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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
gap-gapdoc-1.6.3/doc/gapdoc.tex-573-  As \textsf{GAPDoc} documents are used to produce {\LaTeX} and HTML documents, the question arises how to deal with characters with a
gap-gapdoc-1.6.3/doc/gapdoc.tex:574:special meaning for other applications (for example ``\texttt{\&}'', ``\texttt{\#}'', ``\texttt{\$}'', ``\texttt{\%}'', ``\texttt{\texttt{\symbol{126}}}'', ``\texttt{\texttt{\symbol{92}}}'', ``\texttt{\texttt{\symbol{123}}}'', ``\texttt{\texttt{\symbol{125}}}'', ``\texttt{{\textunderscore}}'', ``\texttt{\texttt{\symbol{94}}}'', ``\texttt{{\nobreakspace}}'' (this is a non-breakable space, ``\texttt{\texttt{\symbol{126}}}'' in {\LaTeX}) have a special meaning for {\LaTeX} and ``\texttt{\&}'', ``\texttt{{\textless}}'', ``\texttt{{\textgreater}}'' have a special meaning for HTML (and XML). In \textsf{GAPDoc} you can usually just type these characters directly, it is the task of the
gap-gapdoc-1.6.3/doc/gapdoc.tex-575-converter programs which translate to some output format to take care of such