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        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/README.md-34-  const emoji = match[0];
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/README.md:35:  console.log(`Matched sequence ${ emoji } — code points: ${ [...emoji].length }`);
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/script/get-sequences.js-9-for (const property of properties) {
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/script/get-sequences.js:10:	const array = require(`unicode-13.0.0/Sequence_Property/${property}/index.js`);
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/script/get-sequences.js-11-	for (const sequence of array) {
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/test/tests.js-53-		const test = (string) => {
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/test/tests.js:54:			it(`matches ${ string } as a single unit`, () => {
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/test/tests.js-55-				assert(emojiRegex().test(string));
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/test/tests.js-104-		const test = (string) => {
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/test/tests.js:105:			it(`matches ${ string } as a single unit`, () => {
node-string-width-4.2.0/emoji-regex/test/tests.js-106-				assert(emojiWithTextRegex().test(string));