                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
git-secret-0.2.3/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md:35:**Shell type and version:** (`$SHELL --version`) …
git-secret-0.2.3/CONTRIBUTING.md-28-1. Create your own or pick an opened issue from the [tracker][tracker]. Take a look at the [`help-wanted` tag][help-wanted]
git-secret-0.2.3/CONTRIBUTING.md:29:2. Fork and clone your repository: `git clone https://github.com/${YOUR_NAME}/git-secret.git`
git-secret-0.2.3/CONTRIBUTING.md-30-3. Make sure that everything works on the current platform by running `make test`
git-secret-0.2.3/CONTRIBUTING.md:31:4. [Run local CI tests](#running-local-ci-tests) to verify functionality on supported platforms `bundle exec kitchen verify --test-base-path="$PWD/.ci/integration"`.
git-secret-0.2.3/CONTRIBUTING.md-67-1. Install requied gems with `bundle install`.
git-secret-0.2.3/CONTRIBUTING.md:68:2. Run ci-tests with `bundle exec kitchen verify --test-base-path="$PWD/.ci/integration"`
git-secret-0.2.3/man/man7/git-secret.7.ronn:27:* `$SECRETS_GPG_COMMAND` - sets the `gpg` alternatives, defaults to `gpg`. It can be changed to `gpg`, `gpg2`, `pgp`, `/usr/local/gpg` or any other value. After doing so rerun the tests to be sure, that it won't break anything. Tested to be working with: `gpg`, `gpg2`.
git-secret-0.2.3/man/man7/git-secret.7.ronn:28:* `$SECRETS_EXTENSION` - sets the secret files extension, defaults to `.secret`. It can be changed to any valid file extension.
git-secret-0.2.3/tests/_test_base.bash-56-  ps -wx -U "$username" | gawk \
git-secret-0.2.3/tests/_test_base.bash:57:    '/gpg-agent --homedir/ { if ( $0 !~ "awk" ) { system("kill -9 "$1) } }' \
git-secret-0.2.3/tests/_test_base.bash-58-    > /dev/null 2>&1