                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
naev-0.7.0/build/shave.in:34:   last_result=`echo $1 | $SED -e 's#.libs/##' -e 's#[0-9a-zA-Z_\-\.]*_la-##'`
naev-0.7.0/build/shave.in-52-    --shave-mode=*)
naev-0.7.0/build/shave.in:53:        mode=`echo $opt | $SED -e 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
naev-0.7.0/build/shave.in-54-        ;;
naev-0.7.0/dat/assets/mouddar.xml-30-  </commodities>
naev-0.7.0/dat/assets/mouddar.xml:31:  <description>Mouddar is a bit of a leisure resort, in all but name. While the planet does have a resident population, most of its income is from tourism. The planet is speckled with tiny coral peninsulae, which are perfect for all kinds of water sports. Unfortunately, the enthusiasm of the Imperial adolescents who come here has had a detrimental effect on the environment.</description>
naev-0.7.0/dat/assets/mouddar.xml-32-  <bar>Nobody really cares about Mouddar's spaceport bar, apart from the traders who only stop here to load and unload. Most civilian visitors, though, immediately head for the sun, sand and surf that they came here to enjoy.</bar>
naev-0.7.0/dat/gfx/metadata_sprite.sh-20-# Results
naev-0.7.0/dat/gfx/metadata_sprite.sh:21:if [ -n "`identify -verbose $TMPFILE | grep sy`" ]; then
naev-0.7.0/dat/gfx/metadata_sprite.sh-22-   echo "Success - $1 [$2x$3]"
naev-0.7.0/dat/intro-9-[fadein dat/gfx/intro/faster_than_light.png]
naev-0.7.0/dat/intro:10:The first wave of explorers crept from star to star at sublight speeds, until the invention of the hyperspace drive spurred a second growth. Then civilisation spread, as it always has, with exponential enthusiasm -- ripples in the dark sea of space.
naev-0.7.0/dat/missions/dvaered/dv_antiflf02.lua-24-    text[1] = [[You join the Dvaered official at his table. He greets you in a cordial fashion, at least by Dvaered standards. You explain to him that you wish to know more about the anti-FLF operation that House Dvaered is supposedly working on.
naev-0.7.0/dat/missions/dvaered/dv_antiflf02.lua:25:    "Ah! It's good to see such righteous enthusiasm among our citizenry. Indeed, our forces have been preparing to deal a significant blow to the FLF terrorists. I can't disclose the details, of course - this is a military operation. However, if you have a combat-capable ship and enough sense of duty to assist us, there is an opportunity to serve alongside the real Dvaered warriors. How about it? Can we count on your support?"]]
naev-0.7.0/extras/macosx/naev.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj-1359-			shellPath = /bin/sh;
naev-0.7.0/extras/macosx/naev.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:1360:			shellScript = "if [ ${CONFIGURATION} == \"Debug\" ]\nthen\n\tnaev=${PROJECT_DIR}/../..\n\tdebug=\"${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/naev.app/Contents/Resources\"\n\t\n\tif [ ! -d ${debug}/gfx ] || [ ! -d ${debug}/dat ]  || [ ! -d ${debug}/ai ] || [ ! -d ${debug}/extras ]\n\tthen\n        ln -s ${naev}/gfx ${debug}/gfx\n\t\tln -s ${naev}/dat ${debug}/dat\n\t\tln -s ${naev}/ai ${debug}/ai\n\t\tln -s ${naev}/extras ${debug}/extras\n\t\tln -s ${naev}/scripts ${debug}/scripts\n\t\tln -s ${naev}/snd ${debug}/snd\n\tfi\nfi\n\necho \"Attempting to sanitize frameworks for packaging\"\n\n## Strip unnecessary architectures from libraries before packaging, as well as remove\n## any header files\n# First find if we are doing x86_64\napp_name=\"naev\"\ntemp_test=`file ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${app_name}.app/Contents/MacOS/${app_name} | grep -o x86_64`\nlipo_flag=\"-remove\"\n\nif [ ! -z \"$temp_test\" ]; then\n  lipo_flag=\"-extract\"\n  echo \"stripping all but x86_64\"\nfi\n\n# Go to the frameworks directory\npushd \"${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${app_name}.app/Contents/Frameworks/\"\n\necho \"== You are here: $( pwd )\"\n\n# Do the strip!\nfor fw_dir in `ls -d *.framework`\ndo\n  # echo \"$fw_dir\"\n  fw_name=\"${fw_dir%\\.framework}\"\n  # echo \"$fw_name\"\n  pushd \"$fw_dir/Versions/A\"\n  cp \"$fw_name\" \"$fw_name\".orig\n  lipo \"$fw_name\".orig \"$lipo_flag\" x86_64 -output \"$fw_name\"\n  rm \"$fw_name\".orig\n  popd\ndone\n\n# Now clean up the headers\nfind . -type f -name '*.h' -exec rm -f {} \\;\n\npopd\n\n";
naev-0.7.0/extras/macosx/naev.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj-1361-		};
naev-0.7.0/lib/lua/luaconf.h:563:#define lua_number2int(i,d)   __asm fld d   __asm fistp i
naev-0.7.0/lib/lua/luaconf.h-564-#define lua_number2integer(i,n)		lua_number2int(i, n)
naev-0.7.0/m4/sdl.m4-48-  else
naev-0.7.0/m4/sdl.m4:49:    SDL_CFLAGS=`$SDL_CONFIG $sdl_config_args --cflags`
naev-0.7.0/m4/sdl.m4:50:    SDL_LIBS=`$SDL_CONFIG $sdl_config_args --libs`
naev-0.7.0/m4/sdl2.m4-61-    else
naev-0.7.0/m4/sdl2.m4:62:      SDL_CFLAGS=`$SDL2_CONFIG $sdl_config_args --cflags`
naev-0.7.0/m4/sdl2.m4:63:      SDL_LIBS=`$SDL2_CONFIG $sdl_config_args --libs`
naev-0.7.0/m4/shave.m4-63-    AC_SUBST([MAKEFLAGS], [-s])
naev-0.7.0/m4/shave.m4:64:    AC_SUBST([AM_MAKEFLAGS], ['`test -z $V && echo -s`'])
naev-0.7.0/utils/mission.py-51-    f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
naev-0.7.0/utils/mission.py:52:    os.system("$EDITOR "+f.name)
naev-0.7.0/utils/mission.py-53-    cond = f.read()