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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/orbit-claws/README-7-In case you still haven't figured it out, this effort is more an indication of
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/orbit-claws/README:8:my enthusiasm to contribute something to a program which i like rather than a
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/orbit-claws/README-9-measure of talent. :)
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/Gnomaws-0.6a/properties.xpm-150-"  _ S s c O j T U . o V c d y j v W j j X Y Z . U T j O c s S _ ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/Gnomaws-0.6a/properties.xpm:151:"  T ` a  ...+.M @.. b #.$.%.&.c *.&.T l k P =.. @.M +... .a ` T ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/Gnomaws-0.6a/properties.xpm-152-"                  . c g -.;.*.p ` >.,.'.=.).'..                 ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/Phoenity/mail_receive_all.xpm-258-"T $ $ $ U V W X $ $ $ $ Y $ $ $ U V W X $ $ $ $ "
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/Phoenity/mail_receive_all.xpm:259:"Z $ [ \ ] ^ @ _ ` a $ b c $ [ \ ] ^ @ _ ` a $   "
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/Phoenity/mail_receive_all.xpm-260-"d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r g h i j k l $     "
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/tom_2.1.1/mail_reply_to_author.xpm-402-"      D.E.F.G.H.I.J.K.L.M.M.N.O.P.Q.@.#.5 &.6 #.. - R.A ^ % S..         ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/tom_2.1.1/mail_reply_to_author.xpm:403:"    T.U.V.W.X.Y.Z.`. +L..+++@+#+m.$+7.B %+] 3 ` &+*+^.k ^ P.. .         ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/tom_2.1.1/mail_reply_to_author.xpm-404-"    =+-+;+>+,+.+'+)+!+!+~+{+]+^+/+; (+7.; +._+:+$+O k.C % <+.           ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/mongrel/linewrap.xpm-152-"                          ! < 4 4 4 V 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 W W `  ...+...+...+.#.`                       ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/mongrel/linewrap.xpm:153:"                          ! < 4 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < ` $.%.&.%.&.%.&.*.`                       ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/mongrel/linewrap.xpm:154:"                          ) < 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Z 4 9 W W W W ` $.%.&.%.&.%.&.`                       ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/mongrel/linewrap.xpm:155:"                          ' : 4 < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < W W ` $.=.` ` ` ` `                       ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/mongrel/linewrap.xpm:156:"                          , _ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 W W W W W W Y ` $.`                               ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/mongrel/linewrap.xpm-157-"                          { -.< ;.0 >.,.'.'.'.,.,.,.M Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ).` `                               ",
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/debian/create-docs-4-test ! -f $1 && echo "Error: missing input file argument" && exit 1;
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/debian/create-docs:5:for doc in `cat $1 `;
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/debian/create-docs-6-do if [ -f $doc ];
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/debian/create-docs:7:   then sub=`echo $doc | grep / | wc -l`;
claws-mail-themes-20140629+dfsg2/debian/create-docs-8-        if [ $sub -eq 1 ];