                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
liquidprompt-1.12.0/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md-13-  Find with
liquidprompt-1.12.0/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md:14:  `echo $BASH_VERSION`
liquidprompt-1.12.0/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md-15-  or
liquidprompt-1.12.0/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md:16:  `echo $ZSH_VERSION`
liquidprompt-1.12.0/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug.md-17-  Example: "bash 4.4.19(1)-release"
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-10-### Added
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:11:- **color**: Add `$MAGENTA`, `$BOLD_PURPLE`, and `$BOLD_MAGENTA` ([3fadce9])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-12-- **color**: Add warning when `tput` is not available ([#615])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-13-- **path**: Allow to customize the symbol before the path that shows if the
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:14:  directory is writable: `$LP_MARK_PERM` ([#430])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:15:- **runtime**: `$LP_RUNTIME_BELL` and `$LP_RUNTIME_BELL_THRESHOLD` to ring bell
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-16-  for slow commands ([#571])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-20-- **general**: set specific `IFS` everywhere it is used ([#613])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:21:- **bash**: workaround broken .bashrc that export `$PROMPT_COMMAND`, we now
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-22-  unexport it on startup ([#450], [#463], [#474])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:23:- **bash**: handle unset `$_LP_RUNTIME_LAST_SECONDS` when `set -u` is set ([#605])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:24:- **bash**: use `$BASH_VERSINFO` for when there is a non-numeric
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-25-  suffix ([#522], [0234a58])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-26-- **battery/OS X**: newer versions of OS X failing to parse ([#476], [fefbe01])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:27:- **color**: `$LP_COLORMAP` would break if customized with a different sized
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-28-  array ([a70e80f])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-36-- **hg**: modifications incorrectly showing as untracked files ([#509])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:37:- **hostname**: regression in `$LP_ENABLE_FQDN` implementation ([#472])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:38:- **hostname/SunOS**: `$LP_COLOR_HOST_HASH` erroring ([#461], [#462], [9c1c8a3])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-39-- **jobs**: mispelled variable local declaration ([#564])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:40:- **root**: `$LP_MARK_DEFAULT` being ignored if root ([#501], [5ee3c53])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:41:- **runtime**: when runtime enabled, `$_` would evaluate as
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-42-  `_lp_runtime_before` ([#451])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-44-  runtime would never show. Now shows runtime of whole pipeline ([#614])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:45:- **tmux**: tmux not showing as multiplexer if custom `$TERM` set ([#563])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-58-### BREAKING CHANGES
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:59:- **config**: Many `$LP_ENABLE_*` settings are now static (their effect applies
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-60-  when liquidprompt is loaded, and changing them at the prompt does nothing)
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-61-  to improve speed.
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:62:- **screen**: `$LP_SCREEN_TITLE_OPEN` and `$LP_SCREEN_TITLE_CLOSE` are now
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-63-  removed to simplify the code ([#371])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-68-### Deprecated
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:69:- **color**: `$LP_COLORMAP_x` variables are replaced by a single `$LP_COLORMAP`
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-70-  array variable. A warning will be displayed at startup if your config still
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-76-- **git**: show the rebasing/merging/cherry-picking state ([#409], [5cfd2c2])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:77:- **hostname**: `$LP_ENABLE_FQDN` to show the fully qualified domain name of
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-78-  the host ([#254], [#277], [695d629])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-82-- **sudo**: the color of the prompt mark is now dynamic and changes to
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:83:  `$LP_COLOR_MARK_SUDO` (default: bold red) as long as your sudo credentials
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-84-  are cached. Requires sudo 1.7.0+. This feature must be enabled with
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-88-  sysadmin ([#335], [#345], [a8571bb])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:89:- **tty**: `$LP_TTYN`: the basename of the terminal ([#357], [a97c0da], [f436867])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-90-- **zsh**: run duration of the last command (`LP_ENABLE_RUNTIME`) is now
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-119-  algorithm is rewritten and now just correct) ([#416], [8605378])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:120:- **zsh**: enable word splitting to fix `$LP_DISABLED_VCS_PATH` ([#423])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-121-- **zsh**: fix `LP_PATH_KEEP=-1` not working ([#433])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-122-- **zsh**: fix title escapes in zsh inside tmux/screen ([#370], [#371])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:123:- **zsh**: rename `$status` variable in `_lp_battery()` ([#334], [0f80162])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-124-- **zsh**: save and restore a prompt set with zsh' promptinit ([02bc49e])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-132-- **jobs**: optimize job count, espceially when disabled ([aa870b5])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:133:- **path**: optimize implementation in case of `LP_PATH_KEEP=-1`: `$LP_PWD`
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-134-  becomes static ([7602c09], [#256])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-135-- **path**: optimize implementation in case `LP_ENABLE_SHORTEN_PATH=0` on bash
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:136:  with `$PROMPT_DIRTRIM` ([8da3314])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-137-- **runtime**: refactor runtime system ([03c73fe], [d485ed1])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:138:- **zsh**: disable `$PROMPT_COMMAND` hacks and only use zsh built in
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-139-  hooks ([5fa9054])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-166-- **jobs**: fix when screen/tmux are not installed ([#304], [07d18d4])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:167:- **mark**: losing space when `$LP_MARK_DEFAULT` not quoted ([#268], [c9bdefe])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-168-- **screen**: counting screen sessions running with extra
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-172-- **temp/linux** fix for negative temperature values ([#308], [7402f79])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:173:- **term**: fix `$TERM` check ([#291], [dc7be25])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:174:- **zsh**: make `$LP_OLD_PROMPT_COMMAND` work ([81b080e])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md-185-### Removed
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CHANGELOG.md:186:- **general**: `$LP_LIQUIDPROMPT`, use `$LP_OLD_PS1` for the same check ([ed4f383])
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CONTRIBUTING.md-59-* 4 spaces indentation
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CONTRIBUTING.md:60:* Don't always prefer `${var}` over `$var` (see standards)
liquidprompt-1.12.0/CONTRIBUTING.md-61-* Use `typeset`, not `local` or `declare` (see standards)
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md:17:`[user:~] $ `
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md-83-by typing `prompt_off`. Use `prompt_on` to bring it back. You can disable
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md:84:*all* prompts and simply use a single mark sign (`$ ` for user and `# ` for root)
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md-85-by using the `prompt_OFF` command.
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md-186-feature will have no effect. Also, all the `LP_ENABLE_…` variables override the
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md:187:templates; i.e. if you use `$LP_BATT` in your template and you set `LP_ENABLE_BATT=0`
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md-188-in your configuration file, your prompt will not have any battery information.
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md:258:    export LP_PS1=`echo -ne "[\${LP_USER}\${LP_HOST}:\${BLUE}\$(pwd)\${NO_COL}] \${LP_GIT} \\\$ "`
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md-287-as a bold and blue over the default background of your terminal:
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md-377-  that's not how Subversion works
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md:378:* The proxy detection only uses the `$http_proxy` environment variable.
liquidprompt-1.12.0/README.md-379-* The window's title escape sequence may not work properly on some terminals