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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-106-    This is the class's parent class. If this isn't provided then the class name
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md:107:    in `$Exception::Class::BASE_EXC_CLASS` is assumed to be the parent (see
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-108-    below).
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-114-    To change the default exception class you will need to change the value of
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md:115:    `$Exception::Class::BASE_EXC_CLASS` _before_ calling `import`. To do this
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-116-    simply do something like this:
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-166-then I recommend you check out [Try::Tiny](https://metacpan.org/pod/Try::Tiny). This is a great module that helps
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md:167:you ignore some of the weirdness with `eval` and `$@`. Here's an example of
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-168-how the two modules work together:
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-201-last thrown exception is of the given class, or a subclass of that class. If
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md:202:it is not given any arguments, it simply returns `$@`.
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-204-You should **always** make a copy of the exception object, rather than using
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md:205:`$@` directly. This is necessary because if your `cleanup` function uses
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md:206:`eval`, or calls something which uses it, then `$@` is overwritten. Copying
libexception-class-perl-1.44/README.md-207-the exception preserves it for the call to `do_something_with_exception`.