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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md-413-- Fixed a bug where variable substitution with an empty default value
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md:414:  (e.g. `${VAR:-}`) would print an incorrect warning.
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md:541:- Added support for the `${VAR:?err}` and `${VAR?err}` variable interpolation
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md-542-  syntax to indicate mandatory variables
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md:673:- Fixed a bug where the valid `${VAR:-}` syntax would cause Compose to
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md-674-  error out
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md-1229-    - Added support for shell-style inline defaults in variable interpolation.
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md:1230:      The supported forms are `${FOO-default}` (fall back if FOO is unset) and
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md:1231:      `${FOO:-default}` (fall back if FOO is unset or empty).
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md-1755-With the introduction of variable substitution support in the Compose file, any
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md:1756:Compose file that uses an environment variable (`$VAR` or `${VAR}`) in the `command:`
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md-1757-or `entrypoint:` field will break.
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md-1763-To migrate a Compose file to 1.5.0, escape the variables with an extra `$`
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGELOG.md:1764:(ex: `$$VAR` or `$${VAR}`).  See
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md-413-- Fixed a bug where variable substitution with an empty default value
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md:414:  (e.g. `${VAR:-}`) would print an incorrect warning.
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md:541:- Added support for the `${VAR:?err}` and `${VAR?err}` variable interpolation
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md-542-  syntax to indicate mandatory variables
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md:673:- Fixed a bug where the valid `${VAR:-}` syntax would cause Compose to
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md-674-  error out
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md-1229-    - Added support for shell-style inline defaults in variable interpolation.
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md:1230:      The supported forms are `${FOO-default}` (fall back if FOO is unset) and
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md:1231:      `${FOO:-default}` (fall back if FOO is unset or empty).
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md-1755-With the introduction of variable substitution support in the Compose file, any
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md:1756:Compose file that uses an environment variable (`$VAR` or `${VAR}`) in the `command:`
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md-1757-or `entrypoint:` field will break.
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md-1763-To migrate a Compose file to 1.5.0, escape the variables with an extra `$`
docker-compose-1.25.0/CHANGES.md:1764:(ex: `$$VAR` or `$${VAR}`).  See
docker-compose-1.25.0/compose/cli/docker_client.py-101-            "and DOCKER_CERT_PATH are set correctly.\n"
docker-compose-1.25.0/compose/cli/docker_client.py:102:            "You might need to run `eval \"$(docker-machine env default)\"`")
docker-compose-1.25.0/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose:92:# Applies completion of services based on the current value of `$cur`.
docker-compose-1.25.0/contrib/completion/bash/docker-compose-93-# Arguments for `docker-compose ps` may be passed in order to filter the service list,
docker-compose-1.25.0/contrib/update/update-docker-compose.ps1-4-    If ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
docker-compose-1.25.0/contrib/update/update-docker-compose.ps1:5:        $CommandLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
docker-compose-1.25.0/contrib/update/update-docker-compose.ps1-6-        Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine