                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/rpmbuild-88-	print "\$ $cmd\n";
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/rpmbuild:89:	system($cmd);
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/lib/RiveScript.pm-188-			# Evaluate it.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/lib/RiveScript.pm:189:			eval ($code);
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/lib/RiveScript.pm-190-			if ($@) {
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/lib/RiveScript.pm-1708-		$deparse->{include}->{$topic} = [];
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/lib/RiveScript.pm:1709:		foreach my $include (keys %{$self->{includes}->{$topic}}) {
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/lib/RiveScript.pm-1710-			push @{$deparse->{include}->{$topic}}, $include;
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:92:    Load a directory full of RiveScript documents. `$PATH` must be a path to a
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-93-    directory. `@EXTS` is optionally an array containing file extensions, including
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:100:    Load a single RiveScript document. `$PATH` should be the path to a valid
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-101-    RiveScript file. Returns true on success; false otherwise.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-111-    Check the syntax of a line of RiveScript code. This is called automatically
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:112:    for each line parsed by the module. `$COMMAND` is the command part of the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:113:    line, and `$LINE` is the rest of the line following the command (and
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-114-    excluding inline comments).
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:200:    If you provide `$deparsed`, it should be a data structure matching the format
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-201-    of `deparse()`. This way you can deparse your RiveScript brain, add/edit
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:213:    The code receives the variables `$rs, $action, $name,` and `$data`. These
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-214-    variables are described here:
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-242-    Manually create a RiveScript object (a dynamic bit of Perl code that can be
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:243:    provoked in a RiveScript response). `$NAME` should be a single-word,
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:244:    alphanumeric string. `$CODEREF` should be a pointer to a subroutine or an
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-245-    anonymous sub.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:284:    Set a variable for a user. `$USER` should be their User ID, and `%DATA` is a
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-285-    hash containing variable/value pairs.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:300:    You can optionally pass a second argument, `$VAR`, to get a specific variable
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-301-    that belongs to the user. For instance, `getUservars ("soandso", "age")`.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:307:    Clears all variables about `$USER`. If no `$USER` is provided, clears all
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-308-    variables about all users.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:312:    Freeze the current state of variables for user `$USER`. This will back up the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-313-    user's current state (their variables and reply history). This won't statically
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:319:    If the variables for `$USER` were previously frozen, this method will restore
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-320-    them to the state they were in when they were last frozen. It will then delete
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:344:    After fetching a reply for user `$USER`, the `lastMatch` method will return the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-345-    raw text of the trigger that the user has matched with their reply. This function
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-353-    invoked the object macro (e.g., to get/set variables for them using the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:354:    `$rs` instance).
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md:363:    Fetch a response to `$MESSAGE` from user `$USER`. RiveScript will take care of
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/README.md-364-    lowercasing, running substitutions, and removing punctuation from the message.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/lib/RiveScript.pm-188-			# Evaluate it.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/lib/RiveScript.pm:189:			eval ($code);
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/lib/RiveScript.pm-190-			if ($@) {
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/lib/RiveScript.pm-1708-		$deparse->{include}->{$topic} = [];
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/lib/RiveScript.pm:1709:		foreach my $include (keys %{$self->{includes}->{$topic}}) {
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/.pc/spelling.patch/lib/RiveScript.pm-1710-			push @{$deparse->{include}->{$topic}}, $include;
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:92:    Load a directory full of RiveScript documents. `$PATH` must be a path to a
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-93-    directory. `@EXTS` is optionally an array containing file extensions, including
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:100:    Load a single RiveScript document. `$PATH` should be the path to a valid
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-101-    RiveScript file. Returns true on success; false otherwise.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-111-    Check the syntax of a line of RiveScript code. This is called automatically
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:112:    for each line parsed by the module. `$COMMAND` is the command part of the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:113:    line, and `$LINE` is the rest of the line following the command (and
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-114-    excluding inline comments).
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:200:    If you provide `$deparsed`, it should be a data structure matching the format
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-201-    of `deparse()`. This way you can deparse your RiveScript brain, add/edit
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:213:    The code receives the variables `$rs, $action, $name,` and `$data`. These
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-214-    variables are described here:
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-242-    Manually create a RiveScript object (a dynamic bit of Perl code that can be
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:243:    provoked in a RiveScript response). `$NAME` should be a single-word,
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:244:    alphanumeric string. `$CODEREF` should be a pointer to a subroutine or an
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-245-    anonymous sub.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:284:    Set a variable for a user. `$USER` should be their User ID, and `%DATA` is a
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-285-    hash containing variable/value pairs.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:300:    You can optionally pass a second argument, `$VAR`, to get a specific variable
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-301-    that belongs to the user. For instance, `getUservars ("soandso", "age")`.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:307:    Clears all variables about `$USER`. If no `$USER` is provided, clears all
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-308-    variables about all users.
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:312:    Freeze the current state of variables for user `$USER`. This will back up the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-313-    user's current state (their variables and reply history). This won't statically
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:319:    If the variables for `$USER` were previously frozen, this method will restore
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-320-    them to the state they were in when they were last frozen. It will then delete
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:344:    After fetching a reply for user `$USER`, the `lastMatch` method will return the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-345-    raw text of the trigger that the user has matched with their reply. This function
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-353-    invoked the object macro (e.g., to get/set variables for them using the
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:354:    `$rs` instance).
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md:363:    Fetch a response to `$MESSAGE` from user `$USER`. RiveScript will take care of
librivescript-perl-2.0.3/README.md-364-    lowercasing, running substitutions, and removing punctuation from the message.