=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/docs/xml/multi_makeskel.pl-118- if($opt{x}){ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/docs/xml/multi_makeskel.pl:119: system($Command); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/docs/xml/multi_makeskel.pl-120- if($?){ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/docs/html/fpdoc.css-98-/* assembler passages in source fragments */ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/docs/html/fpdoc.css:99:span.asm { lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/docs/html/fpdoc.css-100- color: green ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/environmentopts.pp-805- property DebuggerResetAfterRun: boolean read FDebuggerResetAfterRun write FDebuggerResetAfterRun; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/environmentopts.pp:806: property DebuggerAutoCloseAsm: boolean read FDebuggerAutoCloseAsm write FDebuggerAutoCloseAsm; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/environmentopts.pp-807- // ShowCompileDialog and AutoCloseCompileDialog are currently not used. ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/environmentopts.pp-1966- DebuggerResetAfterRun :=FXMLCfg.GetValue(Path+'DebuggerOptions/DebuggerResetAfterRun/Value', False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/environmentopts.pp:1967: FDebuggerAutoCloseAsm :=FXMLCfg.GetValue(Path+'DebuggerOptions/DebuggerAutoCloseAsm/Value', False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/environmentopts.pp-1968- FDebuggerEventLogClearOnRun := FXMLCfg.GetValue(Path+'Debugger/EventLogClearOnRun', True); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/compileroptions.pp-2616- -Agas-darwinAssemble darwin Mach-O64 using GNU GAS lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/compileroptions.pp:2617: -Amasm Win64 object file using ml64 (Microsoft) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/compileroptions.pp-2618- -Apecoff PE-COFF (Win64) using internal writer ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/codeexplorer.pas-838- ctnAsmBlock: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/codeexplorer.pas:839: Result:='Asm block'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/codeexplorer.pas-840- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/lazarusidestrconsts.pas-2059- dlgFoldPasCase = 'Case'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/lazarusidestrconsts.pas:2060: dlgFoldPasAsm = 'Asm'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/lazarusidestrconsts.pas-2061- dlgFoldPasIfDef = '{$IfDef}'; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/lazarusidestrconsts.pas-5288- lisDebugOptionsFrmResetDebuggerOnEachRun = 'Reset Debugger after each run'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/lazarusidestrconsts.pas:5289: lisDebugOptionsFrmAutoCloseAsm = 'Automatically close the assembler window, after source not found'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/ide/lazarusidestrconsts.pas-5290- lisDebugOptionsFrmDebuggerSpecific = 'Debugger specific options (depends on ' ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-308- PropInfoCount: integer): integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp:309:function GetTypeDataPropCountAddr(TypeData: PTypeData): PWord; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-310- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-704- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp:705:function GetTypeDataPropCountAddr(TypeData: PTypeData): PWord; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-706-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-1558- NewTypeData^.UnitName:=NewUnitName; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp:1559: AddedPropCount:=GetTypeDataPropCountAddr(NewTypeData); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-1560- AddedPropCount^:=0; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-1768- //DebugLn(['TJITComponentList.DoRenameUnitNameOfClass Old=',TypeData^.UnitName,' New=',NewUnitName]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp:1769: OldPropCount:=GetTypeDataPropCountAddr(TypeData)^; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-1770- if OldPropCount<>0 then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-1772- TypeData^.UnitName:=NewUnitName; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp:1773: GetTypeDataPropCountAddr(TypeData)^:=OldPropCount; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/designer/jitforms.pp-1774-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/localize.sh-50- if [ -n "$RST" ]; then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/localize.sh:51: RST=`find $RSTDIR -name $RSTFILE.$RSEXT | xargs ls -1t | head -1`; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/localize.sh-52- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/packager/interpkgconflictfiles.pas-43- unit_u_recompile_sharedlib_is_older=10031_U_Recompiling unit, shared lib is older than ppufile lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/packager/interpkgconflictfiles.pas:44: unit_u_recompile_obj_and_asm_older=10032_U_Recompiling unit, obj and asm are older than ppufile lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/packager/interpkgconflictfiles.pas-45- unit_u_recompile_obj_older_than_asm=10033_U_Recompiling unit, obj is older than asm ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh-22- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh:23: basefn=`basename $1` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh-24- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh-42-# doesn't work if hostname contains number lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh:43:# date=`echo $1 | sed 's/[^0-9]*\([0-9]*\)[^0-9]*/\1/'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh-44-# next won't work if hostname contains 12 consecutive numbers, better (jonas) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh:45: date=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh-46-# echo "Date=$date" >> dbdigest.cfg ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh-75-# lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh:76:FILES=`ls $INCOMINGDIR/results-*.xml 2> /dev/null` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/test/testresult-db/updatetestsuitedb.sh-77-if [ "$FILES" = "" ]; then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1257-"w#Q.( u W 7 w + / _ - { _ ! ~ < _ ) < : / ) { / ] ^ } ^ { 1 : ] ( / _ | 3 [.<.[.[.[.[.}.}.}.8.9.9.i.9.i.i.j.j.i.9.i.j.x#y#l.k.z#A#B#C#D#E#F#G#H#I#J#K#L#M#N#O#P#m@u#+@+@@@@@Q#6@y T S u@]#q@R#2@8 : 8.p+c#n@p+R.k.[.[.9.Q.*@-@< 5 ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1258:"S#4+< 6 T#Q@N@a < | | 1 | 1 1 1 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 2 3 [.[.[.[.}.}.}.}.}.}.9.9.i.9.i.i.i.j.j.i.j.j.k.l.l.O.O.l.l.l.O.x.U#V#W#X#P.P.Y#Z#`# $.$+$@$#$$$%$&$*$K.=$-$;$>$E++@+@@@t@D m ! <.Q.3+6 ]#,$'$)$` [ 9.}.}.<.} 1 l.p+r+o+;@n@} j ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1259-"!$r+1 .m@E+E+4 | 3 [.3 { & # - _ }.9._ { ^ ^ ] ( [.j.} - * ; ( }.j.[.< : < [.1 < 3 < : 3 9.} } | 9.R.O.} ! , ^ 9.~${$]$^$/$($4+o+_$:$<$[$}$|$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$M@+@+@+@'$S }.O@0$a$b$S#O.G m@M@M@]#8 ;+O+p+P.k.5+=@-@n@c$O@d$2 l ", ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1284-"*-^=d#s%d#s%s%s%j&j&j&G%w#w#w#w#0$0$0$0$0$0$0$=-=-=-=-=-=-=-S#=-S#--;->-,-'-)-a$a$!-~-{-]-^-^-U%/-(-U%(-!$!$_-!$!$!$^=^=b$^=^=Q.5@'$+@+@T#5 /%O*.=.=.=.=.=.= =R=O*.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=v=.=.= =r%o 0%+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@@@M@7@% ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1285:"z$e$w#G%w#w#w#0$w#0$0$=-S#S#S#S#S#S#S#S#>&>&>&a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$k&k&:-<-[-}-|-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-a-b-c-b$b$d-d-d-e$e$`*e$e$`*c$R ,$+@+@a#X@j.e-N*.=.=.=.=.=.=.=O*N* =.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=.=v= =N*^%Z$1 I$+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@+@y.= ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1286-" %]%S#S#S#S#>&>&>&>&>&a$k&k&U%U%U%U%U%U%U%U%U%!$!$!$!$!$!$^=b$^=^=b$f-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-]%]%F$]%]%F$F$z*F$B$ .T@@@+@+@m@v@o+x-`$O* =.= = =R=P*/=A$/=N* = = = = = = =O*R=P*{=^% %/%C$x-;@S@a#+@+@+@+@+@+@+@E++@7@> ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1287:"r%{%k&k&k&U%U%U%U%U%!$!$b$b$b$b$b$b$b$b$b$b$d-d-d-d-d-d-d-y-e$e$z-`*]%A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-{%{%C$C$C$C$D$C$G%e ]#@@+@+@E+N@J 9.B${%z$/=N*N*P*Z$;&C${%x-V%/=P*P*P*P*`$ %/%z*e$!$k&S#s%c%w#s%7 T#+@+@@@@@+@+@E+E++@_#) ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1288:"R-x-b$^=^=b$b$b$b$b$d-e$`*`*`*`*`*`*`*]%]%`*]%F$]%]%]%]%S-T-U-V-W-X-z*{%Y-Z-`- ;.;+;@;#;$;%;&;*;=;-;;;x-x-x-b=b=b=b=/%z*[ 6@M@+@+@+@@@e@6 <.6+G%z*z${=O*R=P*r%D$b=A$^%R= =O* =O*{=e-C$k&s%c$.%c#,#=@c#d#;@I 1@+@m@W@Q#@@+@E++@5@{ ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1289:"/=/%`*`*e$e$`*`*]%]%`*]%F$z*z*F$F$F$z*{%{%{%{%{%{%{%{%>;,;';);!;~;{;];x-x-^;/;(;_;:;<;[;b=};/%/%|;1;b%b%b%b%;&;&;&;&;&c%M '$E++@+@+@a#$@r r+=-/%R-N*O*O*O* =`$V%Z$O* = = = = =.= =R={=Z$V%x-d-=-+%c#=@c#>&c$m.a#m@!%H$t@E$E++@]@/ ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1290-"{=]=z*{%z*z*z*C$C$C${%C$x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-b=x-b=b=b=b=2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;0;a;;&*-b;c;d;e;f;g;h;]=]=*-*-*-*-*-*-V%*-*-V%z$]=}.)$+@@@/@a#+@0%L -@D$R-N*R=O* = =O*O*N*Z${=O* =O* = = =O*O*O*O*O* = =O*{=z$z*0$c$B$d-=@I$+@M@Q#!%q@N@@@x : ", ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1292-"R= %/%/%/%/%b%b%b%b%b%]=*-]=*-*-]=*-*-V%V%V%V%V%A;B;C;D;E;F;F;G;H;I;J;K;J;L; % %M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;r%Z$Z$Z$Z$Z$Z$R-Z$Z$R-0$D M@'$I$T#@@E$$ e-P*O* =O*O* = =O* = =O* = =O*O*O* = =O*O*O* = = = = = =O*O* =O*`$x-w#w#k&s@@@@@E$'$H+e@F 1 ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1293:"O*r%]=*-]=]=*-*-*-*-V%z$e-e-e-e-e-e-e- % % %A$z$T;U;V;W;X;Y;A$r%Z;`; >.>+>@>#>R-R-$>%>&>*>=>^%/=^%^%^%^%^%`$^%^%`$Z$l.!%M@W@e@/@+@..F$R= =O* = =O*O*O*O* =O* =O*O*O* =O*O*O* =O*O* = =O*O*O* =O*O*O*O*O*P*;&0$b$! E$E$~#)$H+p@T 3 ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1294-" =/=e-e-e-e- % % % % %A$r%r%Z$Z$r%r%Z$Z$Z$Z$R-->;>>>,>'>)>!>R-~>{>]>^>/>(>_>:><>`$`$[>}>|>{={={=P*P*P*P*P*N*N*N*R=A$& '$,$p@0%+@J$k. =O*R= =O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O* = =O* = = = =O*O*O*O*O*O* = =O*O*.= = = = = =O*^%A$!$|.1@p@w@6@t@T <.", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1295:" =`$r%r%Z$Z$Z$Z$Z$Z$R-/=^%/=^%/=/=^%^%^%^%^%`$`$1>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9>0>a>b>c>a>d>e>f>N*R=g>R=O*O*O*O* =O* = = = =.= =z*J m@]#o@E$M@B D$ =O* = =O* =O*O*O*O*R=N*{=R=O*O*O* =O*O* =O*O*O*O* =O*O* =O*O*O*O*O* =O* = =/=< H+2@y$o@Q#D 2 ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1296-".=N*/=^%^%^%^%^%^%^%^%{=P*P*P*P*P*P*P*P*P*P*N*N*N*h>i>j>k>l>m>n>o>m>p>q>r>s>t>u> = =.=.=.=.=.=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=.=O*4+v>'$2@J$+@~#9.`$ = = =O*O*O*O* =O*O*R=^% %N*O*O*O*O*O*O*O* = =O* = = =O* =O*O* =R=O*O*O*O* =R=B$r@b#b#m@@@z 2 ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm:1297:"v=N*`${=P*P*P*P*N*N*N*N*O*O*O*O*O*O*O* =O*O*.=.=.=.=w>x>y>z>A>B>C>D>E>F>G>H>H>I>v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=R-e #@~#!%E$m@B `* =.=O* = = = =O* = = =R=A$*-N*O* =O* = =O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*O*`*E +@+@+@+@A 2 ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/defaultimage.xpm-1298-".=O*O*O*O*O* = =O* = =.=.=v=v=v=.=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=v=J>K>L>M>N>O>P>Q>R>S>T>U>V>W>X>X>X>X>X>X>X>X>X>X>X>X>v=.= =r+v>#@2@~#+@^#<./=O*O* =O*O* =O* =O* =R=N*z$z$R=O*O*O*O* =.= =O*O* =O* =O* =O* = = =O* = =.= =O*O**-k @@+@+@+@z 2 ", ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/fpdoc.css-93-/* assembler passages in source fragments */ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/fpdoc.css:94:span.asm { lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/turbopower_ipro/examples/fpdoc.css-95- color: green ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1303- procedure SetCountAfter(ACount: Integer); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:1304: procedure SetBaseAddr(AnAddr: TDbgPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1305- public ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1338- function LastAddr: TDbgPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:1339: function ContainsAddr(const AnAddr: TDbgPtr; IncludeNextAddr: Boolean = False): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:1340: function IndexOfAddr(const AnAddr: TDbgPtr): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1341- function IndexOfAddrWithOffs(const AnAddr: TDbgPtr): Integer; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1364- public lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:1365: function GetRangeForAddr(AnAddr: TDbgPtr; IncludeNextAddr: Boolean = False): TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1366- function NextRange: TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1382- procedure AddRange(const ARange: TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange); // Arange may be freed lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:1383: function GetRangeForAddr(AnAddr: TDbgPtr; IncludeNextAddr: Boolean = False): TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1384- property OnDelete: TNotifyEvent read FOnDelete write FOnDelete; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1436- function PrepareEntries({%H-}AnAddr: TDbgPtr; {%H-}ALinesBefore, {%H-}ALinesAfter: Integer): boolean; virtual; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:1437: function HandleRangeWithInvalidAddr(ARange: TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange;{%H-}AnAddr: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-1438- TDbgPtr; var {%H-}ALinesBefore, {%H-}ALinesAfter: Integer): boolean; virtual; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2270- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:2271: RngBefore := FRangeIterator.GetRangeForAddr(AStartAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2272- {$PUSH}{$IFnDEF DBGMI_WITH_DISASS_OVERFLOW}{$Q-}{$R-}{$ENDIF} // Overflow is allowed to occur ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2290- if (RngBefore <> nil) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:2291: GotCnt := RngBefore.IndexOfAddr(AnEndAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:2292: LastGotCnt := RngBefore.IndexOfAddr(TryStartAt.Value); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2293- if (GotCnt >= 0) and (LastGotCnt >= 0) and (LastGotCnt > GotCnt) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2352- // prepare the next range lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:2353: RngBefore := FRangeIterator.GetRangeForAddr(AStartAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2354- if (RngBefore = nil) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2365- // Find LinesBefore lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:2366: RngAfter := FRangeIterator.GetRangeForAddr(AStartAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2367- GotCnt := -1; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2414- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:2415: RngAfter := FRangeIterator.GetRangeForAddr(AStartAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-2416- end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5185- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5186:procedure TBaseDisassembler.SetBaseAddr(AnAddr: TDbgPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5187-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5328- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5329:function TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange.ContainsAddr(const AnAddr: TDbgPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5330- IncludeNextAddr: Boolean = False): Boolean; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5336- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5337:function TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange.IndexOfAddr(const AnAddr: TDbgPtr): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5338-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5369- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5370:function TDBGDisassemblerEntryMapIterator.GetRangeForAddr(AnAddr: TDbgPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5371- IncludeNextAddr: Boolean): TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5381- GetData(Result); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5382: if not Result.ContainsAddr(AnAddr, IncludeNextAddr) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5383- then Result := nil; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5443- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5444: MergeRng := GetRangeForAddr(ARange.RangeStartAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5445- if MergeRng <> nil then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5452- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5453: MergeRng2 := GetRangeForAddr(MergeRng.RangeEndAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5454- if (MergeRng2 <> nil) and (MergeRng2 <> MergeRng) then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5464- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5465: MergeRng := GetRangeForAddr(ARange.RangeEndAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5466- if MergeRng <> nil then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5467- // merge to start ( ARange.RangeEndAddr is in MergeRng ) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5468: if MergeRng.ContainsAddr(ARange.RangeStartAddr) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5469- then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5488- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5489:function TDBGDisassemblerEntryMap.GetRangeForAddr(AnAddr: TDbgPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5490- IncludeNextAddr: Boolean = False): TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5491-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5492: Result := FIterator.GetRangeForAddr(AnAddr, IncludeNextAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5493-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5502- FCurrentRange := nil; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5503: SetBaseAddr(0); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5504- SetCountBefore(0); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5527- end lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5528: else if FCurrentRange.ContainsAddr(BaseAddr) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5529- then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5532- la := CountAfter; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5533: if HandleRangeWithInvalidAddr(FCurrentRange, BaseAddr, lb, la) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5534- then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5541- LockChanged; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5542: SetBaseAddr(0); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5543- SetCountBefore(0); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5557- Result := False; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5558: NewRange := FEntryRanges.GetRangeForAddr(AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5559- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5570- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5571: i := NewRange.IndexOfAddr(AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5572- if i < 0 ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5574- // address at incorrect offset lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5575: Result := HandleRangeWithInvalidAddr(NewRange, AnAddr, ALinesBefore, ALinesAfter); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5576- debugln(DBG_DISASSEMBLER, ['WARNING: TDBGDisassembler.FindRange: Address at odd offset ',AnAddr,' Result=', dbgs(result), ' before=',CountBefore, ' after=', CountAfter, ' wanted-before=',ALinesBefore,' wanted-after=',ALinesAfter,' in map with count=', FEntryRanges.Count]); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5579- FCurrentRange := NewRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5580: SetBaseAddr(AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5581- SetCountBefore(ALinesBefore); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5587- FCurrentRange := NewRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5588: SetBaseAddr(AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5589- SetCountBefore(i); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5641- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp:5642:function TDBGDisassembler.HandleRangeWithInvalidAddr(ARange: TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/debuggerintf/dbgintfdebuggerbase.pp-5643- AnAddr: TDbgPtr; var ALinesBefore, ALinesAfter: Integer): boolean; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-45- function Add(ALine: TStackLine): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:46: function IndexOfAddr(AnAddr: Int64): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:47: function FindAddr(AnAddr: Int64): TStackLine; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:48: procedure CopyLineInfoByAddr(AnOtherLines: TStackLines); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-49- property Lines[Index: Integer]: TStackLine read GetLine; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-835- if (NewLine.FileName <> '') then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:836: i := FKnownAddresses.IndexOfAddr(NewLine.Addr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-837- // Todo: compare addr, to detect inconsistencies ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-872- for i := 0 to Traces.Count - 1 do lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:873: TStackTrace(Traces[i]).CopyLineInfoByAddr(FKnownAddresses); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-874- except ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-898- if (CurLine.FileName = '') then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:899: k := FKnownAddresses.IndexOfAddr(CurLine.Addr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-900- if k >= 0 then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-902- else lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:903: if BadAddresses.IndexOfAddr(CurLine.Addr) < 0 then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-904- if GetLineInfo(CurLine.Addr, FuncName, SrcName, SrcLine) then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-957- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:958:function TStackLines.IndexOfAddr(AnAddr: Int64): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-959-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-964- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:965:function TStackLines.FindAddr(AnAddr: Int64): TStackLine; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-966-var ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-968-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:969: i := IndexOfAddr(AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-970- if i < 0 then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-975- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:976:procedure TStackLines.CopyLineInfoByAddr(AnOtherLines: TStackLines); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-977-var ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-983- if (CurLine.FileName = '') and (CurLine.Addr <> 0) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas:984: j := AnOtherLines.IndexOfAddr(CurLine.Addr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/leakview/leakinfo.pas-985- if J >= 0 then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/ttconfig.inc-77- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/ttconfig.inc:78:(* Asm error in Mac: ttraster_sweep.inc(51,30) Error: Generating PIC, but reference is not PIC-safe *) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/ttconfig.inc-79-{$IFNDEF DARWIN} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1419-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas:1420: raise EXPathEvaluationError.Create(Msg) at get_caller_addr(get_frame); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1421-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1425- raise EXPathEvaluationError.CreateFmt(Msg, Args) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas:1426: at get_caller_addr(get_frame); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1427-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1447-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas:1448: raise Exception.CreateFmt(Msg, Args) at get_caller_addr(get_frame); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1449-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1865-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas:1866: raise Exception.Create(Msg) at get_caller_addr(get_frame); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laz2_xpath.pas-1867-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas-675-procedure TLazLogger.DumpExceptionBackTrace; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas:676: procedure DumpAddr(Addr: Pointer); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas-677- begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas-689-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas:690: DumpAddr(ExceptAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas-691- FrameCount:=ExceptFrameCount; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas-693- for FrameNumber := 0 to FrameCount-1 do lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas:694: DumpAddr(Frames[FrameNumber]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/lazloggerbase.pas-695-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laztracer.pas-76- while bp<>nil do begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laztracer.pas:77: addr:=get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laztracer.pas-78- CurAddress:=GetLineInfo(addr,UseCache); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laztracer.pas-108- while bp<>nil do begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laztracer.pas:109: AStack[Depth]:=get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazutils/laztracer.pas-110- inc(Depth); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/agg_basics.pas-359-{ These implementations have changed to use FPC's Sar*() functions, so should lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/agg_basics.pas:360: now support all platforms without the need for ASM code. At a later date these lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/agg_basics.pas-361- functions could be removed completely. } ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/platform/mac/agg_mac_pmap.pas-290- DecompressImage( lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/platform/mac/agg_mac_pmap.pas:291: GetPixBaseAddr(pm ) , lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/platform/mac/agg_mac_pmap.pas-292- image_description , ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/agg_rasterizer_compound_aa.pas-96- m_ast , // Active Style Table (unique values) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/agg_rasterizer_compound_aa.pas:97: m_asm , // Active Style Mask lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/aggpas/src/agg_rasterizer_compound_aa.pas-98- m_cells , ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-1911- else lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:1912: asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-1913- {$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-5479-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:5480: if (mtype = nil) or (not mtype.Used) then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-5481-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-5662-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:5663: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-5664-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6563-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:6564: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6565-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6571-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:6572: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6573-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6603-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:6604: if not Param.ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6605-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6641-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:6642: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6643-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6654-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:6655: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-6656-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7050-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:7051: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7052-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7342-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:7343: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7344-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7349-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:7350: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7351-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7779-{$IFDEF DEBUG} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:7780: if not ExpectedType.Used then asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-7781-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-11340- else lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas:11341: asm int 3; end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSCompiler.pas-11342- {$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSDisassembly.pas-435- begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSDisassembly.pas:436: Writeln(' Disasm Error'); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/PascalScript/Source/uPSDisassembly.pas-437- Break; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-307- TestValue('Map Count', 1, EntryRanges.Count); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas:308: Range := EntryRanges.GetRangeForAddr(100, False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-309- TestRange('R1', Range, 100, 120, 120, [100, 108, 116]); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-312- TestValue('Map Count (merged to end)', 1, EntryRanges.Count); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas:313: Range := EntryRanges.GetRangeForAddr(100, False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-314- TestRange('R1 (merged to end)', Range, 100, 140, 140, [100, 108, 116, 120, 128, 136]); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-317- TestValue('Map Count (merged to start)', 1, EntryRanges.Count); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas:318: Range := EntryRanges.GetRangeForAddr(100, False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-319- TestRange('R1 (merged to end)', Range, 80, 140, 140, [80, 90, 100, 108, 116, 120, 128, 136]); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-425- not(itm.SrcFileName <> '') lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas:426: then t := t + Format(' - Entries[%d] Addr(%x) has no source', [i, b]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/testdisass.pas-427- end;; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/TestApps/ExceptPrg.pas-41- raise Exception.create('at1') at lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/TestApps/ExceptPrg.pas:42: get_caller_addr(get_caller_frame(get_frame)), lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/TestApps/ExceptPrg.pas-43- get_caller_frame(get_caller_frame(get_frame)); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/TestApps/ExceptPrg.pas-58- raise Exception.create('at2') at lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/TestApps/ExceptPrg.pas:59: get_caller_addr(get_frame), lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/test/TestApps/ExceptPrg.pas-60- get_caller_frame(get_frame); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/debugutils.pp-58-function ParseGDBString(const AValue: String): String; // remove quotes(') and convert #dd chars: #9'ab'#9'x' lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/debugutils.pp:59:function GetLeadingAddr(var AValue: String; out AnAddr: TDBGPtr; ARemoveFromValue: Boolean = False): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/debugutils.pp-60-function UpperCaseSymbols(s: string): string; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/debugutils.pp-409- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/debugutils.pp:410:function GetLeadingAddr(var AValue: String; out AnAddr: TDBGPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/debugutils.pp-411- ARemoveFromValue: Boolean): Boolean; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-677- AClearIfSet: TClearOpt): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:678: function GetBreakAddr(ALoc: TInternalBreakLocation): TDBGPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-679- function GetBreakFile(ALoc: TInternalBreakLocation): String; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-681- function GetBreakLine(ALoc: TInternalBreakLocation): String; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:682: function GetInfoAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand): TDBGPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:683: function HasBreakAtAddr(AnAddr: TDBGPtr): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-684- function HasBreakWithId(AnId: Integer): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:685: procedure InternalSetAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; ALoc: TInternalBreakLocation; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-686- AnAddr: TDBGPtr); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-698- procedure SetByName(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:699: procedure SetByAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; SetNamedOnFail: Boolean = False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:700: procedure SetAtCustomAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; AnAddr: TDBGPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-701- procedure SetAtLineOffs(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; AnOffset: integer); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-707- function ClearAndBlockId(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; AnId: Integer): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:708: function MatchAddr(AnAddr: TDBGPtr): boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-709- function MatchId(AnId: Integer): boolean; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-711- function BreakSetCount: Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:712: procedure EnableOrSetByAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; SetNamedOnFail: Boolean = False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-713- procedure Enable(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-737- FList: TBPEntryList; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:738: function IndexOfAddr(AnAddr: TDBGPtr): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-739- function IndexOfId(AnId: integer): Integer; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-743- destructor Destroy; override; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:744: procedure AddAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; AnAddr: TDBGPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:745: procedure RemoveAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; AnAddr: TDBGPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-746- procedure RemoveId(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; AnId: Integer); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-1503- function IsFirstSubList: Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:1504: function CurrentFixedAddr(AOffsLimit: Integer): TDBGPtr; // Addr[0] - Offs[0] lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-1505- // About the next SubList ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-1570- function PrepareEntries(AnAddr: TDbgPtr; ALinesBefore, ALinesAfter: Integer): Boolean; override; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:1571: function HandleRangeWithInvalidAddr(ARange: TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange;AnAddr: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-1572- TDbgPtr; var ALinesBefore, ALinesAfter: Integer): boolean; override; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-3535-const lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:3536: SrcAndAsm = 'src_and_asm_line'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-3537- SrcAndAsmLen = length(SrcAndAsm); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-3582- then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:3583: // Asm only lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-3584- if FCount + 1 >= length(FItems) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-3830- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:3831:function TGDBMIDisassembleResultFunctionIterator.CurrentFixedAddr(AOffsLimit: Integer): TDBGPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-3832-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-3998- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:3999:function TGDBMIDisassembler.HandleRangeWithInvalidAddr(ARange: TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4000- AnAddr: TDbgPtr; var ALinesBefore, ALinesAfter: Integer): boolean; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4020- end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4021: Result := inherited HandleRangeWithInvalidAddr(ARange, AnAddr, ALinesBefore, ALinesAfter); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4022-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4112- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4113: procedure AdjustLastEntryEndAddr(const ARange: TDBGDisassemblerEntryRange; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4114- const ADisAssList: TGDBMIDisassembleResultList); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4371- ' SequenceNo=', DisAssIterator.SublistNumber, ' StartIdx=', DisAssIterator.IndexOfLocateAddress, ' StartOffs=', DisAssIterator.OffsetOfLocateAddress]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4372: DisAssListCurrentSub := ExecDisassmble(DisAssIterator.CurrentFixedAddr(DAssMaxRangeSize), lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4373- DisAssIterator.NextStartAddr, False, DisAssListCurrentSub, True); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4431- // check if we have an overall source-info lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4432: // we can only do that, if we know the offset of firstaddr (limit to DAssRangeOverFuncTreshold avg lines, should be enough) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4433- // TODO: limit offset ONLY, if previous range known (already have disass) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4501- then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4502: AdjustLastEntryEndAddr(NewRange, DisAssList); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4503- AddRangetoMemDumpsNeeded(NewRange); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4595- NewRange.LastEntryEndAddr := DisAssIterator.NextStartAddr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4596: //AdjustLastEntryEndAddr(NewRange, DisAssList); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4597- break; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4606- // Try with source first, in case it returns dat without source lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4607: DisAssListWithSrc := ExecDisassmble(DisAssIterator.CurrentFixedAddr(DAssMaxRangeSize), lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4608- DisAssIterator.NextStartAddr, True, DisAssListWithSrc, True); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4624- //get the source-less code as reference lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4625: DisAssListCurrentSub := ExecDisassmble(DisAssIterator.CurrentFixedAddr(DAssMaxRangeSize), lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4626- DisAssIterator.NextStartAddr, False, DisAssListCurrentSub, True); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4642- then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4643: DisAssListWithSrc := ExecDisassmble(DisAssIterator.CurrentFixedAddr(DAssMaxRangeSize), lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4644- DisAssIterator.NextStartAddr, True, DisAssListWithSrc, True); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4721- FirstAddr := FMemDumpsNeeded[i].FirstAddr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4722: Rng := FRangeIterator.GetRangeForAddr(FirstAddr, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4723- if rng <> nil ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4859- mtMain: FTheDebugger.FMainAddrBreak.SetByName(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4860: mtMainAddr: FTheDebugger.FMainAddrBreak.SetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:4861: mtEntry: FTheDebugger.FMainAddrBreak.SetAtCustomAddr(Self, StrToQWordDef(EntryPoint, 0)); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-4862- mtAddZero: FTheDebugger.FMainAddrBreak.SetAtLineOffs(Self, 0); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-5264-{$IFdef WITH_GDB_FORCE_EXCEPTBREAK} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5265: FTheDebugger.FExceptionBreak.SetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5266: FTheDebugger.FBreakErrorBreak.SetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5267: FTheDebugger.FRunErrorBreak.SetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-5268-{$Else} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5269: FTheDebugger.FExceptionBreak.SetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5270: FTheDebugger.FBreakErrorBreak.SetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5271: FTheDebugger.FRunErrorBreak.SetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-5272-{$ENDIF} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-5513- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5514: FTheDebugger.FExceptionBreak.SetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5515: FTheDebugger.FBreakErrorBreak.SetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:5516: FTheDebugger.FRunErrorBreak.SetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-5517- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6440- begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6441: FTheDebugger.FPopExceptStack.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6442: FTheDebugger.FCatchesBreak.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6443- end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6447- if TargetInfo^.TargetOS = osWindows then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6448: FTheDebugger.FRtlUnwindExBreak.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6449- end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6486- if Address <> 0 then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6487: FTheDebugger.FSehRaiseBreaks.AddAddr(Self, Address); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6488- FCurrentExecCmd := ectContinue; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6529- if FTheDebugger.FStoppedReason = srReRaiseExcept then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6530: FTheDebugger.FPopExceptStack.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6531: FTheDebugger.FCatchesBreak.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6532- FCurrentExecCmd := ectContinue; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6607- {$ifNdef WIN64} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6608: FTheDebugger.FPopExceptStack.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6609: FTheDebugger.FCatchesBreak.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self, True); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6610- {$endif} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6781- if (FExecType in [ectRunTo, ectStepOver{, ectStepInto}, ectStepOut, ectStepOverInstruction {, ectStepIntoInstruction}]) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:6782: FTheDebugger.FReRaiseBreak.EnableOrSetByAddr(Self, True) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-6783- else ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-8545- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:8546: Rng := NewEntryMap.GetRangeForAddr(AAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-8547- if Result and (Rng <> nil) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-8548- then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:8549: i := Rng.IndexOfAddr(AAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-8550- if ABackward ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-9863- // Check if this BP is at the same location as the temp break lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:9864: if TGDBMIDebugger(Debugger).FMainAddrBreak.MatchAddr(TGDBMIDebuggerCommandBreakInsert(Sender).Addr) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-9865- then TGDBMIDebugger(Debugger).FBreakAtMain := Self; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10067- delete(Value, 1, 8); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:10068: if GetLeadingAddr(Value, addr) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10069- if addr = 0 ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10076- delete(Value, 1, 13); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:10077: if GetLeadingAddr(Value, addr) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10078- if addr = 0 ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10083- else lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:10084: if GetLeadingAddr(Value, addr, True) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10085- begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10913- Result := AData; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:10914: if (prStripAddressFromString in Opts) and GetLeadingAddr(Result, addr, True) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-10915- if (Result = '') or not(Result[1] in ['''', '#']) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11787- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11788:function TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.GetBreakAddr(ALoc: TInternalBreakLocation): TDBGPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11789-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11807- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11808:function TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.GetInfoAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand): TDBGPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11809-var ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11825- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11826:function TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.HasBreakAtAddr(AnAddr: TDBGPtr): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11827-var ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11847- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11848:procedure TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.InternalSetAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11849- ALoc: TInternalBreakLocation; AnAddr: TDBGPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11850-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11851: if (AnAddr = 0) or HasBreakAtAddr(AnAddr) then // HasBreakAddr includes this BP being allready at AnAddr. lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11852- exit; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11886- // Try to retrieve the address of the procedure lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11887: InternalSetAddr(ACmd, iblAddrOfNamed, GetInfoAddr(ACmd)); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11888-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11895- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11896:procedure TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.SetByAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; SetNamedOnFail: Boolean = False); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11897-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11898- if FBreaks[iblAddrOfNamed].BreakGdbId <> -2 then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11899: InternalSetAddr(ACmd, iblAddrOfNamed, GetInfoAddr(ACmd)); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11900- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11904- (FBreaks[iblAddrOfNamed].BreakGdbId < 0) and lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11905: ( (FMainAddrFound = 0) or (not HasBreakAtAddr(FMainAddrFound)) ) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11906- then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11912- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11913:procedure TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.SetAtCustomAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; AnAddr: TDBGPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11914-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11915: InternalSetAddr(ACmd, iblCustomAddr, AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11916-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11970- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11971:function TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.MatchAddr(AnAddr: TDBGPtr): boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11972-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11973: Result := (AnAddr <> 0) and HasBreakAtAddr(AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11974-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11995- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:11996:procedure TGDBMIInternalBreakPoint.EnableOrSetByAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-11997- SetNamedOnFail: Boolean); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12001- else lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:12002: SetByAddr(ACmd, SetNamedOnFail); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12003-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12042- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:12043:function TGDBMIInternalAddrBreakPointList.IndexOfAddr(AnAddr: TDBGPtr): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12044-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12085- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:12086:procedure TGDBMIInternalAddrBreakPointList.AddAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12087- AnAddr: TDBGPtr); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12093-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:12094: i := IndexOfAddr(AnAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12095- if i >= 0 then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12113- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:12114:procedure TGDBMIInternalAddrBreakPointList.RemoveAddr(ACmd: TGDBMIDebuggerCommand; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12115- AnAddr: TDBGPtr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12116-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp:12117: RemoveIndex(ACmd, IndexOfAddr(AnAddr)); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggergdbmi/gdbmidebugger.pp-12118-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-959- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas:960:{$ifdef CPUINTEL} // use optimized x86/x64 asm versions for xxHash32 lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-961- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-1243-function crc32csse42(crc: cardinal; buf: Pointer; len: cardinal): cardinal; nostackframe; assembler; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas:1244:asm // ecx=crc, rdx=buf, r8=len (Linux: edi,rsi,rdx) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-1245- {$ifdef win64} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-1323-function crc32csse42(crc: cardinal; buf: Pointer; len: cardinal): cardinal; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas:1324:asm // eax=crc, edx=buf, ecx=len lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-1325- not eax ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-1414- {$ifdef CPU64} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas:1415: // SSE42 asm does not (yet) work on Darwin x64 ... lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/sparta/generics/source/generics.hashes.pas-1416- Exclude(CpuFeatures, cfSSE42); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-350- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas:351:function IsTargetAddr(ALocation: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean; inline; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-352-function IsInitializedLoc(ALocation: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean; inline; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-358- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas:359:function LocToAddr(ALocation: TFpDbgMemLocation): TDbgPtr; inline; // does not check valid lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-360-function LocToAddrOrNil(ALocation: TFpDbgMemLocation): TDbgPtr; inline; // save version ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-415- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas:416:function IsTargetAddr(ALocation: TFpDbgMemLocation): Boolean; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-417-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-454- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas:455:function LocToAddr(ALocation: TFpDbgMemLocation): TDbgPtr; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdmemorytools.pas-456-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testhelperclasses.pas-157- procedure AddULEB(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testhelperclasses.pas:158: procedure AddAddr(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testhelperclasses.pas-159- procedure Add(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord); // ULEB ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testhelperclasses.pas-565- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testhelperclasses.pas:566:procedure TTestDwarfInfoEntry.AddAddr(AnAttrib, AForm: Cardinal; AData: QWord); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testhelperclasses.pas-567-var ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas-412-Unitdwarfsetupbasic_lpr_0.Add(DW_AT_stmt_list, DW_FORM_data4, [$00, $00, $00, $00]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas:413:Unitdwarfsetupbasic_lpr_0.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas:414:Unitdwarfsetupbasic_lpr_0.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $004FFFFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas-415- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas-1395- Progmain_140.Add(DW_AT_external, DW_FORM_flag, [$01]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas:1396: Progmain_140.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas:1397: Progmain_140.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetupbasic.pas-1398- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/dwarfviewer/unit1.pas-509- PascalTestCAseCode := PascalTestCAseCode + lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/dwarfviewer/unit1.pas:510: Format(namePreFix+'AddAddr(%s, %s, $%s);%s', [s1, s2, s3, LineEnding]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/dwarfviewer/unit1.pas-511- end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-302-Unitdwarfsetup1_lpr_0.Add(DW_AT_stmt_list, DW_FORM_data4, [$00, $00, $00, $00]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:303:Unitdwarfsetup1_lpr_0.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:304:Unitdwarfsetup1_lpr_0.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $004FFFFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-305- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-480- Progmain_25.Add(DW_AT_external, DW_FORM_flag, [$01]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:481: Progmain_25.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:482: Progmain_25.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-483- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-491- ProgTESTSETUP1BAR_26.AddRef(DW_AT_type, DW_FORM_ref4, @TypeDeclPOINTER_97); // $57, $08, $00, $00 lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:492: ProgTESTSETUP1BAR_26.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00401000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:493: ProgTESTSETUP1BAR_26.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00401FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-494- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1077- ProgCLASSPROC0_111.Add(DW_AT_vtable_elem_location, DW_FORM_block1, BytesLen1([$10, $19])); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1078: ProgCLASSPROC0_111.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00402000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1079: ProgCLASSPROC0_111.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00402FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1080- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1500- ProgOBJPROC0_180.Add(DW_AT_vtable_elem_location, DW_FORM_block1, BytesLen1([$10, $03])); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1501: ProgOBJPROC0_180.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00403000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1502: ProgOBJPROC0_180.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00403FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1503- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1625- ProgOBJPROC1_198.Add(DW_AT_vtable_elem_location, DW_FORM_block1, BytesLen1([$10, $03])); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1626: ProgOBJPROC1_198.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00404000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1627: ProgOBJPROC1_198.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00404FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1628- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1701- ProgOBJPROC1_209.Add(DW_AT_vtable_elem_location, DW_FORM_block1, BytesLen1([$10, $03])); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1702: ProgOBJPROC1_209.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00405000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas:1703: ProgOBJPROC1_209.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00405FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetup1.pas-1704- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-81-Unitdwarfsetuparray_lpr_0.Add(DW_AT_stmt_list, DW_FORM_data4, [$00, $00, $00, $00]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:82:Unitdwarfsetuparray_lpr_0.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:83:Unitdwarfsetuparray_lpr_0.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $004FFFFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-84- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-112- Progmain_4.Add(DW_AT_external, DW_FORM_flag, [$01]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:113: Progmain_4.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:114: Progmain_4.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00400FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-115- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-122- ProgPDWARFSETUPARRAY_init_implicit_5.Add(DW_AT_external, DW_FORM_flag, [$01]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:123: ProgPDWARFSETUPARRAY_init_implicit_5.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00401000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:124: ProgPDWARFSETUPARRAY_init_implicit_5.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00401FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-125- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-132- ProgPDWARFSETUPARRAY_finalize_implicit_6.Add(DW_AT_external, DW_FORM_flag, [$01]); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:133: ProgPDWARFSETUPARRAY_finalize_implicit_6.AddAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00402000); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas:134: ProgPDWARFSETUPARRAY_finalize_implicit_6.AddAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, DW_FORM_addr, $00402FFF); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/test/testdwarfsetuparray.pas-135- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-646- addr := DataAddress; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas:647: if not IsTargetAddr(addr) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-648- //LastError := CreateError(fpErrAnyError, ['Internal dereference error']); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-760- if FAddressOffset <> 0 then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas:761: assert(IsTargetAddr(Result ), 'TFpPasParserValueDerefPointer.GetAddress: TargetLoc(Result)'); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas:762: if IsTargetAddr(Result) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-763- Result.Address := Result.Address + FAddressOffset ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-905- addr := FValue.Address; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas:906: if not IsTargetAddr(addr) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-907- //LastError := CreateError(fpErrAnyError, ['Internal dereference error']); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-2332- tmp := Items[0].ResultValue; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas:2333: if (tmp = nil) or not IsTargetAddr(tmp.Address) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalparser.pas-2334- exit; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarffreepascal.pas-744- if (i >=0) and lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarffreepascal.pas:745: (IsReadableMem(Addr) and (LocToAddr(Addr) > AddressSize)) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarffreepascal.pas-746- then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalbuilder.pas-939- s := ResTypeName; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalbuilder.pas:940: APrintedValue := s+'({'+IntToStr(FullCnt)+' elements})'; // TODO len and addr (dyn array) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalbuilder.pas-941- Result := True; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalbuilder.pas-992- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalbuilder.pas:993: if IsTargetAddr(MemAddr) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fppascalbuilder.pas-994- SetLength(MemDest, MemSize); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-1919- a := GetDataAddress; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas:1920: if IsTargetAddr(a) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas:1921: Result := LocToAddr(a) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-1922- else ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-2025- addr := DataAddress; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas:2026: if not IsTargetAddr(addr) then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-2027- FLastError := CreateError(fpErrAnyError, ['Internal dereference error']); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-2693- then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas:2694: if not (IsReadableMem(Addr) and (LocToAddr(Addr) > AddressSize)) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-2695- exit; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-4466- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas:4467: assert(IsTargetAddr(Result), 'DwarfArray MemberAddress'); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpdebug/fpdbgdwarf.pas-4468- Result.Address := Result.Address + Offs; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-849- inc(Run, 2); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp:850: if fRange = rsAnsiCAsm then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-851- fRange := rsAsm ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-921- FExtTokenID := xtkBraceOpen; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp:922: if fRange = rsAsm then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-923- begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-1265- FExtTokenID := xtkSemiColon; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp:1266: if fRange = rsAsm then fRange := rsUnknown; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-1267-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-1280- fTokenID := tkComment; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp:1281: if fRange = rsAsm then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-1282- fRange := rsAnsiCAsm ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-1295- fRange := rsDirective lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp:1296: else if fRange = rsAnsiCAsm then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightercpp.pp-1297- fRange := rsAsm ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pt_BR.po-334-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pt_BR.po:335:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pt_BR.po-336-msgstr "Comentário SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pt_BR.po-338-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pt_BR.po:339:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pt_BR.po-340-msgstr "Chave SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ru.po-334-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ru.po:335:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ru.po-336-msgstr "Комментарий SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ru.po-338-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ru.po:339:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ru.po-340-msgstr "Ключевое слово SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-334-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po:335:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-336-msgstr "Commentaire SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-338-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po:339:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-340-msgstr "Clé SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-623-msgid "68HC11 Assembler Files (*.hc11,*.asm,*.asc)|*.HC11;*.ASM;*.ASC" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po:624:msgstr "Fichiers asm 68HC11 (*.hc11,*.asm,*.asc)|*.HC11;*.ASM;*.ASC" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-625- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-791-msgid "x86 Assembly Files (*.asm)|*.ASM" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po:792:msgstr "Fichiers asm x86 (*.asm)|*.ASM" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fr.po-793- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ca.po-332-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ca.po:333:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ca.po-334-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ca.po-336-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ca.po:337:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.ca.po-338-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.es.po-334-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.es.po:335:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.es.po-336-msgstr "Comentario SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.es.po-338-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.es.po:339:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.es.po-340-msgstr "Llave SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po-334-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po:335:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po:336:msgstr "SASM megjegyzés" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po-337- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po-338-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po:339:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po:340:msgstr "SASM kulcs" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.hu.po-341- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.it.po-335-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.it.po:336:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.it.po-337-msgstr "Commento SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.it.po-339-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.it.po:340:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.it.po-341-msgstr "Chiave SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.zh_CN.po-335-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.zh_CN.po:336:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.zh_CN.po-337-msgstr "SASM注释" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.zh_CN.po-339-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.zh_CN.po:340:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.zh_CN.po-341-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.uk.po-336-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.uk.po:337:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.uk.po-338-msgstr "Коментар SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.uk.po-340-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.uk.po:341:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.uk.po-342-msgstr "Ключ SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.he.po-332-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.he.po:333:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.he.po-334-msgstr "הערת SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.he.po-336-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.he.po:337:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.he.po-338-msgstr "מקש SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.id.po-335-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.id.po:336:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.id.po-337-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.id.po-339-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.id.po:340:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.id.po-341-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pl.po-335-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pl.po:336:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pl.po-337-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pl.po-339-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pl.po:340:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.pl.po-341-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.cs.po-334-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.cs.po:335:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.cs.po-336-msgstr "Komentář SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.cs.po-338-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.cs.po:339:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.cs.po-340-msgstr "Klávesa SASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.nl.po-332-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.nl.po:333:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.nl.po-334-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.nl.po-336-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.nl.po:337:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.nl.po-338-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.de.po-336-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.de.po:337:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.de.po-338-msgstr "SASM-Kommentar" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.de.po-340-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.de.po:341:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.de.po-342-msgstr "SASM-Schlüssel" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po-335-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po:336:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po:337:msgstr "SASM komentaras" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po-338- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po-339-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po:340:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po:341:msgstr "SASM klavišas" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.lt.po-342- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po-324-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po:325:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po-326-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po-328-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po:329:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.po-330-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fi.po-327-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmcomment lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fi.po:328:msgid "SASM Comment" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fi.po-329-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fi.po-331-#: syneditstrconst.syns_attrsasmkey lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fi.po:332:msgid "SASM Key" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/languages/syneditstrconst.fi.po-333-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightersql.pas-1656- Include(Result, '#'); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightersql.pas:1657: Include(Result, '$'); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synhighlightersql.pas-1658- end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synedithighlighter.pp-259- SYN_ATTR_DIRECTIVE = 7; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synedithighlighter.pp:260: SYN_ATTR_ASM = 8; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/synedithighlighter.pp-261- SYN_ATTR_VARIABLE = 9; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-117- SYNS_AttrRplComment = 'Rpl comment'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:118: SYNS_AttrSASM = 'SASM'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:119: SYNS_AttrSASMComment = 'SASM Comment'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:120: SYNS_AttrSASMKey = 'SASM Key'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-121- SYNS_AttrSecondReservedWord = 'Second reserved word'; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-235- SYNS_XML_AttrRplComment = 'Rpl comment'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:236: SYNS_XML_AttrSASM = 'SASM'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:237: SYNS_XML_AttrSASMComment = 'SASM Comment'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:238: SYNS_XML_AttrSASMKey = 'SASM Key'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-239- SYNS_XML_AttrSecondReservedWord = 'Second reserved word'; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-319- SYNS_FilterLFM = 'Lazarus Form Files (*.lfm)|*.lfm'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:320: SYNS_FilterX86Asm = 'x86 Assembly Files (*.asm)|*.ASM'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-321- SYNS_FilterGembase = 'GEMBASE Files (*.dml,*.gem)|*.DML;*.GEM'; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-367- SYNS_LangPascal = 'ObjectPascal'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp:368: SYNS_LangX86Asm = 'x86 assembly language'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/synedit/syneditstrconst.pp-369- SYNS_LangPython = 'Python'; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-898- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas:899: if lt = ttAsm then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-900- RecogniseAsmBlock ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5045- I know that the help claims that a label is a prefix on a statement, lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas:5046: but a label can be the last thing in an asm block lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5047- so that would require a complete statement to consist of ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5135- if not (lc.TokenType in IdentiferTokens + [ttAtSign]) then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas:5136: raise TEParseError.Create('Expected asm identifier', lc); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5137- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5164- else lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas:5165: raise TEParseError.Create('Expected asm opcode', fcTokenList.FirstSolidToken); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5166- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5244- { only parse trailing expressions if it is on the same line lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas:5245: Asm is not completely white-space-independant } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5246- lcNext := fcTokenList.FirstTokenWithExclusion([ttWhiteSpace]); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5255- if not lbHasLabel then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas:5256: raise TEParseError.Create('Expected asm param', lc); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5257- end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5317- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas:5318: // numbers in Asm blocks can be suffixed with 'h' for hex lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/BuildParseTree.pas-5319- // there could be unanounced hex digits before the 'h' ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas-406- nAsmStatement: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas:407: Result := 'asm statement'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas-408- nAsmIdent: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas:409: Result := 'asm ident'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas-410- nAsmOpcode: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas:411: Result := 'asm opcode'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas-412- nAsmParam: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas:413: Result := 'asm param'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas-414- nAsmLabel: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas:415: Result := 'asm label'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/ParseTreeNodeType.pas-416- nHintDirectives: ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/AsmKeywords.pas-31- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/AsmKeywords.pas:32:{ identify asm parameter keywords } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/AsmKeywords.pas-33- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/TokenUtils.pas-89- False if it is vars, consts, types etc lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/TokenUtils.pas:90: or in asm } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Parse/TokenUtils.pas-91-function IsClassHelperWords(const pt: TSourceToken): boolean; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D12/JCFGui.dpr-173- JcfFontSetFunctions in '..\..\Utils\JcfFontSetFunctions.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D12/JCFGui.dpr:174: SetAsm in '..\..\Settings\SetAsm.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D12/JCFGui.dpr:175: frAsm in '..\..\Ui\Settings\frAsm.pas' {fAsm: TFrame}, lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D12/JCFGui.dpr-176- RemoveReturnsAfter in '..\..\Process\Returns\RemoveReturnsAfter.pas', ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D11/JCFGui.dpr-173- JcfFontSetFunctions in '..\..\Utils\JcfFontSetFunctions.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D11/JCFGui.dpr:174: SetAsm in '..\..\Settings\SetAsm.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D11/JCFGui.dpr:175: frAsm in '..\..\Ui\Settings\frAsm.pas' {fAsm: TFrame}, lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/JcfGui/D11/JCFGui.dpr-176- RemoveReturnsAfter in '..\..\Process\Returns\RemoveReturnsAfter.pas', ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/SetAsm.pas-36- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/SetAsm.pas:37: TSetAsm = class(TSetBase) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/SetAsm.pas-38- private ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas-115- property UnitNameCaps: TSetWordList Read fcUnitNameCaps; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas:116: property SetAsm: TSetAsm Read fcSetAsm; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas-117- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas-162- JCFOptionTransform = 23; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas:163: JCFOptionAsm = 24; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas-164- JCFOptionPreProcessor = 25; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas-198- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas:199: fcSetAsm := TSetAsm.Create(); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Settings/JcfSettings.pas-200- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/IdePlugin/lazarus/jcfuiconsts.pas-270- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/IdePlugin/lazarus/jcfuiconsts.pas:271: //Asm tab lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/IdePlugin/lazarus/jcfuiconsts.pas:272: lisAsmAsm = 'Asm'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/IdePlugin/lazarus/jcfuiconsts.pas-273- lisAsmStatementIndents = '&Statement Indents'; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/Lazarus/JCF.lpr-153- JcfFontSetFunctions in '..\..\Utils\JcfFontSetFunctions.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/Lazarus/JCF.lpr:154: SetAsm in '..\..\Settings\SetAsm.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/Lazarus/JCF.lpr-155- RemoveReturnsAfter in '..\..\Process\Returns\RemoveReturnsAfter.pas', ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/D12/JCF.dpr-147- JcfFontSetFunctions in '..\..\Utils\JcfFontSetFunctions.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/D12/JCF.dpr:148: SetAsm in '..\..\Settings\SetAsm.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/D12/JCF.dpr-149- RemoveReturnsAfter in '..\..\Process\Returns\RemoveReturnsAfter.pas', ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/D11/JCF.dpr-146- JcfFontSetFunctions in '..\..\Utils\JcfFontSetFunctions.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/D11/JCF.dpr:147: SetAsm in '..\..\Settings\SetAsm.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/CommandLine/D11/JCF.dpr-148- RemoveReturnsAfter in '..\..\Process\Returns\RemoveReturnsAfter.pas', ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas-37- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas:38: { TfAsm } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas-39- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas:40: TfAsm = class(TAbstractIDEOptionsEditor) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas-41- rgCaps: TRadioGroup; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas-105-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas:106: with FormattingSettings.SetAsm do lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas-107- begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas-122-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas:123: with FormattingSettings.SetAsm do lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Ui/Settings/frAsm.pas-124- begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D12/JCFNotepad.dpr-172- JcfFontSetFunctions in '..\..\Utils\JcfFontSetFunctions.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D12/JCFNotepad.dpr:173: SetAsm in '..\..\Settings\SetAsm.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D12/JCFNotepad.dpr:174: frAsm in '..\..\Ui\Settings\frAsm.pas' {fAsm: TFrame}, lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D12/JCFNotepad.dpr-175- RemoveReturnsAfter in '..\..\Process\Returns\RemoveReturnsAfter.pas', ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D11/JCFNotepad.dpr-172- JcfFontSetFunctions in '..\..\Utils\JcfFontSetFunctions.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D11/JCFNotepad.dpr:173: SetAsm in '..\..\Settings\SetAsm.pas', lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D11/JCFNotepad.dpr:174: frAsm in '..\..\Ui\Settings\frAsm.pas' {fAsm: TFrame}, lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Notepad/D11/JCFNotepad.dpr-175- RemoveReturnsAfter in '..\..\Process\Returns\RemoveReturnsAfter.pas', ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-32-{ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas:33: process to indent asm params to the required stop lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-34- this is similar to the alin processes ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-69- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas:70: // looking for the first asm param on the line lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-71- if not pcSourceToken.HasParentNode(nAsmParam, 4) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-91- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas:92: // nesting of asm inside a proc is treaded differently from an asm proc lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-93- // which is not a good feature lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-94- // but can work with it lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas:95: lcAsm := pcSourceToken.GetParentNode(nAsm); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas:96: if lcAsm = nil then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/IndentAsmParam.pas-97- begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/Indenter.pas-666- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/Indenter.pas:667: // asm extra indent lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Indent/Indenter.pas-668- if IsInsideAsm(pt) and FormattingSettings.SetAsm.StatementIndentEnabled then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/Capitalisation.pas-106- begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/Capitalisation.pas:107: // underneath an "asm" node - use asm caps on opcode and params lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/Capitalisation.pas-108- if HasAsmCaps(lcSourceToken) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/SpecificWordCaps.pas-72- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/SpecificWordCaps.pas:73: // asm has other rules lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/SpecificWordCaps.pas-74- if pt.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/SpecificWordCaps.pas-139- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/SpecificWordCaps.pas:140: { not in Asm statements} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/SpecificWordCaps.pas-141- if lcSourceToken.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/IdentifierCaps.pas-74- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/IdentifierCaps.pas:75: // asm has other rules lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/IdentifierCaps.pas-76- if pt.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/IdentifierCaps.pas-166- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/IdentifierCaps.pas:167: { not in Asm statements} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Capitalisation/IdentifierCaps.pas-168- if lcSourceToken.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveBlankLine.pas-76- is a blank line, so kill one of them lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveBlankLine.pas:77: this applies even in Asm blocks } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveBlankLine.pas-78- if (lcNext <> nil) and (lcNext.TokenType = ttReturn) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveReturn.pas-64- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveReturn.pas:65: { not in asm } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveReturn.pas-66- if lcSourceToken.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveUnneededWhiteSpace.pas-112- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveUnneededWhiteSpace.pas:113: { need to keep space before Asm @@ and '&' thingy} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Obfuscate/RemoveUnneededWhiteSpace.pas-114- if (pt2.TokenType in SPACED_ASM_TOKENS) and pt2.HasParentNode(nAsmStatement) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Returns/RemoveReturnsAfter.pas-62- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Returns/RemoveReturnsAfter.pas:63: // for now, we're only interested in asm blocks lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Returns/RemoveReturnsAfter.pas-64- if pcToken.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Spacing/MaxSpaces.pas-75- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Spacing/MaxSpaces.pas:76: { not in asm blocks } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Spacing/MaxSpaces.pas-77- if lcSourceToken.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Spacing/SingleSpaceBefore.pas-138- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Spacing/SingleSpaceBefore.pas:139: { not in Asm block } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/jcf2/Process/Spacing/SingleSpaceBefore.pas-140- if pt.HasParentNode(nAsm) then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/stdcodetools.pas-5267- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/stdcodetools.pas:5268: asm // 'end.' is source end, never asm end lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/stdcodetools.pas-5269- end. ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/stdcodetools.pas-5906- cafWord: lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/stdcodetools.pas:5907: if TopBlockType(Stack)<>btAsm then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/stdcodetools.pas-5908- if UpAtomIs('BEGIN') then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.it.po-840-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.it.po:841:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.it.po-842-msgstr "trovata parolachiave imprevista \"%s\" in blocco asm" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.cs.po-842-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.cs.po:843:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.cs.po-844-msgstr "nalezeno neočekávané klíčové slovo \"%s\" v bloku asm" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.nl.po-856-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.nl.po:857:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.nl.po-858-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.po-835-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.po:836:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.po-837-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.he.po-893-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.he.po:894:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.he.po-895-msgstr "מלת מפתח לא צפויה \"%s\" נמצאה בבלוק asm" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.ru.po-842-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.ru.po:843:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.ru.po-844-msgstr "обнаружено неожиданное ключевое слово \"%s\" в блоке ассемблера" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.pl.po-843-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.pl.po:844:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.pl.po-845-msgstr "znaleziono niespodziewane słowo kluczowe \"%s\" w bloku asm" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.ca.po-856-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.ca.po:857:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.ca.po-858-msgstr "paraula clau \"%s\" no esperada en el bloc asm" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.uk.po-844-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.uk.po:845:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.uk.po-846-msgstr "знайдено неочікуване ключове слово \"%s\" в асемблерному блоці" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.pt_BR.po-842-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.pt_BR.po:843:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.pt_BR.po-844-msgstr "palavra-chave inesperada \"%s\" encontrada em bloco ASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.de.po-843-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.de.po:844:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.de.po-845-msgstr "unerwartetes Schlüsselwort \"%s\" im ASM-Block gefunden" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.zh_CN.po-843-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.zh_CN.po:844:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.zh_CN.po-845-msgstr "意外关键字\"%s\"在asm语句块中找到" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.fi.po-835-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.fi.po:836:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.fi.po-837-msgstr "odottamaton avainsana \"%s\" löydettiin asm-lohkossa" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.id.po-858-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.id.po:859:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.id.po:860:msgstr "keyword \"%s\" yang tidak diharapkan dalam blok asm ditemukan" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.id.po-861- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.sk.po-848-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.sk.po:849:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.sk.po-850-msgstr "" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.hu.po-842-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.hu.po:843:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.hu.po:844:msgstr "váratlan kulcsszó található az asm részben: \"%s\"" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.hu.po-845- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.es.po-840-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.es.po:841:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.es.po-842-msgstr "se encontró palabra reservada inesperada \"%s\" en bloque asm" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.lt.po-843-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.lt.po:844:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.lt.po-845-msgstr "asemblerio bloke aptiktas netikėtas raktažodis „%s“" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.fr.po-843-#: codetoolsstrconsts.ctsunexpectedkeywordinasmblock lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.fr.po:844:msgid "unexpected keyword \"%s\" in asm block found" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/languages/codetoolsstrconsts.fr.po-845-msgstr "mot-clé \"%s\" inattendu dans un bloc ASM" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/pascalreadertool.pas-1176- if BodyNode.FirstChild<>nil then exit; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/pascalreadertool.pas:1177: // check if bodynode is only 'asm end' or 'begin end' lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/pascalreadertool.pas-1178- // not even a comment should be there, only spaces are allowed ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fileprocs.pas-1790- while bp<>nil do begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fileprocs.pas:1791: addr:=get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fileprocs.pas-1792- CurAddress:=CTGetLineInfo(addr,UseCache); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fileprocs.pas-1822- while bp<>nil do begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fileprocs.pas:1823: AStack[Depth]:=get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fileprocs.pas-1824- inc(Depth); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas-479- begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas:480: pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas-481- oldbp:=bp; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas-579- if bp<>nil then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas:580: pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas-581- bp:=get_caller_frame(bp); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas-861- begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas:862: pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/memcheck.pas-863- oldbp:=bp; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/codetoolsstrconsts.pas-107- ctsPointStartAt = '. start at '; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/codetoolsstrconsts.pas:108: ctsUnexpectedKeywordInAsmBlock = 'unexpected keyword "%s" in asm block found'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/codetoolsstrconsts.pas-109- ctsUnexpectedKeywordInBeginEndBlock = ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/ppuparser.pas-1458- tprocinfoflag=( lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/ppuparser.pas:1459: {# procedure uses asm } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/ppuparser.pas-1460- pi_uses_asm, ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/pascalparsertool.pas-2966- end; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/pascalparsertool.pas:2967: end else if BlockType=ebtAsm then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/pascalparsertool.pas-2968- if (Src[CurPos.StartPos-1]='@') then begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-296-% the compiler didn't recognize the mode you specified. lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:297:scan_w_no_asm_reader_switch_inside_asm=02051_W_ASM reader switch is not possible inside asm statement, "$1" will be effective only for next lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-298-% It is not possible to switch from one assembler reader to another ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-2590-asmr_e_null_label_ref_not_allowed=07024_E_Null label references are not allowed lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:2591:asmr_e_expr_zero_divide=07025_E_Divide by zero in asm evaluator lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-2592-% There is a division by zero in a constant expression ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-2624-% allowed. \var{oldebp} can only be referenced inside nested routines lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:2625:asmr_e_void_function=07043_W_Procedures cannot return any value in asm code lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-2626-% Trying to return a value while in a procedure. A procedure ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3227-% of the unit is older than the unit file itself. lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3228:unit_u_recompile_obj_and_asm_older=10032_U_Recompiling unit, obj and asm are older than ppufile lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3229-% When you use the \var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the assembler or ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3796-3*2Anasmwdosx_Win32/WDOSX object file using Nasm lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3797:3*2Anasmdarwin_macho32 object file using Nasm (experimental) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3798:3*2Awasm_Obj file using Wasm (Watcom) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3799-3*2Anasmobj_Obj file using Nasm lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3800:3*2Amasm_Obj file using Masm (Microsoft) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3801:3*2Atasm_Obj file using Tasm (Borland) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3802-3*2Aelf_ELF (Linux) using internal writer ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3804-3*2Apecoff_PE-COFF (Win32) using internal writer lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3805:3*2Ayasm_Assemble using Yasm (experimental) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3806-4*2Aas_Assemble using GNU AS ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3811-4*2Aelf_ELF (Linux-64bit) using internal writer lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3812:4*2Ayasm_Assemble using Yasm (experimental) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3813:4*2Anasm_Assemble using Nasm (experimental) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3814:4*2Anasmwin64_Assemble Win64 object file using Nasm (experimental) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3815:4*2Anasmelf_Assemble Linux-64bit object file using Nasm (experimental) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg:3816:4*2Anasmdarwin_Assemble darwin macho64 object file using Nasm (experimental) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/codetools/fpc.errore.msg-3817-6*2Aas_Unix o-file using GNU AS ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-212- function CheckResultPointer(AContext: TWatchExpTestCurrentData; AnIgnoreRsn: String): Boolean; virtual; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas:213: function CheckResultPointerAddr(AContext: TWatchExpTestCurrentData; AnIgnoreRsn: String): Boolean; virtual; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-214- function CheckResultArray(AContext: TWatchExpTestCurrentData; AnIgnoreRsn: String): Boolean; virtual; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-262-function wePointer(AExpVal: TWatchExpectationResult; ATypeName: String=''): TWatchExpectationResult; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas:263:function wePointerAddr(AExpVal: Pointer; ATypeName: String=''): TWatchExpectationResult; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-264- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-300-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas:301: Result := wePointerAddr(a); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-302-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-446- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas:447:function wePointerAddr(AExpVal: Pointer; ATypeName: String lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-448- ): TWatchExpectationResult; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-1015- rkPointer: Result := CheckResultPointer(AContext, AnIgnoreRsn); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas:1016: rkPointerAddr: Result := CheckResultPointerAddr(AContext, AnIgnoreRsn); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-1017- rkClass: ; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-1370- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas:1371:function TWatchExpectationList.CheckResultPointerAddr( lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/lazdebuggers/lazdebugtestbase/ttestwatchutilities.pas-1372- AContext: TWatchExpTestCurrentData; AnIgnoreRsn: String): Boolean; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpweb/fpweb_images.inc-295- +#0#0#6'bKGD'#0#189#0#189#0#189'iB'#213#168#0#0#0'sIDATx'#218#237#210#193#13 lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpweb/fpweb_images.inc:296: +#192' '#8#5'Ph:HG`$Ga'#4'G`$7'#250'=xS'#154#180#216'&'#141#241#31'Mx'#2#129 lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/fpweb/fpweb_images.inc-297- +'he'#165#13'G'#11'E'#4#237'[)%'#236'u8'#0'x'#159'l_'#173'b:Xq'#143'y'#4'+' ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/virtualtreeview/VirtualTrees.pas-43-// Indirect contribution (via publicly accessible work of those persons): lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/virtualtreeview/VirtualTrees.pas:44:// Alex Denissov, Hiroyuki Hori (MMXAsm expert) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/virtualtreeview/VirtualTrees.pas-45-// Documentation: ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/virtualtreeview/VirtualTrees.pas-6474- //todo: see what todo here lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/virtualtreeview/VirtualTrees.pas:6475: //Tree.Perform(WM_PRINT, WPARAM(Canvas.Handle), PRF_NONCLIENT); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/components/virtualtreeview/VirtualTrees.pas-6476- {$ifdef UseSetCanvasOrigin} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh-40- # check if .po file format file.lang.po lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh:41: FileOk=`echo $POFile | sed -e 's/.*\..*\.po$/ok/'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh-42- if [ "$FileOk" != "ok" ]; then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh-47- # check if .po file has corresponding base file lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh:48: BasePOFile=`echo $POFile | sed -e 's/\(.*\)\..*\(\.po\)$/\1\2/'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh:49: BasePOFile=`basename $BasePOFile` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh:50: FoundPOFile=`find $LazarusSrcDir -name $BasePOFile` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh-51- if [ ! -f "$FoundPOFile" ]; then ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh-56- # copy the .po file to the same directory as the base .po file lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh:57: DestDir=`dirname $FoundPOFile` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/copy_po_files_to_lazarus_sources.sh-58- echo " -> $DestDir/" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/get_fpc_full_version.sh-4-VersionFile="$1/compiler/version.pas" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/get_fpc_full_version.sh:5:CompilerVersion=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *version_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/get_fpc_full_version.sh:6:CompilerRelease=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *release_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/get_fpc_full_version.sh:7:CompilerPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *patch_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/get_fpc_full_version.sh:8:CompilerMinorPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *minorpatch *=.*;' | sed -e 's/.*minorpatch.*= *//g' -e "s/'//g" -e 's/;//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/get_fpc_full_version.sh-9-CompilerVersionStr="$CompilerVersion.$CompilerRelease.$CompilerPatch" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/rpm/fpc.spec.template-71- FPCMAKE=`pwd`/utils/fpcm/bin/*-linux/fpcmake lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/rpm/fpc.spec.template:72: FPCMAKE=`echo $FPCMAKE` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/rpm/fpc.spec.template-73-fi ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/rpm/fpc.spec.template-81-NEWPP=`pwd`/compiler/%{ppcname} lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/rpm/fpc.spec.template:82:FPCVERSION=`${NEWPP} -iV` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/rpm/fpc.spec.template:83:FPCFULLVERSION=`${NEWPP} -iW` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/rpm/fpc.spec.template-84-INSTALLOPTS="FPC=${NEWPP} FPCMAKE=${FPCMAKE} DATA2INC=${DATA2INC} \ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_lazarus_slacktgz.sh-16-fi lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_lazarus_slacktgz.sh:17:FPCVER=`ppc386 -l | head -n 1 | awk '{print $5}'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_lazarus_slacktgz.sh-18-echo "installed fpc version: $FPCVER" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_lazarus_snapshot_rpm.sh-75-LazVersion=$(./get_lazarus_version.sh)$LazVersionPostfix lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_lazarus_snapshot_rpm.sh:76:LazRelease=`echo $FPCRPM | sed -e 's/-/_/g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_lazarus_snapshot_rpm.sh-77-TmpLazDir=~/tmp/lazarus ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc-src_rpm.sh-30-VersionFile="$FPCSourceDir/compiler/version.pas" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc-src_rpm.sh:31:CompilerVersion=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *version_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc-src_rpm.sh:32:CompilerRelease=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *release_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc-src_rpm.sh:33:CompilerPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *patch_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc-src_rpm.sh-34-CompilerVersionStr="$CompilerVersion.$CompilerRelease.$CompilerPatch" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsrcsnapshot.sh-56- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsrcsnapshot.sh:57:TEMPLATEDIR=`dirname $0` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsrcsnapshot.sh-58- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsrcsnapshot.sh-77-IFS=. lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsrcsnapshot.sh:78:FPCMAJORVERSION=`set $FPCVERSION; echo $1` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsrcsnapshot.sh:79:FPCMINORVERSION=`set $FPCVERSION; echo $2$3` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsrcsnapshot.sh-80-IFS=$OLDIFS ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh-28-UPDATELIST=~/tmp/updatelist lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh:29:TEMPLATEDIR=`dirname $0` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh-30-FPCSOURCEDIR=$FPCSVNDIR/fpcsrc ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh-85-COMPILER=$FPCBUILDDIR/fpcsrc/compiler/$PPCARCH lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh:86:FPCVERSION=`$COMPILER -iV` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh:87:FPCFULLVERSION=`$COMPILER -iW` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh:88:FPCARCH=`$COMPILER -iSP` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh-89- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh-132-IFS=. lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh:133:FPCMAJORVERSION=`set $FPCVERSION; echo $1` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh:134:FPCMINORVERSION=`set $FPCVERSION; echo $2$3` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/macosx/makefpcsnapshot.sh-135-IFS=$OLDIFS ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_deb.sh-104- VersionFile="$BuildRoot/fpc/compiler/version.pas" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_deb.sh:105: CompilerVersion=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *version_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_deb.sh:106: CompilerRelease=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *release_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_deb.sh:107: CompilerPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *patch_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_deb.sh-108- CompilerVersionStr="$CompilerVersion.$CompilerRelease.$CompilerPatch" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_rpm.sh-101- VersionFile="$BuildRoot/fpc/compiler/version.pas" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_rpm.sh:102: CompilerVersion=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *version_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_rpm.sh:103: CompilerRelease=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *release_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_rpm.sh:104: CompilerPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *patch_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/create_linux_cross_win32_rpm.sh-105- CompilerVersionStr="$CompilerVersion.$CompilerRelease.$CompilerPatch" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/update_cross_fpc.sh-216-fi lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/update_cross_fpc.sh:217:CompilerVersion=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *version_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/update_cross_fpc.sh:218:CompilerRelease=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *release_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/update_cross_fpc.sh:219:CompilerPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *patch_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/cross_unix/update_cross_fpc.sh-220-CompilerVersionStr="$CompilerVersion.$CompilerRelease.$CompilerPatch" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-71- do lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh:72: set `echo $p/${TARGET_PREFIX}*as` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-73- as="$1" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-132-then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh:133: FPC="`fpc -P$FPCArch -PB`" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-134-fi ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-139-then lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh:140: BINUTILSPREFIX="`getBINUTILSPREFIX $BINUTILSPREFIX`" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-141- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-143- then echo "BINUTILSPREFIX=$BINUTILSPREFIX" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh:144: BINUTILS=`dpkg -S "${BINUTILSPREFIX}as" | sed "s/:.*//"` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-145- else echo "Can't find cross binutils automatically, consider setting BINUTILSPREFIX" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-230- grep 'fpc-cross.cfg' "$SampleCfg" &>/dev/null || \ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh:231: sed -i -e "/^FPCPATH=/aFPCPARENT=\"\`dirname \"\$1\"\`\" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh-232-;/^#ENDIF NEEDCROSSBINUTILS/i#include \$FPCPARENT/fpc-cross.cfg" "$SampleCfg" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/build_fpc_snaphot_rpm.sh-65-VersionFile="$TmpFPCDir/compiler/version.pas" lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/build_fpc_snaphot_rpm.sh:66:CompilerVersion=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *version_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/build_fpc_snaphot_rpm.sh:67:CompilerRelease=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *release_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/build_fpc_snaphot_rpm.sh:68:CompilerPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *patch_nr *=.*;' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/build_fpc_snaphot_rpm.sh:69:CompilerMinorPatch=`cat $VersionFile | grep ' *minorpatch *=.*;' | sed -e 's/.*minorpatch.*= *//g' -e "s/'//g" -e 's/;//g'` lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/build_fpc_snaphot_rpm.sh-70-CompilerVersionStr="$CompilerVersion.$CompilerRelease.$CompilerPatch" ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/replace_in_files.pl-87- } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/replace_in_files.pl:88: $Filenames=`ls -1 $Filename`; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/install/replace_in_files.pl-89- for $SubFilename(split("\n",$Filenames)){ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-100- # search file in SVN files lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl:101: $Output=`svn info $CurFullFile 2>&1`; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-102- #print "AAA1 $CurFullFile: $? BBB1$Output BBB2 \n"; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-125- if($opt{x}){ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl:126: my $Output=`$Command`; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-127- if($?){ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-144- procedure SetTopLine(ALine: Integer); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp:145: function IndexOfAddr(const AnAddr: TDBGPtr): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-146- procedure UpdateLocation(const AAddr: TDBGPtr); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-811- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp:812:function TAssemblerDlg.IndexOfAddr(const AnAddr: TDBGPtr): Integer; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-813-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-831- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp:832: i := IndexOfAddr(FCurrentLocation); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-833- if (i >= 0) and (i < FLineCount - 1) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-881- then begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp:882: i := IndexOfAddr(FCurrentLocation); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-883- if (i >= 0) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-1202- inc(Line); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp:1203: inc(idx); // displayed source-info, instead of asm (topline substituted) lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/assemblerdlg.pp-1204- LineIsSrc := False; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/frames/debugger_general_options.pas-368- DebuggerResetAfterRun := gcbDebuggerGeneralOptions.Checked[1]; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/frames/debugger_general_options.pas:369: DebuggerAutoCloseAsm := gcbDebuggerGeneralOptions.Checked[2]; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/frames/debugger_general_options.pas-370- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/debugger.pp-6952- SetCountAfter(FMaster.CountAfter); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/debugger.pp:6953: SetBaseAddr(FMaster.BaseAddr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debugger/debugger.pp-6954- end ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qt56.pas-15415-// PtrInt Array Access from c-code lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qt56.pas:15416:function GetPtrIntArrayAddr(var PArr : TPtrIntArray): PPtrInt; cdecl; export; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qt56.pas-15417-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qt56.pas-15431-// QReal Array Access from c-code lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qt56.pas:15432:function GetQRealArrayAddr(var PArr : TQRealArray): PPtrInt; cdecl; export; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qt56.pas-15433-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-208- if (len>0) { lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h:209: PTRINT *array = (PTRINT *)getPtrIntArrayAddr(parr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-210- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-222- if (len>0) { lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h:223: PTRINT *array = (PTRINT *)getPtrIntArrayAddr(parr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-224- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-240- if (len>0) { lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h:241: PTRINT *array = (PTRINT *)getPtrIntArrayAddr(parr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-242- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-271- if (len>0) { lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h:272: qreal *array = getQRealArrayAddr(parr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-273- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-283- if (len>0) { lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h:284: qreal *array = getQRealArrayAddr(parr); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/src/pascalbind.h-285- for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/qt5.pas-15086-// PtrInt Array Access from c-code lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/qt5.pas:15087:function GetPtrIntArrayAddr(var PArr : TPtrIntArray): PPtrInt; cdecl; export; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/qt5.pas-15088-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/qt5.pas-15102-// QReal Array Access from c-code lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/qt5.pas:15103:function GetQRealArrayAddr(var PArr : TQRealArray): PPtrInt; cdecl; export; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/cbindings/qt5.pas-15104-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qtint.pp-325- QtTextWordWrap = $1000; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qtint.pp:326: QtTextWrapAnywhere = $2000; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt5/qtint.pp-327- QtTextHideMnemonic = $8000; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/mui/muiglobal.pas-170- else lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/mui/muiglobal.pas:171: NewList(Addr(Result^.mp_MsgList)); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/mui/muiglobal.pas-172-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/wince/wincedef.pp-68- MCHT_PREV = $02000000; // here will go to the next/prev month lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/wince/wincedef.pp:69: MCHT_NOWHERE = $00000000; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/wince/wincedef.pp-70- MCHT_TITLEBK = MCHT_TITLE; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk/gtkwidgetset.inc-351- while (bp>prevbp)do begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk/gtkwidgetset.inc:352: caller_addr := get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk/gtkwidgetset.inc-353- caller_frame := get_caller_frame(bp); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/win32/win32callback.inc-121- Windows.SendMessage(Parent, WM_ERASEBKGND, WParam(ControlDC), 0); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/win32/win32callback.inc:122: Windows.SendMessage(Parent, WM_PRINTCLIENT, WParam(ControlDC), PRF_CLIENT); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/win32/win32callback.inc-123- Windows.SetViewportExtEx(ControlDC, P.X, P.Y, nil); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-420- function new_any(family: TSoupAddressFamily; port: guint): PSoupAddress; cdecl; inline; static; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:421: function new_from_sockaddr(sa: Pgpointer; len: gint): PSoupAddress; cdecl; inline; static; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-422- function equal_by_ip(addr2: PSoupAddress): gboolean; cdecl; inline; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-427- function get_port: guint; cdecl; inline; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:428: function get_sockaddr(len: Pgint): Pgpointer; cdecl; inline; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-429- function hash_by_ip: guint; cdecl; inline; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-1626-function soup_address_equal_by_name(addr1: PSoupAddress; addr2: PSoupAddress): gboolean; cdecl; external; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:1627:function soup_address_get_gsockaddr(addr: PSoupAddress): PGSocketAddress; cdecl; external; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-1628-function soup_address_get_name(addr: PSoupAddress): Pgchar; cdecl; external; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-1630-function soup_address_get_port(addr: PSoupAddress): guint; cdecl; external; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:1631:function soup_address_get_sockaddr(addr: PSoupAddress; len: Pgint): Pgpointer; cdecl; external; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-1632-function soup_address_get_type: TGType; cdecl; external; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-1637-function soup_address_new_any(family: TSoupAddressFamily; port: guint): PSoupAddress; cdecl; external; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:1638:function soup_address_new_from_sockaddr(sa: Pgpointer; len: gint): PSoupAddress; cdecl; external; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-1639-function soup_address_resolve_sync(addr: PSoupAddress; cancellable: PGCancellable): guint; cdecl; external; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2072- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:2073:function TSoupAddress.new_from_sockaddr(sa: Pgpointer; len: gint): PSoupAddress; cdecl; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2074-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:2075: Result := LazSoup2_4.soup_address_new_from_sockaddr(sa, len); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2076-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2089-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:2090: Result := LazSoup2_4.soup_address_get_gsockaddr(@self); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2091-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2107- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:2108:function TSoupAddress.get_sockaddr(len: Pgint): Pgpointer; cdecl; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2109-begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas:2110: Result := LazSoup2_4.soup_address_get_sockaddr(@self, len); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk3/gtk3bindings/lazsoup2_4.pas-2111-end; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qt45.pas-14028-// PtrInt Array Access from c-code lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qt45.pas:14029:function GetPtrIntArrayAddr(var PArr : TPtrIntArray): PPtrInt; cdecl; export; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qt45.pas-14030-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qt45.pas-14044-// QReal Array Access from c-code lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qt45.pas:14045:function GetQRealArrayAddr(var PArr : TQRealArray): PPtrInt; cdecl; export; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qt45.pas-14046-begin ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qtint.pp-332- QtTextWordWrap = $1000; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qtint.pp:333: QtTextWrapAnywhere = $2000; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/qt/qtint.pp-334- QtTextHideMnemonic = $8000; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk2/gtk2widgetset.inc-1556- while (bp>prevbp)do begin lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk2/gtk2widgetset.inc:1557: caller_addr := get_caller_addr(bp); lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/gtk2/gtk2widgetset.inc-1558- caller_frame := get_caller_frame(bp); ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/android_sockets.pas-5-#include <sys/socket.h> /* for socket(), connect(), send(), and recv() */ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/android_sockets.pas:6:#include <arpa/inet.h> /* for sockaddr_in and inet_addr() */ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/android_sockets.pas-7-#include <unistd.h> /* for close() */} ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/sockets_arpa_inet.inc-39- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/sockets_arpa_inet.inc:40:function inet_addr(const Param1: PChar): Cardinal{uint32_t}; cdecl; external libname name 'inet_addr'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/sockets_arpa_inet.inc-41- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/sockets_arpa_inet.inc-47- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/sockets_arpa_inet.inc:48:function inet_nsap_addr(const Param1: PChar; Param2: PByte{uchar}; Param3: cint): cuint; cdecl; external libname name 'inet_nsap_addr'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/lcl/interfaces/customdrawn/android/sockets_arpa_inet.inc-49-function inet_nsap_ntoa(Param1: cint; const Param2: PChar; Param3: PChar): PChar; cdecl; external libname name 'inet_nsap_ntoa'; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/images/vase_trans.xpm-230-"d.( [ [ 2 .Q i d h 0 < < ( 9 s Q #.J O J ..$.X @.=.( 0 J @.$.@.!.&.<.S c [ } h R J ]._.).#.5 i d k 9 [ 9 { *.W E $.(.(.].!.!.;.;.$.(.%.$.;.;.!.(._._.(._.|.|.a.e._.I B A _ ( n W :.].(.}.].!.(._._.f.(.(._.(.!.$.$.(.!.;.9.(._._.|.P 8 / : b '.:.a.|._.|._._.1._._._._._._.(.!.(.(.!.!.!.(.].(.V _ / 7 X ).!.!.].9.9._.9.(.!.!.(._._.(.;.@.P U n h i ..%.$.&.o 6 4 ..6.I I S {.h h d o o i i *.*.W S '.y b 9 [ 9 D {.z z d T d 0 0 9 9 2 2 9 c c d . . .y y 0 y y a b ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/images/vase_trans.xpm:231:"% ( 0 h .Q i d b b ( [ a h b '.J &.I ..@.@...@.@.d | .!...W i d 0 h h S #.[.:.%.e o b 9 p | | 8 8 ^.n _ | | [ 0 o %._.).;.!.!.).;.!.(.!.!.$.;.(._._._._._.1.].).].|._.G v _ ( ( B ` I !.].].].(.(.(.(._._.(.(.9.!.!.;.;.;.9.(._._._.P [ } 1 ( 0 Q :._.|.a.(.]._.(._._.(._._.(._.!.(.(.(._.!.(._.T [ : 9 J _.!.!.!.!.$.).9.9.!.(.9.P d h l &.!.g.8 / _ p n ~ ~ Q E <.*.<.H =.d { 0 9 } } 0 h '.W ` ` H K H H H I O +.F B 9 1 9 9 1 b b { .i R y x B x y 2 * ", lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/images/vase_trans.xpm-232-":.( c S *.S F c h 9 [ 9 { h h '.J J X N X #.@.~.&.[ j <.!.+.h =.*.&...I <.~ h [ p | 8 B T H I #.(.1._.!.#.P g.0 A p 1 '...).;.!.;._.(._._.(.!.;.9.(.$.9._._.(._.(.$.;.$.|.Y h.i.< s ^.2 x '.V ..(._.(.].].(.].(.].$.(.;.).(.]._.|.|.a.e.H [ 9 } ( : [ n l I 9.|.|._.|.|.(._.(.(.(.(.(._.(.(.$._.(.].w [ 1 c I ).].(.(.9.(.!.9.(.9.(.$.!.!.(.).(._.9.P h { &.;.@.J V R U h 0 } n ] 3 .*.&.@.Y #.H O J N R S E I J K H H P H *.P H O P R h 0 9 0 } 9 b h y ~ '. .y c 0 b o ", ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/images/splash_logo.xpm-306-"5.c V.V.].A+q.c q.} R.j.C E+j.$+E+E+E+} '+$+$+'+'+E+} $+} '+E+E+E+} } '+E+E+R.R.E+R.c c c ].].T.0.T. V.c V.c c 0.c V.0.V.V.V.<.(+<.| (+5.5.5.` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` <.` 0.0.T.T.T.T.0.` ` M M M s.s.s.F.; ; ; ; M %+; ; h+; ; (.%+; %+; ; %+%+A %+&.A A &.A 6.%+; %+6.%+%+%+6.(.x+; %+(.h+; ; ; | ; | ; | | r+5.c j.0.V.| f &.&.&.&.&.w &.&.&.A &.&.A &.A ; ; &.; ; A &.&.&.&.; &.| ! 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", ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/fpmake.pp-12- lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/fpmake.pp:13:rm fpmake_proc.inc fpmake_add.inc ; /bin/ls -1 */fpmake.pp| while read file; do cleanedname=`dirname $file | sed -e 's+-+_+g'` ; if ! `grep -i "^procedure add_$cleanedname" $file >/dev/null` ; then printf 'procedure add_%s;\nbegin\n with Installer do\n{$include %s}\nend;\n\n' $cleanedname $file >> fpmake_proc.inc; else printf '{$include %s}\n\n' $file >> fpmake_proc.inc; fi; echo " add_$cleanedname;" >> fpmake_add.inc; done lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/fpmake.pp-14- ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/androidlcl/mainform.pas-303- echoServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; /* Internet address family */ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/androidlcl/mainform.pas:304: echoServAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(servIP); /* Server IP address */ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/androidlcl/mainform.pas-305- echoServAddr.sin_port = htons(echoServPort); /* Server port */ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql-36- where RDB$GENERATOR_NAME = 'GEN_DEADLYMUSHROOMS_ID'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql:37:UPDATE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$DESCRIPTION = 'Unique ID; primary key' where RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'ID' and RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'DEADLYMUSHROOMS'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql:38:UPDATE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$DESCRIPTION = 'Scientific name (often Latin) of the mushroom' where RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'SCIENTIFIC_NAME' and RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'DEADLYMUSHROOMS'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql:39:UPDATE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$DESCRIPTION = 'Common or garden name for the mushroom' where RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'COMMON_NAME' and RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'DEADLYMUSHROOMS'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql:40:UPDATE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$DESCRIPTION = 'Free-form notes about the mushroom' where RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'NOTES' and RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'DEADLYMUSHROOMS'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql:41:UPDATE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$DESCRIPTION = 'BLOB containing picture data' where RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'PICTURE' and RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'DEADLYMUSHROOMS'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql:42:UPDATE RDB$RELATION_FIELDS set RDB$DESCRIPTION = 'Location of image in file system' where RDB$FIELD_NAME = 'IMAGE_LINK' and RDB$RELATION_NAME = 'DEADLYMUSHROOMS'; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/examples/database/image_mushrooms/mushrooms_firebird.sql-43-UPDATE RDB$RELATIONS set ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/orig-tar.sh-3-PACKAGE_NAME=lazarus lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/orig-tar.sh:4:TMP_DIR=`/bin/mktemp -d -t ${PACKAGE_NAME}.XXXXXX` || exit 1 lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/orig-tar.sh-5-ORIG_PATH=$(pwd) ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/rules-208- do \ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/rules:209: ${MKDIR} `dirname "${LIB_DIR}/$${package}"` ; \ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/rules-210- sed -e 's@\(\W*\)<CompilerOptions>.*@\1<AutoUpdate Value="Manually"/>\n&@' "$${package}" > "${LIB_DIR}/$${package}" ; \ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/rules-351- do \ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/rules:352: ${MKDIR} `dirname "${SRC_DIR}/$${package}"` ; \ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/debian/rules-353- sed -e 's@\(\W*\)<CompilerOptions>.*@\1<AutoUpdate Value="AsNeeded"/>\n&@' "$${package}" > "${SRC_DIR}/$${package}" ; \ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-100- # search file in SVN files lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl:101: $Output=`svn info $CurFullFile 2>&1`; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-102- #print "AAA1 $CurFullFile: $? BBB1$Output BBB2 \n"; ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-125- if($opt{x}){ lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl:126: my $Output=`$Command`; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/delete_non_svn_files.pl-127- if($?){ ############################################## lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/install/replace_in_files.pl-87- } lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/install/replace_in_files.pl:88: $Filenames=`ls -1 $Filename`; lazarus-2.0.10+dfsg/.pc/fix-perl-shbang.patch/tools/install/replace_in_files.pl-89- for $SubFilename(split("\n",$Filenames)){