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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-28-		if (key[0] !== '-') {
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:29:			throw new ArgError(`argument key must start with '-' but found: '${key}'`, 'ARG_CONFIG_NONOPT_KEY');
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-30-		}
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-32-		if (key.length === 1) {
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:33:			throw new ArgError(`argument key must have a name; singular '-' keys are not allowed: ${key}`, 'ARG_CONFIG_NONAME_KEY');
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-34-		}
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-53-		} else {
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:54:			throw new ArgError(`type missing or not a function or valid array type: ${key}`, 'ARG_CONFIG_VAD_TYPE');
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-55-		}
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-57-		if (key[1] !== '-' && key.length > 2) {
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:58:			throw new ArgError(`short argument keys (with a single hyphen) must have only one character: ${key}`, 'ARG_CONFIG_SHORTOPT_TOOLONG');
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-59-		}
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-80-				? [wholeArg]
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:81:				: wholeArg.slice(1).split('').map(a => `-${a}`);
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-82-			/* eslint-enable operator-linebreak */
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-97-					} else {
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:98:						throw new ArgError(`unknown or unexpected option: ${originalArgName}`, 'ARG_UNKNOWN_OPTION');
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-99-					}
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-104-				if (!isFlag && ((j + 1) < separatedArguments.length)) {
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:105:					throw new ArgError(`option requires argument (but was followed by another short argument): ${originalArgName}`, 'ARG_MISSING_REQUIRED_SHORTARG');
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-106-				}
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-125-					) {
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:126:						const extended = originalArgName === argName ? '' : ` (alias for ${argName})`;
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js:127:						throw new ArgError(`option requires argument: ${originalArgName}${extended}`, 'ARG_MISSING_REQUIRED_LONGARG');
node-arg-5.0.0/index.js-128-					}
node-arg-5.0.0/test.js-62-	const argv = ['hey', '--foo', '1234', 'hello'];
node-arg-5.0.0/test.js:63:	const customType = (val, name) => `:${name}:${val}:`;
node-arg-5.0.0/test.js-64-	expect(arg({'--foo': customType}, {argv})).to.deep.equal({_: ['hey', 'hello'], '--foo': ':--foo:1234:'});
node-arg-5.0.0/test.js-83-	const argv = ['hey', '--foo', '1234', 'hello', '--foo', '8911hi'];
node-arg-5.0.0/test.js:84:	const customType = (val, name) => `:${name}:${val}:`;
node-arg-5.0.0/test.js-85-	expect(arg({'--foo': [customType]}, {argv})).to.deep.equal({_: ['hey', 'hello'], '--foo': [':--foo:1234:', ':--foo:8911hi:']});