                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-163-    my $cmd = "swig -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:164:    my $out  = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-165-    if ($?) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-166-        $cmd = "swig2.0 -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:167:        $out  = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-168-        if ($?) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-169-            $cmd = "swig3.0 -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:170:            $out = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-225-    print join(" ", @args ) . "\n";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:226:    $self->do_system( @args ) or die "error : $! while building ( @swig_flags ) $c_file in $gsldir from '$file'";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-227-    move($from, "$from.$ver");
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-337-  print join(" ", @cc, @flags, '-o', $obj_file, $file) . "\n";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:338:  $self->do_system(@cc, @flags, '-o', $obj_file, $file)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-339-    or die "error building $Config{_o} file from '$file'";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Interp.pm:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Poly.pm:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Poly.pm:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Poly.pm:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm:474:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm-475-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm:624:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm:674:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/lib/Math/GSL/Spline.pm:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.1.15:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.1.16:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.0:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.1:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.2:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.2.1:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.3:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.4:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.5:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Interp.pm.2.6:319:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.1.15:320:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.1.16:321:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.15:378:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.15:384:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.15:390:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.16:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.16:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.16:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15-2128-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15:2129: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15-2141-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16-2128-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16:2129: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16-2141-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.1.15:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.1.16:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.0:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.1:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.2:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.2.1:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.0:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.0:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.0:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.1:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.1:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.1:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2.1:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2.1:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2.1:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.0:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.1:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.2:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.2.1:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.3:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.4:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.5:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.6:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.3:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.3:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.3:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.4:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.4:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.4:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.5:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.5:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.5:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.6:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.6:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.6:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5:474:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5-475-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5:624:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5:674:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6:474:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6-475-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6:624:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6:674:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.3:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.4:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.5:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.6:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Interp.pod:101:=item C<gsl_interp_eval($interp, $xa, $ya, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/BLAS.pod:231:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/BLAS.pod:233:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/BLAS.pod:235:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/BLAS.pod:304:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/BLAS.pod:328:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/BSpline.pod:62:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Chebyshev.pod:34:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Chebyshev.pod-35-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Chebyshev.pod:59:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Chebyshev.pod:61:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Chebyshev.pod:67:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/ODEIV.pod:92:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Poly.pod:44:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Poly.pod:50:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Poly.pod:56:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Randist.pod:223:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Randist.pod-224-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Randist.pod:373:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Randist.pod:423:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/SF.pod-1379-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/SF.pod:1380: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/SF.pod-1392-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/SF.pod:1393: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/pod/Spline.pod:53:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Chebyshev.t-40-    gsl_cheb_init( $self->{cheb}, $func, 0, 1);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Chebyshev.t:41:    ok_similar( [ sin(cos(0.5)) ], [gsl_cheb_eval($self->{cheb}, 0.5 ) ] );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Poly.t-33-    my $z   = gsl_complex_rect(2,1);                      # 2+i
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Poly.t:34:    my $got = gsl_poly_complex_eval( [ 1, 4 ], 2, $z);    # 1 + 4 x
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Poly.t:45:    my $got = gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval( [ $c2, $c1 ], 2, $z );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Poly.t-46-    ok_similar( [ gsl_parts($got) ], [ 4, 16 ],'gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval' );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Poly.t:54:    my $got = gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval ([ $z ], 1, $w);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/t/Poly.t-55-    ok_similar( [ gsl_parts($got) ] , [0.674,-1.423], 'gsl_complex_poly_eval2' );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:73:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:74:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:76:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:77:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:79:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:80:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:114:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:115:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:138:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:139:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:929:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:930:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:932:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:933:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:935:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:936:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:970:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:971:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:994:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:995:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1088:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1089:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1091:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1092:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1094:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1095:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1129:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1130:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1153:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:1154:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2619:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2620:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2622:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2623:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2625:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2626:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2660:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2661:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2684:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:2685:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3486:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3487:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3489:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3490:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3492:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3493:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3527:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3528:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3551:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3552:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3645:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3646:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3648:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3649:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3651:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3652:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3686:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3687:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3710:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3711:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3804:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3805:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3807:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3808:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3810:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3811:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3845:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3846:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3869:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3870:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3963:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3964:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3966:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3967:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3969:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:3970:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:4004:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:4005:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:4028:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:4029:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:6987:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:6988:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:6990:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:6991:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:6993:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:6994:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7028:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7029:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7052:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7053:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7146:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7147:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7149:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7150:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7152:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7153:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7187:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7188:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7211:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7212:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7305:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7306:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7308:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7309:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7311:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7312:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7346:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7347:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7370:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7371:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7464:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7465:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7467:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7468:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7470:-=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7471:+=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7505:-=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7506:+=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7529:-=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/debian/patches/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch:7530:+=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation succeeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0001-Hardening-Build-Patch.patch/Build.PL-157-    my $cmd  = "$swig -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0001-Hardening-Build-Patch.patch/Build.PL:158:    my $out  = `$cmd`;
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0001-Hardening-Build-Patch.patch/Build.PL-211-    printf "cccmd = $cccmd\n" if $args{verbose};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0001-Hardening-Build-Patch.patch/Build.PL:212:    my $res = system($cccmd);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0001-Hardening-Build-Patch.patch/Build.PL-213-    $ok = defined($res) && $res == 0;
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Poly.pm:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Poly.pm:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Poly.pm:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm:474:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm-475-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm:624:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Randist.pm:674:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/SF.pm:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/lib/Math/GSL/Spline.pm:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.15:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.1.16:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.1.15:320:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.1.16:321:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.15:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.1.16:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.15:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.1.16:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.15:378:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.15:384:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.15:390:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.16:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.16:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.1.16:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.15:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.1.16:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15-2128-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15:2129: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15-2141-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.15:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16-2128-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16:2129: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16-2141-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.1.16:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.1.15:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.1.16:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.0:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.1:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.2.1:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.0:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.1:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.2:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.2.1:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.0:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.1:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.2.1:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.0:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.1:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.2.1:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.0:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.0:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.0:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.1:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.1:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.1:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2.1:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2.1:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.2.1:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.0:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1:466:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1-467-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1:616:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.1:666:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.2.1:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.0:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.1:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.2.1:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.0:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.1:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.2:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.2.1:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.3:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.4:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.5:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:440:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:442:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:444:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:513:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BLAS.pm.2.6:537:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.3:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.4:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.5:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/BSpline.pm.2.6:383:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.3:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.4:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.5:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:348:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6-349-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:373:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:375:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Chebyshev.pm.2.6:381:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.3:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.4:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.5:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6-105-    if (exists $OWNER{$self}) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6:106:        Math::GSL::ODEIVc::delete_gsl_odeiv_system($self);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6-107-        delete $OWNER{$self};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/ODEIV.pm.2.6:579:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.3:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.3:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.3:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.4:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.4:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.4:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.5:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.5:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.5:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.6:379:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.6:385:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Poly.pm.2.6:391:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.3:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4:471:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4-472-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4:621:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.4:671:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5:474:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5-475-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5:624:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.5:674:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6:474:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6-475-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6:624:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Randist.pm.2.6:674:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3-2141-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3:2142: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3-2154-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.3:2155: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.4:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.5:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6-2139-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6:2140: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6-2152-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/SF.pm.2.6:2153: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.3:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.4:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.5:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pm/Math/GSL/Spline.pm.2.6:214:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/BLAS.pod:231:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemv($TransA, $alpha, $A, $x, $beta, $y)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product and sum y = \alpha op(A) x + \beta y, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). $A is a matrix and $x and $y are vectors. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/BLAS.pod:233:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrmv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes the matrix-vector product x = op(A) x for the triangular matrix $A, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/BLAS.pod:235:=item C<gsl_blas_dtrsv($Uplo, $TransA, $Diag, $A, $x)> - This function computes inv(op(A)) x for the vector $x, where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans (constant values coming from the CBLAS module). When $Uplo is $CblasUpper then the upper triangle of $A is used, and when $Uplo is $CblasLower then the lower triangle of $A is used. If $Diag is $CblasNonUnit then the diagonal of the matrix is used, but if $Diag is $CblasUnit then the diagonal elements of the matrix $A are taken as unity and are not referenced. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/BLAS.pod:304:=item C<gsl_blas_dgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/BLAS.pod:328:=item C<gsl_blas_zgemm($TransA, $TransB, $alpha, $A, $B, $beta, $C)> - This function computes the matrix-matrix product and sum C = \alpha op(A) op(B) + \beta C where op(A) = A, A^T, A^H for $TransA = $CblasNoTrans, $CblasTrans, $CblasConjTrans and similarly for the parameter $TransB. The function returns 0 if the operation suceeded, 1 otherwise. $A, $B and $C are complex matrices
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/BSpline.pod:62:=item gsl_bspline_eval($x, $B, $w)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Chebyshev.pod:34:    my $x                = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Chebyshev.pod-35-    my ($status,$y,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval_err($cheb, 7.5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Chebyshev.pod:59:=item * C<gsl_cheb_eval($function, $value)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Chebyshev.pod:61:    my $evaluated = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Chebyshev.pod:67:    my ($status,$evaluated,$err) = gsl_cheb_eval($cheb, 5 );
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/ODEIV.pod:92:=item * C<gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply($e, $c, $step, $dydt, \$t, $t1, \$h, $y)> - This function advances the system ($e, $dydt) from time $t and position $y using the stepping function $step. The new time and position are stored in $t and $y on output. The initial step-size is taken as $h, but this will be modified using the control function $c to achieve the appropriate error bound if necessary. The routine may make several calls to step in order to determine the optimum step-size. If the step-size has been changed the value of $h will be modified on output. The maximum time $t1 is guaranteed not to be exceeded by the time-step. On the final time-step the value of $t will be set to $t1 exactly.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Poly.pod:44:=item * gsl_poly_eval(@values, $length, $x)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Poly.pod:50:=item * gsl_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Poly.pod:56:=item * gsl_complex_poly_complex_eval(@values, $length, $z)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Randist.pod:223:This function returns an array of K (where K = length of $alpha array) random
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Randist.pod-224-variates from a Dirichlet distribution of order K-1. The distribution function
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Randist.pod:373:This function provides random variates from the upper tail of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation sigma. The values returned are larger than the lower limit a, which must be positive. The probability distribution for Gaussian tail random variates is, p(x) dx = {1 / N($a; $sigma) sqrt{2 pi sigma**2}} exp(- x**2/(2 sigma**2)) dx for x > $a where N($a; $sigma) is the normalization constant, N($a; $sigma) = (1/2) erfc($a / sqrt(2 $sigma**2)). $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Randist.pod:423:This function returns a random integer from the hypergeometric distribution. The probability distribution for hypergeometric random variates is, p(k) =  C(n_1, k) C(n_2, t - k) / C(n_1 + n_2, t) where C(a,b) = a!/(b!(a-b)!) and t <= n_1 + n_2. The domain of k is max(0,t-n_2), ..., min(t,n_1). If a population contains n_1 elements of "type 1" and n_2 elements of "type 2" then the hypergeometric distribution gives the probability of obtaining k elements of "type 1" in t samples from the population without replacement. $r is a gsl_rng structure.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/SF.pod-1379-    ma mb mc)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/SF.pod:1380: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/SF.pod-1392-    jd je jf}
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/SF.pod:1393: where the arguments are given in half-integer units, ja = $two_ja/2, ma = $two_ma/2, etc.
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/0002-Fixed-spelling-errors-in-man.patch/pod/Spline.pod:53:=item * C<gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)>
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-162-    my $cmd = "swig -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:163:    my $out  = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-164-    if ($?) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-165-        $cmd = "swig2.0 -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:166:        $out  = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-167-        if ($?) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-168-            $cmd = "swig3.0 -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:169:            $out = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-224-    print join(" ", @args ) . "\n";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:225:    $self->do_system( @args ) or die "error : $! while building ( @swig_flags ) $c_file in $gsldir from '$file'";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-226-    move($from, "$from.$ver");
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-336-  print join(" ", @cc, @flags, '-o', $obj_file, $file) . "\n";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:337:  $self->do_system(@cc, @flags, '-o', $obj_file, $file)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/force-swig-rebuild.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-338-    or die "error building $Config{_o} file from '$file'";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-162-    my $cmd = "swig -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:163:    my $out  = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-164-    if ($?) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-165-        $cmd = "swig2.0 -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:166:        $out  = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-167-        if ($?) {
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-168-            $cmd = "swig3.0 -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:169:            $out = eval { no warnings; `$cmd` };
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-224-    print join(" ", @args ) . "\n";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:225:    $self->do_system( @args ) or die "error : $! while building ( @swig_flags ) $c_file in $gsldir from '$file'";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-226-    move($from, "$from.$ver");
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-336-  print join(" ", @cc, @flags, '-o', $obj_file, $file) . "\n";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm:337:  $self->do_system(@cc, @flags, '-o', $obj_file, $file)
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/swig-only-curversion.patch/inc/GSLBuilder.pm-338-    or die "error building $Config{_o} file from '$file'";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/clean.patch/Build.PL-160-    my $cmd  = "$swig -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/clean.patch/Build.PL:161:    my $out  = `$cmd`;
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/clean.patch/Build.PL-214-    printf "cccmd = $cccmd\n" if $args{verbose};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/clean.patch/Build.PL:215:    my $res = system($cccmd);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/.pc/clean.patch/Build.PL-216-    $ok = defined($res) && $res == 0;
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/Build.PL-161-    my $cmd  = "$swig -version";
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/Build.PL:162:    my $out  = `$cmd`;
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/Build.PL-215-    printf "cccmd = $cccmd\n" if $args{verbose};
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/Build.PL:216:    my $res = system($cccmd);
libmath-gsl-perl-0.42/Build.PL-217-    $ok = defined($res) && $res == 0;