                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
displaycal-    test_scripts.append(("test.js", 0, False, True, """function _4(l){var n=1;var _0=2;var __foo=3;return n+_0+l+__foo}function _3(_1){var n=1;var _2=2;var __foo=3;return n+_2+l+__foo}"""))
displaycal-    test_scripts.append(("test.js", 10, False, False, """eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp("\\b"+e(c)+"\\b","g"),k[c])}}return p}('8 13($6){0 $4=1;0 7=2;0 5=3;9 $4+7+$6+5}8 11(12){0 $4=1;0 10=2;0 5=3;9 $4+10+$6+5}',10,14,'var||||name|__foo|localvar|_dummy|function|return|_2|_bar|_ocalvar|_test'.split('|')))
displaycal-    test_scripts.append(("test.js", 62, False, False, """eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){while(c--){if(k[c]){p=p.replace(new RegExp("\\b"+e(c)+"\\b","g"),k[c])}}return p}('8 d($6){0 $4=1;0 7=2;0 5=3;9 $4+7+$6+5}8 b(c){0 $4=1;0 a=2;0 5=3;9 $4+a+$6+5}',14,14,'var||||name|__foo|localvar|_dummy|function|return|_2|_bar|_ocalvar|_test'.split('|')))
displaycal-		self._commands = {}
displaycal-		self._host = get_network_addr()
displaycal-		self._incoming = {}
displaycal- get_network_addr():
displaycal-	"""
displaycal-			try:
displaycal-				host = get_network_addr()
displaycal-			except error:
displaycal-			try:
displaycal-				host = get_network_addr()
displaycal-			except error:
displaycal-	AccuScene Corporation Ltd
displaycal-	ASEM S.p.A.
displaycal-	Asante Tech Inc
displaycal-					else:
displaycal-						cmdfiles.write('pushd "`dirname \\"$0\\"`"\n')
displaycal-					if cmdname in (get_argyll_utilname("dispcal"), 
displaycal-				try:
displaycal-					addr = get_network_addr()
displaycal-				except socket.error:
displaycal-  - cp misc/${APPNAME_LOWER}.desktop $BUILD_APPDIR/${APPNAME}.desktop
displaycal-  - echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nappdir=`dirname "$0"`\n"$appdir/${APPNAME}$1.pyw"' > $BUILD_APPDIR/AppRun
displaycal-  - chmod +x $BUILD_APPDIR/AppRun *.pyw
displaycal-							<li>fix: The curve viewer is now also able to plot calibration curves from *.cal files.</li>
displaycal-							<li>fix (Linux): If launched on an X display which is not the first display, the measurement window's location no longer determines the display which is used for measurements. This allows non-Xinerama multiscreen configurations to work with ${APPNAME}. Note: You need to launch ${APPNAME} on the display you want to measure, e.g. <code>`DISPLAY=:0.1 ${APPNAME}`</code>.</li>
displaycal-							<li>fix (Linux): Get the profile from the correct display when loading a display's calibration curves into the curve viewer.</li>
displaycal- createpreset() {
displaycal-	local root="`dirname \"$0\"`/.."
displaycal-	echo "$1"
displaycal-`python2 -c "import sys;print sys.version[:3]"`
displaycal-`which python$python_version 2>/dev/null || which python2`
displaycal-`python2 -c "from DisplayCAL import meta;print meta.version"`
displaycal-`python2 -c "import sys;print sys.version[:3]"`
displaycal-`which python$python_version 2>/dev/null || which python2`
displaycal-`python2 -c "from DisplayCAL import meta;print meta.version"`
displaycal-`python2 -c "import sys;print sys.version[:3]"`
displaycal-`which python$python_version 2>/dev/null || which python2`
displaycal-`python2 -c "from DisplayCAL import meta;print meta.version"`
displaycal-`python2 -c "import sys;print sys.version[:3]"`
displaycal-`which python$python_version 2>/dev/null || which python2`
displaycal-`python2 -c "from DisplayCAL import meta;print meta.version"`
displaycal-`python2 -c "import sys;print sys.version[:3]"`
displaycal-`which python$python_version 2>/dev/null || which python2`
displaycal-`python2 -c "from DisplayCAL import meta;print meta.version"`
displaycal-`python2 -c "import sys;print sys.version[:3]"`
displaycal-`which python$python_version 2>/dev/null || which python2`
displaycal-`python2 -c "from DisplayCAL import meta;print meta.version"`
displaycal- "`dirname \"$0\"`/convert_hwdb_to_pnp_ids.py" 20-acpi-vendor.hwdb