                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
beets-1.4.9/beets/plugins.py-247-        """Decorator that registers a path template field computation.
beets-1.4.9/beets/plugins.py:248:        The value will be referenced as ``$name`` from path format
beets-1.4.9/beets/plugins.py-249-        strings. The function must accept a single parameter, the Item
beets-1.4.9/beets/util/functemplate.py-433-    def parse_symbol(self):
beets-1.4.9/beets/util/functemplate.py:434:        """Parse a variable reference (like ``$foo`` or ``${foo}``)
beets-1.4.9/beets/util/functemplate.py-435-        starting at ``pos``. Possibly appends a Symbol object (or,
beets-1.4.9/beetsplug/web/static/backbone.js-984-    // Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into.
beets-1.4.9/beetsplug/web/static/backbone.js:985:    // If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first
beets-1.4.9/beetsplug/web/static/backbone.js-986-    // matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create
beets-1.4.9/beetsplug/web/static/jquery.js-6432-	} else {
beets-1.4.9/beetsplug/web/static/jquery.js:6433:		jQuery.globalEval( ( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" ).replace( rcleanScript, "/*$0*/" ) );
beets-1.4.9/beetsplug/web/static/jquery.js-6434-	}
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-901-* :doc:`/plugins/mpdupdate`, :doc:`/plugins/mpdstats`: When the ``host`` option
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:902:  is not set, these plugins will now look for the ``$MPD_HOST`` environment
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-903-  variable before falling back to ``localhost``. Thanks to :user:`tarruda`.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-936-  fixed. :bug:`2085`
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:937:* :doc:`/plugins/play`: Fix ``$args`` getting passed verbatim to the play
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-938-  command if it was set in the configuration but ``-A`` or ``--args`` was
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-1699-* :doc:`/plugins/rewrite`: Fix a regression that prevented the plugin's
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:1700:  rewriting from applying to album-level fields like ``$albumartist``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-1701-  :bug:`1393`
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-1807-  dashes. Thanks to :user:`djl`. :bug:`1156`
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:1808:* The :ref:`config-cmd` command can now use ``$EDITOR`` variables with
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-1809-  arguments.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-2523-* :doc:`/plugins/mpdupdate`: Domain sockets can now begin with a tilde (which
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:2524:  is correctly expanded to ``$HOME``) as well as a slash. Thanks to Johann
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-2525-  Klähn.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-2766-  None.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:2767:* Templates can now refer to non-tag item fields (e.g., ``$id`` and
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:2768:  ``$album_id``).
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-2769-* :doc:`/plugins/lyrics`: Lyrics searches should now turn up more results due
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3105-* :ref:`list-cmd` command: Templates given with ``-f`` can now show items' and
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:3106:  albums' paths (using ``$path``).
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3107-* The output of the :ref:`update-cmd`, :ref:`remove-cmd`, and :ref:`modify-cmd`
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3239-* :doc:`/plugins/lastgenre`: Fixed a problem where path formats containing
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:3240:  ``$genre`` would use the old genre instead of the newly discovered one.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3241-* Fix a crash when moving files to a Samba share.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3450-* **Functions in path formats** provide a simple way to write complex file
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:3451:  naming rules: for example, ``%upper{%left{$artist,1}}`` will insert the
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3452-  capitalized first letter of the track's artist. For more details, see
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3483-* The default ignore settings now ignore all files beginning with a dot.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:3484:* Date values in path formats (``$year``, ``$month``, and ``$day``) are now
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3485-  appropriately zero-padded.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:3666:* ``$bitrate`` in path formats is now formatted as a human-readable kbps value
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3667-  instead of as a raw integer.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:3776:* In path formats, ``$albumartist`` now falls back to ``$artist`` (as well as
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3777-  the other way around).
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-3810-  album type (see below). The default path formats have been changed to use
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:3811:  ``$albumartist`` instead of ``$artist``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:4125:* ``MediaFile``s now have a ``format`` attribute, so you can use ``$format`` in
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst:4126:  your library path format strings like ``$artist - $album ($format)`` to get
beets-1.4.9/docs/changelog.rst-4127-  directories with names like ``Paul Simon - Graceland (FLAC)``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst-339-This plugin provides a function ``%initial`` to path templates where
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst:340:``%initial{$artist}`` expands to the artist's initial (its capitalized first
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst-343-Plugins can also add template *fields*, which are computed values referenced
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst:344:as ``$name`` in templates. To add a new field, add a function that takes an
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst-345-``Item`` object to the ``template_fields`` dictionary on the plugin object.
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst:346:Here's an example that adds a ``$disc_and_track`` field::
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst:363:With this plugin enabled, templates can reference ``$disc_and_track`` as they
beets-1.4.9/docs/dev/plugins.rst-364-can any standard metadata field.
beets-1.4.9/docs/faq.rst-377-installed using pip, the command ``pip show -f beets`` can show you where
beets-1.4.9/docs/faq.rst:378:``beet`` was placed on your system. If you need help extending your ``$PATH``,
beets-1.4.9/docs/faq.rst-379-try `this Super User answer`_.
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/advanced.rst-43-that organize your music in your filesystem. Take a look at
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/advanced.rst:44::ref:`path-format-config` for the basics: use fields like ``$year`` and
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/advanced.rst:45:``$title`` to build up a naming scheme. But if you need more flexibility,
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/advanced.rst-46-there are two features you need to know about:
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/advanced.rst-49-  can use in your path formats to add logic to your names. For example, you
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/advanced.rst:50:  can get an artist's first initial using ``%upper{%left{$albumartist,1}}``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/advanced.rst-51-* If you need more flexibility, the :doc:`/plugins/inline` lets you write
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/main.rst-86-``pip install --user beets``. If you do that, you might want to add
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/main.rst:87:``~/Library/Python/3.6/bin`` to your ``$PATH``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/main.rst:269:In the format option, field references like `$format` and `$year` are filled
beets-1.4.9/docs/guides/main.rst-270-in with data from each result. You can see a full list of available fields by
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/absubmit.rst-41-- **extractor**: The absolute path to the `streaming_extractor_music`_ binary.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/absubmit.rst:42:  Default: search for the program in your ``$PATH``
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/bucket.rst-24-The ``bucket_year`` parameter is used for all substitutions occurring on the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/bucket.rst:25:``$year`` field, while ``bucket_alpha`` takes care of textual fields.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/bucket.rst-41-second argument to the template to avoid this automatic detection: for
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/bucket.rst:42:example, use ``%bucket{$artist,alpha}``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/bucket.rst-58-- **bucket_year**: Ranges to use for all substitutions occurring on the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/bucket.rst:59:  ``$year`` field.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/bucket.rst-60-  Default: none.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/convert.rst-131-provided, the file extension defaults to the format's name. ``command`` is the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/convert.rst:132:command to use to transcode audio. The tokens ``$source`` and ``$dest`` in the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/convert.rst-133-command are replaced with the paths to the existing and new file.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/duplicates.rst-56-- **count**: Print a count of duplicate tracks or albums in the format
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/duplicates.rst:57:  ``$albumartist - $album - $title: $count`` (for tracks) or ``$albumartist -
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/duplicates.rst-58-  $album: $count`` (for albums).
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/edit.rst:12:Your text editor (i.e., the command in your ``$EDITOR`` environment variable)
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/edit.rst-13-will open with a list of tracks to edit. Make your changes and exit your text
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/inline.rst:28:These examples define ``$initial`` and ``$disc_and_track`` fields that can be
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/inline.rst-29-referenced in path templates like so::
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/inline.rst:60:This example defines a ``$bitrate`` field for albums as the average of the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/inline.rst-61-tracks' fields::
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/ipfs.rst-12-This plugin requires `go-ipfs`_ to be running as a daemon and that the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/ipfs.rst:13:associated ``ipfs`` command is on the user's ``$PATH``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/keyfinder.rst-26-  ``/Applications/KeyFinder.app/Contents/MacOS/KeyFinder``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/keyfinder.rst:27:  Default: ``KeyFinder`` (i.e., search for the program in your ``$PATH``)..
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/keyfinder.rst-28-- **overwrite**: Calculate a key even for files that already have an
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mbsubmit.rst-42-  same template syntax as beets’ :doc:`path formats </reference/pathformat>`.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mbsubmit.rst:43:  Default: ``$track. $title - $artist ($length)``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mbsubmit.rst-44-- **threshold**: The minimum strength of the autotagger recommendation that
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/missing.rst-36-- **count**: Print a count of missing tracks per album, with ``format``
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/missing.rst:37:  defaulting to ``$albumartist - $album: $missing``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/missing.rst-38-  Default: ``no``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/missing.rst:57:With this plugin enabled, the ``$missing`` template field expands to the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/missing.rst-58-number of tracks missing from each album.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdstats.rst-41-- **host**: The MPD server hostname.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdstats.rst:42:  Default: The ``$MPD_HOST`` environment variable if set,
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdstats.rst-43-  falling back to ``localhost`` otherwise.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdstats.rst-44-- **port**: The MPD server port.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdstats.rst:45:  Default: The ``$MPD_PORT`` environment variable if set,
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdstats.rst-46-  falling back to 6600 otherwise.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdupdate.rst-33-- **host**: The MPD server name.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdupdate.rst:34:  Default: The ``$MPD_HOST`` environment variable if set, falling back to ``localhost`` otherwise.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdupdate.rst-35-- **port**: The MPD server port.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdupdate.rst:36:  Default: The ``$MPD_PORT`` environment variable if set, falling back to 6600
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/mpdupdate.rst-37-  otherwise.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/play.rst-51-  Default: ``open`` on OS X, ``xdg-open`` on other Unixes and ``start`` on
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/play.rst:52:  Windows. Insert ``$args`` to use the ``--args`` feature.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/play.rst-53-- **relative_to**: If set, emit paths relative to this directory.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/play.rst-91-If you need to insert arguments somewhere other than the end of the
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/play.rst:92:``command`` string, use ``$args`` to indicate where to insert them. For
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/replaygain.rst-101-  For example: ``/Applications/MacMP3Gain.app/Contents/Resources/aacgain``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/replaygain.rst:102:  Default: Search in your ``$PATH``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/replaygain.rst-103-- **noclip**: Reduce the amount of ReplayGain adjustment to whatever amount
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/rewrite.rst:19:This will make ``$artist`` in your templates expand to "Jimi Hendrix" where it
beets-1.4.9/docs/plugins/rewrite.rst-20-would otherwise be "The Jimi Hendrix Experience".
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/cli.rst-407-* With the ``--edit`` option, beets attempts to open your config file for
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/cli.rst:408:  editing. It first tries the ``$EDITOR`` environment variable and then a
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/cli.rst-409-  fallback option depending on your platform: ``open`` on OS X, ``xdg-open``
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/cli.rst-479-should be placed in a directory that is part of your ``fpath``, and `not`
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/cli.rst:480:sourced in your ``.zshrc``. Running ``echo $fpath`` will give you a list of
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/cli.rst-481-valid directories.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-161-For example, if your path template for
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst:162:singletons is ``singletons/$title`` and the title of a track is "Café",
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-163-then the track will be saved as ``singletons/Cafe.mp3``.  The changes
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-202-command and other commands that need to print out items. Defaults to
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst:203:``$artist - $album - $title``. The ``-f`` command-line option overrides
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-204-this setting.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-214-Format to use when listing *albums* with :ref:`list-cmd` and other
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst:215:commands. Defaults to ``$albumartist - $album``. The ``-f`` command-line
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-216-option overrides this setting.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-276-If you enable ``per_disc_numbering``, you will likely want to change your
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst:277::ref:`path-format-config` also to include ``$disc`` before ``$track`` to make
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-278-filenames sort correctly in album directories. For example, you might want to
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-866-These settings appear under the ``paths:`` key. Each string is a template
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst:867:string that can refer to metadata fields like ``$artist`` or ``$title``. The
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-868-filename extension is added automatically. At the moment, you can specify three
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst:878:Note the use of ``$albumartist`` instead of ``$artist``; this ensures that albums
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-879-will be well-organized. For more about these format strings, see
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-933-- On Unix platforms, including OS X:``~/.config/beets`` and then
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst:934:  ``$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/beets``, if the environment variable is set.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/config.rst-935-- On OS X, we also search ``~/Library/Application Support/beets`` before the
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-5-you specify the directory and file naming scheme for your music library.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:6:Templates substitute symbols like ``$title`` (any field value prefixed by ``$``)
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-7-with the appropriate value from the track's metadata. Beets adds the filename
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-10-For example, consider this path format string:
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:11:``$albumartist/$album/$track $title``
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:21:Because ``$`` is used to delineate a field reference, you can use ``$$`` to emit
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:22:a dollars sign. As with `Python template strings`_, ``${title}`` is equivalent
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:23:to ``$title``; you can use this if you need to separate a field name from the
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-24-text that follows it.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:32:Note that in path formats, you almost certainly want to use ``$albumartist`` and
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:33:not ``$artist``. The latter refers to the "track artist" when it is present,
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-34-which means that albums that have tracks from different artists on them (like
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-37-tracks in a "Talking Heads" directory and one in a "Tom Tom Club" directory. You
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:38:probably don't want that! So use ``$albumartist``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:43:As a convenience, however, beets allows ``$albumartist`` to fall back to the value for ``$artist`` and vice-versa if one tag is present but the other is not.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-55-You can, of course, nest function calls and place variable references in
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:56:function arguments, so ``%upper{$artist}`` becomes the upper-case version of the
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-57-track's artists.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-77-  by `strftime`_. For example, to get the year some music was added to your
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:78:  library, use ``%time{$added,%Y}``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-79-* ``%first{text}``: Returns the first item, separated by ``;`` (a semicolon
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-156-``,`` outside a function argument), prefix it with a ``$``.  For example,
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:157:``$$`` becomes ``$``; ``$%`` becomes ``%``, etc. The only exceptions are:
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:159:* ``${``, which is ambiguous with the variable reference syntax (like
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:160:  ``${title}``). To insert a ``{`` alone, it's always sufficient to just type
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-161-  ``{``.
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-162-* commas are used as argument separators in function calls. Inside of a
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:163:  function's argument, use ``$,`` to get a literal ``,`` character. Outside of
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-164-  any function argument, escaping is not necessary: ``,`` by itself will
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-167-If a value or function is undefined, the syntax is simply left unreplaced. For
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:168:example, if you write ``$foo`` in a path template, this will yield ``$foo`` in
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-169-the resulting paths because "foo" is not a valid field name. The same is true of
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst:270:* ``$missing`` by :doc:`/plugins/missing`: The number of missing tracks per
beets-1.4.9/docs/reference/pathformat.rst-271-  album.
beets-1.4.9/extra/_beet-109-	    if [[ "$(sqlite3 ${~BEETS_LIBRARY} ${sqlcmd} 2>&1)" =~ "no such column" ]]; then
beets-1.4.9/extra/_beet:110:		sqlcmd="select distinct value from item_attributes where key=='$1' and value!='';"
beets-1.4.9/extra/_beet-111-	    fi
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py-251-    def test_subtitute_value(self):
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py:252:        self.assertEqual(self._eval(u"$foo"), u"bar")
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py-254-    def test_subtitute_value_in_text(self):
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py:255:        self.assertEqual(self._eval(u"hello $foo world"), u"hello bar world")
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py-257-    def test_not_subtitute_undefined_value(self):
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py:258:        self.assertEqual(self._eval(u"$bar"), u"$bar")
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py-269-    def test_symbol_in_argument(self):
beets-1.4.9/test/test_template.py:270:        self.assertEqual(self._eval(u"%lower{$baz}"), u"bar")
beets-1.4.9/.pc/python-3.8-ast/beets/util/functemplate.py-422-    def parse_symbol(self):
beets-1.4.9/.pc/python-3.8-ast/beets/util/functemplate.py:423:        """Parse a variable reference (like ``$foo`` or ``${foo}``)
beets-1.4.9/.pc/python-3.8-ast/beets/util/functemplate.py-424-        starting at ``pos``. Possibly appends a Symbol object (or,