                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-fast-5536-% latex diff.tex
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-fast:5537:% dvips -pp `perl -lne 'if (m/\\newlabel{DIFchg[be]\d*}{{.*}{(.*)}}/) { print $1 }' diff.aux | uniq | tr -s \\n ','` diff.dvi 
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-fast-5538-\typeout{Check comments in preamble of output for instructions how to show only pages where changes have been made}
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-413-       # compare file with previous version ($revs[0]="") or specified version
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:414:       ### system("$diffcmd$revs[0] $infile| $patchcmd -o$file1") ;
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:415:       if (system("$diffcmd$revs[0] \"$infile\" | $patchcmd -o\"$file1\"")==0  and -z $file1 ) {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-416-	 # no differences detected, i.e. file is equal to current version
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-434-      push @tmpfiles,$file2;
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:435:      if (system("$diffcmd$revs[1] $infile | $patchcmd -o$file2")==0 and -z $file2 ) {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-436-	copy($infile,$file2) || die "copy($infile,$file2) failed: $!";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-437-      }
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:438:      if (system("$diffcmd$revs[0] $infile | $patchcmd -o$file1")==0 and -z $file1 ) {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-439-	copy($infile,$file1) || die "copy($infile,$file1) failed: $!";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-457-  $dirname=dirname($diff) ;
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:458:  system("mkdir -p $dirname") unless ( -e $dirname );
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-475-  print STDERR "Running: $CFG{LATEXDIFF}  $options \"$file1\" \"$file2\" > \"$diff\"\n";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:476:  unless ( system("$CFG{LATEXDIFF} $options \"$file1\" \"$file2\" > \"$diff\"") == 0 ) { 
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-477-    print STDERR  "Something went wrong in $CFG{LATEXDIFF}. Deleting $diff and abort\n" ; unlink $diff ; exit(5) 
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-499-  if ( $pdf ) {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:500:    system("sed \"s/Package\\[dvips\\]/Package[pdftex]/\" \"$diff\" > \"$diff.tmp$$\" ; \\mv \"$diff.tmp$$\" \"$diff\"");
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-501-  }
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:506:    if ( system("grep -q \'^[^%]*\\\\bibliography{\' \"$diff\"") == 0 ) { 
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:507:      system("$CFG{LATEX} --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\"; $CFG{BIBTEX} \"$diffbase\";");
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-508-      push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.bbl","$diffbase.bbl" ; 
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-513-      # print "Extracomp\n";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:514:      system("$CFG{LATEX} --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\";");
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-515-    }
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-517-    # final compilation
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:518:    system("$CFG{LATEX} --interaction=batchmode \"$diff\";"); # needed if cross-refs
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:519:    system("$CFG{LATEX} \"$diff\";"); # final, with possible error messages
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-528-      }
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:529:      #system("$CFG{DVI2} $ppoption -o $ps $dvi");
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:530:      system("$CFG{DVI2} $ppoption $dvi");
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-531-      push @ptmpfiles, "$diffbase.aux","$diffbase.log",$dvi ;
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-552-        print "Executing ".$command;
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:553:        system($command) == 0
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-554-          or die("could not execute <".$command."> to strip pages. Return code: $?");
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-598-  if ( $vc eq "SVN" ) {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:599:    system("svn checkout -r $rev $rootdir $dirname")==0 or die "Something went wrong in executing:  svn checkout -r $rev $rootdir $dirname";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-600-  } elsif ( $vc eq "GIT" ) {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-601-    $rev="HEAD" if length($rev)==0;
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:602:    system("git archive --format=tar $rev | ( cd $dirname ; tar -xf -)")==0 or die "Something went wrong in executing:  git archive --format=tar $rev | ( cd $dirname ; tar -xf -)";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-603-  } elsif ( $vc eq "HG" ) {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:604:    system("hg archive --type files -r $rev $dirname")==0 or die "Something went wrong in executing:  hg archive --type files -r $rev $dirname";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-605-  } else {
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc:606:    die "checkout_dir: only works with SVN, HG and GIT VCS system (selected: $vc)";
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-vc-607-  }
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-so-5432-% latex diff.tex
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-so:5433:% dvips -pp `perl -lne 'if (m/\\newlabel{DIFchg[be]\d*}{{.*}{(.*)}}/) { print $1 }' diff.aux | uniq | tr -s \\n ','` diff.dvi 
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-so-5434-\typeout{Check comments in preamble of output for instructions how to show only pages where changes have been made}
latexdiff-1.3.1/.pc/0001-Make-the-choice-of-dvips-or-pdftex-optional-conditio.patch/latexdiff-4975-% latex diff.tex
latexdiff-1.3.1/.pc/0001-Make-the-choice-of-dvips-or-pdftex-optional-conditio.patch/latexdiff:4976:% dvips -pp `perl -lne 'if (m/\\newlabel{DIFchg[be]\d*}{{.*}{(.*)}}/) { print $1 }' diff.aux | uniq | tr -s \\n ','` diff.dvi 
latexdiff-1.3.1/.pc/0001-Make-the-choice-of-dvips-or-pdftex-optional-conditio.patch/latexdiff-4977-\typeout{Check comments in preamble of output for instructions how to show only pages where changes have been made}
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-4991-% latex diff.tex
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff:4992:% dvips -pp `perl -lne 'if (m/\\newlabel{DIFchg[be]\d*}{{.*}{(.*)}}/) { print $1 }' diff.aux | uniq | tr -s \\n ','` diff.dvi 
latexdiff-1.3.1/latexdiff-4993-\typeout{Check comments in preamble of output for instructions how to show only pages where changes have been made}