                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
cc65-2.18/asminc/_file.inc-7-; Assembler include file that makes the constants and structures in _file.h
cc65-2.18/asminc/_file.inc:8:; available for asm code.
cc65-2.18/asminc/_heap.inc-7-; Assembler include file that makes the constants and structures in _heap.h
cc65-2.18/asminc/_heap.inc:8:; available for asm code.
cc65-2.18/asminc/_heap.inc-10-; Struct freeblock
cc65-2.18/asminc/_heap.inc:11:; NOTE: For performance reasons, the asm code often uses increment/decrement
cc65-2.18/asminc/_heap.inc-12-; operators to access other offsets, so just changing offsets here will
cc65-2.18/asminc/atari2600_riot.inc:3:; Source: DASM - vcs.h
cc65-2.18/asminc/atari2600_riot.inc-4-; Details available in: Stella Programmer's Guide by Steve Wright
cc65-2.18/asminc/atari2600_tia.inc:3:; Source: DASM - vcs.h
cc65-2.18/asminc/atari2600_tia.inc-4-; Details available in: Stella Programmer's Guide by Steve Wright
cc65-2.18/asminc/em-kernel.inc:61:; The asm equivalent to the C em_copy structure
cc65-2.18/asminc/em-kernel.inc:89:; ASM functions
cc65-2.18/asminc/mouse-kernel.inc:172:; Driver entry points (asm callable)
cc65-2.18/asminc/o65.inc-130-O65_OPT_OS              =       1
cc65-2.18/asminc/o65.inc:131:O65_OPT_ASM             =       2
cc65-2.18/asminc/o65.inc-132-O65_OPT_AUTHOR          =       3
cc65-2.18/asminc/signal.inc:48:; Table with signal handlers (asm code only)
cc65-2.18/asminc/signal.inc-49-.global         sigtable
cc65-2.18/asminc/tgi-kernel.inc:107:; ASM accessible color constants
cc65-2.18/asminc/tgi-kernel.inc:140:; ASM accessible variables
cc65-2.18/asminc/tgi-kernel.inc:171:; ASM functions
cc65-2.18/asminc/zeropage.inc-7-; Assembler include file that imports the runtime zero page locations used
cc65-2.18/asminc/zeropage.inc:8:; by the compiler, ready for usage in asm code.
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-646-        <tscreen><verb>
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml:647:        asm [optional volatile] (&lt;string literal&gt;[, optional parameters]) ;
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-648-        </verb></tscreen>
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-722-            (__AX__ = (x),      \
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml:723:             asm ("txa"),       \
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml:724:             asm ("ldx #$00"),  \
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-725-             __AX__)
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml:1215:<sect1><tt>#pragma regvaraddr ([push,] on|off)</tt><label id="pragma-regvaraddr"><p>
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-1232-  <tscreen><verb>
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml:1233:        #pragma regvaraddr(on)  /* Allow taking the address
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-1234-                                 * of register variables
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml:1404:        asm [optional volatile] (&lt;string literal&gt;[, optional parameters]) ;
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-1434-statements.  It will disable optimization for the functions in which those
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml:1435:<tt/asm volatile/ statements sit.  The effect is the same as though you put
cc65-2.18/doc/cc65.sgml-1436-<tt/#pragma optimize(push, off)/ above those functions, and <tt/#pragma
cc65-2.18/doc/grc65.sgml-48-  -o name               Name the C output file
cc65-2.18/doc/grc65.sgml:49:  -s name               Name the asm output file
cc65-2.18/doc/grc65.sgml-50-  -t sys                Set the target system
cc65-2.18/include/_riot.h-4-/*                                                                           */
cc65-2.18/include/_riot.h:5:/* Source: DASM - vcs.h                                                      */
cc65-2.18/include/_riot.h-6-/*                                                                           */
cc65-2.18/include/_tia.h-4-/*                                                                           */
cc65-2.18/include/_tia.h:5:/* Source: DASM - vcs.h                                                      */
cc65-2.18/include/_tia.h-6-/*                                                                           */
cc65-2.18/include/apple2_filetype.h-195-#define PRODOS_T_ATK    0xE2    /* AppleTalk data               */
cc65-2.18/include/apple2_filetype.h:196:#define PRODOS_T_R16    0xEE    /* EDASM 816 relocatable code   */
cc65-2.18/include/apple2_filetype.h-197-#define PRODOS_T_PAR    0xEF    /* Pascal area                  */
cc65-2.18/include/apple2_filetype.h-213-#define PRODOS_T_VAR    0xFD    /* Applesoft BASIC variables    */
cc65-2.18/include/apple2_filetype.h:214:#define PRODOS_T_REL    0xFE    /* EDASM relocatable code       */
cc65-2.18/include/apple2_filetype.h-215-#define PRODOS_T_SYS    0xFF    /* ProDOS-8 system file         */
cc65-2.18/include/atari2600.h-4-/*                                                                           */
cc65-2.18/include/atari2600.h:5:/* Source: DASM Version 1.05 - vcs.h                                         */
cc65-2.18/include/atari2600.h-6-/*                                                                           */
cc65-2.18/include/dbg.h:69:unsigned __fastcall__ DbgDisAsm (unsigned Addr, char* Buf, unsigned char Len);
cc65-2.18/include/dbg.h-70-/* Disassemble one instruction at address addr into the given buffer.
cc65-2.18/include/o65.h-161-#define O65_OPT_OS              1
cc65-2.18/include/o65.h:162:#define O65_OPT_ASM             2
cc65-2.18/include/o65.h-163-#define O65_OPT_AUTHOR          3
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_file.h:26:/* File table. Beware: FOPEN_MAX is hardcoded in the ASM files! */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_file.h-27-extern FILE _filetab[FOPEN_MAX];
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:107:    asm ("pha");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:108:    asm ("lsr a");              /* Divide by CHAR_BIT */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:109:    asm ("lsr a");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:110:    asm ("lsr a");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:111:    asm ("tax");                /* Byte's offset */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:112:    asm ("pla");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:113:    asm ("and #%b", CHAR_BIT-1);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:114:    asm ("tay");                /* Bit's offset */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:115:    asm ("lda %v,y", Bits);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-116-    return (unsigned) __AX__;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-125-    FindBit();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:126:    asm ("ora %v,x", CharSet);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:127:    asm ("sta %v,x", CharSet);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-137-    /* Get the character from C. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:138:    asm ("lda #$00");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:139:    asm ("ldx %v+1", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:140:    asm ("bne L1");                     /* EOF never is in the set */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:141:    asm ("lda %v", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-142-    FindBit();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:143:    asm ("and %v,x", CharSet);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:144:    asm ("L1:");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:145:    asm ("ldx #$00");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-146-    return (unsigned char) __AX__;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:156:    asm ("ldy #%b", sizeof (CharSet) - 1);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:157:    asm ("L1:");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:158:    asm ("lda %v,y", CharSet);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:159:    asm ("eor #$FF");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:160:    asm ("sta %v,y", CharSet);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:161:    asm ("dey");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:162:    asm ("bpl L1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-177-    /* Only the high-byte needs to be checked for EOF. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:178:    asm ("ldx %v+1", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:179:    asm ("bne %g", Done);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:180:    asm ("lda %v", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-182-    /* Put unget()'s first argument on the stack. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:183:    asm ("jsr pushax");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-186-    (const struct scanfdata*) __AX__ = D_;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:187:    asm ("sta ptr1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:188:    asm ("stx ptr1+1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-190-    /* Copy the unget vector to jmpvec. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:191:    asm ("ldy #%b", offsetof (struct scanfdata, unget));
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:192:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:193:    asm ("sta jmpvec+1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:194:    asm ("iny");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:195:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:196:    asm ("sta jmpvec+2");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-198-    /* Load D->data into __AX__. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:199:    asm ("ldy #%b", offsetof (struct scanfdata, data) + 1);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:200:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:201:    asm ("tax");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:202:    asm ("dey");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:203:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-205-    /* Call the unget routine. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:206:    asm ("jsr jmpvec");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-208-    /* Take back that character's count. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:209:    asm ("lda %v", CharCount);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:210:    asm ("bne %g", Yank);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:211:    asm ("dec %v+1", CharCount);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:213:    asm ("dec %v", CharCount);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-224-    /* Move D to ptr1 */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:225:    asm ("lda %v", D_);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:226:    asm ("ldx %v+1", D_);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:227:    asm ("sta ptr1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:228:    asm ("stx ptr1+1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-230-    /* Copy the get vector to jmpvec */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:231:    asm ("ldy #%b", offsetof (struct scanfdata, get));
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:232:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:233:    asm ("sta jmpvec+1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:234:    asm ("iny");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:235:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:236:    asm ("sta jmpvec+2");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-238-    /* Load D->data into __AX__ */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:239:    asm ("ldy #%b", offsetof (struct scanfdata, data) + 1);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:240:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:241:    asm ("tax");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:242:    asm ("dey");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:243:    asm ("lda (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-245-    /* Call the get routine */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:246:    asm ("jsr jmpvec");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-248-    /* Assign the result to C */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:249:    asm ("sta %v", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:250:    asm ("stx %v+1", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-254-    */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:255:    asm ("inx");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:256:    asm ("beq %g", Done);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-258-    /* Must bump CharCount. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:259:    asm ("inc %v", CharCount);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:260:    asm ("bne %g", Done);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:261:    asm ("inc %v+1", CharCount);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:274:    asm ("pha");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-275-    (char*) __AX__ = JumpBuf;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:276:    asm ("jsr pushax");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:277:    asm ("pla");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:278:    asm ("ldx #>$0000");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:279:    asm ("jmp %v", longjmp);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-289-    /* Only the high-byte needs to be checked for EOF. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:290:    asm ("ldx %v+1", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:291:    asm ("beq %g", Done);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-319-    */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:320:    asm ("lda %v", C);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:321:    asm ("cmp #'-'");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:322:    asm ("bne %g", NotNeg);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-324-    /* Negative value */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:325:    asm ("sta %v", Converted);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:326:    asm ("jsr %v", ReadChar);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:327:    asm ("lda #$00");           /* Flag as negative */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:328:    asm ("beq %g", Store);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:332:    asm ("cmp #'+'");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:333:    asm ("bne %g", Pos);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:334:    asm ("sta %v", Converted);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:335:    asm ("jsr %v", ReadChar);   /* Skip the + sign */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:337:    asm ("lda #$01");           /* Flag as positive */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:339:    asm ("sta %v", Positive);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-394-        /* Put the argument pointer into the zero-page. */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:395:        asm ("sta ptr1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:396:        asm ("stx ptr1+1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-398-        /* Get the number of bytes-1 to copy */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:399:        asm ("ldy %v", IntBytes);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-401-        /* Assign the integer value */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:402:Loop:   asm ("lda %v,y", IntVal);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:403:        asm ("sta (ptr1),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:404:        asm ("dey");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:405:        asm ("bpl %g", Loop);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-407-        /* Another assignment */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:408:        asm ("inc %v", Assignments);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:409:        asm ("bne %g", Done);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:410:        asm ("inc %v+1", Assignments);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-411-Done:   ;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-471-    (const char*) __AX__ = format;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:472:    asm ("sta regsave");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:473:    asm ("stx regsave+1");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-474-    ++format;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:475:    asm ("ldy #0");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:476:    asm ("lda (regsave),y");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c:477:    asm ("ldx #>$0000");
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_scanf.c-478-    return (F = (char) __AX__);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_seterrno.s-5-;             registers aren't changed. The function is C callable, but 
cc65-2.18/libsrc/common/_seterrno.s:6:;             currently only called from asm code.
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-283-/* Window names */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:284:#define WIN_ASM         0
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-285-#define WIN_REG         1
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:791:static unsigned UpdateAsm (void)
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-792-/* Update the assembler window starting at the given address */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-801-    for (y = AsmFrame.fd_y1+1; y < AsmFrame.fd_y2; ++y) {
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:802:        len = DbgDisAsm (m, buf, width);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-803-        if (m == brk_pc) {
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:878:static void InitAsm (void)
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:879:/* Initialize the asm window */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-881-    AsmHome ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:882:    UpdateAsm ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-895-        /* Update the window contents */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:896:        Last = UpdateAsm ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1420-    /* Init the window contents */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:1421:    UpdateAsm ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1422-    UpdateReg ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1440-            case 0:
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:1441:                UpdateAsm ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1442-                break;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:1484:        /* Draw the window, default active frame is ASM frame */
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1485-        RedrawStatic (WIN_ASM);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:1486:        InitAsm ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1487-        InitReg ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1571-                brk_pc += DbgDisAsmLen (brk_pc);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c:1572:                InitAsm ();
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbg.c-1573-                break;
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbgdasm.s:4:; unsigned DbgDisAsm (char* buf, unsigned addr);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/dbg/dbgdasm.s:5:; unsigned DbgDisAsm (unsigned addr);
cc65-2.18/libsrc/gamate/extzp.inc-6-; Assembler include file that imports the runtime zero page locations used
cc65-2.18/libsrc/gamate/extzp.inc:7:; by the Gamate runtime, ready for usage in asm code.
cc65-2.18/libsrc/lynx/extzp.inc-6-; Assembler include file that imports the runtime zero page locations used
cc65-2.18/libsrc/lynx/extzp.inc:7:; by the Lynx runtime, ready for usage in asm code.
cc65-2.18/libsrc/osic1p/bootstrap.s-23-; 1. edit this assembly source code,
cc65-2.18/libsrc/osic1p/bootstrap.s:24:; 2. define the constant ASM (uncomment the line below),
cc65-2.18/libsrc/osic1p/bootstrap.s-25-; 3. assemble this file (and, make a listing of that assembly),
cc65-2.18/libsrc/osic1p/bootstrap.s-28-;    (be sure to match the listing's lines against the .byte lines),
cc65-2.18/libsrc/osic1p/bootstrap.s:29:; 5. undefine ASM (recomment the line),
cc65-2.18/libsrc/osic1p/bootstrap.s-30-; 6. assemble this file, again,
cc65-2.18/libsrc/osic1p/bootstrap.s:33:;ASM = 1
cc65-2.18/libsrc/pce/extzp.inc-6-; Assembler include file that imports the runtime zero page locations used
cc65-2.18/libsrc/pce/extzp.inc:7:; by the PC-Engine runtime, ready for usage in asm code.
cc65-2.18/libsrc/tgi/tgi_imulround.s:33:; ASM callable entry point
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-70-    unsigned            Name;           /* String id of name */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c:71:    unsigned            AsmName;        /* String id of asm symbol name */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-72-    SymEntry*           Sym;            /* The assembler symbol */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-284-    } else if (CurrentScope->Label->HLLSym != 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c:285:        ErrorSkip ("Only one HLL symbol per asm symbol is allowed");
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-286-        return;
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-287-    } else if (CurrentScope->Label->Name != AsmName) {
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c:288:        ErrorSkip ("Scope label and asm name for function must match");
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-289-        return;
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-447-    /* When parsing the debug statements for HLL symbols, we have already
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c:448:    ** tagged the functions to their asm counterparts. This wasn't done for
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-449-    ** C symbols, since we will allow forward declarations. So we have to
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-458-        /* Ignore functions and auto symbols, because the later live on the
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c:459:        ** stack and don't have corresponding asm symbols.
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/dbginfo.c-460-        */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/objcode.c-130-    Emit0 (OPC);
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/objcode.c:131:    EmitFarAddr (Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/objcode.c:245:void EmitFarAddr (ExprNode* Expr)
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/objcode.c-246-/* Emit a 24 bit expression */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/objcode.h:83:void EmitFarAddr (ExprNode* Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/objcode.h-84-/* Emit a 24 bit expression */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/pseudo.c:359:static void DoAddr (void)
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/pseudo.c-360-/* Define addresses */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/pseudo.c:959:static void DoFarAddr (void)
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/pseudo.c-960-/* Define far addresses (24 bit) */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/pseudo.c-970-    while (1) {
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/pseudo.c:971:        EmitFarAddr (BoundedExpr (Expression, 3));
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/pseudo.c-972-        if (CurTok.Tok != TOK_COMMA) {
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c:1242:static void StudyFarAddr (ExprNode* Expr, ExprDesc* D)
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c-1243-/* Study an EXPR_FARADDR expression node */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c:1280:static void StudyNearAddr (ExprNode* Expr, ExprDesc* D)
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c-1281-/* Study an EXPR_NEARADDR expression node */
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c-1450-        case EXPR_FARADDR:
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c:1451:            StudyFarAddr (Expr, D);
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c-1452-            break;
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c-1458-        case EXPR_NEARADDR:
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c:1459:            StudyNearAddr (Expr, D);
cc65-2.18/src/ca65/studyexpr.c-1460-            break;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c-230-        /* External linkage or a function */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:231:        /* ### FIXME: Asm name should be generated by codegen */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c-232-        SB_AppendChar (T, '_');
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:340:static void ParseAsm (void)
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:341:/* Parse the contents of the ASM statement */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c-418-void AsmStatement (void)
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:419:/* This function parses ASM statements. The syntax of the ASM directive
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:420:** looks like the one defined for C++ (C has no ASM directive), that is,
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c-421-** a string literal in parenthesis.
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:424:    /* Skip the ASM */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c-425-    NextToken ();
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:454:        /* Parse the ASM statement */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c:455:        ParseAsm ();
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.c-456-    }
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.h-47-void AsmStatement (void);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.h:48:/* This function parses ASM statements. The syntax of the ASM directive
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.h:49:** looks like the one defined for C++ (C has no ASM directive), that is,
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/asmstmt.h-50-** a string literal in parenthesis.
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/assignment.c-98-        if (UseReg) {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/assignment.c:99:            PushAddr (Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/assignment.c-100-        } else {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/assignment.c-180-        /* Assignment to a bit field. Get the address on stack for the store. */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/assignment.c:181:        PushAddr (Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/assignment.c-249-        /* Get the address on stack if needed */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/assignment.c:250:        PushAddr (Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-218-            */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:219:            Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-220-        }
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-281-    if (OPC == 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:282:        Error ("ASM code error: %s is not a valid mnemonic", Mnemo);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-283-        return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-310-            if (*L == '\0') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:311:                Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-312-                return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-319-                if (toupper (*L) != 'X') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:320:                    Error ("ASM code error: 'X' expected");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-321-                    return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-324-                if (*L != ')') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:325:                    Error ("ASM code error: ')' expected");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-326-                    return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-329-                if (*L != '\0') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:330:                    Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-331-                    return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-339-                    if (toupper (*L) != 'Y') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:340:                        Error ("ASM code error: 'Y' expected");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-341-                        return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-344-                    if (*L != '\0') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:345:                        Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-346-                        return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-351-                } else {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:352:                    Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-353-                    return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-379-                    if ((OPC->Info & OF_CALL) && IsLocalLabelName (Arg)) {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:380:                        Error ("ASM code error: "
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-381-                               "Cannot use local label '%s' in subroutine call",
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-389-                if (*L == '\0') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:390:                    Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-391-                    return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-403-                    } else {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:404:                        Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-405-                        return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-407-                    if (*L != '\0') {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:408:                        Error ("ASM code error: syntax error");
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-409-                        return 0;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-536-            ReadToken (L, " \t", Token, sizeof (Token));
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:537:            Error ("ASM code error: Pseudo instruction '%s' not supported", Token);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-538-            break;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-784-        if (L->Owner) {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:785:            Error ("ASM label '%s' is already defined", Name);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-786-            return L;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-794-    if (CollIndex (&S->Labels, L) >= 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c:795:        Error ("ASM label '%s' is already defined", Name);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/codeseg.c-796-        return L;
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/compile.c:95:        /* Disallow ASM statements on global level */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/compile.c-96-        if (CurTok.Tok == TOK_ASM) {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c:246:void PushAddr (const ExprDesc* Expr)
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c-247-/* If the expression contains an address that was somehow evaluated,
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c-841-        case TOK_ASM:
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c:842:            /* ASM statement */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c-843-            AsmStatement ();
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c-1606-        /* Push the address if needed */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c:1607:        PushAddr (Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c-1662-        /* Push the address if needed */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c:1663:        PushAddr (Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c-3309-    /* Get the lhs address on stack (if needed) */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.c:3310:    PushAddr (Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.h:34:void PushAddr (const ExprDesc* Expr);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/expr.h-35-/* If the expression contains an address that was somehow evaluated,
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/litpool.c-62-struct Literal {
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/litpool.c:63:    unsigned    Label;                  /* Asm label for this literal */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/litpool.c-64-    int         RefCount;               /* Reference count */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/litpool.c-185-unsigned GetLiteralLabel (const Literal* L)
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/litpool.c:186:/* Return the asm label for a literal */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/litpool.h-80-unsigned GetLiteralLabel (const Literal* L);
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/litpool.h:81:/* Return the asm label for a literal */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.c:47:const char Func__bzero[]        = "_bzero";     /* Asm name of "_bzero" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.c:48:const char Func_memcpy[]        = "memcpy";     /* Asm name of "memcpy" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.c:49:const char Func_memset[]        = "memset";     /* Asm name of "memset" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.c:50:const char Func_strcmp[]        = "strcmp";     /* Asm name of "strcmp" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.c:51:const char Func_strcpy[]        = "strcpy";     /* Asm name of "strcpy" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.c:52:const char Func_strlen[]        = "strlen";     /* Asm name of "strlen" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.h:47:extern const char Func__bzero[];        /* Asm name of "_bzero" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.h:48:extern const char Func_memcpy[];        /* Asm name of "memcpy" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.h:49:extern const char Func_memset[];        /* Asm name of "memset" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.h:50:extern const char Func_strcmp[];        /* Asm name of "strcmp" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.h:51:extern const char Func_strcpy[];        /* Asm name of "strcpy" */
cc65-2.18/src/cc65/stdnames.h:52:extern const char Func_strlen[];        /* Asm name of "strlen" */
cc65-2.18/src/cl65/main.c-842-                          const char* Arg attribute ((unused)))
cc65-2.18/src/cl65/main.c:843:/* Strict source code as comments to the generated asm code */
cc65-2.18/src/cl65/main.c-1099-static void OptListBytes (const char* Opt attribute ((unused)), const char* Arg)
cc65-2.18/src/cl65/main.c:1100:/* Set the maximum number of bytes per asm listing line */
cc65-2.18/src/cl65/main.c:1277:static void OptStartAddr (const char* Opt attribute ((unused)), const char* Arg)
cc65-2.18/src/cl65/main.c-1278-/* Set the default start address */
cc65-2.18/src/co65/o65.h-198-#define O65_OPT_OS              1
cc65-2.18/src/co65/o65.h:199:#define O65_OPT_ASM             2
cc65-2.18/src/co65/o65.h-200-#define O65_OPT_AUTHOR          3
cc65-2.18/src/common/alignment.c:172:unsigned long AlignAddr (unsigned long Addr, unsigned long Alignment)
cc65-2.18/src/common/alignment.c-173-/* Align an address to the given alignment */
cc65-2.18/src/common/alignment.c:183:    return AlignAddr (Addr, Alignment) - Addr;
cc65-2.18/src/common/alignment.h:75:unsigned long AlignAddr (unsigned long Addr, unsigned long Alignment);
cc65-2.18/src/common/alignment.h-76-/* Align an address to the given alignment */
cc65-2.18/src/common/exprdefs.h-99-#define EXPR_WORD1              (EXPR_UNARYNODE | 0x0D)
cc65-2.18/src/common/exprdefs.h:100:#define EXPR_FARADDR            (EXPR_UNARYNODE | 0x0E)
cc65-2.18/src/common/exprdefs.h-101-#define EXPR_DWORD              (EXPR_UNARYNODE | 0x0F)
cc65-2.18/src/common/exprdefs.h:102:#define EXPR_NEARADDR           (EXPR_UNARYNODE | 0x10)
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-53-    {   "A",    FILETYPE_LIB    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c:54:    {   "A65",  FILETYPE_ASM    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c:55:    {   "ASM",  FILETYPE_ASM    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-56-    {   "C",    FILETYPE_C      },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-64-    {   "OBJ",  FILETYPE_OBJ    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c:65:    {   "S",    FILETYPE_ASM    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-66-    {   "SER",  FILETYPE_O65    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-69-    {   "a",    FILETYPE_LIB    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c:70:    {   "a65",  FILETYPE_ASM    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c:71:    {   "asm",  FILETYPE_ASM    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-72-    {   "c",    FILETYPE_C      },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-80-    {   "obj",  FILETYPE_OBJ    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c:81:    {   "s",    FILETYPE_ASM    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/filetype.c-82-    {   "ser",  FILETYPE_O65    },
cc65-2.18/src/common/hlldbgsym.h-71-/* Other information */
cc65-2.18/src/common/hlldbgsym.h:72:#define HLL_DATA_SYM    0x0080U                 /* Attached asm symbol */
cc65-2.18/src/common/hlldbgsym.h-73-#define HLL_HAS_SYM(x)  (((x) & HLL_DATA_SYM) != 0)
cc65-2.18/src/common/lidefs.h-47-/* Types of line infos. */
cc65-2.18/src/common/lidefs.h:48:#define LI_TYPE_ASM             0U      /* Normal assembler source */
cc65-2.18/src/common/lidefs.h-49-#define LI_TYPE_EXT             1U      /* Externally supplied line info */
cc65-2.18/src/da65/asminc.c-97-    if (F == 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/da65/asminc.c:98:        Error ("Cannot open asm include file \"%s\": %s",
cc65-2.18/src/da65/asminc.c-99-               Filename, strerror (errno));
cc65-2.18/src/da65/attrtab.c-138-    while (Start <= End) {
cc65-2.18/src/da65/attrtab.c:139:        MarkAddr (Start++, Attr);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/attrtab.c-140-    }
cc65-2.18/src/da65/attrtab.c:145:void MarkAddr (unsigned Addr, attr_t Attr)
cc65-2.18/src/da65/attrtab.c-146-/* Mark an address with an attribute */
cc65-2.18/src/da65/attrtab.h:109:void MarkAddr (unsigned Addr, attr_t Attr);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/attrtab.h-110-/* Mark an address with an attribute */
cc65-2.18/src/da65/labels.c-106-    /* Remember the attribute */
cc65-2.18/src/da65/labels.c:107:    MarkAddr (Addr, Attr);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c:309:static void OptStartAddr (const char* Opt, const char* Arg)
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-310-/* Set the default start address */
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-403-            Style = atIllegal;
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c:404:            MarkAddr (PC, Style);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-405-        } else if (D->Flags & flIllegal) {
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-406-            Style = atIllegal;
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c:407:            MarkAddr (PC, Style);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-408-        } else {
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-411-                    Style = atIllegal;
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c:412:                    MarkAddr (PC, Style);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-413-                    break;
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-418-                    Style = atIllegal;
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c:419:                    MarkAddr (PC, Style);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-420-                    break;
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-600-                case 'S':
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c:601:                    OptStartAddr (Arg, GetArg (&I, 2));
cc65-2.18/src/da65/main.c-602-                    break;
cc65-2.18/src/da65/segment.c-97-    /* Mark start and end of the segment */
cc65-2.18/src/da65/segment.c:98:    MarkAddr (Start, atSegmentStart);
cc65-2.18/src/da65/segment.c:99:    MarkAddr (End, atSegmentEnd);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-256-    union {
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:257:        unsigned        Id;             /* Id of attached asm symbol */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:258:        SymInfo*        Info;           /* Pointer to attached asm symbol */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-259-    } Sym;
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:1750:static int CompareSpanInfoByAddr (const void* L, const void* R)
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-1751-/* Helper function to sort span infos in a collection by address. Span infos
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:4706:static SpanInfoListEntry* FindSpanInfoByAddr (const SpanInfoList* L, cc65_addr Addr)
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-4707-/* Find the index of a SpanInfo for a given address. Returns 0 if no such
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-4942-    /* Walk over all c symbols. Resolve the ids and add the c symbols to the
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:4943:    ** corresponding asm symbols.
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-4944-    */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:4950:        /* Resolve the asm symbol */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-4951-        if (S->Sym.Id == CC65_INV_ID) {
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-4968-                                CC65_ERROR,
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:4969:                                "Asm symbol id %u has more than one C symbol attached",
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-4970-                                S->Sym.Info->Id);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:6488:const cc65_spaninfo* cc65_span_byaddr (cc65_dbginfo Handle, unsigned long Addr)
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-6489-/* Return span information for the given address. The function returns NULL
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c-6503-    /* Search for spans that cover this address */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.c:6504:    E = FindSpanInfoByAddr (&Info->SpanInfoByAddr, Addr);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.h-138-    unsigned            type_id;        /* Id of the data type */ 
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.h:139:    unsigned            symbol_id;      /* Attached asm symbol if any */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.h-140-    unsigned            scope_id;       /* Scope of c symbol */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.h:368:const cc65_spaninfo* cc65_span_byaddr (cc65_dbginfo handle,
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbginfo.h-369-                                       unsigned long addr);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c:510:static void PrintAddr (cc65_addr Addr, unsigned FieldWidth)
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c-511-/* Output an address */
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c-739-        Print ("%-16s", D->segment_name);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c:740:        PrintAddr (D->segment_start, 9);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c-741-        PrintSize (D->segment_size, 7);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c-796-        PrintId (D->span_id, 7);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c:797:        PrintAddr (D->span_start, 8);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c:798:        PrintAddr (D->span_end, 9);
cc65-2.18/src/dbginfo/dbgsh.c-799-        PrintId (D->segment_id, 7);
cc65-2.18/src/grc65/main.c-119-        "  -o name\t\tName the C output file\n"
cc65-2.18/src/grc65/main.c:120:        "  -s name\t\tName the asm output file\n"
cc65-2.18/src/grc65/main.c-121-        "  -t sys\t\tSet the target system\n"
cc65-2.18/src/grc65/main.c-815-            "extern void _OVERLAYSIZE__[];\n\n"
cc65-2.18/src/grc65/main.c:816:            "#define OVERLAY_ADDR (char*)   _OVERLAYADDR__\n"
cc65-2.18/src/grc65/main.c-817-            "#define OVERLAY_SIZE (unsigned)_OVERLAYSIZE__\n\n");
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/bin.c-182-                /* Align the address */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/bin.c:183:                unsigned long NewAddr = AlignAddr (Addr, S->RunAlignment);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/bin.c-184-                if (DoWrite || (M->Flags & MF_FILL) != 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/bin.c-211-                /* Align the address */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/bin.c:212:                unsigned long NewAddr = AlignAddr (Addr, S->LoadAlignment);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/bin.c-213-                if (DoWrite || (M->Flags & MF_FILL) != 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/config.c-1996-                    /* Align the address */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/config.c:1997:                    unsigned long NewAddr = AlignAddr (Addr, S->RunAlignment);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/config.c-2069-                    /* Align the address */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/config.c:2070:                    Addr = AlignAddr (Addr, S->LoadAlignment);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/config.c-2071-                }
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/dbgsyms.c-253-    } else {
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/dbgsyms.c:254:        /* Auto variables aren't attached to asm symbols */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/dbgsyms.c-255-        S->Sym = 0;
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/dbgsyms.c:485:            /* For non auto symbols output the debug symbol id of the asm sym */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/dbgsyms.c-486-            if (HLL_HAS_SYM (S->Flags)) {
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.c-178-const LineInfo* GetAsmLineInfo (const Collection* LineInfos)
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.c:179:/* Find a line info of type LI_TYPE_ASM and count zero in the given collection
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.c-180-** and return it. Return NULL if no such line info was found.
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.c:185:    /* Search for a line info of LI_TYPE_ASM */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.c-186-    for (I = 0; I < CollCount (LineInfos); ++I) {
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.c:271:            /* Print type if not LI_TYPE_ASM and count if not zero */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.c-272-            if (Type != LI_TYPE_ASM) {
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.h-108-const LineInfo* GetAsmLineInfo (const Collection* LineInfos);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.h:109:/* Find a line info of type LI_TYPE_ASM and count zero in the given collection
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/lineinfo.h-110-** and return it. Return NULL if no such line info was found.
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/main.c:483:static void OptStartAddr (const char* Opt, const char* Arg)
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/main.c-484-/* Set the default start address */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/main.c-716-                case 'S':
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/main.c:717:                    OptStartAddr (Arg, GetArg (&I, 2));
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/main.c-718-                    break;
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/o65.h-59-#define O65OPT_OS               1
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/o65.h:60:#define O65OPT_ASM              2
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/o65.h-61-#define O65OPT_AUTHOR           3
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/objfile.c:197:    /* Read the asm debug symbols */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/objfile.c-198-    DbgSymCount = ReadVar (F);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/xex.c-276-                /* Align the address */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/xex.c:277:                unsigned long NewAddr = AlignAddr (Addr, S->RunAlignment);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/xex.c-278-                if (DoWrite || (M->Flags & MF_FILL) != 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/xex.c-308-                /* Align the address */
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/xex.c:309:                unsigned long NewAddr = AlignAddr (Addr, S->LoadAlignment);
cc65-2.18/src/ld65/xex.c-310-                if (DoWrite || (M->Flags & MF_FILL) != 0) {
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c-83-    /* Upper case stuff for obsolete operating systems */
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:84:    {   "A",    ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:85:    {   "ASM",  ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c-86-    {   "BIN",  ofBin           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c-87-    {   "C",    ofC             },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:88:    {   "INC",  ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:89:    {   "S",    ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:91:    {   "a",    ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:92:    {   "asm",  ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c-93-    {   "bin",  ofBin           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c-94-    {   "c",    ofC             },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:95:    {   "inc",  ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/src/sp65/output.c:96:    {   "s",    ofAsm           },
cc65-2.18/test/Makefile:24:	@$(MAKE) -C asm all
cc65-2.18/test/Makefile:25:	@$(MAKE) -C dasm all
cc65-2.18/test/Makefile-26-	@$(MAKE) -C val all
cc65-2.18/test/Makefile:32:	@$(MAKE) -C asm clean
cc65-2.18/test/Makefile:33:	@$(MAKE) -C dasm clean
cc65-2.18/test/Makefile-34-	@$(MAKE) -C val clean
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c-10-    __AX__ = Val;
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:11:    asm ("stx tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:12:    asm ("asl a");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:13:    asm ("rol tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:14:    asm ("ldx tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c-15-    return __AX__;
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c-23-    __AX__ = Val;
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:24:    asm ("stx tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:25:    asm ("lsr tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:26:    asm ("ror a");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:27:    asm ("ldx tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c-28-    return __AX__;
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c-36-    __AX__ = Val;
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:37:    asm ("stx tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:38:    asm ("cpx #$80");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:39:    asm ("ror tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:40:    asm ("ror a");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c:41:    asm ("ldx tmp1");
cc65-2.18/testcode/lib/shift-test.c-42-    return __AX__;
cc65-2.18/util/ca65html-179-    my $OUT = shift (@_);
cc65-2.18/util/ca65html:180:    my $Asm = shift (@_);
cc65-2.18/util/ca65html-181-    print $OUT "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd\">\n";