
(https://dwheeler.com/secure-programs) for more information.