                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
netcat-1.10/stupidh-54-    echo "#include <${xx}.h>"
netcat-1.10/stupidh:55:    XX=`echo $xx | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
netcat-1.10/stupidh-56-  fi
netcat-1.10/stupidh-58-    echo "#include <sys/${xx}.h>"
netcat-1.10/stupidh:59:    XX=`echo $xx | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
netcat-1.10/stupidh-60-  fi
netcat-1.10/stupidh-375-  while read xx ; do
netcat-1.10/stupidh:376:    XX=`echo $xx | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`
netcat-1.10/stupidh-377-    echo "#ifdef ${xx}" >> $FL
netcat-1.10/scripts/ncp-15-test ! "$1" && echo "no args?" && exit 1
netcat-1.10/scripts/ncp:16:me=`echo $0 | sed 's+.*/++'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/ncp-17-test "$me" = "nzp" && echo '[compressed mode]'
netcat-1.10/scripts/iscan-18-# generate a randomish base port
netcat-1.10/scripts/iscan:19:RP=`expr $$ % 999 + 31337`
netcat-1.10/scripts/iscan-31-  kill -HUP $PROC
netcat-1.10/scripts/iscan:32:  RP=`expr ${RP} + 1`
netcat-1.10/scripts/iscan-33-  shift
netcat-1.10/scripts/web-84-  /*)
netcat-1.10/scripts/web:85:    specF=`echo "${spec}" | sed 's|.*/||'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/web:86:    specD=`echo "${spec}" | sed 's|\(.*/\).*|\1|'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/web-87-    spec="${specD}${specF}"
netcat-1.10/scripts/web-90-  */*)
netcat-1.10/scripts/web:91:    specF=`echo "${spec}" | sed 's|.*/||'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/web:92:    specD=`echo "${specD}${spec}" | sed 's|\(.*/\).*|\1|'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/web-93-  ;;
netcat-1.10/scripts/web-95-  ..)
netcat-1.10/scripts/web:96:    specD=`echo "${specD}" | sed 's|\(.*/\)..*/|\1|'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/web-97-    continue
netcat-1.10/scripts/websearch-11-test "${1}" = "" && echo 'Needs argument[s] to search for!' && exit 1
netcat-1.10/scripts/websearch:12:PLUSARG="`echo $* | sed 's/ /+/g'`"
netcat-1.10/scripts/websearch:13:PIPEARG="`echo ${PLUSARG} | sed 's/+/|/g'`"
netcat-1.10/scripts/alta-11-# convert multiple args
netcat-1.10/scripts/alta:12:PLUSARG="`echo $* | sed 's/ /+/g'`"
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-87-# ping client machine and get its bare IP address
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy:88:  CLIENT=`nc -z -v -w 8 "$1" 22000 2>&1 | sed 's/.*\[\(..*\)\].*/\1/'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-89-  test ! "$CLIENT" && echo "Can't find address of $1" && exit 1
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-111-# nuke questionable characters and split up the request
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy:112:hurl=`echo "$x2" | sed -e "s+.*//++" -e 's+[\`'\''|$;<>{}\\!*()"]++g'`
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-113-# echo massaged hurl: $hurl >> $LFILE
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy:114:hh=`echo "$hurl" | sed -e "s+/.*++" -e "s+:.*++"`
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy:115:hp=`echo "$hurl" | sed -e "s+.*:++" -e "s+/.*++"`
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-116-test "$hp" = "$hh" && hp=80
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy:117:hf=`echo "$hurl" | sed -e "s+[^/]*++"`
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-118-# echo total split: $hh : $hp : $hf >> $LFILE
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-131-# no, you can *not* phone home, you miserable piece of shit
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy:132:test "`echo $hh | fgrep -i netscap`" && \
netcat-1.10/scripts/webproxy-133-  echo "access to Netscam's servers <b>DENIED.</b>" && exit 0
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter-14-# determine the programme's name
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:15:me=`echo $0 | sed 's+.*/++'`
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter-43-		# wait for data and count bytes
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:44:		AMOUNT=`nc -v -w 120 -l -p $NCPORT | wc -c | awk '{print $1}'`
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter-59-# calculate the amount of data to be sent
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:60:AMOUNT=`echo $2|sed s/[mM]/\*1048576/g | sed s/[kK]/\*1024/g | bc`
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter-66-# read the time needed
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:67:REAL=`grep "^real" "$TEMP" | awk '{print $2}'`
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter-68-rm "$TEMP"
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter-70-DOUBLEWAIT=$(($WAIT * 2))
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:71:NEEDED=`echo $REAL - $DOUBLEWAIT|bc`
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter-73-# calculate and print speed
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:74:BPS=`echo "scale=3;$AMOUNT / $NEEDED"|bc`
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:75:KBPS=`echo "scale=3;$AMOUNT / $NEEDED / 1024"|bc`
netcat-1.10/debian/contrib/ncmeter:76:MBPS=`echo "scale=3;$AMOUNT / $NEEDED / 1048576"|bc`
netcat-1.10/debian/patches/inet-aton.patch-20- /* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/debian/patches/inet-aton.patch:21:-  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/debian/patches/inet-aton.patch-22-+  rc = inet_aton(name, &iaddr);
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c-363-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c:364:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c-383-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c:384:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c-385-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c-399-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c:400:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/glibc-resolv-h.patch/netcat.c-401-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c-366-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c:367:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c-386-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c:387:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c-388-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c-402-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c:403:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/arm-timer.patch/netcat.c-404-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c-366-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c:367:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c-386-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c:387:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c-388-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c-402-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c:403:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/posix-setjmp.patch/netcat.c-404-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c-382-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c:383:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c-402-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c:403:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c-404-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c-418-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c:419:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/no-sleep-punt.patch/netcat.c-420-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c-381-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c:382:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c-401-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c:402:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c-403-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c-417-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c:418:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/single-verbose.patch/netcat.c-419-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c-381-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c:382:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c-401-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c:402:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c-403-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c-417-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c:418:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/use-getservbyport.patch/netcat.c-419-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c-381-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c:382:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c-401-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c:402:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c-403-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c-417-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c:418:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/read-overflow.patch/netcat.c-419-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c-381-/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c:382:  iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name);
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c-401-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c:402:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c-403-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c-417-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c:418:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/inet-aton.patch/netcat.c-419-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/udp-broadcast.patch/netcat.c-402-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/udp-broadcast.patch/netcat.c:403:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/udp-broadcast.patch/netcat.c-404-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/udp-broadcast.patch/netcat.c-418-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/udp-broadcast.patch/netcat.c:419:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/udp-broadcast.patch/netcat.c-420-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/quit.patch/netcat.c-403-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/quit.patch/netcat.c:404:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/quit.patch/netcat.c-405-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/quit.patch/netcat.c-419-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/quit.patch/netcat.c:420:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/quit.patch/netcat.c-421-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/dash-port.patch/netcat.c-412-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/dash-port.patch/netcat.c:413:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/dash-port.patch/netcat.c-414-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/dash-port.patch/netcat.c-428-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/dash-port.patch/netcat.c:429:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/dash-port.patch/netcat.c-430-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/sh-c.patch/netcat.c-412-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/sh-c.patch/netcat.c:413:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/sh-c.patch/netcat.c-414-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/sh-c.patch/netcat.c-428-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/sh-c.patch/netcat.c:429:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/sh-c.patch/netcat.c-430-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/tos.patch/netcat.c-413-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/tos.patch/netcat.c:414:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/tos.patch/netcat.c-415-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/tos.patch/netcat.c-429-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/tos.patch/netcat.c:430:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/tos.patch/netcat.c-431-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/so-keepalive.patch/netcat.c-416-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/so-keepalive.patch/netcat.c:417:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/so-keepalive.patch/netcat.c-418-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/so-keepalive.patch/netcat.c-432-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/so-keepalive.patch/netcat.c:433:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/so-keepalive.patch/netcat.c-434-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/nodup-stderr.patch/netcat.c-417-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/nodup-stderr.patch/netcat.c:418:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/nodup-stderr.patch/netcat.c-419-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/nodup-stderr.patch/netcat.c-433-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/nodup-stderr.patch/netcat.c:434:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/nodup-stderr.patch/netcat.c-435-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/help-exit-failure.patch/netcat.c-417-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/help-exit-failure.patch/netcat.c:418:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/help-exit-failure.patch/netcat.c-419-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/help-exit-failure.patch/netcat.c-433-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/help-exit-failure.patch/netcat.c:434:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/help-exit-failure.patch/netcat.c-435-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/select-nfds.patch/netcat.c-417-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/select-nfds.patch/netcat.c:418:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/select-nfds.patch/netcat.c-419-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/select-nfds.patch/netcat.c-433-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/select-nfds.patch/netcat.c:434:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/select-nfds.patch/netcat.c-435-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-84-# ping client machine and get its bare IP address
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy:85:  CLIENT=`nc -z -v -w 8 "$1" 22000 2>&1 | sed 's/.*\[\(..*\)\].*/\1/'`
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-86-  test ! "$CLIENT" && echo "Can't find address of $1" && exit 1
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-108-# nuke questionable characters and split up the request
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy:109:hurl=`echo "$x2" | sed -e "s+.*//++" -e 's+[\`'\''|$;<>{}\\!*()"]++g'`
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-110-# echo massaged hurl: $hurl >> $LFILE
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy:111:hh=`echo "$hurl" | sed -e "s+/.*++" -e "s+:.*++"`
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy:112:hp=`echo "$hurl" | sed -e "s+.*:++" -e "s+/.*++"`
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-113-test "$hp" = "$hh" && hp=80
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy:114:hf=`echo "$hurl" | sed -e "s+[^/]*++"`
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-115-# echo total split: $hh : $hp : $hf >> $LFILE
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-128-# no, you can *not* phone home, you miserable piece of shit
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy:129:test "`echo $hh | fgrep -i netscap`" && \
netcat-1.10/.pc/proxy-doc.patch/scripts/webproxy-130-  echo "access to Netscam's servers <b>DENIED.</b>" && exit 0
netcat-1.10/.pc/655881-netcat.c.format.patch/netcat.c-417-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/655881-netcat.c.format.patch/netcat.c:418:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/655881-netcat.c.format.patch/netcat.c-419-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/655881-netcat.c.format.patch/netcat.c-433-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/655881-netcat.c.format.patch/netcat.c:434:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/655881-netcat.c.format.patch/netcat.c-435-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/.pc/545579-send-crlf.patch/netcat.c-417-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/.pc/545579-send-crlf.patch/netcat.c:418:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/.pc/545579-send-crlf.patch/netcat.c-419-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/545579-send-crlf.patch/netcat.c-433-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/.pc/545579-send-crlf.patch/netcat.c:434:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/.pc/545579-send-crlf.patch/netcat.c-435-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */
netcat-1.10/netcat.c-418-    for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) {
netcat-1.10/netcat.c:419:      hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x],
netcat-1.10/netcat.c-420-				sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/netcat.c-434-      return (poop);			/* the full DNS hair */
netcat-1.10/netcat.c:435:    hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET);
netcat-1.10/netcat.c-436-/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */