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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
gearhead-1.310/GameData/TC_5_2.txt-9-night time
gearhead-1.310/Series/TS_PLOT_CoreIntro_1.txt-176-	Msg105 <I see. Well, this kind of business might be better enjoyed alone.>
gearhead-1.310/Series/TS_PLOT_CoreIntro_1.txt:177:	Msg106 <Huh, you're high on enthusiasm but low on equipment. Here, you'll need a mecha, and this one should do for a novice like yourself.>
gearhead-1.310/Series/TS_PLOT_CoreIntro_1.txt-178-	Msg107 <We better get moving right away, before the smugglers decide to move... Or, even worse, the guardians beat us to the stash.>