                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Util.pm:114:sub gethostbyaddr($$) {
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Util.pm-115-   _do_asy { gethostbyaddr $_[0], $_[1] } @_
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c:47:/* ucontext/setjmp/asm backends                                              */
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c:92:#if __GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM && __amd64
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c:93:  /*asm (".cfi_startproc");*/
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c:94:  /*asm (".cfi_undefined rip");*/
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c:99:#if __GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM && __amd64
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c:100:  /*asm (".cfi_endproc");*/
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c:136:  asm (
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.c-137-       "\t.text\n"
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-58- * 2008-10-30 Support assembly method on x86 with and without frame pointer.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:59: * 2008-11-03 Use a global asm statement for CORO_ASM, idea by pippijn.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-60- * 2008-11-05 Hopefully fix misaligned stacks with CORO_ASM/SETJMP.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:61: * 2008-11-07 rbp wasn't saved in CORO_ASM on x86_64.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-62- *            introduce coro_destroy, which is a nop except for pthreads.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-75- * 2011-06-08 maybe properly implement weird windows amd64 calling conventions.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:76: * 2011-07-03 rely on __GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM for cfi detection.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-77- * 2011-08-08 cygwin trashes stacks, use pthreads with double stack on cygwin.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-81- * 2012-12-21 valgrind stack registering was broken.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:82: * 2015-12-05 experimental asm be for arm7, based on a patch by Nick Zavaritsky.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-83- *            use __name__ for predefined symbols, as in libecb.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-85- * 2016-08-27 try to disable _FORTIFY_SOURCE with CORO_SJLJ, as it
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:86: *            breaks setjmp/longjmp. Also disable CORO_ASM for asm by default,
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-87- *            as it was reported to crash.
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-312-    && !defined CORO_SJLJ    && !defined CORO_LINUX \
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:313:    && !defined CORO_IRIX    && !defined CORO_ASM \
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-314-    && !defined CORO_PTHREAD && !defined CORO_FIBER
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-315-# if defined WINDOWS && (defined __i386__ || (__x86_64__ || defined _M_IX86 || defined _M_AMD64)
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:316:#  define CORO_ASM 1
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-317-# elif defined WINDOWS || defined _WIN32
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-319-# elif __linux && (__i386__ || (__x86_64__ && !__ILP32__) /*|| (__arm__ && __ARM_ARCH == 7)), not working */
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h:320:#  define CORO_ASM 1
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/libcoro/coro.h-321-# elif defined HAVE_UCONTEXT_H
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-37-# default to assembly on x86 and x86_64 sometimes
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:38:my $iface_asm = $Config{archname} =~ /^(i[3456]86|amd64|x86_64)-/ ? "a" : undef;
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-65-   # everything "just works", as expected
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:66:   $iface = $iface_asm || "s";
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:75:   $iface = $iface_asm || "s";
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-99-      # ugh, pthreads need to be linked into the main program :/
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:100:      $iface = $iface_asm || "s";
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-101-   }
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-106-   if (!$pthread) {
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:107:      # asm seems to work, setjmp might, ucontext is missing,
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-108-      # threads lets not talk about
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-109-      # try setjmp/longjmp on 4.4, but pthread on earlier
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:110:      $iface = $iface_asm || ($Config{osvers} >= 4.4 ? "s" : "p");
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-111-   } else {
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL-121-   # setjmp, ucontext seem to work, as well as asm
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:122:   $iface = $iface_asm || "s";
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:373:my $orgasm = $ENV{CORO_JIT} || "y";
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:374:$orgasm = prompt ("Try to use the JIT compiler, if available?", $orgasm);
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/Makefile.PL:375:$DEFINE .= " -DCORO_JIT=1" if $orgasm =~ /[yY]/;
libcoro-perl-6.570/Coro/State.pm:261:=item $state->eval ($string)
libcoro-perl-6.570/Changes-661-4.9  Sat Nov  8 17:45:27 CET 2008
libcoro-perl-6.570/Changes:662:	- (libcoro) did not preserve rbp with CORO_ASM (we are getting there).
libcoro-perl-6.570/Changes-663-        - (libcoro) no longer leak threads in the experimental pthread backend,
libcoro-perl-6.570/Changes-686-4.803 Mon Nov  3 17:16:12 CET 2008
libcoro-perl-6.570/Changes:687:	- (libcoro) use a global asm statement to become independent of gcc
libcoro-perl-6.570/Changes:688:          otpimisations for CORO_ASM (thanks to pippijn for the idea).
libcoro-perl-6.570/Changes-689-        - try to workaround yet another broken bsd, this time dragonfly.