                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt-1440-as (1)               - assemble GNU assembly lang into machine language
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt:1441:nasm (1)             - assemble 80x86 with the Netwide Assembler
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt:1442:ndisasm (1)          - disassemble 80x86 binary files (see nasm(1))
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt-1443-ldrdf (1)            - link RDOFF objects and libraries from rdflib(1)
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt-1447-rdf2bin (1)          - convert an RDOFF object file to a flat binary
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt:1448:intel2gas (1)        - convert between NASM and GNU assembly languages
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt-2294-uri, url, urn (7)    - uniform resource identifier URI, incl URL and URN
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt:2295:mailaddr (7)         - mail addressing description
debram-2.1.0/docdata/cmdsel.txt-2296-pam (7)              - Pluggable Authentication Modules for Linux
debram-2.1.0/helper/PerlPythonNotes-523-one thing, I *am* a Perl enthusiast.  Only, my
debram-2.1.0/helper/PerlPythonNotes:524:enthusiasm for Perl attenuates rapidly outside Perl's
debram-2.1.0/helper/PerlPythonNotes-525-proper application domain.)  My intent in writing these
debram-2.1.0/helper/check-maint-addr-69-my $exit = 0;
debram-2.1.0/helper/check-maint-addr:70:for my $addr ( keys %addr ) {
debram-2.1.0/helper/check-maint-addr-71-  if ( scalar keys %{ $addr{$addr} } > 1 ) {
debram-2.1.0/helper/ramify-whatis-110-  local $_ = shift;
debram-2.1.0/helper/ramify-whatis:111:  my $link = `readlink -f $_`; chomp $link;
debram-2.1.0/helper/ramify-whatis-112-  $link =~ s/^$pat_pwd\///
debram-2.1.0/helper/ramify-whatis-276-  CONTENTS: for (
debram-2.1.0/helper/ramify-whatis:277:    $f_cont =~ /\.gz$/ ? `zcat $f_cont` : `cat $f_cont`
debram-2.1.0/helper/ramify-whatis-278-  ) {
debram-2.1.0/helper/std-notinst-41-  next if $pri eq 'optional' || $pri eq 'extra';
debram-2.1.0/helper/std-notinst:42:  my $dpkg_s = `dpkg -s $pkg 2>/dev/null`;
debram-2.1.0/helper/std-notinst-43-  my $dpkg_err = $?;
debram-2.1.0/helper/update-date-31-my $ind;
debram-2.1.0/helper/update-date:32:@ARGV == 1 && ( $ind = `date -ud'$ARGV[0]'`, !$? )
debram-2.1.0/helper/update-date-33-  or die "usage: $0 date\n";
debram-2.1.0/helper/update-date:34:my $dtd = `date -ud'$ind' +'%e %B %Y'`; $dtd =~ s/^\s*//; chomp $dtd;
debram-2.1.0/helper/update-date:35:my $cld = `date -ud'$ind' -R`         ; $cld =~ s/^\s*//; chomp $cld;