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        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-25-		if (options.useEquals) {
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js:26:			arguments_.push(key + (value ? `=${value}` : ''));
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-27-		} else {
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-36-	const makeAliasArg = (key, value) => {
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js:37:		arguments_.push(`-${key}`);
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-62-				throw new TypeError(
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js:63:					`Expected key \`--\` to be Array, got ${typeof value}`
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-64-				);
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-73-				throw new TypeError(
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js:74:					`Expected key \`_\` to be Array, got ${typeof value}`
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-75-				);
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-86-		if (value === false && !options.ignoreFalse) {
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js:87:			pushArguments(`no-${key}`);
node-dargs-7.0.0/index.js-88-		}