=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.comm.tests/test/aQute/bnd/comm/tests/IndexedReposWithComms.java-111- SocksServerBuilder builder = SocksServerBuilder.newSocks5ServerBuilder(); bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.comm.tests/test/aQute/bnd/comm/tests/IndexedReposWithComms.java:112: builder.setBindAddr(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress()); bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.comm.tests/test/aQute/bnd/comm/tests/IndexedReposWithComms.java-113- builder.setBindPort(9090); ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.tests/test/test/AnalyzerTest.java-1105- /** bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.tests/test/test/AnalyzerTest.java:1106: * asm is a simple library with two packages. No imports are done. bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.tests/test/test/AnalyzerTest.java-1107- */ ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.tests/test/test/MacroTest.java-92- p.setProperty("[debug]f", "DEBUG(${1})"); bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.tests/test/test/MacroTest.java:93: p.setProperty("[exec]f", "EXEC(${1})"); bnd-5.0.1/biz.aQute.bndlib.tests/test/test/MacroTest.java-94- p.setProperty("Header", "${a}"); ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md-6- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md:7:Since bnd is by design headless, the best way to get start is to use one of the IDEs like [bndtools][1]. They have tutorials and an IDE is a more pleasant place than a command line. So if you just want to learn OSGi, please go away, this chapter is not for you! bndlib relates to OSGi like the ASM byte code manipulation library relates to Java. Sometimes incredibly useful but in general something you do not want to touch, and obviously not the way to learn Java. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md-8- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md-182- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md:183:bnd has a macro processor on board that is a life saver if you are addicted to DNRY (we are). This macro processor has access to all properties in the bnd file, including headers and instructions. Therefore `${Bundle-Version}` refers to whatever value the Bundle Version is set to. However, in this case the Bundle Version also contains the time stamp in the qualifier, which we do not need in the other places. That is, we do not want the output file name to contain the qualifier. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md-184- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md:185:bnd also contains a large number of built-in macros that provide common utilities. The `${versionmask;mask;version}` is for example such a utility for picking out the parts of a version, bumping it, as well as normalizing it. Normalizing (making sure all parts are present, leading zeros removed, etc.) is crucial to keep things workable. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md-186- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md-201- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md:202:This of course looks awkward and hardly DNRY. A better solution is to create an intermediate variable. Variables are always lower case (if they started with an upper case, they would end up in the manifest). Variables can be referred to with the macro syntax of `${}`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/125-tour-features.md-203- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/150-build.md-168- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/150-build.md:169:Maintaining this list can be cumbersome and for that reason the `${classes}` macro can be used to calculate its contents: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/150-build.md-170- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/170-versioning.md-59-If you have a package that is containing implementation code that is supposed to be directly used by the consumers then this is a ''library''. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/170-versioning.md:60:A library package is not an API that can be implemented by other bundles, it is the implementation. Then the versioning of library packages is relatively straightforward: Any change that breaks a consumer of that package must increment the major version number. For example, if the popular ASM library would add a method to the `MethodVisitor` class then it must increment the major version number of the `org.objectweb.asm` package because all existing consumers of this library would then be broken. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/170-versioning.md-61- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/170-versioning.md-120- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/170-versioning.md:121:The given values are the defaults. The value of the version policy will be used calculate the import based on the exported package. The `${range}` macro provides a convenient shortcut to do this using a version mask. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/170-versioning.md-122- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/210-metatype.md-64- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/210-metatype.md:65:* '$' is removed from the name unless it is followed by another '$', in that case it is a single '$'. This can be used to use Java keywords as a name. For example, `$new` maps to the `new` name. To make the name `$x`, use a method with the name `$$x`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/210-metatype.md-66-* '_' is replaced with '.' unless it is followed by another '_', in that case it becomes a single '_'. This is useful for dotted names (`a.b.c` comes from `a_b_c`) and to indicate private properties, that is properties that start with a '.'. For example, `_secret` maps to `.secret` and this will be a property that is not registered as a service. ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/230-manifest-annotations.md-94- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/230-manifest-annotations.md:95:You'll note the string `${@class}` used in the above example. String fields in *bundle annotations* are processed through bnd's macro processor. This macro processor provides access to all default and builder macros. *More info on bnd macros can be found in the [macros chapter](/chapters/850-macros.html).* bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/230-manifest-annotations.md-96- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/230-manifest-annotations.md-103- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/230-manifest-annotations.md:104:The `@Header` example above used the macro `${@class}` which lifted the `@class` property holding the class name of the activator into the header to avoid having to duplicate it. This also means that refactoring the activator won't cause the manifest to get out of sync. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/230-manifest-annotations.md-105- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/235-accessor-properties.md-10- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/235-accessor-properties.md:11:When an annotation is meta-annotated with a _bundle annotation_ the values and defaults of the host are loaded as properties, prefixed with `#`, into the macro processing scope. The effect is that these values are accessible using a [macro pattern](/chapters/850-macros.html#macro-patterns) (like `${}`). bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/235-accessor-properties.md-12- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/310-testing.md-25-## How to set the `Test-Cases` header Automatically bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/310-testing.md:26:The `Test-Cases` header can be set by hand but this can become a maintenance nightmare. A very useful macro is the `${classes}` macro. This macro inspects the JAR and can find all classes that are considered test cases: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/310-testing.md-27- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/390-wrapping.md-289- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/390-wrapping.md:290:`TEMP: ${classes;IMPORTING;oracle.xml.parser}` bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/390-wrapping.md-291- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md-152- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md:153:* `${p}`, `${project} – The directory of the current project bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md:154:* `${workspace}` – The directory of the current workspace bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md:155:* `${build} – The directory of the `cnf` directory. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md-156- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md-272-Escaped characters are escaped in SIMPLE mode and CURLIES mode. In QUOTED or BRACKETS mode no escaping is done. For example bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md:273:`^$` becomes `\^\$` matching literally `^$`. However, `[^$]` becomes `[^$]`, matching anything but a dollar sign. In QUOTED bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/820-instructions.md-274-and BRACKETS mode, also the `special`, `end`, and `start` sets are directly inserted without any special handling. ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md-6- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:7:A simple macro processor is added to the header processing. Variables allow a single definition of a value, and the use of derivations. Each header is a macro that can be expanded. Notice that headers that do not start with an upper case character will not be copied to the manifest, so they can be used as working variables. Variables are expanded by enclosing the name of the variable in `${<name>}` (curly braces) or `$(<name>)` (parenthesis). Additionally, square brackets \[\], angled brackets <>, double guillemets «», and single guillemets ‹› are also allowed for brackets. If brackets are nested, that is `$[replace;acaca;a(.*)a;[$1]]` will return `[cac]`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md-8- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md-24-## Macro patterns bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:25:The default macro pattern is the `${...}` pattern, a dollar sign ('$') followed by a left curly bracket ('{') and closed by a right curly bracket ('}'). However, since bndlib is often used inside other systems it also supports alternative macro patterns: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md-26- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:27:* `$(...)`, bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:28:* `$<...>`, bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:29:* `$[...]`, bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:30:* `$«..»` (pointing double angle quotation mark \u00AB abd \u00BB), and bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:31:* `$‹...›` (single pointing angle quotation mark) bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md-32- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md-41-## Wildcarded Keys bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md:42:Keys can be wildcarded. For example, if you want to set -plugin from different places, then you can set the `plugin.xxx` properties in different places and combine them with `-plugins= ${plugins.*}`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_chapters/850-macros.md-43- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_heads/import_package.md-15- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_heads/import_package.md:16:If an explicit version is given, then `${@}` can be used to substitute the found version in a range. In those cases, the [range](../macros/range.html) macro can be very useful to calculate ranges and drop specific parts of the version. For example: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_heads/import_package.md-17- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_heads/import_package.md-21- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_heads/import_package.md:22:You can reference the `Bundle-SymbolicName` and `Bundle-Version` of the exporter on the classpath by using the `${@bundlesymbolicname}` and `${@bundleversion}` values. In those cases, the [range](../macros/range.html) macro can be very useful to calculate ranges and drop specific parts of the bundle version. For example: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_heads/import_package.md-23- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/classpath.md-10- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/classpath.md:11:If you need to get all JARs in a directory you could use the `${lsa}` macro: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/classpath.md-12- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/conduit.md-11- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/conduit.md:12:Notice that you can use the `${lsa}` macro to get the contents of a directory: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/conduit.md-13- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/contract.md-40- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/contract.md:41:Obviously bnd has support for this (well, since today, i.e. version `osgi:biz.aQute.bndlib@` or later). First bnd can make it easier to create the `Provide-Capability` header since the involved packages are in the `Export-Package` as well as in the `Provide-Capability` headers. The do-no-repeat-yourself mantra dictated am `${exports}` macro. The `${exports}` macro is replaced by the exported packages of the bundle, for example: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/contract.md-42- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/fixupmessages.md-38-* `is:` – By default an error remains an error and a warning remains a warning. However, if you specify the `is:` directive you can force an error to become a warning or vice versa. This can be very useful if you build fails with an error that you do not consider a failure. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/fixupmessages.md:39:* `replace:` – Replace the message with a new message. The replacement will be processed by the macro processor, the `${@}` macro will contain the current message. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/fixupmessages.md-40- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-68- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md:69:Wrapping often requires access to a JAR from the repository. It is therefore common to see the unrolling feature being combined with the `${repo}` macro. The `${repo}` macro is given the Bundle Symbolic Name and an optional version range returns the path to a file from the repository. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-70- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-106-| `-includeresource.resources: -src/main/resources` | Copy folder src/main/resources contents (including subdfolders) into root of the target JAR <br>The arbitrarily named suffix .resources prevents this includeresource directive to be overwritten <br>The preceding minus sign instructs to supress an error for non-existing folder src/main/resources | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md:107:| `-includeresource: ${workspace}/LICENSE, {readme.md}` | Copy the LICENSE file residing in the bnd workspace folder (above the project directory) as well as the pre-processed readme.md file (allowing for e.g. variable substitution) in the project folder into the target JAR | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md:108:| `-includeresource: ${repo;com.acme:foo;latest}` | Copy the com.acme.foo bundle JAR in highest version number found in the bnd workspace repository into the root of the target JAR | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-109- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-118-| `-includeresource: lib/; lib:=true` | Copy every JAR file underneath lib in a relative position under the root folder of the target JAR, and add each library to the bundle classpath | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md:119:| `-includeresource: acme-foo-snap.jar=${repo;com.acme:foo;snapshot}` | Copy the highest snapshot version of com.acme.foo found in the bnd workspace repository as acme-foo-snap.jar into the root of the target JAR | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-120-| `-includeresource: foo.txt;literal='foo bar'` | Create a file named foo.txt containing the string literal "foo bar" in the root folder of the target JAR | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md:121:| `-includeresource: bsn.txt;literal='${bsn}'` | Create a file named bsn.txt containing the bundle symbolic name (bsn) of this project in the root folder of the target JAR | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-122-| `-includeresource: libraries/=lib/;filter:=fancylibrary-*.jar;recursive:=false;lib:=true` or <br>`-includeresource: libraries/=lib/fancylibrary-*.jar;lib:=true` (as of bndtools 4.2) | Copy a wildcarded library from lib/ into libraries and add it to the bundle classpath | ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md-128-| `-includeresource: @lib/fancylibrary-3.12.jar!/*` | Extract the contents of lib/fancylibrary-3.12.jar into the root folder of the target JAR, preserving relative paths | bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/includeresource.md:129:| `-includeresource: @${repo;com.acme.foo;latest}!/!META-INF/*` | Extract the contents of the highest found com.acme.foo version in the bnd workspace repository into the root folder of the target JAR, preserving relative paths, excluding the META-INF/ folder | ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/maven-release.md-38- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/maven-release.md:39:If the Maven Bnd Repository is asked to put a file, it will look up the `-maven-release` instruction using merged properties. The property is looked up from the bnd file that built the artifact. However, it should in general be possible to define this header in the workspace using macros like `${project}` to specify relative paths. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/maven-release.md-40- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/pom.md-22- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/pom.md:23:The `-pom` instruction can use any macro but the `${@bsn}` and `${@version}` macros bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/pom.md-24-refer to the current JAR being built. ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/prepare.md-34- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/prepare.md:35:The `command` parameter specifies the shell command. It must be a valid shell command. Any `$@` and `$<` macros are replaced by the target file path and the set of files in the dependency. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/prepare.md-36- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/prepare.md-56- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/prepare.md:57:It is possible to set the platforms command search path with the `-PATH` macro. This macro must contain a comma separated list of PATH, specifying places where to look. If this `-PATH` macro contains `${@}` then this will be replaced with the platforms current PATH. By not specifying the `${@}` it is possible to limit the available commands. ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/reportconfig.md-158- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/reportconfig.md:159:You can either export a full type or a method. For the snippet to be extracted you must add a comment block to the type or the method. The comment must contain the `${snippet }` tag with the following optional properties: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/reportconfig.md-160- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/stalecheck.md-37- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/stalecheck.md:38:If a command `STRING` is given it is executed as in the `${system}` macro. If the command `STRING` starts with a bnd-5.0.1/docs/_instructions/stalecheck.md-39-minus sign (`-`) then a failure is not an error, it is reported as warning. ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/fileuri.md-10- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/fileuri.md:11:So `${fileuri;.}` will return the file uri of a project base if used in a project's bnd file, bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/fileuri.md-12-for example `bnd.bnd`, or the file uri of the workspace base if used in a workspace's bnd ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/if.md-13- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/if.md:14:The `${if}` macro allows a conditional expansion. The first argument is the _condition_. the condition is either _false_ (empty or 'false') or otherwise _true_. If the condition is true, the value of the macro is the second argument, the first _expansion_. Otherwise, if a third argument is specified this is returned. If no third argument is specified, an empty string is returned. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/if.md-15- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/maven_version.md-8- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/maven_version.md:9:The [`${version_cleanup}`](/macros/version_cleanup.html) macro should be used in place of this macro since it can be used in more places. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/maven_version.md-10- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md-7- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md:8:The `range` macro takes a version range mask/template and uses it calculate a range from a given version. The primary reason for the `${range}` macro is to be used in the [version policy][1]. With the version policy we have a version of an exported package and we need to calculate the range for that. The rules come from the [consumer][2] or [provider][3] policy. However, this policy can be overridden on the Import-Package header by specifying the version as a range macro: bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md-9- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md-12- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md:13:Since the version for the exported package is set as `${@}`, the macro will calculate the proper semantic range for a provider. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md-14- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md-28-* `~` – Ignore the version part bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md:29:* `[Ss]` – If the qualifier equals `SNAPSHOT`, then it will return a maven like snapshot version. Maven snapshot versions do not use the `.` as the separator but a `-` sign. The upper case `S` checks case sensitive, the lower case `s` is case insensitive. This template character will be treated as the last character in the template and return the version immediately. For example, `${versionmask;=S;1.2.3.SNAPSHOT}` will return `1-SNAPSHOT`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/range.md-30- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replace.md-11- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replace.md:12:The replacement can use the `$[0-9]` back references defined in the regular expressions. The macro uses `element.replaceAll(regex,replacement)` method to do the replacement. The default replacement is the empty string. The default delimiter is ",". bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replace.md-13- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replacelist.md-11- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replacelist.md:12:The replacement can use the `$[0-9]` back references defined in the regular expressions. The macro uses `element.replaceAll(regex,replacement)` method to do the replacement. The default replacement is the empty string. The default delimiter is ",". bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replacelist.md-13- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replacestring.md-9- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replacestring.md:10:Replace all parts of the string that match the regular expression regex with the replacement. The replacement can use the `$[0-9]` back references defined in the regular expressions. The macro uses `string.replaceAll(regex,replacement)` method to do the replacement. The default replacement is the empty string. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/replacestring.md-11- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/template.md-13- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/template.md:14:The template is expanded for each entry of the Parameters. They key can be referred by `${@}` and the attributes can be bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/template.md:15:referred by `${@<name>}`, where the name is the name of the attribute. All entries are then joined with a comma (`,`) as bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/template.md-16-separator. ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/uri.md-13- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/uri.md:14:So `${uri;.}` will return the base uri of a project if used in a project's bnd file, bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/uri.md-15-for example `bnd.bnd`, or the base uri of the workspace if used in a workspace's bnd ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md-37-results in a maven version which is not a valid OSGi version. Otherwise, the existing bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md:38:qualifier, if any, will be kept. For example, `${versionmask;===S;1.2.3.SNAPSHOT}` will bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md:39:return `1.2.3-SNAPSHOT` and `${versionmask;===S;1.2.3.QUAL}` will return `1.2.3.QUAL`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md-40-* `s` – If the qualifier equals `SNAPSHOT` or ends with `-SNAPSHOT`, then the qualifier ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md-42-results in a maven version which is not a valid OSGi version. Otherwise, the existing bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md:43:qualifier, if any, will be ignored. For example, `${versionmask;===s;1.2.3.SNAPSHOT}` bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md:44:will return `1.2.3-SNAPSHOT` and `${versionmask;===s;1.2.3.QUAL}` will return `1.2.3`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md-45- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md:46:In many places in bnd, the `${@}` macro is set as an implicit variable. For example, if bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md-47-the bnd analyzer calculates the import range it sets this to the version of the package bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md-48-that is imported. Therefore, if the version is not specified in this macro as the second bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md:49:argument then the `${@}` macro is expanded and used as the value for the version. A use bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md:50:of this is in the Import Package statement. There you can use the `${versionmask}` macro bnd-5.0.1/docs/_macros/versionmask.md-51-to clean up the imported version. (Though the [range][1] macro is better suited for ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/_tools/felix-maven.md-44- bnd-5.0.1/docs/_tools/felix-maven.md:45:You can use macros but you must be careful to avoid conflicting with the macros used in the POM that also use the `${...}` pattern; it is therefore necessary for bnd to use one of its alternative patterns, for example `$[...]`. The maven POM macros are fortunately already expanded before bndlib sees them. bnd-5.0.1/docs/_tools/felix-maven.md-46- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/150-projects.md-115- bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/150-projects.md:116:Maintaining this list can be cumbersome and for that reason the `${classes}` macro can be used to calculate its contents: bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/150-projects.md-117- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/170-versioning.md-53-If you have a package that is containing implementation code that is supposed to be directly used by the consumers then this is a ''library''. bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/170-versioning.md:54:A library package is not an API that can be implemented by other bundles, it is the implementation. Then the versioning of library packages is relatively straightforward: Any change that breaks a consumer of that package must increment the major version number. For example, if the popular ASM library would add a method to the `MethodVisitor` class then it must increment the major version number of the `org.objectweb.asm` package because all existing consumers of this library would then be broken. bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/170-versioning.md-55- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/210-metatype.md-62- bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/210-metatype.md:63:* '$' is removed from the name unless it is followed by another '$', in that case it is a single '$'. This can be used to use Java keywords as a name. For example, `$new` maps to the `new` name. To make the name `$x`, use a method with the name `$$x`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/210-metatype.md-64-* '_' is replaced with '.' unless it is followed by another '_', in that case it becomes a single '_'. This is useful for dotted names (`a.b.c` comes from `a_b_c`) and to indicate private properties, that is properties that start with a '.'. For example, `_secret` maps to `.secret` and this will be a property that is not registered as a service. ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/310-testing.md-30-## How to set the Test-Cases Macro Automatically bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/310-testing.md:31:The Test-Cases macro can be set by hand but this can become a maintenance nightmare. A very useful macro is the `${classes}` macro. This macro inspects the JAR and can find all classes that are considered test cases: bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/310-testing.md-32- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/805-instructions.md-51-\\ bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/805-instructions.md:52:`-include= ~${user.home}/deflts.bnd, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF`\\ bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/805-instructions.md-53-`-include= a.props, ~META-INF/MANIFEST.MF` || ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/805-instructions.md-64-\\ bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/805-instructions.md:65: `-snapshot: ${tstamp}`\\ bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/805-instructions.md-66-\\ ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-4- bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:5:A simple macro processor is added to the header processing. Variables allow a single definition of a value, and the use of derivations. Each header is a macro that can be expanded. Notice that headers that do not start with an upper case character will not be copied to the manifest, so they can be used as working variables. Variables are expanded by enclosing the name of the variable in `${<name>}` (curly braces) or `$(<name>)` (parenthesis). Additionally, square brackets \[\], angled brackets <>, double guillemets «», and single guillemets ‹› are also allowed for brackets. If brackets are nested, that is $[replace;acaca;a(.*)a;[$1]] will return `[cac]`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-6- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-29-## Wildcarded Keys bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:30:Keys can be wildcarded. For example, if you want to set -plugin from different places, then you can set the `plugin.xxx` properties in different places and combine them with `-plugins= ${plugins.*}`. bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-31- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-113-<td>Return the highest modification time of the given file path. The returned value is based on the epoch of Java, it is therefore a long. \\</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:114:`Last-Modified: ${long2date;${fmodified;${files}})` bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-115- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-118-<td>Returns the SHA of the head. This is either HEAD or the contents of the sym-ref. \\</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:119:`Git-HEAD: ${githead}` bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-120-<td>2.3</td> ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-124-<td>Joins a number of lists into one. It may seem that this can be easily accomplished by just placing two macro expansions after each other. The result of this will not be a list, unless a ',' (colon) is placed in between. However, when one of the lists is empty, the colon will be superfluous. The join handles these cases correctly. Any number of lists may be given as arguments. \\</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:125:`List= ${join;a,b,c;d,e,f}` bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-126- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-128-<td>`arg`</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:129:<td>Provide a literal macro for arg. For example, `${literal;"project"}` results in `"${project}"`. Can be useful if information must be created for other systems that uses the macro syntax.</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-130- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-141-<td>Parse the long and turn it into a date. \\</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:142:`Last-Modified: ${long2date:${fmodified:${files}})` bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-143- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-152-<td>Returns the current Date as string. \\</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:153:`Created-When: ${now}` bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-154- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-179-<td>; list ; regex ; replacement </td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:180:<td>Replace all elements of the list that match the regular expression regex with the replacement. The replacement can use the `$[0-9]` back references defined in the regular expressions. The macro uses `item.replaceAll(regex,replacement)` method to do the replacement.For example, to add a `.jar` extension to all files listed, use the following: \\</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:181:`List = ${replace;${impls};$;.jar}` bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-182- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-185-<td>Sort the given list using string sorting collation. For example: \\</td> bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md:186:`List= ${sort:acme.jar, harry.jar, runner.jar, alpha.jar, bugs.jar}` bnd-5.0.1/docs/md/810-macros.md-187- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-29-while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:30: ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:31: link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-32- if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-34- else bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:35: PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link" bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-36- fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-38-SAVED="`pwd`" bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:39:cd "`dirname \"$PRG\"`/" >/dev/null bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-40-APP_HOME="`pwd -P`" ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-43-APP_NAME="Gradle" bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:44:APP_BASE_NAME=`basename "$0"` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-45- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-129-if [ "$cygwin" = "true" -o "$msys" = "true" ] ; then bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:130: APP_HOME=`cygpath --path --mixed "$APP_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:131: CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --mixed "$CLASSPATH"` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:132: JAVACMD=`cygpath --unix "$JAVACMD"` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-133- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-148- for arg in "$@" ; do bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:149: CHECK=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "$OURCYGPATTERN" -` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:150: CHECK2=`echo "$arg"|egrep -c "^-"` ### Determine if an option bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-151- bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-152- if [ $CHECK -ne 0 ] && [ $CHECK2 -eq 0 ] ; then ### Added a condition bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:153: eval `echo args$i`=`cygpath --path --ignore --mixed "$arg"` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-154- else bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:155: eval `echo args$i`="\"$arg\"" bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-156- fi bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:157: i=`expr $i + 1` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-158- done ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-177-} bnd-5.0.1/gradlew:178:APP_ARGS=`save "$@"` bnd-5.0.1/gradlew-179- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-baseline-maven-plugin/README.md-100- bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-baseline-maven-plugin/README.md:101:N.B. The default version range is `(,${project.version})`, i.e. all versions bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-baseline-maven-plugin/README.md-102-up to but not including the current version. Whilst the base version search ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-export-maven-plugin/README.md-58-| --- | --- | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-export-maven-plugin/README.md:59:|`bndruns` | Can contain `bndrun` child elements naming a bndrun file to export. You can also specify `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs to specify bndrun files. These are relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. _Defaults to `<include>*.bndrun</include>`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-export-maven-plugin/README.md:60:|`targetDir` | The director into which to export the result. _Defaults to `${project.build.directory}`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-export-maven-plugin/README.md-61-|`resolve` | Whether to resolve the `-runbundles` required for a valid runtime. _Defaults to `false`._| ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-export-maven-plugin/README.md-63-|`exporter` | The name of the exporter plugin to use. Bnd has two built-in exporter plugins. `bnd.executablejar` exports an executable jar and `bnd.runbundles` exports the `-runbundles` files. _Default to `bnd.executablejar`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-export-maven-plugin/README.md:64:|`bundles` | A collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. Can contain `bundle` child elements specifying the path to a bundle. These can be absolute paths. You can also specify `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs to specify bundles. These are relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. _Defaults to dependencies in the scopes specified by the `scopes` property, plus the current artifact (if any and `useMavenDependencies` is `true`)._ | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-export-maven-plugin/README.md-65-|`useMavenDependencies` | If `true`, adds the project dependencies subject to `scopes` to the collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. _Defaults to `true`._| ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-indexer-maven-plugin/README.md-311-| --- | --- | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-indexer-maven-plugin/README.md:312:|`outputFile` | The name and location of the resulting index file. _Defaults to `${project.build.directory}/index.xml`._ Override with property `bnd.indexer.output.file`.| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-indexer-maven-plugin/README.md-313-|`localURLs` | See [Allowing local file locations](#allowing-local-file-locations). _Defaults to `FORBIDDEN`._ Override with property `bnd.indexer.localURLs`.| ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-indexer-maven-plugin/README.md-324-|`indexFiles` | A set of `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs matching paths within the `inputDir` which should be included in the index or excluded from the index. _Defaults to `<include>**/*.jar</include>`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-indexer-maven-plugin/README.md:325:|`outputFile` | The name and location of the resulting index file. _Defaults to `${project.build.directory}/index.xml`._ Override with property `bnd.indexer.output.file`.| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-indexer-maven-plugin/README.md-326-|`baseFile` | See [Changing relative directory](#changing-relative-directory). Override with property `bnd.indexer.base.file`.| ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-64- bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:65:The contents of `${project.build.outputDirectory}` is always included as input to the plugin (*i.e. placed in the bnd builder's classpath*). bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-66- bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:67:Optionally, the plugin adds the entire content of `${project.build.outputDirectory}` to the bundle content (but no other packages from the build path). This behavior is **enabled** by default. (*See `includeClassesDir` configuration parameter*). bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-68- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-77-|`bnd` | Bnd instructions for this project specified directly in the pom file. This is generally be done using a `<![CDATA[ ]]>` section. If the projects has a `bndfile` configuration property or a file in the default location `bnd.bnd`, then this configuration element is ignored. | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:78:|`manifestPath` | Specify the path to a manifest file to use. _Defaults to `${project.build.outputDirectory}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:79:|`classesDir` | The directory where the `maven-compiler-plugin` places its output. _Defaults to `${project.build.outputDirectory}`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-80-|`includeClassesDir` | Include the entire contents of `classesDir` in the bundle. *Defaults to `true`*. | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:81:|`outputDir` | The directory where the `bnd-maven-plugin` will extract it's contents. _Defaults to `${project.build.outputDirectory}`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:82:|`warOutputDir` | The directory where the `bnd-maven-plugin` will extract it's contents when packaging is `war`. _Defaults to `${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-83-|`packagingTypes` | The list of maven packaging types for which the plugin will execute. *Defaults to `jar,war`*. Override with property `bnd.packagingTypes`. | ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-175- bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:176:3. The third case is when the project packaging is `war`, for instance when the plugin is paired with the `maven-war-plugin` instead of the `maven-jar-plugin`. The output of the plugin re-directed to the default assembly directory of the `maven-war-plugin`, which is `${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}`: bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-177- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-229-| `skip` | Skip the project. _Defaults to `false`._ Override with property `bnd-tests.skip`. | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:230:| `artifactFragment` | If true, make the tests artifact a fragment using `${project.artifactId}` as the `Fragment-Host` header and setting the `Bundle-SymbolicName` of the tests artifact to `${project.artifactId}-tests`. *Defaults to `false`*. | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-231-| `testCases` | Specify the filter that will determine which classes to identify as test cases. *Defaults to `junit5`*. | ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-233-Some details are predefined for simplicity: bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:234:- `${project.build.testSourceDirectory}` is used as a the source directory bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:235:- `${project.build.testResources}` is used as the resources directory bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:236:- `${project.build.testOutputDirectory}` is used as the source of input for bnd to analyse bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:237:- `${project.build.testOutputDirectory}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF` is used as the manifest path bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-238- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-241-Bnd's integration testing uses the manifest header `Test-Cases` to identify classes within a bundle that are test cases. This eliminates the need for runtime class scanning. The `bnd-process-tests` simplifies this configuration by creating several predefined specifications of test cases that use bnd's `classes` macro: bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:242:- **`junit3`** - represents the filter `${classes;EXTENDS;junit.framework.TestCase;CONCRETE}` bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md:243:- **`junit4`** - represents the filter `${classes;HIERARCHY_ANNOTATED;org.junit.Test;CONCRETE}` bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-maven-plugin/README.md-244-- **`junit5`** - represents the filter `${classes;HIERARCHY_INDIRECTLY_ANNOTATED;org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;CONCRETE},\ ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-resolver-maven-plugin/README.md-67-| --- | --- | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-resolver-maven-plugin/README.md:68:|`bndruns` | Can contain `bndrun` child elements naming a bndrun file to resolv. You can also specify `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs to specify bndrun files. These are relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. _Defaults to `<include>*.bndrun</include>`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-resolver-maven-plugin/README.md-69-|`failOnChanges` | Whether to fail the build if any change in the resolved `-runbundles` is discovered. _Defaults to `true`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-resolver-maven-plugin/README.md-70-|`writeOnChanges` | Whether to write the resolved run bundles back to the `-runbundles` property of the `bndrun` file. _Defaults to `true`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-resolver-maven-plugin/README.md:71:|`bundles` | A collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. Can contain `bundle` child elements specifying the path to a bundle. These can be absolute paths. You can also specify `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs to specify bundles. These are relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. _Defaults to dependencies in the scopes specified by the `scopes` property, plus the current artifact (if any and `useMavenDependencies` is `true`)._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-resolver-maven-plugin/README.md-72-|`useMavenDependencies` | If `true`, adds the project dependencies subject to `scopes` to the collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. _Defaults to `true`._| ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-run-maven-plugin/README.md-125-| --- | --- | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-run-maven-plugin/README.md:126:|`bndrun` | A bndrun file to run. The file is relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. Override with property `bnd.run.file`. | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-run-maven-plugin/README.md:127:|`bundles` | A collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. Can contain `bundle` child elements specifying the path to a bundle. These can be absolute paths. You can also specify `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs to specify bundles. These are relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. _Defaults to dependencies in the scopes specified by the `scopes` property, plus the current artifact (if any and `useMavenDependencies` is `true`)._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-run-maven-plugin/README.md-128-|`useMavenDependencies` | If `true`, adds the project dependencies subject to `scopes` to the collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. _Defaults to `true`._| ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md-63-| --- | --- | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md:64:|`bndruns` | Can contain `bndrun` child elements naming a bndrun file defining a runtime and tests to execute against it. You can also specify `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs to specify bndrun files. These are relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. _Defaults to `<include>*.bndrun</include>`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md-65-|`resolve` | Whether to resolve the `-runbundles` required for a valid runtime. _Defaults to `false`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md-66-|`failOnChanges` | Whether to fail the build if any change in the resolved `-runbundles` is discovered. _Defaults to `true`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md:67:|`reportsDir` | The output directory for test reports. A subdirectory of `${bndrun}` will be created for each bndrun file supplied. _Defaults to `${project.build.directory}/test-reports`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md:68:|`cwd` | The current working directory of the test process. A subdirectory of `${bndrun}` will be created for each bndrun file supplied. _Defaults to `${project.build.directory}/test`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md-69-|`skipTests` OR `maven.test.skip`| Does not execute any tests. Used from the command line via `-D`. _Defaults to `false`._| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md:70:|`testingSelect` | A file path to a test file, overrides anything else. _Defaults to `${testing.select}`._ Override with property `testing.select`.| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md:71:|`testing` | A glob expression that is matched against the file name of the listed bndrun files. _Defaults to `${testing}`._ Override with property `testing`.| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md-72-|`test` | A comma separated list of the fully qualified names of test classes to run. If not set, or empty, then all the test classes listed in the `Test-Classes` manifest header are run. Use a colon (:) to specify a test method to run on the specified test class. Override with property `test`.| bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md:73:|`bundles` | A collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. Can contain `bundle` child elements specifying the path to a bundle. These can be absolute paths. You can also specify `include` and `exclude` child elements using Ant-style globs to specify bundles. These are relative to the `${project.basedir}` directory. _Defaults to dependencies in the scopes specified by the `scopes` property, plus the current artifact (if any and `useMavenDependencies` is `true`)._ | bnd-5.0.1/maven/bnd-testing-maven-plugin/README.md-74-|`useMavenDependencies` | If `true`, adds the project dependencies subject to `scopes` to the collection of files to include in the *implicit repository*. _Defaults to `true`._| ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-80- while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:81: ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:82: link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-83- if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-85- else bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:86: PRG="`dirname "$PRG"`/$link" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-87- fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-91- bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:92: M2_HOME=`dirname "$PRG"`/.. bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-93- bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-94- # make it fully qualified bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:95: M2_HOME=`cd "$M2_HOME" && pwd` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-96- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-103- [ -n "$M2_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:104: M2_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$M2_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-105- [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:106: JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$JAVA_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-107- [ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:108: CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --unix "$CLASSPATH"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-109-fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-113- [ -n "$M2_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:114: M2_HOME="`(cd "$M2_HOME"; pwd)`" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-115- [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:116: JAVA_HOME="`(cd "$JAVA_HOME"; pwd)`" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-117-fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-120- javaExecutable="`which javac`" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:121: if [ -n "$javaExecutable" ] && ! [ "`expr \"$javaExecutable\" : '\([^ ]*\)'`" = "no" ]; then bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-122- # readlink(1) is not available as standard on Solaris 10. bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-123- readLink=`which readlink` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:124: if [ ! `expr "$readLink" : '\([^ ]*\)'` = "no" ]; then bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-125- if $darwin ; then bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:126: javaHome="`dirname \"$javaExecutable\"`" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:127: javaExecutable="`cd \"$javaHome\" && pwd -P`/javac" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-128- else bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:129: javaExecutable="`readlink -f \"$javaExecutable\"`" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-130- fi bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:131: javaHome="`dirname \"$javaExecutable\"`" bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:132: javaHome=`expr "$javaHome" : '\(.*\)/bin'` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-133- JAVA_HOME="$javaHome" ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-182- if [ -d "${wdir}" ]; then bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:183: wdir=`cd "$wdir/.."; pwd` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-184- fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-196- bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:197:BASE_DIR=`find_maven_basedir "$(pwd)"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-198-if [ -z "$BASE_DIR" ]; then ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-227- if $cygwin; then bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:228: wrapperJarPath=`cygpath --path --windows "$wrapperJarPath"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-229- fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-256- if $cygwin; then bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:257: javaClass=`cygpath --path --windows "$javaClass"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-258- fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-289- [ -n "$M2_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:290: M2_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$M2_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-291- [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:292: JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$JAVA_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-293- [ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:294: CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --windows "$CLASSPATH"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-295- [ -n "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR" ] && bnd-5.0.1/mvnw:296: MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR=`cygpath --path --windows "$MAVEN_PROJECTBASEDIR"` bnd-5.0.1/mvnw-297-fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-94- PRG="$0" bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:95: progname=`basename "$0"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-96- ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-98- while [ -h "$PRG" ] ; do bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:99: ls=`ls -ld "$PRG"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:100: link=`expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$'` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-101- if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-103- else bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:104: PRG=`dirname "$PRG"`"/$link" bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-105- fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-107- bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:108: ANT_HOME=`dirname "$PRG"`/.. bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-109- bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-110- # make it fully qualified bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:111: ANT_HOME=`cd "$ANT_HOME" > /dev/null && pwd` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-112-fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-116- [ -n "$ANT_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:117: ANT_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$ANT_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-118- [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:119: JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$JAVA_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-120-fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-168- *) bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:169: for dep in `cat "$file"`; do bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-170- case "$OPT_JAR_LIST" in ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-253- fi bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:254: ANT_HOME=`cygpath --$format "$ANT_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:255: ANT_LIB=`cygpath --$format "$ANT_LIB"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:256: JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --$format "$JAVA_HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:257: LCP_TEMP=`cygpath --path --unix "$LOCALCLASSPATH"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:258: LOCALCLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --$format "$LCP_TEMP"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-259- if [ -n "$CLASSPATH" ] ; then bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:260: CP_TEMP=`cygpath --path --unix "$CLASSPATH"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:261: CLASSPATH=`cygpath --path --$format "$CP_TEMP"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-262- fi bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant:263: CYGHOME=`cygpath --$format "$HOME"` bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/ant-264-fi ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl-106-if ($oncygwin == 1) { bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl:107: $localpath = `cygpath --path --windows $localpath`; bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl-108- chomp ($localpath); ############################################## bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl-110- { bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl:111: $classpath = `cygpath --path --windows "$classpath"`; bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl-112- chomp ($classpath); bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl-113- } bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl:114: $HOME = `cygpath --path --windows $HOME`; bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl-115- chomp ($HOME); bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl:116: $CYGHOME = `cygpath --path --windows $ENV{HOME}`; bnd-5.0.1/org.bndtools.p2/eclipse-3.5.2/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145/bin/runant.pl-117- chomp ($CYGHOME);