                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js-28-if (args.major) {
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js:29:  version = `${version.major + 1}.0.0`;
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js-31-else if (args.minor) {
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js:32:  version = `${version.major}.${version.minor + 1}.0`;
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js-34-else if (args.patch) {
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js:35:  version = `${version.major}.${version.minor}.${version.patch + 1}`;
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js-37-else {
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js:38:  version = `${version.major}.${version.minor}.${version.patch}`;
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js:55:exec(`git commit -am "Release v${version}"`);
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.bump.js:56:exec(`git tag v${version}`);
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.gembuild.js-7-  'gem build singularitygs.gemspec',
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.gembuild.js:8:  `gem push singularitygs-${version}.gem`,
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/.gembuild.js:9:  `rm singularitygs-${version}.gem`
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md-41-* **Change** Moved Background Grid settings to global settings.
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md:42:  * `$background-grid-color` is now `'background grid color'` (defaults to `'chocolate'`)
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md:43:  * `$show-grid-background` is now `'debug'` (defaults to `false`)
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md-44-* **New** If setting `'debug'` is set to `true`, full settings map passed to output function will be output to the `-sgs-span-settings` property. Inspired by [Susy Issue 293](https://github.com/ericam/susy/issues/293)
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md-70-* **New** Items added in `add-*` no longer need to be in order! They'll be sorted for you!
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md:71:* **New** **Change** `grid-span` now takes an optional parameter `$gutter-style` (after `$output-style`, before `$options`) to allow you to specify gutter style/
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md-72-* **New** `grid-span` options now can include a `from` key (left, right, or opposite) to specify the direction that should be used. If specifying a `from` direction, the `[dir="rtl"]` will not be printed. If your global direction is `rtl` or `both`, the selector will still be printed.
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md:73:* **New** `isolation-span` and `float-span` both now have `$gutter-style` and `$from` parameters to pass them (respectively) to `grid-span`
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md-74-* **New** **Change** When writing both `ltr` and `rtl` styles at the same time, styles whose properties are identical between `ltr` and `rtl` will not print out in the `rtl` style.
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md-76-* **Change** **DEPRECATION** Removed `grid-toggle` as the JavaScript needed was annoying to maintain and explain how it worked.
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md:77:* **New** **DEPRECATION** Global variables for settings have been deprecated due to global namespacing issues that had to be changed. Instead, use `@include sgs-change($setting, $value)` to change a setting. Any setting that previously had dashes in their variable name (`$include-border-box` for instance) becomes a string of the variable name with spaces instead of dashes. Use `@include sgs-reset($setting)` to reset a setting.
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md:78:* **DEPRECATION** `add-*` functions changed to `add-*` mixins to resolve global namespacing issues that had to be changed. Example: update `$grids: 12` to `@include add-grid(12)` and `$gutters: add-gutter(.5 at 500px)` to `@include add-gutter(.5 at 500px)`
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/CHANGELOG.md-79-* **DEPRECATION** push/pull/isolation mixins have been deprecated as they were always undocumented and untested and there doesn't appear to be many users using them as it was really only useful for `float`. Most users have migrated to `isolation` if push/pull/isolation was needed
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/_api.scss-91-  @else {
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/_api.scss:92:    @warn "There doesn't appear to be an output style named `#{$output-style}`. Please ensure that the function `output-#{$output-style}` and that the output style `#{$output-style}` are both available before trying to use them.";
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/_api.scss-93-  }
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_background-grid.scss-242-    @else {
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_background-grid.scss:243:      @warn 'Cannot generate a Background Grid for grid `#{$Grid}` with gutters `#{$Gutter}` and gutter style `#{$Style}`';
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_background-grid.scss-244-    }
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_find.scss-36-  @if type-of($haystack) != 'map' {
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_find.scss:37:    @warn "DEPRECATION: In order to remove global variable naming conflicts, Singularity's settings have been moved into the single `$singularity` variable. Please refer to our documentation (https://github.com/Team-Sass/Singularity/wiki) on how to update your settings. In the next version of Singularity, this warning will be removed. #{nth($haystack, 1)} has been returned.";
compass-singularitygs-plugin-1.8.0/stylesheets/singularitygs/helpers/_find.scss-38-    @return nth($haystack, 1);