                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
nasm-2.15.05/AUTHORS:1:This is the AUTHORS file for the NASM project located at:
nasm-2.15.05/AUTHORS-64-E: KendallB@scitechsoft.com
nasm-2.15.05/AUTHORS:65:D: NASM enhancements
nasm-2.15.05/AUTHORS-66-D: macros
nasm-2.15.05/headers/c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/headers/c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2010 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/headers/c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/headers/c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/headers/mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2010 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/headers/mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/headers/mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/headers/perl:3:##   Copyright 1996-2010 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/headers/perl:4:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/headers/perl-5-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/headers/doc:3:\#   Copyright 1996-2010 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/headers/doc:4:\#   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/headers/doc-5-\#   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/test/objtest.asm-5-; build with (16-bit Microsoft C):
nasm-2.15.05/test/objtest.asm:6:;    nasm -f obj objtest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/objtest.asm-7-;    cl /AL objtest.obj objlink.c
nasm-2.15.05/test/objtest.asm-14-; [3] Define a common symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/objtest.asm:15:; [4] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/objtest.asm:16:; [5] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/objtest.asm-17-; [6] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/avx512cd.asm:9:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/test/inc2.asm-1-; This file is part of the include test.
nasm-2.15.05/test/inc2.asm:2:; See inctest.asm for build instructions.
nasm-2.15.05/test/elfso.asm-5-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/elfso.asm:6:;    nasm -f elf elfso.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/elfso.asm-7-;    ld -shared -o elfso.so elfso.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/elfso.asm-20-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/elfso.asm:21:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/elfso.asm:22:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/elfso.asm-23-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py-2-# -*- python -*-
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py:3:# Convert gas testsuite file to NASM test asm file
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py-4-# usage >
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py-5-# python gas2nasm.py -i input_gas_file -o output_nasm_file -b bits
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py:6:# e.g. python gas2nasm.py -i x86-64-avx512f-intel.d -o avx512f.asm -b 64
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py-19-            default="",
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py:20:            help='Name for output NASM test asm file.')
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py-21-    parser.add_option('-b', dest='bits', action='store',
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py-22-            default="",
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py:23:            help='Bits for output ASM file.')
nasm-2.15.05/test/gas2nasm.py-24-    parser.add_option('-r', dest='raw_output', action='store',
nasm-2.15.05/test/testdos.asm:3:; This file was known to miscompile with the 16-bit NASM built
nasm-2.15.05/test/testdos.asm-4-; under Borland C++ 3.1, so keep it around for testing...
nasm-2.15.05/test/objexe.asm-3-; To build:
nasm-2.15.05/test/objexe.asm:4:;    nasm -fobj objexe.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/objexe.asm-5-;    val objexe.obj,objexe.exe;
nasm-2.15.05/test/elf64so.asm-2-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/elf64so.asm:3:;    nasm -f elf64 elf64so.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/elf64so.asm-4-;    ld -shared -o elf64so.so elf64so.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/elf64so.asm-16-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/elf64so.asm:17:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/elf64so.asm:18:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/elf64so.asm-19-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/fpu.asm:3:; relaxed encodings for FPU instructions, which NASM should support
nasm-2.15.05/test/fpu.asm-4-; -----------------------------------------------------------------
nasm-2.15.05/test/binexe.asm-6-; To build:
nasm-2.15.05/test/binexe.asm:7:;    nasm -fbin binexe.asm -o binexe.exe -ipath
nasm-2.15.05/test/binexe.asm-8-; (where `path' is such as to allow the %include directive to find
nasm-2.15.05/test/inc1.asm-1-; This file is part of the include test.
nasm-2.15.05/test/inc1.asm:2:; See inctest.asm for build instructions.
nasm-2.15.05/test/bintest.asm-5-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/bintest.asm:6:;    nasm -f bin -o bintest.com bintest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/bintest.asm-15-; [3] Define a BSS-section symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/bintest.asm:16:; [4] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/bintest.asm:17:; [5] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/bintest.asm-18-; [6] Reference a text-section symbol in the text section
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:1:.SUFFIXES: .bin .o .o64 .aout .obj .obj64 .exe .asm .lst .pl
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-3-NASMDEP = ../nasm
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:4:NASM	= ../nasm
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-5-LISTOPT = -L+
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:15:%.bin: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-16-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f bin -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:18:%.ith: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-19-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f ith -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:21:%.srec: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-22-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f srec -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:24:%.o: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-25-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f elf32 -gdwarf -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:27:%.ox: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-28-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f elfx32 -gdwarf -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:30:%.o64: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-31-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f elf64 -gdwarf -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:33:%.aout: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-34-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f aout -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:36:%.obj: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-37-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f obj -gborland -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:39:%.rdf: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-40-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f rdf -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:45:%.coff: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-46-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f coff -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:48:%.win32: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-49-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f win32 -gcv8 -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:51:%.win64: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-52-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f win64 -gcv8 -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:54:%.mo32: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-55-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f macho32 -gdwarf -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:57:%.mo64: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-58-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f macho64 -gdwarf -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:60:%.dbg: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-61-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f dbg -gdebug -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:66:%.i: %.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-67-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -E -o $@ -MD $@.dep $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:92:elfso.o: elfso.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-93-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f elf32 -F stabs -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile:105:elf64so.o: elf64so.asm $(NASMDEP)
nasm-2.15.05/test/Makefile-106-	$(NASM) $(NASMOPT) -f elf64 -F dwarf -o $@ -MD $@.dep -l $@.lst $<
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest64.c-2- *  build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest64.c:3: *	nasm -f elf64 elf64so.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest64.c-4- *	ld -shared -o elf64so.so elf64so.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.c-3- * build with (under DJGPP, for example):
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.c:4: *    nasm -f coff cofftest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.c-5- *    gcc -o cofftest cofftest.c cofftest.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/mpx-64.asm-77-	; next 5 lines should be parsed same
nasm-2.15.05/test/mpx-64.asm:78:	bndstx [rax+0x3,rbx], bnd0	; NASM - split EA
nasm-2.15.05/test/mpx-64.asm-79-	bndstx [rax+rbx*1+0x3], bnd0	; GAS
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.asm-2-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.asm:3:;    nasm -f elf elftest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.asm-4-;    gcc -o elftest elftest.c elftest.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.asm-14-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.asm:15:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.asm:16:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.asm-17-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/avx512pf.asm:9:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:49:        #Call nasm with this test case
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:50:        system("$nasm $arguments $testpath > $stdoutfile 2> $stderrfile");
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:51:        debugprint("$nasm $arguments $testpath > $stdoutfile 2> $stderrfile ----> $?");
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl-135-pod2usage() if $help;
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:136:die "Please specify either --nasm or --clean. Use --help for help.\n"
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:137:unless $nasm or $clean;
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl-138-die "Please specify the test files, e.g. *.asm\n" unless @ARGV;
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:140:unless (!defined $nasm or -x $nasm) {
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:141:  warn "Warning: $nasm may not be executable. Expect problems.\n\n";
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl-142-  sleep 5;
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:152:performtest.pl - NASM regression tester based on golden files
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:156:performtest.pl [options] [testfile.asm ...]
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:158:Runs NASM on the specified test files and compare the results
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl-159-with "golden" output files.
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl-165-     --help      Get this help
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:166:     --nasm=file Specify the file name for the NASM executable, e.g. ../nasm
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl-167-     --verbose   Get more output
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:169:     If --clean is not specified, --nasm is required.
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:171: testfile.asm ...:
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:172:    One or more files that NASM should be tested with,
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl:173:    often *.asm in the test directory.
nasm-2.15.05/test/performtest.pl-174-    It should contain one or more option lines at the start,
nasm-2.15.05/test/pragma.asm-4-%pragma "Hej tomtegubbar"
nasm-2.15.05/test/pragma.asm:5:%define PR asm foobar
nasm-2.15.05/test/pragma.asm-6-%pragma PR
nasm-2.15.05/test/objlink.c-3- * build with (16-bit Microsoft C):
nasm-2.15.05/test/objlink.c:4: *    nasm -f obj objtest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/objlink.c-5- *    cl /AL objtest.obj objlink.c
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.c-3- * build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.c:4: *    nasm -f elf elftest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/elftest.c-5- *    gcc -o elftest elftest.c elftest.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/floattest.asm:3:; nasm -O99 -f elf32 floattest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/floattest.asm-4-; ld -m elf_i386 -o floattest floattest.o -I/lib/ld-linux.so.2 -lc
nasm-2.15.05/test/aoutso.asm-5-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/aoutso.asm:6:;    nasm -f aoutb aoutso.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/aoutso.asm-7-;    ld -Bshareable -o aoutso.so aoutso.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/aoutso.asm-19-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/aoutso.asm:20:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/aoutso.asm:21:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/aoutso.asm-22-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/tmap.nas:1:;; NASM note: this file abuses the section flags in such a way that
nasm-2.15.05/test/tmap.nas:2:;; NASM 0.98.37 broke when this was compiled with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/tmap.nas:3:;; nasm -o tmap.o -f elf -DLINUX tmap.nas
nasm-2.15.05/test/new-2-for f; do
nasm-2.15.05/test/new:3:  if [ -e "$f".asm ]; then
nasm-2.15.05/test/new-4-    # For safety...
nasm-2.15.05/test/inctest.asm:3:; This file, plus inc1.asm and inc2.asm, test NASM's file inclusion
nasm-2.15.05/test/inctest.asm-4-; mechanism.
nasm-2.15.05/test/inctest.asm-6-; This produces a DOS .COM file: to assemble, use
nasm-2.15.05/test/inctest.asm:7:;    nasm -f bin inctest.asm -o inctest.com
nasm-2.15.05/test/inctest.asm-8-; and when run, it should print `hello, world'.
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.asm-5-; build with (under DJGPP, for example):
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.asm:6:;    nasm -f coff cofftest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.asm-7-;    gcc -o cofftest cofftest.c cofftest.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.asm-16-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.asm:17:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.asm:18:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/cofftest.asm-19-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/avx512f.asm:9:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.asm-5-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.asm:6:;    nasm -f aout aouttest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.asm-7-;    gcc -o aouttest aouttest.c aouttest.o
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.asm-17-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.asm:18:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.asm:19:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.asm-20-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/test/avx2.asm:9:; nasm64developer adopted it for the nasm testing suite
nasm-2.15.05/test/avx512er.asm:9:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:1:;This file demonstrates many of the differences between NASM version X and NASM
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-2-;version 0.97
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:4:; changed.asm is copyright (C) 1998 John S. Fine
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:6:;  It may be redistributed under the same conditions as NASM as described in
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:7:;  LICENSE file in the NASM archive
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:10:;  nasm changed.asm -l changed.lst
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-17-; Not all the differences can be seen in the .lst file.  I suggest that you use
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:18:; "ndisasm changes"  to examine the code actually generated.
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:21:;  nasm changed.asm -l changed.lst -doldmsg
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:28:;  nasm changed.asm -l changed.lst -doldcrash
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-31-;       Work correctly in version X
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:32:;  and  Cause NASM to crash in version 0.97
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:35:;  nasm changed.asm -l changed.lst -dnewmsg
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:181:%endif			;NASM 0.97 doesn't handle %0 etc. inside false %if
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-182-%macro push 1-*		;
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-201-; Note that neither of these warnings was really needed, because a later stage
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:202:; of NASM would almost always give an adequate error message if the macro use
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-203-; really was wrong.
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:304:; Actually make SSE work, and use the -p option to ndisasm to select
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-305-; one of several aliased opcodes
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm:362:; Builds of NASM that prohibit dereferencing a NULL pointer used to crash if a
nasm-2.15.05/test/changed.asm-363-; macro that started with a blank line was invoked with a label
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.c-3- * build with:
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.c:4: *    nasm -f aout aouttest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/test/aouttest.c-5- *    gcc -o aouttest aouttest.c aouttest.o
nasm-2.15.05/common/common.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/common/common.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/common/common.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/common/common.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/common/common.c:35: * common.c - code common to nasm and ndisasm
nasm-2.15.05/common/common.c-36- */
nasm-2.15.05/autogen.sh-17-mkdir -p autoconf autoconf/helpers config
nasm-2.15.05/autogen.sh:18:autolib="`"$AUTOMAKE" --print-libdir`"
nasm-2.15.05/autogen.sh-19-if test ! x"$autolib" = x; then
nasm-2.15.05/version.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/version.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/version.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/version.pl:38:# Parse the NASM version file and produce appropriate macros
nasm-2.15.05/version.pl:40:# The NASM version number is assumed to consist of:
nasm-2.15.05/include/warnings.h-38-	WARN_IDX_PRAGMA_UNKNOWN          =  29, /* unknown %pragma facility or directive */
nasm-2.15.05/include/warnings.h:39:	WARN_IDX_PTR                     =  30, /* non-NASM keyword used in other assemblers */
nasm-2.15.05/include/warnings.h-40-	WARN_IDX_REGSIZE                 =  31, /* register size specification ignored */
nasm-2.15.05/include/insns.h-5- * redistributable under the license given in the file "LICENSE"
nasm-2.15.05/include/insns.h:6: * distributed in the NASM archive.
nasm-2.15.05/include/insns.h-7- */
nasm-2.15.05/include/hashtbl.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/hashtbl.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/hashtbl.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/hashtbl.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/error.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/error.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/error.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/error.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/ilog2.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/ilog2.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/ilog2.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/ilog2.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/perfhash.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/perfhash.h:3: *   Copyright 2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/perfhash.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/perfhash.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/rdoff.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/include/rdoff.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/rdoff.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/rdoff.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h-200-    TOKEN_DECORATOR,    /* decorators such as {...} */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h:201:    TOKEN_MASM_PTR,     /* __?masm_ptr?__ for the masm package */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h:202:    TOKEN_MASM_FLAT,    /* __?masm_flat?__ for the masm package */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h-203-    TOKEN_OPMASK        /* translated token for opmask registers */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h:416:/* TASM mode changes some properties */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasm.h-417-extern bool tasm_compatible_mode;
nasm-2.15.05/include/raa.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/include/raa.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/raa.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/raa.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/opflags.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/include/opflags.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/opflags.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/opflags.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/tables.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/include/tables.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/tables.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/tables.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/bytesex.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/bytesex.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/bytesex.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/bytesex.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/bytesex.h:234:#define WRITEADDR(p,v,s)                        		\
nasm-2.15.05/include/bytesex.h-235-    do {                                                        \
nasm-2.15.05/include/disp8.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/disp8.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2013 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/disp8.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/disp8.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/rbtree.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/include/rbtree.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/rbtree.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/rbtree.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/labels.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/include/labels.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/labels.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/labels.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/compiler.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/compiler.h:3: *   Copyright 2007-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/compiler.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/compiler.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/strlist.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/strlist.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/strlist.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/strlist.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/nctype.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/nctype.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/nctype.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/nctype.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/nctype.h:51: * NASM ctype table
nasm-2.15.05/include/nctype.h-52- */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h:137: * NASM failure at build time if the argument is false
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h-138- */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h:182: * NASM assert failure
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h-183- */
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h:235: * Convert a string into a number, using NASM number rules. Sets
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h-236- * `*error' to true if an error occurs, and false otherwise.
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h-310-void fwriteint64_t(uint64_t data, FILE * fp);
nasm-2.15.05/include/nasmlib.h:311:void fwriteaddr(uint64_t data, int size, FILE * fp);
nasm-2.15.05/include/saa.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/include/saa.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/saa.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/saa.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/saa.h-91-void saa_wleb128s(struct SAA *, int);   /* write signed LEB128 value */
nasm-2.15.05/include/saa.h:92:void saa_writeaddr(struct SAA *, uint64_t, size_t);
nasm-2.15.05/include/ver.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/include/ver.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/include/ver.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/include/ver.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/include/ver.h:35: * NASM version strings, defined in ver.c
nasm-2.15.05/include/ver.h-36- */
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README:1:			Visual Studio 2008 NASM integration
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README:4:In order to use nasm seamlessly in your VS2k8, follow the steps below. 
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README:6:1. First install nasm by running its installer
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README-7-2. copy nasm.rules to c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 2008\VC\VCProjectDefaults
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README-10-5. click on Show Directories for Executables
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README:11:6. add C:\Program Files\NASM to the list of paths
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README:12:7. Open a solution that you want to use NASM with
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README-13-8. Right click on the project name and select Custom Build Rules
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README:14:9. Check the box next to the NASM line
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README:15:10. Add any .asm files to the project
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/VSrules/nasm.README-16-11. click on build to test
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/MSVC6.txt:1:Compilation with Nasm on MSVC 6.0, with usage of Custom Build step.
nasm-2.15.05/contrib/MSVC6.txt:5:2) Add .asm at the list of source files.
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches:9:The NASM sources are tracked by Git SCM at http://repo.or.cz/w/nasm.git
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches-10-repository. You either could download packed sources or use git tool itself
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches:17:When you change the NASM source code keep in mind -- we prefer tabs and
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches-18-indentations to be 4 characters width, space filled.
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches:20:Other "rules" could be learned from NASM sources -- just make your code
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches-21-to look similar.
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches:99:The patches should be sent to NASM development mailing list
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches:109:Be patient. Most NASM developers are pretty busy people so if
nasm-2.15.05/SubmittingPatches-110-there is no immediate response on your patch -- don't
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strrchrnul.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strrchrnul.c:3: *   Copyright 2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strrchrnul.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strrchrnul.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strnlen.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strnlen.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strnlen.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/stdlib/strnlen.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/avx512cd.asm:8:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inc2.asm-1-; This file is part of the include test.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inc2.asm:2:; See inctest.asm for build instructions.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/elfso.asm-5-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/elfso.asm:6:;    nasm -f elf elfso.asm
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/elfso.asm-7-;    ld -shared -o elfso.so elfso.o
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/elfso.asm-20-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/elfso.asm:21:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/elfso.asm:22:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/elfso.asm-23-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/obj.asm-5-; build with (16-bit Microsoft C):
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/obj.asm:6:;    nasm -f obj objtest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/obj.asm-7-;    cl /AL objtest.obj objlink.c
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/obj.asm-14-; [3] Define a common symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/obj.asm:15:; [4] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/obj.asm:16:; [5] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/obj.asm-17-; [6] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/_version.stdout:1:NASM version 2.15rc0 compiled on Nov  3 2018
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/testdos.asm:1:; This file was known to miscompile with the 16-bit NASM built
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/testdos.asm-2-; under Borland C++ 3.1, so keep it around for testing...
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/fpu.asm:1:; relaxed encodings for FPU instructions, which NASM should support
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/fpu.asm-2-; -----------------------------------------------------------------
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/binexe.asm-3-; To build:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/binexe.asm:4:;    nasm -fbin binexe.asm -o binexe.exe -ipath
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/binexe.asm-5-; (where `path' is such as to allow the %include directive to find
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inc1.asm-1-; This file is part of the include test.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inc1.asm:2:; See inctest.asm for build instructions.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/bintest.asm-2-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/bintest.asm:3:;    nasm -f bin -o bintest.com bintest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/bintest.asm-12-; [3] Define a BSS-section symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/bintest.asm:13:; [4] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/bintest.asm:14:; [5] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/bintest.asm-15-; [6] Reference a text-section symbol in the text section
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/mpx-64.asm-76-	; next 5 lines should be parsed same
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/mpx-64.asm:77:	bndstx [rax+0x3,rbx], bnd0	; NASM - split EA
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/mpx-64.asm-78-	bndstx [rax+rbx*1+0x3], bnd0	; GAS
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/avx512pf.asm:8:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/_version.json:2:	"description": "Check the NASM version",
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/_version.json-3-	"target": [
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/floattest.asm:1:; nasm -O99 -f elf32 floattest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/floattest.asm-2-; ld -m elf_i386 -o floattest floattest.o -I/lib/ld-linux.so.2 -lc
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aoutso.asm-2-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aoutso.asm:3:;    nasm -f aoutb aoutso.asm
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aoutso.asm-4-;    ld -Bshareable -o aoutso.so aoutso.o
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aoutso.asm-16-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aoutso.asm:17:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aoutso.asm:18:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aoutso.asm-19-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/tmap.json-2-	{
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/tmap.json:3:		"description": "Test abuse the section flags which breaks NASM 0.98.37",
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/tmap.json-4-		"format": "elf",
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inctest.asm:1:; This file, plus inc1.asm and inc2.asm, test NASM's file inclusion
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inctest.asm-2-; mechanism.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inctest.asm-4-; This produces a DOS .COM file: to assemble, use
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inctest.asm:5:;    nasm -f bin inctest.asm -o inctest.com
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/inctest.asm-6-; and when run, it should print `hello, world'.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/avx512f.asm:9:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aouttest.asm-2-; build with:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aouttest.asm:3:;    nasm -f aout aouttest.asm
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aouttest.asm-4-;    gcc -o aouttest aouttest.c aouttest.o
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aouttest.asm-14-; [7] Define a COMMON symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aouttest.asm:15:; [8] Define a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aouttest.asm:16:; [9] Reference a NASM local label
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/aouttest.asm-17-; [10] Import an external symbol
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/tmap.asm:1:;; NASM note: this file abuses the section flags in such a way that
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/tmap.asm:2:;; NASM 0.98.37 broke when this was compiled with:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/tmap.asm:3:;; nasm -o tmap.o -f elf -DLINUX tmap.nas
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/avx2.asm:9:; nasm64developer adopted it for the nasm testing suite
nasm-2.15.05/travis/test/avx512er.asm:8:; Jin Kyu Song converted it for the nasm testing suite using gas2nasm.py
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-22-                    dest = 'nasm', default = './nasm',
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:23:                    help = 'Nasm executable to use')
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-57-                     default = '-Ox',
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:58:                     help = 'NASM options',
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-59-                     required = False)
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-166-    #
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:167:    # Which code to expect when nasm finishes
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-168-    desc['_wait'] = 0
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-354-    print("\tExecuting %s" % (" ".join(opts)))
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:355:    pnasm = subprocess.Popen(opts,
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-356-                             stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-359-                             env = nasm_env)
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:360:    if pnasm == None:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-361-        test_fail(desc['_test-name'], "Unable to execute test")
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-388-    pnasm, stdout, stderr = exec_nasm(desc)
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:389:    if pnasm == None:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-390-        return False
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-443-    pnasm, stdout, stderr = exec_nasm(desc)
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:444:    if pnasm == None:
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-445-        return False
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-478-    # Emulate "touch" on source file
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py:479:    path_asm = args.dir + os.sep + args.source
nasm-2.15.05/travis/nasm-t.py-480-    print("\tCreating %s" % (path_asm))
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md:3:We use [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/) service to execute NASM tests,
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md-4-which basically prepares the environment and runs our `nasm-t.py` script.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md-16- - a test descriptor get parsed to figure out which arguments
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md:17:   are to be provided into the NASM command line;
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md:18: - invoke the NASM with arguments;
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md-19- - compare generated files with precompiled templates.
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md-76-   while the rest of the fields are the same;
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md:77: - `format`: NASM output format to use (`bin`,`elf` and etc);
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md-78- - `source`: is a source file name to compile, this file must
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md-158-	Processing ./travis/test/xcrypt
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md:159:	Executing ./nasm -f bin -o ./travis/test/xcrypt.bin ./travis/test/xcrypt.asm
nasm-2.15.05/travis/README.md-160-	Moving ./travis/test/xcrypt.bin to ./travis/test/xcrypt.bin.t
nasm-2.15.05/README.md:6:Many many developers all over the net respect NASM for what it is:
nasm-2.15.05/README.md-7-a widespread (thus netwide), portable (thus netwide!), very flexible
nasm-2.15.05/README.md:10:Now we have good news for you: NASM is licensed under the "simplified"
nasm-2.15.05/README.md-11-[(2-clause) BSD license](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause).
nasm-2.15.05/README.md:17:With best regards, the NASM crew.
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/sync.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2012 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/disasm.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c-53-static const char *help =
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c:54:    "usage: ndisasm [-a] [-i] [-h] [-r] [-u] [-b bits] [-o origin] [-s sync...]\n"
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c-55-    "               [-e bytes] [-k start,bytes] [-p vendor] file\n"
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c-122-                    fprintf(stderr,
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c:123:                            "NDISASM version %s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/disasm/ndisasm.c-124-			    nasm_version);
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rbtree.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rbtree.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rbtree.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rbtree.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rlimit.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rlimit.c:3: *   Copyright 2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rlimit.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/rlimit.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/badenum.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/badenum.c:3: *   Copyright 2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/badenum.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/badenum.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/mmap.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/mmap.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/mmap.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/mmap.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/zerobuf.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/zerobuf.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/zerobuf.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/zerobuf.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/crc64.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/crc64.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/crc64.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/crc64.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/saa.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/saa.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/saa.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/saa.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/saa.c:326:void saa_writeaddr(struct SAA *s, uint64_t v, size_t len)
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/raa.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/raa.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/raa.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/raa.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/nctype.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/nctype.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/nctype.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/nctype.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/bsi.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/bsi.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/bsi.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/bsi.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/perfhash.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/perfhash.c:3: *   Copyright 2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/perfhash.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/perfhash.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/strlist.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/strlist.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/strlist.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/strlist.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/hashtbl.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/hashtbl.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/hashtbl.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/hashtbl.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/filename.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/filename.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/filename.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/filename.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.c:71:void fwriteaddr(uint64_t data, int size, FILE * fp)
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/path.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/path.c:3: *   Copyright 2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/path.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/path.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/alloc.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/asprintf.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/asprintf.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/asprintf.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/asprintf.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/file.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/realpath.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/realpath.c:3: *   Copyright 2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/realpath.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/realpath.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/string.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/string.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/string.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/string.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/readnum.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/readnum.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/readnum.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/readnum.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/perfhash.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/perfhash.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/perfhash.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c:37:/* This is printed when entering nasm -v */
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c-38-const char nasm_version[] = NASM_VER;
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c-56-static const char * const _nasm_signature[2] = {
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c:57:    "NASM " NASM_VER,
nasm-2.15.05/nasmlib/ver.c-58-    "NASM"
nasm-2.15.05/LICENSE:1:NASM is now licensed under the 2-clause BSD license, also known as the
nasm-2.15.05/LICENSE-2-simplified BSD license.
nasm-2.15.05/LICENSE:4:    Copyright 1996-2010 the NASM Authors - All rights reserved.
nasm-2.15.05/ndisasm.txt:9:ndisasm - the Netwide Disassembler, an 80x86 binary file disassembler
nasm-2.15.05/misc/c16.mac:1:; NASM macro set to make interfacing to 16-bit programs easier -*- nasm -*-
nasm-2.15.05/misc/proc32.ash-3-;   Copyright (C) 1999 by Andrew Zabolotny
nasm-2.15.05/misc/proc32.ash:4:;   Miscelaneous NASM macros that makes use of new preprocessor features
nasm-2.15.05/misc/proc32.ash-22-;   The macros in this file provides support for writing 32-bit C-callable
nasm-2.15.05/misc/proc32.ash:23:;   NASM routines. For a short description of every macros see the
nasm-2.15.05/misc/proc32.ash-24-;   corresponding comment before every one. Simple usage example:
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-48-        print "\t-o,--output-file";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:49:        print "\t\tThe output file name (if not specified, *.asm becomes *.o";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-50-        print "\t\tand anything else becomes a.out)";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-51-        print "\t-l,--list-file";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:52:        print "\t\tThe listing file's name (default: trailing .asm is
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-55-        print "\t-s,--second-asm-file";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:56:        print "\t\tThe second asm file's name (default: trailing .asm is";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:57:        print "\t\tremoved if there and .nasm is appended)";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-58-        print "\n";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:113:$err = `nasm -f elf ${filename} -l ${listname} -o ${outname} `;
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-117-open(LISTFILE,"${listname}") or die "\n $0: Could not reopen list file!\n";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:118:open(ASMFILE,">${asmname}")  or die "\n $0: Could not open asm file!\n";
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-182-unless ( $has_text eq "TRUE" ) {
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:183:        $err = `nasm -f elf ${asmname} -o ${outname}`;
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab-184-        print STDERR $err;
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasmstab:238:$err = `nasm -f elf ${asmname} -o ${outname}`;
nasm-2.15.05/misc/c32.mac:1:; NASM macro set to make interfacing to 32-bit programs easier -*- nasm -*-
nasm-2.15.05/misc/Nindent-3-RES=`indent --version`
nasm-2.15.05/misc/Nindent:4:V1=`echo $RES | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1`
nasm-2.15.05/misc/Nindent:5:V2=`echo $RES | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f2`
nasm-2.15.05/misc/Nindent:6:V3=`echo $RES | cut -d' ' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f3`
nasm-2.15.05/misc/Nindent-7-if [ $V1 -gt 2 ]; then
nasm-2.15.05/misc/exebin.mac:1:; -*- nasm -*-
nasm-2.15.05/misc/exebin.mac:2:; NASM macro file to allow the `bin' output format to generate
nasm-2.15.05/misc/exebin.mac-3-; simple .EXE files by constructing the EXE header by hand.
nasm-2.15.05/misc/Doxyfile:19:PROJECT_NAME           = "NASM - the Netwide Assembler"
nasm-2.15.05/misc/exebin2.mac:1:; -*- nasm -*-
nasm-2.15.05/misc/exebin2.mac:3:; NASM macro file to allow the `bin' output format to generate
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasm.sl:1:% This file defines a NASM editor mode for the JED editor.
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasm.sl-2-% JED's home page is http://space.mit.edu/~davis/jed.html.
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasm.sl-9-% (you can of course replace "asm" with whatever file extension
nasm-2.15.05/misc/nasm.sl:10:% you like to use for your NASM source files).
nasm-2.15.05/misc/scitech.mac:135:; Convert all jumps to near jumps, since NASM does not so this automatically
nasm-2.15.05/misc/scitech.mac-721-; Macros to access the floating point stack registers to convert them
nasm-2.15.05/misc/scitech.mac:722:; from NASM style to TASM style
nasm-2.15.05/misc/myC32.mac:1:; NASM macro set to make interfacing to 32-bit programs easier
nasm-2.15.05/misc/myC32.mac:2:; Also cool little macros to make NASM emulate some MASM things.
nasm-2.15.05/misc/pmw.bat-1-@echo off
nasm-2.15.05/misc/pmw.bat:2:rem some batch file to bind nasm and ndisasm with pmode/w
nasm-2.15.05/misc/pmw.bat-3-rem a mega cool dos extender for watcom done by tran
nasm-2.15.05/configure-43-if test -z "$BASH_VERSION$ZSH_VERSION" \
nasm-2.15.05/configure:44:    && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-45-  as_echo='print -r --'
nasm-2.15.05/configure-46-  as_echo_n='print -rn --'
nasm-2.15.05/configure:47:elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-48-  as_echo='printf %s\n'
nasm-2.15.05/configure:51:  if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-52-    as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"'
nasm-2.15.05/configure-60-	expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl";
nasm-2.15.05/configure:61:	arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-62-      esac;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-197-  eval 'test \"x\$as_lineno_1'\$as_run'\" != \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\" &&
nasm-2.15.05/configure:198:  test \"x\`expr \$as_lineno_1'\$as_run' + 1\`\" = \"x\$as_lineno_2'\$as_run'\"' || exit 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-199-test \$(( 1 + 1 )) = 2 || exit 1"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-324-      case $as_dir in #(
nasm-2.15.05/configure:325:      *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'(
nasm-2.15.05/configure-326-      *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-397-  {
nasm-2.15.05/configure:398:    as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-399-  }
nasm-2.15.05/configure-404-# ----------------------------------------
nasm-2.15.05/configure:405:# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are
nasm-2.15.05/configure-406-# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the
nasm-2.15.05/configure-467-  eval 'test "x$as_lineno_1'$as_run'" != "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'" &&
nasm-2.15.05/configure:468:  test "x`expr $as_lineno_1'$as_run' + 1`" = "x$as_lineno_2'$as_run'"' || {
nasm-2.15.05/configure-469-  # Blame Lee E. McMahon (1931-1989) for sed's syntax.  :-)
nasm-2.15.05/configure-793-  case $ac_option in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:794:  *=?*) ac_optarg=`expr "X$ac_option" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'` ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-795-  *=)   ac_optarg= ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-837-  -disable-* | --disable-*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:838:    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*disable-\(.*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-839-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
nasm-2.15.05/configure-842-    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
nasm-2.15.05/configure:843:    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-844-    case $ac_user_opts in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-863-  -enable-* | --enable-*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:864:    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*enable-\([^=]*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-865-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
nasm-2.15.05/configure-868-    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
nasm-2.15.05/configure:869:    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-870-    case $ac_user_opts in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1067-  -with-* | --with-*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1068:    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*with-\([^=]*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1069-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1072-    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1073:    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1074-    case $ac_user_opts in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1083-  -without-* | --without-*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1084:    ac_useropt=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x-*without-\(.*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1085-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1088-    ac_useropt_orig=$ac_useropt
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1089:    ac_useropt=`$as_echo "$ac_useropt" | sed 's/[-+.]/_/g'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1090-    case $ac_user_opts in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1121-  *=*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1122:    ac_envvar=`expr "x$ac_option" : 'x\([^=]*\)='`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1123-    # Reject names that are not valid shell variable names.
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1142-if test -n "$ac_prev"; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1143:  ac_option=--`echo $ac_prev | sed 's/_/-/g'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1144-  as_fn_error $? "missing argument to $ac_option"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1164-    */ )
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1165:      ac_val=`expr "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$ac_val" : 'X\(.*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1166-      eval $ac_var=\$ac_val;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1199-ac_ls_di=`ls -di .` &&
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1200:ac_pwd_ls_di=`cd "$ac_pwd" && ls -di .` ||
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1201-  as_fn_error $? "working directory cannot be determined"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1255-case $srcdir in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1256:*/) srcdir=`expr "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)' \| "X$srcdir" : 'X\(.*\)'`;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1298-By default, \`make install' will install all the files in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1299:\`$ac_default_prefix/bin', \`$ac_default_prefix/lib' etc.  You can specify
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1300:an installation prefix other than \`$ac_default_prefix' using \`--prefix',
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1301-for instance \`--prefix=\$HOME'.
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1394:  ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1395-  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1396:  ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1397-  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1863-  as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1864:  as_decl_name=`echo $2|sed 's/ *(.*//'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1865:  as_decl_use=`echo $2|sed -e 's/(/((/' -e 's/)/) 0&/' -e 's/,/) 0& (/g'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1866-  { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether $as_decl_name is declared" >&5
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1977-    *\'*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:1978:      ac_arg=`$as_echo "$ac_arg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-1979-    esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2060-      case $ac_val in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2061:      *\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2062-      esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2075-	case $ac_val in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2076:	*\'\''*) ac_val=`$as_echo "$ac_val" | sed "s/'\''/'\''\\\\\\\\'\'''\''/g"`;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2077-	esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2198-    set,)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2199:      { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&5
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2200:$as_echo "$as_me: error: \`$ac_var' was set to \`$ac_old_val' in the previous run" >&2;}
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2201-      ac_cache_corrupted=: ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2209-	# differences in whitespace do not lead to failure.
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2210:	ac_old_val_w=`echo x $ac_old_val`
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2211:	ac_new_val_w=`echo x $ac_new_val`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2212-	if test "$ac_old_val_w" != "$ac_new_val_w"; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2229-    case $ac_new_val in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2230:    *\'*) ac_arg=$ac_var=`$as_echo "$ac_new_val" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2231-    *) ac_arg=$ac_var=$ac_new_val ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2398-test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2399:  ac_build_alias=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.guess"`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2400-test "x$ac_build_alias" = x &&
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2401-  as_fn_error $? "cannot guess build type; you must specify one" "$LINENO" 5
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2402:ac_cv_build=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $ac_build_alias` ||
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2403-  as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $ac_build_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2423:case $build_os in *\ *) build_os=`echo "$build_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2434:  ac_cv_host=`$SHELL "$ac_aux_dir/config.sub" $host_alias` ||
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2435-    as_fn_error $? "$SHELL $ac_aux_dir/config.sub $host_alias failed" "$LINENO" 5
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2456:case $host_os in *\ *) host_os=`echo "$host_os" | sed 's/ /-/g'`;; esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2805-$as_echo_n "checking whether the C compiler works... " >&6; }
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2806:ac_link_default=`$as_echo "$ac_link" | sed 's/ -o *conftest[^ ]*//'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2849-	then :; else
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2850:	   ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2851-	fi
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2909-    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM | *.o | *.obj ) ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure:2910:    *.* ) ac_cv_exeext=`expr "$ac_file" : '[^.]*\(\..*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-2911-	  break;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-3018-    *.$ac_ext | *.xcoff | *.tds | *.d | *.pdb | *.xSYM | *.bb | *.bbg | *.map | *.inf | *.dSYM ) ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure:3019:    *) ac_cv_objext=`expr "$ac_file" : '.*\.\(.*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-3020-       break;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-3406-  # Check for GNU $ac_path_GREP
nasm-2.15.05/configure:3407:case `"$ac_path_GREP" --version 2>&1` in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-3472-  # Check for GNU $ac_path_EGREP
nasm-2.15.05/configure:3473:case `"$ac_path_EGREP" --version 2>&1` in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-3633-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:3634:  as_ac_Header=`$as_echo "ac_cv_header_$ac_header" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-3635-ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "$ac_header" "$as_ac_Header" "$ac_includes_default
nasm-2.15.05/configure-3638-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:3639:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_header" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-5451-set x ${MAKE-make}
nasm-2.15.05/configure:5452:ac_make=`$as_echo "$2" | sed 's/+/p/g; s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/_/g'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-5453-if eval \${ac_cv_prog_make_${ac_make}_set+:} false; then :
nasm-2.15.05/configure-5461-# GNU make sometimes prints "make[1]: Entering ...", which would confuse us.
nasm-2.15.05/configure:5462:case `${MAKE-make} -f conftest.make 2>/dev/null` in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-5463-  *@@@%%%=?*=@@@%%%*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure-5586-	   as_fn_executable_p "$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" || continue
nasm-2.15.05/configure:5587:	   case `"$as_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" --version 2>&1` in #(
nasm-2.15.05/configure-5588-	     'mkdir (GNU coreutils) '* | \
nasm-2.15.05/configure-6796-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:6797:  as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-6798-ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-6800-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:6801:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-6808-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:6809:  as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-6810-ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-6812-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:6813:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7045-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7046:  as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7047-ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7049-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7050:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7057-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7058:  as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7059-ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7061-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7062:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7073-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7074:  as_ac_Header=`$as_echo "ac_cv_header_$ac_header" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7075-ac_fn_c_check_header_compile "$LINENO" "$ac_header" "$as_ac_Header" "$ac_includes_default
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7078-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7079:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_header" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7294-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7295:  as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7296-ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7298-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7299:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7638-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7639:  as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7640-ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7642-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7643:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7650-do :
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7651:  as_ac_var=`$as_echo "ac_cv_func_$ac_func" | $as_tr_sh`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7652-ac_fn_c_check_func "$LINENO" "$ac_func" "$as_ac_var"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-7654-  cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
nasm-2.15.05/configure:7655:#define `$as_echo "HAVE_$ac_func" | $as_tr_cpp` 1
nasm-2.15.05/configure-9407-    conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext
nasm-2.15.05/configure:9408:      ccbase=`echo "$CC" | awk '{ print $1; }'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-9409-  for ac_prog in ${ccbase}-ar
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10743-  ac_script='s/\$U\././;s/\.o$//;s/\.obj$//'
nasm-2.15.05/configure:10744:  ac_i=`$as_echo "$ac_i" | sed "$ac_script"`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10745-  # 2. Prepend LIBOBJDIR.  When used with automake>=1.10 LIBOBJDIR
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10811-if test -z "$BASH_VERSION$ZSH_VERSION" \
nasm-2.15.05/configure:10812:    && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10813-  as_echo='print -r --'
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10814-  as_echo_n='print -rn --'
nasm-2.15.05/configure:10815:elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10816-  as_echo='printf %s\n'
nasm-2.15.05/configure:10819:  if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10820-    as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"'
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10828-	expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl";
nasm-2.15.05/configure:10829:	arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10830-      esac;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10905-# ----------------------------------------
nasm-2.15.05/configure:10906:# Output "`basename $0`: error: ERROR" to stderr. If LINENO and LOG_FD are
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10907-# provided, also output the error to LOG_FD, referencing LINENO. Then exit the
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10977-  {
nasm-2.15.05/configure:10978:    as_val=`expr "$@" || test $? -eq 1`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-10979-  }
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11081-      case $as_dir in #(
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11082:      *\'*) as_qdir=`$as_echo "$as_dir" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; #'(
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11083-      *) as_qdir=$as_dir;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11212-cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11213:ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11236-  --*=?*)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11237:    ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11238:    ac_optarg=`expr "X$1" : 'X[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11239-    ac_shift=:
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11241-  --*=)
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11242:    ac_option=`expr "X$1" : 'X\([^=]*\)='`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11243-    ac_optarg=
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11265-    case $ac_optarg in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11266:    *\'*) ac_optarg=`$as_echo "$ac_optarg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11267-    '') as_fn_error $? "missing file argument" ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11273-    case $ac_optarg in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11274:    *\'*) ac_optarg=`$as_echo "$ac_optarg" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"` ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11275-    esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11396:ac_cs_awk_cr=`$AWK 'BEGIN { print "a\rb" }' </dev/null 2>/dev/null`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11397-if test "$ac_cs_awk_cr" = "a${ac_cr}b"; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11412-  as_fn_error $? "could not make $CONFIG_STATUS" "$LINENO" 5
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11413:ac_delim_num=`echo "$ac_subst_vars" | grep -c '^'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11414-ac_delim='%!_!# '
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11419:  ac_delim_n=`sed -n "s/.*$ac_delim\$/X/p" conf$$subs.awk | grep -c X`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11420-  if test $ac_delim_n = $ac_delim_num; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11556-for ac_last_try in false false :; do
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11557:  ac_tt=`sed -n "/$ac_delim/p" confdefs.h`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11558-  if test -z "$ac_tt"; then
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11688-      esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11689:      case $ac_f in *\'*) ac_f=`$as_echo "$ac_f" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; esac
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11690-      as_fn_append ac_file_inputs " '$ac_f'"
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11748:  ac_dir_suffix=/`$as_echo "$ac_dir" | sed 's|^\.[\\/]||'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11749-  # A ".." for each directory in $ac_dir_suffix.
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11750:  ac_top_builddir_sub=`$as_echo "$ac_dir_suffix" | sed 's|/[^\\/]*|/..|g;s|/||'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11751-  case $ac_top_builddir_sub in
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11809:case `eval "sed -n \"\$ac_sed_dataroot\" $ac_file_inputs"` in
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11810-*datarootdir*) ac_datarootdir_seen=yes;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11826:# Neutralize VPATH when `$srcdir' = `.'.
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11827-# Shell code in configure.ac might set extrasub.
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11853-test -z "$ac_datarootdir_hack$ac_datarootdir_seen" &&
nasm-2.15.05/configure:11854:  { ac_out=`sed -n '/\${datarootdir}/p' "$ac_tmp/out"`; test -n "$ac_out"; } &&
nasm-2.15.05/configure-11855-  { ac_out=`sed -n '/^[	 ]*datarootdir[	 ]*:*=/p' \
nasm-2.15.05/ndisasm.1-30-.SH "NAME"
nasm-2.15.05/ndisasm.1:31:ndisasm \- the Netwide Disassembler, an 80x86 binary file disassembler
nasm-2.15.05/ndisasm.1-32-.SH "SYNOPSIS"
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.xml:307:        Causes <emphasis role="strong">nasm</emphasis> to assemble in SciTech TASM compatible mode.
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release-10-    --ver=*)
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release:11:        version=`echo $opt | sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release-12-        ;;
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release-13-    --repo=*)
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release:14:        repo=`echo $opt | sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release-15-        ;;
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release-16-    --branch=*)
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release:17:        branch=`echo $opt | sed 's/[-a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release-18-        ;;
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release-47-git add version
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release:48:git commit -m "NASM $version"
nasm-2.15.05/tools/tag-release:49:git tag -a -m "NASM $version" "$tag"
nasm-2.15.05/tools/syncfiles.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/tools/syncfiles.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/tools/syncfiles.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/tools/release:3:# Generate a NASM release
nasm-2.15.05/tools/release:30:git tag -m "NASM version ${version}" -f "nasm-${version}" 
nasm-2.15.05/tools/release-59-# Create tarfile (Unix convention: file includes prefix)
nasm-2.15.05/tools/release:60:mv nasm nasm-"$version"
nasm-2.15.05/tools/release-61-tar cvvf  nasm-"$version".tar nasm-"$version"
nasm-2.15.05/tools/mkdep.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/tools/mkdep.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/tools/mkdep.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:1:1. Installing NASM from source (Unix, MacOS X; Windows - Cygwin;
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL-2-   Windows - MinGW; DOS - DJGPP)
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:3:2. Installing NASM from source (Windows - MS Visual C++)
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:4:3. Installing NASM from source (DOS, Windows, OS/2 - OpenWatcom)
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:7:1. Installing NASM from source (Unix, MacOS X; Windows - Cygwin;
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL-8-   Windows - MinGW; DOS - DJGPP)
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:11:Installing NASM is pretty straightforward on Unix or Unix-like systems
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL-12-with a C compiler, Make, and standard shell tools installed, including
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:39:to build NASM, ndisasm and rdoff tools, or
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:73:2. Installing NASM from source (Windows - MS Visual C++)
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:76:The recommended compiler for NASM on Windows is MinGW
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL-77-(http://www.mingw.org/), but it is also possible to compile with
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL-80-To do so, start the "Visual C++ Command Shell", go to the directory
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:81:where the NASM source code was extracted, and run:
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:90:3. Installing NASM from source (DOS, Windows, OS/2 - OpenWatcom)
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:93:NASM has been reported to build correctly with OpenWatcom 1.7 on the
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL-94-Windows and OS/2 platforms.  In addition, it *should* work under DOS
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL:95:with the DOS4GW DOS extender, although the NASM developers recommend
nasm-2.15.05/INSTALL-96-using DJGPP with the CWSDPMI DOS extender instead.
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak:3:# Makefile for building NASM using OpenWatcom
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak-4-# cross-compile on a DOS/Win32/OS2 platform host
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak-18-BUILD_CFLAGS    = $(CFLAGS) $(%TARGET_CFLAGS)
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak:19:INTERNAL_CFLAGS = -I$(srcdir) -I. -I$(srcdir)\include -I$(srcdir)\x86 -Ix86 -I$(srcdir)\asm -Iasm -I$(srcdir)\disasm -I$(srcdir)\output
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak-20-ALL_CFLAGS  = $(BUILD_CFLAGS) $(INTERNAL_CFLAGS)
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak-52-# Edit in Makefile.in, not here!
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak:53:NASM    = asm\nasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak:54:NDISASM = disasm\ndisasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak:105:SUBDIRS  = stdlib nasmlib output asm disasm x86 common macros
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak-106-XSUBDIRS = test doc nsis rdoff
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak-151-# Perl scripts. They're distributed, though, so it isn't necessary to
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/openwcom.mak:152:# have Perl just to recompile NASM from the distribution.
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak:3:# Makefile for building NASM using Microsoft Visual C++ and NMAKE.
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak-4-# Tested on Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition.
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak-35-		  /I$(srcdir)/x86 /I./x86 \
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak:36:		  /I$(srcdir)/asm /I./asm \
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak:37:		  /I$(srcdir)/disasm /I./disasm \
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak-38-		  /I$(srcdir)/output /I./output
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak-63-# Edit in Makefile.in, not here!
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak:64:NASM    = asm\nasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak:65:NDISASM = disasm\ndisasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak:116:SUBDIRS  = stdlib nasmlib output asm disasm x86 common macros
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak-117-XSUBDIRS = test doc nsis rdoff
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak-138-# Perl scripts. They're distributed, though, so it isn't necessary to
nasm-2.15.05/Mkfiles/msvc.mak:139:# have Perl just to recompile NASM from the distribution.
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.txt:9:nasm - the Netwide Assembler, a portable 80x86 assembler
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.txt:119:	Causes *nasm* to assemble in SciTech TASM compatible mode.
nasm-2.15.05/nsis/nasm.nsi-172-    ;Language strings
nasm-2.15.05/nsis/nasm.nsi:173:    LangString DESC_SecNasm ${LANG_ENGLISH}     "NASM assembler and disassember modules"
nasm-2.15.05/nsis/nasm.nsi:174:    LangString DESC_SecManual ${LANG_ENGLISH}   "Complete NASM manual (pdf file)"
nasm-2.15.05/nsis/nasm.nsi-175-    LangString DESC_SecRdoff ${LANG_ENGLISH}    "RDOFF utilities (you may not need it if you don't know what is it)"
nasm-2.15.05/nsis/nasm.nsi:176:    LangString DESC_SecVS8 ${LANG_ENGLISH}      "Visual Studio 2008 NASM integration (rules file)"
nasm-2.15.05/macros/macros.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/macros/macros.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/macros/macros.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/macros/standard.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/macros/standard.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/macros/standard.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/macros/standard.mac:34:; Standard macro set for NASM -*- nasm -*-
nasm-2.15.05/macros/standard.mac:36:; Macros to make NASM ignore some TASM directives
nasm-2.15.05/macros/standard.mac-37-STD: tasm
nasm-2.15.05/macros/ifunc.mac:3:;;   Copyright 2012-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/macros/ifunc.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/macros/ifunc.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/macros/altreg.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/macros/altreg.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/macros/altreg.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/macros/masm.mac:3:;;   Copyright 2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/macros/masm.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/macros/masm.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/macros/masm.mac:37:;; Very limited MASM compatiblity package; intended to be used
nasm-2.15.05/macros/masm.mac-38-;; primarily with machine-generated code. It does not include any
nasm-2.15.05/macros/smartalign.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/macros/smartalign.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/macros/smartalign.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/macros/fp.mac:3:;;   Copyright 2010-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/macros/fp.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/macros/fp.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/config/watcom.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/config/watcom.h:3: *   Copyright 2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/config/watcom.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/config/watcom.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/config/msvc.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/config/msvc.h:3: *   Copyright 2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/config/msvc.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/config/msvc.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/config/unknown.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/config/unknown.h:3: *   Copyright 2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/config/unknown.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/config/unknown.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.1-30-.SH "NAME"
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.1:31:nasm \- the Netwide Assembler, a portable 80x86 assembler
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.1-32-.SH "SYNOPSIS"
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.1:227:to assemble in SciTech TASM compatible mode\&.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc-nop.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc-nop.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc-nop.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc-nop.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c-163-            /*!
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c:164:             *!ptr [on] non-NASM keyword used in other assemblers
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c-165-             *!  warns about keywords used in other assemblers that might
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c-168-             */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c:169:            nasm_warn(WARN_PTR, "`%s' is not a NASM keyword",
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.c-170-                       tv->t_charptr);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pragma.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pragma.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pragma.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pragma.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pragma.c-70- * limit	- limit setting
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pragma.c:71: * asm		- assembler
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pragma.c-72- * list		- listing generator
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/srcfile.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pptok.dat:3:##   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pptok.dat:4:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pptok.dat-5-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/warnings.c-120-	"unknown %pragma facility or directive",
nasm-2.15.05/asm/warnings.c:121:	"non-NASM keyword used in other assemblers",
nasm-2.15.05/asm/warnings.c-122-	"register size specification ignored",
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pptok.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pptok.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/pptok.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.dat:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.dat:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.dat-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.dat:34:;; List of global NASM directives and pragma operations codes
nasm-2.15.05/asm/error.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/error.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/error.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/error.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/error.c-177- *!  enables all available warnings, and \c{-w-all} disables warnings
nasm-2.15.05/asm/error.c:178: *!  entirely (since NASM 2.13).
nasm-2.15.05/asm/error.c-179- */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c-50- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c:51: * If TASM compatibility is enabled, a local label can also begin with
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c-52- * @@.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c-209-    /*
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c:210:     * NASM special symbols are not passed to the debug format; none
nasm-2.15.05/asm/labels.c-211-     * of the current backends want to see them.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:531:static void out_reladdr(struct out_data *data, const struct operand *opx,
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-532-                        int size)
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-1935-            }
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:1936:            out_reladdr(data, opx, 1);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-1937-            break;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-1943-        case4(060):
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:1944:            out_reladdr(data, opx, 2);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-1945-            break;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:1953:            out_reladdr(data, opx, size);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-1954-            break;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-1956-        case4(070):
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:1957:            out_reladdr(data, opx, 4);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-1958-            break;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-2253-                    } else if (ea_data.rip) {
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c:2254:                        out_reladdr(data, opy, ea_data.bytes);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/assemble.c-2255-                    } else {
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:577:/* For TASM compatibility we need to be able to recognise TASM compatible
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:578: * conditional compilation directives. Using the NASM pre-processor does
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-579- * not work, so we look for them specifically from the following list and
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:580: * then jam in the equivalent NASM directive into the input stream.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-581- */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-872-	 *!  variables are treated as empty (with this
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:873:	 *!  warning issued) starting in NASM 2.15;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:874:	 *!  earlier versions of NASM would treat this as
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-875-	 *!  an error.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:888: * Handle TASM specific directives, which do not contain a % in
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-889- * front of them. We do it here because I could not find any other
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-890- * place to do it for the moment, and it is a hack (ideally it would
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:891: * be nice to be able to use the NASM pre-processor to do it).
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-892- */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-912-                /* We have found a directive, so jam a % in front of it
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:913:                 * so that NASM will then recognise it as one if it's own.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-914-                 */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-921-                    /*
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:922:                     * NASM does not recognise IFDIFI, so we convert
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-923-                     * it to %if 0. This is not used in NASM
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-924-                     * compatible code, but does need to parse for the
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:925:                     * TASM macro package.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-926-                     */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-945- * number indications as they emerge from GNU cpp (`# lineno "file"
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:946: * flags') into NASM preprocessor line number indications (`%line
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-947- * lineno file').
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3090-            /*
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3091:             * Most recent versions of NASM considered this an error,
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3092-             * so promote this warning to error by default.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3545-                if (dname[0] == '#') {
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3546:                    /* cpp version: treat double quotes like NASM backquotes */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3547-                    char *txt = tok_text_buf(tline);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3664:        /* Directive to tell NASM what the default stack size is. The
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3665-         * default is for a 16-bit stack, and this can be overriden with
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3710-    case PP_ARG:
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3711:        /* TASM like ARG directive to define arguments to functions, in
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3712-         * the following form:
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3768-    case PP_LOCAL:
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3769:        /* TASM like LOCAL directive to define local variables for a
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3770-         * function, in the following form:
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3774-         * The '= LocalSize' at the end is ignored by NASM, but is
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3775:         * required by TASM to define the local parameter size (and used
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:3776:         * by the TASM macro package).
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-3777-         */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-6020-    /*
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:6021:     * Special weirdness: in NASM < 2.15, an expansion of
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-6022-     * *only* whitespace, as can happen during macro expansion under
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-6042-     *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:6043:     * Furthermore, NASM < 2.15 will match stripping a tailing empty
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-6044-     * argument, but in that case %0 *does* reflect that this argument
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-6053-     *!  with the wrong number of parameters, but for bug-compatibility
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c:6054:     *!  with NASM versions older than 2.15, NASM tried to fix up the
nasm-2.15.05/asm/preproc.c-6055-     *!  parameters to match the legacy behavior and call the macro anyway.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/floats.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprdump.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprdump.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprdump.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprdump.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-105-        switch (tokval.t_integer) {
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:106:            /* For TASM compatibility a size override inside the
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-107-             * brackets changes the size of the operand, not the
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-108-             * address type of the operand as it does in standard
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:109:             * NASM syntax. Hence:
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-110-             *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-112-             *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:113:             * is valid syntax in TASM compatibility mode. Note that
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-114-             * you lose the ability to override the default address
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-141-    } else {
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:142:        /* Standard NASM compatible syntax */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-143-        switch (tokval.t_integer) {
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-694-             *!  a label without a trailing colon. This is most likely indicative
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:695:             *!  of a typo, but is technically correct NASM syntax (see \k{syntax}.)
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-696-             */
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-977-                    if (i != ':') {
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c:978:                        nasm_nonfatal("unknown use of FLAT in MASM emulation");
nasm-2.15.05/asm/parser.c-979-                        nofw = true;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.c:45: * Create a NASM quoted string in newly allocated memory. Update the
nasm-2.15.05/asm/quote.c-46- * *lenp parameter with the output length (sans final NUL).
nasm-2.15.05/asm/segalloc.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/segalloc.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/segalloc.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/segalloc.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/tokens.dat:3:##   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/tokens.dat:4:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/tokens.dat-5-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprlib.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprlib.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprlib.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/exprlib.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/phash.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2009 the NASM Authors - All rights reserved.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/directiv.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/listing.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/stdscan.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/rdstrnum.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/rdstrnum.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/rdstrnum.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/rdstrnum.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/rdstrnum.c-36- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/rdstrnum.c:37: * This converts a NASM string to an integer, used when a string
nasm-2.15.05/asm/rdstrnum.c-38- * is used in an integer constant context.  This is a binary conversion,
nasm-2.15.05/asm/tokhash.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/tokhash.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/tokhash.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/strfunc.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/asm/strfunc.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/strfunc.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/strfunc.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/eval.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c:980:    printf("NASM version %s%s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-981-           nasm_version, nasm_compile_options);
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-1334-                case OPT_DEBUG:
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c:1335:                    debug_nasm = param ? strtoul(param, NULL, 10) : debug_nasm+1;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-1336-                    break;
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-2234-        "    -h            show this text and exit (also --help)\n"
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c:2235:        "    -v (or --v)   print the NASM version number and exit\n"
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-2236-        "    -@ file       response file; one command line option per line\n"
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-2281-        "       -Ov        display the number of passes executed at the end\n"
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c:2282:        "    -t            assemble in limited SciTech TASM compatible mode\n"
nasm-2.15.05/asm/nasm.c-2283-        "\n"
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/test/rdftest2.asm:1:	;; rdftest2.asm - test linkage and generation of RDOFF files
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/test/Makefile-1-RDT  = $(patsubst %.asm,%.rdf,$(wildcard *.asm))
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/test/Makefile:2:NASM = ../../nasm
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/test/rdtmain.asm-6-	;; assemble and link with the following commands:
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/test/rdtmain.asm:7:	;; nasm -f rdf rdtmain.asm
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/test/rdtmain.asm:8:	;; nasm -f rdf rdtlib.asm
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/test/rdtmain.asm-9-	;; ldrdf rdtmain.rdf rdtlib.rdf -o rdxtest.rdx
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlib.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.c-36- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.c:37: *   These routines donated to the NASM effort by Graeme Defty.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.c-38- */
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/segtab.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.c-36- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.c:37: *   These routines donated to the NASM effort by Graeme Defty.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.c-38- */
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfutils.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfutils.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfutils.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfutils.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdoff.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdoff.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdoff.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdoff.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlar.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlar.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlar.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdlar.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdf2bin.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdf2bin.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdf2bin.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdf2bin.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/symtab.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfload.h-5- * redistributable under the license given in the file "LICENSE"
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfload.h:6: * distributed in the NASM archive.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfload.h-7- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdflib.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdflib.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdflib.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdflib.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfload.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfload.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfload.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfload.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/ldrdf.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/ldrdf.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/ldrdf.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/ldrdf.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdx.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdx.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdx.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdx.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/collectn.h-3- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/collectn.h:4: * This file is public domain, and does not come under the NASM license.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/collectn.h-5- * It, aint32_t with 'collectn.c' implements what is basically a variable
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.h:3: *   These routines donated to the NASM effort by Graeme Defty.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.h-4- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.h-7- * redistributable under the license given in the file "LICENSE"
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.h:8: * distributed in the NASM archive.
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/hash.h-9- */
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfdump.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfdump.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfdump.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/rdoff/rdfdump.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/legacy.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/legacy.c:3: *   Copyright 2016-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/legacy.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/legacy.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/elf.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/elf.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/elf.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/elf.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/elf.h:38: * Since NASM support both Elf32/64 file formats
nasm-2.15.05/output/elf.h-39- * we need to cover all types, structures, typedefs and etc
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/nulldbg.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/nulldbg.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2014 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/nulldbg.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/nulldbg.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2011 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.h-40- * This header file allows configuration of which output formats
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.h:41: * get compiled into the NASM binary. You can configure by defining
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.h-42- * various preprocessor symbols beginning with "OF_", either on the
nasm-2.15.05/output/stabs.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/stabs.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/stabs.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/stabs.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-57- * outobj.c is divided into two sections.  The first section is low level
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:58: * routines for creating obj records;  It has nearly zero NASM specific
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-59- * code.  The second section is high level routines for processing calls and
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:60: * data structures from the rest of NASM into obj format.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-61- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-580-    char *name;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:581:    int32_t index;                 /* the NASM segment id */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-582-    int32_t obj_index;             /* the OBJ-file segment index */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-601-    char *name;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:602:    int32_t index;                 /* NASM segment id */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-603-    int32_t obj_index;             /* OBJ-file group index */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-1968-    /*
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:1969:     * Write the NASM boast comment.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-1970-     */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-2201-     * should be omitted. So we'll omit it just in case.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:2202:     * But, TASM puts it in all the time so if we are using
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:2203:     * TASM debug stuff we are putting it in
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-2204-     */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-2288-     * switch records when we switch segments, and output the
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c:2289:     * file in a pseudo-TASM fashion.  The record switch is naive; that
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.c-2290-     * is that one file may have many records for the same segment
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-384-     * as we were last time.  Make this a pointer comparison: this is
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:385:     * safe because the NASM core code allocates each filename once
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-386-     * and never frees it.
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-618-    section_write16(sect, 0x1101);
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:619:    section_write32(sect, 0); /* ASM language */
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-620-    section_wbytes(sect, cv8_state.outfile.name, cv8_state.outfile.namebytes);
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-635-     * options available; however, BinScope from WACK (the Windows Application
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:636:     * Certification Kit) tests for specific minimum MASM versions and trying to
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:637:     * match an increasing sequence of random MASM version/build numbers seems
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-638-     * like a fool's errand.
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-639-     *
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:640:     * Instead, use a different language ID (NASM is, after all, not MASM
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c:641:     * syntax) and just write the actual NASM version number. BinScope appears
nasm-2.15.05/output/codeview.c-642-     * to be happy with that.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2011 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outform.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-124-    char *vfollows;             /* the section that this one will notionally follow */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:125:    int32_t start_index;           /* NASM section id for non-relocated version */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:126:    int32_t vstart_index;          /* the NASM section id */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:557:        WRITEADDR(p, l, r->bytes);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-558-        saa_fwrite(r->target->contents, r->posn, mydata, r->bytes);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-569-        /* Display input and output file names. */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:570:        fprintf(rf, "\n- NASM Map file ");
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-571-        for (h = 63; h; h--)
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-767-            p = mydata;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:768:	    WRITEADDR(p, *(int64_t *)data, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-769-            saa_wbytes(s->contents, mydata, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-811-            p = mydata;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c:812:	    WRITEADDR(p, addr - s->length, size);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outbin.c-813-            saa_wbytes(s->contents, mydata, size);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c-144-    struct ieeeFixupp *fptr, *flptr;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c:145:    int32_t index;                 /* the NASM segment id */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c-146-    int32_t ieee_index;            /* the IEEE-file segment index */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c:468:    /* Don't put a fixup for things NASM can calculate */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c-469-    if (wrt == NO_SEG && segment == NO_SEG)
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c-887-    /*
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c:888:     * Write the NASM boast comment.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outieee.c-889-     */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outas86.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outas86.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outas86.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2013 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.c-264-        /*
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.c:265:         * This is a NASM special symbol. We never allow it into
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.c-266-         * the a.out symbol table, even if it's a valid one. If it
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outaout.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.c-66-    dbgsect = NULL;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.c:67:    fprintf(ofile, "NASM Output format debug dump\n");
nasm-2.15.05/output/outdbg.c-68-    fprintf(ofile, "input file  = %s\n", inname);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:111:    fwriteaddr(data, fmt.ptrsize, fp);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-114-struct section {
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:115:    /* nasm internal data */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-116-    struct section *next;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-144-struct reloc {
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:145:    /* nasm internal data */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-146-    struct reloc *next;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-159-struct symbol {
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:160:    /* nasm internal data */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-161-    struct rbtree symv[2];	/* All/global symbol rbtrees; "key" contains the
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-634-        p = mydata;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:635:	WRITEADDR(p, addr, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-636-        sect_write(s, mydata, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-1010-	/*
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:1011:	 * This is a NASM special symbol. We never allow it into
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-1012-	 * the Macho-O symbol table, even if it's a valid one. If it
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-1068-             ** symbols, this works because every external symbol gets
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c:1069:             ** its own section number allocated internally by nasm and
nasm-2.15.05/output/outmacho.c-1070-             ** can so be used as a key */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2016 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c-61-/* Note that whenever a segment is referred to in the RDOFF file, its number
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c:62: * is always half of the segment number that NASM uses to refer to it; this
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c:63: * is because NASM only allocates even numbered segments, so as to not
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c-64- * waste any of the 16 bits of segment number written to the file - this
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c:252:    r->refseg >>= 1;            /* adjust segment nos to RDF rather than NASM */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c:529:    segto >>= 1;                /* convert NASM segment no to RDF number */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c-587-        pd = databuf;           /* convert address to little-endian */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c:588:	WRITEADDR(pd, *(int64_t *)data, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.c-589-        membufwrite(segto, databuf, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/nullout.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/nullout.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/nullout.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/nullout.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.h-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outlib.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outobj.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.c-90- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.c:91: * Newer versions of MASM seem to have changed this to be zero, and
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.c-92- * that apparently matches the COFF spec, so go with that.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outcoff.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf2.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.h-118-    uint64_t            nrelocs;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.h:119:    int32_t             index;		/* NASM index or NO_SEG if internal */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.h-120-    int			shndx;          /* ELF index */
nasm-2.15.05/output/pecoff.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/pecoff.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/pecoff.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/pecoff.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/pecoff.h-508-    int section;                /* section number where it's defined
nasm-2.15.05/output/pecoff.h:509:                                 * - in COFF codes, not NASM codes */
nasm-2.15.05/output/pecoff.h-510-    bool is_global;             /* is it a global symbol or not? */
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outrdf.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/dwarf.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/dwarf.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/dwarf.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/dwarf.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2019 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-102-static void elf_sect_write(struct elf_section *, const void *, size_t);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:103:static void elf_sect_writeaddr(struct elf_section *, int64_t, size_t);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-104-static void elf_section_header(int name, int type, uint64_t flags,
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:244: * Special NASM section numbers which are used to define ELF special
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-245- * symbols.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-775-        /*
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:776:         * This is a NASM special symbol. We never allow it into
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-777-         * the ELF symbol table, even if it's a valid one. If it
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-991-         *     GLOBAL crash_nasm
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:992:         *     crash_nasm equ 0
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-993-         * To avoid such a crash, such requests are silently discarded.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1246-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1247:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1248-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1272-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1273:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, bytes);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1274-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1298-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1299:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, 4);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1300-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1304-        addr = 0;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1305:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, 8);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1306-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1482-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1483:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1484-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1513-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1514:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, bytes);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1515-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1551-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1552:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, 4);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1553-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1584-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1585:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, 8);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1586-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1753-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1754:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, asize);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1755-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1784-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1785:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, bytes);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1786-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1820-        }
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1821:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, 4);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1822-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1826-        addr = 0;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:1827:        elf_sect_writeaddr(s, addr, 8);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-1828-        break;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:2404:static void elf_sect_writeaddr(struct elf_section *sect, int64_t data, size_t len)
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c:2406:    saa_writeaddr(sect->data, data, len);
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.c-2407-    sect->len += len;
nasm-2.15.05/output/outas86.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/output/outas86.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outas86.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outas86.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/macho.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/output/macho.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/macho.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/macho.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.mac:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.mac:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/output/outelf.mac-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-67-	mingw/*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile:68:	  file=`cmd //C echo "$file " | sed -e 's/"\(.*\) " *$/\1/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-69-	  ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-70-	cygwin/*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile:71:	  file=`cygpath -m "$file" || echo "$file"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-72-	  ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-73-	wine/*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile:74:	  file=`winepath -w "$file" || echo "$file"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-75-	  ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-310-# Name of file we expect compiler to create.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile:311:cofile=`echo "$cfile" | sed 's|^.*[\\/]||; s|^[a-zA-Z]:||; s/\.c$/.o/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-316-# object file name, since that is what matters with a parallel build.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile:317:lockdir=`echo "$cofile" | sed -e 's|[/\\:.-]|_|g'`.d
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/compile-318-while true; do
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-234-      fi
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:235:      cp_umask=`expr '(' 777 - $mode % 1000 ')' $u_plus_rw`;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-236-    *)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-280-      dstdir=$dst
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:281:      dstbase=`basename "$src"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-282-      case $dst in
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-287-    else
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:288:      dstdir=`dirname "$dst"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-289-      test -d "$dstdir"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-354-                   test_tmpdir="$tmpdir/a"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:355:                   ls_ld_tmpdir=`ls -ld "$test_tmpdir"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-356-                   case $ls_ld_tmpdir in
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-361-                   $mkdirprog -m$different_mode -p -- "$test_tmpdir" && {
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:362:                     ls_ld_tmpdir_1=`ls -ld "$test_tmpdir"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-363-                     test "$ls_ld_tmpdir" = "$ls_ld_tmpdir_1"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-419-            case $prefix in
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:420:              *\'*) qprefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-421-              *) qprefix=$prefix;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-468-    if $copy_on_change &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:469:       old=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dst"     2>/dev/null` &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh:470:       new=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dsttmp"  2>/dev/null` &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/install-sh-471-       set -f &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:53:me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-770-	i*86v32)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:771:		cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-772-		vendor=pc
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-775-	i*86v4*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:776:		cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-777-		vendor=pc
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-780-	i*86v)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:781:		cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-782-		vendor=pc
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-785-	i*86sol2)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:786:		cpu=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's/86.*/86/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-787-		vendor=pc
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-916-		cpu=sparc
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:917:		vendor=`echo "$basic_machine" | sed 's/-.*//'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-918-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1082-	sh5e[lb]-*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1083:		cpu=`echo "$cpu" | sed 's/^\(sh.\)e\(.\)$/\1\2e/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1084-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1100-	xscale-* | xscalee[bl]-*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1101:		cpu=`echo "$cpu" | sed 's/^xscale/arm/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1102-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1251-			*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1252:				echo Invalid configuration \`"$1"\': machine \`"$cpu-$vendor"\' not recognized 1>&2
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1253-				exit 1
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1285-	solaris1 | solaris1.*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1286:		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|solaris1|sunos4|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1287-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1294-	gnu/linux*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1295:		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|gnu/linux|linux-gnu|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1296-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1317-	sco3.2.[4-9]*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1318:		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's/sco3.2./sco3.2v/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1319-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1380-	nto*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1381:		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|nto|nto-qnx|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1382-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1390-	linux*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1391:		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|linux|linux-gnu|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1392-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1402-	mac*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1403:		os=`echo "$os" | sed -e 's|mac|macos|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1404-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1411-	sunos5*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1412:		os=`echo "$os" | sed -e 's|sunos5|solaris2|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1413-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1414-	sunos6*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1415:		os=`echo "$os" | sed -e 's|sunos6|solaris3|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1416-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1451-	sinix5.*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1452:		os=`echo $os | sed -e 's|sinix|sysv|'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1453-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1511-	*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub:1512:		echo Invalid configuration \`"$1"\': system \`"$os"\' not recognized 1>&2
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.sub-1513-		exit 1
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:35:me=`echo "$0" | sed -e 's,.*/,,'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-104-    # shellcheck disable=SC2039
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:105:    { tmp=`(umask 077 && mktemp -d "$TMPDIR/cgXXXXXX") 2>/dev/null` && test -n "$tmp" && test -d "$tmp" ; } ||
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-106-	{ test -n "$RANDOM" && tmp=$TMPDIR/cg$$-$RANDOM && (umask 077 && mkdir "$tmp" 2>/dev/null) ; } ||
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-154-	EOF
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:155:	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null | grep '^LIBC' | sed 's, ,,g'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-191-	    earmv*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:192:		arch=`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH" | sed -e 's,^e\(armv[0-9]\).*$,\1,'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:193:		endian=`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH" | sed -ne 's,^.*\(eb\)$,\1,p'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-194-		machine="${arch}${endian}"-unknown
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-223-		expr='s/^earmv[0-9]/-eabi/;s/eb$//'
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:224:		abi=`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE_ARCH" | sed -e "$expr"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-225-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-236-	    *)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:237:		release=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/[-_].*//' | cut -d. -f1,2`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-238-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-283-	*4.0)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:284:		UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $3}'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-285-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-286-	*5.*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:287:		UNAME_RELEASE=`/usr/sbin/sizer -v | awk '{print $4}'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-288-		;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-293-	# types through head -n 1, so we only detect the type of CPU 0.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:294:	ALPHA_CPU_TYPE=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo -v | sed -n -e 's/^  The alpha \(.*\) processor.*$/\1/p' | head -n 1`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-295-	case "$ALPHA_CPU_TYPE" in
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-331-	# 1.2 uses "1.2" for uname -r.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:332:	echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-dec-osf"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/^[PVTX]//' | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-333-	# Reset EXIT trap before exiting to avoid spurious non-zero exit code.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-382-    s390x:SunOS:*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:383:	echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-ibm-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-384-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-385-    sun4H:SunOS:5.*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:386:	echo sparc-hal-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-387-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-388-    sun4*:SunOS:5.*:* | tadpole*:SunOS:5.*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:389:	echo sparc-sun-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-390-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-394-    i86pc:SunOS:5.*:* | i86xen:SunOS:5.*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:395:	UNAME_REL="`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-396-	case `isainfo -b` in
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-408-	# it's likely to be more like Solaris than SunOS4.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:409:	echo sparc-sun-solaris3"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-410-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-417-	# Japanese Language versions have a version number like `4.1.3-JL'.
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:418:	echo sparc-sun-sunos"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/-/_/'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-419-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-423-    sun*:*:4.2BSD:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:424:	UNAME_RELEASE=`(sed 1q /etc/motd | awk '{print substr($5,1,3)}') 2>/dev/null`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-425-	test "x$UNAME_RELEASE" = x && UNAME_RELEASE=3
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-505-	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:506:	  dummyarg=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -n 's/\([0-9]*\).*/\1/p'` &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:507:	  SYSTEM_NAME=`"$dummy" "$dummyarg"` &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-508-	    { echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-561-    *:IRIX*:*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:562:	echo mips-sgi-irix"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/-/_/g'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-563-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:592:		if $CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" && SYSTEM_NAME=`"$dummy"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-593-		then
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-604-    *:AIX:*:[4567])
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:605:	IBM_CPU_ID=`/usr/sbin/lsdev -C -c processor -S available | sed 1q | awk '{ print $1 }'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-606-	if /usr/sbin/lsattr -El "$IBM_CPU_ID" | grep ' POWER' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-640-    9000/[34678]??:HP-UX:*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:641:	HPUX_REV=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-642-	case "$UNAME_MACHINE" in
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:695:		    (CCOPTS="" $CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null) && HP_ARCH=`"$dummy"`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-696-		    test -z "$HP_ARCH" && HP_ARCH=hppa
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-722-    ia64:HP-UX:*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:723:	HPUX_REV=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*.[0B]*//'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-724-	echo ia64-hp-hpux"$HPUX_REV"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:753:	$CC_FOR_BUILD -o "$dummy" "$dummy.c" && SYSTEM_NAME=`"$dummy"` &&
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-754-		{ echo "$SYSTEM_NAME"; exit; }
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-823-	FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/\///'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:824:	FUJITSU_REL=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-825-	echo "${FUJITSU_PROC}-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-828-	FUJITSU_SYS=`uname -p | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/\///'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:829:	FUJITSU_REL=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | tr ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | sed -e 's/ /_/'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-830-	echo "sparc-fujitsu-${FUJITSU_SYS}${FUJITSU_REL}"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-846-	then
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:847:	    echo "${UNAME_PROCESSOR}"-unknown-freebsd"`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"-gnueabi
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-848-	else
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:849:	    echo "${UNAME_PROCESSOR}"-unknown-freebsd"`echo ${UNAME_RELEASE}|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"-gnueabihf
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-850-	fi
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-859-	esac
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:860:	echo "$UNAME_PROCESSOR"-unknown-freebsd"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-861-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-895-    prep*:SunOS:5.*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:896:	echo powerpcle-unknown-solaris2"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[^.]*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-897-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-899-	# the GNU system
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:900:	echo "`echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"|sed -e 's,[-/].*$,,'`-unknown-$LIBC`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's,/.*$,,'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-901-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-903-	# other systems with GNU libc and userland
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:904:	echo "$UNAME_MACHINE-unknown-`echo "$UNAME_SYSTEM" | sed 's,^[^/]*/,,' | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]"``echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`-$LIBC"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-905-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:998:	eval "`$CC_FOR_BUILD -E "$dummy.c" 2>/dev/null | grep '^CPU'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-999-	test "x$CPU" != x && { echo "$CPU-unknown-linux-$LIBC"; exit; }
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1097-    i*86:*:4.*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:1098:	UNAME_REL=`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed 's/\/MP$//'`
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1099-	if grep Novell /usr/include/link.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1300-	fi
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:1301:	if test "`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/\..*//'`" -le 10 ; then
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1302-	    if [ "$CC_FOR_BUILD" != no_compiler_found ]; then
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1399-    *:DragonFly:*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:1400:	echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-unknown-dragonfly"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE"|sed -e 's/[-(].*//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1401-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1412-    i*86:skyos:*:*)
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess:1413:	echo "$UNAME_MACHINE"-pc-skyos"`echo "$UNAME_RELEASE" | sed -e 's/ .*$//'`"
nasm-2.15.05/autoconf/helpers/config.guess-1414-	exit ;;
nasm-2.15.05/configure.ac-334-  dnl CC name which ought to already contain the host triplet if needed
nasm-2.15.05/configure.ac:335:  ccbase=`echo "$CC" | awk '{ print $1; }'`
nasm-2.15.05/configure.ac-336-  AC_CHECK_PROGS(CC_AR, [${ccbase}-ar], [$ac_cv_prog_AR])
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-3-Tue Nov 20 23:37:46 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:4:  * NASM 2.00rc3
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-5-Tue Nov 20 21:45:16 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-11-Mon Nov 19 23:09:31 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:12:  * NASM 2.00rc2
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-13-Mon Nov 19 23:09:24 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-41-Fri Nov 16 00:03:02 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:42:  * NASM 2.00rc1
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-43-Thu Nov 15 17:12:29 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-135-Wed Oct 31 23:37:35 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:136:  * NASM 0.99.06
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-137-Wed Oct 31 23:37:19 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-237-Tue Oct 16 22:59:09 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:238:  * NASM 0.99.05
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-239-Tue Oct 16 15:46:04 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-299-Wed Oct 10 14:06:59 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:300:  * Create option -Ox to tell NASM to do unlimited passes
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-301-Mon Oct 8 19:26:57 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-307-Mon Oct 8 12:12:23 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:308:  * Add Frank's floattest.asm test file
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-309-Sun Oct 7 21:13:14 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-385-Wed Sep 26 15:19:28 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:386:  * nasm option reshuffling, -E -> -Z
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-387-Tue Sep 25 23:57:21 2007 -0400 Frank Kotler 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-393-Tue Sep 25 16:01:07 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:394:  * Document NASM behaviour for 64-bit immediates and displacements
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-395-Tue Sep 25 15:44:40 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-861-Mon Apr 16 02:39:56 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:862:  * More 64-bit ndisasm fixes.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-863-Mon Apr 16 02:02:06 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-869-Sun Apr 15 23:12:17 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:870:  * Clean up the 64-bitification of regs.dat for 64-bit ndisasm support
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-871-Sun Apr 15 23:10:26 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-877-Tue Nov 20 23:37:46 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:878:  * NASM 2.00rc3
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-879-Tue Nov 20 21:45:16 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-885-Mon Nov 19 23:09:31 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:886:  * NASM 2.00rc2
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-887-Mon Nov 19 23:09:24 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-915-Fri Nov 16 00:03:02 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:916:  * NASM 2.00rc1
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-917-Thu Nov 15 17:12:29 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-946-Tue Nov 20 23:37:46 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:947:  * NASM 2.00rc3
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-948-Tue Nov 20 21:45:16 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-954-Mon Nov 19 23:09:31 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:955:  * NASM 2.00rc2
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-956-Mon Nov 19 23:09:24 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-984-Fri Nov 16 00:03:02 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:985:  * NASM 2.00rc1
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-986-Thu Nov 15 17:12:29 2007 -0800 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1078-Wed Oct 31 23:37:35 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1079:  * NASM 0.99.06
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1080-Wed Oct 31 23:37:19 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1180-Tue Oct 16 22:59:09 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1181:  * NASM 0.99.05
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1182-Tue Oct 16 15:46:04 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1242-Wed Oct 10 14:06:59 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1243:  * Create option -Ox to tell NASM to do unlimited passes
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1244-Mon Oct 8 19:26:57 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1250-Mon Oct 8 12:12:23 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1251:  * Add Frank's floattest.asm test file
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1252-Sun Oct 7 21:13:14 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1328-Wed Sep 26 15:19:28 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1329:  * nasm option reshuffling, -E -> -Z
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1330-Tue Sep 25 23:57:21 2007 -0400 Frank Kotler 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1336-Tue Sep 25 16:01:07 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1337:  * Document NASM behaviour for 64-bit immediates and displacements
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1338-Tue Sep 25 15:44:40 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1804-Mon Apr 16 02:39:56 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1805:  * More 64-bit ndisasm fixes.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1806-Mon Apr 16 02:02:06 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1812-Sun Apr 15 23:12:17 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1813:  * Clean up the 64-bitification of regs.dat for 64-bit ndisasm support
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1814-Sun Apr 15 23:10:26 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1951-Wed Oct 31 23:37:35 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:1952:  * NASM 0.99.06
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-1953-Wed Oct 31 23:37:19 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2053-Tue Oct 16 22:59:09 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2054:  * NASM 0.99.05
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2055-Tue Oct 16 15:46:04 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2115-Wed Oct 10 14:06:59 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2116:  * Create option -Ox to tell NASM to do unlimited passes
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2117-Mon Oct 8 19:26:57 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2123-Mon Oct 8 12:12:23 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2124:  * Add Frank's floattest.asm test file
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2125-Sun Oct 7 21:13:14 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2201-Wed Sep 26 15:19:28 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2202:  * nasm option reshuffling, -E -> -Z
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2203-Tue Sep 25 23:57:21 2007 -0400 Frank Kotler 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2209-Tue Sep 25 16:01:07 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2210:  * Document NASM behaviour for 64-bit immediates and displacements
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2211-Tue Sep 25 15:44:40 2007 -0700 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2677-Mon Apr 16 02:39:56 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2678:  * More 64-bit ndisasm fixes.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2679-Mon Apr 16 02:02:06 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2685-Sun Apr 15 23:12:17 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2686:  * Clean up the 64-bitification of regs.dat for 64-bit ndisasm support
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2687-Sun Apr 15 23:10:26 2007 +0000 H. Peter Anvin 
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2867-2002-05-03  H. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com>
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2868:   * (nasm.c): Change the NASM environment variable to NASMOPT.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2872-   * (macros.pl): support multiple input files (standard.mac, version.mac).
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2873:   * (standard.mac): use an explicit delimiter to end the TASM macros.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2874-   * (nasm-version): remove, no longer needed.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2875-   * (version.pl): script to produce version.h and version.mac from version.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog:2876:   * (version): contains the official NASM version.
nasm-2.15.05/ChangeLog-2877-   * (nasm.h): include version.h.
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.spec.in:33:NASM is the Netwide Assembler, a free portable assembler for the Intel
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.spec.in-34-80x86 microprocessor series, using primarily the traditional Intel
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/x86/disp8.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/x86/disp8.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2013 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/x86/disp8.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/x86/disp8.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/x86/regs.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/x86/regs.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/x86/regs.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns-iflags.ph:4:##   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns-iflags.ph:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns-iflags.ph-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/x86/regs.dat:3:##   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/x86/regs.dat:4:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/x86/regs.dat-5-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.dat:3:;;   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.dat:4:;;   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.dat-5-;;   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.dat-46-; Comments with a pound sign after the semicolon generate section
nasm-2.15.05/x86/insns.dat:47:; subheaders in the NASM documentation.
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.spec:52:NASM is the Netwide Assembler, a free portable assembler for the Intel
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.spec-53-80x86 microprocessor series, using primarily the traditional Intel
nasm-2.15.05/doc/Makefile.in:2:# UNIX Makefile for NASM documentation
nasm-2.15.05/doc/findfont.ph:4:##   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/doc/findfont.ph:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/findfont.ph-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/pspdf.pl-92-# 1. Acrobat distiller
nasm-2.15.05/doc/pspdf.pl:93:my $r = system('acrodist', '-n', '-q', '--nosecurity', '-o', $out, $in);
nasm-2.15.05/doc/pspdf.pl-94-exit 0 if ( !$r && -f $out );
nasm-2.15.05/doc/pspdf.pl-130-# 3. pstopdf (BSD/MacOS X utility)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/pspdf.pl:131:my $r = system('pstopdf', $in, '-o', $out);
nasm-2.15.05/doc/pspdf.pl-132-exit 0 if ( !$r && -f $out );
nasm-2.15.05/doc/head.ps:2:% PostScript header for NASM documentation
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2018 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl:36:# Read the source-form of the NASM manual and generate the various
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl-37-# output forms.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl-73-# \H{whatsnasm} What is NASM?
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl:74:# \S{free} NASM Is Free
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl-75-#   dealt with as appropriate. Chapters begin on new sides, possibly
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl-163-foreach $file (@files) {
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl:164:  &include($file);
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl-229-  if (/\\& (\S+)/) {
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl:230:     &include($1);
nasm-2.15.05/doc/rdsrc.pl-231-  } else {
nasm-2.15.05/doc/Makefile:2:# UNIX Makefile for NASM documentation
nasm-2.15.05/doc/inslist.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/doc/inslist.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/inslist.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/opt_var.txt:1:                     NASM Optimizer Usage of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/opt_var.txt-2-              Certain Variables to Control Assembly
nasm-2.15.05/doc/opt_var.txt-9-        optimizing     optimization meta data (with level and flag info)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/opt_var.txt:10:        .level         -1 flags nasm 0.98 compatible operation;
nasm-2.15.05/doc/opt_var.txt-11-                            offsets usually are explicit (short/near)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/afmmetrics.ph:4:##   Copyright 1996-2017 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/doc/afmmetrics.ph:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/afmmetrics.ph-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-95-This doesn't count as a module - it defines a few arrays which are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc:96:shared between NASM and NDISASM, so it's a separate file which is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-97-#included by both parser.c and disasm.c.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-213-sections/segments/groups of which an object file is composed.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc:214:Essentially, every address NASM is capable of understanding is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-215-expressed as an offset from the beginning of some segment.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc:254:We have tried to write NASM in portable ANSI C: we do not assume
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-255-little-endianness or any hardware characteristics (in order that
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc:256:NASM should work as a cross-assembler for x86 platforms, even when
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-257-run on other, stranger machines).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-265-- We rely on having more than 6 characters of significance on
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc:266:  externally linked symbols in the NASM sources. This may get fixed
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-267-  at some point. We haven't yet come across a linker brain-dead
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-271-  binary data files. This may be wrong on systems like VMS, with a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc:272:  strange file system. Though why you'd want to run NASM on VMS is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-273-  beyond me anyway.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc:275:That's it. Subject to those caveats, NASM should be completely
nasm-2.15.05/doc/internal.doc-276-portable. If not, we _really_ want to know about it.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2:\# NASM revision history in nasmdoc format
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:5:\H{cl-2.xx} NASM 2 Series
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:7:The NASM 2 series supports x86-64, and is the production version of NASM
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-8-since 2007.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:15:\b Add \c{--reproducible} option to suppress NASM version numbers and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-16-timestamps in output files. See \k{opt-reproducible}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-42-\b The \c{-L+} option no longer enables \c{-Lw}, which is mainly
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:43:useful to debug NASM crashes. See \k{opt-L}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-48-\b The NASM-only RDOFF output format backend, which has been broken
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:49:since at least NASM 2.14, has been disabled. The RDOFF tools are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:50:scheduled to be removed from the NASM distribution in NASM 2.16. If
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:51:you have a concrete use case for RDOFF, please file a NASM bug report
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-52-at \W{https://bugs.nasm.us/}\c{https://bugs.nasm.us/} as soon as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:83:\b Much better documentation for the MASM compatiblity package,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-84-\c{%use masm} (see \k{pkg_masm}).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:86:\b Fix \c{LEA} without square brackets, for MASM compatibility.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:121:\b The MASM \c{DUP} syntax for data definitions is now supported, in a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-122-somewhat enhanced form. See \k{db}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-130-\b A much more sensible limit to expression evaluation depth. The
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:131:previously defined limit would rarely trigger before NASM died with a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-132-stack overrun error on most systems. See \k{opt-limit}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:177:\b Added limited functionality MASM compatibility package. See
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:207:\b Improved NASM error handling and cleaned up error messages.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:412:\b NASM can now generate sparse output files for relevant output
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-413-   formats, if the underlying operating system supports them.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:436:\b Significant improvements to building NASM with Microsoft Visual
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-437-   Studio via \c{Mkfiles/msvc.mak}.  It is now possible to build the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:441:\b To build NASM with custom modifications (table changes) or from the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-442-   git tree now requires Perl 5.8 at the very minimum, quite possibly
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-444-   have Perl on your system at all if all you want to do is build
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:445:   unmodified NASM from source archives.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:488:\b If the MASM \c{PTR} keyword is encountered, issue a warning.  This is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:489:   much more likely to indicate a MASM-ism encountered in NASM than it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-490-   is a valid label.  This warning can be suppressed with \c{-w-ptr},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-523-\b Fix wrong negative size treated as a big positive value passed into
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:524:   backend causing NASM to crash.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:533:\b Portability fixes for building NASM with the LLVM compiler.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-698-\b Add \c{{evex}}, \c{{vex3}} and \c{{vex2}} instruction prefixes to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:699:have NASM encode the corresponding instruction, if possible, with an EVEX,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-700-3-byte VEX, or 2-byte VEX prefix, respectively.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:831:\b Fix \c{mach64} output format bug that crashes NASM due to NULL symbols.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-883-   too early and sometime simply wrong. Move behaviour back to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:884:   the origins (down to NASM 2.05.01).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:963:\b The environments without vsnprintf function are able to build nasm again.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1013:\b Visual Studio 2008 NASM integration (rules file).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1041:\b NASM is now under the 2-clause BSD license.  See \k{legal}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1055:\b The Windows installer now puts the NASM directory first in the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1056:  \c{PATH} of the "NASM Shell".
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1074-\b This release is dedicated to the memory of Charles A. Crayne, long
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1075:  time NASM developer as well as moderator of \c{comp.lang.asm.x86} and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1076-  author of the book \e{Serious Assembler}.  We miss you, Chuck.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1120:\b Fix the \c{-w}/\c{-W} option parsing, which was broken in NASM 2.05.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1127:\b Make the behaviour of \c{-O0} match NASM 0.98 legacy behavior.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1128-  See \k{opt-O}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1140:\b Fix error where NASM would generate a spurious warning on valid
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1141-  optimizations of immediate values.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1397:\H{cl-0.98.xx} NASM 0.98 Series
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1399:The 0.98 series was the production versions of NASM from 1999 to 2007.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1551:\b Fix NASM crashing when \c{%macro} directives were left unterminated.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1586:\b Changed the NASM environment variable to NASMENV.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1598:\b Added 'make strip' target to strip debug info from nasm & ndisasm.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1602:\b Added -v option description to nasm man.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1644:\b Documentation - Ndisasm doc added to Nasm.doc.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1710:\b Changes to test/bintest.asm (?).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1717:\b Ndisasm fixed.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1733:\b Remove "#ifdef" from Tasm compatibility options.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1824-\b Nelson Rush resigns from the group. Big thanks to Nelson for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1825:  his leadership and enthusiasm in getting these changes
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1826-  incorporated into Nasm!
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1899-\b Note that you must define "TASM_COMPAT" at compile-time
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1900:to get the Tasm Ideal Mode compatibility.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1906:\b standard.mac, macros.c: Added macros to ignore TASM directives before
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1907-first include
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1913:\b Added command line switch for TASM compatible mode (-t)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1915:\b Changed version command line to reflect when compiled with TASM additions
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1917-\b Added response file processing to allow all arguments on a single
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1918:line (response file is @resp rather than -@resp for NASM format).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1920:\b labels.c: Changes islocal() macro to support TASM style @@local labels.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1922:\b Added islocalchar() macro to support TASM style @@local labels.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1924:\b parser.c: Added support for TASM style memory references (ie: mov
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1925:[DWORD eax],10 rather than the NASM style mov DWORD [eax],10).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1930:\b Added support for TASM style directives without a leading % symbol.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-1991-    concatenate everything without whitespaces in between before usage.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:1992:    For example, with "unfixed" nasm the commands
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2020-\b A new directive [WARNING {+|-}warning-id] have been added. It works only
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2021:    if the assembly phase is enabled (i.e. it doesn't work with nasm -e).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2023-\b A new warning type: macro-selfref. By default this warning is disabled;
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2024:    when enabled NASM warns when a macro self-references itself; for example
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2025-    the following source:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2110:All changes since NASM 0.98p3 have been produced by H. Peter Anvin <hpa@zytor.com>.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2127:\b Verified that the NASM implementation of the PEXTRW and PMOVMSKB
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2128-  instructions is correct.  The encoding differs from what the Intel
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2141:\b Fix for "DB" when NASM is running on a bigendian machine.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2235:\b Renamed changes.asm to changed.asm.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2263:\b Added a -p (preferred vendor) option to ndisasm so that it can
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2264-  distinguish e.g. Cyrix opcodes also used in SSE.  For example:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2266:\c      ndisasm -p cyrix aliased.bin
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2267-\c      00000000  670F514310        paddsiw mm0,[ebx+0x10]
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2268-\c      00000005  670F514320        paddsiw mm0,[ebx+0x20]
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2269:\c      ndisasm -p intel aliased.bin
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2270-\c      00000000  670F514310        sqrtps xmm0,[ebx+0x10]
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2284:\b changes.asm changes from John S. Fine.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2295:\b Updated changes.asm to include the latest changes.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2391:\b Fixed a stale-pointer bug in the handling of the NASM environment
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2392-variable. Thanks to Thomas McWilliams.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2397:\b Added ability for ndisasm to read from stdin by using `-' as the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2400:\b ndisasm wasn't outputting the TO keyword. Fixed.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2450:\H{cl-0.9x} NASM 0.9 Series
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2463:\b ndisasm hung at EOF when compiled with lcc on Linux because lcc on
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2464:Linux somehow breaks feof(). ndisasm now does not rely on feof().
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2496:\b Fixed a bug whereby, if `nasm sourcefile' would cause a filename
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2497-collision warning and put output into `nasm.out', then `nasm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2503-\b Fixed minor instruction table problems: FUCOM and FUCOMP didn't have
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2504:two-operand forms; NDISASM didn't recognise the longer register
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2505-forms of PUSH and POP (eg FF F3 for PUSH BX); TEST mem,imm32 was
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2566:\b Transformed the Unix NASM archive into an auto-configuring package.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2643:\b ndisasm forgot to check whether the input file had been successfully
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2644-opened. Now it does. Doh!
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2662:\b Added makefiles (for NASM and the RDF tools) to build Win32 console
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src-2663-apps under Symantec C++. Donated by Mark Junker.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2741:\b Added the NASM environment variable.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/changes.src:2906:\b \c{-e} and \c{-k} options in NDISASM added.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3:\#   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5:\#   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6-\#   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:35:\# Source code to NASM documentation
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:39:\M{title}{NASM - The Netwide Assembler}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:40:\M{author}{The NASM Development Team}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-41-\M{copyright_tail}{-- All Rights Reserved}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-219-\IR{nan} NaN
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:220:\IR{nasm version} NASM version
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:221:\IR{nasm version history} NASM version, history
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:222:\IR{nasm version macros} NASM version, macros
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:223:\IR{nasm version id} NASM version, ID macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:224:\IR{nasm version string} NASM version, string macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-225-\IR{arithmetic negation} negation, arithmetic
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:323:NASM is under the so-called 2-clause BSD license, also
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-324-known as the simplified BSD license:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:326:Copyright \m{year} the NASM Authors - All rights reserved.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:355:\H{syntax} NASM \i{Command-Line} Syntax
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:359:\c nasm -f <format> <filename> [-o <output>]
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:363:\c nasm -f elf myfile.asm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:367:\c nasm -f bin myfile.asm -o myfile.com
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:375:\c nasm -f coff myfile.asm -l myfile.lst
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:379:\c nasm -h
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:388:(in the directory in which you put the NASM binary when you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-389-installed it). If it says something like
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-393-then your system is \c{ELF}, and you should use the option \c{-f elf}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:394:when you want NASM to produce Linux object files. If it says
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:402:Like Unix compilers and assemblers, NASM is silent unless it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-403-goes wrong: you won't see any output at all, unless it gives error
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:409:NASM will normally choose the name of your output file for you;
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-410-precisely how it does this is dependent on the object file format.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-412-it will remove the \c{.asm} \i{extension} (or whatever extension you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:413:like to use - NASM doesn't care) from your source file name and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-414-substitute \c{.obj}. For Unix object file formats (\c{aout}, \c{as86},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:421:If the output file already exists, NASM will overwrite it, unless it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-422-has the same name as the input file, in which case it will give a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:431:\c nasm -f bin program.asm -o program.com
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:432:\c nasm -f bin driver.asm -odriver.sys
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-449-A complete list of the available output file formats can be given by
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:450:issuing the command \i\c{nasm -h}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-455-If you supply the \c{-l} option to NASM, followed (with the usual
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:456:optional space) by a file name, NASM will generate a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-457-\i{source-listing file} for you, in which addresses and generated
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:463:\c nasm -f elf myfile.asm -l myfile.lst
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-491-\b \c{-Lw} flush the output after every line (very slow, mainly useful
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:492:to debug NASM crashes)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-506-For forward compatility reasons, an undefined flag will be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:507:ignored. Thus, a new flag introduced in a newer version of NASM can be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-508-specified without breaking older versions. Listing flags will always
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:516:\c nasm -M myfile.asm > myfile.dep
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:532:\c nasm -M -MF myfile.dep myfile.asm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:543:\c nasm -f elf -o myfile.o -MD myfile.dep myfile.asm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-573-When used with any of the dependency generation options, the \c{-MP}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:574:option causes NASM to emit a phony target without dependencies for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-575-each header file.  This prevents Make from complaining if a header
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:581:This option causes NASM to attempt to quote dependencies according to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-582-Watcom Make conventions rather than POSIX Make conventions (also used
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-597-A complete list of the available debug file formats for an output
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:598:format can be seen by issuing the command \c{nasm -h}.  Not
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-599-all output formats currently support debugging output.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-644-redirect the standard-error output of a program to a file. Since
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:645:NASM usually produces its warning and \i{error messages} on
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-646-\i\c{stderr}, this can make it hard to capture the errors if (for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:649:NASM therefore provides the \c{-Z} option, taking a filename argument
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-650-which causes errors to be sent to the specified files rather than
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:654:\c nasm -Z myfile.err -f obj myfile.asm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:667:\c nasm -s -f obj myfile.asm | more
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:674:When NASM sees the \i\c{%include} or \i\c{%pathsearch} directive in a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-675-source file (see \k{include}, \k{pathsearch} or \k{incbin}), it will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:681:\c nasm -ic:\macrolib\ -f obj myfile.asm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:686:Prior NASM 2.14 a path provided in the option has been considered as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-687-a verbatim copy and providing a path separator been up to a caller.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:704:\I\c{%include}NASM allows you to specify files to be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-705-\e{pre-included} into your source file, by the use of the \c{-p}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:708:\c nasm myfile.asm -p myinc.inc
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:710:is equivalent to running \c{nasm myfile.asm} and placing the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-711-directive \c{%include "myinc.inc"} at the start of the file.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:727:\c nasm myfile.asm -dFOO=100
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:751:\c nasm myfile.asm -dFOO=100 -uFOO
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:763:NASM allows the \i{preprocessor} to be run on its own, up to a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-764-point. Using the \c{-E} option (which requires no arguments) will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:765:cause NASM to preprocess its input file, expand all the macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-766-references, remove all the comments and preprocessor directives, and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-778-For compatiblity with older version of NASM, this option can also be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:779:written \c{-e}.  \c{-E} in older versions of NASM was the equivalent
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-780-of the current \c{-Z} option, \k{opt-Z}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:784:If NASM is being used as the back end to a compiler, it might be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-785-desirable to \I{suppressing preprocessing}suppress preprocessing
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-787-and increase compilation speeds. The \c{-a} option, requiring no
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:788:argument, instructs NASM to replace its powerful \i{preprocessor}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-789-with a \i{stub preprocessor} which does nothing.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:794:Using the \c{-O} option, you can tell NASM to carry out different
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-795-levels of optimization. Multiple flags can be specified after the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-800-        if a short form is not specified, except conditional jumps.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:801:        This is intended to match NASM 0.98 behavior.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-818-The \c{-Ox} mode is recommended for most uses, and is the default
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:819:since NASM 2.09.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:825:\S{opt-t} The \i\c{-t} Option: Enable TASM Compatibility Mode
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:827:NASM includes a limited form of compatibility with Borland's \i\c{TASM}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-828-When NASM's \c{-t} option is used, the following changes are made:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:832:\b size override is supported within brackets. In TASM compatible mode,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-833-a size override inside square brackets changes the size of the operand,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:834:and not the address type of the operand as it does in NASM syntax. E.g.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:835:\c{mov eax,[DWORD val]} is valid syntax in TASM compatibility mode.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-836-Note that you lose the ability to override the default address type for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:845:NASM can observe many conditions during the course of assembly which
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-846-are worth mentioning to the user, but not a sufficiently severe
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:847:error to justify NASM refusing to generate an output file. These
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-848-conditions are reported like errors, but come up with the word
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:849:`warning' before the message. Warnings do not prevent NASM from
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-850-generating an output file and returning a success status to the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-853-Some conditions are even less severe than that: they are only
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:854:sometimes worth mentioning to the user. Therefore NASM supports the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-855-\c{-w} command-line option, which enables or disables certain
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:865:Since version 2.15, NASM has group aliases for all prefixed warnings,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-866-so they can be used to enable or disable all warnings in the group.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:869:Since version 2.00, NASM has also supported the \c{gcc}-like syntax
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-870-\c{-Wwarning-class} and \c{-Wno-warning-class} instead of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-876-(\c{-w+error=}\e{warning-class} or \c{-Werror=}\e{warning-class});
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:877:if no \e{warning-class} is specified NASM treats it as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-878-\c{-w+error=all}; the same applies to \c{-w-error} or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:888:Typing \c{NASM -v} will display the version of NASM which you are using,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-889-and the date on which it was compiled.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-893-For command-line compatibility with Yasm, the form \i\c{--v} is also
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:894:accepted for this option starting in NASM version 2.11.05.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:907:\c nasm -f macho --gprefix _
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:916:NASM accepts an argument as \c{%pragma} option, which is like placing
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-917-a \c{%pragma} preprocess statement at the beginning of the source.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:920:\c nasm -f macho --pragma "macho gprefix _"
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:930:\c nasm -f macho --before "%pragma macho gprefix _"
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-935-This option allows user to setup various maximum values after which
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:936:NASM will terminate with a fatal error rather than consume arbitrary
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-937-amount of compute time. Each limit can be set to a positive number or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:966:\c nasm --limit-lines 1000
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:976:This option prevents NASM from deleting any output files even if an
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-977-error happens.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:987:If this option is given, NASM will not emit information that is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:988:inherently dependent on the NASM version or different from run to run
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-989-(such as timestamps) into the output file.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1003-what you might want, because it will be split at the space and the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1004:NASM command-line processing will get confused by the two
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1005-nonsensical words \c{-dNAME="my} and \c{name"}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1007:To get round this, NASM provides a feature whereby, if you begin the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1008-\c{NASMENV} environment variable with some character that isn't a minus
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1009:sign, then NASM will treat this character as the \i{separator
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1010-character} for options. So setting the \c{NASMENV} variable to the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1027:\S{qscs} NASM Is \I{case sensitivity}Case-Sensitive
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1029:One simple difference is that NASM is case-sensitive. It makes a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1030-difference whether you call your label \c{foo}, \c{Foo} or \c{FOO}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1038:\S{qsbrackets} NASM Requires \i{Square Brackets} For \i{Memory References}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1040:NASM was designed with simplicity of syntax in mind. One of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1041:\i{design goals} of NASM is that it should be possible, as far as is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1042:practical, for the user to look at a single line of NASM code
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1043-and tell what opcode is generated by it. You can't do this in MASM:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1057:NASM avoids this undesirable situation by having a much simpler
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1058-syntax for memory references. The rule is simply that any access to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1066:This also means that NASM has no need for MASM's \i\c{OFFSET}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1067:keyword, since the MASM code \c{mov ax,offset bar} means exactly the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1068-same thing as NASM's \c{mov ax,bar}. If you're trying to get
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1069:large amounts of MASM code to assemble sensibly under NASM, you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1070-can always code \c{%idefine offset} to make the preprocessor treat
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1077-\c{var} was declared as \c{var: dw 0} (a label) or \c{var dw 0} (a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1078:word-size variable). NASM is very simple by comparison:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1079-\e{everything} is a label.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1081-NASM, in the interests of simplicity, also does not support the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1082:\i{hybrid syntaxes} supported by MASM and its clones, such as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1083-\c{mov ax,table[bx]}, where a memory reference is denoted by one
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1089:\S{qstypes} NASM Doesn't Store \i{Variable Types}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1091-NASM, by design, chooses not to remember the types of variables you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1092:declare. Whereas MASM will remember, on seeing \c{var dw 0}, that
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1093-you declared \c{var} as a word-size variable, and will then be able
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1094-to fill in the \i{ambiguity} in the size of the instruction \c{mov
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1095:var,2}, NASM will deliberately remember nothing about the symbol
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1096-\c{var} except where it begins, and so you must explicitly code
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1099:For this reason, NASM doesn't support the \c{LODS}, \c{MOVS},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1100-\c{STOS}, \c{SCAS}, \c{CMPS}, \c{INS}, or \c{OUTS} instructions,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1106:\S{qsassume} NASM Doesn't \i\c{ASSUME}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1108-As part of NASM's drive for simplicity, it also does not support the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1109:\c{ASSUME} directive. NASM will not keep track of what values you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1110-choose to put in your segment registers, and will never
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1114:\S{qsmodel} NASM Doesn't Support \i{Memory Models}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1116:NASM also does not have any directives to support different 16-bit
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1117-memory models. The programmer has to keep track of which functions
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1119-\i{near call}, and is responsible for putting the correct form of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1120:\c{RET} instruction (\c{RETN} or \c{RETF}; NASM accepts \c{RET}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1121-itself as an alternate form for \c{RETN}); in addition, the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1130:NASM uses different names to refer to floating-point registers from
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1131:MASM: where MASM would call them \c{ST(0)}, \c{ST(1)} and so on, and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1132-\i\c{a86} would call them simply \c{0}, \c{1} and so on, NASM
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1135:As of version 0.96, NASM now treats the instructions with
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1136-\i{`nowait'} forms in the same way as MASM-compatible assemblers.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1143:For historical reasons, NASM uses the keyword \i\c{TWORD} where MASM
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1144-and compatible assemblers use \i\c{TBYTE}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1146:Historically, NASM does not declare \i{uninitialized storage} in the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1147:same way as MASM: where a MASM programmer might use \c{stack db 64 dup
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1148:(?)}, NASM requires \c{stack resb 64}, intended to be read as `reserve
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1149:64 bytes'. For a limited amount of compatibility, since NASM treats
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1150-\c{?} as a valid character in symbol names, you can code \c{? equ 0}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1153:As of NASM 2.15, the MASM syntax is also supported.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1159:\S{masm-compat} MASM compatibility package
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1164:\C{lang} The NASM Language
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1166:\H{syntax} Layout of a NASM Source Line
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1168:Like most assemblers, each NASM source line contains (unless it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1169-is a macro, a preprocessor directive or an assembler directive: see
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1179:NASM uses backslash (\\) as the line continuation character; if a line
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1180-ends with backslash, the next line is considered to be a part of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1183:NASM places no restrictions on white space within a line: labels may
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1184-have white space before them, or instructions may have no space
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1188-valid source line which does nothing but define a label. Running
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1189:NASM with the command-line option
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1190-\I{label-orphan}\c{-w+orphan-labels} will cause it to warn you if
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1221-\c{CS}, \c{A32}, \c{LOCK} or \c{REPE} can appear on a line by
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1222:themselves, and NASM will just generate the prefix bytes.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1224:In addition to actual machine instructions, NASM also supports a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1225-number of pseudo-instructions, described in \k{pseudop}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1228-registers, described simply by the register name (e.g. \c{ax},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1229:\c{bp}, \c{ebx}, \c{cr0}: NASM does not use the \c{gas}-style
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1230-syntax in which register names must be prefixed by a \c{%} sign), or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1234:For x87 \i{floating-point} instructions, NASM accepts a wide range of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1235:syntaxes: you can use two-operand forms like MASM supports, or you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1236-can use NASM's native single-operand forms in most cases.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1294:\I{masmdb} Starting in NASM 2.15, a the following \i{MASM}-like features
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1295-have been implemented:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1301:\b A superset of the \i\c{DUP} syntax. The NASM version of this has
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1302-the following syntax specification; capital letters indicate literal
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1348:Future versions of NASM is likely to produce a different result or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1349-issue an error this case.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1372:\I{masmdb} Since NASM 2.15, the MASM syntax of using \I{?db}\c{?}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1373-and \i\c{DUP} in the \c{D}\e{x} directives is also supported. Thus,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1477:NASM is capable of doing \i{algebra} on these effective addresses,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1478-so that things which don't necessarily \e{look} legal are perfectly
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1484-Some forms of effective address have more than one assembled form;
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1485:in most such cases NASM will generate the smallest form it can. For
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1486-example, there are distinct assembled forms for the 32-bit effective
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1487:addresses \c{[eax*2+0]} and \c{[eax+eax]}, and NASM will generally
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1488-generate the latter on the grounds that the former requires four
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1491:NASM has a hinting mechanism which will cause \c{[eax+ebx]} and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1492-\c{[ebx+eax]} to generate different opcodes; this is occasionally
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1496:However, you can force NASM to generate an effective address in a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1497-particular form by the use of the keywords \c{BYTE}, \c{WORD},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1498-\c{DWORD} and \c{NOSPLIT}. If you need \c{[eax+3]} to be assembled
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1499:using a double-word offset field instead of the one byte NASM will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1500-normally generate, you can code \c{[dword eax+3]}. Similarly, you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1501:can force NASM to use a byte offset for a small value which it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1502-hasn't seen on the first pass (see \k{crit} for an example of such a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1512-offset that is larger than will fit in a 16-bit value, if you don't
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1513:specify that it is a dword offset, nasm will cause the high word of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1514-the offset to be lost.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1516:Similarly, NASM will split \c{[eax*2]} into \c{[eax+eax]} because
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1517-that allows the offset field to be absent and space to be saved; in
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1526:In 64-bit mode, NASM will by default generate absolute addresses.  The
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1527-\i\c{REL} keyword makes it produce \c{RIP}-relative addresses. Since
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1538-For mib operands, there are several ways of writing effective address depending
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1539:on the tools. NASM supports all currently possible ways of mib syntax:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1543-\c      ; base=rax, index=rbx, scale=1, displacement=3
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1544:\c      bndstx [rax+0x3,rbx], bnd0      ; NASM - split EA
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1545-\c      bndstx [rbx*1+rax+0x3], bnd0    ; GAS - '*1' indecates an index reg
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1559:NASM understands four different types of constant: numeric,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1560-character, string and floating-point.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1565:A numeric constant is simply a number. NASM allows you to specify
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1566-numbers in a variety of number bases, in a variety of ways: you can
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1574-digit after the \c{$} rather than a letter.  In addition, current
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1575:versions of NASM accept the prefix \c{0h} for hexadecimal, \c{0d} or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1576-\c{0t} for decimal, \c{0o} or \c{0q} for octal, and \c{0b} or \c{0y}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1607-backquotes (\c{`...`}).  Single or double quotes are equivalent to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1608:NASM (except of course that surrounding the constant with single
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1609-quotes allows double quotes to appear within it and vice versa); the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1727:NASM also support C99-style hexadecimal floating-point: \c{0x},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1728-hexadecimal digits, period, optionally more hexadeximal digits, then
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1729-optionally a \c{P} followed by a \e{binary} (not hexadecimal) exponent
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1730:in decimal notation.  As an extension, NASM additionally supports the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1731-\c{0h} and \c{$} prefixes for hexadecimal, as well binary and octal
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1783:NASM cannot do compile-time arithmetic on floating-point constants.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1784:This is because NASM is designed to be portable - although it always
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1785-generates code to run on x86 processors, the assembler itself can
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1787-cannot guarantee the presence of a floating-point unit capable of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1788:handling the \i{Intel number formats}, and so for NASM to be able to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1789-do floating arithmetic it would have to include its own complete set
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1825:Expressions in NASM are similar in syntax to those in C.  Expressions
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1826-are evaluated as 64-bit integers which are then adjusted to the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1829:NASM supports two special tokens in expressions, allowing
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1830-calculations to involve the current assembly position: the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1837:The arithmetic \i{operators} provided by NASM are listed here, in
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1838-increasing order of \i{precedence}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1854:Note that NASM allows \c{?} characters in symbol names. Therefore, it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-1855-is highly advisable to always put spaces around the \c{?} and \c{:}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1879:NASM supports the following comparison operators:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:1898:At this time, NASM does not provide unsigned comparison operators.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2004-want to refer to some symbol using a different segment base from the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2005:preferred one. NASM lets you do this, by the use of the \c{WRT}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2006-(With Reference To) keyword. So you can do things like
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2015:NASM supports far (inter-segment) calls and jumps by means of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2016-syntax \c{call segment:offset}, where \c{segment} and \c{offset}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2027:NASM supports the syntax \I\c{CALL FAR}\c{call far procedure} as a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2028-synonym for the first of the above usages. \c{JMP} works identically
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2036:NASM supports no convenient synonym for this, though you can always
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2037-invent one using the macro processor.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2042-When assembling with the optimizer set to level 2 or higher (see
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2043:\k{opt-O}), NASM will use size specifiers (\c{BYTE}, \c{WORD},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2044-\c{DWORD}, \c{QWORD}, \c{TWORD}, \c{OWORD}, \c{YWORD} or \c{ZWORD}),
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2065:Although NASM has an optional multi-pass optimizer, there are some
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2066-expressions which must be resolvable on the first pass. These are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2071-code, knows all the symbol addresses the code refers to. So one
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2072:thing NASM can't handle is code whose size depends on the value of a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2073-symbol declared after the code in question. For example,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2078-The argument to \i\c{TIMES} in this case could equally legally
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2079:evaluate to anything at all; NASM will reject this example because
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2080-it cannot tell the size of the \c{TIMES} line when it first sees it.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2090:NASM rejects these examples by means of a concept called a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2091-\e{critical expression}, which is defined to be an expression whose
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2098:NASM gives special treatment to symbols beginning with a \i{period}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2099-A label beginning with a single period is treated as a \e{local}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2124-This form of local label handling is borrowed from the old Amiga
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2125:assembler \i{DevPac}; however, NASM goes one step further, in
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2126-allowing access to local labels from other parts of the code. This
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2143-local because the macro that defined it wouldn't know the label's
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2144:full name. NASM therefore introduces a third type of label, which is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2145-probably only useful in macro definitions: if a label begins with
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2157:NASM has the capacity to define other special symbols beginning with
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2158-a double period: for example, \c{..start} is used to specify the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2166:\C{preproc} The NASM \i{Preprocessor}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2168:NASM contains a powerful \i{macro processor}, which supports
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2169-conditional assembly, multi-level file inclusion, two forms of macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2271:The following additional features were added in NASM 2.15:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2286:\b If declared with an \c{=}, NASM will evaluate the argument as an
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2287-expression after expansion.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2295:\b If declared with an \c{!}, NASM will not strip whitespace and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2296-braces (useful in conjunction with \c{&}).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2304-You can \i{pre-define} single-line macros using the `-d' option on
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2305:the NASM command line: see \k{opt-d}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2486:\c{%*?} and \c{%*??} were introduced in NASM 2.15.04.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2501-Macros that would otherwise be pre-defined can be undefined on the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2502:command-line using the `-u' option on the NASM command line: see
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2584-aliases can be undefined using the \c{%clear defalias} directive. This
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2585:includes backwards compatibility aliases defined by NASM itself.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2608:As of version 2.15, NASM has a conditional comma operator \c{%,} that
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2609-expands to a comma \e{unless} followed by a null expansion, which
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2698-Multi-line macros are much more like the type of macro seen in MASM
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2699:and TASM: a multi-line macro definition in NASM looks something like
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2746-The behavior with regards to empty arguments at the end of multi-line
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2747:macros before NASM 2.15 was often very strange. For backwards
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2748:compatibility, NASM attempts to recognize cases where the legacy
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2749-behavior would give unexpected results, and issues a warning, but
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2788:Ordinarily, NASM will give a warning for the first of the above two
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2789-lines, since \c{push} is now defined to be a macro, and is being
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2798:NASM allows you to define labels within a multi-line macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2799-definition in such a way as to make them local to the macro call: so
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2813-You can call this macro as many times as you want, and every time
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2814:you call it NASM will make up a different `real' name to substitute
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2815:for the label \c{%%skip}. The names NASM invents are of the form
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2816-\c{..@2345.skip}, where the number 2345 changes with every macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2839:NASM allows you to define the last parameter of a macro to be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2840-\e{greedy}, meaning that if you invoke the macro with more
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2864:The greedy nature of the macro is indicated to NASM by the use of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2865-the \I{+ modifier}\c{+} sign after the parameter count on the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2868:If you define a greedy macro, you are effectively telling NASM how
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2869-it should expand the macro given \e{any} number of parameters from
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2870-the actual number specified up to infinity; in this case, for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2871:example, NASM now knows what to do when it sees a call to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2872:\c{writefile} with 2, 3, 4 or more parameters. NASM will take this
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2873-into account when overloading macros, and will not allow you to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2883:NASM provides both mechanisms for putting \i{commas in macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2884-parameters}, and you choose which one you prefer for each macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2891:NASM allows you to expand parameters via special construction \c{%\{x:y\}}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2892-where \c{x} is the first parameter index and \c{y} is the last. Any index can
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2915-But even this is not the last. The parameters can be addressed via negative
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2916:indices so NASM will count them reversed. The ones who know Python may see
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2917-the analogue here.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2927:Note that NASM uses \i{comma} to separate parameters being expanded.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:2934:NASM also allows you to define a multi-line macro with a \e{range}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-2935-of allowable parameter counts. If you do this, you can specify
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3024:NASM provides a similar mechanism, in the form of \c{%rotate}. As
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3025-its name suggests, it differs from the Unix \c{shift} in that no
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3086:NASM can concatenate macro parameters and macro indirection constructs
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3087-on to other text surrounding them. This allows you to declare a family
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3130-\c{bar} to the end of the real name of the macro-local label
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3131:\c{%%foo}. (This is unnecessary, since the form NASM uses for the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3132-real names of macro-local labels means that the two usages
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3145:NASM can give special treatment to a macro parameter which contains
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3146-a condition code. For a start, you can refer to the macro parameter
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3147-\c{%1} by means of the alternative syntax \i\c{%+1}, which informs
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3148:NASM that this macro parameter is supposed to contain a condition
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3149-code, and will cause the preprocessor to report an error message if
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3153-Far more usefully, though, you can refer to the macro parameter by
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3154:means of \i\c{%-1}, which NASM will expand as the \e{inverse}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3155-condition code. So the \c{retz} macro defined in \k{maclocal} can be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3179:When NASM is generating a listing file from your program, it will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3180-generally expand multi-line macros by means of writing the macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3186:NASM therefore provides the \c{.nolist} qualifier, which you can
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3187-include in a macro definition to inhibit the expansion of the macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3224:Similarly to the C preprocessor, NASM allows sections of a source
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3225-file to be assembled only if certain conditions are met. The general
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3478-multi-line macro multiple times, because it is processed by NASM
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3479:after macros have already been expanded. Therefore NASM provides
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3480-another form of loop, this time at the preprocessor level: \c{%rep}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3517-16 bits. Note that a maximum repeat count must still be given to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3518:\c{%rep}. This is to prevent the possibility of NASM getting into an
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3519-infinite loop in the preprocessor, which (on multitasking or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3543-current directory (the directory you're in when you run NASM, as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3544:opposed to the location of the NASM executable or the location of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3545:the source file), plus any directories specified on the NASM command
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3546-line using the \c{-i} option.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3562-directive that explicitly includes it, by using the \i\c{-p} option
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3563:on the NASM command line (see \k{opt-p}).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3631:NASM provides this level of power by means of a \e{context stack}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3632-The preprocessor maintains a stack of \e{contexts}, each of which is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3699:NASM also allows you to define single-line macros which are local to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3700-a particular context, in just the same way:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3711-Context fall-through lookup (automatic searching of outer contexts)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3712:is a feature that was added in NASM version 0.98.03. Unfortunately,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3713-this feature is unintuitive and can result in buggy code that would
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3714-have otherwise been prevented by NASM's error reporting. As a result,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3715:this feature has been \e{deprecated}. NASM version 2.09 will issue a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3716-warning when usage of this \e{deprecated} feature is detected. Starting
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3717:with NASM version 2.10, usage of this \e{deprecated} feature will simply
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3718-result in an \e{expression syntax error}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3738-referenced within the \c{ctx2} context would implicitly use \c{%$external}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3739:as defined in \c{ctx1}. Most people would expect NASM to issue an error in
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3740-this situation because \c{%$external} was never defined within \c{ctx2} and also
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3771:NASM provides the directive \c{%repl}, which \e{replaces} a context
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3772-with a different name, without touching the associated macros and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3884:While NASM has macros which attempt to duplicate this
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3885-functionality (see \k{16cmacro}), the syntax is not particularly
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3886:convenient to use and is not TASM compatible. Here is an example
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3887-which shows the use of \c{%arg} without any external macros:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3891-\c     %push     mycontext        ; save the current context
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3892:\c     %stacksize large           ; tell NASM to use bp
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3893-\c     %arg      i:word, j_ptr:word
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3911-\c{%arg} (see \k{arg}) and the \c{%local} (see \k{local}) directives.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3912:It tells NASM the default size to use for subsequent \c{%arg} and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3913-\c{%local} directives. The \c{%stacksize} directive takes one
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3918:This form causes NASM to use stack-based parameter addressing
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3919-relative to \c{ebp} and it assumes that a near form of call was used
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3924:This form causes NASM to use stack-based parameter addressing
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3925-relative to \c{rbp} and it assumes that a near form of call was used
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3961-\c     %push mycontext             ; save the current context
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3962:\c     %stacksize small            ; tell NASM to use bp
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3963-\c     %assign %$localsize 0       ; see text for explanation
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:3989:The preprocessor directive \c{%error} will cause NASM to report an
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-3990-error if it occurs in assembled code. So if other users are going to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4046:The general structure of a NASM pragma is:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4091:The only preprocessor \c{%pragma} defined in NASM 2.15 is:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4102:The \c{%line} directive is used to notify NASM that the input line
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4103-corresponds to a specific line number in another file.  Typically
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4104-this other file would be an original source file, with the current
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4105:NASM input being the output of a pre-processor.  The \c{%line}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4106:directive allows NASM to output messages which indicate the line
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4107-number of the original source file, instead of the file that is being
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4125:After reading a \c{%line} preprocessor directive, NASM will report
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4126-all file name and line numbers relative to the values specified
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4133:Starting in NASM 2.15, \c{%line} directives are processed before any
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4134-other processing takes place.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4139-\c{%line} directive, except that double quotes surrounding the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4140:filename are treated like NASM backquotes, with \c{\\}-escaped
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4141-sequences decoded.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4168-The directive \c{%clear} clears all definitions of a certain type,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4169:\e{including the ones defined by NASM itself.} This can be useful when
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4170:preprocessing non-NASM code, or to drop backwards compatibility
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4193:In NASM 2.14 and earlier, only the single syntax \c{%clear} was
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4194-supported, which is equivalent to \c{%clear global all}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4201:NASM defines a set of standard macros, which are already defined when
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4202-it starts to process any source file. If you really need a program to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4211:For compability with NASM versions before NASM 2.15, most standard
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4212-macros of the form \c{__?foo?__} have aliases of form \c{__foo__} (see
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4217:\H{stdmacver} \i{NASM Version Macros}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4221-major, minor, subminor and patch level parts of the \i{version
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4222:number of NASM} being used. So, under NASM 0.98.32p1 for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4223-example, \c{__?NASM_MAJOR?__} would be defined to be 0, \c{__?NASM_MINOR?__}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4231:\S{stdmacverid} \i\c{__?NASM_VERSION_ID?__}: \i{NASM Version ID}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4233-The single-line macro \c{__?NASM_VERSION_ID?__} expands to a dword integer
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4234:representing the full version number of the version of nasm being used.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4235-The value is the equivalent to \c{__?NASM_MAJOR?__}, \c{__?NASM_MINOR?__},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4251:\S{stdmacverstr} \i\c{__?NASM_VER?__}: \i{NASM Version String}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4253-The single-line macro \c{__?NASM_VER?__} expands to a string which defines
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4254:the version number of nasm being used. So, under NASM 0.98.32 for example,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4265:Like the C preprocessor, NASM allows the user to find out the file
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4266-name and line number containing the current instruction. The macro
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4305-format name, as given by the \c{-f} option or NASM's default. Type
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4306:\c{nasm -h} for a list.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4318-name as specified by the \c{-F} or \c{-g} option or the output format
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4319:default. Type \c{nasm -f} \e{output} \c{y} for a list.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4326:NASM provides a variety of macros that represent the timestamp of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4327-assembly session.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4400:The core of NASM contains no intrinsic means of defining data
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4401-structures; instead, the preprocessor is sufficiently powerful that
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4482-to do is to declare instances of that structure in your data
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4483:segment. NASM provides an easy way to do this in the \c{ISTRUC}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4484-mechanism. To declare a structure of type \c{mytype} in a program,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4576-section you're in is only guaranteed to be aligned to a 4-byte
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4577:boundary, for example, is a waste of effort. Again, NASM does not
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4578-check that the section's alignment characteristics are sensible for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4616-The \i\c{%use} directive (see \k{use}) includes one of the standard
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4617:macro packages included with the NASM distribution and compiled into
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4618:the NASM binary.  It operates like the \c{%include} directive (see
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4619:\k{include}), but the included contents is provided by NASM itself.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4624:As of version 2.15, NASM has \c{%ifusable} and \c{%ifusing} directives to help
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4625-the user understand whether an individual package available in this version of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4626:NASM (\c{%ifusable}) or a particular package already loaded (\c{%ifusing}).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4654-package is enabled, when \c{ALIGN} is used without a second argument,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4655:NASM will generate a sequence of instructions more efficient than a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4656-series of \c{NOP}.  Furthermore, if the padding exceeds a specific
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4657:threshold, then NASM will generate a jump over the entire padding
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4670-\b \c{nop}: Pad out with \c{NOP} instructions.  The only difference
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4671:compared to the standard \c{ALIGN} macro is that NASM can still jump
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4672-over a large padding area.  The default jump threshold is 16.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4747:\H{pkg_masm} \i\c{masm}: \i{MASM compatibility}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4749:Since version 2.15, NASM has a MASM compatibility package with minimal
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4750-functionality, as intended to be used primarily with machine-generated code.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4758:Currently, the MASM compatibility package emulates:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4794:In addition, NASM now natively supports, regardless of whether this
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4795-package is used or not:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4812-NASM, though it attempts to avoid the bureaucracy of assemblers like
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4813:MASM and TASM, is nevertheless forced to support a \e{few}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4814-directives. These are described in this chapter.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4835:The \c{BITS} directive specifies whether NASM should generate code
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4836-\I{16-bit mode, versus 32-bit mode}designed to run on a processor
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4842-object formats, which are designed for use in 32-bit or 64-bit
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4843:operating systems, all cause NASM to select 32-bit or 64-bit mode,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4844-respectively, by default. The \c{obj} object format allows you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4845-to specify each segment you define as either \c{USE16} or \c{USE32},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4846:and NASM will set its operating mode accordingly, so the use of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4847-\c{BITS} directive is once again unnecessary.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4863:When NASM is in \c{BITS 16} mode, instructions which use 32-bit
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4864-data are prefixed with an 0x66 byte, and those referring to 32-bit
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4870:When NASM is in \c{BITS 64} mode, most instructions operate the same
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4871-as they do for \c{BITS 32} mode. However, there are 8 more general and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4877-prefix is used both to select 64-bit operand size, and to access the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4878:new registers. NASM automatically inserts REX prefixes when
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4901-The \c{DEFAULT} directive changes the assembler defaults.  Normally,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:4902:NASM defaults to a mode where the programmer is expected to explicitly
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-4903-specify most features directly.  However, this is occasionally
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5066:\c{EXTERN} is similar to the MASM directive \c{EXTRN} and the C
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5067-keyword \c{extern}: it is used to declare a symbol which is not
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5333:NASM is a portable assembler, designed to be able to compile on any
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5334-ANSI C-supporting platform and produce output to run on a variety of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5336-of available output formats, selected using the \i\c{-f} option on
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5337:the NASM \i{command line}. Each of these formats, along with its
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5338:extensions to the base NASM syntax, is detailed in this chapter.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5340:As stated in \k{opt-o}, NASM chooses a \i{default name} for your
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5341-output file based on the input file name and the chosen output
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5357-The \c{bin} format supports \i{multiple section names}. For details of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5358:how NASM handles sections in the \c{bin} format, see \k{multisec}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5360:Using the \c{bin} format puts NASM by default into 16-bit mode (see
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5361-\k{bits}). In order to use \c{bin} to write 32-bit or 64-bit code,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5366-leaves your file name as it is once the original extension has been
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5367:removed. Thus, the default is for NASM to assemble \c{binprog.asm}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5368-into a binary file called \c{binprog}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5374-given in \k{directive}: \c{ORG}. The function of the \c{ORG}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5375:directive is to specify the origin address which NASM will assume
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5376-the program begins at when it is loaded into memory.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5453:\b NASM creates the \c{section.<secname>.start} for each section,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5454-which may be used in your code.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5494:The \c{obj} file format (NASM calls it \c{obj} rather than \c{omf}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5495-for historical reasons) is the one produced by \i{MASM} and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5501:\c{obj} is not exclusively a 16-bit format, though: NASM has full
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5502-support for the 32-bit extensions to the format. In particular,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5511-If your source file contains code before specifying an explicit
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5512:\c{SEGMENT} directive, then NASM will invent its own segment called
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5513-\i\c{__NASMDEFSEG} for you.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5515:When you define a segment in an \c{obj} file, NASM defines the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5516-segment name as a symbol as well, so that you can access the segment
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5599-are currently known to make sensible use of this feature;
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5600:nevertheless, NASM allows you to declare a segment such as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5601-\c{SEGMENT SCREEN ABSOLUTE=0xB800} if you need to. The \i\c{ABSOLUTE}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5611-single segment register can be used to refer to all the segments in
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5612:a group. NASM therefore supplies the \c{GROUP} directive, whereby
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5613-you can code
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5632-If you just refer to \c{var}, however, and \c{var} is declared in a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5633:segment which is part of a group, then NASM will default to giving
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5634-you the offset of \c{var} from the beginning of the \e{group}, not
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5638:NASM will allow a segment to be part of more than one group, but
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5639-will generate a warning if you do this. Variables declared in a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5651:Although NASM itself is \i{case sensitive}, some OMF linkers are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5652:not; therefore it can be useful for NASM to output single-case
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5653-object files. The \c{UPPERCASE} format-specific directive causes all
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5655-to be forced to upper case just before being written. Within a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5656:source file, NASM is still case-sensitive; but the object file can
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5657-be written entirely in upper case if desired.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5764-However, having to type this every time you want to access \c{foo}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5765:can be a pain; so NASM allows you to declare \c{foo} in the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5766-alternative form
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5770:This form causes NASM to pretend that the preferred segment base of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5771-\c{foo} is in fact \c{dgroup}; so the expression \c{seg foo} will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5784-The \c{obj} format allows common variables to be either near\I{near
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5785:common variables} or far\I{far common variables}; NASM allows you to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5786-specify which your variables should be by the use of the syntax
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5799-the variable size, to match when resolving common variables declared
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5800:in more than one module. Therefore NASM must allow you to specify
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5801-the element size on your far common variables. This is done by the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5826:Since NASM 2.13.02, \c{obj} files contain embedded dependency file
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5827-information.  To suppress the generation of dependencies, use
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5856-and properties of sections you declare. Section types and properties
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5857:are generated automatically by NASM for the \i{standard section names}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5858-\c{.text}, \c{.data} and \c{.bss}, but may still be overridden by
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5895:The defaults assumed by NASM if you do not specify the above
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5896-qualifiers are:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5926-Without regard to this run-time check merits it's natural to expect
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5927:NASM to be capable of generating modules suitable for \c{/safeseh}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5928-linking. From developer's viewpoint the problem is two-fold:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5934:Former can be easily achieved with any NASM version by adding following
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5935-line to source code:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5939:As of version 2.03 NASM adds this absolute symbol automatically. If
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5940-it's not already present to be precise. I.e. if for whatever reason
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5996-data for "safe exception handler table" causes no backward
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:5997:incompatibilities and "safeseh" modules generated by NASM 2.03 and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-5998-later can still be linked by earlier versions or non-Microsoft linkers.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6057:NASM version 2.03 and later provides another alternative, \c{wrt
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6058-..imagebase} operator, which returns offset from base address of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6073-One can argue that the operator is redundant. Indeed,  snippet before
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6074:last works just fine with any NASM version and is not even Windows
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6075-specific... The real reason for implementing \c{wrt ..imagebase} will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6141:As for the moment of this writing NASM unfortunately does not
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6142-facilitate generation of above mentioned detailed information about
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6402-and properties of sections you declare. Section types and properties
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6403:are generated automatically by NASM for the \i{standard section
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6404-names}, but may still be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6472:The defaults assumed by NASM if you do not specify the above
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6473-qualifiers are:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6540:\b Referring to a symbol name using \c{wrt ..sym} causes NASM to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6541-write an ordinary relocation, but instead of making the relocation
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6547-A fuller explanation of how to use these relocation types to write
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6548:shared libraries entirely in NASM is given in \k{picdll}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6581-the program being written is a \I{elf shared library}shared
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6582:library. NASM therefore supports some extensions to the \c{GLOBAL}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6583-directive, allowing you to specify these features.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6615:This makes NASM automatically calculate the length of the table and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6616-place that information into the \c{ELF} symbol table.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6714:NASM supports this format, just in case it is useful, as \c{as86}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6715-\c{as86} provides a default output file-name extension of \c{.o}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6717:\c{as86} is a very simple object format (from the NASM user's point
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6718-of view). It supports no special directives, no use of \c{SEG} or \c{WRT},
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6727-\e{The RDOFF format is strongly deprecated and has been disabled
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6728:starting in NASM 2.15.04. The RDOFF backend has been broken since at
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6729:least NASM 2.14. The RDOFF utilities are scheduled to be removed from
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6730:the NASM distribution in NASM 2.16.} If you have a strong use case for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6731-the RDOFF format, file a bug report at
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6735-(Relocatable Dynamic Object File Format) is a home-grown object-file
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6736:format, designed alongside NASM itself and reflecting in its file
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6737-format the internal structure of the assembler.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6744:The Unix NASM archive, and the DOS archive which includes sources,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6745-both contain an \I{rdoff subdirectory}\c{rdoff} subdirectory holding
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6824-it outputs a text file which contains a complete list of all the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6825:transactions between the main body of NASM and the output-format
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6826-back end module. It is primarily intended to aid people who want to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6833:\c nasm -f dbg filename.asm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6839-will not be defined in the \c{dbg} format. Therefore it can be
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6840:useful to run NASM twice, in order to do the preprocessing with the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6841-native object format selected:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6843:\c nasm -e -f rdf -o rdfprog.i rdfprog.asm
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6844:\c nasm -a -f dbg rdfprog.i
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6891-format to produce one or more \i\c{.obj} files, and then linking
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6892:them together using a linker. However, NASM also supports the direct
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6893-generation of simple DOS \c{.EXE} files using the \c{bin} output
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6898:NASM may also support \c{.EXE} natively as another output format in
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6899-future releases.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6929:An example of a NASM source file which can be assembled to a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6930-\c{.OBJ} file and linked on its own to a \c{.EXE} is given here. It
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6933-also provided in the \I{test subdirectory}\c{test} subdirectory of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6934:the NASM archives, under the name \c{objexe.asm}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-6998-a 32-byte header on the front. This header is simple enough that it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:6999:can be generated using \c{DB} and \c{DW} commands by NASM itself, so
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7000-that you can use the \c{bin} output format to directly generate
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7003:Included in the NASM archives, in the \I{misc subdirectory}\c{misc}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7004-subdirectory, is a file \i\c{exebin.mac} of macros. It defines three
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7036-A sample program which generates a \c{.EXE} file in this way is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7037:given in the \c{test} subdirectory of the NASM archive, as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7086:\c nasm myprog.asm -fbin -o myprog.com
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7110-\c{.COM} file. Other assemblers use an \i\c{ORG} directive for this
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7111:purpose, but \c{ORG} in NASM is a format-specific directive to the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7112-\c{bin} output format, and does not mean the same thing as it does
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7203:NASM contains no mechanism to support the various C memory models
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7204-directly; you have to keep track yourself of which one you are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7440-can either do this by converting the C structure definition into a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7441:NASM structure definition (using \i\c{STRUC}), or by calculating the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7442-one offset and using just that.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7444-To do either of these, you should read your C compiler's manual to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7445:find out how it organizes data structures. NASM gives no special
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7446-alignment to structure members in its own \c{STRUC} macro, so you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7464:Included in the NASM archives, in the \I{misc subdirectory}\c{misc}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7465-directory, is a file \c{c16.mac} of macros. It defines three macros:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7470:(An alternative, TASM compatible form of \c{arg} is also now built
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7471-into NASM's preprocessor. See \k{stackrel} for details.)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7895-can either do this by converting the C structure definition into a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7896:NASM structure definition (using \c{STRUC}), or by calculating the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7897-one offset and using just that.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7899-To do either of these, you should read your C compiler's manual to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7900:find out how it organizes data structures. NASM gives no special
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7901-alignment to structure members in its own \i\c{STRUC} macro, so you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7919:Included in the NASM archives, in the \I{misc directory}\c{misc}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7920-directory, is a file \c{c32.mac} of macros. It defines three macros:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-7965-a different approach by hacking PIC support into the \c{a.out}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7966:format. NASM supports this as the \i\c{aoutb} output format, so you
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:7967:can write \i{BSD} shared libraries in NASM too.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8041-section. (Actually, \c{ELF} encodes it as the offset from the operand
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8042:field of the \c{ADD} instruction, but NASM simplifies this
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8043-deliberately, so you do things the same way for both \c{ELF} and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8151:NASM will interpret this code as an ordinary relocation, in which
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8152-\c{global_data_item} is merely an offset from the beginning of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8161-which makes use of the special \c{WRT} type \I\c{WRT ..sym}\c{..sym}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8162:to instruct NASM to search the symbol table for a particular symbol
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8163-at that address, rather than just relocating by section base.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8248-generate the required instruction by coding it manually, using
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8249:\c{DB} instructions. NASM can go one better than that, by actually
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8250-generating the right instruction itself. Here's how to do it right:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8255-come \e{after} the colon, since it is declaring the \e{offset} field
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8256:to be a doubleword; but NASM will accept either form, since both are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8257-unambiguous) forces the offset part to be treated as far, in the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8267-prefix in 32-bit mode, they will be ignored, since each is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8268:explicitly forcing NASM into a mode it was in anyway.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8295-addresses to specify nothing but a 4-byte offset, so why shouldn't
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8296:NASM be able to generate the best instruction for the purpose?
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8303:Also as in \k{mixjump}, NASM is not fussy about whether the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8304-\c{DWORD} prefix comes before or after the segment override, so
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8424:NASM uses the following names for general-purpose registers in 64-bit
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8425-mode, for 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit references, respectively:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8442-In 64-bit mode, immediates and displacements are generally only 32
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8443:bits wide.  NASM will therefore truncate most displacements and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8444-immediates to 32 bits.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8450:NASM will produce this instruction whenever the programmer uses
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8451-\c{MOV} with an immediate into a 64-bit register.  If this is not
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8463:If optimization is enabled and NASM can determine at assembly time
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8464-that a shorter instruction will suffice, the shorter instruction will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8576:\S{inefficient} NASM Generates \i{Inefficient Code}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8578:We sometimes get `bug' reports about NASM generating inefficient, or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8579-even `wrong', code on instructions such as \c{ADD ESP,8}. This is a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8584-the instruction. This isn't a bug, it's user error: if you prefer to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8585:have NASM produce the more efficient code automatically enable
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8586-optimization with the \c{-O} option (see \k{opt-O}).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8592-jumps} (which are \c{SHORT} by default) that try to jump too far,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8593:NASM reports `short jump out of range' instead of making the jumps
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8596-This, again, is partly a predictability issue, but in fact has a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8597:more practical reason as well. NASM has no means of being told what
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8598-type of processor the code it is generating will be run on; so it
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8614-place the \c{0xAA55} signature word at the end of a 512-byte boot
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8615:sector, people who are used to MASM tend to code
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8624-This is not the intended use of the \c{ORG} directive in NASM, and
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8625:will not work. The correct way to solve this problem in NASM is to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8626-use the \i\c{TIMES} directive, like this:
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8637-has the advantage that if you accidentally fill your boot sector too
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8638:full, NASM will catch the problem at assembly time and report it, so
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8639-you won't end up with a boot sector that you have to disassemble to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8654:NASM is a \e{modular} assembler: the various component parts are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8655-designed to be easily separable for re-use, so they don't exchange
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8687-The Netwide Disassembler does nothing except to produce
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8688:disassemblies of \e{binary} source files. NDISASM does not have any
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8689-understanding of object file formats, like \c{objdump}, and it will
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8698:\c        ndisasm -b {16|32|64} filename
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8700:NDISASM can disassemble 16-, 32- or 64-bit code equally easily,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8701-provided of course that you remember to specify which it is to work
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8702:with. If no \i\c{-b} switch is present, NDISASM works in 16-bit mode
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8703-by default. The \i\c{-u} switch (for USE32) also invokes 32-bit mode.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8705-Two more command line options are \i\c{-r} which reports the version
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8706:number of NDISASM you are running, and \i\c{-h} which gives a short
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8707-summary of command line options.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8719-file you are disassembling. Its argument may be expressed in any of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8720:the NASM numeric formats: decimal by default, if it begins with `\c{$}'
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8721-or `\c{0x}' or ends in `\c{H}' it's \c{hex}, if it ends in `\c{Q}' it's
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8726:\c        ndisasm -o100h filename.com
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8741:Supposing NDISASM has just finished generating a strange machine
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8742-instruction from part of the data section, and its file position is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8750-To avoid this, you can specify a `\i{synchronization}' point, or indeed
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8751:as many synchronization points as you like (although NDISASM can
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8752-only handle 2147483647 sync points internally). The definition of a sync
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8753:point is this: NDISASM guarantees to hit sync points exactly during
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8754-disassembly. If it is thinking about generating an instruction which
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8765:\c        ndisasm -o100h -s120h file.com
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8769:\c        ndisasm -o100h -s20h file.com
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8781-will contain a \c{JMP} instruction, then some data, then the rest of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8782:code. So there is a very good chance of NDISASM being \e{misaligned}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8783-when the data ends and the code begins. Hence a sync point is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8788-be, surely, would be to read the \c{JMP} instruction, and then to use
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8789:its target address as a sync point. So can NDISASM do that for you?
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8794-generates a sync point for any forward-referring PC-relative jump or
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8795:call instruction that NDISASM encounters. (Since NDISASM is one-pass,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8796-if it encounters a PC-relative jump whose target has already been
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8799-Only PC-relative jumps are processed, since an absolute jump is
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8800:either through a register (in which case NDISASM doesn't know what
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8801-the register contains) or involves a segment address (in which case
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8802:the target code isn't in the same segment that NDISASM is working
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8803-in, and so the sync point can't be placed anywhere useful).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8817-fluke, something in your data section should disassemble to a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8818:PC-relative call or jump instruction, NDISASM may obediently place a
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8819-sync point in a totally random place, for example in the middle of
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8846:The following sections show the instructions which NASM currently supports. For each
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8847-instruction, there is a separate entry for each supported addressing mode. The third
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8853:\A{changelog} \i{NASM Version History}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8857:\A{source} Building NASM from Source
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8859:The source code for NASM is available from our website,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8860-\W{http://www.nasm.us/}{http://wwww.nasm.us/}, see \k{website}.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8865-building on a number of platforms.  This is the recommended method for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8866:building NASM to support platforms for which executables are not
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8889:The NASM development tree is kept in a source code repository using
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8890-the \c{git} distributed source control system.  The link is available
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8891-on the website.  This is recommended only to participate in the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8892:development of NASM or to assist with testing the development code.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8894:To build NASM from the \c{git} repository you will need a Perl
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8895-interpreter and, if building on a Unix system, GNU autoconf installed
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8916:NASM has a \i{website} at
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8919-\i{New releases}, \i{release candidates}, and \I{snapshots, daily
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8920:development}\i{daily development snapshots} of NASM are available from
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8921-the official web site in source form as well as binaries for a number
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8926:Users of NASM may find the Forums on the website useful.  These are,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8927-however, not frequented much by the developers of NASM, so they are
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8932:The development of NASM is coordinated primarily though the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8933-\i\c{nasm-devel} mailing list.  If you wish to participate in
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8955:\b What operating system you're running NASM under.  Linux,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8956-FreeBSD, NetBSD, MacOS X, Win16, Win32, Win64, MS-DOS, OS/2, VMS,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8967:\b Which version of NASM you're using, and exactly how you invoked
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8968-it. Give us the precise command line, and the contents of the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8980:\b If at all possible, send us a NASM source file which exhibits the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8981-problem. If this causes copyright problems (e.g. you can only
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8983-the following two points: firstly, we guarantee that any source code
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8984:sent to us for the purposes of debugging NASM will be used \e{only}
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8985-for the purposes of debugging NASM, and that we will delete all our
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8996-is happening that shouldn't be, or what isn't happening that should.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8997:Examples might be: `NASM generates an error message saying Line 3
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:8998:for an error that's actually on Line 5'; `NASM generates an error
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-8999-message that I believe it shouldn't be generating at all'; `NASM
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:9005:\b If you believe the output file from NASM to be faulty, send it to
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-9006-us. That allows us to determine whether our own copy of NASM
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-9014-\b Any other information or data files that might be helpful. If,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:9015:for example, the problem involves NASM failing to generate an object
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:9016:file while TASM can generate an equivalent file without trouble,
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src:9017:then send us \e{both} object files, so we can see what TASM is doing
nasm-2.15.05/doc/nasmdoc.src-9018-differently from us.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src-2-enables all available warnings, and \c{-w-all} disables warnings
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src:3:entirely (since NASM 2.13).
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src-26-variables are treated as empty (with this
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src:27:warning issued) starting in NASM 2.15;
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src:28:earlier versions of NASM would treat this as
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src-29-an error.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src-62-a label without a trailing colon. This is most likely indicative
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src:63:of a typo, but is technically correct NASM syntax (see \k{syntax}.)
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src-133-with the wrong number of parameters, but for bug-compatibility
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src:134:with NASM versions older than 2.15, NASM tried to fix up the
nasm-2.15.05/doc/warnings.src-135-parameters to match the legacy behavior and call the macro anyway.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl-1068-print "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 ", $psconf{pagewidth}, ' ', $psconf{pageheight}, "\n";
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl:1069:print "%%Creator: (NASM psflow.pl)\n";
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl-1070-print "%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n";
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl-1121-foreach $font ( sort(keys(%ps_all_fonts)) ) {
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl:1122:    print '/',$font,'-NASM /',$font," nasmenc\n";
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl-1129-	print '/', $fset->{name}, $i, ' ',
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl:1130:	'/', $font->[1]->{name}, '-NASM findfont ',
nasm-2.15.05/doc/genps.pl-1131-	$font->[0], " scalefont def\n";
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:1:nasm (2.15.05-1) unstable; urgency=medium
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:19:nasm (2.15.02-1) unstable; urgency=medium
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:53:nasm (2.13.03-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:66:nasm (2.13.02-0.1) unstable; urgency=medium
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:76:nasm (2.13.01-2) unstable; urgency=medium
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:88:nasm (2.13.01-1) experimental; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-97-  * Change my email address
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:98:  * Don't install info docs since nasm no longer supports them
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:102:nasm (2.12.02-1) experimental; urgency=low
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:115:nasm (2.11.08-1) unstable; urgency=medium
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:135:nasm (2.11.06-1) unstable; urgency=medium
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:193:nasm (2.09.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:219:nasm (2.09.04-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:225:nasm (2.09.02-1) unstable; urgency=low
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:269:nasm (2.06-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:278:nasm (2.05.01-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:285:nasm (2.03.01-1) unstable; urgency=low
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nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:305:nasm (2.01-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:317:nasm (0.99.06-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:324:nasm (0.99.06-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:332:nasm (0.99.05-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:338:nasm (0.99.04-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:344:nasm (0.99.02-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-346-  * New upstream release.
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:347:    Fixed "nasm build errors: invalid operands in non-64-bit mode",
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-348-    Closes: #441383
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:352:nasm (0.99.01-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:361:nasm (0.99.01-0) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-369-  * Fixed the following lintian messages:
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:370:    - W: nasm source: debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT line 3
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:371:    - W: nasm source: package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version 3
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:372:    - W: nasm source: ancient-standards-version 3.5.6 (current is 3.7.2)
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:376:nasm (0.98.38-1.2) unstable; urgency=HIGH
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:384:nasm (0.98.38-1.1) unstable; urgency=HIGH
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:392:nasm (0.98.38-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:398:nasm (0.98.34-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:404:nasm (0.98.33-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:410:nasm (0.98.33-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:416:nasm (0.98.30-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:422:nasm (0.98.28cvs-1) unstable; urgency=high
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:433:nasm (0.98.28bf-1) unstable; urgency=high
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-437-    (closes: #136263)
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:438:  * ndisasm segfaults no longer on "damn near any file" (closes: #128498)
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-439-  * Broken macros fixed (closes: #132755)
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-440-  * The "org" directive is no longer case sensitive :-) (closes: #122295)
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:441:  * Nasm should not generate wrong addresses in some .text situations
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-442-    any more (closes: #136525)
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:446:nasm (0.98.08-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:452:nasm (0.98.08-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:458:nasm (0.98-5) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:464:nasm (0.98-4) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:475:nasm (0.98-3) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:483:nasm (0.98-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-493-  * Added doc-base support.
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:494:  * Installing MODIFIED to /usr/doc/nasm since it is referenced by
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-495-    Changes.  Not installing Readme because it's about lcc.
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:501:nasm (0.98-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:508:nasm (0.97-1.2) frozen unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:516:nasm (0.97-1.1) frozen unstable; urgency=medium
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:524:nasm (0.97-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-528-  * Stays in 'main', since the author allowed to distribute this (0.97)
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:529:    version under either GPL or the nasm licence. Future version will
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog-530-    have the same licensing conditions (closes Bugs #14859,18290,18302).
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:535:nasm (0.95-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:541:nasm (0.95-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:547:nasm (0.95-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:553:nasm (0.94-3) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:559:nasm (0.94-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:565:nasm (0.94-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:571:nasm (0.93-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:578:nasm (0.90-2) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/changelog:584:nasm (0.90-1) unstable; urgency=low
nasm-2.15.05/debian/control-27-Description: General-purpose x86 assembler
nasm-2.15.05/debian/control:28: Netwide Assembler.  NASM will currently output flat-form binary files,
nasm-2.15.05/debian/control-29- a.out, COFF and ELF Unix object files, and Microsoft 16-bit DOS and
nasm-2.15.05/debian/control-34- .
nasm-2.15.05/debian/control:35: NASM is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright:1:Upstream sources of nasm were obtained from
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright-2-<ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/software/devel/nasm/> and
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright:14:nasm was packaged for Debian by Vincent Renardias <vincent@debian.org>,
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright-15-and subsequently maintained by Matej Vela <vela@debian.org> and later
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright-26-  Copyright (C) 1991-1998 SciTech Software, Inc.
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright:27:  Copyright 1996-2010 The NASM Authors
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright-28-  Copyright 1998-2003, O'Reilly & Associates
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright:34:  NASM is now licensed under the 2-clause BSD license, also known as the
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright-35-  simplified BSD license.
nasm-2.15.05/debian/copyright:37:  Copyright 1996-2010 the NASM Authors - All rights reserved.
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0001-debian-debian-patches-02-nasm.man.patch.patch:24:+       nasm - the Netwide Assembler - portable 80x86 assembler
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0002-debian-debian-patches-03-ndisasm.man.patch.patch:24:+       ndisasm - the Netwide Disassembler - 80x86 binary file disassembler
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch-20- {
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch:21:-    printf("NASM version %s compiled on %s%s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch-22--           nasm_version, nasm_date, nasm_compile_options);
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch:23:+    printf("NASM version %s%s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch-24-+           nasm_version, nasm_compile_options);
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch-35-                     fprintf(stderr,
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch:36:-                            "NDISASM version %s compiled on %s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch-37--			    nasm_version, nasm_date);
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch:38:+                            "NDISASM version %s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch-39-+			    nasm_version);
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch:61: /* This is printed when entering nasm -v */
nasm-2.15.05/debian/patches/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch-62- const char nasm_version[] = NASM_VER;
nasm-2.15.05/debian/source/lintian-overrides:1:nasm source: source-is-missing travis/test/*.o.t
nasm-2.15.05/debian/source/lintian-overrides:2:nasm source: source-contains-prebuilt-windows-binary travis/test/*.bin.t
nasm-2.15.05/debian/source/lintian-overrides:3:nasm source: source-contains-prebuilt-windows-binary travis/test/*.exe.t
nasm-2.15.05/debian/source/lintian-overrides:4:nasm source: source-contains-prebuilt-binary travis/test/*.o.t
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c:980:    printf("NASM version %s compiled on %s%s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-981-           nasm_version, nasm_date, nasm_compile_options);
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-1334-                case OPT_DEBUG:
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c:1335:                    debug_nasm = param ? strtoul(param, NULL, 10) : debug_nasm+1;
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-1336-                    break;
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-2234-        "    -h            show this text and exit (also --help)\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c:2235:        "    -v (or --v)   print the NASM version number and exit\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-2236-        "    -@ file       response file; one command line option per line\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-2281-        "       -Ov        display the number of passes executed at the end\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c:2282:        "    -t            assemble in limited SciTech TASM compatible mode\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/asm/nasm.c-2283-        "\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2009 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c-53-static const char *help =
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c:54:    "usage: ndisasm [-a] [-i] [-h] [-r] [-u] [-b bits] [-o origin] [-s sync...]\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c-55-    "               [-e bytes] [-k start,bytes] [-p vendor] file\n"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c-122-                    fprintf(stderr,
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c:123:                            "NDISASM version %s compiled on %s\n",
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/disasm/ndisasm.c-124-			    nasm_version, nasm_date);
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/include/ver.h-2- *
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/include/ver.h:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/include/ver.h:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/include/ver.h-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/include/ver.h:35: * NASM version strings, defined in ver.c
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/include/ver.h-36- */
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c-2- *   
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c:3: *   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c:4: *   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c-5- *   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c:37:/* This is printed when entering nasm -v */
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c-38-const char nasm_version[] = NASM_VER;
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c-57-static const char * const _nasm_signature[2] = {
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c:58:    "NASM " NASM_VER,
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0003-debian-debian-patches-04-reproducible-build.patch.patch/nasmlib/ver.c-59-    "NASM"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-6-# redistributable under the license given in the file "LICENSE"
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:7:# distributed in the NASM archive.
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-27-		  -I$(srcdir)/x86 -I$(objdir)/x86 \
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:28:		  -I$(srcdir)/asm -I$(objdir)/asm \
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:29:		  -I$(srcdir)/disasm -I$(objdir)/disasm \
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-30-		  -I$(srcdir)/output -I$(objdir)/output
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-99-#-- Begin File Lists --#
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:100:NASM    = asm/nasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:101:NDISASM = disasm/ndisasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:152:SUBDIRS  = stdlib nasmlib output asm disasm x86 common macros
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-153-XSUBDIRS = test doc nsis rdoff
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-179-# Perl scripts. They're distributed, though, so it isn't necessary to
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:180:# have Perl just to recompile NASM from the distribution.
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-447-	for f in $(RDF2BINLINKS); do \
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:448:		bn=`basename "$$f"` && $(RM_F) "$$bn" && \
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-449-		$(LN_S) rdf2bin$(X) "$$bn" ; \
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-499-test: nasm$(X)
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:500:	cd test && $(RUNPERL) performtest.pl --nasm=../nasm *.asm
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in-502-golden: nasm$(X)
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0006-debian-Set-INSTALLROOT-to-DESTDIR-in-Makefile.in.patch/Makefile.in:503:	cd test && $(RUNPERL) performtest.pl --golden --nasm=../nasm *.asm
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl:4:##   Copyright 1996-2020 The NASM Authors - All Rights Reserved
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl:5:##   See the file AUTHORS included with the NASM distribution for
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl-6-##   the specific copyright holders.
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl-1068-print "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 ", $psconf{pagewidth}, ' ', $psconf{pageheight}, "\n";
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl:1069:print "%%Creator: (NASM psflow.pl)\n";
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl-1070-print "%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n";
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl-1121-foreach $font ( sort(keys(%ps_all_fonts)) ) {
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl:1122:    print '/',$font,'-NASM /',$font," nasmenc\n";
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl-1129-	print '/', $fset->{name}, $i, ' ',
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl:1130:	'/', $font->[1]->{name}, '-NASM findfont ',
nasm-2.15.05/.pc/0007-doc-sort-keys-for-reproducibility.patch/doc/genps.pl-1131-	$font->[0], " scalefont def\n";
nasm-2.15.05/nasm.man:6:       nasm - the Netwide Assembler - portable 80x86 assembler
nasm-2.15.05/ndisasm.man:6:       ndisasm - the Netwide Disassembler - 80x86 binary file disassembler
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-6-# redistributable under the license given in the file "LICENSE"
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:7:# distributed in the NASM archive.
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-27-		  -I$(srcdir)/x86 -I$(objdir)/x86 \
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:28:		  -I$(srcdir)/asm -I$(objdir)/asm \
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:29:		  -I$(srcdir)/disasm -I$(objdir)/disasm \
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-30-		  -I$(srcdir)/output -I$(objdir)/output
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-101-#-- Begin File Lists --#
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:102:NASM    = asm/nasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:103:NDISASM = disasm/ndisasm.$(O)
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:154:SUBDIRS  = stdlib nasmlib output asm disasm x86 common macros
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-155-XSUBDIRS = test doc nsis rdoff
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-181-# Perl scripts. They're distributed, though, so it isn't necessary to
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:182:# have Perl just to recompile NASM from the distribution.
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-449-	for f in $(RDF2BINLINKS); do \
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:450:		bn=`basename "$$f"` && $(RM_F) "$$bn" && \
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-451-		$(LN_S) rdf2bin$(X) "$$bn" ; \
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-501-test: nasm$(X)
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:502:	cd test && $(RUNPERL) performtest.pl --nasm=../nasm *.asm
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in-504-golden: nasm$(X)
nasm-2.15.05/Makefile.in:505:	cd test && $(RUNPERL) performtest.pl --golden --nasm=../nasm *.asm