=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheck-9-# needs: gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheck:10:SHLIB=`dirname $0`/LeakTracer.so gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheck-11-if [ ! -x $SHLIB ] ; then ############################################## gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheckAnalyze-2- gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheckAnalyze:3:CHECKER=`dirname $0`/LeakCheck" $@" gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheckAnalyze:4:ANALYZER=`dirname $0`/leak-analyze" $1 leak.out" gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/util/development/leakTracer/LeakCheckAnalyze-5- ############################################## gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/protocol/p2p/notes.tex-36- gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/protocol/p2p/notes.tex:37:For a more complex example, consider the case where $r$ is a search results set. Note that a search is itself a resource that might be offered by a host, and we might have specially-designated index nodes in the network that offer the resource of searching. Suppose $A$ sends $D_r$ to $B$. $D_r$ might contain information about the resource types to search for, as well as a set of resource descriptors. Suppose that $B$ does not have the capability to perform the requested search, but is aware of a super-node $B'$ that does have searching capabilities. $B$ has two options at this point: return a description of $B'$, or forward $D_r$ to $B'$. Since the method of executing the first option is obvious, consider the second option. $B$ forwards $D_r$ to $B'$, and $A$ waits for a response. $B'$ performs the search, constructing the set $R = \{D_{r'} \mid r'$ matches the search criteria of $r \}$. $B'$ attaches the identifier from $D_r$ to $R$ and then sends it to the return address found in $D_r$. $A$ receives $R$. By examining the identifier, $A$ knows $R$ is a response to $D_r$. gravitation-3+dfsg1/minorGems/protocol/p2p/notes.tex-38-