                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
camlp4-4.11+1/build/camlp4-targets.sh-45-  for file in $dir/*.ml; do
camlp4-4.11+1/build/camlp4-targets.sh:46:    base=camlp4/$dir/`basename $file .ml`
camlp4-4.11+1/build/camlp4-targets.sh-47-    CAMLP4_BYTE="$CAMLP4_BYTE $base.cmo"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-55-  if [ -f "$1" ]; then
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh:56:    echo "  install binary $3 (with `basename $1`)"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-57-    cp -f "$1" "$3"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-59-    if [ -f "$2" ]; then
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh:60:      echo "  install binary $3 (with `basename $2`)"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-61-      cp -f "$2" "$3"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-71-  if [ -f "$1" ]; then
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh:72:    dest="$2/`basename $1`"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-73-    echo "  install library $dest"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-94-  for file in $args; do
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh:95:    echo "  install $last/`basename $file`"
camlp4-4.11+1/build/install.sh-96-    cp -f "$file" "$last"
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml-439-      let c = Loc.start_off _loc - Loc.start_bol _loc in
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml:440:      o#expr f <:expr< raise (Match_failure $`str:n$ $`int:l$ $`int:c$) >>;
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml-593-    | <:expr< ? $s$ : $e$ >> -> pp f "@[<2>?%s:@ %a@]" s o#dot_expr e
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml:594:    | <:expr< ` $lid:s$ >> -> pp f "`%a" o#var s
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml-595-    | <:expr< {< $b$ >} >> ->
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml-695-    | <:patt< ~ $s$ >> -> pp f "~%s" s
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml:696:    | <:patt< ` $uid:s$ >> -> pp f "`%a" o#var s
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml-697-    | <:patt< # $i$ >> -> pp f "@[<2>#%a@]" o#ident i
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml-750-    | <:ctyp< # $i$ >> -> pp f "@[<2>#%a@]" o#ident i
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml:751:    | <:ctyp< `$s$ >> -> pp f "`%a" o#var s
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.ml-752-    | <:ctyp< $t1$ * $t2$ >> -> pp f "%a *@ %a" o#simple_ctyp t1 o#simple_ctyp t2
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast-485-        <:patt< Loc.of_tuple
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast:486:                  ($`str:a$, $`int:b$, $`int:c$, $`int:d$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast:487:                  $`int:e$, $`int:f$, $`int:g$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast-488-                  $if h then <:patt< True >> else <:patt< False >> $) >>;
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast-491-        <:expr< Loc.of_tuple
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast:492:                  ($`str:a$, $`int:b$, $`int:c$, $`int:d$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast:493:                  $`int:e$, $`int:f$, $`int:g$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast-494-                  $if h then <:expr< True >> else <:expr< False >> $) >>;
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/Camlp4FoldGenerator.ml-349-        chain_tuple
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/Camlp4FoldGenerator.ml:350:          (fun [ [] -> <:patt< `$s$ >> | [p] -> <:patt< `$s$ $p$ >> | ps -> <:patt< `$s$ ($tup:Ast.paCom_of_list ps$) >> ])
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/Camlp4FoldGenerator.ml:351:          (fun [ [] -> <:expr< `$s$ >> | [e] -> <:expr< `$s$ $e$ >> | es -> <:expr< `$s$ ($tup:Ast.exCom_of_list es$) >> ])
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/Camlp4FoldGenerator.ml-352-          expr_of_ty ts
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml-163-            <:expr< Loc.of_tuple
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml:164:              ($`str:a$, $`int:b$, $`int:c$, $`int:d$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml:165:               $`int:e$, $`int:f$, $`int:g$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml-166-               $if h then <:expr< True >> else <:expr< False >> $) >>
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml-449-     <:expr< Loc.of_tuple
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml:450:       ($`str:a$, $`int:b$, $`int:c$, $`int:d$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml:451:        $`int:e$, $`int:f$, $`int:g$,
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4MacroParser.ml-452-        $if h then <:expr< True >> else <:expr< False >> $) >>
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents-25-aro arp arq arr ars art aru arv arw arx ary arz asa asb asc asd ase asf asg
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents:26:ash asi asj ask asl asm asn aso asp asq asr ass ast asu asv asw asx asy asz
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents-27-ata atb atc atd ate atf atg ath ati atj atk atl atm atn ato atp atq atr ats
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents1-32-aarx aary aarz aasa aasb aasc aasd aase aasf aasg aash aasi aasj aask aasl
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents1:33:aasm aasn aaso aasp aasq aasr aass aast aasu aasv aasw aasx aasy aasz aata
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents1-34-aatb aatc aatd aate aatf aatg aath aati aatj aatk aatl aatm aatn aato aatp
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents2-32-aarx aary aarz aasa aasb aasc aasd aase aasf aasg aash aasi aasj aask aasl
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents2:33:aasm aasn aaso aasp aasq aasr aass aast aasu aasv aasw aasx aasy aasz aata
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents2-34-aatb aatc aatd aate aatf aatg aath aati aatj aatk aatl aatm aatn aato aatp
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents2-1203-barm barn baro barp barq barr bars bart baru barv barw barx bary barz basa
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents2:1204:basb basc basd base basf basg bash basi basj bask basl basm basn baso basp
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/test/fixtures/idents2-1205-basq basr bass bast basu basv basw basx basy basz bata batb batc batd bate
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml-72-  <:expr<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml:73:    P.error $str:entry.ename$ $`str:s2$ $`str:s3$
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml-74-  >>
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml-270-          match patt with
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml:271:          [ <:patt< _ >> -> <:patt< ($`str:p_con$, $`str:p_prm$) >>
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml:272:          | _ -> <:patt< ($`str:p_con$, ($`str:p_prm$ as $patt$)) >> ]
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml-273-      in
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml-302-      in
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml:303:      <:expr< P.token ($`str:fst tok$, $`str:snd tok$) >>
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/compile/compile.ml-304-  | Stree tree ->
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/etc/Makefile-55-	  for file in $(OBJSX); do \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/etc/Makefile:56:	    cp "`echo $$file | sed -e 's/\.cmx$$/.$(O)/'`" "$(LIBDIR)/camlp4/."; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/etc/Makefile-57-	  done ; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/format/Makefile-41-	for file in $(SRC); do \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/format/Makefile:42:	  $(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $$file` pr_depend.cmo $$i | \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/format/Makefile-43-	  sed -e 's| \.\./\.\./\.\.| $$(OCAMLTOP)|g' >> .depend; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/format/Makefile:57:	$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/format/Makefile:60:	$(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lefteval/Makefile-41-	for file in $(SRC); do \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lefteval/Makefile:42:	  $(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $$file` pr_depend.cmo $$i | \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lefteval/Makefile-43-	  sed -e 's| \.\./\.\./\.\.| $$(OCAMLTOP)|g' >> .depend; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lefteval/Makefile:57:	$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lefteval/Makefile:60:	$(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lib/Makefile-46-	# Special treatment for this one: some versions of make don't like $(A) in $(TARGET:.cma=.$(A))
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lib/Makefile:47:	target="`echo $(LIBRARIES) | sed -e 's/\.cma$$/.$(A)/'`" ; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/lib/Makefile-48-	   if test -f $$target ; then \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/ocamllex/Makefile:57:	$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/ocamllex/Makefile:60:	$(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/olabl/Makefile-41-	for file in $(SRC); do \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/olabl/Makefile:42:	  $(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $$file` pr_depend.cmo $$i | \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/olabl/Makefile-43-	  sed -e 's| \.\./\.\./\.\.| $$(OCAMLTOP)|g' >> .depend; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/olabl/Makefile:57:	$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/olabl/Makefile:60:	$(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/scheme/Makefile-59-	for file in $(SRC); do \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/scheme/Makefile:60:	  $(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $$file` pr_depend.cmo $$i | \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/scheme/Makefile-61-	  sed -e 's| \.\./\.\./\.\.| $$(OCAMLTOP)|g' >> .depend; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/scheme/Makefile:81:	$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<` -loc loc" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/scheme/Makefile:84:	$(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES)  `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<` -loc loc" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/sml/Makefile-42-	for file in $(SRC); do \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/sml/Makefile:43:	  $(CAMLP4) $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $$file` pr_depend.cmo $$i | \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/sml/Makefile-44-	  sed -e 's| \.\./\.\./\.\.| $$(OCAMLTOP)|g' >> .depend; \
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/sml/Makefile:64:	$(OCAMLC) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4)  $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/camlp4/unmaintained/sml/Makefile:67:	$(OCAMLOPT) $(OCAMLCFLAGS) -pp "$(CAMLP4)  $(P4INCLUDES) `awk 'NR == 1 { ORS=" "; for (i=2; i < NF; i++) print $$i; } ' $<`" -c $<
camlp4-4.11+1/configure-38-ocaml_version=`ocamlc -version`
camlp4-4.11+1/configure:39:major=`echo $ocaml_version | cut -d. -f1`
camlp4-4.11+1/configure:40:minor=`echo $ocaml_version | cut -d. -f2`
camlp4-4.11+1/configure:43:camlp4_major=`echo $camlp4_version | cut -d. -f1`
camlp4-4.11+1/configure:44:camlp4_minor=`echo $camlp4_version | cut -d. -f2`
camlp4-4.11+1/configure:80:BINDIR="${BINDIR:-`dirname $OCAMLC`}"