=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== axmail-2.11.1/README-6-they use axMail, like what I've done to axMail, and for the axmail-2.11.1/README:7:enthusiasm shown via words and/or code contributions for the program axmail-2.11.1/README-8-in hopes of keeping packet radio networks around the world alive! ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-141- axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:142:#FAXNUMBERS=`echo $NEWNUM | sed -e "s/ /, /g" -e "s/@/ /" | awk '{print $2}'` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:143:FAXNUMBERS=`cat $COVERFILE |grep Subject:|sed -e "s/Subject: //" -e "s/@/ /" | awk '{print $2}' ` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-144-cat <<EOF >$MESSAGEFILE ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-257- axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:258:if [ `which munpack &>/dev/null ; echo $?` -ne 0 ] ; then axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-259-echo "munpack is not installed: can't extract attachments, can't continue!" >>$LOGFILE ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-267-# --nomail takes precedence over --noconfirm. If --nomail is present then --noconfirm is ignored axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:268:[ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-nomail' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && NOMAIL=1 || NOMAIL=0 axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-269-if test $NOMAIL = 0; then axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:270: [ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-noconfirm' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && NOCONFIRM=1 || NOCONFIRM=0 axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-271- else ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-274- axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:275:[ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-usebody' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && USEBODY=1 || USEBODY=0 axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:276:[ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-nodelete' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && NODELETE=1 || NODELETE=0 axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:277:[ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-nofax' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && NOFAX=1 || NOFAX=0 axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:278:[ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-debug' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && DEBUG=1 || DEBUG=0 axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-279- axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-280-# --notify-all takes precedence over --notify. If --notify-all is present then --notify is ignored axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:281:[ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-notify\-all' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && NOTIFYALL=1 || NOTIFYALL=0 axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-282-if test $NOTIFYALL = 1; then ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-284-else axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:285: [ `echo $@ | grep -i -q '\-\-notify' ; echo $?` -eq 0 ] && NOTIFY="-D" || NOTIFY="" axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-286-fi axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-287- axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:288:UNKNOWN_FLAGS=`echo $@ | sed -e "s/--nomail//gI" -e "s/--nodelete//gI" -e "s/--nofax//gI" -e "s/--debug//gI" -e "s/--usebody//gI" -e "s/--notify-all//gI" -e "s/--notify//gI" -e "s/--noconfirm//gI"` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-289-[ -z $UNKNOWN_FLAGS ] ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-326-############################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:327:COVERTO=`cat $COVERFILE |grep Subject:|sed -e "s/Subject: //" -e "s/@/ /" | awk '{print $1}' ` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:328:COVERCOM=`cat $COVERFILE | grep Subject:|sed -e "s/Subject: //" -e "s/@/ /" | awk '{$1=""; $2=""; sub(" ", " "); print}' ` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-329- ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-333- axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:334:if [ `du -b $EMAILFILE | awk '{print $1}'` -lt 15 ] ; then axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-335-echo "No e-mail message passed to email2fax-axmail, or message broken." >>$LOGFILE ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-345- axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:346:SUBJLINE=`grep -m 1 "Subject:" $EMAILFILE` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:347:# TOLINE=`grep -m 1 "To:" $EMAILFILE.1` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:348:SENDER=`grep -m 1 "From:" $EMAILFILE | sed -e "s/From://"` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:349:NUMBERS=`echo $SUBJLINE | awk '{print NF}'` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:350:SUBJECT=`echo $SUBJLINE | sed -e "s/Subject://" ` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-351- ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-365-# extract everything from mail axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:366:MOUT=`munpack -t -C "$DATADIR" "$EMAILFILE"` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-367- ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-377- FORVAR=$FORVAR" "$P axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:378: if [ `echo "$FORVAR"|grep -c "text/plain"` -ne 0 ] ; then axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:379: TXT=`echo $FORVAR | cut -f1 -d " "`" "$TXT axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:380:# TXT=`cat $DATADIR/$EMAILFILE|formail -k -X X-Origin: -X X-Mailer >$DATADIR/part1` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-381- $FORVAR=$P axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:382: elif [ `echo "$FORVAR"|grep -c -e "pdf" -e "tif" -e "postscript"` -ne 0 ] ; then axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:383: ATTACH=`echo $FORVAR | cut -f1 -d " "`" "$ATTACH axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-384- else ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-412-# Convert fax numbers from the subject field to separate numbers axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:413:SUBJLINE=`grep -m 1 "Subject:" $EMAILFILE | sed -e "s/Subject://" -e "s/[-() ]/ /g" -e "s/,/ /g"` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-414- ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-419-do axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:420:FAXNUM=`cat $COVERFILE | grep -m 1 "Subject:" | sed -e "s/Subject: //" -e "s/@/ /" | awk '{print $2}' ` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:421:[ ! -z `echo "$FAXNUM" | sed -e "s/[0-9]//g"` ] && echo "Wrong fax number: $FAXNUM" >>$LOGFILE && FAXNUM= axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-422- ############################################## axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-476- # create destination array for "sendfax" axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail:477: NUM=`cat $COVERFILE | grep -m 1 "Subject:" | sed -e "s/Subject: //" -e "s/@/ /" | awk '{print $2}' ` axmail-2.11.1/email2fax-axmail-478-# DEST=""