=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/CHANGELOG-197- * Use the "new" CMake FIND_PACKAGE case policy lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/CHANGELOG:198: * Add include(${QTXDG_USE_FILE}) to Qt5 also. lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/CHANGELOG-199- * Use the "new" CMake FIND_PACKAGE case policy ############################################## lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/cmake/modules/LXQtCreatePortableHeaders.cmake-45-# OUTPUT_DIR Specifies where the files will be created. Defaults to lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/cmake/modules/LXQtCreatePortableHeaders.cmake:46:# ``${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}``. If the value is an relative path, it lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/cmake/modules/LXQtCreatePortableHeaders.cmake:47:# will be appended to ``${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}``. lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/cmake/modules/LXQtCreatePortableHeaders.cmake-48-# ############################################## lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/debian/bin/symmangle-34- for i in `find . -name symbols`; do lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/debian/bin/symmangle:35: k=`echo $i | sed "s#/DEBIAN/symbols##" | sed "s#./debian/##"` lxqt-build-tools-0.6.0/debian/bin/symmangle-36- cat "$i" | sed 's/ \(_.*\) \(.*\)/ (c++)"\1" \2/' | c++filt | LC_ALL=C sort -u | tee "debian/$k.mangled";