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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl:3475:        $SQL = qq{SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name = '$setting'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl-3476-        my $info2 = run_command($SQL);
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl-5836-    if ($USERWHERECLAUSE) {
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl:5837:        $SQL =~ s/ WHERE/, pg_roles r WHERE r.oid=c.relowner$USERWHERECLAUSE AND/;
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl-5838-    }
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl:7070:    $SQL = qq{UPDATE $table SET $col = 'X' WHERE $pk = '$id'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl-7071-    (my $update1 = $SQL) =~ s/X/$val1/;
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl-7072-    (my $update2 = $SQL) =~ s/X/$val2/;
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl:7073:    my $select = qq{SELECT $col AS c FROM $table WHERE $pk = '$id'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl-8099-    if ($dbver->{major} < 9.5) {
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl:8100:        $SQL =~ s{(\w+)::regnamespace}{(SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace WHERE oid=$1)}g;
check-postgres-2.25.0/check_postgres.pl-8101-    }
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/02_backends.t-31-$SQL = 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_activity';
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/02_backends.t:32:$SQL .= q{ WHERE backend_type = 'client backend'} if $pg10;
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/02_backends.t-33-$count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-60-        my $datadir = "$dbdir$dirnum";
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:61:        system("rm -fr $datadir");
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-282-            my $newuser = $self->{testuser};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:283:            $SQL = qq{SELECT * FROM pg_user WHERE usename = '$newuser'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-284-            $res = qx{psql -Ax -qt -d template1 -q -h "$host" -c "$SQL"};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-287-                system $COM;
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:288:                $SQL = qq{UPDATE pg_shadow SET usesuper='t' WHERE usename = '$newuser'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-289-                $COM = qq{psql -d postgres -q -h "$host" -c "$SQL"};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-293-            $newuser = $self->{testuser2};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:294:            $SQL = qq{SELECT * FROM pg_user WHERE usename = '$newuser'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-295-            $res = qx{psql -Ax -qt -d template1 -q -h "$host" -c "$SQL"};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-298-                system $COM;
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:299:                $SQL = qq{UPDATE pg_shadow SET usesuper='t' WHERE usename = '$newuser'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-300-                $COM = qq{psql -d postgres -q -h "$host" -c "$SQL"};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-304-            for my $lang (qw/plpgsql plperlu/) {
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:305:                $SQL = qq{SELECT * FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = '$lang'};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-306-                $res = qx{psql -Ax -qt -d postgres -q -h "$host" -c "$SQL"};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-687-    if (! exists $self->{keep_old_schema}) {
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:688:        $SQL = 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = ' . $dbh->quote($name);
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-689-        my $count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-716-        ? q{SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace) }.
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:717:        qq{WHERE relkind = 'r' AND nspname = $safeschema AND relname = $safetable}
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:718:        : qq{SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='r' AND relname = $safetable};
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-719-    my $count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:737:    $SQL = q{SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='v' AND relname = } . $dbh->quote($name);
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-738-    my $count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:755:    $SQL = q{SELECT count(*) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'S' AND relname = } . $dbh->quote($name);
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-756-    my $count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm:772:    $SQL = q{SELECT count(*) FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = }. $dbh->quote($name);
check-postgres-2.25.0/t/CP_Testing.pm-773-    my $count = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($SQL)->[0][0];
check-postgres-2.25.0/debian/rules-14-	cd $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin && ./check_postgres --symlinks
check-postgres-2.25.0/debian/rules:15:	set -e; for f in $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/check_postgres_*; do ln -s check_postgres.1p.gz $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man1/`basename $$f`.1p.gz; done