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       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:65:Creates a nanomsg socket with specified `$domain` and `$protocol`. Returns a
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-66-file descriptor for the newly created socket.
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:77:The `$protocol` parameter defines the type of the socket, which in turn
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-78-determines the exact semantics of the socket. See ["Protocols"](#protocols) to get the list
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:113:Closes the socket `$s`. Any buffered inbound messages that were not yet
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-114-received by the application will be discarded. The library will try to deliver
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:133:Sets the `$value` of the socket option `$option`. The `$level` argument
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-134-specifies the protocol level at which the option resides. For generic
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-135-socket-level options use the `NN_SOL_SOCKET` level. For socket-type-specific
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:136:options use the socket type for the `$level` argument (e.g. `NN_SUB`). For
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:137:transport-specific options use the ID of the transport as the `$level` argument
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-138-(e.g. `NN_TCP`).
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:207:Retrieves the value for the socket option `$option`. The `$level` argument
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-208-specifies the protocol level at which the option resides. For generic
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-209-socket-level options use the `NN_SOL_SOCKET` level. For socket-type-specific
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:210:options use the socket type for the `$level` argument (e.g. `NN_SUB`). For
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:211:transport-specific options use ID of the transport as the `$level` argument
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-212-(e.g. `NN_TCP`).
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-221-* `ENOPROTOOPT`
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:222:The option is unknown at the `$level` indicated.
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-223-* `ETERM`
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:226:Just what is in the packed string depends on `$level` and `$option`; see the
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-227-list of socket options for details; A common case is that the option is an
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:259:Adds a local endpoint to the socket `$s`. The endpoint can be then used by other
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-260-applications to connect to.
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:262:The `$addr` argument consists of two parts as follows:
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-263-`transport://address`. The `transport` specifies the underlying transport
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:269:The maximum length of the `$addr` parameter is specified by `NN_SOCKADDR_MAX`
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:307:Adds a remote endpoint to the socket `$s`. The library would then try to
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-308-connect to the specified remote endpoint.
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:310:The `$addr` argument consists of two parts as follows:
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-311-`transport://address`. The `transport` specifies the underlying transport
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:317:The maximum length of the `$addr` parameter is specified by `NN_SOCKADDR_MAX`
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:350:Removes an endpoint from socket `$s`. The `eid` parameter specifies the ID of
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-351-the endpoint to remove as returned by prior call to `nn_bind` or
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:377:This function will send a message containing the provided `$data` to the socket
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:380:`$data` can either be anything that can be used as a byte string in perl or a
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-381-message buffer instance allocated by `nn_allocmsg`. In case of a message buffer
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:389:The `$flags` argument, which defaults to `0`, is a combination of the flags
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-390-defined below:
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:427:Receive a message from the socket `$s` and store it in the buffer `$buf`. Any
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:428:bytes exceeding the length specified by the `$length` argument will be
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-431-Alternatively, `nn_recv` can allocate a message buffer instance for you. To do
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:432:so, set the `$length` parameter to `NN_MSG` (the default).
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:434:The `$flags` argument, which defaults to `0`, is a combination of the flags
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-435-defined below:
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:477:The scalars containing the data to be sent (`$data1`, `$data2`, ...,
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:478:`$dataN`) can either be anything that can be used as a byte string in perl or a
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-479-message buffer instance allocated by `nn_allocmsg`. In case of a message buffer
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:489:The `$flags` argument is a combination of the flags defined below:
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:533:The scalars in which to receive the message data (`$buf1`, `$buf2`, ...,
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:534:`$bufN`) will be filled with as many bytes of data as is specified by the
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:535:length parameter following them in the argument list (`$len1`, `$len2`, ...,
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:542:The `$flags` argument is a combination of the flags defined below:
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:558:Allocate a message of the specified `$size` to be sent in zero-copy
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-559-fashion. The content of the message is undefined after allocation and it should
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:564:The `$type` parameter specifies type of allocation mechanism to use. Zero is
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-565-the default one. However, individual transport mechanisms may define their own
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-583-Returns value of `errno` after the last call to any nanomsg function in the
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:584:current thread. This function can be used in the same way the `$!` global
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-585-variable is be used for many other system and library calls.
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-593-Returns a textual representation of the error described by the nummeric
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:594:`$errno` provided. It shouldn't normally be necessary to ever call this
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-595-function, as using `nn_errno` in string context is basically equivalent to
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-603-valid, the `nn_device` function loops and sends and messages received from
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md:604:`$s1` to `$s2` and vice versa. If only one socket is valid and the other is
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/README.md-605-`undef`, `nn_device` works in a loopback mode - it loops and sends any
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/t/tcp.t-53-               [\&nn_bind,    \%invalid_bind_addresses]) {
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/t/tcp.t:54:        for my $addr (keys %{ $t->[1] }) {
libnanomsg-raw-perl-0.10/t/tcp.t-55-            is $t->[0]->($sc, $addr), undef;