                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/config.h-24-#define CFG_ALLOWRESCAN            (1L<<18)
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/config.h:25:#define CFG_FORWARDPASSTHRU        (1L<<19)
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/config.h-26-#define CFG_BOUNCEHEADERONLY       (1L<<21)
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/misc.c:627:void MakeRFCAddr(char *dest,char *nam,struct Node4D *node,char *dom)
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/misc.c-687-	{
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/misc.c:688:		MakeRFCAddr(fromaddr,mm->From,&mm->OrigNode,domain);
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/misc.c:689:		MakeRFCAddr(toaddr,mm->To,&mm->DestNode,domain);
crashmail-1.7/src/crashmail/misc.c-690-	}
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:204:    # Output `$func` trace to temporary file.
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-205-    {
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:206:        # redirect tracing output of `$func` into file.
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-207-        {
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:221:    # Any number of things are possible in `$func`.
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-222-    # Drop into an subshell to contain operations that may throw
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:223:    # off `$func`; such as `cd`.
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-224-    # Momentarily turn off auto-fail to give us access to the exit status
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:225:    # in `$?` for capturing.
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-226-    set +e
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:240:    # Check if `$func` was successful, otherwise emit fail signal
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-241-    if [ "$roundup_result" != 0 ]; then
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:242:        # `$func` failed
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-243-        printf "f $func\n"; continue
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-328-            # Momentarily turn off auto-fail to give us access to the tests
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:329:            # exit status in `$?` for capturing.
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-330-            set +e
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-342-                # Momentarily turn off auto-fail to give us access to the tests
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:343:                # exit status in `$?` for capturing.
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-344-                set +e
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-376-                # -e` mode.  Returning with `set -e` before we capture the exit
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup:377:                # status will result in `$?` being set with `set`'s status
crashmail-1.7/tests/roundup-378-                # instead.