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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile-30-	echo "% CURRENT_TAG" > ${TMPDIR}/current.tex
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile:31:	echo "\\\\newcommand{\\\\eusversion}[0]{"`cd ../eus; git describe --tags $$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1) | sed s/EusLisp-//`"}" >> ${TMPDIR}/current.tex
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile:32:	echo "\\\\newcommand{\\\\irteusversion}[0]{"`git describe --tags $$(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)`"}" >> ${TMPDIR}/current.tex
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile-33-	cat ${TMPDIR}/current.tex
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jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile-57-	(cd ${TMPDIR}/html; for imgfile in jmanual-img*.png; do pngtopnm $$imgfile > /tmp/$$imgfile.pnm; pnmtopng -transparent white /tmp/$$imgfile.pnm > $$imgfile || echo "Failed to convert $$imgfile"; done)
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile-66-	for file in ${TMPDIR}/*.tex; do \
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile:67:	   name=`basename $$file .tex`; \
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile-68-	   if [ \"$$name\" = \"test\" -o \"$$name\" = \"jmanual\" ]; then continue; fi; \
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile-74-	for file in ../eus/doc/jlatex/fig/*.ps; do \
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile:75:	   name=`basename $$file .ps`; \
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/doc/Makefile-76-	   echo \"Converting $$name.ps to $$name.png\";  ### ???? we need to run ps2ps to pass gs?? does not happy with pstopnm \
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/irteus/irtdyna.l-1176-                        (send *viewer* :draw-objects :flush nil)
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/irteus/irtdyna.l:1177:                        (send (caddr (car ret)) :draw-on :flush nil :size 400)
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/irteus/irtdyna.l-1178-                        (send (send self :centroid) :draw-on :flush nil :size 300 :color #f(1 0 0))
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/irteus/irtgeo.l-614-  (let ((csg (send cub :csg)))
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/irteus/irtgeo.l:615:    (caddr (cdr (assoc :cube csg)))))
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/irteus/irtgeo.l-619-  (let ((csg (send cyl :csg)))
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/irteus/irtgeo.l:620:    (caddr (assoc :cylinder csg))))
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/.pc/makefile-for-debian.patch/Makefile:74:	COUNT=10; while [ $$COUNT -gt 0 -a ! -e eus ] ; do echo $$COUNT; sleep 1; GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone --depth 10 $(GIT_EUSURL) -b $(GIT_EUSBRANCH) eus; COUNT=`expr $$COUNT - 1`; done; #
jskeus-1.2.4+dfsg/Makefile:76:	COUNT=10; while [ $$COUNT -gt 0 -a ! -e eus ] ; do echo $$COUNT; sleep 1; GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git clone --depth 10 $(GIT_EUSURL) -b $(GIT_EUSBRANCH) eus; COUNT=`expr $$COUNT - 1`; done; #