                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/tiles_creation.txt-462-our Mantis tracker (http://crawl.develz.org/mantis/bug_report_page.php), or
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/tiles_creation.txt:463:contact one of our tiles developers (these currently include ontoclasm and
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/species_creation.md-18-| short_name | `string` | No | Two letter species code. Must be unique (excepting special cases like Draconian sub-species). Defaults to the first two letters of the name. |
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/species_creation.md:19:| adjective | `string` | No | Species adjective, like 'Dwarven' or 'Feline'. Defaults to `$name`. |
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/species_creation.md:20:| genus | `string` | No | Species genus, like 'Dwarf' or 'Cat'. Defaults to `$name`.
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/species_creation.md-21-| difficulty | `string` | **Yes** | Which column the species is located in on the new game species select screen. Can be `Simple`, `Intermediate`, `Advanced`, or `false` (will not be shown on species select screen). |
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/species_creation.md-37-| walking_verb | `string` | No | What "verb" should be used to describe the species' movement style? The "verb" will have "er" or "ing" appended when used. Examples: "Slid" (Naga), "Glid" (Tengu). Defaults to "Walk". |
crawl-0.25.1/docs/develop/species_creation.md:38:| altar_action | `string` | No | When praying at an altar, print `You $altar_action the altar of foo.` for the species. Defaults to "kneel at". |
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md-364-  post-build from their original location in
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md:365:  `source/contrib/bin/8.0/$(Platform)`.
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md-366-- Make sure `freetype.lib`, `libpng.lib`, `lua.lib`, `pcre.lib`, `SDL2.lib`,
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md-367-  `SDL2_image.lib`, `SDL2main.lib`, `sqlite.lib`, and `zlib.lib` are in
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md:368:  `source/contrib/bin/8.0/$(Platform)` after building the `Contribs` solution.
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md-369-- Make sure `crawl.exe` and `tilegen.exe` are in `crawl-ref/source` after
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md-422-* `SAVEDIR`: defaults to `~/.crawl`
crawl-0.25.1/INSTALL.md:423:* `DATADIR`: defaults to `$prefix/share/crawl`
crawl-0.25.1/source/lang-fake.cc-309-    /*
crawl-0.25.1/source/lang-fake.cc:310:    There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the
crawl-0.25.1/source/lang-fake.cc-311-    troublesome "ph" will be replaced with "f". This will make words like
crawl-0.25.1/source/Makefile-1472-ifeq ($(GAME),crawl.exe)
crawl-0.25.1/source/Makefile:1473:	$(SED) -i 's/$$/\r/' `find $(datadir_fp) -iname '*.txt' -or -iname '*.des'`
crawl-0.25.1/source/test/stress/timeall-21-        my $u0 = (times)[2];
crawl-0.25.1/source/test/stress/timeall:22:        system("test/stress/run " . $test);
crawl-0.25.1/source/test/stress/timeall-23-        my $u1 = (times)[2];
crawl-0.25.1/source/dat/des/variable/large_themed.des:8:# Note that all maps for the Vaults branch system (including Vaults:$) reside in
crawl-0.25.1/source/dat/des/variable/large_themed.des-9-# vaults.des.
crawl-0.25.1/source/dat/des/variable/large_abstract.des:10:# Note that all maps for the Vaults branch system (including Vaults:$) reside in
crawl-0.25.1/source/dat/des/variable/large_abstract.des-11-# vaults.des.
crawl-0.25.1/source/dat/descript/cards.txt:30:The card depicts a traveller plummeting into a chasm that has opened beneath
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/mac-crawl-build-update-cdo-283-  say("[SYSTEM] $command");
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/mac-crawl-build-update-cdo:284:  system($command)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/gen_ver.pl:16:$_ = `git describe --tags $mergebase 2> /dev/null`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/gen_ver.pl-17-    || (open(IN, "<", "$scriptpath/release_ver") ? <IN>
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/rotate-tile.pl:24:    print `convert -rotate $deg $TILE $path/${name}_$orient{$deg}.png\n`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/rotate-tile.pl-25-        or die "$!\n";
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/unbrace-68-    }
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/unbrace:69:    @files = (grep /\.(cc|h)$/ && !/(^|\/)prebuilt\//, split /\n/, `$git_cmd`);
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/edit_vault:16:V=`grep -rHn --include='*.des' "NAME: *$1$"`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/edit_vault-17-if [ -z "$V" ]
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/gen_ver_msvc.pl:16:$_ = `git describe --tags $mergebase`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/gen_ver_msvc.pl-17-    || (open(IN, "<", "$scriptpath/release_ver") ? <IN>
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-32-job_file=$(test -e job-type.h && echo job-type.h || echo enum.h)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:33:echo jobs: `process_cmd $job_file | grep " JOB_" | grep -v -e JOB_UNKNOWN -e JOB_RANDOM -e JOB_VIABLE | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-36-religion_file=$(test -e god-type.h && echo god-type.h || echo enum.h)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:37:echo religions: `process_cmd $religion_file | grep " GOD_" | grep -v -e GOD_RANDOM -e GOD_NAMELESS -e GOD_ECUMENICAL | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-39-spell_file=$(test -e spell-type.h && echo spell-type.h || echo enum.h)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:40:echo spells_total: `process_cmd $spell_file | grep " SPELL_" |  wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-41-# call this `approx` because I'm pretty sure this flag is not used very
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-46-item_file=$(test -e item-prop-enum.h && echo item-prop-enum.h || test -e itemprop-enum.h && echo itemprop-enum.h || echo itemprop.h)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:47:echo armours: `process_cmd $item_file | grep " ARM_" | grep -v -e ARM_FIRST -e ARM_LAST | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:48:echo weapons: `process_cmd $item_file | grep " WPN_" | grep -v -e WPN_UNKNOWN -e WPN_RANDOM -e WPN_VIABLE -e WPN_THROWN -e WPN_UNARMED | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:49:echo brands: `process_cmd $item_file | grep " SPWPN_" | grep -v -e MAX_GHOST_BRAND -e FORBID_BRAND -e DEBUG_RANDART | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:50:jewel_ring=`process_cmd $item_file | grep " RING_"  | grep -v -e RING_FIRST | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:51:jewel_amu=`process_cmd $item_file | grep " AMU_" | grep -v -e AMU_FIRST | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-52-echo jewellery: $(expr $jewel_ring + $jewel_amu)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-54-# need to be strict about this one because there is some repitition here. n.b. this enum looks a bit inaccurate currently:
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:55:evoc_misc=`process_cmd $item_file | grep "^    MISC_[A-Z_]*,\$" | grep -v -e DECK_UNKNOWN -e QUAD_DAMAGE | sort | uniq | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-56-# TODO: in 0.10 and before, rods were staves, and this doesn't handle that correctly.
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:57:evoc_rod=`process_cmd $item_file | grep "  ROD_" | wc -l` # the "  " here filters out a bunch of junk in enum.h
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:58:evoc_wand=`process_cmd $item_file | grep " WAND_" | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-59-echo evocables: $(expr $evoc_misc + $evoc_rod + $evoc_wand)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-71-    # requires a build to have happened, and doesn't handle removed randarts anyways
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:72:    #echo randarts: `gcc $cpp_args -E art-enum.h | grep UNRAND_ | grep -v -e UNRAND_DUMMY -e UNRAND_START | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh-80-mons_file=$(test -e monster-type.h && echo monster-type.h || echo enum.h)
crawl-0.25.1/source/util/what_is_left.sh:81:echo monsters: `process_cmd $mons_file | grep " MONS_" | grep -v -e MONS_NO_MONSTER -e MONS_SENSED -e MONS_PLAYER -e MONS_PROGRAM_BUG -e MONS_FIRST -e MONS_LAST | wc -l`
crawl-0.25.1/source/webserver/game_data/templates/game.html-4-  });
crawl-0.25.1/source/webserver/game_data/templates/game.html:5:  require(['jquery', 'client'], function ($, client) {
crawl-0.25.1/source/webserver/game_data/templates/game.html-6-    client.inhibit_messages();
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp-6426-        inline void keep_memory(T* p) {
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp:6427:            asm volatile("" : : "g"(p) : "memory");
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp-6428-        }
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp-6429-        inline void keep_memory() {
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp:6430:            asm volatile("" : : : "memory");
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp-6431-        }
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp-7861-    #if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(__i386) || defined(__x86_64))
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp:7862:        #define CATCH_TRAP() asm volatile ("int $3") /* NOLINT */
crawl-0.25.1/source/catch2-tests/catch.hpp-7863-    #else // Fall back to the generic way.