                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md:21:Similar to `view.events`, you can define `view.bindings` to map selectors to binding configurations. The following bindings configuration will bind the `view.$('#title')` element to the `title` model attribute and the `view.$('#author')` element to the `authorName` model attribute:
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md:39:On the initial call, stickit will initialize the innerHTML of `view.$('#title')` with the value of the `title` model attribute, and will setup a one-way binding (model->view) so that any time a model `change:title` event is triggered, the `view.$('#title')` element will reflect those changes. For form elements, like `view.$('#author')`, stickit will configure a two-way binding (model<->view), connecting and reflecting changes in the view elements with changes in bound model attributes.
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md-694-    `updateView(value, options)`  
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md:695:    `afterUpdate($el, value, originalVal, options)`  
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md-696-    `visible(value, options)`  
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md:697:    `visibleFn($el, isVisible, options)`  
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md-698-- Added support for handling multiple checkboxes with one binding/selector and using the `value` attribute, if present, for checkboxes.
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md-699-- Added default values for `labelPath` and `valuePath` in selectOptions: `label` and `value` respectively.
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md:700:- Refactored event registration to use `$.on` and `$.off` instead of delegating through Backbone which fixed the following bugs:
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/README.md-701-    - `view.events` selectors and binding selectors that are equal were overriding [#49](https://github.com/NYTimes/backbone.stickit/issues/49)
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js-46-    // Unbind the model and event bindings from `this._modelBindings` and
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js:47:    // `this.$el`. If the optional `model` parameter is defined, then only
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js-48-    // delete bindings for the given `model` and its corresponding view events.
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js-230-  // Find handlers in `Backbone.Stickit._handlers` with selectors that match
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js:231:  // `$el` and generate a configuration by mixing them in the order that they
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js-232-  // were found with the given `binding`.
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js:317:  // Update the value of `$el` using the given configuration and trigger the
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/backbone.stickit.js-318-  // `afterUpdate` callback. This action may be blocked by `config.updateView`.
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/test/test-amd.html:24:    require(['backbone', 'jquery', 'stickit'], function(Backbone, $) {
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/test/test-amd.html-25-      require([
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/test/vendor/backbone.js-1093-    // Ensure that the View has a DOM element to render into.
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/test/vendor/backbone.js:1094:    // If `this.el` is a string, pass it through `$()`, take the first
libjs-backbone.stickit-0.7.0/test/vendor/backbone.js-1095-    // matching element, and re-assign it to `el`. Otherwise, create