                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-356-   This is a subsection which contains a command to override with a
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst:357:   customized path. This functionality would be used if root's ``$PATH``
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-358-   does not include a particular required command, or if there is a need
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-359-   to use a version of a command that is different than the one listed
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst:360:   on the ``$PATH``. Most users will only use this section when directed
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-361-   to, in order to fix a problem.
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-406-      limitations of Cedar Backup's command-line parser. You cannot use
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst:407:      a subshell (via the :literal:`\`command\`` or ``$(command)``
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-408-      syntaxes) or any shell variable in your command line.
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-445-      limitations of Cedar Backup's command-line parser. You cannot use
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst:446:      a subshell (via the :literal:`\`command\`` or ``$(command)``
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/config.rst-447-      syntaxes) or any shell variable in your command line.
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extensions.rst-124-it to S3. To do that, provide a complete command line using the
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extensions.rst:125:``${input}`` and ``${output}`` variables to represent the original input
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extensions.rst-126-file and the encrypted output file. This command will be executed as the
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extensions.rst-217-   uploaded to Amazon S3. You must provide the entire command used to
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extensions.rst:218:   encrypt a file, including the ``${input}`` and ``${output}``
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extensions.rst-219-   variables. An example GPG command is shown above, but you can use any
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extenspec.rst-73-8. Extensions must be written to assume an empty locale set (no
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extenspec.rst:74:   ``$LC_*`` settings) and ``$LANG=C``. For the typical open-source
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/docs/manual/extenspec.rst-75-   software project, this would imply writing output-parsing code
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/extend/amazons3.py-56-You can optionally configure Cedar Backup to encrypt data before sending it
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/extend/amazons3.py:57:to S3.  To do that, provide a complete command line using the ``${input``} and
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/extend/amazons3.py:58:``${output``} variables to represent the original input file and the encrypted
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/extend/amazons3.py-59-output file.  This command will be executed as the backup user.
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py-845-   behavior was to assume that the simple name (``"svnlook"`` or whatever) was
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py:846:   available on the caller's ``$PATH``, and to fail otherwise.   However, this
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py-847-   turns out to be less than ideal, since for instance the root user might not
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py-854-   represent a security flaw (for instance, I prefer not to mess with root's
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py:855:   ``$PATH`` on the application level if I don't have to).
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py-1498-   non-safe variables or other constructs (imagine that the argument is
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py:1499:   ``$WHATEVER``, but ``$WHATEVER`` contains something like C{"; rm -fR ~/;
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py-1500-   echo"} in the current environment).
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py:1946:   Currently, all it does is reset the locale (removing ``$LC_*``) and set the
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py:1947:   default language (``$LANG``) to ``DEFAULT_LANGUAGE``.  This way, we can count
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py-1948-   on consistent localization regardless of what the end-user has configured.
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py:1951:   The ``os.environ`` dictionary is modifed in-place.  If ``$LANG`` is already
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/src/CedarBackup3/util.py-1952-   set to the proper value, it is not re-set, so we can avoid the memory leaks
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-27-YEAR=`date +"%Y"`
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:28:SHAFILE=`echo "${DATA}" | sed 's/^\///' | sed 's/\//-/g' | sed 's/$/.sha/'`
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:29:TARFILE=`echo "${DATA}" | sed 's/^\///' | sed 's/\//-/g' | sed 's/$/.tar.gz/'`
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:158:if [ `ls -l ${LOG} | awk '{print $1}'` != "-rw-r-----" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-159-   echo "Error: logfile does not have permissions -rw-r-----"
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:163:if [ `ls -l ${LOG} | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "root:adm" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-164-   echo "Error: logfile does not have ownership root:adm" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:192:if [ `ls -l ${WORKING}/${SHAFILE} | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-193-   echo "Error: SHA file does not have ownership backup:backup" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:207:if [ `ls -l ${COLLECT}/cback.collect | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-208-   echo "Error: cback.collect does not have ownership backup:backup" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:222:if [ `ls -l ${COLLECT}/${TARFILE} | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-223-   echo "Error: tar file not have ownership backup:backup" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:268:if [ `ls -ld ${STAGING}/${TODAY} | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-269-   echo "Error: today's staging directory does not have ownership backup:backup" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:283:if [ `ls -l ${STAGING}/${TODAY}/cback.stage | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-284-   echo "Error: cback.stage does not have ownership backup:backup" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:298:if [ `ls -ld ${STAGING}/${TODAY}/localhost | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-299-   echo "Error: localhost directory does not have ownership backup:backup" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:313:if [ `ls -l ${STAGING}/${TODAY}/localhost/cback.collect | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-314-   echo "Error: cback.collect does not have ownership backup:backup" 
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup:328:if [ `ls -l ${STAGING}/${TODAY}/localhost/${TARFILE} | awk '{print $3":"$4}'` != "backup:backup" ]; then
cedar-backup3-3.4.0/debian/tests/simplebackup-329-   echo "Error: tar file does not have ownership backup:backup"