                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/codes.t:85:code 'S<C<$x & $y>>', '`$x & $y`', # Literal NBSP chars.
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/codes.t-86-  # Amps inside code spans will get escaped, so leave nsbp bare.
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/codes.t:87:  entities => ['`$x & $y`'];
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/codes.t:89:code 'S<$x C<& $y>>', '$x `& $y`', # Just spaces.
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/codes.t:90:  entities => ['$x `& $y`'],
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/codes.t-91-  init => sub { $_[0]->nbsp_for_S(0) };
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/links.t:55:['embedded codes',               q^the docs on C<$.>|perlvar/"$."^, qq^[the docs on `\$.`](${pod_prefix}perlvar#\$.)^],
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/links.t-56-["don't expand nested L's",      q^perlpodspec/"About LE<lt>...E<gt> Codes"^, qq^["About L<...> Codes" in perlpodspec](${pod_prefix}perlpodspec#About${space}L<...>${space}Codes)^],
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/entities.t-29-  convert_ok("B<<< $pod >>>", $markdown,  "$desc: inline html escaped", %opts);
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/entities.t:30:  convert_ok("C<<< $pod >>>", qq{`$verbatim`}, "$desc: html not escaped in code span", %opts);
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/pod2markdown.t-41-  is slurp_file($outfile), "oops\n", 'output file prepared';
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/pod2markdown.t:42:  system(join ' ', map { length($_) > 1 ? qq["$_"] : $_ } @$args);
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/t/pod2markdown.t-43-  is slurp_file($outfile), $exp, $desc;
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/lib/Pod/Markdown.pm-138-    # into the private stash so anything unknown was silently ignored.
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/lib/Pod/Markdown.pm:139:    # We could open this up to `$self->can($attr)` in the future if that seems better
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/lib/Pod/Markdown.pm-140-    # but it tricked me when I was testing a misspelled attribute name
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/.pc/autopkgtest.patch/t/pod2markdown.t-39-  is slurp_file($outfile), "oops\n", 'output file prepared';
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/.pc/autopkgtest.patch/t/pod2markdown.t:40:  system(join ' ', map { length($_) > 1 ? qq["$_"] : $_ } @$args);
libpod-markdown-perl-3.300000/.pc/autopkgtest.patch/t/pod2markdown.t-41-  is slurp_file($outfile), $exp, $desc;