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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_fancy-type.scss-46-// Arguments:
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_fancy-type.scss:47:// * `$font-size` - The desired font size in pixels. This will be converted to ems for you. Defaults to 10px.
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_fancy-type.scss:48:// * `$base-font-size` - The base font size in pixels. Defaults to 12px
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_fancy-type.scss:49:// * `$old-line-height` - The old line height. Defaults to 1.5 times the base-font-size
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_grid.scss:111:// Return the width in pixels of `$n` columns.
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_grid.scss-112-@function span($n) {
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_liquid.scss:88:// Return the width of `$n` columns in percents.
compass-blueprint-plugin-1.0.0/framework/blueprint/stylesheets/blueprint/_liquid.scss-89-@function span-fluid($n) {