=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/sentences-47- The ordinary Iraqi family's purchase, even of one bar of soap, was politically directed and controlled. apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/sentences:48: Above all, Madam President - and here I will end - we must be able to express this in plain language, clearly, by changing to some extent the jargon which we use, because we cannot ask the Europeans, who are living through profound changes, to take part and show enthusiasm towards us if we continue to use a form of language which they find completely inaccessible. apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/sentences-49- A short time ago, we, along with eight other Member States and another non-Member State, which also happens to have platforms and engages in oil exploration and drilling - Norway - took the initiative to sign, all 10 of us, an agreement to jointly build a wind farm in the North Sea. ############################################## apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/apertium-en-es.en-es.manual.lrx-632-use, because we cannot ask the Europeans, who are living through profound changes, apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/apertium-en-es.en-es.manual.lrx:633:to take part and show enthusiasm towards us if we continue to use a form of apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/apertium-en-es.en-es.manual.lrx-634-language which they find completely inaccessible. Y, sobre todo, y con ello ############################################## apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/TestSentences.txt-47-<!-- The ordinary Iraqi family's purchase, even of one bar of soap, was politically directed and controlled. Cualquier compra por parte de una familia iraquí normal, aunque fuera de una pastilla de jabón, estaba dirigida y controlada políticamente. --> apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/TestSentences.txt:48:<!-- Above all, Madam President - and here I will end - we must be able to express this in plain language, clearly, by changing to some extent the jargon which we use, because we cannot ask the Europeans, who are living through profound changes, to take part and show enthusiasm towards us if we continue to use a form of language which they find completely inaccessible. Y, sobre todo, y con ello concluyo, señora Presidenta, Señorías, tenemos que ser capaces de expresar esto en lenguaje llano, con claridad, cambiando en cierto modo la jerga que manejamos, porque no podemos pedir a los europeos, que están viviendo tiempos de profundos cambios, que se adhieran y que se entusiasmen con nosotros si seguimos manteniendo un lenguaje absolutamente cerrado y de espaldas a ellos. --> apertium-en-es-0.8.0~r57502/dev/TestSentences.txt-49-<!-- A short time ago, we, along with eight other Member States and another non-Member State, which also happens to have platforms and engages in oil exploration and drilling - Norway - took the initiative to sign, all 10 of us, an agreement to jointly build a wind farm in the North Sea. Hace poco, Bélgica, junto con otros ocho Estados miembros y un Estado no miembro, que casualmente también tiene plataformas y participa en actividades de exploración y perforación de petróleo -Noruega- firmó, con los 9 países restantes, un acuerdo para construir de forma conjunta un parque eólico en el Mar del Norte. -->