                                      .___ __  __   
          _________________  __ __  __| _/|__|/  |_ 
         / ___\_` __ \__  \ |  |  \/ __ | | \\_  __\
        / /_/  >  | \// __ \|  |  / /_/ | |  ||  |  
        \___  /|__|  (____  /____/\____ | |__||__|  
       /_____/            \/           \/           
              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
node-typescript-4.1.2/.github/workflows/new-release-branch.yaml-24-        sed -i -e 's/const versionMajorMinor = ".*"/const versionMajorMinor = "${{ github.event.client_payload.core_major_minor }}"/g' tests/baselines/reference/api/tsserverlibrary.d.ts
node-typescript-4.1.2/.github/workflows/new-release-branch.yaml:25:        sed -i -e 's/const version = `${versionMajorMinor}.0-.*`/const version = `${versionMajorMinor}.0-${{ github.event.client_payload.core_tag || 'dev' }}`/g' src/compiler/corePublic.ts
node-typescript-4.1.2/.github/workflows/new-release-branch.yaml-26-        npm ci
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-35-    const sources = relativeSources.map(s => path.posix.join("src/lib", s));
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js:36:    const target = `built/local/${relativeTarget}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-37-    return { target, relativeTarget, sources };
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-86-    .map(f => f.toLowerCase())
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js:87:    .map(f => `built/local/${f}/diagnosticMessages.generated.json`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-88-    .concat(generatedLCGFile);
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-356-        "--cache",
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js:357:        "--cache-location", `${folder}/.eslintcache`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-358-        "--format", formatter,
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js:369:    log(`Linting: ${args.join(" ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-370-    return exec(process.execPath, args);
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-505-const baselineAccept = (localBaseline, refBaseline) => merge2(
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js:506:    src([`${localBaseline}/**`, `!${localBaseline}/**/*.delete`], { base: localBaseline })
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-507-        .pipe(dest(refBaseline)),
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js:508:    src([`${localBaseline}/**/*.delete`], { base: localBaseline, read: false })
node-typescript-4.1.2/Gulpfile.js-509-        .pipe(rm())
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-13711-                // If a NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral appears to have a substitution in it, the original text
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:13712:                // had to include a backslash: `not \${a} substitution`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-13713-                var escapeText = flags & 1 /* NeverAsciiEscape */ || (getEmitFlags(node) & 16777216 /* NoAsciiEscaping */) ? escapeString :
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-32235-                case 14 /* NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral */: // foo<T> `...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:32236:                case 15 /* TemplateHead */: // foo<T> `...${100}...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-32237-                // these are the only tokens can legally follow a type argument
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-55240-        /**
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:55241:         * Returns `true` if the intersection of the template literals and string literals is the empty set, eg `get${string}` & "setX", and should reduce to `never`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-55242-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-55253-                    if (isTypeSubtypeOf(t2, t)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:55254:                        // eg, ``get${T}` & "getX"` is just `"getX"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-55255-                        ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(types, i);
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-90968-            // If it does, it wraps the expression in parentheses. Otherwise, something like
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:90969:            //    `abc${ 1 << 2 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-90970-            // becomes
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-90989-            // literal, then emitting the empty head literal is not necessary.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:90990:            //     `${ foo } and ${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-90991-            // can be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-90997-            // If the first template span has an empty literal, then the head must still be emitted.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:90998:            //     `${ foo }${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-90999-            // must still be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-115998-            //  1) When template strings are nested across different lines:
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:115999:            //          `hello ${ `world
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-116000-            //          ` }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-127978-            /* eslint-disable no-double-space */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:127979:            // Example: f  `# abcd $#{#  1 + 1#  }# efghi ${ #"#hello"#  }  #  `
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-127980-            //              ^       ^ ^       ^   ^          ^ ^      ^     ^
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-149223-             * This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js:149224:             * typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserver.js-149225-             */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-13905-                // If a NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral appears to have a substitution in it, the original text
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:13906:                // had to include a backslash: `not \${a} substitution`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-13907-                var escapeText = flags & 1 /* NeverAsciiEscape */ || (getEmitFlags(node) & 16777216 /* NoAsciiEscaping */) ? escapeString :
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-32429-                case 14 /* NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral */: // foo<T> `...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:32430:                case 15 /* TemplateHead */: // foo<T> `...${100}...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-32431-                // these are the only tokens can legally follow a type argument
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-55434-        /**
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:55435:         * Returns `true` if the intersection of the template literals and string literals is the empty set, eg `get${string}` & "setX", and should reduce to `never`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-55436-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-55447-                    if (isTypeSubtypeOf(t2, t)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:55448:                        // eg, ``get${T}` & "getX"` is just `"getX"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-55449-                        ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(types, i);
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-91162-            // If it does, it wraps the expression in parentheses. Otherwise, something like
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:91163:            //    `abc${ 1 << 2 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-91164-            // becomes
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-91183-            // literal, then emitting the empty head literal is not necessary.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:91184:            //     `${ foo } and ${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-91185-            // can be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-91191-            // If the first template span has an empty literal, then the head must still be emitted.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:91192:            //     `${ foo }${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-91193-            // must still be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-113078-             * This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:113079:             * typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-113080-             */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-116567-            //  1) When template strings are nested across different lines:
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:116568:            //          `hello ${ `world
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-116569-            //          ` }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-128547-            /* eslint-disable no-double-space */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js:128548:            // Example: f  `# abcd $#{#  1 + 1#  }# efghi ${ #"#hello"#  }  #  `
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/tsserverlibrary.js-128549-            //              ^       ^ ^       ^   ^          ^ ^      ^     ^
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-13905-                // If a NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral appears to have a substitution in it, the original text
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:13906:                // had to include a backslash: `not \${a} substitution`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-13907-                var escapeText = flags & 1 /* NeverAsciiEscape */ || (getEmitFlags(node) & 16777216 /* NoAsciiEscaping */) ? escapeString :
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-32429-                case 14 /* NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral */: // foo<T> `...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:32430:                case 15 /* TemplateHead */: // foo<T> `...${100}...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-32431-                // these are the only tokens can legally follow a type argument
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-55434-        /**
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:55435:         * Returns `true` if the intersection of the template literals and string literals is the empty set, eg `get${string}` & "setX", and should reduce to `never`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-55436-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-55447-                    if (isTypeSubtypeOf(t2, t)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:55448:                        // eg, ``get${T}` & "getX"` is just `"getX"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-55449-                        ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(types, i);
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-91162-            // If it does, it wraps the expression in parentheses. Otherwise, something like
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:91163:            //    `abc${ 1 << 2 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-91164-            // becomes
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-91183-            // literal, then emitting the empty head literal is not necessary.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:91184:            //     `${ foo } and ${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-91185-            // can be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-91191-            // If the first template span has an empty literal, then the head must still be emitted.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:91192:            //     `${ foo }${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-91193-            // must still be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-113078-             * This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:113079:             * typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-113080-             */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-116567-            //  1) When template strings are nested across different lines:
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:116568:            //          `hello ${ `world
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-116569-            //          ` }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-128547-            /* eslint-disable no-double-space */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js:128548:            // Example: f  `# abcd $#{#  1 + 1#  }# efghi ${ #"#hello"#  }  #  `
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescript.js-128549-            //              ^       ^ ^       ^   ^          ^ ^      ^     ^
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-13905-                // If a NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral appears to have a substitution in it, the original text
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:13906:                // had to include a backslash: `not \${a} substitution`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-13907-                var escapeText = flags & 1 /* NeverAsciiEscape */ || (getEmitFlags(node) & 16777216 /* NoAsciiEscaping */) ? escapeString :
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-32429-                case 14 /* NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral */: // foo<T> `...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:32430:                case 15 /* TemplateHead */: // foo<T> `...${100}...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-32431-                // these are the only tokens can legally follow a type argument
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-55434-        /**
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:55435:         * Returns `true` if the intersection of the template literals and string literals is the empty set, eg `get${string}` & "setX", and should reduce to `never`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-55436-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-55447-                    if (isTypeSubtypeOf(t2, t)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:55448:                        // eg, ``get${T}` & "getX"` is just `"getX"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-55449-                        ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(types, i);
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-91162-            // If it does, it wraps the expression in parentheses. Otherwise, something like
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:91163:            //    `abc${ 1 << 2 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-91164-            // becomes
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-91183-            // literal, then emitting the empty head literal is not necessary.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:91184:            //     `${ foo } and ${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-91185-            // can be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-91191-            // If the first template span has an empty literal, then the head must still be emitted.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:91192:            //     `${ foo }${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-91193-            // must still be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-113078-             * This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:113079:             * typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-113080-             */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-116567-            //  1) When template strings are nested across different lines:
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:116568:            //          `hello ${ `world
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-116569-            //          ` }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-128547-            /* eslint-disable no-double-space */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js:128548:            // Example: f  `# abcd $#{#  1 + 1#  }# efghi ${ #"#hello"#  }  #  `
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typescriptServices.js-128549-            //              ^       ^ ^       ^   ^          ^ ^      ^     ^
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-13700-                // If a NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral appears to have a substitution in it, the original text
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:13701:                // had to include a backslash: `not \${a} substitution`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-13702-                var escapeText = flags & 1 /* NeverAsciiEscape */ || (getEmitFlags(node) & 16777216 /* NoAsciiEscaping */) ? escapeString :
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-32224-                case 14 /* NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral */: // foo<T> `...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:32225:                case 15 /* TemplateHead */: // foo<T> `...${100}...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-32226-                // these are the only tokens can legally follow a type argument
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-55229-        /**
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:55230:         * Returns `true` if the intersection of the template literals and string literals is the empty set, eg `get${string}` & "setX", and should reduce to `never`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-55231-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-55242-                    if (isTypeSubtypeOf(t2, t)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:55243:                        // eg, ``get${T}` & "getX"` is just `"getX"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-55244-                        ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(types, i);
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-90957-            // If it does, it wraps the expression in parentheses. Otherwise, something like
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:90958:            //    `abc${ 1 << 2 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-90959-            // becomes
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-90978-            // literal, then emitting the empty head literal is not necessary.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:90979:            //     `${ foo } and ${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-90980-            // can be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-90986-            // If the first template span has an empty literal, then the head must still be emitted.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:90987:            //     `${ foo }${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-90988-            // must still be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-112873-             * This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js:112874:             * typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/lib/typingsInstaller.js-112875-             */
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts-28-    if (!fs.existsSync(mailMapPath)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts:29:        throw new Error(`Could not load known users form .mailmap file at: ${mailMapPath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts-30-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts-87-function log(s: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts:88:    console.log(`   ${s}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts-152-                .filter(a => !lookupAuthor(a))
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts:153:                .map(a => `${a.name} <${a.email}>`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts-186-    console.log("List of commands: ");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/authors.ts:187:    Object.keys(Commands).forEach(k => console.log(`     ${k}: ${(Commands as any)[k].description}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/browserIntegrationTest.js-46-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/browserIntegrationTest.js:47:    console.log(`${browserType} :+1:`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/browserIntegrationTest.js-48-  }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js-83-        if (tests) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js:84:            args.push("-g", `"${tests}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js-85-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js-131-            errorStatus = exitCode;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js:132:            error = new Error(`Process exited with status code ${errorStatus}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js-133-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js-141-                errorStatus = exitCode;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js:142:                error = new Error(`Sanity check build process exited with status code ${errorStatus}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/tests.js-143-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js-36-        const subshellFlag = isWindows ? "/c" : "-c";
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js:37:        const command = isWindows ? [possiblyQuote(cmd), ...args] : [`${cmd} ${args.join(" ")}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js:39:        if (!options.hidePrompt) log(`> ${chalk.green(cmd)} ${args.join(" ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js-40-        const proc = spawn(isWindows ? "cmd" : "/bin/sh", [subshellFlag, ...command], { stdio: waitForExit ? "inherit" : "ignore", windowsVerbatimArguments: true });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js-41-        const registration = cancelToken.register(() => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js:42:            log(`${chalk.red("killing")} '${chalk.green(cmd)} ${args.join(" ")}'...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js-43-            proc.kill("SIGINT");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js-53-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js:54:                    reject(new Error(`Process exited with code: ${exitCode}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js-55-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js-74-function possiblyQuote(cmd) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/build/utils.js:75:    return cmd.indexOf(" ") >= 0 ? `"${cmd}"` : cmd;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-25-        let text = walker.text
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts:26:            ? `declare namespace ts.server.protocol {\n${walker.text}}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-27-            : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-31-            for (const type of walker.removedTypes) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts:32:                text += `    export type ${type.symbol.name} = never;\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-33-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-66-                        const text = decl.getFullText();
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts:67:                        this.text += `${text}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-68-                        // recursively pull all dependencies into result dts file
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-94-                        if (heritageClauses[0].token !== ts.SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts:95:                            throw new Error(`Unexpected kind of heritage clause: ${ts.SyntaxKind[heritageClauses[0].kind]}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-96-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-145-            const diags = emitResult.diagnostics.map(d => ts.formatDiagnostic(d, diagHost)).join("\r\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts:146:            throw new Error(`Declaration file for protocol.ts is not generated:\r\n${diags}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-147-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-186-    if (diagnostics.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts:187:        const flattenedDiagnostics = diagnostics.map(d => `${ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(d.messageText, "\n")} at ${d.file ? d.file.fileName : "<unknown>"} line ${d.start}`).join("\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts:188:        throw new Error(`Unexpected errors during sanity check: ${flattenedDiagnostics}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/buildProtocol.ts-189-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configureLanguageServiceBuild.ts:84:    assert(results.outputText.trim() === "var x = 'string';", `Running typescript with ${packageJsonValue.name} did not return the expected results, got: ${results.outputText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-19-        console.log("Usage:");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:20:        console.log(`\tnode ${thisProgramName} <dev|insiders> <package.json location> <file containing version>`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-21-        return;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-25-    if (tag !== "dev" && tag !== "insiders" && tag !== "experimental") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:26:        throw new Error(`Unexpected tag name '${tag}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-27-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-42-    if (tsFileContents === modifiedTsFileContents) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:43:        let err = `\n  '${tsFilePath}' was not updated while configuring for a prerelease publish for '${tag}'.\n    `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:44:        err += `Ensure that you have not already run this script; otherwise, erase your changes using 'git checkout -- "${tsFilePath}"'.`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-45-        throw new Error(err + "\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-49-    // Modify the package.json structure
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:50:    packageJsonValue.version = `${majorMinor}.${prereleasePatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-51-    writeFileSync(packageJsonFilePath, JSON.stringify(packageJsonValue, /*replacer:*/ undefined, /*space:*/ 4));
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-58-    const majorMinorMatch = majorMinorRgx.exec(tsFileContents);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:59:    assert(majorMinorMatch !== null, `The file '${tsFilePath}' seems to no longer have a string matching '${majorMinorRgx}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-60-    const parsedMajorMinor = majorMinorMatch![1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:61:    assert(parsedMajorMinor === majorMinor, `versionMajorMinor does not match. ${tsFilePath}: '${parsedMajorMinor}'; package.json: '${majorMinor}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:63:    const versionRgx = /export const version = `\$\{versionMajorMinor\}\.(\d)(-\w+)?`;/;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-64-    const patchMatch = versionRgx.exec(tsFileContents);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:65:    assert(patchMatch !== null, `The file '${tsFilePath}' seems to no longer have a string matching '${versionRgx.toString()}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-66-    const parsedPatch = patchMatch![1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-67-    if (parsedPatch !== patch) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:68:        throw new Error(`patch does not match. ${tsFilePath}: '${parsedPatch}; package.json: '${patch}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts-69-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:71:    return tsFileContents.replace(versionRgx, `export const version = \`\${versionMajorMinor}.${nightlyPatch}\`;`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/configurePrerelease.ts:91:    return `${plainPatch}-${tag}.${timeStr}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-127-    function getFileName(name) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js:128:      return (name === '' ? 'lib.d.ts' : `lib.${name}.d.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-129-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-130-    function getVariableName(name) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js:131:      return (name === '' ? 'lib_dts' : `lib_${name.replace(/\./g, '_')}_dts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-132-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-162-        } else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js:163:          output += ` + ${text}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-164-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-167-      var flushOutputLines = function () {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js:168:        writeOutput(`"${escapeText(outputLines.join('\n'))}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-169-        outputLines = [];
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-201-          // emit this node
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js:202:          strResult += `\nexport const ${result[i].name}: string = ${result[i].output};\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-310-    res.writeHead(302, {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js:311:      'Location': `https://typescript.azureedge.net/cdn/3.9.2/monaco/${incoming.path}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/createPlaygroundBuild.js-312-    }); 
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessages.ts-40-                if (!outputDirectoryName) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessages.ts:41:                    console.error(`Invalid output locale name for '${result.LCX.$.TgtCul}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessages.ts-42-                    process.exit(1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts-23-        console.log("Usage:");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts:24:        console.log(`    node ${path.relative(__dirname, progName)} [TypeScript Repo Root] [DefinitelyTyped Repo Root]`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts-25-        return;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts:32:    console.log(`Resolved TypeScript Compiler Path: '${tscPath}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts:33:    console.log(`Resolved TypeScript RWC Path: '${rwcTestPath}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts:34:    console.log(`Resolved DefinitelyTyped Repo Root: '${resolvedDefinitelyTypedRoot}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts-35-    importDefinitelyTypedTests(tscPath, rwcTestPath, resolvedDefinitelyTypedRoot);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-11-const reviewers = process.env.REQUESTING_USER ? [process.env.REQUESTING_USER] : ["weswigham", "RyanCavanaugh"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:12:const branchName = `pick/${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE}/${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:13:const remoteUrl = `https://${process.argv[2]}@github.com/${userName}/TypeScript.git`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-14-const produceLKG = !!process.env.PRODUCE_LKG;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-46-    let logText = runSequence([
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:47:        ["git", ["log", `${remoteName}/${baseBranchName}..${currentSha.trim()}`, `--pretty="%h %s%n%b"`, "--reverse"]]
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-48-    ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-53-    const logpath = path.join(__dirname, "../", "logmessage.txt");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:54:    const mergebase = runSequence([["git", ["merge-base", `${remoteName}/${baseBranchName}`, currentSha]]]).trim();
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-55-    runSequence([
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-60-    runSequence([
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:61:        ["git", ["commit", "-F", logpath, `--author="${currentAuthor.trim()}"`]]
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-62-    ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-87-        maintainer_can_modify: true,
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:88:        title: `🤖 Pick PR #${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE} (${inputPR.title.substring(0, 35)}${inputPR.title.length > 35 ? "..." : ""}) into ${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:89:        head: `${userName}:${branchName}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-90-        base: process.env.TARGET_BRANCH,
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-98-    const num = r.data.number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:99:    console.log(`Pull request ${num} created.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-104-        repo: "TypeScript",
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:105:        body: `Hey @${process.env.REQUESTING_USER}, I've opened #${num} for you.`
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-106-    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-119-            repo: "TypeScript",
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts:120:            body: `Hey @${process.env.REQUESTING_USER}, I couldn't open a PR with the cherry-pick. ([You can check the log here](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build/index?buildId=${process.env.BUILD_BUILDID}&_a=summary)). You may need to squash and pick this PR into ${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH} manually.`
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-cherry-pick-pr.ts-121-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-13-    ? masterBranchname
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:14:    : `user-update-${process.env.TARGET_FORK}-${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH ? "-" + process.env.TARGET_BRANCH : ""}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:15:const remoteUrl = `https://${process.argv[2]}@github.com/${userName}/TypeScript.git`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-16-const baseRef = branchName === masterBranchname ? "master" : masterBranchname;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-24-    ["git", ["add", "."]], // Add all changes
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:25:    ["git", ["commit", "-m", `"Update user baselines${+process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE === 33716 ? " +cc @sandersn" : ""}"`]], // Commit all changes (ping nathan if we would post to CI thread)
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-26-    ["git", ["push", "--set-upstream", "fork", branchName, "-f"]] // push the branch
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-36-    maintainer_can_modify: true,
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:37:    title: `🤖 User test baselines have changed` + (process.env.TARGET_BRANCH ? ` for ${process.env.TARGET_BRANCH}` : ""),
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:38:    head: `${userName}:${branchName}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-39-    base: branchName === masterBranchname ? "master" : masterBranchname,
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-40-    body:
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:41:`${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE ? `This test run was triggerd by a request on https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/${process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE} `+"\n" : ""}Please review the diff and merge if no changes are unexpected.
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-42-You can view the build log [here](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build/index?buildId=${process.env.BUILD_BUILDID}&_a=summary).
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-46-    const num = r.data.number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:47:    console.log(`Pull request ${num} created.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-48-    if (!process.env.SOURCE_ISSUE) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-60-            repo: "TypeScript",
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts:61:            body: `The user suite test run you requested has finished and _failed_. I've opened a [PR with the baseline diff from master](${r.data.html_url}).`
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/open-user-pr.ts-62-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/perf-result-post.js-9-const postedComment = process.env.status_comment;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/perf-result-post.js:10:console.log(`Loading fragment from ${process.argv[3]}...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/perf-result-post.js-11-const outputTableText = fs.readFileSync(process.argv[3], { encoding: "utf8" });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js-19-    const updatedUrl = new URL(artifact.resource.url);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js:20:    updatedUrl.search = `artifactName=tgz&fileId=${artifact.resource.data}&fileName=manifest`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js:21:    const resp = await (await fetch(`${updatedUrl}`)).json();
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js-22-    const file = resp.items[0];
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js-23-    const tgzUrl = new URL(artifact.resource.url);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js:24:    tgzUrl.search = `artifactName=tgz&fileId=${file.blob.id}&fileName=${file.path}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js-25-    const link = "" + tgzUrl;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js-36-        repo: "TypeScript",
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js:37:        body: `Hey @${process.env.REQUESTING_USER}, I've packed this into [an installable tgz](${link}). You can install it for testing by referencing it in your \`package.json\` like so:
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js-64-            repo: "TypeScript",
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js:65:            body: `Hey @${process.env.REQUESTING_USER}, something went wrong when looking for the build artifact. ([You can check the log here](https://typescript.visualstudio.com/TypeScript/_build/index?buildId=${process.env.BUILD_BUILDID}&_a=summary)).`
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/post-vsts-artifact-comment.js-66-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-28-    const inputFilePath = process.argv[2].replace(/\\/g, "/");
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts:29:    console.log(`Reading diagnostics from ${inputFilePath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-30-    const inputStr = fs.readFileSync(inputFilePath, { encoding: "utf-8" });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-55-        if (allCodes[code]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts:56:            throw new Error(`Diagnostic code ${code} appears more than once.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-57-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-73-        const propName = convertPropertyName(name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts:74:        const argReportsUnnecessary = reportsUnnecessary ? `, /*reportsUnnecessary*/ ${reportsUnnecessary}` : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts:75:        const argElidedInCompatabilityPyramid = elidedInCompatabilityPyramid ? `${!reportsUnnecessary ? ", /*reportsUnnecessary*/ undefined" : ""}, /*elidedInCompatabilityPyramid*/ ${elidedInCompatabilityPyramid}` : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts:76:        const argReportsDeprecated = reportsDeprecated ? `${!argElidedInCompatabilityPyramid ? ", /*reportsUnnecessary*/ undefined, /*elidedInCompatabilityPyramid*/ undefined" : ""}, /*reportsDeprecated*/ ${reportsDeprecated}` : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts:78:        result += `        ${propName}: diag(${code}, DiagnosticCategory.${category}, "${createKey(propName, code)}", ${JSON.stringify(name)}${argReportsUnnecessary}${argElidedInCompatabilityPyramid}${argReportsDeprecated}),\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-79-    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-89-        const propName = convertPropertyName(name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts:90:        result += `\r\n  "${createKey(propName, code)}" : "${name.replace(/[\"]/g, '\\"')}",`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.ts-91-    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts-13-async function produceLKG() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts:14:    console.log(`Building LKG from ${source} to ${dest}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts-15-    await copyLibFiles();
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts-49-    if (!fs.existsSync(protocolScript)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts:50:        throw new Error(`Expected protocol script ${protocolScript} to exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts-51-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts:57:    console.log(`Building ${protocolOutput}...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts-58-    await exec(protocolScript, [protocolInput, protocolServices, protocolOutput]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts-95-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/produceLKG.ts:96:    console.log(`Copied ${files.length} files matching pattern ${pattern}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/regenerate-unicode-identifier-parts.js:27:console.log(`const unicodeESNextIdentifierStart = [${starts.join(", ")}];`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/regenerate-unicode-identifier-parts.js:28:console.log(`const unicodeESNextIdentifierPart = [${parts.join(", ")}];`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/request-pr-review.ts-51-    if (response.status === 201) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/request-pr-review.ts:52:        console.log(`Added ${reviewers.join(", ")} to ${response.data.url}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/request-pr-review.ts-53-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/request-pr-review.ts-54-    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/request-pr-review.ts:55:        console.log(`Failed to add ${reviewers.join(", ")} to the pull request.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/request-pr-review.ts-56-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/run-sequence.js-10-    for (const task of tasks) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/run-sequence.js:11:        console.log(`${task[0]} ${task[1].join(" ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/run-sequence.js-12-        const result = cp.spawnSync(task[0], task[1], opts);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/run-sequence.js:13:        if (result.status !== 0) throw new Error(`${task[0]} ${task[1].join(" ")} failed: ${result.stderr && "stderr: " + result.stderr.toString()}${result.stdout && "\nstdout: " + result.stdout.toString()}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/run-sequence.js-14-        console.log(result.stdout && result.stdout.toString());
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-28-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:29:    console.log(`Performing experimental branch updating and merging for pull requests ${prnums.join(", ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-31-    const userName = process.env.GH_USERNAME;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:32:    const remoteUrl = `https://${process.argv[2]}@github.com/${userName}/TypeScript.git`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-56-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:57:                throw new Error(`Rebase conflict detected in PR ${num} with master`); // A PR is currently in conflict, give up
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-58-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-59-            runSequence([
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:60:                ["git", ["fetch", "origin", `pull/${num}/head:${num}`]],
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:61:                ["git", ["checkout", `${num}`]],
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-62-                ["git", ["rebase", "master"]],
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:63:                ["git", ["push", "-f", "-u", "fork", `${num}`]], // Keep a rebased copy of this branch in our fork
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-64-            ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-67-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:68:            throw new Error(`Invalid PR number: ${numRaw}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-69-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-88-        ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:89:        if (mergeTree.indexOf(`===${"="}===`) >= 0) { // 7 equals is the center of the merge conflict marker
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js:90:            throw new Error(`Merge conflict detected involving PR ${branch} with other experiment`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/scripts/update-experimental-branches.js-91-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/cancellationToken/cancellationToken.ts-56-                if (currentRequestId !== requestId) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/cancellationToken/cancellationToken.ts:57:                    throw new Error(`Mismatched request id, expected ${currentRequestId}, actual ${requestId}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/cancellationToken/cancellationToken.ts-58-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-336-                    const moduleName = getTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(name as Identifier | StringLiteral);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts:337:                    return (isGlobalScopeAugmentation(<ModuleDeclaration>node) ? "__global" : `"${moduleName}"`) as __String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-338-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-396-                    // without names can only come from JSDocFunctionTypes.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts:397:                    Debug.assert(node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType, "Impossible parameter parent kind", () => `parent is: ${(ts as any).SyntaxKind ? (ts as any).SyntaxKind[node.parent.kind] : node.parent.kind}, expected JSDocFunctionType`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-398-                    const functionType = <JSDocFunctionType>node.parent;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-515-                            // export type T; - may have meant export type { T }?
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts:516:                            relatedInformation.push(createDiagnosticForNode(node, Diagnostics.Did_you_mean_0, `export type { ${unescapeLeadingUnderscores(node.name.escapedText)} }`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-517-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-1589-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts:1590:                    default: return Debug.fail(`Invalid state ${workStacks.state[stackIndex]} for bindBinaryExpressionFlow`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-1591-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-2783-        function bindSourceFileAsExternalModule() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts:2784:            bindAnonymousDeclaration(file, SymbolFlags.ValueModule, `"${removeFileExtension(file.fileName)}"` as __String);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/binder.ts-2785-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/builderState.ts-338-                if (firstDts) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/builderState.ts:339:                    Debug.assert(fileExtensionIs(firstDts.name, Extension.Dts), "File extension for signature expected to be dts", () => `Found: ${getAnyExtensionFromPath(firstDts.name)} for ${firstDts.name}:: All output files: ${JSON.stringify(emitOutput.outputFiles.map(f => f.name))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/builderState.ts-340-                    latestSignature = (computeHash || generateDjb2Hash)(firstDts.text);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-1232-                    const secondFile = firstFile === sourceSymbolFile ? targetSymbolFile : sourceSymbolFile;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:1233:                    const filesDuplicates = getOrUpdate(amalgamatedDuplicates, `${firstFile.path}|${secondFile.path}`, () =>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-1234-                        ({ firstFile, secondFile, conflictingSymbols: new Map() } as DuplicateInfoForFiles));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-4969-                        if (checkTruncationLength(context) && (i + 2 < properties.length - 1)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:4970:                            typeElements.push(factory.createPropertySignature(/*modifiers*/ undefined, `... ${properties.length - i} more ...`, /*questionToken*/ undefined, /*type*/ undefined));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-4971-                            addPropertyToElementList(properties[properties.length - 1], context, typeElements);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-5069-                                typeToTypeNodeHelper(types[0], context),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:5070:                                factory.createTypeReferenceNode(`... ${types.length - 2} more ...`, /*typeArguments*/ undefined),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-5071-                                typeToTypeNodeHelper(types[types.length - 1], context)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-5082-                        if (checkTruncationLength(context) && (i + 2 < types.length - 1)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:5083:                            result.push(factory.createTypeReferenceNode(`... ${types.length - i} more ...`, /*typeArguments*/ undefined));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-5084-                            const typeNode = typeToTypeNodeHelper(types[types.length - 1], context);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-5634-                        i++;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:5635:                        text = `${rawtext}_${i}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-5636-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-6004-                            : getEffectiveDotDotDotForParameter(p) ? `args`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:6005:                            : `arg${index}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-6006-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7204-                        // The `Constructor`'s symbol isn't in the class's properties lists, obviously, since it's a signature on the static
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:7205:                        return Debug.fail(`Unhandled class member kind! ${(p as any).__debugFlags || p.flags}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7206-                    };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7286-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:7287:                    const tempName = getUnusedName(`${rootName}_base`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7288-                    const statement = factory.createVariableStatement(/*modifiers*/ undefined, factory.createVariableDeclarationList([
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7336-                        i++;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:7337:                        input = `${original}_${i}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7338-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7473-                    if (!isIdentifierText(name, compilerOptions.target) && !isNumericLiteralName(name)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:7474:                        return `"${escapeString(name, CharacterCodes.doubleQuote)}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7475-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7476-                    if (isNumericLiteralName(name) && startsWith(name, "-")) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:7477:                        return `[${name}]`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7478-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7481-                if (nameType.flags & TypeFlags.UniqueESSymbol) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:7482:                    return `[${getNameOfSymbolAsWritten((<UniqueESSymbolType>nameType).symbol, context)}]`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-7483-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-10247-                    SymbolFlags.FunctionScopedVariable | (isOptional && !isRestParam ? SymbolFlags.Optional : 0),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:10248:                    paramName || `arg${i}` as __String
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-10249-                );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-12366-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:12367:            const id = `${getTypeId(baseType)}>${getTypeId(substitute)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-12368-            const cached = substitutionTypes.get(id);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13313-        /**
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:13314:         * Returns `true` if the intersection of the template literals and string literals is the empty set, eg `get${string}` & "setX", and should reduce to `never`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13315-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13324-                    if (isTypeSubtypeOf(t2, t)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:13325:                        // eg, ``get${T}` & "getX"` is just `"getX"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13326-                        orderedRemoveItemAt(types, i);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13671-            newTexts.push(text);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:13672:            const id = `${getTypeListId(newTypes)}|${map(newTexts, t => t.length).join(",")}|${newTexts.join("")}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13673-            let type = templateLiteralTypes.get(id);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13738-        function getStringMappingTypeForGenericType(symbol: Symbol, type: Type): Type {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:13739:            const id = `${getSymbolId(symbol)},${getTypeId(type)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-13740-            let result = stringMappingTypes.get(id);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-14762-            type.symbol = symbol;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:14763:            type.escapedName = `__@${type.symbol.escapedName}@${getSymbolId(type.symbol)}` as __String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-14764-            return type;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16576-                            if (path.indexOf("new ") === 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:16577:                                path = `(${path})`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16578-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16581-                            if (path.length === 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:16582:                                path = `${str}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16583-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16585-                            else if (isIdentifierText(str, compilerOptions.target)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:16586:                                path = `${path}.${str}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16587-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16589-                            else if (str[0] === "[" && str[str.length - 1] === "]") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:16590:                                path = `${path}${str}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16591-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16593-                            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:16594:                                path = `${path}[${str}]`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16595-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16622-                                        : "...";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:16623:                                path = `${prefix}${path}(${params})`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16624-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16627-                        default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:16628:                            return Debug.fail(`Unhandled Diagnostic: ${msg.code}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-16629-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-20782-                    const symbol = getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>node);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:20783:                    return symbol !== unknownSymbol ? `${flowContainer ? getNodeId(flowContainer) : "-1"}|${getTypeId(declaredType)}|${getTypeId(initialType)}|${isConstraintPosition(node) ? "@" : ""}${getSymbolId(symbol)}` : undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-20784-                case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:20785:                    return `0|${flowContainer ? getNodeId(flowContainer) : "-1"}|${getTypeId(declaredType)}|${getTypeId(initialType)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-20786-                case SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-30163-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts:30164:                    default: return Debug.fail(`Invalid state ${workStacks.state[stackIndex]} for checkBinaryExpression`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/checker.ts-30165-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-1196-    function createDiagnosticForInvalidCustomType(opt: CommandLineOptionOfCustomType, createDiagnostic: (message: DiagnosticMessage, arg0: string, arg1: string) => Diagnostic): Diagnostic {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:1197:        const namesOfType = arrayFrom(opt.type.keys()).map(key => `'${key}'`).join(", ");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:1198:        return createDiagnostic(Diagnostics.Argument_for_0_option_must_be_Colon_1, `--${opt.name}`, namesOfType);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-1199-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2184-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2185:                entries.push({ value: `/* ${category} */` });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2186-                for (const option of options) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2188-                    if (compilerOptionsMap.has(option.name)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2189:                        optionName = `"${option.name}": ${JSON.stringify(compilerOptionsMap.get(option.name))}${(seenKnownKeys += 1) === compilerOptionsMap.size ? "" : ","}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2190-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2191-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2192:                        optionName = `// "${option.name}": ${JSON.stringify(getDefaultValueForOption(option))},`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2193-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2195-                        value: optionName,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2196:                        description: `/* ${option.description && getLocaleSpecificMessage(option.description) || option.name} */`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2197-                    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2205-            result.push(`{`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2206:            result.push(`${tab}"compilerOptions": {`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2207:            result.push(`${tab}${tab}/* ${getLocaleSpecificMessage(Diagnostics.Visit_https_Colon_Slash_Slashaka_ms_Slashtsconfig_json_to_read_more_about_this_file)} */`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2208-            result.push("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2211-                const { value, description = "" } = entry;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2212:                result.push(value && `${tab}${tab}${value}${description && (makePadding(marginLength - value.length + 2) + description)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2213-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2214-            if (fileNames.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2215:                result.push(`${tab}},`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2216:                result.push(`${tab}"files": [`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2217-                for (let i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2218:                    result.push(`${tab}${tab}${JSON.stringify(fileNames[i])}${i === fileNames.length - 1 ? "" : ","}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2219-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2220:                result.push(`${tab}]`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2221-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2222-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2223:                result.push(`${tab}}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2224-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2675-            if (!host.fileExists(extendedConfigPath) && !endsWith(extendedConfigPath, Extension.Json)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:2676:                extendedConfigPath = `${extendedConfigPath}.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-2677-                if (!host.fileExists(extendedConfigPath)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-3063-                        const includes = validatedIncludeSpecs.filter(s => endsWith(s, Extension.Json));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts:3064:                        const includeFilePatterns = map(getRegularExpressionsForWildcards(includes, basePath, "files"), pattern => `^${pattern}$`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/commandLineParser.ts-3065-                        jsonOnlyIncludeRegexes = includeFilePatterns ? includeFilePatterns.map(pattern => getRegexFromPattern(pattern, host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames)) : emptyArray;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts-16-        if (constructor) return constructor as NonNullable<ReturnType<(typeof NativeCollections)[K1]>>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts:17:        throw new Error(`TypeScript requires an environment that provides a compatible native ${name} implementation.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts-18-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts:1564:        return Debug.fail(`Invalid cast. The supplied value ${value} did not pass the test '${Debug.getFunctionName(test)}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts-1565-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts-1644-        return (arg: A) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts:1645:            const key = `${typeof arg}:${arg}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts-1646-            let value = map.get(key);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts-2109-    export function patternText({ prefix, suffix }: Pattern): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts:2110:        return `${prefix}*${suffix}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/core.ts-2111-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-113-            debugger;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:114:            const e = new Error(message ? `Debug Failure. ${message}` : "Debug Failure.");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-115-            if ((<any>Error).captureStackTrace) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-122-            return fail(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:123:                `${message || "Unexpected node."}\r\nNode ${formatSyntaxKind(node.kind)} was unexpected.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-124-                stackCrawlMark || failBadSyntaxKind);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-128-            if (!expression) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:129:                message = message ? `False expression: ${message}` : "False expression.";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-130-                if (verboseDebugInfo) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-138-            if (a !== b) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:139:                const message = msg ? msg2 ? `${msg} ${msg2}` : msg : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:140:                fail(`Expected ${a} === ${b}. ${message}`, stackCrawlMark || assertEqual);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-141-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-145-            if (a >= b) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:146:                fail(`Expected ${a} < ${b}. ${msg || ""}`, stackCrawlMark || assertLessThan);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-147-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-151-            if (a > b) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:152:                fail(`Expected ${a} <= ${b}`, stackCrawlMark || assertLessThanOrEqual);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-153-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-157-            if (a < b) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:158:                fail(`Expected ${a} >= ${b}`, stackCrawlMark || assertGreaterThanOrEqual);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-159-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-200-            const detail = typeof member === "object" && hasProperty(member, "kind") && hasProperty(member, "pos") && formatSyntaxKind ? "SyntaxKind: " + formatSyntaxKind((member as Node).kind) : JSON.stringify(member);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:201:            return fail(`${message} ${detail}`, stackCrawlMark || assertNever);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-202-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-211-                    message || "Unexpected node.",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:212:                    () => `Node array did not pass test '${getFunctionName(test)}'.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-213-                    stackCrawlMark || assertEachNode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-223-                    message || "Unexpected node.",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:224:                    () => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node!.kind)} did not pass test '${getFunctionName(test!)}'.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-225-                    stackCrawlMark || assertNode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-235-                    message || "Unexpected node.",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:236:                    () => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node!.kind)} should not have passed test '${getFunctionName(test!)}'.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-237-                    stackCrawlMark || assertNotNode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-248-                    message || "Unexpected node.",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:249:                    () => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node!.kind)} did not pass test '${getFunctionName(test!)}'.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-250-                    stackCrawlMark || assertOptionalNode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-261-                    message || "Unexpected node.",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:262:                    () => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node!.kind)} was not a '${formatSyntaxKind(kind)}' token.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-263-                    stackCrawlMark || assertOptionalToken);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-272-                    message || "Unexpected node.",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:273:                    () => `Node ${formatSyntaxKind(node!.kind)} was unexpected'.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-274-                    stackCrawlMark || assertMissingNode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-292-        export function formatSymbol(symbol: Symbol): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:293:            return `{ name: ${unescapeLeadingUnderscores(symbol.escapedName)}; flags: ${formatSymbolFlags(symbol.flags)}; declarations: ${map(symbol.declarations, node => formatSyntaxKind(node.kind))} }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-294-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-311-                    if (enumValue !== 0 && enumValue & value) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:312:                        result = `${result}${result ? "|" : ""}${enumName}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-313-                        remainingFlags &= ~enumValue;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-424-                            const remainingFlags = this.flags & ~(FlowFlags.Referenced - 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:425:                            return `${flowHeader}${remainingFlags ? ` (${formatFlowFlags(remainingFlags)})`: ""}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-426-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-462-                            defaultValue = String(defaultValue).replace(/(?:,[\s\w\d_]+:[^,]+)+\]$/, "]");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:463:                            return `NodeArray ${defaultValue}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-464-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-521-                        const remainingSymbolFlags = this.flags & ~SymbolFlags.Transient;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:522:                        return `${symbolHeader} '${symbolName(this)}'${remainingSymbolFlags ? ` (${formatSymbolFlags(remainingSymbolFlags)})` : ""}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-523-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-533-                            this.flags & TypeFlags.Nullable ? "NullableType" :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:534:                            this.flags & TypeFlags.StringOrNumberLiteral ? `LiteralType ${JSON.stringify((this as LiteralType).value)}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:535:                            this.flags & TypeFlags.BigIntLiteral ? `LiteralType ${(this as BigIntLiteralType).value.negative ? "-" : ""}${(this as BigIntLiteralType).value.base10Value}n` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-536-                            this.flags & TypeFlags.UniqueESSymbol ? "UniqueESSymbolType" :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-537-                            this.flags & TypeFlags.Enum ? "EnumType" :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:538:                            this.flags & TypeFlags.Intrinsic ? `IntrinsicType ${(this as IntrinsicType).intrinsicName}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-539-                            this.flags & TypeFlags.Union ? "UnionType" :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-556-                        const remainingObjectFlags = this.flags & TypeFlags.Object ? (this as ObjectType).objectFlags & ~ObjectFlags.ObjectTypeKindMask : 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:557:                        return `${typeHeader}${this.symbol ? ` '${symbolName(this.symbol)}'` : ""}${remainingObjectFlags ? ` (${formatObjectFlags(remainingObjectFlags)})` : ""}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-558-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-590-                                    isGeneratedIdentifier(this) ? "GeneratedIdentifier" :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:591:                                    isIdentifier(this) ? `Identifier '${idText(this)}'` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:592:                                    isPrivateIdentifier(this) ? `PrivateIdentifier '${idText(this)}'` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:593:                                    isStringLiteral(this) ? `StringLiteral ${JSON.stringify(this.text.length < 10 ? this.text : this.text.slice(10) + "...")}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:594:                                    isNumericLiteral(this) ? `NumericLiteral ${this.text}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:595:                                    isBigIntLiteral(this) ? `BigIntLiteral ${this.text}n` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-596-                                    isTypeParameterDeclaration(this) ? "TypeParameterDeclaration" :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-626-                                    formatSyntaxKind(this.kind);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:627:                                return `${nodeHeader}${this.flags ? ` (${formatNodeFlags(this.flags)})` : ""}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-628-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-674-            let deprecationMessage = error ? "DeprecationError: " : "DeprecationWarning: ";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:675:            deprecationMessage += `'${name}' `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:676:            deprecationMessage += since ? `has been deprecated since v${since}` : "is deprecated";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:677:            deprecationMessage += error ? " and can no longer be used." : errorAfter ? ` and will no longer be usable after v${errorAfter}.` : ".";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts:678:            deprecationMessage += message ? ` ${formatStringFromArgs(message, [name], 0)}` : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/debug.ts-679-            return deprecationMessage;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-198-        if (js && configFile.options.sourceMap) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:199:            addOutput(`${js}.map`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-200-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-204-            if (configFile.options.declarationMap) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:205:                addOutput(`${dts}.map`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-206-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-241-            const { jsFilePath } = getOutputPathsForBundle(configFile.options, /*forceDtsPaths*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:242:            return Debug.checkDefined(jsFilePath, `project ${configFile.options.configFilePath} expected to have at least one output`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-243-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-255-        if (buildInfoPath) return buildInfoPath;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:256:        return Debug.fail(`project ${configFile.options.configFilePath} expected to have at least one output`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-257-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-530-                    if (!writer.isAtStartOfLine()) writer.rawWrite(newLine);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:531:                    writer.writeComment(`//# ${"sourceMappingURL"}=${sourceMappingURL}`); // Tools can sometimes see this line as a source mapping url comment
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-532-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-594-                const base64SourceMapText = base64encode(sys, sourceMapText);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:595:                return `data:application/json;base64,${base64SourceMapText}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-596-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-801-                    default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:802:                        Debug.fail(`Unexpected path: ${name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-803-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-2540-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:2541:                    default: return Debug.fail(`Invalid state ${stateStack[stackIndex]} for emitBinaryExpressionWorker`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-2542-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3710-            if (currentSourceFile && currentSourceFile.moduleName) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:3711:                writeComment(`/// <amd-module name="${currentSourceFile.moduleName}" />`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3712-                writeLine();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3716-                    if (dep.name) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:3717:                        writeComment(`/// <amd-dependency name="${dep.name}" path="${dep.path}" />`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3718-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3719-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:3720:                        writeComment(`/// <amd-dependency path="${dep.path}" />`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3721-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3726-                const pos = writer.getTextPos();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:3727:                writeComment(`/// <reference path="${directive.fileName}" />`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3728-                if (bundleFileInfo) bundleFileInfo.sections.push({ pos, end: writer.getTextPos(), kind: BundleFileSectionKind.Reference, data: directive.fileName });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3732-                const pos = writer.getTextPos();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:3733:                writeComment(`/// <reference types="${directive.fileName}" />`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3734-                if (bundleFileInfo) bundleFileInfo.sections.push({ pos, end: writer.getTextPos(), kind: BundleFileSectionKind.Type, data: directive.fileName });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3738-                const pos = writer.getTextPos();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:3739:                writeComment(`/// <reference lib="${directive.fileName}" />`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-3740-                if (bundleFileInfo) bundleFileInfo.sections.push({ pos, end: writer.getTextPos(), kind: BundleFileSectionKind.Lib, data: directive.fileName });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-4585-                    const text = isNumericLiteral(textSourceNode) ? textSourceNode.text : getTextOfNode(textSourceNode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:4586:                    return jsxAttributeEscape ? `"${escapeJsxAttributeString(text)}"` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:4587:                        neverAsciiEscape || (getEmitFlags(node) & EmitFlags.NoAsciiEscaping) ? `"${escapeString(text)}"` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:4588:                        `"${escapeNonAsciiString(text)}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-4589-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-5099-            return comment.kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:5100:                ? `/*${comment.text}*/`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts:5101:                : `//${comment.text}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/emitter.ts-5102-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/factory/nodeFactory.ts-5871-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/factory/nodeFactory.ts:5872:                return Debug.fail(`Unsupported kind: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(kind)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/factory/nodeFactory.ts-5873-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/factory/nodeFactory.ts-6272-                const result = textGetter(path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/factory/nodeFactory.ts:6273:                return result !== undefined ? result : `/* Input file ${path} was missing */\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/factory/nodeFactory.ts-6274-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-209-            if (state.traceEnabled) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts:210:                trace(state.host, Diagnostics.Expected_type_of_0_field_in_package_json_to_be_1_got_2, `typesVersions['${bestVersionKey}']`, "object", typeof bestVersionPaths);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-211-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-674-                default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts:675:                    return Debug.fail(`Unexpected moduleResolution: ${moduleResolution}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-676-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts:677:            if (result && result.resolvedModule) perfLogger.logInfoEvent(`Module "${moduleName}" resolved to "${result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-678-            perfLogger.logStopResolveModule((result && result.resolvedModule) ? "" + result.resolvedModule.resolvedFileName : "null");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-904-        if (!resolvedModule) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts:905:            throw new Error(`Could not resolve JS module '${moduleName}' starting at '${initialDir}'. Looked in: ${failedLookupLocations.join(", ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-906-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-979-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts:980:        Debug.assert(host.fileExists(real), `${path} linked to nonexistent file ${real}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-981-        return real;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-1406-    export function getTypesPackageName(packageName: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts:1407:        return `@types/${mangleScopedPackageName(packageName)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleNameResolver.ts-1408-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleSpecifiers.ts-576-            case Extension.TsBuildInfo:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleSpecifiers.ts:577:                return Debug.fail(`Extension ${Extension.TsBuildInfo} is unsupported:: FileName:: ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/moduleSpecifiers.ts-578-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/parser.ts-5244-                case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral:  // foo<T> `...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/parser.ts:5245:                case SyntaxKind.TemplateHead:                   // foo<T> `...${100}...`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/parser.ts-5246-                // these are the only tokens can legally follow a type argument
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/parser.ts-8886-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/parser.ts:8887:        const result = new RegExp(`(\\s${name}\\s*=\\s*)('|")(.+?)\\2`, "im");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/parser.ts-8888-        namedArgRegExCache.set(name, result);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-344-    export function formatDiagnostic(diagnostic: Diagnostic, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:345:        const errorMessage = `${diagnosticCategoryName(diagnostic)} TS${diagnostic.code}: ${flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, host.getNewLine())}${host.getNewLine()}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-350-            const relativeFileName = convertToRelativePath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), fileName => host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:351:            return `${relativeFileName}(${line + 1},${character + 1}): ` + errorMessage;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-352-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-446-        output += ":";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:447:        output += color(`${firstLine + 1}`, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Yellow);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-448-        output += ":";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:449:        output += color(`${firstLineChar + 1}`, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Yellow);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-450-        return output;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-462-            output += formatColorAndReset(diagnosticCategoryName(diagnostic), getCategoryFormat(diagnostic.category));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:463:            output += formatColorAndReset(` TS${diagnostic.code}: `, ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Grey);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-464-            output += flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, host.getNewLine());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-3679-            const dirPath = host.toPath(dir);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:3680:            const dirPathWithTrailingDirectorySeparator = `${dirPath}${directorySeparator}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-3681-            return forEachKey(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-3686-                    // Any directory inside declaration dir
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:3687:                    startsWith(dirPath, `${declDirPath}/`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-3688-            );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-3740-                            fileOrDirectoryPath,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts:3741:                            `${symlinkedDirectory.real}${absolutePath.replace(new RegExp(directoryPath, "i"), "")}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/program.ts-3742-                        );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/resolutionCache.ts-476-                const failedLookupSplit = failedLookupLocation.split(directorySeparator);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/resolutionCache.ts:477:                Debug.assert(failedLookupSplit.length === failedLookupPathSplit.length, `FailedLookup: ${failedLookupLocation} failedLookupLocationPath: ${failedLookupLocationPath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/resolutionCache.ts-478-                if (failedLookupPathSplit.length > rootSplitLength + 1) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/scanner.ts-399-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/scanner.ts:400:                Debug.fail(`Bad line number. Line: ${line}, lineStarts.length: ${lineStarts.length} , line map is correct? ${debugText !== undefined ? arraysEqual(lineStarts, computeLineStarts(debugText)) : "unknown"}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/scanner.ts-401-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts-99-        toString() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts:100:            let result = `${this.major}.${this.minor}.${this.patch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts:101:            if (some(this.prerelease)) result += `-${this.prerelease.join(".")}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts:102:            if (some(this.build)) result += `+${this.build.join(".")}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts-103-            return result;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts-388-    function formatComparator(comparator: Comparator) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts:389:        return `${comparator.operator}${comparator.operand}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/semver.ts-390-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sourcemap.ts-534-            value === 63 ? CharacterCodes.slash :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sourcemap.ts:535:            Debug.fail(`${value}: not a base64 value`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sourcemap.ts-536-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sourcemap.ts-662-                    if (host.log) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sourcemap.ts:663:                        host.log(`Encountered error while decoding sourcemap: ${decoder.error}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sourcemap.ts-664-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-88-        function getLevel(envVar: string, level: keyof Levels) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:89:            return system.getEnvironmentVariable(`${envVar}_${level.toUpperCase()}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-90-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-608-            timerToUpdateChildWatches = undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:609:            sysLog(`sysLog:: onTimerToUpdateChildWatches:: ${cacheToUpdateChildWatches.size}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-610-            const start = timestamp();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:623:            sysLog(`sysLog:: invokingWatchers:: ${timestamp() - start}ms:: ${cacheToUpdateChildWatches.size}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-624-            callbackCache.forEach((callbacks, rootDirName) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-638-            const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:639:            sysLog(`sysLog:: Elapsed ${elapsed}ms:: onTimerToUpdateChildWatches:: ${cacheToUpdateChildWatches.size} ${timerToUpdateChildWatches}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-640-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1321-                // Windows rooted dir names need an extra `/` prepended to be valid file:/// urls
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:1322:                const fileUrlRoot = `file://${getRootLength(normalizedDir) === 1 ? "" : "/"}${normalizedDir}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1323-                for (const node of profile.nodes) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1329-                        else if (!nativePattern.test(url)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:1330:                            node.callFrame.url = (remappedPaths.has(url) ? remappedPaths : remappedPaths.set(url, `external${externalFileCounter}.js`)).get(url)!;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1331-                            externalFileCounter++;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1344-                                if (_fs.statSync(profilePath).isDirectory()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:1345:                                    profilePath = _path.join(profilePath, `${(new Date()).toISOString().replace(/:/g, "-")}+P${process.pid}.cpuprofile`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1346-                                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1460-                function invokeCallbackAndUpdateWatcher(createWatcher: () => FileWatcher) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:1461:                    sysLog(`sysLog:: ${fileOrDirectory}:: Changing watcher to ${createWatcher === watchPresentFileSystemEntry ? "Present" : "Missing"}FileSystemEntryWatcher`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1462-                    // Call the callback for current directory
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1523-                function watchPresentFileSystemEntryWithFsWatchFile(): FileWatcher {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts:1524:                    sysLog(`sysLog:: ${fileOrDirectory}:: Changing to fsWatchFile`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/sys.ts-1525-                    return watchFile(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts:38:        const countPart = isBuildMode ? `.${++traceCount}` : ``;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts:39:        const tracePath = combinePaths(traceDir, `trace${countPart}.json`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts:40:        const typesPath = combinePaths(traceDir, `types${countPart}.json`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts-127-        const dur = 1000 * timestamp() - time;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts:128:        writeEvent("X", phase, name, args, `"dur":${dur}`, time);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts-129-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts-135-        performance.mark("beginTracing");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts:136:        fs.writeSync(traceFd, `,\n{"pid":1,"tid":1,"ph":"${eventType}","cat":"${phase}","ts":${time},"name":"${name}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts:137:        if (extras) fs.writeSync(traceFd, `,${extras}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts:138:        if (args) fs.writeSync(traceFd, `,"args":${JSON.stringify(args)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tracing.ts-139-        fs.writeSync(traceFd, `}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts-775-                if (!isLateVisibilityPaintedStatement(i)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts:776:                    return Debug.fail(`Late replaced statement was found which is not handled by the declaration transformer!: ${(ts as any).SyntaxKind ? (ts as any).SyntaxKind[(i as any).kind] : (i as any).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts-777-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts-1030-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts:1031:                    default: Debug.assertNever(input, `Attempted to process unhandled node kind: ${(ts as any).SyntaxKind[(input as any).kind]}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts-1032-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts-1392-                        const oldId = input.name ? unescapeLeadingUnderscores(input.name.escapedText) : "default";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts:1393:                        const newId = factory.createUniqueName(`${oldId}_base`, GeneratedIdentifierFlags.Optimistic);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts-1394-                        getSymbolAccessibilityDiagnostic = () => ({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts-1446-            // Anything left unhandled is an error, so this should be unreachable
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations.ts:1447:            return Debug.assertNever(input, `Unhandled top-level node in declaration emit: ${(ts as any).SyntaxKind[(input as any).kind]}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations/diagnostics.ts-155-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations/diagnostics.ts:156:            return Debug.assertNever(node, `Attempted to set a declaration diagnostic context for unhandled node kind: ${(ts as any).SyntaxKind[(node as any).kind]}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations/diagnostics.ts-157-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations/diagnostics.ts-384-                default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations/diagnostics.ts:385:                    return Debug.fail(`Unknown parent for parameter: ${(ts as any).SyntaxKind[node.parent.kind]}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/declarations/diagnostics.ts-386-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-644-                        if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.BreakStatement) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts:645:                            labelMarker = `break-${label.escapedText}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-646-                            setLabeledJump(convertedLoopState, /*isBreak*/ true, idText(label), labelMarker);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-648-                        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts:649:                            labelMarker = `continue-${label.escapedText}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-650-                            setLabeledJump(convertedLoopState, /*isBreak*/ false, idText(label), labelMarker);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-4045-            // If it does, it wraps the expression in parentheses. Otherwise, something like
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts:4046:            //    `abc${ 1 << 2 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-4047-            // becomes
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-4068-            // literal, then emitting the empty head literal is not necessary.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts:4069:            //     `${ foo } and ${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-4070-            // can be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-4076-            // If the first template span has an empty literal, then the head must still be emitted.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts:4077:            //     `${ foo }${ bar }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/es2015.ts-4078-            // must still be emitted as
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/jsx.ts-57-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/jsx.ts:58:            const generatedName = factory.createUniqueName(`_${name}`, GeneratedIdentifierFlags.Optimistic | GeneratedIdentifierFlags.FileLevel | GeneratedIdentifierFlags.AllowNameSubstitution);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/jsx.ts-59-            const specifier = factory.createImportSpecifier(factory.createIdentifier(name), generatedName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/ts.ts:3352:                    addSyntheticTrailingComment(substitute, SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia, ` ${propertyName} `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/transformers/ts.ts-3353-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-154-        return diagnostic => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts:155:            let output = pretty ? `[${formatColorAndReset(getLocaleTimeString(system), ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Grey)}] ` : `${getLocaleTimeString(system)} - `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts:156:            output += `${flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, system.newLine)}${system.newLine + system.newLine}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-157-            system.write(output);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1248-        if (writeFileName && proj.options.listEmittedFiles) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts:1249:            writeFileName(`TSFILE: ${file}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1250-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1290-        // List files if any other build error using program (emit errors already report files)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts:1291:        state.projectStatus.set(resolvedPath, { type: UpToDateStatusType.Unbuildable, reason: `${errorType} errors` });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1292-        if (canEmitBuildInfo) return { buildResult, step: BuildStep.EmitBuildInfo };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1348-                    type: UpToDateStatusType.Unbuildable,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts:1349:                    reason: `${inputFile} does not exist`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1350-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1721-        if (filesToDelete) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts:1722:            reportStatus(state, Diagnostics.A_non_dry_build_would_delete_the_following_files_Colon_0, filesToDelete.map(f => `\r\n * ${f}`).join(""));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/tsbuildPublic.ts-1723-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-202-    export function packageIdToString({ name, subModuleName, version }: PackageId): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:203:        const fullName = subModuleName ? `${name}/${subModuleName}` : name;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:204:        return `${fullName}@${version}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-205-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-287-        const loc = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, node.pos);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:288:        return `${file.fileName}(${loc.line + 1},${loc.character + 1})`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-289-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-431-            commentDirectives.map(commentDirective => ([
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:432:                `${getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, commentDirective.range.end).line}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-433-                commentDirective,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-447-        function markUsed(line: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:448:            if (!directivesByLine.has(`${line}`)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-449-                return false;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:452:            usedLines.set(`${line}`, true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-453-            return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-649-                // If a NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral appears to have a substitution in it, the original text
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:650:                // had to include a backslash: `not \${a} substitution`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-651-                const escapeText = flags & GetLiteralTextFlags.NeverAsciiEscape || (getEmitFlags(node) & EmitFlags.NoAsciiEscaping) ? escapeString :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:677:        return Debug.fail(`Literal kind '${node.kind}' not accounted for.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-678-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-3174-    export function getPropertyNameForUniqueESSymbol(symbol: Symbol): __String {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:3175:        return `__@${getSymbolId(symbol)}@${symbol.escapedName}` as __String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-3176-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-3182-    export function getSymbolNameForPrivateIdentifier(containingClassSymbol: Symbol, description: __String): __String {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:3183:        return `__#${getSymbolId(containingClassSymbol)}@${description}` as __String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-3184-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6025-    export function getJSXRuntimeImport(base: string | undefined, options: CompilerOptions) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6026:        return base ? `${base}/${options.jsx === JsxEmit.ReactJSXDev ? "jsx-dev-runtime" : "jsx-runtime"}` : undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6027-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6130:    const implicitExcludePathRegexPattern = `(?!(${commonPackageFolders.join("|")})(/|$))`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6149-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6150:        doubleAsteriskRegexFragment: `(/${implicitExcludePathRegexPattern}[^/.][^/]*)*?`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6151-        replaceWildcardCharacter: match => replaceWildcardCharacter(match, filesMatcher.singleAsteriskRegexFragment)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6159-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6160:        doubleAsteriskRegexFragment: `(/${implicitExcludePathRegexPattern}[^/.][^/]*)*?`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6161-        replaceWildcardCharacter: match => replaceWildcardCharacter(match, directoriesMatcher.singleAsteriskRegexFragment)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6182:        const pattern = patterns.map(pattern => `(${pattern})`).join("|");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6183-        // If excluding, match "foo/bar/baz...", but if including, only allow "foo".
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6184-        const terminator = usage === "exclude" ? "($|/)" : "$";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6185:        return `^(${pattern})${terminator}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6186-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6306-        return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6307:            includeFilePatterns: map(getRegularExpressionsForWildcards(includes, absolutePath, "files"), pattern => `^${pattern}$`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6308-            includeFilePattern: getRegularExpressionForWildcard(includes, absolutePath, "files"),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6618-        const ext = tryGetExtensionFromPath(path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts:6619:        return ext !== undefined ? ext : Debug.fail(`File ${path} has unknown extension.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/utilities.ts-6620-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts-72-                clearScreenIfNotWatchingForFileChanges(system, diagnostic, options);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts:73:                let output = `[${formatColorAndReset(getLocaleTimeString(system), ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Grey)}] `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts:74:                output += `${flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, system.newLine)}${newLine + newLine}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts-75-                system.write(output);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts:84:                output += `${getLocaleTimeString(system)} - `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts:85:                output += `${flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, system.newLine)}${getPlainDiagnosticFollowingNewLines(diagnostic, newLine)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts-112-        const d = createCompilerDiagnostic(errorCount === 1 ? Diagnostics.Found_1_error : Diagnostics.Found_0_errors, errorCount);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts:113:        return `${newLine}${flattenDiagnosticMessageText(d.messageText, newLine)}${newLine}${newLine}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts-114-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts-187-                const filepath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(file, currentDir);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts:188:                writeFileName(`TSFILE: ${filepath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watch.ts-189-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts:289:        writeLog(`Current directory: ${currentDirectory} CaseSensitiveFileNames: ${useCaseSensitiveFileNames}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts-290-        let configFileWatcher: FileWatcher | undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts-408-            writeLog("CreatingProgramWith::");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts:409:            writeLog(`  roots: ${JSON.stringify(rootFileNames)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts:410:            writeLog(`  options: ${JSON.stringify(compilerOptions)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts-578-            const pending = clearInvalidateResolutionsOfFailedLookupLocations();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts:579:            writeLog(`Scheduling invalidateFailedLookup${pending ? ", Cancelled earlier one" : ""}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts-580-            timerToInvalidateFailedLookupResolutions = host.setTimeout(invalidateResolutionsOfFailedLookup, 250);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts-648-        function reloadConfigFile() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts:649:            writeLog(`Reloading config file: ${configFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchPublic.ts-650-            reloadLevel = ConfigFileProgramReloadLevel.None;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-354-        if (!newPath) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:355:            writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected ignored path: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-356-            return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-364-        if (hasExtension(fileOrDirectoryPath) && !isSupportedSourceFileName(fileOrDirectory, options, extraFileExtensions)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:365:            writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected file add/remove of non supported extension: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-366-            return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-369-        if (isExcludedFile(fileOrDirectory, configFileSpecs, getNormalizedAbsolutePath(getDirectoryPath(configFileName), currentDirectory), useCaseSensitiveFileNames, currentDirectory)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:370:            writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected excluded file: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-371-            return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-393-            hasSourceFile((filePathWithoutExtension + Extension.Tsx) as Path)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:394:            writeLog(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected output file: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-395-            return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-496-    function createFileWatcherWithLogging<H, T, U, V, X, Y>(host: H, file: string, cb: WatchCallback<U, V>, flags: T, options: WatchOptions | undefined, passThrough: V | undefined, detailInfo1: X | undefined, detailInfo2: Y | undefined, addWatch: AddWatch<H, T, U, V>, log: (s: string) => void, watchCaption: string, getDetailWatchInfo: GetDetailWatchInfo<X, Y> | undefined): FileWatcher {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:497:        log(`${watchCaption}:: Added:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-498-        const watcher = createFileWatcherWithTriggerLogging(host, file, cb, flags, options, passThrough, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, addWatch, log, watchCaption, getDetailWatchInfo);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-500-            close: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:501:                log(`${watchCaption}:: Close:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-502-                watcher.close();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-507-    function createDirectoryWatcherWithLogging<H, T, U, V, X, Y>(host: H, file: string, cb: WatchCallback<U, V>, flags: T, options: WatchOptions | undefined, passThrough: V | undefined, detailInfo1: X | undefined, detailInfo2: Y | undefined, addWatch: AddWatch<H, T, U, V>, log: (s: string) => void, watchCaption: string, getDetailWatchInfo: GetDetailWatchInfo<X, Y> | undefined): FileWatcher {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:508:        const watchInfo = `${watchCaption}:: Added:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-509-        log(watchInfo);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-512-        const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:513:        log(`Elapsed:: ${elapsed}ms ${watchInfo}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-514-        return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-515-            close: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:516:                const watchInfo = `${watchCaption}:: Close:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-517-                log(watchInfo);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-520-                const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:521:                log(`Elapsed:: ${elapsed}ms ${watchInfo}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-522-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-527-        return addWatch(host, file, (fileName, cbOptional) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:528:            const triggerredInfo = `${watchCaption}:: Triggered with ${fileName} ${cbOptional !== undefined ? cbOptional : ""}:: ${getWatchInfo(file, flags, options, detailInfo1, detailInfo2, getDetailWatchInfo)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-529-            log(triggerredInfo);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-532-            const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:533:            log(`Elapsed:: ${elapsed}ms ${triggerredInfo}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-534-        }, flags, options);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-546-    function getWatchInfo<T, X, Y>(file: string, flags: T, options: WatchOptions | undefined, detailInfo1: X, detailInfo2: Y | undefined, getDetailWatchInfo: GetDetailWatchInfo<X, Y> | undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts:547:        return `WatchInfo: ${file} ${flags} ${JSON.stringify(options)} ${getDetailWatchInfo ? getDetailWatchInfo(detailInfo1, detailInfo2) : detailInfo2 === undefined ? detailInfo1 : `${detailInfo1} ${detailInfo2}`}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/compiler/watchUtilities.ts-548-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts-371-            if (circular) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts:372:                text = `${text}#${getDebugFlowNodeId(flowNode)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts-373-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts-375-                if (flowNode.node) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts:376:                    text += ` (${getNodeText(flowNode.node)})`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts-377-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts-389-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts:390:                text += ` (${clauses.join(", ")})`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts-391-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts:392:            return circular === "circularity" ? `Circular(${text})` : text;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts-393-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/debug/dbg.ts:463:            return `\n${lanes.join("\n")}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts-56-        let syntax = makePadding(marginLength - syntaxLength);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts:57:        syntax += `tsc ${syntaxPrefix}[${getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.options)}] [${getDiagnosticText(Diagnostics.file)}...]`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts-103-                const typeMap = <ESMap<string, number | string>>element.type;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts:104:                optionsDescriptionMap.set(description, arrayFrom(typeMap.keys()).map(key => `'${key}'`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts-105-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts-662-                if (isPerformanceEnabled) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts:663:                    performance.forEachMeasure((name, duration) => reportTimeStatistic(`${name} time`, duration));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/executeCommandLine/executeCommandLine.ts-664-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/compilerImpl.ts-270-                    key: "-1",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/compilerImpl.ts:271:                    message: `Pre-emit (${preErrors.length}) and post-emit (${postErrors.length}) diagnostic counts do not match! This can indicate that a semantic _error_ was added by the emit resolver - such an error may not be reflected on the command line or in the editor, but may be captured in a baseline here!`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/compilerImpl.ts-272-                }),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/documentsUtil.ts-132-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/documentsUtil.ts:133:                    throw new Error(`Unrecognized character '${match[0]}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/documentsUtil.ts-134-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/evaluatorImpl.ts-20-    function noRequire(id: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/evaluatorImpl.ts:21:        throw new Error(`Module '${id}' could not be found.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/evaluatorImpl.ts-22-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/evaluatorImpl.ts:63:        const evaluateText = `(function (module, exports, require, __dirname, __filename, ${globalNames.join(", ")}) { ${sourceText} })`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/evaluatorImpl.ts-64-        // eslint-disable-next-line no-eval
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-147-        public createHash(data: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:148:            return `${ts.generateDjb2Hash(data)}-${data}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-149-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-339-            // repeatedly parsing the same file over and over (such as lib.d.ts).
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:340:            const cacheKey = this.vfs.shadowRoot && `SourceFile[languageVersion=${languageVersion},setParentNodes=${this._setParentNodes}]`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-341-            if (cacheKey) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-447-            const { file, start, length } = location;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:448:            return `${file}(${start}:${length}):: ${text}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-449-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-453-    function expectedErrorDiagnosticToText({ relatedInformation, ...diagnosticRelatedInformation }: ExpectedErrorDiagnostic) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:454:        let text = `${DiagnosticKind.Error}!: ${expectedDiagnosticRelatedInformationToText(diagnosticRelatedInformation)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-455-        if (relatedInformation) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-465-        return ts.isArray(errorOrStatus) ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:466:            `${DiagnosticKind.Status}!: ${expectedDiagnosticMessageToText(errorOrStatus)}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-467-            expectedErrorDiagnosticToText(errorOrStatus);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-483-        return file ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:484:            `${file.fileName}(${start}:${length}):: ${text}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-485-            text;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-488-    function diagnosticToText({ kind, diagnostic: { relatedInformation, ...diagnosticRelatedInformation } }: SolutionBuilderDiagnostic) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:489:        let text = `${kind}!: ${diagnosticRelatedInformationToText(diagnosticRelatedInformation)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-490-        if (relatedInformation) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-540-        createHash(data: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts:541:            return `${ts.generateDjb2Hash(data)}-${data}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fakesHosts.ts-542-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-249-                    if (configJson.config === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:250:                        throw new Error(`Failed to parse test ${file.fileName}: ${configJson.error!.messageText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-251-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-327-                        const libFile = Harness.Compiler.getDefaultLibrarySourceFile(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:328:                        ts.Debug.assertIsDefined(libFile, `Could not find lib file '${fileName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-329-                        if (libFile) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-348-                        const libFile = Harness.Compiler.getDefaultLibrarySourceFile(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:349:                        ts.Debug.assertIsDefined(libFile, `Could not find lib file '${fileName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-350-                        this.languageServiceAdapterHost.addScript(fileName, libFile.text, /*isRootFile*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-352-                        for (const directive of libFile.libReferenceDirectives) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:353:                            addSourceFile(`lib.${directive.fileName}.d.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-354-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-427-            if (marker.position === -1 || marker.position > content.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:428:                throw new Error(`Marker "${name}" has been invalidated by unrecoverable edits to the file.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-429-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-519-                this.printErrorLog(shouldExist, this.getAllDiagnostics());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:520:                throw new Error(`${shouldExist ? "Expected" : "Did not expect"} failure between markers: '${startMarkerName}', '${endMarkerName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-521-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-535-            const locationDescription = this.lastKnownMarker ? this.lastKnownMarker : this.getLineColStringAtPosition(this.currentCaretPosition);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:536:            return `At ${locationDescription}: ${message}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-537-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-582-                this.printErrorLog(shouldExist, diagnostics);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:583:                throw new Error(`${shouldExist ? "Expected" : "Did not expect"} failure at marker '${markerName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-584-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-607-            if (file) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:608:                return `from: ${this.formatLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start)}, to: ${this.formatLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start + length)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-609-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-615-                const { line, character } = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, pos);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:616:                return `${line}:${character}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-617-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-636-                    const error = errors[0];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:637:                    this.raiseError(`Found an error: ${this.formatPosition(error.file!, error.start!)}: ${error.messageText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-638-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-652-            if (!hasMatchingError) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:653:                this.raiseError(`No error with code ${code} found at provided range.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-654-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:675:            const evaluation = new Function(`${emit.outputFiles[0].text};\r\nreturn (${expr});`)(); // eslint-disable-line no-new-func
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-676-            if (evaluation !== value) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:677:                this.raiseError(`Expected evaluation of expression "${expr}" to equal "${value}", but got "${evaluation}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-678-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-729-            for (const markerName of markerNames) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:730:                this.verifyGoToXSingle(`${markerName}Reference`, `${markerName}Definition`, () => this.getGoToDefinition());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-731-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-755-            if (endMarkers.length !== definitions.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:756:                this.raiseError(`${testName} failed - expected to find ${endMarkers.length} definitions but got ${definitions.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-757-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-767-                        for (const marker of markersToRender) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:768:                            fileContent = fileContent.slice(0, marker.position) + `\x1b[1;4m/*${marker.text}*/\x1b[0;31m` + fileContent.slice(marker.position);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-769-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:770:                        return `// @Filename: ${fileName}\n${fileContent}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-771-                    }).join("\n\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:773:                    this.raiseError(`${testName} failed for definition ${endMarker} (${i}): expected ${marker.fileName} at ${marker.position}, got ${definition.fileName} at ${definition.textSpan.start}\n\n${text}\n`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-774-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-789-                const spanContent = fileContent.slice(defs.textSpan.start, ts.textSpanEnd(defs.textSpan));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:790:                const spanContentWithMarker = spanContent.slice(0, marker.position - defs.textSpan.start) + `/*${startMarkerName}*/` + spanContent.slice(marker.position - defs.textSpan.start);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:791:                const suggestedFileContent = (fileContent.slice(0, defs.textSpan.start) + `\x1b[1;4m[|${spanContentWithMarker}|]\x1b[0;31m` + fileContent.slice(ts.textSpanEnd(defs.textSpan)))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-792-                    .split(/\r?\n/).map(line => " ".repeat(6) + line).join(ts.sys.newLine);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:793:                this.raiseError(`goToDefinitionsAndBoundSpan failed. Found a starting TextSpan around '${spanContent}' in '${startFile}' (at position ${defs.textSpan.start}). `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:794:                    + `If this is the correct input span, put a fourslash range around it: \n\n${suggestedFileContent}\n`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-795-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-807-            if (actual !== expected) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:808:                this.raiseError(`Expected emit output to be "${expected}", but got "${actual}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-809-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-838-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:839:                this.raiseError(`No completions at position '${this.currentCaretPosition}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-840-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-842-            if (actualCompletions.isNewIdentifierLocation !== (options.isNewIdentifierLocation || false)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:843:                this.raiseError(`Expected 'isNewIdentifierLocation' to be ${options.isNewIdentifierLocation || false}, got ${actualCompletions.isNewIdentifierLocation}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-844-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-846-            if (ts.hasProperty(options, "isGlobalCompletion") && actualCompletions.isGlobalCompletion !== options.isGlobalCompletion) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:847:                this.raiseError(`Expected 'isGlobalCompletion to be ${options.isGlobalCompletion}, got ${actualCompletions.isGlobalCompletion}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-848-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-864-                    if (entries.some(e => e.source === entry.source)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:865:                        this.raiseError(`Duplicate completions for ${entry.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-866-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-880-                        const found = nameToEntries.get(name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:881:                        if (!found) throw this.raiseError(`Includes: completion '${name}' not found.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:882:                        assert(found.length === 1, `Must use 'exact' for multiple completions with same name: '${name}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-883-                        this.verifyCompletionEntry(ts.first(found), include);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-889-                        if (nameToEntries.has(exclude)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:890:                            this.raiseError(`Excludes: unexpected completion '${exclude}' found.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-891-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-900-            if (actual.insertText !== expected.insertText) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:901:                this.raiseError(`Expected completion insert text to be ${expected.insertText}, got ${actual.insertText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-902-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-907-            catch {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:908:                this.raiseError(`Expected completion replacementSpan to be ${stringify(convertedReplacementSpan)}, got ${stringify(actual.replacementSpan)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-909-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-911-            if (expected.kind !== undefined || expected.kindModifiers !== undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:912:                assert.equal(actual.kind, expected.kind, `Expected 'kind' for ${actual.name} to match`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:913:                assert.equal(actual.kindModifiers, expected.kindModifiers || "", `Expected 'kindModifiers' for ${actual.name} to match`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-914-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-924-            assert.equal(actual.source, expected.source, `Expected 'source' values to match`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:925:            assert.equal(actual.sortText, expected.sortText || ts.Completions.SortText.LocationPriority, this.messageAtLastKnownMarker(`Actual entry: ${JSON.stringify(actual)}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-948-                if (completion.name !== name) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:949:                    this.raiseError(`${marker ? JSON.stringify(marker) : ""} Expected completion at index ${index} to be ${name}, got ${completion.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-950-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-971-            if (!result) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:972:                throw new Error(`Could not get source file ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-973-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-991-            if (actualStart !== expected.pos || actualEnd !== expected.end) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:992:                this.raiseError(`${desc} should be ${expected.pos}-${expected.end}, got ${actualStart}-${actualEnd}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-993-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-998-            if (declarations.length !== declarationRanges.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:999:                this.raiseError(`Expected to get ${declarationRanges.length} declarations, got ${declarations.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1000-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1041-                if (highlights && !highlights.every(dh => ts.contains(searchFileNames, dh.fileName))) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1042:                    this.raiseError(`When asking for document highlights only in files ${searchFileNames}, got document highlights in ${unique(highlights, dh => dh.fileName)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1043-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1129-            function getBaselineContentForFile(fileName: string, content: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1130:                let newContent = `=== ${fileName} ===\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1131-                let pos = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1151-            if (refs && refs.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1152:                this.raiseError(`Expected getReferences to fail, but saw references: ${stringify(refs)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1153-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1169-                const fail = (msg: string) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1170:                    this.raiseError(`${msgPrefix} At ${path}: ${msg} ${displayExpectedAndActualString(stringify(fullExpected), stringify(fullActual))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1171-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1173-                if ((actual === undefined) !== (expected === undefined)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1174:                    fail(`Expected ${stringify(expected)}, got ${stringify(actual)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1175-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1183-                        else if (ak !== ek) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1184:                            fail(`Expected '${key}' to be '${stringify(ek)}', got '${stringify(ak)}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1185-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1191-                        if (!ts.hasProperty(actual as any, key)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1192:                            fail(`${msgPrefix}Missing property '${key}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1193-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1201-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1202:                this.raiseError(`${msgPrefix} ${displayExpectedAndActualString(stringify(fullExpected), stringify(fullActual))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1203-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1430-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1431:                return `/*====== ${fileName} ======*/\n\n${baselineFileContent}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1432-            }).join("\n\n") + "\n";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1461-                if (actual) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1462:                    this.raiseError(`Expected no signature help, but got "${stringify(actual)}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1463-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1650-                const spanLine = contextString.substring(contextLineMap[lineNumber], contextLineMap[lineNumber + 1]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1651:                output.push(lineNumbers ? `${ts.padLeft(`${lineNumber + 1}: `, lineNumberPrefixLength)}${spanLine}` : spanLine);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1652-                if (selection) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1661-                    const selectionLine = isEmpty ? "<" : "^".repeat(selectionLength);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1662:                    output.push(`${selectionPad}${selectionLine}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1663-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1770-                if (fromTestFile !== text) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1771:                    this.raiseError(`Emit output for ${name} is not as expected: ${showTextDiff(fromTestFile, text)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1772-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1842-            );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1843:            const result = `Syntactic Diagnostics for file '${this.originalInputFileName}':`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1844-                + Harness.IO.newLine()
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1852-            );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1853:            const result = `Semantic Diagnostics for file '${this.originalInputFileName}':`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1854-                + Harness.IO.newLine()
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1882-                        if (index >= textSpan.start && index < ts.textSpanEnd(textSpan)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1883:                            return char === " " ? "•" : ts.isLineBreak(charCode) ? `↲${n}` : char;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1884-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1924-            const errorList = ts.concatenate(syntacticErrors, semanticErrors);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1925:            Harness.IO.log(`Error list (${errorList.length} errors)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1939-                const active = (this.activeFile === file);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1940:                Harness.IO.log(`=== Script (${file.fileName}) ${(active ? "(active, cursor at |)" : "")} ===`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1941-                let content = this.getFileContent(file.fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1989-            entries.sort((m, n) => m.sortText > n.sortText ? 1 : m.sortText < n.sortText ? -1 : m.name > n.name ? 1 : m.name < n.name ? -1 : 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:1990:            const membersString = entries.map(m => `${pad(m.name, longestNameLength)} ${pad(m.kind, longestKindLength)} ${m.kindModifiers} ${m.isRecommended ? "recommended " : ""}${m.source === undefined ? "" : m.source}`).join("\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-1991-            Harness.IO.log(membersString);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2255-            if (definitionIndex >= definitions.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2256:                this.raiseError(`goToTypeDefinition failed - definitionIndex value (${definitionIndex}) exceeds definition list size (${definitions.length})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2257-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2297-            if (implementations.length > 1) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2298:                this.raiseError(`goToImplementation failed - more than 1 implementation returned (${implementations.length})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2299-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2315-                const { textSpan, fileName } = duplicate;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2316:                this.raiseError(`Duplicate implementations returned for range (${textSpan.start}, ${ts.textSpanEnd(textSpan)}) in ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2317-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2336-                            if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(expected.displayParts, matchingImpl.displayParts, displayPartIsEqualTo)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2337:                                delayedErrors.push(`Mismatched display parts: expected ${JSON.stringify(expected.displayParts)}, actual ${JSON.stringify(matchingImpl.displayParts)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2338-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2342-                            if (!ts.arrayIsEqualTo(expected.parts, actualParts)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2343:                                delayedErrors.push(`Mismatched non-tagged display parts: expected ${JSON.stringify(expected.parts)}, actual ${JSON.stringify(actualParts)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2344-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2347-                            if (expected.kind !== matchingImpl.kind) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2348:                                delayedErrors.push(`Mismatched kind: expected ${JSON.stringify(expected.kind)}, actual ${JSON.stringify(matchingImpl.kind)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2349-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2368-                    for (const range of unsatisfiedRanges) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2369:                        error += `\n    (${range.pos}, ${range.end}) in ${range.fileName}: ${this.rangeText(range)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2370-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2376-                        const end = impl.textSpan.start + impl.textSpan.length;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2377:                        error += `\n    (${impl.textSpan.start}, ${end}) in ${impl.fileName}: ${this.getFileContent(impl.fileName).slice(impl.textSpan.start, end)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2378-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2422-            if (pos.fileName !== this.activeFile.fileName) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2423:                throw new Error(`verifyCaretAtMarker failed - expected to be in file "${pos.fileName}", but was in file "${this.activeFile.fileName}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2424-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2425-            if (pos.position !== this.currentCaretPosition) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2426:                throw new Error(`verifyCaretAtMarker failed - expected to be at marker "/*${markerName}*/, but was at position ${this.currentCaretPosition}(${this.getLineColStringAtPosition(this.currentCaretPosition)})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2427-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2440-            if (actual !== numberOfSpaces) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2441:                this.raiseError(`verifyIndentationAtCurrentPosition failed at ${lineCol} - expected: ${numberOfSpaces}, actual: ${actual}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2442-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2448-            if (actual !== numberOfSpaces) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2449:                this.raiseError(`verifyIndentationAtPosition failed at ${lineCol} - expected: ${numberOfSpaces}, actual: ${actual}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2450-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2466-            if (actual !== text) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2467:                throw new Error(`verifyFileContent failed:\n${showTextDiff(text, actual)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2468-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2624-                const text = this.activeFile.content.slice(a.textSpan.start, a.textSpan.start + a.textSpan.length);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2625:                replacement.push(`    c2.semanticToken("${identifier}", "${text}"), `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2626-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2653-            const spans = this.languageService.getOutliningSpans(this.activeFile.fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2654:            Harness.IO.log(`Outlining spans (${spans.length} items)\nResults:`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2655-            Harness.IO.log(stringify(spans));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2670-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2671:            Harness.IO.log(`\nMockup:\n${annotated}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2672-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2678-            if (filterActual.length !== spans.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2679:                this.raiseError(`verifyOutliningSpans failed - expected total spans to be ${spans.length}, but was ${actual.length}\n\nFound Spans:\n\n${this.printOutliningSpansInline(actual)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2680-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2683-                if (expectedSpan.pos !== actualSpan.textSpan.start || expectedSpan.end !== ts.textSpanEnd(actualSpan.textSpan)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2684:                    return this.raiseError(`verifyOutliningSpans failed - span ${(i + 1)} expected: (${expectedSpan.pos},${expectedSpan.end}),  actual: (${actualSpan.textSpan.start},${ts.textSpanEnd(actualSpan.textSpan)})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2685-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2686-                if (kind !== undefined && actualSpan.kind !== kind) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2687:                    return this.raiseError(`verifyOutliningSpans failed - span ${(i + 1)} expected kind: ('${kind}'),  actual: ('${actualSpan.kind}')`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2688-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2695-            if (actual.length !== spans.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2696:                this.raiseError(`verifyOutliningHintSpans failed - expected total spans to be ${spans.length}, but was ${actual.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2697-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2700-                if (expectedSpan.pos !== actualSpan.hintSpan.start || expectedSpan.end !== ts.textSpanEnd(actualSpan.hintSpan)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2701:                    return this.raiseError(`verifyOutliningSpans failed - span ${(i + 1)} expected: (${expectedSpan.pos},${expectedSpan.end}),  actual: (${actualSpan.hintSpan.start},${ts.textSpanEnd(actualSpan.hintSpan)})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2702-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2710-            if (actual.length !== spans.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2711:                this.raiseError(`verifyTodoComments failed - expected total spans to be ${spans.length}, but was ${actual.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2712-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2717-                if (expectedSpan.pos !== actualCommentSpan.start || expectedSpan.end !== ts.textSpanEnd(actualCommentSpan)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2718:                    this.raiseError(`verifyOutliningSpans failed - span ${(i + 1)} expected: (${expectedSpan.pos},${expectedSpan.end}),  actual: (${actualCommentSpan.start},${ts.textSpanEnd(actualCommentSpan)})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2719-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2733-                if (!(fixes && fixes.length === 1)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2734:                    this.raiseError(`Should find exactly one codefix, but ${fixes ? fixes.length : "none"} found. ${fixes ? fixes.map(a => `${Harness.IO.newLine()} "${a.description}"`) : ""}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2735-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2739-                if (!(fixes && fixes.length >= index + 1)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2740:                    this.raiseError(`Should find at least ${index + 1} codefix(es), but ${fixes ? fixes.length : "none"} found.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2741-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2755-            if (codeActions?.length !== 1) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2756:                this.raiseError(`Expected one code action, got ${codeActions?.length ?? 0}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2757-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2760-            if (codeAction.description !== options.description) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2761:                this.raiseError(`Expected description to be:\n${options.description}\ngot:\n${codeActions[0].description}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2762-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2782-            if (removeWhitespace(actualText) !== removeWhitespace(expectedText)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2783:                this.raiseError(`Actual range text doesn't match expected text.\n${showTextDiff(expectedText, actualText)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2784-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2799-            ts.Debug.assert(fixWithId !== undefined, "No available code fix has the expected id. Fix All is not available if there is only one potentially fixable diagnostic present.", () =>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2800:                `Expected '${fixId}'. Available actions:\n${ts.mapDefined(this.getCodeFixes(this.activeFile.fileName), a => `${a.fixName} (${a.fixId || "no fix id"})`).join("\n")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2801-            ts.Debug.assertEqual(fixWithId.fixAllDescription, fixAllDescription);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2813-                if (!(actions && actions.length === 1)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2814:                    this.raiseError(`Should find exactly one codefix, but ${actions ? actions.length : "none"} found. ${actions ? actions.map(a => `${Harness.IO.newLine()} "${a.description}"`) : ""}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2815-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2819-                if (!(actions && actions.length >= index + 1)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2820:                    this.raiseError(`Should find at least ${index + 1} codefix(es), but ${actions ? actions.length : "none"} found.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2821-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2865-                    if (expectedNewContent === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2866:                        ts.Debug.fail(`Did not expect a change in ${change.fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2867-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2966-            if (expectedTextArray.length !== actualTextArray.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2967:                this.raiseError(`Expected ${expectedTextArray.length} import fixes, got ${actualTextArray.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2968-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2970-                if (expected !== actual) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2971:                    this.raiseError(`Import fix at index ${index} doesn't match.\n${showTextDiff(expected, actual)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2972-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-2998-                if (actual) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:2999:                    this.raiseError(`${name} failed - expected no template but got {newText: "${actual.newText}", caretOffset: ${actual.caretOffset}}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3000-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3005-                if (actual === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3006:                    this.raiseError(`${name} failed - expected the template {newText: "${expected.newText}", caretOffset: "${expected.caretOffset}"} but got nothing instead`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3007-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3009-                if (actual.newText !== expected.newText) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3010:                    this.raiseError(`${name} failed for expected insertion.\n${showTextDiff(expected.newText, actual.newText)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3011-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3013-                if (actual.caretOffset !== expected.caretOffset) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3014:                    this.raiseError(`${name} failed - expected caretOffset: ${expected.caretOffset}\nactual caretOffset:${actual.caretOffset}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3015-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3033-            if (!charCode) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3034:                throw this.raiseError(`Invalid openingBrace '${openingBrace}' specified.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3035-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3041-            if (!negative && !validBraceCompletion) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3042:                this.raiseError(`${position} is not a valid brace completion position for ${openingBrace}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3043-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3045-            if (negative && validBraceCompletion) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3046:                this.raiseError(`${position} is a valid brace completion position for ${openingBrace}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3047-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3061-            if (actual.length !== 2) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3062:                this.raiseError(`verifyMatchingBracePosition failed - expected result to contain 2 spans, but it had ${actual.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3063-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3072-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3073:                this.raiseError(`verifyMatchingBracePosition failed - could not find the brace position: ${bracePosition} in the returned list: (${actual[0].start},${ts.textSpanEnd(actual[0])}) and (${actual[1].start},${ts.textSpanEnd(actual[1])})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3074-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3076-            if (actualMatchPosition !== expectedMatchPosition) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3077:                this.raiseError(`verifyMatchingBracePosition failed - expected: ${actualMatchPosition},  actual: ${expectedMatchPosition}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3078-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3132-            if (JSON.stringify(tree, replacer) !== JSON.stringify(json)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3133:                this.raiseError(`verifyNavigation${name} failed - \n${showTextDiff(stringify(json), stringify(tree, replacer))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3134-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3155-            const items = this.languageService.getNavigateToItems(searchValue);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3156:            Harness.IO.log(`NavigationItems list (${items.length} items)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3157-            for (const item of items) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3158:                Harness.IO.log(`name: ${item.name}, kind: ${item.kind}, parentName: ${item.containerName}, fileName: ${item.fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3159-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3163-            const items = this.languageService.getNavigationBarItems(this.activeFile.fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3164:            Harness.IO.log(`Navigation bar (${items.length} items)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3165-            for (const item of items) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3166:                Harness.IO.log(`${ts.repeatString(" ", item.indent)}name: ${item.text}, kind: ${item.kind}, childItems: ${item.childItems.map(child => child.text)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3167-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3183-                    if (typeof isWriteAccess !== "undefined" && occurrence.isWriteAccess !== isWriteAccess) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3184:                        this.raiseError(`verifyOccurrencesAtPositionListContains failed - item isWriteAccess value does not match, actual: ${occurrence.isWriteAccess}, expected: ${isWriteAccess}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3185-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3190-            const missingItem = { fileName, start, end, isWriteAccess };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3191:            this.raiseError(`verifyOccurrencesAtPositionListContains failed - could not find the item: ${stringify(missingItem)} in the returned list: (${stringify(occurrences)})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3192-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3197-            if (expectedCount !== actualCount) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3198:                this.raiseError(`verifyOccurrencesAtPositionListCount failed - actual: ${actualCount}, expected:${expectedCount}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3199-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3252-            if (numHighlights > 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3253:                this.raiseError(`verifyNoDocumentHighlights failed - unexpectedly got ${numHighlights} highlights`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3254-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3262-                if (fileNames.indexOf(dh.fileName) === -1) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3263:                    this.raiseError(`verifyDocumentHighlights failed - got highlights in unexpected file name ${dh.fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3264-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3272-                if (expectedRangesInFile.length !== spansInFile.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3273:                    this.raiseError(`verifyDocumentHighlights failed - In ${fileName}, expected ${expectedRangesInFile.length} highlights, got ${spansInFile.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3274-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3277-                    if (span.textSpan.start !== expectedRange.pos || ts.textSpanEnd(span.textSpan) !== expectedRange.end) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3278:                        this.raiseError(`verifyDocumentHighlights failed - span does not match, actual: ${stringify(span.textSpan)}, expected: ${expectedRange.pos}--${expectedRange.end}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3279-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3291-                    if (codeFixes.some(fix => fix.fixName === expected)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3292:                        this.raiseError(`Expected not to find a fix with the name '${expected}', but one exists.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3293-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3311-            if (negative && hasFix) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3312:                this.raiseError(`Expected not to find a fix with the name '${fixName}', but one exists.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3313-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3315-                if (availableFixes.some(fix => fix.fixName === fixName)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3316:                    this.raiseError(`Found a fix with the name '${fixName}', but fix-all is not available.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3317-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3319-                this.raiseError(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3320:                    `Expected to find a fix with the name '${fixName}', but none exists.` +
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3321-                        availableFixes.length
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3322:                        ? ` Available fixes: ${availableFixes.map(fix => `${fix.fixName} (${fix.fixId ? "with" : "without"} fix-all)`).join(", ")}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3323-                        : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3330-            if (negative && isAvailable) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3331:                this.raiseError(`verifyApplicableRefactorAvailableAtMarker failed - expected no refactor at marker ${markerName} but found some.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3332-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3333-            if (!negative && !isAvailable) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3334:                this.raiseError(`verifyApplicableRefactorAvailableAtMarker failed - expected a refactor at marker ${markerName} but found none.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3335-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3351-                if (isAvailable) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3352:                    this.raiseError(`verifyApplicableRefactorAvailableForRange failed - expected no refactor but found: ${refactors.map(r => r.name).join(", ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3353-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3359-                if (refactors.length > 1) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3360:                    this.raiseError(`${refactors.length} available refactors both have name ${name} and action ${actionName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3361-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3388-            if (refactorsWithName.length === 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3389:                this.raiseError(`The expected refactor: ${refactorName} is not available at the marker location.\nAvailable refactors: ${refactors.map(r => r.name)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3390-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3393-            if (!action) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3394:                throw this.raiseError(`The expected action: ${actionName} is not included in: ${ts.flatMap(refactorsWithName, r => r.actions.map(a => a.name))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3395-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3396-            if (action.description !== actionDescription) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3397:                this.raiseError(`Expected action description to be ${JSON.stringify(actionDescription)}, got: ${JSON.stringify(action.description)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3398-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3423-                if (editInfo.renameLocation !== undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3424:                    this.raiseError(`Did not expect a rename location, got ${editInfo.renameLocation}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3425-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3429-                if (renamePosition !== editInfo.renameLocation) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3430:                    this.raiseError(`Expected rename position of ${renamePosition}, but got ${editInfo.renameLocation}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3431-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3473-                if (newContent === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3474:                    this.raiseError(`${description} - There was an edit in ${fileName} but new content was not specified.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3475-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3479-                    const actualNewContent = ts.textChanges.applyChanges(fileContent, textChanges);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3480:                    assert.equal(actualNewContent, newContent, `new content for ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3481-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3486-                    assert.deepEqual(change.span, ts.createTextSpan(0, 0));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3487:                    assert.equal(change.newText, newContent, `${description} - Content for ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3488-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3492-                if (!edits.some(e => e.fileName === fileName)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3493:                    ts.Debug.fail(`${description} - Asserted new contents of ${fileName} but there were no edits`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3494-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3511-            if (!applicableRefactorToApply) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3512:                this.raiseError(`The expected refactor: ${refactorNameToApply} is not available at the marker location.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3513-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3522-            if (actualContent !== expectedContent) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3523:                this.raiseError(`verifyFileAfterApplyingRefactors failed:\n${showTextDiff(expectedContent, actualContent)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3524-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3536-            let text = "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3537:            text += `${prefix}â•­ ${file.fileName}:${startLc.line + 1}:${startLc.character + 1}-${endLc.line + 1}:${endLc.character + 1}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3538-            for (const line of lines) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3539:                text += `${prefix}│ ${line.trimRight()}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3540-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3541:            text += `${trailingPrefix}â•°\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3542-            return text;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3553-        private formatCallHierarchyItem(file: FourSlashFile, callHierarchyItem: ts.CallHierarchyItem, direction: CallHierarchyItemDirection, seen: ts.ESMap<string, boolean>, prefix: string, trailingPrefix: string = prefix) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3554:            const key = `${callHierarchyItem.file}|${JSON.stringify(callHierarchyItem.span)}|${direction}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3555-            const alreadySeen = seen.has(key);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3568-            let text = "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3569:            text += `${prefix}â•­ name: ${callHierarchyItem.name}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3570:            text += `${prefix}├ kind: ${callHierarchyItem.kind}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3571-            if (callHierarchyItem.containerName) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3572:                text += `${prefix}├ containerName: ${callHierarchyItem.containerName}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3573-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3574:            text += `${prefix}├ file: ${callHierarchyItem.file}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3575:            text += `${prefix}├ span:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3576:            text += this.formatCallHierarchyItemSpan(file, callHierarchyItem.span, `${prefix}│ `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3577:            text += `${prefix}├ selectionSpan:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3578:            text += this.formatCallHierarchyItemSpan(file, callHierarchyItem.selectionSpan, `${prefix}│ `,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3579:                incomingCalls.result !== "skip" || outgoingCalls.result !== "skip" ? `${prefix}│ ` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3580:                    `${trailingPrefix}â•° `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3583-                if (outgoingCalls.result === "skip") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3584:                    text += `${trailingPrefix}â•° incoming: ...\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3585-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3586-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3587:                    text += `${prefix}├ incoming: ...\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3588-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3592-                    if (outgoingCalls.result === "skip") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3593:                        text += `${trailingPrefix}â•° incoming: none\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3594-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3595-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3596:                        text += `${prefix}├ incoming: none\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3597-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3599-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3600:                    text += `${prefix}├ incoming:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3601-                    for (let i = 0; i < incomingCalls.values.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3603-                        const file = this.findFile(incomingCall.from.file);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3604:                        text += `${prefix}│ ╭ from:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3605:                        text += this.formatCallHierarchyItem(file, incomingCall.from, CallHierarchyItemDirection.Incoming, seen, `${prefix}│ │ `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3606:                        text += `${prefix}│ ├ fromSpans:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3607:                        text += this.formatCallHierarchyItemSpans(file, incomingCall.fromSpans, `${prefix}│ │ `,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3608:                            i < incomingCalls.values.length - 1 ? `${prefix}│ ╰ ` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3609:                                outgoingCalls.result !== "skip" ? `${prefix}│ ╰ ` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3610:                                    `${trailingPrefix}â•° â•° `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3611-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3615-            if (outgoingCalls.result === "seen") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3616:                text += `${trailingPrefix}â•° outgoing: ...\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3617-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3619-                if (!ts.some(outgoingCalls.values)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3620:                    text += `${trailingPrefix}â•° outgoing: none\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3621-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3622-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3623:                    text += `${prefix}├ outgoing:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3624-                    for (let i = 0; i < outgoingCalls.values.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3625-                        const outgoingCall = outgoingCalls.values[i];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3626:                        text += `${prefix}│ ╭ to:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3627:                        text += this.formatCallHierarchyItem(this.findFile(outgoingCall.to.file), outgoingCall.to, CallHierarchyItemDirection.Outgoing, seen, `${prefix}│ │ `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3628:                        text += `${prefix}│ ├ fromSpans:\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3629:                        text += this.formatCallHierarchyItemSpans(file, outgoingCall.fromSpans, `${prefix}│ │ `,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3630:                            i < outgoingCalls.values.length - 1 ? `${prefix}│ ╰ ` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3631:                                `${trailingPrefix}â•° â•° `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3632-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3655-            if (!textSpanEqualsRange(span, range)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3656:                this.raiseError(`${prefixMessage(message)}Expected to find TextSpan ${JSON.stringify({ start: range.pos, length: range.end - range.pos })} but got ${JSON.stringify(span)} instead.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3657-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3698-                if (index >= this.testData.files.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3699:                    throw new Error(`File index (${index}) in openFile was out of range. There are only ${this.testData.files.length} files in this test.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3700-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3707-                if (!file) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3708:                    throw new Error(`No test file named "${indexOrName}" exists. Available file names are: ${availableNames.join(", ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3709-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3740-            const pos = this.languageServiceAdapterHost.positionToLineAndCharacter(file.fileName, position);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3741:            return `line ${(pos.line + 1)}, col ${pos.character}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3742-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3746-            if (markerPos === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3747:                throw new Error(`Unknown marker "${markerName}" Available markers: ${this.getMarkerNames().map(m => "\"" + m + "\"").join(", ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3748-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3837-    function prefixMessage(message: string | undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3838:        return message ? `${message} - ` : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3839-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3898-        if (output.diagnostics!.length > 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3899:            throw new Error(`Syntax error in ${absoluteBasePath}: ${output.diagnostics![0].messageText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3900-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-3906-        const generatedFile = ts.changeExtension(fileName, ".js");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:3907:        const wrappedCode = `(function(test, goTo, plugins, verify, edit, debug, format, cancellation, classification, completion, verifyOperationIsCancelled) {${code}\n//# sourceURL=${ts.getBaseFileName(generatedFile)}\n})`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4034-                            if (globalOptions[key] !== undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:4035:                                throw new Error(`Global option '${key}' already exists`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4036-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4073-            if (directive) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:4074:                throw Error(`It is not allowed to use ${config.fileName} along with directive '${directive}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4075-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4418-        const actualString = quoted ? "\"" + actual + "\"" : actual;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:4419:        return `\n${expectMsg}:\n${expectedString}\n\n${actualMsg}:\n${highlightDifferenceBetweenStrings(expected, actualString)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4420-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4422-    function templateToRegExp(template: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts:4423:        return new RegExp(`^${ts.regExpEscape(template).replace(/\\\{\d+\\\}/g, ".*?")}$`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/fourslashImpl.ts-4424-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-161-    export function mockHash(s: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:162:        return `hash-${s}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-163-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-172-    const tcServicesFileName = ts.combinePaths(libFolder, "typescriptServices.js");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:173:    export const tcServicesFile = IO.readFile(tcServicesFileName) + IO.newLine() + `//# sourceURL=${IO.resolvePath(tcServicesFileName)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-332-                    if (value === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:333:                        throw new Error(`Cannot have undefined value for compiler option '${name}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-334-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-339-                        if (errors.length > 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:340:                            throw new Error(`Unknown value '${value}' for compiler option '${name}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-341-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-343-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:344:                        throw new Error(`Unknown compiler option '${name}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-345-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-358-                    if (isNaN(numverValue)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:359:                        throw new Error(`Value must be a number, got: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-360-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-571-                    for (const info of error.relatedInformation) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:572:                        errLines.push(`!!! related TS${info.code}${info.file ? " " + ts.formatLocation(info.file, info.start!, formatDiagnsoticHost, ts.identity) : ""}: ${ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(info.messageText, IO.newLine())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-573-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-966-                dupeCase.set(resultName, count);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:967:                resultName = `${resultName}.dupe${count}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-968-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1047-        if (variations.length === 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:1048:            throw new Error(`Variations in test option '@${varyBy}' resulted in an empty set.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1049-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1098-                    variationCount *= entries.length;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:1099:                    if (variationCount > 25) throw new Error(`Provided test options exceeded the maximum number of variations: ${varyBy.map(v => `'@${v}'`).join(", ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1100-                    varyByEntries.push([varyByKey, entries]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1120-                if (name) name += ", ";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:1121:                name += `@${key}: ${configuration[key]}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1122-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1386-                    const patch = Diff.createTwoFilesPatch("Expected", "Actual", expected, actual, "The current baseline", "The new version");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:1387:                    throw new Error(`The baseline file ${relativeFileName} has changed.${ts.ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Grey}\n\n${patch}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1388-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1389-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:1390:                    throw new Error(`The baseline file ${relativeFileName} has changed.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1391-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1448-                if (errors.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:1449:                    errorMsg += `The baseline for ${relativeFileBase} in ${errors.length} files has changed:${"\n    " + errors.slice(0, 5).map(e => e.message).join("\n    ") + (errors.length > 5 ? "\n" + `    and ${errors.length - 5} more` : "")}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1450-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1455-                    const writtenFilesArray = ts.arrayFrom(writtenFiles.keys());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts:1456:                    errorMsg += `Baseline missing ${missing.length} files:${"\n    " + missing.slice(0, 5).join("\n    ") + (missing.length > 5 ? "\n" + `    and ${missing.length - 5} more` : "") + "\n"}Written ${writtenFiles.size} files:${"\n    " + writtenFilesArray.slice(0, 5).join("\n    ") + (writtenFilesArray.length > 5 ? "\n" + `    and ${writtenFilesArray.length - 5} more` : "")}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/harnessIO.ts-1457-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/sourceMapRecorder.ts-132-            sourceMapRecorder.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------------------------------");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/sourceMapRecorder.ts:133:            sourceMapRecorder.WriteLine("emittedFile:" + jsFile.file + (continuesLine ? ` (${sourceMapSpan.generatedLine + 1}, ${sourceMapSpan.generatedCharacter + 1})` : ""));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/sourceMapRecorder.ts-134-            sourceMapRecorder.WriteLine("sourceFile:" + sourceMapSources[spansOnSingleLine[0].sourceMapSpan.sourceIndex!]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/typeWriter.ts-158-                    if (count >= 5) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/typeWriter.ts:159:                        symbolString += ` ... and ${symbol.declarations.length - count} more`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/typeWriter.ts-160-                        break;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/typeWriter.ts-171-                    const isLibFile = /lib(.*)\.d\.ts/i.test(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/typeWriter.ts:172:                    const declText = `Decl(${ fileName }, ${ isLibFile ? "--" : declLineAndCharacter.line }, ${ isLibFile ? "--" : declLineAndCharacter.character })`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/typeWriter.ts-173-                    symbolString += declText;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/util.ts-11-        const messageParts = diagnosticMessage.message.split(/{\d+}/g);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/util.ts:12:        const regExp = new RegExp(`^(?:${messageParts.map(ts.regExpEscape).join("(.*?)")})$`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/util.ts-13-        type Args<R> = R extends (messageArgs: string[], ...args: infer A) => string[] ? A : [];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/util.ts-102-        for (const entry of data) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/util.ts:103:            it(`${name}(${entry.map(formatTheoryDatum).join(", ")})`, () => cb(...entry));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/util.ts-104-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1232-     *
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1233:     *  - `/.ts` is a directory mapped to `${workspaceRoot}/built/local`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1234:     *  - `/.lib` is a directory mapped to `${workspaceRoot}/tests/lib`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1235-     *  - `/.src` is a virtual directory to be used for tests.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1341-    export function createIOError(code: keyof typeof IOErrorMessages, details = "") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1342:        const err: NodeJS.ErrnoException = new Error(`${code}: ${IOErrorMessages[code]} ${details}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1343-        err.code = code;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1565-            if (entry === null || entry === undefined || entry instanceof Unlink || entry instanceof Rmdir) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1566:                text += `//// [${file}] unlink\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1567-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1568-            else if (entry instanceof Rmdir) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1569:                text += `//// [${vpath.addTrailingSeparator(file)}] rmdir\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1570-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1574-            else if (entry instanceof SameFileContentFile) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1575:                text += `//// [${file}] file written with same contents\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1576-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1578-                const content = typeof entry.data === "string" ? entry.data : entry.data.toString("utf8");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1579:                text += `//// [${file}]\r\n${content}\r\n\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1580-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1581-            else if (entry instanceof Link) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1582:                text += `//// [${file}] link(${entry.path})\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1583-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1584-            else if (entry instanceof Symlink) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1585:                text += `//// [${file}] symlink(${entry.symlink})\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1586-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1587-            else if (entry instanceof Mount) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts:1588:                text += `//// [${file}] mount(${entry.source})\r\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/vfsUtil.ts-1589-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-153-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:154:        return `\n\nNotInActual: ${notInActual}\nDuplicates: ${duplicates}\nInActualButNotInExpected: ${inActualNotExpected}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-155-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-157-    export function verifyMapSize(caption: string, map: ESMap<string, any>, expectedKeys: readonly string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:158:        assert.equal(map.size, expectedKeys.length, `${caption}: incorrect size of map: Actual keys: ${arrayFrom(map.keys())} Expected: ${expectedKeys}${getDiffInKeys(map, expectedKeys)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-159-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-178-        expectedKeys.forEach((count, name) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:179:            assert.isTrue(actual.has(name), `${caption}: expected to contain ${name}, actual keys: ${arrayFrom(actual.keys())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-180-            // Check key information only if eachKeyCount is provided
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-181-            if (!isArray(expectedKeysMapOrArray) || eachKeyCountOrValueTester !== undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:182:                assert.equal((actual as MultiMap<string, T>).get(name)!.length, count, `${caption}: Expected to be have ${count} entries for ${name}. Actual entry: ${JSON.stringify(actual.get(name))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-183-                if (expectedValues) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-186-                        expectedValues.get(name),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:187:                        `${caption}:: expected values mismatch for ${name}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-188-                    );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-198-    export function checkWatchedFiles(host: TestServerHost, expectedFiles: string[], additionalInfo?: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:199:        checkMap(`watchedFiles:: ${additionalInfo || ""}::`, host.watchedFiles, expectedFiles, /*eachKeyCount*/ undefined);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-200-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-229-    export function checkWatchedDirectories(host: TestServerHost, expectedDirectories: string[], recursive: boolean) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:230:        checkMap(`watchedDirectories${recursive ? " recursive" : ""}`, recursive ? host.fsWatchesRecursive : host.fsWatches, expectedDirectories, /*eachKeyCount*/ undefined);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-231-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-243-            checkMap(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:244:                `fsWatches${recursiveOrExpectedDetails ? " recursive" : ""}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-245-                recursiveOrExpectedDetails as boolean ? host.fsWatchesRecursive : host.fsWatches,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-265-        for (const f of host.getOutput()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:266:            assert.isFalse(mapSeen.has(f), `Already found ${f} in ${JSON.stringify(host.getOutput())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-267-            if (mapExpected.has(f)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-271-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:272:        assert.equal(mapExpected.size, 0, `Output has missing ${JSON.stringify(arrayFrom(mapExpected.keys()))} in ${JSON.stringify(host.getOutput())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-273-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-277-        for (const f of host.getOutput()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:278:            assert.isFalse(mapExpectedToBeAbsent.has(f), `Contains ${f} in ${JSON.stringify(host.getOutput())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-279-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-526-            if (!currentEntry || !isFsFile(currentEntry)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:527:                throw new Error(`file not present: ${filePath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-528-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-924-        createHash(s: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:925:            return `${generateDjb2Hash(s)}-${s}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-926-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-955-            const callbacksCount = this.timeoutCallbacks.count();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:956:            assert.equal(callbacksCount, expected, `expected ${expected} timeout callbacks queued but found ${callbacksCount}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-957-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1112-    function diffFsFile(baseline: string[], fsEntry: FsFile) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1113:        baseline.push(`//// [${fsEntry.fullPath}]\r\n${fsEntry.content}`, "");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1114-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1115-    function diffFsSymLink(baseline: string[], fsEntry: FsSymLink) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1116:        baseline.push(`//// [${fsEntry.fullPath}] symlink(${fsEntry.symLink})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1117-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1126-                    if (oldFsEntry.fullPath !== newFsEntry.fullPath) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1127:                        baseline.push(`//// [${file}] file was renamed from file ${oldFsEntry.fullPath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1128-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1129-                    else if (writtenFiles && !writtenFiles.has(newFsEntry.path)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1130:                        baseline.push(`//// [${file}] file changed its modified time`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1131-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1132-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1133:                        baseline.push(`//// [${file}] file written with same contents`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1134-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1137-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1138:                baseline.push(`//// [${oldFsEntry.fullPath}] deleted`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1139-                if (isFsSymLink(newFsEntry)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1150-                    if (oldFsEntry.fullPath !== newFsEntry.fullPath) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1151:                        baseline.push(`//// [${file}] symlink was renamed from symlink ${oldFsEntry.fullPath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1152-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1153-                    else if (writtenFiles && !writtenFiles.has(newFsEntry.path)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1154:                        baseline.push(`//// [${file}] symlink changed its modified time`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1155-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1156-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1157:                        baseline.push(`//// [${file}] symlink written with same link`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1158-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1161-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1162:                baseline.push(`//// [${oldFsEntry.fullPath}] deleted symlink`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1163-                if (isFsFile(newFsEntry)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1195-    function serializeMultiMap<T, U>(baseline: string[], caption: string, multiMap: MultiMap<string, T>, valueMapper: (value: T) => U) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1196:        baseline.push(`${caption}::`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1197-        multiMap.forEach((values, key) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1198:            baseline.push(`${key}:`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1199-            for (const value of values) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1200:                baseline.push(`  ${JSON.stringify(valueMapper(value))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1201-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1227-    export function getTsBuildProjectFilePath(project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1228:        return `${tsbuildProjectsLocation}/${project}/${file}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1229-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1233-            path: getTsBuildProjectFilePath(project, file),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts:1234:            content: Harness.IO.readFile(`${Harness.IO.getWorkspaceRoot()}/tests/projects/${project}/${file}`)!
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/harness/virtualFileSystemWithWatch.ts-1235-        };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts-16-function instrument(tscPath: string, prepareCode: string, cleanupCode = "") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts:17:    const bak = `${tscPath}.bak`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts-18-    fs.exists(bak, (backupExists: boolean) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts-35-                    if (index1 < 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts:36:                        throw new Error(`Could not find ${invocationLine}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts-37-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts-54-if (record >= 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts:55:    console.log(`Instrumenting ${tscPath} for recording`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/instrumenter/instrumenter.ts-56-    instrumentForRecording(process.argv[record + 1], tscPath);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-27-    export function isTypingUpToDate(cachedTyping: CachedTyping, availableTypingVersions: MapLike<string>) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:28:        const availableVersion = new Version(getProperty(availableTypingVersions, `ts${versionMajorMinor}`) || getProperty(availableTypingVersions, "latest")!);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-29-        return availableVersion.compareTo(cachedTyping.version) <= 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-173-            const didDelete = inferredTypings.delete(excludeTypingName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:174:            if (didDelete && log) log(`Typing for ${excludeTypingName} is in exclude list, will be ignored.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-175-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-187-        const result = { cachedTypingPaths, newTypingNames, filesToWatch };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:188:        if (log) log(`Result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-189-        return result;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-196-        function addInferredTypings(typingNames: readonly string[], message: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:197:            if (log) log(`${message}: ${JSON.stringify(typingNames)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-198-            forEach(typingNames, addInferredTyping);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-211-            const jsonTypingNames = flatMap([jsonConfig.dependencies, jsonConfig.devDependencies, jsonConfig.optionalDependencies, jsonConfig.peerDependencies], getOwnKeys);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:212:            addInferredTypings(jsonTypingNames, `Typing names in '${jsonPath}' dependencies`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-213-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-253-            const fileNames = host.readDirectory(packagesFolderPath, [Extension.Json], /*excludes*/ undefined, /*includes*/ undefined, /*depth*/ 2);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:254:            if (log) log(`Searching for typing names in ${packagesFolderPath}; all files: ${JSON.stringify(fileNames)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-255-            const packageNames: string[] = [];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-280-                    const absolutePath = getNormalizedAbsolutePath(ownTypes, getDirectoryPath(normalizedFileName));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:281:                    if (log) log(`    Package '${packageJson.name}' provides its own types.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-282-                    inferredTypings.set(packageJson.name, absolutePath);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-364-            case NameValidationResult.EmptyName:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:365:                return `'${typing}':: ${kind} name '${name}' cannot be empty`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-366-            case NameValidationResult.NameTooLong:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:367:                return `'${typing}':: ${kind} name '${name}' should be less than ${maxPackageNameLength} characters`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-368-            case NameValidationResult.NameStartsWithDot:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:369:                return `'${typing}':: ${kind} name '${name}' cannot start with '.'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-370-            case NameValidationResult.NameStartsWithUnderscore:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:371:                return `'${typing}':: ${kind} name '${name}' cannot start with '_'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-372-            case NameValidationResult.NameContainsNonURISafeCharacters:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts:373:                return `'${typing}':: ${kind} name '${name}' contains non URI safe characters`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/jsTyping.ts-374-            case NameValidationResult.Ok:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/shared.ts-32-         * This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/shared.ts:33:         * typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/shared.ts-34-         */
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/shared.ts-59-        const d = new Date();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/shared.ts:60:        return `${padLeft(d.getHours().toString(), 2, "0")}:${padLeft(d.getMinutes().toString(), 2, "0")}:${padLeft(d.getSeconds().toString(), 2, "0")}.${padLeft(d.getMilliseconds().toString(), 3, "0")}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/jsTyping/shared.ts-61-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-594-    function getDetailWatchInfo(watchType: WatchType, project: Project | undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:595:        return `Project: ${project ? project.getProjectName() : ""} WatchType: ${watchType}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-596-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-879-                if (fileContent === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:880:                    this.logger.info(`Provided types map file "${this.typesMapLocation}" doesn't exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-881-                    return;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-896-            catch (e) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:897:                this.logger.info(`Error loading types map: ${e}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-898-                this.safelist = defaultTypeSafeList;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1178-            if (!info) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1179:                this.logger.msg(`Error: got watch notification for unknown file: ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1180-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1270-                    ) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1271:                        this.logger.info(`Project: ${configFileName} Detected new package.json: ${fileOrDirectory}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1272-                        this.onAddPackageJson(fileOrDirectoryPath);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1671-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1672:            this.logger.info(`ConfigFilePresence:: Current Watches: ${watches}:: File: ${configFileName} Currently impacted open files: RootsOfInferredProjects: ${inferredRoots} OtherOpenFiles: ${otherFiles} Status: ${status}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1673-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1872-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1873:            this.logger.info(`Search path: ${getDirectoryPath(info.fileName)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1874-            const configFileName = this.forEachConfigFileLocation(info, (configFileName, canonicalConfigFilePath) =>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1876-            if (configFileName) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1877:                this.logger.info(`For info: ${info.fileName} :: Config file name: ${configFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1878-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1879-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1880:                this.logger.info(`For info: ${info.fileName} :: No config files found.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1881-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1901-                const info = this.getScriptInfoForPath(path as Path)!;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1902:                this.logger.info(`\tFileName: ${info.fileName} ProjectRootPath: ${projectRootPath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1903:                this.logger.info(`\t\tProjects: ${info.containingProjects.map(p => p.getProjectName())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1904-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:1958:                return `Non TS file size exceeded limit (${totalNonTsFileSize}). Largest files: ${files.map(file => `${file.name}:${file.size}`).join(", ")}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-1959-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2046-            const cachedDirectoryStructureHost = createCachedDirectoryStructureHost(this.host, this.host.getCurrentDirectory(), this.host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames)!; // TODO: GH#18217
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2047:            this.logger.info(`Opened configuration file ${configFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2048-            const project = new ConfiguredProject(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2261-            const configFileName = project.getConfigFilePath();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2262:            this.logger.info(`${isInitialLoad ? "Loading" : "Reloading"} configured project ${configFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2402-            const names = arrayFrom(this.filenameToScriptInfo.entries()).map(([path, scriptInfo]) => ({ path, fileName: scriptInfo.fileName }));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2403:            this.logger.msg(`Could not find file ${JSON.stringify(fileName)}.\nAll files are: ${JSON.stringify(names)}`, Msg.Err);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2404-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2583-                const isDynamic = isDynamicFileName(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2584:                Debug.assert(isRootedDiskPath(fileName) || isDynamic || openedByClient, "", () => `${JSON.stringify({ fileName, currentDirectory, hostCurrentDirectory: this.currentDirectory, openKeys: arrayFrom(this.openFilesWithNonRootedDiskPath.keys()) })}\nScript info with non-dynamic relative file name can only be open script info or in context of host currentDirectory`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2585:                Debug.assert(!isRootedDiskPath(fileName) || this.currentDirectory === currentDirectory || !this.openFilesWithNonRootedDiskPath.has(this.toCanonicalFileName(fileName)), "", () => `${JSON.stringify({ fileName, currentDirectory, hostCurrentDirectory: this.currentDirectory, openKeys: arrayFrom(this.openFilesWithNonRootedDiskPath.keys()) })}\nOpen script files with non rooted disk path opened with current directory context cannot have same canonical names`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2586:                Debug.assert(!isDynamic || this.currentDirectory === currentDirectory || this.useInferredProjectPerProjectRoot, "", () => `${JSON.stringify({ fileName, currentDirectory, hostCurrentDirectory: this.currentDirectory, openKeys: arrayFrom(this.openFilesWithNonRootedDiskPath.keys()) })}\nDynamic files must always be opened with service's current directory or service should support inferred project per projectRootPath.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2587-                // If the file is not opened by client and the file doesnot exist on the disk, return
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2786-                    info.setOptions(convertFormatOptions(args.formatOptions!), args.preferences);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2787:                    this.logger.info(`Host configuration update for file ${args.file}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2788-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2792-                    this.hostConfiguration.hostInfo = args.hostInfo;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2793:                    this.logger.info(`Host information ${args.hostInfo}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2794-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2825-                    this.hostConfiguration.watchOptions = convertWatchOptions(args.watchOptions);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:2826:                    this.logger.info(`Host watch options changed to ${JSON.stringify(this.hostConfiguration.watchOptions)}, it will be take effect for next watches.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-2827-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3023-            let configuredProject: ConfiguredProject | undefined = this.findConfiguredProjectByProjectName(configFileName) ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3024:                this.createAndLoadConfiguredProject(configFileName, `Creating project for original file: ${originalFileInfo.fileName}${location !== originalLocation ? " for location: " + location.fileName : ""}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3025-            updateProjectIfDirty(configuredProject);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3041-                    ProjectReferenceProjectLoadKind.FindCreateLoad,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3042:                    `Creating project referenced in solution ${configuredProject.projectName} to find possible configured project for original file: ${originalFileInfo.fileName}${location !== originalLocation ? " for location: " + location.fileName : ""}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3043-                );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3100-                    if (!project) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3101:                        project = this.createLoadAndUpdateConfiguredProject(configFileName, `Creating possible configured project for ${info.fileName} to open`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3102-                        defaultConfigProjectIsCreated = true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3139-                            ProjectReferenceProjectLoadKind.FindCreateLoad,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3140:                            `Creating project referenced in solution ${project.projectName} to find possible configured project for ${info.fileName} to open`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3141-                        );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3211-                const ancestor = this.findConfiguredProjectByProjectName(configFileName) ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3212:                    this.createConfiguredProjectWithDelayLoad(configFileName, `Creating project possibly referencing default composite project ${project.getProjectName()} of open file ${info.fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3213-                if (ancestor.isInitialLoadPending()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3256-                const childProject = project.projectService.findConfiguredProjectByProjectName(configFileName) ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3257:                    project.projectService.createAndLoadConfiguredProject(configFileName, `Creating project referenced by : ${project.projectName} as it references project ${referencedProject.sourceFile.fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3258-                updateProjectIfDirty(childProject);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3601-                    if (rule.match.test(root)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3602:                        this.logger.info(`Excluding files based on rule ${name} matching file '${root}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3623-                                                // Specification was wrong - exclude nothing!
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3624:                                                this.logger.info(`Incorrect RegExp specification in safelist rule ${name} - not enough groups`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3625-                                                // * can't appear in a filename; escape it because it's feeding into a RegExp
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3664-                            if (typeName !== undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3665:                                this.logger.info(`Excluded '${normalizedNames[i]}' because it matched ${cleanedTypingName} from the legacy safelist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3666-                                excludedFiles.push(normalizedNames[i]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3792-                        project = this.getHostPreferences().lazyConfiguredProjectsFromExternalProject ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3793:                            this.createConfiguredProjectWithDelayLoad(tsconfigFile, `Creating configured project in external project: ${proj.projectFileName}`) :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts:3794:                            this.createLoadAndUpdateConfiguredProject(tsconfigFile, `Creating configured project in external project: ${proj.projectFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/editorServices.ts-3795-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-224-            const resolvedPath = normalizeSlashes(host.resolvePath(combinePaths(initialDir, "node_modules")));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:225:            log(`Loading ${moduleName} from ${initialDir} (resolved to ${resolvedPath})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-226-            const result = host.require!(resolvedPath, moduleName); // TODO: GH#18217
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-228-                const err = result.error.stack || result.error.message || JSON.stringify(result.error);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:229:                (logErrors || log)(`Failed to load module '${moduleName}' from ${resolvedPath}: ${err}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-230-                return undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-503-        clearInvalidateResolutionOfFailedLookupTimer() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:504:            return this.projectService.throttledOperations.cancel(`${this.getProjectName()}FailedLookupInvalidation`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-505-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-508-        scheduleInvalidateResolutionsOfFailedLookupLocations() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:509:            this.projectService.throttledOperations.schedule(`${this.getProjectName()}FailedLookupInvalidation`, /*delay*/ 1000, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-510-                if (this.resolutionCache.invalidateResolutionsOfFailedLookupLocations()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-723-                catch (e) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:724:                    this.projectService.logger.info(`A plugin threw an exception in getExternalFiles: ${e}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-725-                    if (e.stack) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-833-                const scriptInfo = this.projectService.getScriptInfoForPath(sourceFile.resolvedPath);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:834:                Debug.assert(!!scriptInfo, "getScriptInfo", () => `scriptInfo for a file '${sourceFile.fileName}' Path: '${sourceFile.path}' / '${sourceFile.resolvedPath}' is missing.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-835-                return scriptInfo;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1073-            Debug.assert(!this.isClosed(), "Called update graph worker of closed project");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1074:            this.writeLog(`Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: ${this.getProjectName()}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1075-            const start = timestamp();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1189-            this.sendPerformanceEvent("UpdateGraph", elapsed);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1190:            this.writeLog(`Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: ${this.getProjectName()} Version: ${this.getProjectVersion()} structureChanged: ${hasNewProgram} Elapsed: ${elapsed}ms`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1191-            if (this.hasAddedorRemovedFiles) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1194-            else if (this.program !== oldProgram) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1195:                this.writeLog(`Different program with same set of files:: structureIsReused:: ${this.program.structureIsReused}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1196-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1304-                    if (isGeneratedFileWatcher(this.generatedFilesMap)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1305:                        Debug.fail(`${this.projectName} Expected to not have --out watcher for generated file with options: ${JSON.stringify(this.compilerOptions)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1306-                        return;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1366-            const sourceFiles = this.program.getSourceFiles();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1367:            let strBuilder = `\tFiles (${sourceFiles.length})\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1368-            if (writeProjectFileNames) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1369-                for (const file of sourceFiles) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1370:                    strBuilder += `\t${file.fileName}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1371-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1377-        print(writeProjectFileNames: boolean) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1378:            this.writeLog(`Project '${this.projectName}' (${ProjectKind[this.projectKind]})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1379-            this.writeLog(this.filesToString(writeProjectFileNames && this.projectService.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1562-                    // Provide global: true so plugins can detect why they can't find their config
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1563:                    this.projectService.logger.info(`Loading global plugin ${globalPluginName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1570-        protected enablePlugin(pluginConfigEntry: PluginImport, searchPaths: string[], pluginConfigOverrides: Map<any> | undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1571:            this.projectService.logger.info(`Enabling plugin ${pluginConfigEntry.name} from candidate paths: ${searchPaths.join(",")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1590-                forEach(errorLogs, log);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1591:                this.projectService.logger.info(`Couldn't find ${pluginConfigEntry.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1592-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1597-                if (typeof pluginModuleFactory !== "function") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1598:                    this.projectService.logger.info(`Skipped loading plugin ${configEntry.name} because it did not expose a proper factory function`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1599-                    return;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1614-                    if (!(k in newLS)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1615:                        this.projectService.logger.info(`Plugin activation warning: Missing proxied method ${k} in created LS. Patching.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1616-                        (newLS as any)[k] = (this.languageService as any)[k];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1623-            catch (e) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:1624:                this.projectService.logger.info(`Plugin activation failed: ${e}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-1625-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-2226-                const local = getDirectoryPath(this.canonicalConfigFilePath);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts:2227:                this.projectService.logger.info(`Local plugin loading enabled; adding ${local} to search paths`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/project.ts-2228-                searchPaths.unshift(local);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-54-            return this.svc
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:55:                ? `SVC-${this.version.svc}-${this.svc.getSnapshotVersion()}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:56:                : `Text-${this.version.text}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-57-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-216-                    const service = this.info.containingProjects[0].projectService;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:217:                    service.logger.info(`Skipped loading contents of large file ${fileName} for info ${this.info.fileName}: fileSize: ${fileSize}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-218-                    this.info.containingProjects[0].projectService.sendLargeFileReferencedEvent(fileName, fileSize);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-669-    function failIfInvalidPosition(position: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:670:        Debug.assert(typeof position === "number", `Expected position ${position} to be a number.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-671-        Debug.assert(position >= 0, `Expected position to be non-negative.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-674-    function failIfInvalidLocation(location: protocol.Location) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:675:        Debug.assert(typeof location.line === "number", `Expected line ${location.line} to be a number.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:676:        Debug.assert(typeof location.offset === "number", `Expected offset ${location.offset} to be a number.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:678:        Debug.assert(location.line > 0, `Expected line to be non-${location.line === 0 ? "zero" : "negative"}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts:679:        Debug.assert(location.offset > 0, `Expected offset to be non-${location.offset === 0 ? "zero" : "negative"}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/scriptInfo.ts-680-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-134-        if (verboseLogging) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:135:            logger.info(`${msg.type}:${indent(json)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-136-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-138-        const len = byteLength(json, "utf8");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:139:        return `Content-Length: ${1 + len}\r\n\r\n${json}${newLine}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-140-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-219-                if (!(e instanceof OperationCanceledException)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:220:                    this.operationHost.logError(e, `delayed processing of request ${this.requestId}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-221-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-756-                        this.handlers.set(commandName, request => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:757:                            throw new Error(`Request: ${request.command} not allowed in LanguageServiceMode.PartialSemantic`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-758-                        })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-763-                        this.handlers.set(commandName, request => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:764:                            throw new Error(`Request: ${request.command} not allowed in LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-765-                        })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-843-        private projectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent(openFiles: string[]): void {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:844:            this.projectService.logger.info(`got projects updated in background, updating diagnostics for ${openFiles}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-845-            if (openFiles.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-877-                            const text = getSnapshotText(scriptInfo.getSnapshot());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:878:                            msg += `\n\nFile text of ${fileRequest.file}:${indent(text)}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-879-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-885-                if (err.ProgramFiles) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:886:                    msg += `\n\nProgram files: ${JSON.stringify(err.ProgramFiles)}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-887-                    msg += `\n\nProjects::\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-889-                    const addProjectInfo = (project: Project) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:890:                        msg += `\nProject '${project.projectName}' (${ProjectKind[project.projectKind]}) ${counter}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-891-                        msg += project.filesToString(/*writeProjectFileNames*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-906-                if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:907:                    this.logger.info(`Session does not support events: ignored event: ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-908-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-911-            const msgText = formatMessage(msg, this.logger, this.byteLength, this.host.newLine);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:912:            perfLogger.logEvent(`Response message size: ${msgText.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-913-            this.host.write(msgText);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-1060-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:1061:            this.logger.info(`cleaning ${caption}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-1062-            for (const p of projects) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2859-            if (this.handlers.has(command)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:2860:                throw new Error(`Protocol handler already exists for command "${command}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2861-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2892-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:2893:                this.logger.msg(`Unrecognized JSON command:${stringifyIndented(request)}`, Msg.Err);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:2894:                this.doOutput(/*info*/ undefined, CommandNames.Unknown, request.seq, /*success*/ false, `Unrecognized JSON command: ${request.command}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2895-                return { responseRequired: false };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2907-                if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:2908:                    this.logger.info(`request:${indent(message)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2909-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2923-                    if (responseRequired) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:2924:                        this.logger.perftrc(`${request.seq}::${request.command}: elapsed time (in milliseconds) ${elapsedTime}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2925-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2926-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts:2927:                        this.logger.perftrc(`${request.seq}::${request.command}: async elapsed time (in milliseconds) ${elapsedTime}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/session.ts-2928-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts-24-            if (this.logger) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts:25:                this.logger.info(`Scheduled: ${operationId}${pendingTimeout ? ", Cancelled earlier one" : ""}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts-26-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts-39-            if (self.logger) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts:40:                self.logger.info(`Running: ${operationId}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts-41-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts-69-                const after = self.host.getMemoryUsage!(); // TODO: GH#18217
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts:70:                self.logger.perftrc(`GC::before ${before}, after ${after}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilities.ts-71-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts-55-        export function ThrowProjectDoesNotContainDocument(fileName: string, project: Project): never {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts:56:            throw new Error(`Project '${project.getProjectName()}' does not contain document '${fileName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts-57-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts-116-    export function makeInferredProjectName(counter: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts:117:        return `/dev/null/inferredProject${counter}*`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts-118-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts-121-    export function makeAutoImportProviderProjectName(counter: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts:122:        return `/dev/null/autoImportProviderProject${counter}*`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/server/utilitiesPublic.ts-123-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/classifier.ts-23-            //  1) When template strings are nested across different lines:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/classifier.ts:24:            //          `hello ${ `world
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/classifier.ts-25-            //          ` }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/classifier.ts-508-            const length = end - start;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/classifier.ts:509:            Debug.assert(length > 0, `Classification had non-positive length of ${length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/classifier.ts-510-            spans.push(start);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-85-                // Unconditionally add an underscore in case `text` is a keyword.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts:86:                res.set(text, makeUniqueName(`_${text}`, identifiers));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-87-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-212-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts:213:                return Debug.assertNever(name, `Convert to ES6 module got invalid syntax form ${(name as BindingName).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-214-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-274-                default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts:275:                    Debug.assertNever(prop, `Convert to ES6 got invalid prop kind ${(prop as ObjectLiteralElementLike).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-276-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-432-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts:433:                return Debug.assertNever(name, `Convert to ES6 module got invalid name kind ${(name as BindingName).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-434-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-487-        while (identifiers.original.has(name) || identifiers.additional.has(name)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts:488:            name = `_${name}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/convertToEs6Module.ts-489-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/correctQualifiedNameToIndexedAccessType.ts-10-            const changes = textChanges.ChangeTracker.with(context, t => doChange(t, context.sourceFile, qualifiedName));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/correctQualifiedNameToIndexedAccessType.ts:11:            const newText = `${qualifiedName.left.text}["${qualifiedName.right.text}"]`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/correctQualifiedNameToIndexedAccessType.ts-12-            return [createCodeFixAction(fixId, changes, [Diagnostics.Rewrite_as_the_indexed_access_type_0, newText], fixId, Diagnostics.Rewrite_all_as_indexed_access_types)];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/disableJsDiagnostics.ts-26-                            ? createTextSpanFromBounds(sourceFile.checkJsDirective.pos, sourceFile.checkJsDirective.end)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/disableJsDiagnostics.ts:27:                            : createTextSpan(0, 0), `// @ts-nocheck${newLineCharacter}`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/disableJsDiagnostics.ts-28-                    ])],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixCannotFindModule.ts-35-                    default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixCannotFindModule.ts:36:                        Debug.fail(`Bad fixId: ${context.fixId}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixCannotFindModule.ts-37-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixInvalidJsxCharacters.ts:45:        const replacement = useHtmlEntity ? htmlEntity[character] : `{${quote(sourceFile, preferences, character)}}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixInvalidJsxCharacters.ts-46-        changes.replaceRangeWithText(sourceFile, { pos: start, end: start + 1 }, replacement);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixMissingCallParentheses.ts-25-    function doChange(changes: textChanges.ChangeTracker, sourceFile: SourceFile, name: Identifier | PrivateIdentifier): void {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixMissingCallParentheses.ts:26:        changes.replaceNodeWithText(sourceFile, name, `${ name.text }()`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixMissingCallParentheses.ts-27-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixUnusedIdentifier.ts-173-        if (isIdentifier(token) && canPrefix(token)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixUnusedIdentifier.ts:174:            changes.replaceNode(sourceFile, token, factory.createIdentifier(`_${token.text}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixUnusedIdentifier.ts-175-            if (isParameter(token.parent)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixUnusedIdentifier.ts-177-                    if (isIdentifier(tag.name)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixUnusedIdentifier.ts:178:                        changes.replaceNode(sourceFile, tag.name, factory.createIdentifier(`_${tag.name.text}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/fixUnusedIdentifier.ts-179-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/generateAccessors.ts-141-        const startWithUnderscore = startsWithUnderscore(name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/generateAccessors.ts:142:        const fieldName = createPropertyName(startWithUnderscore ? name : getUniqueName(`_${name}`, file), declaration.name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/generateAccessors.ts-143-        const accessorName = createPropertyName(startWithUnderscore ? getUniqueName(name.substring(1), file) : name, declaration.name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/helpers.ts-277-            /*typeParameters*/ inJs ? undefined : map(typeArguments, (_, i) =>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/helpers.ts:278:                factory.createTypeParameterDeclaration(CharacterCodes.T + typeArguments!.length - 1 <= CharacterCodes.Z ? String.fromCharCode(CharacterCodes.T + i) : `T${i}`)),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/helpers.ts-279-            /*parameters*/ createDummyParameters(args.length, names, types, /*minArgumentCount*/ undefined, inJs),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/helpers.ts-302-                /*dotDotDotToken*/ undefined,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/helpers.ts:303:                /*name*/ names && names[i] || `arg${i}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/helpers.ts-304-                /*questionToken*/ minArgumentCount !== undefined && i >= minArgumentCount ? factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken) : undefined,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-124-                default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:125:                    Debug.assertNever(fix, `fix wasn't never - got kind ${(fix as ImportFix).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-126-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-508-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:509:                return Debug.assertNever(moduleKind, `Unexpected moduleKind ${moduleKind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-510-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-665-                addNamespaceQualifier(changes, sourceFile, fix);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:666:                return [Diagnostics.Change_0_to_1, symbolName, `${fix.namespacePrefix}.${symbolName}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-667-            case ImportFixKind.ImportType:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-685-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:686:                return Debug.assertNever(fix, `Unexpected fix kind ${(fix as ImportFix).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-687-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-771-        const quote = getQuoteFromPreference(quotePreference);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:772:        return `import(${quote}${moduleSpecifier}${quote}).`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-773-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-861-            forEachExternalModuleToImportFromInProgram(autoImportProvider, host, from, filterByPackageJson, (module, file) => cb(module, file, autoImportProvider, /*isFromPackageJson*/ true));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:862:            host.log?.(`forEachExternalModuleToImportFrom autoImportProvider: ${timestamp() - start}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-863-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-896-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:897:        host.log?.(`forEachExternalModuleToImportFrom: filtered out ${filteredCount} modules by package.json contents`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-898-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-974-        // Need `|| "_"` to ensure result isn't empty.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:975:        return !isStringANonContextualKeyword(res) ? res || "_" : `_${res}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-976-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-1084-            if (startsWith(components[0], "@")) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts:1085:                return `${components[0]}/${components[1]}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/importFixes.ts-1086-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/inferFromUsage.ts-1098-            for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/inferFromUsage.ts:1099:                const symbol = checker.createSymbol(SymbolFlags.FunctionScopedVariable, escapeLeadingUnderscores(`arg${i}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/codefixes/inferFromUsage.ts-1100-                symbol.type = combineTypes(calls.map(call => call.argumentTypes[i] || checker.getUndefinedType()));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-393-            insertText = needsConvertPropertyAccess
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:394:                ? `this${insertQuestionDot ? "?." : ""}[${quotePropertyName(sourceFile, preferences, name)}]`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:395:                : `this${insertQuestionDot ? "?." : "."}${name}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-396-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-399-        else if ((useBraces || insertQuestionDot) && propertyAccessToConvert) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:400:            insertText = useBraces ? needsConvertPropertyAccess ? `[${quotePropertyName(sourceFile, preferences, name)}]` : `[${name}]` : name;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-401-            if (insertQuestionDot || propertyAccessToConvert.questionDotToken) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:402:                insertText = `?.${insertText}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-403-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-416-            if (insertText === undefined) insertText = name;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:417:            insertText = `{${insertText}}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-418-            if (typeof isJsxInitializer !== "boolean") {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:430:            awaitText += `(await ${propertyAccessToConvert.expression.getText()})`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:431:            insertText = needsConvertPropertyAccess ? `${awaitText}${insertText}` : `${awaitText}${insertQuestionDot ? "?." : "."}${insertText}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-432-            replacementSpan = createTextSpanFromBounds(propertyAccessToConvert.getStart(sourceFile), propertyAccessToConvert.end);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-1638-            const startTime = timestamp();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:1639:            log(`getSymbolsFromOtherSourceFileExports: Recomputing list${detailsEntryId ? " for details entry" : ""}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-1640-            const seenResolvedModules = new Map<string, true>();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-1711-            aliasesToReturnIfOriginalsAreMissing.forEach(({ alias, moduleSymbol, isFromPackageJson }) => pushSymbol(alias, moduleSymbol, isFromPackageJson, /*skipFilter*/ false));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts:1712:            log(`getSymbolsFromOtherSourceFileExports: ${timestamp() - startTime}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/completions.ts-1713-            return results;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/findAllReferences.ts-901-                    // Assertions for GH#21814. We should be handling SourceFile symbols in `getReferencedSymbolsForModule` instead of getting here.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/findAllReferences.ts:902:                    Debug.fail(`Unexpected symbol at ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(node.kind)}: ${Debug.formatSymbol(symbol)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/findAllReferences.ts-903-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts-156-        function addComment(s: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts:157:            return comment === undefined ? s : `${s} ${comment}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts-158-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts-176-            return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts:177:                name: `@${tagName}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts-178-                kind: ScriptElementKind.keyword,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts-313-            const type = isJavaScriptFile ? (dotDotDotToken ? "{...any} " : "{any} ") : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts:314:            return `${indentationStr} * @param ${type}${paramName}${newLine}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/jsDoc.ts-315-        }).join("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-685-            const text = isIdentifier(name) ? name.text
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts:686:                : isElementAccessExpression(name) ? `[${nodeText(name.argumentExpression)}]`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-687-                : nodeText(name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-696-                return isExternalModule(sourceFile)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts:697:                    ? `"${escapeString(getBaseFileName(removeFileExtension(normalizePath(sourceFile.fileName))))}"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-698-                    : "<global>";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-906-                if (name.length > maxLength) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts:907:                    return `${name} callback`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-908-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-910-                const args = cleanText(mapDefined(parent.arguments, a => isStringLiteralLike(a) ? a.getText(curSourceFile) : undefined).join(", "));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts:911:                return `${name}(${args}) callback`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-912-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-924-            const right = expr.name.text;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts:925:            return left === undefined ? right : `${left}.${right}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/navigationBar.ts-926-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertExport.ts-128-                default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertExport.ts:129:                    Debug.assertNever(exportNode, `Unexpected exportNode kind ${(exportNode as ExportToConvert).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertExport.ts-130-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertExport.ts-218-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertExport.ts:219:                Debug.assertNever(parent, `Unexpected parent kind ${(parent as Node).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertExport.ts-220-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertOverloadListToSingleSignature.ts-151-                        text: `*
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertOverloadListToSingleSignature.ts:152:${newComment.split("\n").map(c => ` * ${c}`).join("\n")}
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertOverloadListToSingleSignature.ts-153- `,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertParamsToDestructuredObject.ts-543-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertParamsToDestructuredObject.ts:544:                return Debug.assertNever(functionDeclaration, `Unexpected function declaration kind ${(functionDeclaration as ValidFunctionDeclaration).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/convertParamsToDestructuredObject.ts-545-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-63-                        description,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:64:                        name: `function_scope_${i}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-65-                    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-70-                    description,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:71:                    name: `function_scope_${i}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-72-                    notApplicableReason: getStringError(functionExtraction.errors)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-85-                        description,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:86:                        name: `constant_scope_${i}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-87-                    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-92-                    description,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:93:                    name: `constant_scope_${i}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-94-                    notApplicableReason: getStringError(constantExtraction.errors)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-755-                return scope.name
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:756:                    ? `function '${scope.name.text}'`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-757-                    : ANONYMOUS;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-760-            case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:761:                return `method '${scope.name.getText()}'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-762-            case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:763:                return `'get ${scope.name.getText()}'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-764-            case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:765:                return `'set ${scope.name.getText()}'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-766-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:767:                throw Debug.assertNever(scope, `Unexpected scope kind ${(scope as FunctionLikeDeclaration).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-768-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-771-        return scope.kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:772:            ? scope.name ? `class '${scope.name.text}'` : "anonymous class declaration"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:773:            : scope.name ? `class expression '${scope.name.text}'` : "anonymous class expression";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-774-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-776-        return scope.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts:777:            ? `namespace '${scope.parent.name.getText()}'`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/extractSymbol.ts-778-            : scope.externalModuleIndicator ? SpecialScope.Module : SpecialScope.Global;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-203-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:204:                return Debug.assertNever(node, `Unexpected node kind ${(node as SupportedImport).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-205-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-251-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:252:                return Debug.assertNever(node, `Unexpected node kind ${(node as SupportedImport).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-253-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-351-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:352:                Debug.assertNever(importDecl, `Unexpected import decl kind ${(importDecl as SupportedImport).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-353-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-457-            if (!host.fileExists!(name)) return newModuleName; // TODO: GH#18217
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:458:            newModuleName = `${moduleName}.${i}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-459-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-585-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:586:                return Debug.assertNever(i, `Unexpected import kind ${(i as SupportedImport).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-587-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-723-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:724:                return Debug.assertNever(name, `Unexpected name kind ${(name as BindingName).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-725-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-788-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:789:                return Debug.assertNever(d, `Unexpected declaration kind ${(d as DeclarationStatement).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-790-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-810-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts:811:                return Debug.assertNever(decl, `Unexpected decl kind ${(decl as TopLevelDeclarationStatement).kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/refactors/moveToNewFile.ts-812-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-176-                if (token === SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts:177:                    Debug.fail(`Did not expect ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(parent.kind)} to have an Identifier in its trivia`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-178-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-1266-            if (!sourceFile) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts:1267:                const error: Error & PossibleProgramFileInfo = new Error(`Could not find source file: '${fileName}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-2037-            if (element && isUnclosedTag(element)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts:2038:                return { newText: `</${element.openingElement.tagName.getText(sourceFile)}>` };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-2039-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-2155-                else { // If it's not in a comment range, then we need to comment the uncommented portions.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts:2156:                    const newPos = text.substring(pos, textRange.end).search(`(${openMultilineRegex})|(${closeMultilineRegex})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-2569-                    ls[key] = () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts:2570:                        throw new Error(`LanguageService Operation: ${key} not allowed in LanguageServiceMode.PartialSemantic`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-2571-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-2576-                    ls[key] = () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts:2577:                        throw new Error(`LanguageService Operation: ${key} not allowed in LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/services.ts-2578-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-559-            const end = timestamp();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:560:            logger.log(`${actionDescription} completed in ${end - start!} msec`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-561-            if (isString(result)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-565-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:566:                logger.log(`  result.length=${str.length}, result='${JSON.stringify(str)}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-567-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-670-            this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:671:                `refresh(${throwOnError})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-672-                () => null // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-691-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:692:                `getSyntacticClassifications('${fileName}', ${start}, ${length})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-693-                () => this.languageService.getSyntacticClassifications(fileName, createTextSpan(start, length))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-698-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:699:                `getSemanticClassifications('${fileName}', ${start}, ${length})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-700-                () => this.languageService.getSemanticClassifications(fileName, createTextSpan(start, length))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-705-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:706:                `getEncodedSyntacticClassifications('${fileName}', ${start}, ${length})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-707-                // directly serialize the spans out to a string.  This is much faster to decode
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-714-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:715:                `getEncodedSemanticClassifications('${fileName}', ${start}, ${length})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-716-                // directly serialize the spans out to a string.  This is much faster to decode
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-723-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:724:                `getSyntacticDiagnostics('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-725-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-732-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:733:                `getSemanticDiagnostics('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-734-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-740-        public getSuggestionDiagnostics(fileName: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:741:            return this.forwardJSONCall(`getSuggestionDiagnostics('${fileName}')`, () => this.realizeDiagnostics(this.languageService.getSuggestionDiagnostics(fileName)));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-742-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-760-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:761:                `getQuickInfoAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-762-                () => this.languageService.getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-774-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:775:                `getNameOrDottedNameSpan('${fileName}', ${startPos}, ${endPos})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-776-                () => this.languageService.getNameOrDottedNameSpan(fileName, startPos, endPos)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-785-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:786:                `getBreakpointStatementAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-787-                () => this.languageService.getBreakpointStatementAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-794-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:795:                `getSignatureHelpItems('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-796-                () => this.languageService.getSignatureHelpItems(fileName, position, options)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-807-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:808:                `getDefinitionAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-809-                () => this.languageService.getDefinitionAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-818-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:819:                `getDefinitionAndBoundSpan('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-820-                () => this.languageService.getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-831-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:832:                `getTypeDefinitionAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-833-                () => this.languageService.getTypeDefinitionAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-844-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:845:                `getImplementationAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-846-                () => this.languageService.getImplementationAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-851-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:852:                `getRenameInfo('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-853-                () => this.languageService.getRenameInfo(fileName, position, options)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-858-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:859:                `getSmartSelectionRange('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-860-                () => this.languageService.getSmartSelectionRange(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-865-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:866:                `findRenameLocations('${fileName}', ${position}, ${findInStrings}, ${findInComments}, ${providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-867-                () => this.languageService.findRenameLocations(fileName, position, findInStrings, findInComments, providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-873-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:874:                `getBraceMatchingAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-875-                () => this.languageService.getBraceMatchingAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-880-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:881:                `isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position}, ${openingBrace})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-882-                () => this.languageService.isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition(fileName, position, openingBrace)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-887-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:888:                `getSpanOfEnclosingComment('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-889-                () => this.languageService.getSpanOfEnclosingComment(fileName, position, onlyMultiLine)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-895-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:896:                `getIndentationAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-897-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-906-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:907:                `getReferencesAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-908-                () => this.languageService.getReferencesAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-913-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:914:                `findReferences('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-915-                () => this.languageService.findReferences(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-920-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:921:                `getOccurrencesAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-922-                () => this.languageService.getOccurrencesAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-927-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:928:                `getDocumentHighlights('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-929-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-945-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:946:                `getCompletionsAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position}, ${preferences})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-947-                () => this.languageService.getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName, position, preferences)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-953-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:954:                `getCompletionEntryDetails('${fileName}', ${position}, '${entryName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-955-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-963-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:964:                `getFormattingEditsForRange('${fileName}', ${start}, ${end})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-965-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-972-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:973:                `getFormattingEditsForDocument('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-974-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-981-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:982:                `getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke('${fileName}', ${position}, '${key}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-983-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-990-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:991:                `getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-992-                () => this.languageService.getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1000-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1001:                `getNavigateToItems('${searchValue}', ${maxResultCount}, ${fileName})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1002-                () => this.languageService.getNavigateToItems(searchValue, maxResultCount, fileName)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1007-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1008:                `getNavigationBarItems('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1009-                () => this.languageService.getNavigationBarItems(fileName)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1014-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1015:                `getNavigationTree('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1016-                () => this.languageService.getNavigationTree(fileName)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1021-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1022:                `getOutliningSpans('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1023-                () => this.languageService.getOutliningSpans(fileName)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1028-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1029:                `getTodoComments('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1030-                () => this.languageService.getTodoComments(fileName, JSON.parse(descriptors))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1037-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1038:                `prepareCallHierarchy('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1039-                () => this.languageService.prepareCallHierarchy(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1044-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1045:                `provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1046-                () => this.languageService.provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1051-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1052:                `provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls('${fileName}', ${position})`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1053-                () => this.languageService.provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls(fileName, position)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1059-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1060:                `getEmitOutput('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1061-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1070-                this.logger,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1071:                `getEmitOutput('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1072-                /*returnJson*/ false,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1078-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1079:                `toggleLineComment('${fileName}', '${JSON.stringify(textRange)}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1080-                () => this.languageService.toggleLineComment(fileName, textRange)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1085-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1086:                `toggleMultilineComment('${fileName}', '${JSON.stringify(textRange)}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1087-                () => this.languageService.toggleMultilineComment(fileName, textRange)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1092-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1093:                `commentSelection('${fileName}', '${JSON.stringify(textRange)}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1094-                () => this.languageService.commentSelection(fileName, textRange)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1099-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1100:                `uncommentSelection('${fileName}', '${JSON.stringify(textRange)}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1101-                () => this.languageService.uncommentSelection(fileName, textRange)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1150-        public resolveModuleName(fileName: string, moduleName: string, compilerOptionsJson: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1151:            return this.forwardJSONCall(`resolveModuleName('${fileName}')`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1152-                const compilerOptions = <CompilerOptions>JSON.parse(compilerOptionsJson);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1166-        public resolveTypeReferenceDirective(fileName: string, typeReferenceDirective: string, compilerOptionsJson: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1167:            return this.forwardJSONCall(`resolveTypeReferenceDirective(${fileName})`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1168-                const compilerOptions = <CompilerOptions>JSON.parse(compilerOptionsJson);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1179-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1180:                `getPreProcessedFileInfo('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1181-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1196-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1197:                `getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames('${compilerOptionsJson}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1198-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1221-            return this.forwardJSONCall(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts:1222:                `getTSConfigFileInfo('${fileName}')`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/shims.ts-1223-                () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/signatureHelp.ts-408-        /* eslint-disable no-double-space */
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/signatureHelp.ts:409:        // Example: f  `# abcd $#{#  1 + 1#  }# efghi ${ #"#hello"#  }  #  `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/signatureHelp.ts-410-        //              ^       ^ ^       ^   ^          ^ ^      ^     ^
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/signatureHelp.ts-478-            // There have been crashes that might be caused by this violation.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/signatureHelp.ts:479:            Debug.assert(rangeContainsRange(n.parent, n), "Not a subspan", () => `Child: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(n.kind)}, parent: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(n.parent.kind)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/signatureHelp.ts-480-            const argumentInfo = getImmediatelyContainingArgumentOrContextualParameterInfo(n, position, sourceFile, checker);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/stringCompletions.ts-92-            case Extension.Tsx: return ScriptElementKindModifier.tsxModifier;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/stringCompletions.ts:93:            case Extension.TsBuildInfo: return Debug.fail(`Extension ${Extension.TsBuildInfo} is unsupported.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/stringCompletions.ts-94-            case undefined: return ScriptElementKindModifier.none;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/suggestionDiagnostics.ts-189-    function getKeyFromNode(exp: FunctionLikeDeclaration) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/suggestionDiagnostics.ts:190:        return `${exp.pos.toString()}:${exp.end.toString()}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/suggestionDiagnostics.ts-191-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-426-            const indent = sourceFile.text.slice(lineStartPosition, startPosition);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts:427:            const text = `${insertAtLineStart ? "" : this.newLineCharacter}//${commentText}${this.newLineCharacter}${indent}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-428-            this.insertText(sourceFile, token.getStart(sourceFile), text);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-639-                ...options,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts:640:                prefix: after.end === sourceFile.end && isStatement(after) ? (options.prefix ? `\n${options.prefix}` : "\n") : options.prefix,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-641-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-681-                    // `x => {}` -> `function f(x) {}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts:682:                    this.insertText(sourceFile, first(node.parameters).getStart(sourceFile), `function ${name}(`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-683-                    // Replacing full range of arrow to get rid of the leading space -- replace ` =>` with `)`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-767-                    // write separator and leading trivia of the next element as suffix
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts:768:                    const suffix = `${tokenToString(nextToken.kind)}${sourceFile.text.substring(nextToken.end, containingList[index + 1].getStart(sourceFile))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-769-                    this.replaceRange(sourceFile, createRange(startPos, containingList[index + 1].getStart(sourceFile)), newNode, { prefix, suffix });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-814-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts:815:                    this.replaceRange(sourceFile, createRange(end), newNode, { prefix: `${tokenToString(separator)} ` });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-816-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-916-                    Debug.assert(normalized[i].range.end <= normalized[i + 1].range.pos, "Changes overlap", () =>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts:917:                        `${JSON.stringify(normalized[i].range)} and ${JSON.stringify(normalized[i + 1].range)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-918-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-1012-            const { span, newText } = changes[i];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts:1013:            text = `${text.substring(0, span.start)}${newText}${text.substring(textSpanEnd(span))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/textChanges.ts-1014-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2372-        for (let i = 1; !isFileLevelUniqueName(sourceFile, nameText); i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts:2373:            nameText = `${baseName}_${i}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2374-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2480-        const quoted = JSON.stringify(text);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts:2481:        return quotePreference === QuotePreference.Single ? `'${stripQuotes(quoted).replace("'", "\\'").replace('\\"', '"')}'` : quoted;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2482-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2877-            symbol.parent,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts:2878:            `Symbol parent was undefined. Flags: ${Debug.formatSymbolFlags(symbol.flags)}. ` +
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2879-            `Declarations: ${symbol.declarations?.map(d => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2882-                const { expression } = d as any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts:2883:                return (inJS ? "[JS]" : "") + kind + (expression ? ` (expression: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(expression.kind)})` : "");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/services/utilities.ts-2884-            }).join(", ")}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-63-                test.configurations.forEach(configuration => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:64:                    describe(`${this.testSuiteName} tests for ${fileName}${configuration ? ` (${getFileBasedTestConfigurationDescription(configuration)})` : ``}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-65-                        this.runSuite(fileName, test, configuration);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-69-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:70:                describe(`${this.testSuiteName} tests for ${fileName}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-71-                    this.runSuite(fileName, test);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-87-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:88:            it(`Correct errors for ${fileName}`, () => { compilerTest.verifyDiagnostics(); });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:89:            it(`Correct module resolution tracing for ${fileName}`, () => { compilerTest.verifyModuleResolution(); });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:90:            it(`Correct sourcemap content for ${fileName}`, () => { compilerTest.verifySourceMapRecord(); });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:91:            it(`Correct JS output for ${fileName}`, () => { if (this.emit) compilerTest.verifyJavaScriptOutput(); });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:92:            it(`Correct Sourcemap output for ${fileName}`, () => { compilerTest.verifySourceMapOutput(); });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:93:            it(`Correct type/symbol baselines for ${fileName}`, () => { compilerTest.verifyTypesAndSymbols(); });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-94-            after(() => { compilerTest = undefined!; });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-166-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:167:                    configuredName += `${key.toLowerCase()}=${configurationOverrides[key].toLowerCase()}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-168-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-171-                    const basename = vpath.basename(this.justName, extname, /*ignoreCase*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts:172:                    this.configuredName = `${basename}(${configuredName})${extname}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/compilerRunner.ts-173-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-32-            const cls = this;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:33:            describe(`${this.kind()} code samples`, function (this: Mocha.Suite) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-34-                this.timeout(600_000); // 10 minutes
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-84-                        if (types.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:85:                            exec("npm", ["i", ...types.map(t => `@types/${t}`), "--no-save", "--ignore-scripts"], { cwd: originalCwd, timeout: timeout / 2 }); // NPM shouldn't take the entire timeout - if it takes a long time, it should be terminated and we should log the failure
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-86-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-88-                    args.push("--noEmit");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:89:                    Baseline.runBaseline(`${cls.kind()}/${directoryName}.log`, cls.report(cp.spawnSync(`node`, args, { cwd, timeout, shell: true }), cwd));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-91-                    function exec(command: string, args: string[], options: { cwd: string, timeout?: number }): void {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:92:                        const res = cp.spawnSync(isWorker ? `${command} 2>&1` : command, args, { shell: true, stdio, ...options });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-93-                        if (res.status !== 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:94:                            throw new Error(`${command} ${args.join(" ")} for ${directoryName} failed: ${res.stdout && res.stdout.toString()}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-95-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-129-            const cls = this;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:130:            describe(`${this.kind()} code samples`, function (this: Mocha.Suite) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-131-                this.timeout(cls.timeout); // 20 minutes
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-137-                    const cwd = path.join(IO.getWorkspaceRoot(), cls.testDir, directory);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:138:                    it(`should build ${directory} successfully`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:139:                        const imageName = `tstest/${directory}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-140-                        cls.exec("docker", ["build", "--no-cache", ".", "-t", imageName], { cwd }); // --no-cache so the latest version of the repos referenced is always fetched
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-141-                        const cp: typeof import("child_process") = require("child_process");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:142:                        Baseline.runBaseline(`${cls.kind()}/${directory}.log`, cls.report(cp.spawnSync(`docker`, ["run", imageName], { cwd, timeout: cls.timeout, shell: true })));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-143-                    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-151-            const stdio = isWorker ? "pipe" : "inherit";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:152:            const res = cp.spawnSync(isWorker ? `${command} 2>&1` : command, args, { timeout: this.timeout, shell: true, stdio, ...options });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-153-            if (res.status !== 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts:154:                throw new Error(`${command} ${args.join(" ")} for ${options.cwd} failed: ${res.stdout && res.stdout.toString()}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/externalCompileRunner.ts-155-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-173-        function perfdataFileName(target?: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:174:            return `${perfdataFileNameFragment}${target ? `.${target}` : ""}.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-175-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-185-        function hashName(runner: TestRunnerKind | "unittest", test: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:186:            return `tsrunner-${runner}://${test}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-187-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-189-        function startDelayed(perfData: { [testHash: string]: number } | undefined, totalCost: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:190:            console.log(`Discovered ${tasks.length} unittest suites` + (newTasks.length ? ` and ${newTasks.length} new suites.` : "."));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-191-            console.log("Discovering runner-based tests...");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-231-            const batchSize = (totalCost / workerCount) * packfraction; // Keep spare tests for unittest thread in reserve
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:232:            console.log(`Discovered ${tasks.length} test files in ${+(new Date()) - discoverStart}ms.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:233:            console.log(`Starting to run tests using ${workerCount} threads...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-253-                const config: TestConfig = { light: lightMode, listenForWork: true, runUnitTests: Harness.runUnitTests, stackTraceLimit: Harness.stackTraceLimit, timeout: globalTimeout }; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-qualifier
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:254:                const configPath = ts.combinePaths(taskConfigsFolder, `task-config${i}.json`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-255-                IO.writeFile(configPath, JSON.stringify(config));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-256-                const worker: Worker = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:257:                    process: fork(__filename, [`--config="${configPath}"`], { stdio: ["pipe", "pipe", "pipe", "ipc"] }),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-258-                    accumulatedOutput: "",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-263-                    worker.accumulatedOutput += d.toString();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:264:                    console.log(`[Worker ${i}]`, d.toString());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-265-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-269-                    worker.process.kill();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:270:                    console.error(`Worker exceeded ${timeout.duration}ms timeout ${worker.currentTasks && worker.currentTasks.length ? `while running test '${worker.currentTasks[0].file}'.` : `during test setup.`}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-271-                    return process.exit(2);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-287-                        case "error": {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:288:                            console.error(`Test worker encounted unexpected error${data.payload.name ? ` during the execution of test ${data.payload.name}` : ""} and was forced to close:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-289-            Message: ${data.payload.error}
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-328-                                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:329:                                updateProgress(progress, errorResults.length ? `${errorResults.length} failing` : `${totalPassing} passing`, errorResults.length ? "fail" : undefined);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-330-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-369-                        if (tasks.length <= workerCount) { // Keep a small reserve even in the suboptimally packed case
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:370:                            console.log(`Suboptimal packing detected: no tests remain to be stolen. Reduce packing fraction from ${packfraction} to fix.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-371-                            break batcher;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-394-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:395:                const prefix = `Batched into ${batchCount} groups`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-396-                if (unknownValue) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:397:                    console.log(`${prefix}. Unprofiled tests including ${unknownValue} will be run first.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-398-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-399-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts:400:                    console.log(`${prefix} with approximate total ${perfData ? "time" : "file sizes"} of ${perfData ? ms(batchSize) : `${Math.floor(batchSize)} bytes`} in each group. (${(scheduledTotal / totalCost * 100).toFixed(1)}% of total tests batched)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/host.ts-401-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/worker.ts-161-            if (!unitTestSuiteMap && !unitTestTestMap) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/worker.ts:162:                throw new Error(`Asked to run unit test ${task.file}, but no unit tests were discovered!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/worker.ts-163-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/worker.ts-167-            if (!suite && !test) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/worker.ts:168:                throw new Error(`Unit test with name "${task.file}" was asked to be run, but such a test does not exist!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/parallel/worker.ts-169-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts-56-            for (const { name, payload } of ProjectTestCase.getConfigurations(testCaseFileName)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts:57:                describe("Compiling project for " + payload.testCase.scenario + ": testcase " + testCaseFileName + (name ? ` (${name})` : ``), () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts-58-                    let projectTestCase: ProjectTestCase | undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts-59-                    before(() => { projectTestCase = new ProjectTestCase(testCaseFileName, payload); });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts:60:                    it(`Correct module resolution tracing for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyResolution());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts:61:                    it(`Correct errors for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyDiagnostics());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts:62:                    it(`Correct JS output for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyJavaScriptOutput());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts-63-                    // NOTE: This check was commented out in previous code. Leaving this here to eventually be restored if needed.
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts:64:                    // it(`Correct sourcemap content for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifySourceMapRecord());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts:65:                    it(`Correct declarations for ${testCaseFileName}`, () => projectTestCase && projectTestCase.verifyDeclarations());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts-66-                    after(() => { projectTestCase = undefined; });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts-244-                            // but make sure extension of these files matches with the fileName the compiler asked to write
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts:245:                            diskRelativeName = `diskFile${nonSubfolderDiskFiles}${vpath.extname(fileName, [".js.map", ".js", ".d.ts"], this.vfs.ignoreCase)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/projectsRunner.ts-246-                            nonSubfolderDiskFiles++;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/runner.ts-48-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/runner.ts:49:        return ts.Debug.fail(`Unknown runner kind ${kind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/runner.ts-50-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/rwcRunner.ts:54:                const ioLog: Playback.IoLog = Playback.newStyleLogIntoOldStyleLog(JSON.parse(Harness.IO.readFile(`internal/cases/rwc/${jsonPath}/test.json`)!), Harness.IO, `internal/cases/rwc/${baseName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/rwcRunner.ts-55-                currentDirectory = ioLog.currentDirectory;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-10-            const expectedErrors = expectedParsedCommandLine.errors;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:11:            assert.isTrue(parsedErrors.length === expectedErrors.length, `Expected error: ${JSON.stringify(expectedErrors)}. Actual error: ${JSON.stringify(parsedErrors)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-12-            for (let i = 0; i < parsedErrors.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-28-            const expectedFileNames = expectedParsedCommandLine.fileNames;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:29:            assert.isTrue(parsedFileNames.length === expectedFileNames.length, `Expected fileNames: [${JSON.stringify(expectedFileNames)}]. Actual fileNames: [${JSON.stringify(parsedFileNames)}].`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-30-            for (let i = 0; i < parsedFileNames.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-431-                    assertParseResult(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:432:                        [`--${optionName}`, "null", "0.ts"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-433-                        {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-444-                        assertParseResult(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:445:                            [`--${optionName}`, nonNullValue, "0.ts"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-446-                            {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-464-                    assertParseResult(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:465:                        ["0.ts", "--strictNullChecks", `--${optionName}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-466-                        {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-483-                    assertParseResult(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:484:                        ["0.ts", `--${optionName}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-485-                        {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-676-            const expectedErrors = expectedParsedBuildCommand.errors;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:677:            assert.isTrue(parsedErrors.length === expectedErrors.length, `Expected error: ${JSON.stringify(expectedErrors)}. Actual error: ${JSON.stringify(parsedErrors)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-678-            for (let i = 0; i < parsedErrors.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-687-            const expectedProjects = expectedParsedBuildCommand.projects;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:688:            assert.deepEqual(parsedProjects, expectedProjects, `Expected projects: [${JSON.stringify(expectedProjects)}]. Actual projects: [${JSON.stringify(parsedProjects)}].`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-689-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-822-            function verifyInvalidCombination(flag1: keyof BuildOptions, flag2: keyof BuildOptions) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:823:                it(`--${flag1} and --${flag2} together is invalid`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-824-                    // --module commonjs --target es5 0.ts --lib es5,es2015.symbol.wellknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:825:                    assertParseResult([`--${flag1}`, `--${flag2}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-826-                        {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-827-                            errors: [{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts:828:                                messageText: `Options '${flag1}' and '${flag2}' cannot be combined.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/commandLineParsing.ts-829-                                category: Diagnostics.Options_0_and_1_cannot_be_combined.category,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/configurationExtension.ts-198-    function verifyDiagnostics(actual: Diagnostic[], expected: { code: number; messageText: string; }[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/configurationExtension.ts:199:        assert.isTrue(expected.length === actual.length, `Expected error: ${JSON.stringify(expected)}. Actual error: ${JSON.stringify(actual)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/configurationExtension.ts-200-        for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/configurationExtension.ts-280-                        code: 18000,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/configurationExtension.ts:281:                        messageText: `Circularity detected while resolving configuration: ${[combinePaths(basePath, "circular.json"), combinePaths(basePath, "circular2.json"), combinePaths(basePath, "circular.json")].join(" -> ")}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/configurationExtension.ts-282-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertCompilerOptionsFromJson.ts-62-        function verifyErrors(actualErrors: Diagnostic[], expectedErrors: readonly Diagnostic[], ignoreLocation?: boolean) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertCompilerOptionsFromJson.ts:63:            assert.isTrue(expectedErrors.length === actualErrors.length, `Expected error: ${JSON.stringify(expectedErrors.map(getDiagnosticString), undefined, " ")}. Actual error: ${JSON.stringify(actualErrors.map(getDiagnosticString), undefined, " ")}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertCompilerOptionsFromJson.ts-64-            for (let i = 0; i < actualErrors.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertCompilerOptionsFromJson.ts:68:                assert.equal(actualError.code, expectedError.code, `Expected error-code: ${JSON.stringify(expectedError.code)}. Actual error-code: ${JSON.stringify(actualError.code)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertCompilerOptionsFromJson.ts:69:                assert.equal(actualError.category, expectedError.category, `Expected error-category: ${JSON.stringify(expectedError.category)}. Actual error-category: ${JSON.stringify(actualError.category)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertCompilerOptionsFromJson.ts-70-                if (!ignoreLocation) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson.ts-16-            const expectedErrors = expectedResult.errors;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson.ts:17:            assert.isTrue(expectedResult.errors.length === actualErrors.length, `Expected error: ${JSON.stringify(expectedResult.errors)}. Actual error: ${JSON.stringify(actualErrors)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson.ts-18-            for (let i = 0; i < actualErrors.length; i++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson.ts-20-                const expectedError = expectedErrors[i];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson.ts:21:                assert.equal(actualError.code, expectedError.code, `Expected error-code: ${JSON.stringify(expectedError.code)}. Actual error-code: ${JSON.stringify(actualError.code)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson.ts:22:                assert.equal(actualError.category, expectedError.category, `Expected error-category: ${JSON.stringify(expectedError.category)}. Actual error-category: ${JSON.stringify(actualError.category)}.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/convertTypeAcquisitionFromJson.ts-23-                if (hasLocation) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/initializeTSConfig.ts-6-                const initResult = generateTSConfig(commandLine.options, commandLine.fileNames, "\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/initializeTSConfig.ts:7:                const outputFileName = `tsConfig/${name.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-. ]/ig, "")}/tsconfig.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/initializeTSConfig.ts:9:                it(`Correct output for ${outputFileName}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/initializeTSConfig.ts-10-                    Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(outputFileName, initResult);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts-1325-                        errors: [],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts:1326:                        fileNames: [ "a.ts", "aba.ts", "abz.ts", "b.ts", "bba.ts", "bbz.ts" ].map(x => `c:/dev/z/${x}`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts-1327-                        wildcardDirectories: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts-1502-                    fileNames: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts:1503:                        `${basePath}Yosemite.ts`, // capital always comes before lowercase letters
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts:1504:                        `${basePath}xylophone.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts:1505:                        `${basePath}zebra.ts`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/matchFiles.ts-1506-                    ],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts-15-        if (!errors.some(e => e.code === diag.code)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts:16:            const errorString = errors.map(e => `    ${e.file ? e.file.fileName : "[global]"}: ${e.messageText}`).join("\r\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts:17:            assert(false, `${message}: Did not find any diagnostic for ${diag.message} in:\r\n${errorString}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts-18-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts-22-        if (errors && errors.length > 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts:23:            assert(false, `${message}: Expected no errors, but found:\r\n${errors.map(e => `    ${e.messageText}`).join("\r\n")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts-24-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts-41-    function moduleImporting(...names: string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts:42:        return names.map((n, i) => `import * as mod_${i} from ${n}`).join("\r\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/projectReferences.ts-43-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-4-            describe(name, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:5:                const outputFileName = `showConfig/${name.replace(/[^a-z0-9\-./ ]/ig, "")}/tsconfig.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:7:                it(`Correct output for ${outputFileName}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:8:                    const cwd = `/${name}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-9-                    const configPath = combinePaths(cwd, "tsconfig.json");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-133-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:134:                        args = [`--${option.name}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-135-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-143-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:144:                        args = [`--${option.name}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-145-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-153-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:154:                        args = [`--${option.name}`, "someString"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-155-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-163-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:164:                        args = [`--${option.name}`, "0"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-165-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-181-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:182:                        args = [`--${option.name}`, val];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-183-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-189-                (isCompilerOptions ? { compilerOptions: optionValue } : { watchOptions: optionValue });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts:190:            showTSConfigCorrectly(`Shows tsconfig for single option/${option.name}`, args, configObject);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/showConfig.ts-191-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-51-                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.length >= 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts:52:                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.filter(e => e.code === expectedDiagnosticCode).length > 0, `Expected error code ${expectedDiagnosticCode} to be in ${JSON.stringify(parsed.errors)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-53-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-56-                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.length >= 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts:57:                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.filter(e => e.code === expectedDiagnosticCode).length > 0, `Expected error code ${expectedDiagnosticCode} to be in ${JSON.stringify(parsed.errors)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-58-                if (!noLocation) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts:59:                    assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.filter(e => e.code === expectedDiagnosticCode && e.file && e.start && e.length).length > 0, `Expected error code ${expectedDiagnosticCode} to be in ${JSON.stringify(parsed.errors)} with location information`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-60-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-67-                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.length >= 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts:68:                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.findIndex(e => e.code === expectedExcludedDiagnosticCode) === -1, `Expected error code ${expectedExcludedDiagnosticCode} to not be in ${JSON.stringify(parsed.errors)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-69-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-72-                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.length >= 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts:73:                assert.isTrue(parsed.errors.findIndex(e => e.code === expectedExcludedDiagnosticCode) === -1, `Expected error code ${expectedExcludedDiagnosticCode} to not be in ${JSON.stringify(parsed.errors)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/config/tsconfigParsing.ts-74-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/createMapShim.ts-47-            const doForEach = (value: string, key: K) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/createMapShim.ts:48:                resultString += `${key}:${value};`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/createSetShim.ts-46-            const doForEach = (key: K) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/createSetShim.ts:47:                resultString += `${key};`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/customTransforms.ts-25-                    if (content) content += "\n\n";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/customTransforms.ts:26:                    content += `// [${file}]\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/customTransforms.ts-27-                    content += text;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/customTransforms.ts-28-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/customTransforms.ts:29:                Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`customTransforms/${name}.js`, content);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/customTransforms.ts-30-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/factory.ts-3-        function assertSyntaxKind(node: Node, expected: SyntaxKind) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/factory.ts:4:            assert.strictEqual(node.kind, expected, `Actual: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(node.kind)} Expected: ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(expected)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/factory.ts-5-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-839-        ]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts:840:            describe(`${tsIgnoreComment} comment directives`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-841-                const textWithIgnoreComment = `const x = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-873-                function verifyScenario(scenario: string, verifyChange: (atIndex: number, singleIgnore?: true) => void) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts:874:                    it(`${scenario} - 0`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-875-                        verifyChange(0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-876-                    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts:877:                    it(`${scenario} - 1`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-878-                        verifyChange(1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-879-                    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts:880:                    it(`${scenario} - 2`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-881-                        verifyChange(2);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-882-                    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts:883:                    it(`${scenario} - with single ts-ignore`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-884-                        verifyChange(0, /*singleIgnore*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-981-                    const oldText = ScriptSnapshot.fromString(textWithIgnoreCommentFrom(source, singleIgnore));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts:982:                    const start = source.indexOf(`const x${atIndex + 1}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts:983:                    const letStr = `let y${atIndex + 1}: string = x;`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/incrementalParser.ts-984-                    const end = source.indexOf(letStr) + letStr.length;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:15:        assert.isTrue(actual.resolvedFileName === expected.resolvedFileName, `'resolvedFileName': expected '${actual.resolvedFileName}' to be equal to '${expected.resolvedFileName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:16:        assert.isTrue(actual.extension === expected.extension, `'ext': expected '${actual.extension}' to be equal to '${expected.extension}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:17:        assert.isTrue(actual.isExternalLibraryImport === expected.isExternalLibraryImport, `'isExternalLibraryImport': expected '${actual.isExternalLibraryImport}' to be equal to '${expected.isExternalLibraryImport}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-18-        return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-23-        checkResolvedModule(actual.resolvedModule, expectedResolvedModule);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:24:        assert.deepEqual(actual.failedLookupLocations, expectedFailedLookupLocations, `Failed lookup locations should match - expected has ${expectedFailedLookupLocations.length}, actual has ${actual.failedLookupLocations.length}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-25-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-65-                fileExists: path => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:66:                    assert.isTrue(directories.has(getDirectoryPath(path)), `'fileExists' '${path}' request in non-existing directory`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-67-                    return map.has(path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-403-        function testPreserveSymlinks(preserveSymlinks: boolean) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:404:            it(`preserveSymlinks: ${preserveSymlinks}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-405-                const realFileName = "/linked/index.d.ts";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-486-            const syntacticDiagnostics = program.getSyntacticDiagnostics();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:487:            assert.equal(syntacticDiagnostics.length, 0, `expect no syntactic diagnostics, got: ${JSON.stringify(Harness.Compiler.minimalDiagnosticsToString(syntacticDiagnostics))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts-488-            const semanticDiagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/moduleResolution.ts:489:            assert.equal(semanticDiagnostics.length, 0, `expect no semantic diagnostics, got: ${JSON.stringify(Harness.Compiler.minimalDiagnosticsToString(semanticDiagnostics))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/printer.ts-5-                it(name, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/printer.ts:6:                    Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`printerApi/${prefix}.${name}.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/printer.ts-7-                        printCallback(createPrinter({ newLine: NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed, ...options })));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/printer.ts-59-            // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/printer.ts:60:            printsCorrectly("templateLiteral", {}, printer => printer.printFile(createSourceFile("source.ts", "let greeting = `Hi ${name}, how are you?`;", ScriptTarget.ES2017)));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts-6-            const value = map.has(missing);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts:7:            assert.isTrue(value, `${missing} to be ${value === undefined ? "not present" : "present only once"}, in actual: ${missingPaths} expected: ${expected}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts-8-            map.delete(missing);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts-10-        const notFound = arrayFrom(mapDefinedIterator(map.keys(), k => map.has(k) ? k : undefined));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts:11:        assert.equal(notFound.length, 0, `Not found ${notFound} in actual: ${missingPaths} expected: ${expected}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts-12-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts-158-                const expected = isExternalExpected(file);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts:159:                assert.equal(actual, expected, `Expected ${file.file} isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary to be ${expected}, got ${actual}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/programApi.ts-160-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-2-    function verifyApi(fileName: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts:3:        const builtFile = `built/local/${fileName}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts:4:        const api = `api/${fileName}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-5-        let fileContent: string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-7-            fileContent = Harness.IO.readFile(builtFile)!;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts:8:            if (!fileContent) throw new Error(`File ${fileName} was not present in built/local`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-9-            fileContent = fileContent.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-17-            const fs = vfs.createFromFileSystem(Harness.IO, /*ignoreCase*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts:18:            fs.linkSync(`${vfs.builtFolder}/${fileName}`, `${vfs.srcFolder}/${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-19-            const sys = new fakes.System(fs);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-20-            const host = new fakes.CompilerHost(sys);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts:21:            const result = compiler.compileFiles(host, [`${vfs.srcFolder}/${fileName}`], {});
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-22-            assert(!result.diagnostics || !result.diagnostics.length, Harness.Compiler.minimalDiagnosticsToString(result.diagnostics, /*pretty*/ true));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-37-        for (let t = initial; t <= last; t++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts:38:            assert.isDefined(ts.tokenToString(t), `Expected tokenToString defined for ${ts.Debug.formatSyntaxKind(t)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/publicApi.ts-39-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-172-    function checkResolvedTypeDirective(actual: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective, expected: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:173:        assert.equal(actual.resolvedFileName, expected.resolvedFileName, `'resolvedFileName': expected '${actual.resolvedFileName}' to be equal to '${expected.resolvedFileName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:174:        assert.equal(actual.primary, expected.primary, `'primary': expected '${actual.primary}' to be equal to '${expected.primary}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-175-        return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-179-        const file = program.getSourceFile(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:180:        assert.isTrue(file !== undefined, `cannot find file ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-181-        const cache = getCache(file!);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-182-        if (expectedContent === undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:183:            assert.isTrue(cache === undefined, `expected ${caption} to be undefined`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-184-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-185-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:186:            assert.isTrue(cache !== undefined, `expected ${caption} to be set`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:187:            assert.isTrue(mapsAreEqual(expectedContent, cache!, entryChecker), `contents of ${caption} did not match the expected contents.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-188-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-607-                    SourceText.New(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:608:                        `/// <reference path="a1.ts"/>${newLine}/// <reference types="typerefs1"/>${newLine}/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:609:                        `import { B } from './b1';${newLine}export let BB = B;`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-610-                        "declare module './b1' { interface B { y: string; } }")
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-614-                    text: SourceText.New(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:615:                        `/// <reference path="a2.ts"/>${newLine}/// <reference types="typerefs2"/>`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:616:                        `import { B } from './b2';${newLine}import { BB } from './f1';`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-617-                        "(new BB).x; (new BB).y;")
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-656-            const program2 = updateProgram(program1, program1.getRootFileNames(), options, f => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts:657:                const newSourceText = f[indexOfF1].text.updateReferences(`/// <reference path="a1.ts"/>${newLine}/// <reference types="typerefs1"/>`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/reuseProgramStructure.ts-658-                f[indexOfF1] = { name: "f1.ts", text: newSourceText };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/semver.ts-125-                const version = new Version(versionText);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/semver.ts:126:                assert.strictEqual(range.test(version), inRange, `Expected version '${version}' ${inRange ? `to be` : `to not be`} in range '${rangeText}' (${range})`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/semver.ts-127-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/colorization.ts-266-        it("classifies substitution parts of a template string correctly", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/colorization.ts:267:            testLexicalClassification("`number '${ 1 + 1 }' string '${ 'hello' }'`",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/colorization.ts-268-                ts.EndOfLineState.None,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts-275-        if (!selectionRange) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts:276:            throw new Error(`Test ${caption} does not specify selection range`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts-277-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts-281-        extensions.forEach(extension =>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts:282:            it(`${caption} [${extension}]`, () => runBaseline(extension)));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts:337:            data.push(`// ==ASYNC FUNCTION::${action!.description}==`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts-338-            const newText = textChanges.applyChanges(sourceFile.text, changes[0].textChanges);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts-342-            assert.isFalse(hasSyntacticDiagnostics(diagProgram));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts:343:            Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`${baselineFolder}/${caption}${extension}`, data.join(newLineCharacter));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/convertToAsyncFunction.ts-344-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-46-                if (hasProperty(ranges, range.name)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts:47:                    throw new Error(`Duplicate name of range ${range.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-48-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-80-        if (!selectionRange) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts:81:            throw new Error(`Test ${caption} does not specify selection range`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-82-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-84-        [Extension.Ts, Extension.Js].forEach(extension =>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts:85:            it(`${caption} [${extension}]`, () => runBaseline(extension)));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-118-                assert.lengthOf(edits, 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts:119:                data.push(`// ==SCOPE::${action.description}==`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-120-                const newText = textChanges.applyChanges(sourceFile.text, edits[0].textChanges);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-126-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts:127:            Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`${baselineFolder}/${caption}${extension}`, data.join(newLineCharacter));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-128-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-149-            if (!selectionRange) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts:150:                throw new Error(`Test ${caption} does not specify selection range`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/helpers.ts-151-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-7-            if (!selectionRange) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:8:                throw new Error(`Test ${s} does not specify selection range`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-9-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-21-        if (!selectionRange) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:22:            throw new Error(`Test ${s} does not specify selection range`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-23-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-165-            // Variable statements
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:166:            testExtractRange(`[#|let x = [$|1|];|]`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:167:            testExtractRange(`[#|let x = [$|1|], y;|]`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:168:            testExtractRange(`[#|[$|let x = 1, y = 1;|]|]`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-170-            // Variable declarations
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:171:            testExtractRange(`let [#|x = [$|1|]|];`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:172:            testExtractRange(`let [#|x = [$|1|]|], y = 2;`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:173:            testExtractRange(`let x = 1, [#|y = [$|2|]|];`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-175-            // Return statements
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts:176:            testExtractRange(`[#|return [$|1|];|]`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/extract/ranges.ts-177-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/hostNewLineSupport.ts-30-            assert(result.outputFiles.length === 1, "a number of files other than 1 was output");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/hostNewLineSupport.ts:31:            assert(result.outputFiles[0].name === "input.js", `Expected output file name input.js, but got ${result.outputFiles[0].name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/hostNewLineSupport.ts-32-            assert(result.outputFiles[0].text.match(options.newLine === NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed ? /\r\n/ : /[^\r]\n/), "expected to find appropriate newlines");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts:494:import b from ${"`${'lib'}`"};
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts:495:import a from ${"`${'lib'}`"};
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts-496-import D from "lib";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts:783:export { b } from ${"`${'lib'}`"};
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts:784:export { a } from ${"`${'lib'}`"};
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts-785-export { D } from "lib";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts-904-            function testOrganizeExports(testName: string, testFile: TestFSWithWatch.File, ...otherFiles: TestFSWithWatch.File[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts:905:                testOrganizeImports(`${testName}.exports`, testFile, ...otherFiles);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts-906-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts-908-            function testOrganizeImports(testName: string, testFile: TestFSWithWatch.File, ...otherFiles: TestFSWithWatch.File[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts:909:                it(testName, () => runBaseline(`organizeImports/${testName}.ts`, testFile, ...otherFiles));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/organizeImports.ts-910-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/preProcessFile.ts-18-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/preProcessFile.ts:19:        assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, `Expected [${kind}] ${JSON.stringify(expected)}, got ${JSON.stringify(actual)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/preProcessFile.ts-20-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/textChanges.ts-56-                const modified = textChanges.applyChanges(sourceFile.text, changes[0].textChanges);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/textChanges.ts:57:                Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`textChanges/${caption}.js`, `===ORIGINAL===${newLineCharacter}${text}${newLineCharacter}===MODIFIED===${newLineCharacter}${modified}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/services/textChanges.ts-58-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/transform.ts-75-            it(testName, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/transform.ts:76:                Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`transformApi/transformsCorrectly.${testName}.js`, test());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/transform.ts-77-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/transform.ts-89-                it("compare baselines", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/transform.ts:90:                    Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`transformApi/transformsCorrectly.${testName}.js`, sourceText);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/transform.ts-91-                });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/amdModulesWithOut.ts-129-"stripInternal": true,`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/amdModulesWithOut.ts:130:                    replaceText(fs, sources[Project.lib][Source.ts][0], "const", `${internal} const`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/amdModulesWithOut.ts-131-                    appendText(fs, sources[Project.lib][Source.ts][1], `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/emitDeclarationOnly.ts-12-            verifyTscSerializedIncrementalEdits({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/emitDeclarationOnly.ts:13:                subScenario: `only dts output in circular import project with emitDeclarationOnly${disableMap ? "" : " and declarationMap"}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/emitDeclarationOnly.ts-14-                fs: () => projFs,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-60-                    const parent = getProjectFileName(dep[1]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:61:                    assert.isAbove(buildQueue.indexOf(child), buildQueue.indexOf(parent), `Expecting child ${child} to be built after parent ${parent}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-62-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-66-        function getProjectFileName(proj: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:67:            return `/project/${proj}/tsconfig.json` as ResolvedConfigFileName;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-68-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-72-            for (const dep of deps) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:73:                if (projectNames.indexOf(dep[0]) < 0) throw new Error(`Invalid dependency - project ${dep[0]} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:74:                if (projectNames.indexOf(dep[1]) < 0) throw new Error(`Invalid dependency - project ${dep[1]} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-75-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-76-            for (const proj of projectNames) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:77:                fileSystem.mkdirpSync(`/project/${proj}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:78:                fileSystem.writeFileSync(`/project/${proj}/${proj}.ts`, "export {}");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-79-                const configFileName = getProjectFileName(proj);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-81-                    compilerOptions: { composite: true },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:82:                    files: [`./${proj}.ts`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts:83:                    references: deps.filter(d => d[0] === proj).map(d => ({ path: `../${d[1]}` }))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/graphOrdering.ts-84-                }, undefined, 2);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-22-        if (!fs.statSync(path).isFile()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:23:            throw new Error(`File ${path} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-24-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-26-        if (old.indexOf(oldText) < 0) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:27:            throw new Error(`Text "${oldText}" does not exist in file ${path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-28-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-34-        if (!fs.statSync(path).isFile()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:35:            throw new Error(`File ${path} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-36-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-37-        const old = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:38:        fs.writeFileSync(path, `${additionalContent}${old}`, "utf-8");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-39-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-42-        if (!fs.statSync(path).isFile()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:43:            throw new Error(`File ${path} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-44-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-45-        const old = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf-8");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:46:        fs.writeFileSync(path, `${old}${additionalContent}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-47-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-50-        if (!fs.statSync(path).isFile()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:51:            throw new Error(`File ${path} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-52-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-58-        if (!fs.statSync(path).isFile()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:59:            throw new Error(`File ${path} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-60-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-94-            if (!fs.statSync(path).isFile()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:95:                throw new Error(`File ${path} does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-96-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-152-        fs.mkdirSync("/lib");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:153:        fs.writeFileSync("/lib/lib.d.ts", libContentToAppend ? `${libContent}${libContentToAppend}` : libContent);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-154-        fs.makeReadonly();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-178-        for (const output of outputs) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:179:            assert(fs.existsSync(output), `Expect file ${output} to exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-180-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-184-        for (const output of outputs) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:185:            assert.isFalse(fs.existsSync(output), `Expect file ${output} to not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-186-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-194-            const text = Harness.SourceMapRecorder.getSourceMapRecordWithSystem(sys, mapFile);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:195:            sys.writeFile(`${mapFile}.baseline.txt`, text);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-196-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-203-        baselineRecorder.WriteLine("======================================================================");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:204:        baselineRecorder.WriteLine(`File:: ${outFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-205-        for (const section of bundleFileInfo ? bundleFileInfo.sections : emptyArray) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-233-        function writeSectionHeader(section: BundleFileSection) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:234:            baselineRecorder.WriteLine(`${section.kind}: (${section.pos}-${section.end})${section.data ? ":: " + section.data : ""}${section.kind === BundleFileSectionKind.Prepend ? " texts:: " + section.texts.length : ""}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-235-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-259-        const text = baselineRecorder.lines.join("\r\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:260:        sys.writeFile(`${buildInfoPath}.baseline.txt`, text);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-261-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-273-    function verifyIncrementalCorrectness(input: () => VerifyIncrementalCorrectness, index: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:274:        it(`Verify emit output file text is same when built clean for incremental scenario at:: ${index}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-275-            const {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-294-                if (!isBuildInfoFile(outputFile)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:295:                    assert.equal(actualText, expectedText, `File: ${outputFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-296-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-300-                    const { buildInfo: expectedBuildInfo, affectedFilesPendingEmit: expectedAffectedFilesPendingEmit } = getBuildInfoForIncrementalCorrectnessCheck(expectedText);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:301:                    assert.deepEqual(actualBuildInfo, expectedBuildInfo, `TsBuild info text without affectedFilesPendingEmit: ${outputFile}::\nIncremental buildInfoText:: ${actualText}\nClean buildInfoText:: ${expectedText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-302-                    // Verify that incrementally pending affected file emit are in clean build since clean build can contain more files compared to incremental depending of noEmitOnError option
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-303-                    if (actualAffectedFilesPendingEmit) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:304:                        assert.isDefined(expectedAffectedFilesPendingEmit, `Incremental build contains affectedFilesPendingEmit, clean build should also have it: ${outputFile}::\nIncremental buildInfoText:: ${actualText}\nClean buildInfoText:: ${expectedText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-305-                        let expectedIndex = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-307-                            expectedIndex = findIndex(expectedAffectedFilesPendingEmit!, ([expectedFile]) => actualFile === expectedFile, expectedIndex);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:308:                            assert.notEqual(expectedIndex, -1, `Incremental build contains ${actualFile} file as pending emit, clean build should also have it: ${outputFile}::\nIncremental buildInfoText:: ${actualText}\nClean buildInfoText:: ${expectedText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-309-                            expectedIndex++;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-349-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:350:                subScenario: `${input.subScenario} with incremental`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-351-                commandLineArgs: [...input.commandLineArgs, "--incremental"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-363-    }: VerifyTsBuildInputWorker) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:364:        describe(`tsc ${commandLineArgs.join(" ")} ${scenario}:: ${subScenario}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-365-            let tick: () => void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-382-                });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:383:                Debug.assert(!!incrementalScenarios.length, `${scenario}/${subScenario}:: No incremental scenarios, you probably want to use verifyTsc instead.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-384-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-444-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:445:                subScenario: `${input.subScenario} with incremental`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-446-                commandLineArgs: [...input.commandLineArgs, "--incremental"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-454-    }: VerifyTsBuildInputWorker) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:455:        describe(`tsc ${commandLineArgs.join(" ")} ${scenario}:: ${subScenario} serializedEdits`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:456:            Debug.assert(!!incrementalScenarios.length, `${scenario}/${subScenario}:: No incremental scenarios, you probably want to use verifyTsc instead.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-457-            let tick: () => void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-513-                            texts.push("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:514:                            texts.push(`Change:: ${incrementalScenario.subScenario || incrementalScenario.buildKind}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-515-                            texts.push(sys.baseLine().text);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-549-    export function addShebang(fs: vfs.FileSystem, project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:550:        prependText(fs, `src/${project}/${file}.ts`, `#!someshebang ${project} ${file}
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-560-    function nonrestContent(project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:561:        return `function for${project}${file}Rest() { }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-562-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-564-    export function addRest(fs: vfs.FileSystem, project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:565:        appendText(fs, `src/${project}/${file}.ts`, restContent(project, file));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-566-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-568-    export function removeRest(fs: vfs.FileSystem, project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:569:        replaceText(fs, `src/${project}/${file}.ts`, restContent(project, file), nonrestContent(project, file));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-570-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-572-    export function addStubFoo(fs: vfs.FileSystem, project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:573:        appendText(fs, `src/${project}/${file}.ts`, nonrestContent(project, file));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-574-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-576-    export function changeStubToRest(fs: vfs.FileSystem, project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:577:        replaceText(fs, `src/${project}/${file}.ts`, nonrestContent(project, file), restContent(project, file));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-578-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-580-    export function addSpread(fs: vfs.FileSystem, project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:581:        const path = `src/${project}/${file}.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-582-        const content = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:587:        replaceText(fs, `src/${project}/tsconfig.json`, `"strict": false,`, `"strict": false,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-588-    "downlevelIteration": true,`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-591-    export function getTripleSlashRef(project: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:592:        return `/src/${project}/tripleRef.d.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-593-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-595-    export function addTripleSlashRef(fs: vfs.FileSystem, project: string, file: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:596:        fs.writeFileSync(getTripleSlashRef(project), `declare class ${project}${file} { }`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts:597:        prependText(fs, `src/${project}/${file}.ts`, `///<reference path="./tripleRef.d.ts"/>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/helpers.ts-598-const ${file}Const = new ${project}${file}();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-5-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:6:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/pkg1/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-7-                    content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-11-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:12:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/pkg1/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-13-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-18-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:19:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/pkg2/const.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-20-                    content: `export type TheNum = 42;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-22-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:23:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/pkg2/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-24-                    content: `export type { TheNum } from 'const';`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-26-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:27:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/pkg2/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-28-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-37-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:38:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/pkg2/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-39-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-45-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:46:                    path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/pkg2`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts:47:                    symLink: `${projectRoot}/packages/pkg2`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/moduleResolution.ts-48-                },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/outFile.ts-464-                    stripInternalOfThird(fs);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/outFile.ts:465:                    replaceText(fs, sources[Project.first][Source.ts][Part.one], "interface", `${internal} interface`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/outFile.ts-466-                    appendText(fs, sources[Project.second][Source.ts][Part.one], `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-15-            it("watchFile on same file multiple times because file is part of multiple projects", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:16:                const project = `${TestFSWithWatch.tsbuildProjectsLocation}/myproject`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-17-                let maxPkgs = 4;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:18:                const configPath = `${project}/tsconfig.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-19-                const typing: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:20:                    path: `${project}/typings/xterm.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-21-                    content: "export const typing = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-32-                        concatenate(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:33:                            pkgs(index => `    * pkg${index}/tsconfig.json`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-34-                            ["    * tsconfig.json"]
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-36-                    ...flatArray(pkgs(index => [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:37:                        `Project 'pkg${index}/tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'pkg${index}/index.js' does not exist\n\n`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:38:                        `Building project '${project}/pkg${index}/tsconfig.json'...\n\n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-39-                    ]))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-45-                checkWatchedFilesDetailed(system, watchFilesDetailed);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:46:                system.writeFile(typing.path, `${typing.content}export const typing1 = 10;`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-47-                verifyInvoke();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-65-                checkOutputErrorsIncremental(system, [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:66:                    `tsconfig.json(1,10): error TS18002: The 'files' list in config file '${configPath}' is empty.\n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-67-                ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:70:                system.writeFile(typing.path, `${typing.content}export const typing1 = 10;`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-71-                system.checkTimeoutQueueLength(0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-83-                function createPkgReference(index: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:84:                    return { path: `./pkg${index}` };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-85-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-88-                        {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:89:                            path: `${project}/pkg${index}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:90:                            content: `export const pkg${index} = ${index};`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-91-                        },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-92-                        {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:93:                            path: `${project}/pkg${index}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-94-                            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-114-                        ...flatArray(pkgs(index => [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:115:                            `Project 'pkg${index}/tsconfig.json' is out of date because oldest output 'pkg${index}/index.js' is older than newest input 'typings/xterm.d.ts'\n\n`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:116:                            `Building project '${project}/pkg${index}/tsconfig.json'...\n\n`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts:117:                            `Updating unchanged output timestamps of project '${project}/pkg${index}/tsconfig.json'...\n\n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchEnvironment.ts-118-                        ]))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-42-        function getProjectPath(project: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:43:            return `${projectsLocation}/${project}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-44-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-50-        function projectFilePath(subProject: SubProject, baseFileName: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:51:            return `${projectPath(subProject)}/${baseFileName.toLowerCase()}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-52-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-54-        function projectFileName(subProject: SubProject, baseFileName: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:55:            return `${projectPath(subProject)}/${baseFileName}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-56-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-58-        function projectFile(subProject: SubProject, baseFileName: string): File {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:59:            return getFileFromProject(project, `${subProject}/${baseFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-60-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-74-            const file = projectFilePath(subProject, baseFileNameWithoutExtension);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:75:            return [`${file}.js`, `${file}.d.ts`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-76-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-138-            subScenario: "creates solution in watch mode",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:139:            commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-140-            sys: () => createWatchedSystem(allFiles, { currentDirectory: projectsLocation }),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-146-            const host = createSolutionBuilderWithWatchHost(system);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:147:            const solutionBuilder = createSolutionBuilderWithWatch(host, [`${project}/${SubProject.tests}`], { watch: true });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:148:            solutionBuilder.buildReferences(`${project}/${SubProject.tests}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-157-            for (const stamp of outputFileStamps.slice(0, outputFileStamps.length - testOutput.length)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:158:                assert.isDefined(stamp[1], `${stamp[0]} expected to be present`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-159-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-160-            for (const stamp of testOutput) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:161:                assert.isUndefined(stamp[1], `${stamp[0]} expected to be missing`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-162-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-175-            const newFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:176:                path: projectFilePath(SubProject.core, `${newFileWithoutExtension}.ts`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-177-                content: `export const newFileConst = 30;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-188-                    scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:189:                    subScenario: `${subScenario}/change builds changes and reports found errors message`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:190:                    commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-191-                    sys: () => createWatchedSystem(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-223-                    scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:224:                    subScenario: `${subScenario}/non local change does not start build of referencing projects`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:225:                    commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-226-                    sys: () => createWatchedSystem(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-242-                    scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:243:                    subScenario: `${subScenario}/builds when new file is added, and its subsequent updates`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:244:                    commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-245-                    sys: () => createWatchedSystem(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-288-            subScenario: "watches config files that are not present",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:289:            commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-290-            sys: () => createWatchedSystem(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-323-                subScenario: "when referenced using prepend builds referencing project even for non local change",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:324:                commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.logic}`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-325-                sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-356-        describe("when referenced project change introduces error in the down stream project and then fixes it", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:357:            const subProjectLibrary = `${projectsLocation}/${project}/Library`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-358-            const libraryTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:359:                path: `${subProjectLibrary}/library.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-360-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-378-                    const libraryTsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:379:                        path: `${subProjectLibrary}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-380-                        content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { composite: true } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-381-                    };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:382:                    const subProjectApp = `${projectsLocation}/${project}/App`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-383-                    const appTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:384:                        path: `${subProjectApp}/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-385-                        content: `import { createSomeObject } from "../Library/library";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-388-                    const appTsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:389:                        path: `${subProjectApp}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-390-                        content: JSON.stringify({ references: [{ path: "../Library" }] })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-393-                    const files = [libFile, libraryTs, libraryTsconfig, appTs, appTsconfig];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:394:                    return createWatchedSystem(files, { currentDirectory: `${projectsLocation}/${project}` });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-395-                },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-423-                    scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:424:                    subScenario: `reportErrors/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:425:                    commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`, ...buildOptions],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-426-                    sys: () => createWatchedSystem(allFiles, { currentDirectory: projectsLocation }),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-450-                const subProject = "app";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:451:                const subProjectLocation = `${projectsLocation}/${solution}/${subProject}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-452-                const fileWithError: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:453:                    path: `${subProjectLocation}/fileWithError.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-454-                    content: `export var myClassWithError = class {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-463-                const fileWithoutError: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:464:                    path: `${subProjectLocation}/fileWithoutError.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-465-                    content: `export class myClass { }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-467-                const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:468:                    path: `${subProjectLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-469-                    content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { composite: true } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-495-                        [libFile, fileWithError, fileWithoutError, tsconfig],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:496:                        { currentDirectory: `${projectsLocation}/${solution}` }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-497-                    ),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-508-                        [libFile, fileWithError, fileWithoutError, tsconfig],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:509:                        { currentDirectory: `${projectsLocation}/${solution}` }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-510-                    ),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-528-                            [libFile, fileWithFixedError, fileWithoutError, tsconfig],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:529:                            { currentDirectory: `${projectsLocation}/${solution}` }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-530-                        ),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-542-                            [libFile, fileWithFixedError, fileWithoutError, tsconfig],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:543:                            { currentDirectory: `${projectsLocation}/${solution}` }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-544-                        ),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-571-                    for (const stamp of outputFileStamps) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:572:                        assert.isDefined(stamp[1], `${stamp[0]} expected to be present`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-573-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-613-                function verifyDependencies(watch: Watch, filePath: string, expected: readonly string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:614:                    checkArray(`${filePath} dependencies`, watch.getCurrentProgram().getAllDependencies(watch.getCurrentProgram().getSourceFile(filePath)!), expected);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-615-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-625-                    function createSolutionAndWatchMode() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:626:                        return createSolutionAndWatchModeOfProject(allFiles, projectsLocation, `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`, tests[0].path, getOutputFileStamps);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-627-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-629-                    function createSolutionAndService() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:630:                        return createSolutionAndServiceOfProject(allFiles, projectsLocation, `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`, tests[1].path, getOutputFileStamps);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-631-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-739-                    function dtsFile(extensionLessFile: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:740:                        return getFilePathInProject(project, `${extensionLessFile}.d.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-741-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-743-                    function jsFile(extensionLessFile: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:744:                        return getFilePathInProject(project, `${extensionLessFile}.js`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-745-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-765-                        return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:766:                            path: getFilePathInProject(project, `${folder}/tsconfig.json`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-767-                            content: fileFromDisk.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-768-                                // Replace files array
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:769:                                .replace(`${folder}.ts`, "index.ts")
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-770-                                // Replace path mappings
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-863-                            ));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:864:                            assert.equal(actualOrphan.length, orphanInfos ? orphanInfos.length : 0, `Orphans found: ${JSON.stringify(actualOrphan, /*replacer*/ undefined, " ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-865-                            if (orphanInfos && orphanInfos.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-867-                                    const info = service.getScriptInfoForPath(orphan as Path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:868:                                    assert.isDefined(info, `${orphan} expected to be present. Actual: ${JSON.stringify(actualOrphan, /*replacer*/ undefined, " ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-869-                                    assert.equal(info!.containingProjects.length, 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-944-                                    // edit
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:945:                                    host.writeFile(bTs.path, `${bTs.content}\nexport function gfoo() {\n}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-946-                                    solutionBuilder.invalidateProject((bTsconfig.path.toLowerCase() as ResolvedConfigFilePath));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1038-                                expectedEditErrors: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1039:                                    `${multiFolder ? "c/tsconfig.json" : "tsconfig.c.json"}(9,21): error TS6053: File '/user/username/projects/transitiveReferences/${multiFolder ? "b" : "tsconfig.b.json"}' not found.\n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1040-                                ],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1062-                                expectedEditErrors: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1063:                                    `${multiFolder ? "b/tsconfig.json" : "tsconfig.b.json"}(10,21): error TS6053: File '/user/username/projects/transitiveReferences/${multiFolder ? "a" : "tsconfig.a.json"}' not found.\n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1064-                                ],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1130-            subScenario: "incremental updates in verbose mode",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1131:            commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.tests}`, "-verbose"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1132-            sys: () => createWatchedSystem(allFiles, { currentDirectory: projectsLocation }),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1160-                const index: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1161:                    path: `${projectRoot}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1162-                    content: `const fn = (a: string, b: string) => b;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1164-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1165:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1166-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1176-                    caption: "Change tsconfig to set noUnusedParameters to false",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1177:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1178-                        compilerOptions: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1189-            subScenario: "should not trigger recompilation because of program emit",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1190:            commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.core}`, "-verbose"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1191-            sys: () => createWatchedSystem([libFile, ...core], { currentDirectory: projectsLocation }),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1195-                    caption: "Add new file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1196:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${project}/${SubProject.core}/file3.ts`, `export const y = 10;`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1197-                    timeouts: checkSingleTimeoutQueueLengthAndRun
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1205-            subScenario: "should not trigger recompilation because of program emit with outDir specified",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1206:            commandLineArgs: ["-b", "-w", `${project}/${SubProject.core}`, "-verbose"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1207-            sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1215-                    caption: "Add new file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1216:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${project}/${SubProject.core}/file3.ts`, `export const y = 10;`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1217-                    timeouts: checkSingleTimeoutQueueLengthAndRun
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1224-    describe("unittests:: tsbuild:: watchMode:: with demo project", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1225:        const projectLocation = `${projectsLocation}/demo`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1226-        let coreFiles: File[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1304-        function subProjectFiles(subProject: string, fileNames: readonly string[]): File[] {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1305:            return fileNames.map(file => projectFile(`${subProject}/${file}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1306-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1316-                caption,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1317:                change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectsLocation}/noEmitOnError/src/main.ts`, content),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1318-                // build project
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1324-            caption: "No change",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1325:            change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectsLocation}/noEmitOnError/src/main.ts`, sys.readFile(`${projectsLocation}/noEmitOnError/src/main.ts`)!),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1326-            // build project
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1338-                ],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1339:                { currentDirectory: `${projectsLocation}/noEmitOnError` }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1340-            ),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1378-                ],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1379:                { currentDirectory: `${projectsLocation}/reexport` }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1380-            ),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1383-                    caption: "Introduce error",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1384:                    change: sys => replaceFileText(sys, `${projectsLocation}/reexport/src/pure/session.ts`, "// ", ""),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1385-                    timeouts: build,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1388-                    caption: "Fix error",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1389:                    change: sys => replaceFileText(sys, `${projectsLocation}/reexport/src/pure/session.ts`, "bar: ", "// bar: "),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1390-                    timeouts: build
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1405-                [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1406:                    { path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`, content: "export function foo() { }" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1407:                    { path: `${projectRoot}/b.ts`, content: "export function bar() { }" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1408-                    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1409:                        path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1410-                        content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1428-                    caption: "reports syntax errors after change to config file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1429:                    change: sys => replaceFileText(sys, `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, ",", `,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1430-        "declaration": true,`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1434-                    caption: "reports syntax errors after change to ts file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1435:                    change: sys => replaceFileText(sys, `${projectRoot}/a.ts`, "foo", "fooBar"),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1436-                    timeouts: build,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1439-                    caption: "reports error when there is no change to tsconfig file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1440:                    change: sys => replaceFileText(sys, `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, "", ""),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1441-                    timeouts: build,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1444-                    caption: "builds after fixing config file errors",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts:1445:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsbuild/watchMode.ts-1446-                        compilerOptions: { composite: true, declaration: true },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:27:            const caseChangeScenario = `${subScenario} moduleCaseChange`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-28-            describe(caseChangeScenario, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-112-                files: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:113:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two/index.d.ts`, content: pluginTwoDts() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:114:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two/node_modules/typescript-fsa/package.json`, content: fsaPackageJson() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:115:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two/node_modules/typescript-fsa/index.d.ts`, content: fsaIndex() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:116:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/tsconfig.json`, content: pluginOneConfig() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:117:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/index.ts`, content: pluginOneIndex() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:118:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/action.ts`, content: pluginOneAction() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:119:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/node_modules/typescript-fsa/package.json`, content: fsaPackageJson() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:120:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/node_modules/typescript-fsa/index.d.ts`, content: fsaIndex() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:121:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/node_modules/plugin-two`, symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-122-                    tscWatch.libFile
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-131-                    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:132:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-133-                        content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-138-                    },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:139:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two/dist/commonjs/index.d.ts`, content: pluginTwoDts() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:140:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two/node_modules/typescript-fsa/package.json`, content: fsaPackageJson() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:141:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two/node_modules/typescript-fsa/index.d.ts`, content: fsaIndex() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:142:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/tsconfig.json`, content: pluginOneConfig() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-143-                    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:144:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-145-                        content: `${pluginOneIndex()}
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-147-                    },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:148:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/node_modules/typescript-fsa/package.json`, content: fsaPackageJson() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:149:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/node_modules/typescript-fsa/index.d.ts`, content: fsaIndex() },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:150:                    { path: `/temp/yarn/data/link/plugin-two`, symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-two` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:151:                    { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/plugin-one/node_modules/plugin-two`, symLink: `/temp/yarn/data/link/plugin-two` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-152-                    tscWatch.libFile
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-162-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:163:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg1/dist/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-164-                    content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-167-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:168:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg1/dist/types.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-169-                    content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-184-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:185:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg1/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-186-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-193-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:194:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg2/dist/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-195-                    content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-198-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:199:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg2/dist/types.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-200-                    content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-203-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:204:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg2/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-205-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-212-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:213:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg3/src/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-214-                    content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-217-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:218:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg3/src/keys.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-219-                    content: Utils.dedent`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-223-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:224:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg3/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-225-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-237-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:238:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg2/node_modules/@raymondfeng/pkg1`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:239:                    symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg1`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-240-                },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-241-                {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:242:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg3/node_modules/@raymondfeng/pkg2`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts:243:                    symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/pkg2`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/declarationEmit.ts-244-                },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts:105:        sys.write(`${sys.getExecutingFilePath()} ${commandLineArgs.join(" ")}\n`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-106-        sys.exit = exitCode => sys.exitCode = exitCode;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-112-        );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts:113:        sys.write(`exitCode:: ExitStatus.${ExitStatus[sys.exitCode as ExitStatus]}\n`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-114-        if (baselinePrograms) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-119-        if (baselineReadFileCalls) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts:120:            sys.write(`readFiles:: ${JSON.stringify(actualReadFileMap, /*replacer*/ undefined, " ")} `);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-121-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-131-            return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts:132:                file: `${isBuild(commandLineArgs) ? "tsbuild" : "tsc"}/${scenario}/${buildKind || BuildKind.Initial}/${subScenario.split(" ").join("-")}.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-133-                text: `Input::
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-152-    export function verifyTsc(input: TscCompile) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts:153:        describe(`tsc ${input.commandLineArgs.join(" ")} ${input.scenario}:: ${input.subScenario}`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/helpers.ts-154-            describe(input.scenario, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts-138-                    if (hasProperty(compilerOptions, key)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts:139:                        optionsString += ` ${key}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts-140-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts-144-                    scenario: "incremental",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts:145:                    subScenario: `noEmit changes${optionsString}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts-146-                    commandLineArgs: ["--p", "src/project"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts-189-                    scenario: "incremental",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts:190:                    subScenario: `noEmit changes with initial noEmit${optionsString}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsc/incremental.ts-191-                    commandLineArgs: ["--p", "src/project", "--noEmit"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-6-                scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:7:                subScenario: `emit with outFile or out setting/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-8-                commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", "/a/tsconfig.json"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-39-                scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:40:                subScenario: `emit with outFile or out setting/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-41-                commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", "/a/b/project/tsconfig.json"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-102-                scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:103:                subScenario: `emit for configured projects/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-104-                commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", configFilePath],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-357-                scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:358:                subScenario: `emit file content/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-359-                commandLineArgs: ["--w", "/a/app.ts"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-423-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:424:                    path: `${currentDirectory}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-425-                    content: "export const enum E1 { V = 1 }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-427-                const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:428:                    path: `${currentDirectory}/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-429-                    content: `import { E1 } from "./file1"; export const enum E2 { V = E1.V }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-431-                const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:432:                    path: `${currentDirectory}/file3.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-433-                    content: `import { E2 } from "./file2"; const v: E2 = E2.V;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-452-                const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:453:                    path: `${projectLocation}/app/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-454-                    content: "var a = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-456-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts:457:                    path: `${projectLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emit.ts-458-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-3-        const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:4:            path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-5-            content: `{}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-50-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:51:                subScenario: `default/${input.subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-52-                configFile: () => input.configFile?.() || config
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-56-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:57:                subScenario: `defaultAndD/${input.subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-58-                configFile: () => changeCompilerOptions(input, { declaration: true })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-62-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:63:                subScenario: `isolatedModules/${input.subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-64-                configFile: () => changeCompilerOptions(input, { isolatedModules: true })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-68-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:69:                subScenario: `isolatedModulesAndD/${input.subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-70-                configFile: () => changeCompilerOptions(input, { isolatedModules: true, declaration: true })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-74-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:75:                subScenario: `assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies/${input.subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-76-                configFile: () => changeCompilerOptions(input, { assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies: true })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-80-                ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:81:                subScenario: `assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependenciesAndD/${input.subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-82-                configFile: () => changeCompilerOptions(input, { assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies: true, declaration: true })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-87-            const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:88:                path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-89-                content: `import {B} from './b';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-96-                verifyEmitAndErrorUpdates({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:97:                    subScenario: `deepImportChanges/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-98-                    files: () => [aFile, bFile, cFile],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-110-                const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:111:                    path: `${projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-112-                    content: `import {C} from './c';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-118-                const cFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:119:                    path: `${projectRoot}/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-120-                    content: `export class C
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-133-                const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:134:                    path: `${projectRoot}/b.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-135-                    content: `import {C} from './c';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-141-                const cFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:142:                    path: `${projectRoot}/c.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-143-                    content: `export class C
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-157-            const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:158:                path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-159-                content: `export interface Point {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-168-            const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:169:                path: `${projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-170-                content: `import { Point } from "./a";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-174-            const cFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:175:                path: `${projectRoot}/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-176-                content: `import { PointWrapper } from "./b";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-187-            const dFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:188:                path: `${projectRoot}/d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-189-                content: `import { getPoint } from "./c";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-192-            const eFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:193:                path: `${projectRoot}/e.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-194-                content: `import "./d";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-210-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:211:                path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-212-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-217-            const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:218:                path: `${projectRoot}/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-219-                content: `import { Data } from "lib2/public";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-226-            const lib2Public: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:227:                path: `${projectRoot}/lib2/public.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-228-                content: `export * from "./data";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-230-            const lib2Data: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:231:                path: `${projectRoot}/lib2/data.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-232-                content: `import { ITest } from "lib1/public";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-242-            const lib1Public: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:243:                path: `${projectRoot}/lib1/public.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-244-                content: `export * from "./tools/public";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-246-            const lib1ToolsPublic: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:247:                path: `${projectRoot}/lib1/tools/public.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-248-                content: `export * from "./tools.interface";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-250-            const lib1ToolsInterface: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:251:                path: `${projectRoot}/lib1/tools/tools.interface.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-252-                content: `export interface ITest {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-258-                verifyEmitAndErrorUpdates({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:259:                    subScenario: `updates errors when file transitively exported file changes/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-260-                    files: () => [lib1ToolsInterface, lib1ToolsPublic, app, lib2Public, lib1Public, ...files],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-279-                const lib2Data: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:280:                    path: `${projectRoot}/lib2/data.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-281-                    content: `import { ITest } from "lib1/public"; import { Data2 } from "./data2";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-291-                const lib2Data2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:292:                    path: `${projectRoot}/lib2/data2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-293-                    content: `import { Data } from "./data";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-308-                    caption,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:309:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${TestFSWithWatch.tsbuildProjectsLocation}/noEmitOnError/src/main.ts`, content),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-310-                    // build project
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-315-                caption: "No change",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:316:                change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${TestFSWithWatch.tsbuildProjectsLocation}/noEmitOnError/src/main.ts`, sys.readFile(`${TestFSWithWatch.tsbuildProjectsLocation}/noEmitOnError/src/main.ts`)!),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-317-                // build project
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-321-                subScenario: "with noEmitOnError",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts:322:                currentDirectory: `${TestFSWithWatch.tsbuildProjectsLocation}/noEmitOnError`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/emitAndErrorUpdates.ts-323-                files: () => ["shared/types/db.ts", "src/main.ts", "src/other.ts"]
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-3-        const loggerFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:4:            path: `${projectRoot}/logger.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-5-            content: `export class logger { }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-7-        const anotherFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:8:            path: `${projectRoot}/another.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-9-            content: `import { logger } from "./logger"; new logger();`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-11-        const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:12:            path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-13-            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-43-                    caption: "Change name of file from logger to Logger",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:44:                    change: sys => sys.renameFile(loggerFile.path, `${projectRoot}/Logger.ts`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-45-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-2-    export const projects = `/user/username/projects`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:3:    export const projectRoot = `${projects}/myproject`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-4-    export import WatchedSystem = TestFSWithWatch.TestServerHost;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-122-                if (!disableConsoleClears && contains(screenStartingMessageCodes, diagnostic.code)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:123:                    assert.equal(host.screenClears[screenClears], index, `Expected screen clear at this diagnostic: ${expected}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-124-                    screenClears++;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-131-        function getOutputAtFailedMessage(caption: string, expectedOutput: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:132:            return `Expected ${caption}: ${JSON.stringify(expectedOutput)} at ${index} in ${JSON.stringify(outputs)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-133-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-136-            const newLines = contains(screenStartingMessageCodes, diagnostic.code)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:137:                ? `${host.newLine}${host.newLine}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-138-                : host.newLine;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:139:            return ` - ${flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, host.newLine)}${newLines}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-140-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-258-    export function getUnknownCompilerOption(program: Program, configFile: File, option: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:259:        const quotedOption = `"${option}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-260-        return getDiagnosticOfFile(program.getCompilerOptions().configFile!, configFile.content.indexOf(quotedOption), quotedOption.length, Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0, option);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-263-    export function getUnknownDidYouMeanCompilerOption(program: Program, configFile: File, option: string, didYouMean: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:264:        const quotedOption = `"${option}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-265-        return getDiagnosticOfFile(program.getCompilerOptions().configFile!, configFile.content.indexOf(quotedOption), quotedOption.length, Diagnostics.Unknown_compiler_option_0_Did_you_mean_1, option, didYouMean);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-268-    export function getDiagnosticModuleNotFoundOfFile(program: Program, file: File, moduleName: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:269:        const quotedModuleName = `"${moduleName}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-270-        return getDiagnosticOfFileFromProgram(program, file.path, file.content.indexOf(quotedModuleName), quotedModuleName.length, Diagnostics.Cannot_find_module_0_Did_you_mean_to_set_the_moduleResolution_option_to_node_or_to_add_aliases_to_the_paths_option, moduleName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-363-        const oldSnap = sys.snap();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:364:        baseline.push(`Change::${caption ? " " + caption : ""}`, "");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-365-        change(sys);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-381-    }: RunWatchBaseline) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:382:        baseline.push(`${sys.getExecutingFilePath()} ${commandLineArgs.join(" ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-383-        let programs = watchBaseline({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-422-        sys.serializeWatches(baseline);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:423:        baseline.push(`exitCode:: ExitStatus.${ExitStatus[sys.exitCode as ExitStatus]}`, "");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-424-        sys.diff(baseline, oldSnap);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-425-        sys.writtenFiles.forEach((value, key) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:426:            assert.equal(value, 1, `Expected to write file ${key} only once`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-427-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-441-        const options = program.getCompilerOptions();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:442:        baseline.push(`Program root files: ${JSON.stringify(program.getRootFileNames())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:443:        baseline.push(`Program options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:444:        baseline.push(`Program structureReused: ${(<any>ts).StructureIsReused[program.structureIsReused]}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-445-        baseline.push("Program files::");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-474-            if (input.baselineIncremental) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:475:                describe(`${input.subScenario} with incremental`, () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-476-                    tscWatchCompile({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-477-                        ...input,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts:478:                        subScenario: `${input.subScenario} with incremental`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/helpers.ts-479-                        commandLineArgs: [...input.commandLineArgs, "--incremental"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-5-        const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:6:            path: `${project}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-7-            content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { incremental: true } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-33-            const argsToPass = [incremental ? "-i" : "-w", ...(optionsToExtend || emptyArray)];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:34:            baseline.push(`${sys.getExecutingFilePath()} ${argsToPass.join(" ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-35-            const { cb, getPrograms } = commandLineCallbacks(sys);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:43:            Harness.Baseline.runBaseline(`${isBuild(argsToPass) ? "tsbuild/watchMode" : "tscWatch"}/incremental/${subScenario.split(" ").join("-")}-${incremental ? "incremental" : "watch"}.js`, baseline.join("\r\n"));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-62-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:63:                path: `${project}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-64-                content: "const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-66-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:67:                path: `${project}/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-68-                content: "const y = 20;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-75-                        optionsToExtend,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:76:                        subScenario: `own file emit without errors/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-77-                        modifyFs: host => host.writeFile(file2.path, modifiedFile2Content),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-103-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:104:                path: `${project}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-105-                content: "export const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-107-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:108:                path: `${project}/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-109-                content: "export const y = 20;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-166-                        version: system.createHash(file1.content),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:167:                        signature: system.createHash(`${file1.content.replace("export ", "export declare ")}\n`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-168-                        affectsGlobalScope: false,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-227-                const aTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:228:                    path: `${project}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-229-                    content: `import { B } from "./b";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-235-                const bTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:236:                    path: `${project}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-237-                    content: `import { C } from "./c";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-243-                const cTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:244:                    path: `${project}/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-245-                    content: `import { A } from "./a";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-251-                const indexTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:252:                    path: `${project}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-253-                    content: `export { A } from "./a";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-260-            subScenario: "incremental with circular references",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:261:            modifyFs: host => host.writeFile(`${project}/a.ts`, `import { B } from "./b";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-262-export interface A {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-272-                { path: libFile.path, content: libContent },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:273:                { path: `${project}/globals.d.ts`, content: `declare namespace Config { const value: string;} ` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:274:                { path: `${project}/index.ts`, content: `console.log(Config.value);` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-275-                { path: configFile.path, content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { incremental: true, } }) }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-276-            ],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:277:            modifyFs: host => host.deleteFile(`${project}/globals.d.ts`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-278-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-297-                { path: libFile.path, content: libContent },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:298:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/react/jsx-runtime/index.d.ts`, content: jsxLibraryContent },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:299:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/react/package.json`, content: JSON.stringify({ name: "react", version: "0.0.1" }) },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:300:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/preact/jsx-runtime/index.d.ts`, content: jsxLibraryContent.replace("propA", "propB") },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:301:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/preact/package.json`, content: JSON.stringify({ name: "preact", version: "0.0.1" }) },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:302:                { path: `${project}/index.tsx`, content: `export const App = () => <div propA={true}></div>;` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-303-                { path: configFile.path, content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: jsxImportSourceOptions }) }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-311-                { path: libFile.path, content: libContent },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:312:                { path: `${project}/index.tsx`, content: `export const App = () => <div propA={true}></div>;` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-313-                { path: configFile.path, content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: jsxImportSourceOptions }) }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-315-            modifyFs: host => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:316:                host.createDirectory(`${project}/node_modules`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:317:                host.createDirectory(`${project}/node_modules/react`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:318:                host.createDirectory(`${project}/node_modules/react/jsx-runtime`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:319:                host.writeFile(`${project}/node_modules/react/jsx-runtime/index.d.ts`, jsxLibraryContent);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:320:                host.writeFile(`${project}/node_modules/react/package.json`, JSON.stringify({ name: "react", version: "0.0.1" }));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-321-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-327-                { path: libFile.path, content: libContent },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:328:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/react/jsx-runtime/index.d.ts`, content: jsxLibraryContent },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:329:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/react/package.json`, content: JSON.stringify({ name: "react", version: "0.0.1" }) },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:330:                { path: `${project}/index.tsx`, content: `export const App = () => <div propA={true}></div>;` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-331-                { path: configFile.path, content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: jsxImportSourceOptions }) }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-333-            modifyFs: host => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:334:                host.deleteFile(`${project}/node_modules/react/jsx-runtime/index.d.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:335:                host.deleteFile(`${project}/node_modules/react/package.json`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-336-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-342-                { path: libFile.path, content: libContent },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:343:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/tslib/index.d.ts`, content: "export function __assign(...args: any[]): any;" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:344:                { path: `${project}/node_modules/tslib/package.json`, content: JSON.stringify({ name: "tslib", version: "0.0.1" }) },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:345:                { path: `${project}/index.tsx`, content: `export const x = {...{}};` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-346-                { path: configFile.path, content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { importHelpers: true } }) }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-348-            modifyFs: host => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:349:                host.deleteFile(`${project}/node_modules/tslib/index.d.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts:350:                host.deleteFile(`${project}/node_modules/tslib/package.json`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/incremental.ts-351-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-584-                const file1 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:585:                    path: `${projectRoot}/Project/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-586-                    content: "export const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-588-                const configFile = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:589:                    path: `${projectRoot}/Project/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-590-                    content: JSON.stringify({ include: [".", "./**/*.json"] })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-591-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:592:                return createWatchedSystem([file1, libFile, configFile], { currentDirectory: `${projectRoot}/Project` });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-593-            },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-596-                    caption: "Write file2",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:597:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/Project/file2.ts`, "export const y = 10;"),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-598-                    timeouts: checkSingleTimeoutQueueLengthAndRun
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1036-                    scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1037:                    subScenario: `should not trigger recompilation because of program emit/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1038:                    commandLineArgs: ["-w", "-p", `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1039-                    sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1040-                        const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1041:                            path: `${projectRoot}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1042-                            content: "export const c = 30;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1044-                        const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1045:                            path: `${projectRoot}/src/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1046-                            content: `import {c} from "file1"; export const d = 30;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1048-                        const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1049:                            path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1050-                            content: generateTSConfig(options, emptyArray, "\n")
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1057-                            caption: "Add new file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1058:                            change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/src/file3.ts`, `export const y = 10;`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1059-                            timeouts: sys => sys.checkTimeoutQueueLengthAndRun(2), // To update program and failed lookups
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1134-                const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1135:                    path: `${projectLocation}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1136-                    content: "var a = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1138-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1139:                    path: `${projectLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1140-                    content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1154-            return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1155:                caption: `Changed ${parameterName} type to ${toType}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1156:                change: sys => replaceFileText(sys, `${projectRoot}/b.ts`, new RegExp(`${parameterName}\: [a-z]*`), `${parameterName}: ${toType}`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1157-                timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1166-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1167:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1168-                    content: `import test from './b';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1171-                const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1172:                    path: `${projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1173-                    content: `function test(x: number, y: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1178-                const tsconfigFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1179:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1180-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1203-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1204:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1205-                    content: `declare function foo(): null | { hello: any };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1208-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1209:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1210-                    content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: {} })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1216-                    caption: "Enable strict null checks",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1217:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { strictNullChecks: true } })),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1218-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1221-                    caption: "Set always strict false",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1222:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { strict: true, alwaysStrict: false } })), // Avoid changing 'alwaysStrict' or must re-bind
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1223-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1226-                    caption: "Disable strict",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1227:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: {} })),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1228-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1238-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1239:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1240-                    content: `declare var v: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1251-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1252:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1253-                    content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: {} })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1259-                    caption: "Enable noErrorTruncation",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1260:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { noErrorTruncation: true } })),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1261-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1296-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1297:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1298-                    content: `export class C {}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1300-                const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1301:                    path: `${projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1302-                    content: `import {C} from './a';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1305-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1306:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1307-                    content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: {} })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1313-                    caption: 'Set to "remove"',
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1314:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { importsNotUsedAsValues: "remove" } })),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1315-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1318-                    caption: 'Set to "error"',
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1319:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { importsNotUsedAsValues: "error" } })),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1320-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1323-                    caption: 'Set to "preserve"',
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1324:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { importsNotUsedAsValues: "preserve" } })),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1325-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1364-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1365:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1366-                    content: `import * as data from './data.json'`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1368-                const jsonFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1369:                    path: `${projectRoot}/data.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1370-                    content: `{ "foo": 1 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1372-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1373:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1374-                    content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { moduleResolution: "node" } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1380-                    caption: "Enable resolveJsonModule",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1381:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { moduleResolution: "node", resolveJsonModule: true } })),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1382-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1392-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1393:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1394-                    content: `declare module 'a' {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1398-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1399:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1400-                    content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1407-                    // Create bts with same file contents
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1408:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/b.ts`, `declare module 'a' {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1409-  type foo = number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1414-                    caption: "Delete b.ts",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1415:                    change: sys => sys.deleteFile(`${projectRoot}/b.ts`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1416-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1438-                        scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1439:                        subScenario: `updates errors in lib file/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1440-                        commandLineArgs: ["-w", aFile.path, ...commandLineOptions],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1457:                verifyLibErrors(`${subScenario}/with default options`, emptyArray);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1458:                verifyLibErrors(`${subScenario}/with skipLibCheck`, ["--skipLibCheck"]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1459:                verifyLibErrors(`${subScenario}/with skipDefaultLibCheck`, ["--skipDefaultLibCheck"]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1460-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1463-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1464:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1465-                    content: `${fieldWithoutReadonly}
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1472-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1473:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1474-                    content: `export {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1486-            return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1487:                caption: `Changing config to ${configFileContent}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1488:                change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, configFileContent),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1489-                timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1499-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1500:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1501-                    content: `interface Document {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1505-                const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1506:                    path: `${projectRoot}/b.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1507-                    content: `interface Document {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1518-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1519:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1520-                    content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1539-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1540:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1541-                    content: `export const a: string = "";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1543-                const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1544:                    path: `${projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1545-                    content: `import { a } from "./a";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1548-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1549:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1550-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1560-                    caption: "Change shape of a",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1561:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/a.ts`, `export const a: number = 1`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1562-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1572-                const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1573:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1574-                    content: `import { x } from "../b";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1580-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1581:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1582-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1593-                    caption: "Make changes to file a",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1594:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/a.ts`, `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1607-                const index: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1608:                    path: `${projectRoot}/index.tsx`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1609-                    content: `declare var React: any;\nconst d = <div />;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1611-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1612:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1613-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1623-                    caption: "Update 'jsx' to 'react'",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts:1624:                    change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, '{ "compilerOptions": { "jsx": "react" } }'),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/programUpdates.ts-1625-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-297-            subScenario: "works when renaming node_modules folder that already contains @types folder",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:298:            commandLineArgs: ["--w", `${projectRoot}/a.ts`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-299-            sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-300-                const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:301:                    path: `${projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-302-                    content: `import * as q from "qqq";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-304-                const module: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:305:                    path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules2/@types/qqq/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-306-                    content: "export {}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-312-                    caption: "npm install",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:313:                    change: sys => sys.renameFolder(`${projectRoot}/node_modules2`, `${projectRoot}/node_modules`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-314-                    timeouts: runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-322-                    scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:323:                    subScenario: `ignores changes in node_modules that start with dot/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-324-                    commandLineArgs,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-326-                        const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:327:                            path: `${projectRoot}/test.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-328-                            content: `import { x } from "somemodule";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-330-                        const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:331:                            path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/somemodule/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-332-                            content: `export const x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-334-                        const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:335:                            path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-336-                            content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-343-                            change: sys => sys.ensureFileOrFolder({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:344:                                path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/.cache/babel-loader/89c02171edab901b9926470ba6d5677e.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-345-                                content: JSON.stringify({ something: 10 })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-351-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:352:            verifyIgnore("watch without configFile", ["--w", `${projectRoot}/test.ts`]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:353:            verifyIgnore("watch with configFile", ["--w", "-p", `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-354-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-358-            subScenario: "when types in compiler option are global and installed at later point",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:359:            commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-360-            sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-361-                const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:362:                    path: `${projectRoot}/lib/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-363-                    content: `myapp.component("hello");`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-365-                const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:366:                    path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-367-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-380-                        sys.ensureFileOrFolder({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:381:                            path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/@myapp/ts-types/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-382-                            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-387-                        sys.ensureFileOrFolder({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:388:                            path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/@myapp/ts-types/types/somefile.define.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-389-                            content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-417-            sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:418:                const mainPackageRoot = `${projectRoot}/main`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:419:                const linkedPackageRoot = `${projectRoot}/linked-package`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-420-                const mainFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:421:                    path: `${mainPackageRoot}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-422-                    content: "import { Foo } from '@scoped/linked-package'"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-424-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:425:                    path: `${mainPackageRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-426-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-431-                const linkedPackageInMain: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:432:                    path: `${mainPackageRoot}/node_modules/@scoped/linked-package`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:433:                    symLink: `${linkedPackageRoot}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-434-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-435-                const linkedPackageJson: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:436:                    path: `${linkedPackageRoot}/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-437-                    content: JSON.stringify({ name: "@scoped/linked-package", version: "0.0.1", types: "dist/index.d.ts", main: "dist/index.js" })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-439-                const linkedPackageIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:440:                    path: `${linkedPackageRoot}/dist/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-441-                    content: "export * from './other';"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-443-                const linkedPackageOther: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts:444:                    path: `${linkedPackageRoot}/dist/other.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/resolutionCache.ts-445-                    content: 'export declare const Foo = "BAR";'
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-87-                return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:88:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/${packageName}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-89-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-103-                return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:104:                    path: `${projectRoot}/packages/${packageName}/src/${fileName}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-105-                    content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-112-                        bPackageJson: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:113:                            path: `${projectRoot}/packages/B/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-114-                            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-126-                        bSymlink: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:127:                            path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/${scope}b`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:128:                            symLink: `${projectRoot}/packages/B`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-129-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-135-                        bPackageJson: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:136:                            path: `${projectRoot}/packages/B/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-137-                            content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-146-                        bSymlink: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:147:                            path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/${scope}b`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts:148:                            symLink: `${projectRoot}/packages/B`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/sourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect.ts-149-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-7-        const mainFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:8:            path: `${projectRoot}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-9-            content: "import settings from './settings.json';"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-11-        const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:12:            path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-13-            content: JSON.stringify(configFileJson)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-15-        const settingsJson: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:16:            path: `${projectRoot}/settings.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-17-            content: JSON.stringify({ content: "Print this" })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-48-        const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:49:            path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-50-            content: JSON.stringify(configFileJson)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-52-        const mainFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:53:            path: `${projectRoot}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-54-            content: "let compiler = new Compiler(); for (let i = 0; j < 5; i++) {}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-76-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:77:                path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-78-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-80-            const mainFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:81:                path: `${projectRoot}/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-82-                content: "const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-90-            // Write new file
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:91:            const barPath = `${projectRoot}/bar.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-92-            sys.writeFile(barPath, "const y =10;");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-99-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:100:                path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-101-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-103-            const mainFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:104:                path: `${projectRoot}/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-105-                content: "const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-107-            const otherFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:108:                path: `${projectRoot}/other.vue`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-109-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:125:            const other2 = `${projectRoot}/other2.vue`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-126-            sys.writeFile(other2, otherFile.content);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-139-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:140:                path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-141-                content: configText
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-143-            const mainFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:144:                path: `${projectRoot}/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-145-                content: "export const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-147-            const otherFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:148:                path: `${projectRoot}/other.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-149-                content: "export const y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-156-        function verifyOutputs(sys: System, emitSys: System) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:157:            for (const output of [`${projectRoot}/main.js`, `${projectRoot}/main.d.ts`, `${projectRoot}/other.js`, `${projectRoot}/other.d.ts`, `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo`]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:158:                assert.strictEqual(sys.readFile(output), emitSys.readFile(output), `Output file text for ${output}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-159-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-212-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:213:                path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-214-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { composite: true } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-216-            const mainFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:217:                path: `${projectRoot}/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-218-                content: "export const x: string = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-220-            const otherFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts:221:                path: `${projectRoot}/other.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchApi.ts-222-                content: "export const y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-11-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:12:                    path: `${projectFolder}/typescript.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-13-                    content: "var z = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-71-                const projectFolder = "/a/username/project";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:72:                const projectSrcFolder = `${projectFolder}/src`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-73-                const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:74:                    path: `${projectFolder}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-75-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-81-                const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:82:                    path: `${projectSrcFolder}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-83-                    content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-86-                    scenario,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:87:                    subScenario: `watchDirectories/${subScenario}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-88-                    commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", configFile.path],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-126-                    const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:127:                        path: `${cwd}/src/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-128-                        content: `import * as a from "a"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-130-                    const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:131:                        path: `${cwd}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-132-                        content: `{ "compilerOptions": { "extendedDiagnostics": true, "traceResolution": true }}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-134-                    const realA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:135:                        path: `${cwd}/node_modules/reala/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-136-                        content: `export {}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-138-                    const realB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:139:                        path: `${cwd}/node_modules/realb/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-140-                        content: `export {}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-142-                    const symLinkA: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:143:                        path: `${cwd}/node_modules/a`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:144:                        symLink: `${cwd}/node_modules/reala`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-145-                    };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-146-                    const symLinkB: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:147:                        path: `${cwd}/node_modules/b`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:148:                        symLink: `${cwd}/node_modules/realb`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-149-                    };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-150-                    const symLinkBInA: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:151:                        path: `${cwd}/node_modules/reala/node_modules/b`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:152:                        symLink: `${cwd}/node_modules/b`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-153-                    };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-154-                    const symLinkAInB: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:155:                        path: `${cwd}/node_modules/realb/node_modules/a`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:156:                        symLink: `${cwd}/node_modules/a`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-157-                    };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-168-                subScenario: "watchDirectories/with non synchronous watch directory",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:169:                commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-170-                sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-171-                    const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:172:                        path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-173-                        content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-175-                    const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:176:                        path: `${projectRoot}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-177-                        content: `import { x } from "file2";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-179-                    const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:180:                        path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/file2/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-181-                        content: `export const x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-197-                        // Remove directory node_modules
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:198:                        change: sys => sys.deleteFolder(`${projectRoot}/node_modules`, /*recursive*/ true),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-199-                        timeouts: sys => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-216-                        // npm install
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:217:                        change: sys => sys.createDirectory(`${projectRoot}/node_modules`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-218-                        timeouts: sys => sys.checkTimeoutQueueLength(1), // To update folder structure
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-221-                        caption: "npm install folder creation of file2",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:222:                        change: sys => sys.createDirectory(`${projectRoot}/node_modules/file2`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-223-                        timeouts: sys => sys.checkTimeoutQueueLength(1), // To update folder structure
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-226-                        caption: "npm install index file in file2",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:227:                        change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/node_modules/file2/index.d.ts`, `export const x = 10;`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-228-                        timeouts: sys => sys.checkTimeoutQueueLength(1), // To update folder structure
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-259-                subScenario: "watchDirectories/with non synchronous watch directory with outDir and declaration enabled",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:260:                commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-261-                sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-262-                    const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:263:                        path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-264-                        content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { outDir: "dist", declaration: true } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-266-                    const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:267:                        path: `${projectRoot}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-268-                        content: `import { x } from "file2";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-270-                    const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:271:                        path: `${projectRoot}/node_modules/file2/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-272-                        content: `export const x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-280-                        caption: "Add new file, should schedule and run timeout to update directory watcher",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:281:                        change: sys => sys.writeFile(`${projectRoot}/src/file3.ts`, `export const y = 10;`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-282-                        timeouts: checkSingleTimeoutQueueLengthAndRun, // Update the child watch
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-300-                subScenario: "watchDirectories/with non synchronous watch directory renaming a file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:301:                commandLineArgs: ["--w", "-p", `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-302-                sys: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-303-                    const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:304:                        path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-305-                        content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { outDir: "dist" } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-307-                    const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:308:                        path: `${projectRoot}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-309-                        content: `import { x } from "./file2";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-311-                    const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:312:                        path: `${projectRoot}/src/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-313-                        content: `export const x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-321-                        caption: "rename the file",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts:322:                        change: sys => sys.renameFile(`${projectRoot}/src/file2.ts`, `${projectRoot}/src/renamed.ts`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tscWatch/watchEnvironment.ts-323-                        timeouts: sys => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/applyChangesToOpenFiles.ts-24-            // Verified applied in reverse order
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/applyChangesToOpenFiles.ts:25:            assert.equal(snap.getText(0, snap.getLength()), expected, `Text of changed file: ${file}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/applyChangesToOpenFiles.ts-26-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/autoImportProvider.ts-234-            const createPackage = (i: number): File[] => ([
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/autoImportProvider.ts:235:                { path: `/node_modules/package${i}/package.json`, content: `{ "name": "package${i}" }` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/autoImportProvider.ts:236:                { path: `/node_modules/package${i}/index.d.ts`, content: `` }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/autoImportProvider.ts-237-            ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-59-                const result = calledMap.get(name);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:60:                assert.isTrue(result && !!result.length, `${callback} should be called with name: ${name}: ${arrayFrom(calledMap.keys())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-61-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-64-                const calledMap = calledMaps[callback];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:65:                assert.equal(calledMap.size, 0, `${callback} shouldn't be called: ${arrayFrom(calledMap.keys())}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-66-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-139-                verifyImportedDiagnostics();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:140:                assert.isTrue(false, `should not find file '${imported.path}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-141-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-142-            catch (e) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:143:                assert.isTrue(e.message.indexOf(`Could not find source file: '${imported.path}'.`) === 0, `Actual: ${e.message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-144-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-191-                    locations.push(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:192:                        combinePaths(ancestor, `${module}.ts`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:193:                        combinePaths(ancestor, `${module}.tsx`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:194:                        combinePaths(ancestor, `${module}.d.ts`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-195-                    );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-198-                    locations.push(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:199:                        combinePaths(ancestor, `${module}.js`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:200:                        combinePaths(ancestor, `${module}.jsx`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-201-                    );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-336-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:337:                    path: `${frontendDir}/src/app/utils/Analytic.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-338-                    content: "export class SomeClass { };"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-340-                const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:341:                    path: `${frontendDir}/src/app/redux/configureStore.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-342-                    content: "export class configureStore { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-344-                const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:345:                    path: `${frontendDir}/src/app/utils/Cookie.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-346-                    content: "export class Cookie { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-354-                const tsconfigFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:355:                    path: `${frontendDir}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-356-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-393-                checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:394:                const watchingRecursiveDirectories = [`${canonicalFrontendDir}/src`, `${canonicalFrontendDir}/types`, `${canonicalFrontendDir}/node_modules`].concat(getNodeModuleDirectories(getDirectoryPath(canonicalFrontendDir)));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-454-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:455:                    path: `${projectLocation}/foo/boo/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-456-                    content: `import * as debug from "debug"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-458-                const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:459:                    path: `${projectLocation}/foo/boo/moo/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-460-                    content: `import * as debug from "debug"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-462-                const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:463:                    path: `${projectLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-464-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-480-                const debugTypesFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:481:                    path: `${projectLocation}/node_modules/debug/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-482-                    content: "export {}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-549-                assert.equal(configFileName, tsconfigJson.path as server.NormalizedPath, `should find config`); // TODO: GH#18217
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:550:                const recursiveWatchedDirectories: string[] = [`${appFolder}`, `${appFolder}/node_modules`].concat(getNodeModuleDirectories(getDirectoryPath(appFolder)));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-551-                verifyProject();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-681-            const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:682:                path: `${projectLocation}/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-683-                content: `import * as debug from "debug"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-685-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:686:                path: `${projectLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-687-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-699-            const debugTypesFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts:700:                path: `${projectLocation}/node_modules/@types/debug/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/cachingFileSystemInformation.ts-701-                content: "export {}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-25-                    arrayIsEqualTo(actualResultSingleProjectFileNameList, expectedResultSingleProjectFileNameList),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:26:                    `For project ${actualResultSingleProject.projectFileName}, the actual result is ${actualResultSingleProjectFileNameList}, while expected ${expectedResultSingleProjectFileNameList}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-27-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-761-            const file1 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:762:                path: `/root/TypeScriptProject3/TypeScriptProject3/${inputFileName}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-763-                content: "consonle.log('file1');"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-788-            verifyContentHasString(outFileContent, file1.content);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:789:            verifyContentHasString(outFileContent, `//# ${"sourceMappingURL"}=${outFileName}.map`); // Sometimes tools can sometimes see this line as a source mapping url comment, so we obfuscate it a little
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-794-            const mapFileContent = host.readFile(expectedMapFileName)!;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:795:            verifyContentHasString(mapFileContent, `"sources":["${inputFileName}"]`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-797-            function verifyContentHasString(content: string, str: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:798:                assert.isTrue(stringContains(content, str), `Expected "${content}" to have "${str}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-799-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-814-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:815:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-816-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-826-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:827:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-828-                    content: "const x = 1;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-830-                const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:831:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-832-                    content: "const y = 2;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-854-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:855:                assert.strictEqual(host.readFile(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/test/file1.d.ts`), "declare const x = 1;\n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-856-                const file2SaveResponse = session.executeCommandSeq<protocol.CompileOnSaveEmitFileRequest>({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-866-                            fileName: undefined,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:867:                            text: formatStringFromArgs(Diagnostics.Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_overwrite_input_file.message, [`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/test/file1.d.ts`]),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-868-                            code: Diagnostics.Cannot_write_file_0_because_it_would_overwrite_input_file.code,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-879-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:880:                assert.isFalse(host.fileExists(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/test/file2.d.ts`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-881-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-902-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:903:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-904-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-912-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:913:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-914-                    content: `const x = 1;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-919-                const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:920:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-921-                    content: `const y = 2;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-926-                const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:927:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file3.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-928-                    content: "const xy = 3;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-930-                const module: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:931:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/module.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-932-                    content: "export const xyz = 4;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-968-                            `"use strict";\nexports.__esModule = true;\nexports.xyz = void 0;\nexports.xyz = 4;\n` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:969:                            `${file.content.replace("const", "var")}\n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-970-                    );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1011-        const core: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:1012:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/core/core.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1013-            content: "let z = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1015-        const app1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:1016:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app1/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1017-            content: "let x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1019-        const app2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:1020:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app2/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1021-            content: "let y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1023-        const app1Config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:1024:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app1/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1025-            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1031-        const app2Config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts:1032:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app2/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/compileOnSave.ts-1033-            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-126-            const appPackage: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:127:                path: `${projectRoot}/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-128-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-137-            const appFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:138:                path: `${projectRoot}/src/app.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-139-                content: `import React from 'react';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-144-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:145:            const localNodeModules = `${projectRoot}/node_modules`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:146:            const localAtTypes = `${localNodeModules}/@types`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-147-            const localReactPackage: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:148:                path: `${localAtTypes}/react/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-149-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-154-            const localReact: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:155:                path: `${localAtTypes}/react/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-156-                content: `import * as PropTypes from 'prop-types';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-159-            const localReactRouterDomPackage: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:160:                path: `${localNodeModules}/react-router-dom/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-161-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-166-            const localReactRouterDom: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:167:                path: `${localNodeModules}/react-router-dom/index.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-168-                content: `export function foo() {}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-170-            const localPropTypesPackage: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:171:                path: `${localAtTypes}/prop-types/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-172-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-177-            const localPropTypes: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:178:                path: `${localAtTypes}/prop-types/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-179-                content: `export type ReactComponentLike =
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-186-            const globalCacheLocation = `c:/typescript`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:187:            const globalAtTypes = `${globalCacheLocation}/node_modules/@types`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-188-            const globalReactRouterDomPackage: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:189:                path: `${globalAtTypes}/react-router-dom/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-190-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-195-            const globalReactRouterDom: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:196:                path: `${globalAtTypes}/react-router-dom/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-197-                content: `import * as React from 'react';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-205-            const globalReactPackage: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:206:                path: `${globalAtTypes}/react/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-207-                content: localReactPackage.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-209-            const globalReact: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts:210:                path: `${globalAtTypes}/react/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/completions.ts-211-                content: localReact.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-26-            const projectDir = "/a/b/projects/project";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:27:            const configFileLocation = `${projectDir}/src`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-28-            const f1 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:29:                path: `${configFileLocation}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-30-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-32-            const configFile = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:33:                path: `${configFileLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-34-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-53-            checkNumberOfProjects(service, { inferredProjects: 1 });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:54:            checkWatchedFiles(host, [libFile.path, configFile.path, `${configFileLocation}/jsconfig.json`, `${projectDir}/tsconfig.json`, `${projectDir}/jsconfig.json`]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-55-            checkWatchedDirectories(host, [], /*recursive*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-60-            const projectDir = "/a/b/projects/project";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:61:            const configFileLocation = `${projectDir}/src`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-62-            const f1 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:63:                path: `${configFileLocation}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-64-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-66-            const configFile = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:67:                path: `${configFileLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-68-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-87-            assert.equal(service.inferredProjects[0].projectRootPath, projectDir);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:88:            checkWatchedFiles(host, [libFile.path, configFile.path, `${configFileLocation}/jsconfig.json`, `${projectDir}/tsconfig.json`, `${projectDir}/jsconfig.json`]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-89-            checkWatchedDirectories(host, [], /*recursive*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-95-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:96:                path: `${projectRoot}/src/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-97-                content: "let y = 10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-99-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:100:                path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-101-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-124-                checkWatchedDirectories(host, emptyArray, /*recursive*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:125:                checkWatchedDirectories(host, (orphanInferredProject ? [projectRoot, `${dirOfFile}/node_modules/@types`] : [projectRoot]).concat(getTypeRootsFromLocation(projectRoot)), /*recursive*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-126-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-170-            function verifyConfigFileWatch(projectRootPath: string | undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts:171:                const path = `${root}/x.js`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configFileSearch.ts-172-                const host = createServerHost([libFile, { path, content: "const x = 10" }], { useCaseSensitiveFileNames: true });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-31-            assert(configFileName, "should find config file");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:32:            assert.isTrue(!configFileErrors || configFileErrors.length === 0, `expect no errors in config file, got ${JSON.stringify(configFileErrors)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-33-            checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-71-            assert(configFileName, "should find config file");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:72:            assert.isTrue(!configFileErrors || configFileErrors.length === 0, `expect no errors in config file, got ${JSON.stringify(configFileErrors)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-73-            checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService, 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-85-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:86:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-87-                content: `{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-91-            const commonFile1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:92:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/commonFile1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-93-                content: "let x = 1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-95-            const commonFile2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:96:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/commonFile2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-97-                content: "let y = 1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-439-            const file1 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:440:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/b/f1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-441-                content: "export let x = 5"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-443-            const file2 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:444:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/c/f2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-445-                content: `import {x} from "../b/f1"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-447-            const file3 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:448:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/c/f3.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-449-                content: "export let y = 1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-451-            const configFile = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:452:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/c/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-453-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: {}, files: ["f2.ts", "f3.ts"] })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-774-                const scriptInfo = projectService.getScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(server.toNormalizedPath(f.path))!;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:775:                assert.equal(scriptInfo.containingProjects.length, 1, `expect 1 containing projects for '${f.path}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:776:                assert.equal(scriptInfo.containingProjects[0], project, `expect configured project to be the only containing project for '${f.path}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-777-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-834-            const barConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:835:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/bar/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-836-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-843-            const barIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:844:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/bar/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-845-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-850-            const fooConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:851:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foo/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-852-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-859-            const fooIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:860:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foo/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-861-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-865-            const barSymLink: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:866:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foo/node_modules/bar`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:867:                symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/bar`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-868-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-870-            const lib2017: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:871:                path: `${getDirectoryPath(libFile.path)}/lib.es2017.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-872-                content: libFile.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-874-            const libDom: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:875:                path: `${getDirectoryPath(libFile.path)}/lib.dom.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-876-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-888-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:889:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-890-                content: "const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-892-            const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:893:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/^app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-894-                content: "const y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-896-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:897:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-898-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-906-            const foo: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:907:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/foo.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-908-                content: "export function foo() { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-910-            const bar: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:911:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/bar.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-912-                content: "export function bar() { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-914-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:915:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-916-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-920-            const fooBar: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:921:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/sub/fooBar.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-922-                content: "export function fooBar() { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-925-                const host = createServerHost([
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:926:                    foo, bar, libFile, { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/sub` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-927-                    withExclude ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1040-            const barConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1041:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/bar/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1042-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1044-            const barIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1045:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/bar/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1046-                content: `import {foo} from "../foo/lib";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1049-            const fooBarConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1050:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foobar/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1051-                content: barConfig.path
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1053-            const fooBarIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1054:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foobar/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1055-                content: barIndex.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1057-            const fooConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1058:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foo/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1059-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1067-            const fooIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1068:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foo/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1069-                content: `export function foo() {}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1072-            tscWatch.ensureErrorFreeBuild(host, [fooConfig.path]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1073:            const fooDts = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/foo/lib/index.d.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1074-            assert.isTrue(host.fileExists(fooDts));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1153-            const f = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1154:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/server/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1155-                content: "let x = 1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1157-            const config = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1158:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/server/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1159-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1262-            const watchedRecursiveDirectories = getTypeRootsFromLocation(root + "/a/b/src");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1263:            watchedRecursiveDirectories.push(`${root}/a/b/src/node_modules`, `${root}/a/b/node_modules`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1264-            checkWatchedDirectories(host, watchedRecursiveDirectories, /*recursive*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1270-            const configFile = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1271:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1272-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1274-            const file1 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts:1275:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/configuredProjects.ts-1276-                content: "let t = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/declarationFileMaps.ts-66-            // ${""} is needed to mangle the sourceMappingURL part or it breaks the build
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/declarationFileMaps.ts:67:            content: `export declare function fnA(): void;\nexport interface IfaceA {\n}\nexport declare const instanceA: IfaceA;\n//# source${""}MappingURL=a.d.ts.map`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/declarationFileMaps.ts-68-        };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/declarationFileMaps.ts-90-            path: "/b/bin/b.d.ts",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/declarationFileMaps.ts:91:            content: `export declare function fnB(): void;\n//# source${""}MappingURL=b.d.ts.map`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/declarationFileMaps.ts-92-        };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts-4-        const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts:5:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts-6-            content: importModuleContent
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts-8-        const moduleFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts:9:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/module1.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts-10-            content: "export const a: number;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts-12-        const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts:13:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/documentRegistry.ts-14-            content: JSON.stringify({ files: ["index.ts"] })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-2-    export function verifyDynamic(service: server.ProjectService, path: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:3:        const info = Debug.checkDefined(service.filenameToScriptInfo.get(path), `Expected ${path} in :: ${JSON.stringify(arrayFrom(service.filenameToScriptInfo.entries(), ([key, f]) => ({ key, fileName: f.fileName, path: f.path })))}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-4-        assert.isTrue(info.isDynamic);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-69-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:70:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-71-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-77-            checkProjectActualFiles(service.inferredProjects[0], [untitledFile, libFile.path]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:78:            verifyDynamic(service, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${untitledFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-80-            const untitled: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:81:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/Untitled-1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-82-                content: "const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-95-            service.openClientFile(untitledFile, "const x = 10;", /*scriptKind*/ undefined, tscWatch.projectRoot);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:96:            verifyDynamic(service, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${untitledFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-97-            checkProjectActualFiles(service.configuredProjects.get(config.path)!, [untitled.path, libFile.path, config.path]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-102-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:103:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-104-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-106-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:107:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-108-                content: "const y = 10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-114-            checkProjectActualFiles(service.inferredProjects[0], [untitledFile, libFile.path]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:115:            verifyDynamic(service, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${untitledFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-145-            checkProjectActualFiles(project, [file.path, libFile.path]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:146:            verifyDynamic(projectService, `/${file.path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-176-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:177:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-178-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-180-            const configProjectFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:181:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-182-                content: "let y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts-191-                checkProjectActualFiles(projectService.inferredProjects[0], [file.path, libFile.path]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/dynamicFiles.ts:192:                verifyDynamic(projectService, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${file.path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-4-        function getLargeFile(useLargeTsFile: boolean) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts:5:            return `src/large.${useLargeTsFile ? "ts" : "js"}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-6-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-9-            const largeFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts:10:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${getLargeFile(useLargeTsFile)}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-11-                content: "export var x = 10;",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-37-                const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts:38:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-39-                    content: "export var y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-41-                const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts:42:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-43-                    content: JSON.stringify({ files: ["src/file.ts", getLargeFile(useLargeTsFile)], compilerOptions: { target: 1, allowJs: true } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-54-                const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts:55:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/largeFileReferenced.ts-56-                    content: `export var y = 10;import {x} from "./large"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-3-        const aTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:4:            path: `${tscWatch.projects}/a/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-5-            content: "export class A { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-7-        const configA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:8:            path: `${tscWatch.projects}/a/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-9-            content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-10-        };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:11:        const bTsPath = `${tscWatch.projects}/b/b.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:12:        const configBPath = `${tscWatch.projects}/b/tsconfig.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-13-        const files = [libFile, aTs, configA];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-46-                    assert.isDefined(project);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:47:                    verifyEvent(project, `Creating possible configured project for ${file.path} to open`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-48-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-85-                    const aDTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:86:                        path: `${tscWatch.projects}/a/a.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-87-                        content: `export declare class A {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-92-                    const aDTsMap: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:93:                        path: `${tscWatch.projects}/a/a.d.ts.map`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-94-                        content: `{"version":3,"file":"a.d.ts","sourceRoot":"","sources":["./a.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,qBAAa,CAAC;CAAI"}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-128-                        disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:129:                            `Creating project for original file: ${aTs.path} for location: ${aDTs.path}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:130:                            `Creating project for original file: ${aTs.path}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-131-                    );
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-135-            describe("with external projects and config files ", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:136:                const projectFileName = `${tscWatch.projects}/a/project.csproj`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-151-                        assert.isDefined(projectA);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts:152:                        verifyEventWorker(projectA, `Creating configured project in external project: ${projectFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectLoading.ts-153-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-3-        function verifyFiles(caption: string, actual: readonly string[], expected: readonly string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts:4:            assert.equal(actual.length, expected.length, `Incorrect number of ${caption}. Actual: ${actual} Expected: ${expected}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-5-            const seen = new Map<string, true>();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-6-            forEach(actual, f => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts:7:                assert.isFalse(seen.has(f), `${caption}: Found duplicate ${f}. Actual: ${actual} Expected: ${expected}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-8-                seen.set(f, true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts:9:                assert.isTrue(contains(expected, f), `${caption}: Expected not to contain ${f}. Actual: ${actual} Expected: ${expected}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-10-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-522-                function verifyProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventHandler(expectedEvents: readonly server.ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts:523:                    assert.equal(projectChangedEvents.length, expectedEvents.length, `Incorrect number of events Actual: ${eventsToString(projectChangedEvents)} Expected: ${eventsToString(expectedEvents)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-524-                    forEach(projectChangedEvents, (actualEvent, i) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-561-                    const events = getEvents();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts:562:                    assert.equal(events.length, expectedEvents.length, `Incorrect number of events Actual: ${map(events, e => e.body)} Expected: ${expectedEvents}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/projectUpdatedInBackground.ts-563-                    forEach(events, (actualEvent, i) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-231-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts:232:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-233-                content: "const x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-235-            const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts:236:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/^app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-237-                content: "const y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-241-            service.openExternalProjects([{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts:242:                projectFileName: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/myproject.njsproj`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-243-                rootFiles: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-848-        it("handles creation of external project with jsconfig before jsconfig creation watcher is invoked", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts:849:            const projectFileName = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/WebApplication36.csproj`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-850-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts:851:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-852-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-868-            // write js file, open external project and open it for edit
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts:869:            const jsFilePath = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/javascript.js`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-870-            host.writeFile(jsFilePath, "");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-883-            const jsConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts:884:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/jsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/externalProjects.ts-885-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-5-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:6:                path: `${rootPath}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-7-                content: 'import {x} from "file2";',
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-9-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:10:                path: `${rootPath}/file2.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-11-                content: "",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-13-            const file2Dts: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:14:                path: `${rootPath}/types/file2/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-15-                content: "export declare const x: string;",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-17-            const tsconfigAll: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:18:                path: `${rootPath}/tsconfig.all.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-19-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-28-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:29:                path: `${rootPath}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-30-                content: JSON.stringify({ extends: "./tsconfig.all.json" }),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-46-            const loggerFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:47:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/Logger.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-48-                content: `export class logger { }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-50-            const anotherFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:51:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/another.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-52-                content: `import { logger } from "./Logger"; new logger();`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-54-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:55:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-56-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-98-            const loggerFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:99:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/Logger.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-100-                content: `export class logger { }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-102-            const anotherFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:103:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/another.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-104-                content: `import { logger } from "./Logger"; new logger();`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-106-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts:107:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/forceConsistentCasingInFileNames.ts-108-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-75-            msg: (s, type) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:76:                Debug.fail(`Error: ${s}, type: ${type}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-77-                hasErrorMsg = true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-90-            info: s => console.log(s),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:91:            msg: (s, type) => console.log(`${type}:: ${s}`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-92-            startGroup,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-123-        checkPendingCommands(expectedCount: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:124:            assert.equal(this.postExecActions.length, expectedCount, `Expected ${expectedCount} post install actions`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-125-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-421-    export function checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService: server.ProjectService, expected: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:422:        assert.equal(projectService.configuredProjects.size, expected, `expected ${expected} configured project(s)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-423-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-425-    export function checkNumberOfExternalProjects(projectService: server.ProjectService, expected: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:426:        assert.equal(projectService.externalProjects.length, expected, `expected ${expected} external project(s)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-427-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-429-    export function checkNumberOfInferredProjects(projectService: server.ProjectService, expected: number) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:430:        assert.equal(projectService.inferredProjects.length, expected, `expected ${expected} inferred project(s)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-431-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-451-    export function checkProjectActualFiles(project: server.Project, expectedFiles: readonly string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:452:        checkArray(`${server.ProjectKind[project.projectKind]} project: ${project.getProjectName()}:: actual files`, project.getFileNames(), expectedFiles);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-453-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-455-    export function checkProjectRootFiles(project: server.Project, expectedFiles: readonly string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:456:        checkArray(`${server.ProjectKind[project.projectKind]} project: ${project.getProjectName()}::, rootFileNames`, project.getRootFiles(), expectedFiles);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-457-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-495-    export function checkScriptInfos(projectService: server.ProjectService, expectedFiles: readonly string[], additionInfo?: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:496:        checkArray(`ScriptInfos files: ${additionInfo || ""}`, arrayFrom(projectService.filenameToScriptInfo.values(), info => info.fileName), expectedFiles);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-497-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-768-        const events = session.events;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:769:        assert.equal(events.length, expectedEvents.length, `Actual:: ${JSON.stringify(session.events, /*replacer*/ undefined, " ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-770-        expectedEvents.forEach((expectedEvent, index) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-774-                const { body: expectedBody, ...expected } = expectedEvent as protocol.TelemetryEvent;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:775:                assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, `Expected ${JSON.stringify(expectedEvent)} at ${index} in ${JSON.stringify(events)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:776:                assert.equal(body.telemetryEventName, expectedBody.telemetryEventName, `Expected ${JSON.stringify(expectedEvent)} at ${index} in ${JSON.stringify(events)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-777-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-785-        const events = session.events;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:786:        assert.deepEqual(events[index], expectedEvent, `Expected ${JSON.stringify(expectedEvent)} at ${index} in ${JSON.stringify(events)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-951-                }).response as protocol.Diagnostic[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:952:                assert.deepEqual(actualSyntax, syntax, `Syntax diagnostics for file: ${filePath(file)}, project: ${project}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-953-                const actualSemantic = session.executeCommandSeq<protocol.SemanticDiagnosticsSyncRequest>({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-959-                }).response as protocol.Diagnostic[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:960:                assert.deepEqual(actualSemantic, semantic, `Semantic diagnostics for file: ${filePath(file)}, project: ${project}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-961-                const actualSuggestion = session.executeCommandSeq<protocol.SuggestionDiagnosticsSyncRequest>({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-967-                }).response as protocol.Diagnostic[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts:968:                assert.deepEqual(actualSuggestion, suggestion, `Suggestion diagnostics for file: ${filePath(file)}, project: ${project}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/helpers.ts-969-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-4-            const appFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:5:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-6-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-12-            const moduleFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:13:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/module.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-14-                content: `export let x: number`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:20:            assert(!configFileName, `should not find config, got: '${configFileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-21-            checkNumberOfConfiguredProjects(projectService, 0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-33-            const file1 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:34:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/b/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-35-                content: "let x =1;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-37-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:38:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/b/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-39-                content: `{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-46-            const file2 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:47:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/c/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-48-                content: "let x =1;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-51-            const file3 = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:52:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a/d/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-53-                content: "let x =1;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-348-            const appFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:349:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-350-                content: `const app = 20;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-352-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:353:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-354-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-356-            const jsFile1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:357:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/jsFile1.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-358-                content: `const jsFile1 = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-360-            const jsFile2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts:361:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/jsFile2.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/inferredProjects.ts-362-                content: `const jsFile2 = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-78-            const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts:79:                path: `${projectFolder}/src/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-80-                content: "export const x = 0;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-82-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts:83:                path: `${projectFolder}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-84-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-92-            const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts:93:                path: `${projectFolder}/src/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-94-                content: `export {}; declare module "./a" {  export const y: number; }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-110-            const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts:111:                path: `${projectFolder}/src/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-112-                content: "export const x = 0;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-114-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts:115:                path: `${projectFolder}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-116-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-121-            verifyProject(aFile.content);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts:122:            verifyProject(`${aFile.content}export const y = 10;`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-133-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts:134:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/file.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/openFile.ts-135-                content: `const x = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-4-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:5:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-6-                content: `import { y, cc } from "./b";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-10-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:11:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-12-                content: `export { cc } from "./c";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-16-            const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:17:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-18-                content: `export const cc = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-20-            const something: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:21:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/something/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-22-                content: "export const something = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-24-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:25:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-26-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-125-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:126:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-127-                content: `///<reference path="b.ts"/>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-131-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:132:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-133-                content: `///<reference path="./c.ts"/>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-137-            const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:138:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-139-                content: `function fooC() { }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-141-            const something: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:142:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/something/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-143-                content: "function something() {}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-145-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts:146:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/partialSemanticServer.ts-147-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-8-        function checkProjectErrorsWorker(errors: readonly Diagnostic[], expectedErrors: readonly string[]): void {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:9:            assert.equal(errors ? errors.length : 0, expectedErrors.length, `expected ${expectedErrors.length} error in the list`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-10-            if (expectedErrors.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-13-                    const expectedMessage = expectedErrors[i];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:14:                    assert.isTrue(actualMessage.indexOf(expectedMessage) === 0, `error message does not match, expected ${actualMessage} to start with ${expectedMessage}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-15-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-19-        function checkDiagnosticsWithLinePos(errors: server.protocol.DiagnosticWithLinePosition[], expectedErrors: string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:20:            assert.equal(errors ? errors.length : 0, expectedErrors.length, `expected ${expectedErrors.length} error in the list`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-21-            if (expectedErrors.length) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-22-                zipWith(errors, expectedErrors, ({ message: actualMessage }, expectedMessage) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:23:                    assert.isTrue(startsWith(actualMessage, actualMessage), `error message does not match, expected ${actualMessage} to start with ${expectedMessage}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-24-                });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-253-                const fileInProjectRoot: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:254:                    path: `${folderPath}/src/somefile.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-255-                    content: "class c { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-276-                checkNumberOfProjects(projectService, { inferredProjects: 1 });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:277:                const infoForUntitledAtProjectRoot = projectService.getScriptInfoForPath(`${folderPath.toLowerCase()}/${untitledFile.toLowerCase()}` as Path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:278:                const infoForUnitiledAtRoot = projectService.getScriptInfoForPath(`/${untitledFile.toLowerCase()}` as Path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:279:                const infoForSomefileAtProjectRoot = projectService.getScriptInfoForPath(`/${folderPath.toLowerCase()}/src/somefile.d.ts` as Path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:280:                const infoForSomefileAtRoot = projectService.getScriptInfoForPath(`${fileInRoot.path.toLowerCase()}` as Path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-281-                if (useProjectRoot) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-323-            const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:324:                path: `${projectDir}/bar/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-325-                content: "class Bar implements foo.Foo { getFoo() { return ''; } get2() { return 1; } }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-327-            const foo: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:328:                path: `${projectDir}/foo/foo.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-329-                content: "declare namespace foo { interface Foo { get2(): number; getFoo(): string; } }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-331-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:332:                path: `${projectDir}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-333-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { module: "none", targer: "es5" }, exclude: ["node_modules"] })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:347:            host.renameFolder(`${projectDir}/foo`, `${projectDir}/foo2`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-348-            host.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-383-            const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:384:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/client/app.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-385-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-387-            const serverUtilities: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:388:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/server/utilities.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-389-                content: `function getHostName() { return "hello"; } export { getHostName };`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-391-            const backendTest: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:392:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/test/backend/index.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-393-                content: `import { getHostName } from '../../src/server/utilities';export default getHostName;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-418-            const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:419:                path: `${projectRootPath}/src/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-420-                content: `import * as myModule from "@custom/plugin";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-425-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:426:                path: `${projectRootPath}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-427-                content: JSON.stringify({ include: ["src"] })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-429-            const plugin: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:430:                path: `${projectRootPath}/node_modules/@custom/plugin/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-431-                content: `import './proposed';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-436-            const pluginProposed: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:437:                path: `${projectRootPath}/node_modules/@custom/plugin/proposed.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-438-                content: `declare module '@custom/plugin' {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-484-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:485:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/ui.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-486-                content: `const x = async (_action: string) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-489-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:490:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-491-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-542-        function getFileNotFoundDiagnostic(configFile: File, relativeFileName: string): ConfigFileDiagnostic {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:543:            const findString = `{"path":"./${relativeFileName}"}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-544-            const d = Diagnostics.File_0_not_found;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-549-                length: findString.length,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:550:                messageText: formatStringFromArgs(d.message, [`${getDirectoryPath(configFile.path)}/${relativeFileName}`]),
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-551-                category: d.category,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-892-            const aTs: File = { path: "/a.ts", content: "label: while (1) {}" };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:893:            const options = (allowUnusedLabels: boolean) => `{ "compilerOptions": { "allowUnusedLabels": ${allowUnusedLabels} } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-894-            const tsconfig: File = { path: "/tsconfig.json", content: options(/*allowUnusedLabels*/ true) };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-922-            const test: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:923:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/test.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-924-                content: `import * as blabla from "./blabla.json";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-928-            const blabla: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:929:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/blabla.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-930-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-932-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:933:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-934-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-983-            const main: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:984:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-985-                content: "import * as _a from '@angular/core';"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-987-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:988:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-989-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-992-            const moduleFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:993:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/@angular/core/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-994-                content: `export const y = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1009-            ];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1010:            const expectedRecursiveWatches = arrayToMap([`${tscWatch.projectRoot}`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/@types`], identity, () => 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1011-            verifyProject();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1017-            let filesAndFoldersToAdd: (File | Folder)[] = [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1018:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules` }, // This should queue update
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1019:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1020:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging/@babel` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1021:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging/@babel/helper-plugin-utils-a06c629f` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1022:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging/core-js-db53158d` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1023-            ];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1026-            filesAndFoldersToAdd = [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1027:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging/@angular/platform-browser-dynamic-5efaaa1a` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1028:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging/@angular/cli-c1e44b05/models/analytics.d.ts`, content: `export const x = 10;` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1029:                { path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging/@angular/core-0963aebf/index.d.ts`, content: `export const y = 10;` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1030-            ];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1039-            // Remove staging folder to remove errors
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1040:            host.deleteFolder(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.staging`, /*recursive*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1041-            npmInstallComplete = true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1043-            // Additional watch for watching script infos from node_modules
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts:1044:            expectedRecursiveWatches.set(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules`, 2);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectErrors.ts-1045-            verifyWhileNpmInstall({ timeouts: 3, semantic: [] });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-2-    describe("unittests:: tsserver:: with project references and compile on save", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:3:        const dependecyLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/dependency`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:4:        const usageLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/usage`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-5-        const dependencyTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:6:            path: `${dependecyLocation}/fns.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-7-            content: `export function fn1() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-11-        const dependencyConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:12:            path: `${dependecyLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-13-            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-18-        const usageTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:19:            path: `${usageLocation}/usage.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-20-            content: `import {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-28-        const usageConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:29:            path: `${usageLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-30-            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-75-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:76:                        host.writeFile(file.path, `${file.content}${insertString}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-77-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-96-                for (const file of expectedFiles) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:97:                    assert.equal(host.readFile(file.path), file.content, `Expected to write ${file.path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:98:                    assert.isTrue(host.writtenFiles.has(file.path as Path), `${file.path} is newly written`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-99-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-164-        const localChange = "function fn3() { }";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:165:        const change = `export ${localChange}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-166-        const changeJs = `function fn3() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-236-                expectedFiles: [{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:237:                    path: `${usageLocation}/usage.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-238-                    content: `"use strict";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-287-                    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:288:                        path: `${dependecyLocation}/fns.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-289-                        content: `"use strict";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-298-                    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:299:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/decls/fns.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-300-                        content: `export declare function fn1(): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-415-            const tsbaseJson: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:416:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsbase.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-417-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-424-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:425:            const buttonClass = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/buttonClass`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-426-            const buttonConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:427:                path: `${buttonClass}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-428-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-436-            const buttonSource: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:437:                path: `${buttonClass}/Source.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-438-                content: `module Hmi {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:446:            const siblingClass = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/SiblingClass`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-447-            const siblingConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:448:                path: `${siblingClass}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-449-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-460-            const siblingSource: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts:461:                path: `${siblingClass}/Source.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceCompileOnSave.ts-462-                content: `module Hmi {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-2-    describe("unittests:: tsserver:: with project references and error reporting", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:3:        const dependecyLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/dependency`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:4:        const usageLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/usage`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-111-            const dependencyTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:112:                path: `${dependecyLocation}/fns.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-113-                content: `export function fn1() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-120-            const dependencyConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:121:                path: `${dependecyLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-122-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { composite: true, declarationDir: "../decls" } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-124-            const usageTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:125:                path: `${usageLocation}/usage.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-126-                content: `import {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-136-            const usageConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:137:                path: `${usageLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-138-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-185-            const dependencyTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:186:                path: `${dependecyLocation}/fns.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-187-                content: `function fn1() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-194-            const dependencyConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:195:                path: `${dependecyLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-196-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { composite: true, outFile: "../dependency.js" } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-198-            const usageTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:199:                path: `${usageLocation}/usage.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-200-                content: `fn1();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-205-            const usageConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts:206:                path: `${usageLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferenceErrors.ts-207-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-143-        describe("with main and depedency project", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:144:            const dependecyLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/dependency`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:145:            const dependecyDeclsLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/decls`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:146:            const mainLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/main`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-147-            const dependencyTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:148:                path: `${dependecyLocation}/FnS.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-149-                content: `export function fn1() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-157-            const dependencyConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:158:                path: `${dependecyLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-159-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { composite: true, declarationMap: true, declarationDir: "../decls" } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-162-            const mainTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:163:                path: `${mainLocation}/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-164-                content: `import {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-179-            const mainConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:180:                path: `${mainLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-181-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-187-            const randomFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:188:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/random/random.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-189-                content: "let a = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-191-            const randomConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:192:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/random/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-193-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-194-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:195:            const dtsLocation = `${dependecyDeclsLocation}/FnS.d.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-196-            const dtsPath = dtsLocation.toLowerCase() as Path;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:197:            const dtsMapLocation = `${dependecyDeclsLocation}/FnS.d.ts.map`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-198-            const dtsMapPath = dtsMapLocation.toLowerCase() as Path;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-331-                            fileToRename: undefined,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:332:                            displayName: `fn${fn}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:333:                            fullDisplayName: `"${dependecyLocation}/FnS".fn${fn}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-334-                            kind: ScriptElementKind.functionElement,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-352-                            ...info as protocol.RenameInfoSuccess,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:353:                            displayName: `fn${fn}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:354:                            fullDisplayName: `"${dependecyLocation}/FnS".fn${fn}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-355-                        },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-527-                const { response } = session.executeCommandSeq(request);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:528:                assert.deepEqual(response, expectedResponse, `Failed Request: ${reqName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-529-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-533-                if (expectedToBePresent) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:534:                    assert.isDefined(info, `${reqName}:: ${path} expected to be present`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-535-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-536-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:537:                    assert.isUndefined(info, `${reqName}:: ${path} expected to be not present`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-538-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-621-                        verifyAction(session, fnAction);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:622:                        const debugInfo = `${actionKey}:: ${fnAction.reqName}:: ${fn}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-623-                        const dtsInfo = verifyScriptInfoPresence(session, dtsPath, expectsDts, debugInfo);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-681-                const { closedInfos, otherWatchedFiles } = last(actionInfos);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:682:                const debugInfo = `${actionKey} Collection`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-683-                verifyInfosWithRandom(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1245-                const commonConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1246:                    path: `${projectLocation}/src/common/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1247-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1258-                const keyboardTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1259:                    path: `${projectLocation}/src/common/input/keyboard.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1260-                    content: `function bar() { return "just a random function so .d.ts location doesnt match"; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1263-                const keyboardTestTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1264:                    path: `${projectLocation}/src/common/input/keyboard.test.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1265-                    content: `import { evaluateKeyboardEvent } from 'common/input/keyboard';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1271-                const srcConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1272:                    path: `${projectLocation}/src/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1273-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1291-                const terminalTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1292:                    path: `${projectLocation}/src/terminal.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1293-                    content: `import { evaluateKeyboardEvent } from 'common/input/keyboard';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1365-            const configA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1366:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/compositea/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1367-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1377-            const aTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1378:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/compositea/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1379-                content: `import { b } from "@ref/compositeb/b";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1381-            const a2Ts: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1382:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/compositea/a2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1383-                content: `export const x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1385-            const configB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1386:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/compositeb/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1387-                content: configA.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1389-            const bTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1390:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/compositeb/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1391-                content: "export function b() {}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1393-            const bDts: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1394:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/dist/compositeb/b.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1395-                content: "export declare function b(): void;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1397-            const configC: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1398:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/compositec/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1399-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1410-            const cTs: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1411:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/compositec/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1412-                content: aTs.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1432-            // Now new project for project A tries to reuse b but there is no filesByName mapping for b's source location
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1433:            host.writeFile(a2Ts.path, `${a2Ts.content}export const y = 30;`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1434-            assert.isTrue(projectA.dirty);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1504-                return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1505:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/packages/${packageName}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1506-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1520-                return {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1521:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/packages/${packageName}/src/${fileName}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1522-                    content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1529-                        bPackageJson: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1530:                            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/packages/B/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1531-                            content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1543-                        bSymlink: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1544:                            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/${scope}b`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1545:                            symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/packages/B`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1546-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1552-                        bPackageJson: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1553:                            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/packages/B/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1554-                            content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1563-                        bSymlink: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1564:                            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/${scope}b`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1565:                            symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/packages/B`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1566-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1580-            const solution: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1581:                path: `${solutionLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1582-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1591-            const compilerConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1592:                path: `${solutionLocation}/compiler/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1593-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1601-            const typesFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1602:                path: `${solutionLocation}/compiler/types.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1603-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1610-            const programFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1611:                path: `${solutionLocation}/compiler/program.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1612-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1620-            const servicesConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1621:                path: `${solutionLocation}/services/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1622-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1632-            const servicesFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1633:                path: `${solutionLocation}/services/services.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1634-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1725-            const solution: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1726:                path: `${solutionLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1727-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1736-            const compilerConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1737:                path: `${solutionLocation}/compiler/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1738-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1747-            const typesFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1748:                path: `${solutionLocation}/compiler/types.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1749-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1756-            const programFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1757:                path: `${solutionLocation}/compiler/program.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1758-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1766-            const servicesConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1767:                path: `${solutionLocation}/services/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1768-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1778-            const servicesFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1779:                path: `${solutionLocation}/services/services.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1780-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1842-            const main: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1843:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1844-                content: `import { foo } from 'helpers/functions';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1847-            const helper: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1848:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/helpers/functions.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1849-                content: `export const foo = 1;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1851-            const mainDts: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1852:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/target/src/main.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1853-                content: `import { foo } from 'helpers/functions';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1857-            const mainDtsMap: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1858:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/target/src/main.d.ts.map`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1859-                content: `{"version":3,"file":"main.d.ts","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../src/main.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,OAAO,EAAE,GAAG,EAAE,MAAM,mBAAmB,CAAC;AAExC,OAAO,EAAC,GAAG,EAAC,CAAC"}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1861-            const helperDts: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1862:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/target/src/helpers/functions.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1863-                content: `export declare const foo = 1;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1866-            const helperDtsMap: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1867:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/target/src/helpers/functions.d.ts.map`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1868-                content: `{"version":3,"file":"functions.d.ts","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../../../src/helpers/functions.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,eAAO,MAAM,GAAG,IAAI,CAAC"}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1870-            const tsconfigIndirect3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1871:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/indirect3/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1872-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1878-            const fileResolvingToMainDts: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1879:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/indirect3/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1880-                content: `import { foo } from 'main';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1883-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1884:            const tsconfigSrcPath = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig-src.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:1885:            const tsconfigPath = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-1886-            const dummyFilePath = "/dummy/dummy.ts";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2005-            function expectedSolutionLoadAndTelemetry() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2006:                return expectedProjectLoadAndTelemetry(tsconfigPath, `Creating possible configured project for ${main.path} to open`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2007-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2009-            function expectedProjectReferenceLoadAndTelemetry(config: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2010:                return expectedProjectLoadAndTelemetry(config, `Creating project referenced in solution ${tsconfigPath} to find possible configured project for ${main.path} to open`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2011-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2078-                const tsconfigIndirect: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2079:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig-indirect${postfix}.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2080-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2086-                        },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2087:                        files: [`./indirect${postfix}/main.ts`],
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2088-                        references: [{ path: "./tsconfig-src.json" }]
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2091-                const indirect: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2092:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/indirect${postfix}/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2093-                    content: fileResolvingToMainDts.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2318-                    const ownMain: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2319:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/own/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2320-                        content: fileResolvingToMainDts.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2362-                    const ownMain: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2363:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/own/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2364-                        content: `import { bar } from 'main';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2411-                    const ownMain: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2412:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/own/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2413-                        content: fileResolvingToMainDts.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2442-                    const ownMain: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2443:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/own/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2444-                        content: `import { bar } from 'main';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2479-                    const ownMain: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2480:                        path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/own/main.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2481-                        content: `import { bar } from 'main';
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2520-                const solnConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2521:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2522-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2530-                const sharedConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2531:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/shared/src/library/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2532-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2539-                const sharedIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2540:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/shared/src/library/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2541-                    content: `export function foo() {}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2543-                const sharedPackage: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2544:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/shared/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2545-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2552-                const appConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2553:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app/src/program/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2554-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2565-                const appBar: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2566:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app/src/program/bar.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2567-                    content: `import {foo} from "shared";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2569-                const appIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2570:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app/src/program/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2571-                    content: `foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2573-                const sharedSymlink: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2574:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/shared`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2575:                    symLink: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/shared`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2576-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2629-                const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2630:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${packageName}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2631:                    content: `export const ${packageName}Const = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2632-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2633-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2634:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${packageName}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2635-                    content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2636-                        compilerOptions: { composite: true, ...optionsToExtend || {} },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2637:                        references: references?.map(path => ({ path: `../${path}` }))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2638-                    })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2688-            function verifyProject(config: File) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2689:                assert.isDefined(service.configuredProjects.get(config.path), `Expected to find ${config.path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2690-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2692-            function verifyNoProject(config: File) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts:2693:                assert.isUndefined(service.configuredProjects.get(config.path), `Expected to not find ${config.path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projectReferences.ts-2694-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-889-            const actualText = getSnapshotText(snap);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:890:            assert.equal(actualText, "", `expected content to be empty string, got "${actualText}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-901-            const actualText2 = getSnapshotText(scriptInfo2.getSnapshot());
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:902:            assert.equal(actualText2, "", `expected content to be empty string, got "${actualText2}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-903-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:958:            assert.equal(project1.getScriptInfo(file1.path)!.containingProjects.length, 2, `${file1.path} containing projects count`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:959:            assert.equal(project1.getScriptInfo(file2.path)!.containingProjects.length, 1, `${file2.path} containing projects count`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1151-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1152:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1153-                content: `import { y } from "./file2"; let x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1155-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1156:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1157-                content: "export let y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1159-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1160:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1161-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1250-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1251:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1252-                content: `export let x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1254-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1255:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1256-                content: "export let y = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1261-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1262:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1263-                content: configContent1
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1296-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1297:                path: `${projectRootPath}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1298-                content: "export const a = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1300-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1301:                path: `${projectRootPath}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1302-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1316-            const fileA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1317:                path: `${projectRootPath}/A/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1318-                content: "export const foo: string = 5;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1320-            const configA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1321:                path: `${projectRootPath}/A/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1322-                content: `{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1329-            const fileB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1330:                path: `${projectRootPath}/B/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1331-                content: "import { foo } from \"../A/a\"; console.log(foo);"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1333-            const configB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1334:                path: `${projectRootPath}/B/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1335-                content: `{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1387-            const fileA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1388:                path: `${projectRootPath}/A/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1389-                content: "export const foo: string = 5;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1391-            const configA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1392:                path: `${projectRootPath}/A/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1393-                content: `{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1400-            const fileB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1401:                path: `${projectRootPath}/B/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1402-                content: "import { foo } from \"../B/b2\"; console.log(foo);"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1404-            const fileB2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1405:                path: `${projectRootPath}/B/b2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1406-                content: "export const foo: string = 5;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1408-            const configB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1409:                path: `${projectRootPath}/B/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1410-                content: `{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1485-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1486:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1487-                content: "export const foo = 5;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1489-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1490:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1491-                content: JSON.stringify({ extends: "./tsconfig_base.json" })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1500-                config.path,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1501:                `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig_base.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1502-            ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1506-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1507:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1508-                content: "export const foo = 5;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1510-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1511:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1512-                content: JSON.stringify({ extends: "./tsconfig_base.json" })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1521-                { fileName: config.path, isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: false },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1522:                { fileName: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig_base.json`, isSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: false },
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1523-            ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1528-            const fileB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1529:                path: `${projectRootPath}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1530-                content: "export const b = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1532-            const fileA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1533:                path: `${projectRootPath}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1534-                content: "export const a = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1536-            const fileSubA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1537:                path: `${projectRootPath}/sub/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1538-                content: fileA.content
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1540-            const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts:1541:                path: `${projectRootPath}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/projects.ts-1542-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-38-                "======== Module name 'lib' was not resolved. ========",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:39:                `Auto discovery for typings is enabled in project '${proj.getProjectName()}'. Running extra resolution pass for module 'lib' using cache location '/a/cache'.`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-40-                "File '/a/cache/node_modules/lib.d.ts' does not exist.",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-134-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:135:                path: `${folderPath}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-136-                content: 'import f = require("pad"); f;'
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-166-            const padIndex: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:167:                path: `${folderPath}/node_modules/@types/pad/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-168-                content: "export = pad;declare function pad(length: number, text: string, char ?: string): string;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-446-        const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:447:            path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-448-            content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { traceResolution: true } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-475-                    else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:476:                        expectedTrace.push(`File '${path}' does not exist.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-477-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-491-                if (useNodeModules && !foundModule && !host.directoryExists(directory)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:492:                    expectedTrace.push(`Directory '${directory}' does not exist, skipping all lookups in it.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-493-                    return undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-494-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:495:                foundModule = getExpectedFileDoesNotExistResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, foundModule, module, directory, `${moduleName}/package.json`, /*ignoreIfParentMissing*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:496:                foundModule = getExpectedFileDoesNotExistResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, foundModule, module, directory, `${moduleName}.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:497:                foundModule = getExpectedFileDoesNotExistResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, foundModule, module, directory, `${moduleName}.tsx`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:498:                foundModule = getExpectedFileDoesNotExistResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, foundModule, module, directory, `${moduleName}.d.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:499:                foundModule = getExpectedFileDoesNotExistResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, foundModule, module, directory, `${moduleName}/index.ts`, /*ignoreIfParentMissing*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-500-                if (useNodeModules && !foundModule) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:501:                    expectedTrace.push(`Directory '${directory}/@types' does not exist, skipping all lookups in it.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-502-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-508-            expectedTrace.push(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:509:                `======== Resolving module '${moduleName}' from '${file.path}'. ========`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-510-                `Module resolution kind is not specified, using 'NodeJs'.`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-515-            if (!ignoreModuleFileFound) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:516:                expectedTrace.push(`File '${module.path}' exist - use it as a name resolution result.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-517-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-518-            if (addRealPathTrace) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:519:                expectedTrace.push(`Resolving real path for '${module.path}', result '${module.path}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-520-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:521:            expectedTrace.push(`======== Module name '${moduleName}' was successfully resolved to '${module.path}'. ========`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-522-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-525-            getExpectedResolutionTraceHeader(expectedTrace, file, moduleName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:526:            expectedTrace.push(`Loading module as file / folder, candidate module location '${removeFileExtension(module.path)}', target file type 'TypeScript'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-527-            getExpectedMissedLocationResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, getDirectoryPath(normalizePath(combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(file.path), moduleName))), module, moduleName.substring(moduleName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1), /*useNodeModules*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-533-            getExpectedResolutionTraceHeader(expectedTrace, file, moduleName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:534:            expectedTrace.push(`Loading module '${moduleName}' from 'node_modules' folder, target file type 'TypeScript'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-535-            getExpectedMissedLocationResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, getDirectoryPath(file.path), module, moduleName, /*useNodeModules*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-541-            getExpectedResolutionTraceHeader(expectedTrace, file, moduleName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:542:            expectedTrace.push(`Loading module '${moduleName}' from 'node_modules' folder, target file type 'TypeScript'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-543-            getExpectedMissedLocationResolutionTrace(host, expectedTrace, getDirectoryPath(file.path), module, moduleName, /*useNodeModules*/ true, cacheLocation);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:544:            expectedTrace.push(`Resolution for module '${moduleName}' was found in cache from location '${cacheLocation}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-545-            getExpectedResolutionTraceFooter(expectedTrace, module, moduleName, /*addRealPathTrace*/ false, /*ignoreModuleFileFound*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-549-        function getExpectedReusingResolutionFromOldProgram(file: File, moduleName: string) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:550:            return `Reusing resolution of module '${moduleName}' to file '${file.path}' from old program.`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-551-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-553-        function verifyWatchesWithConfigFile(host: TestServerHost, files: File[], openFile: File, extraExpectedDirectories?: readonly string[]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:554:            const expectedRecursiveDirectories = new Set([tscWatch.projectRoot, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${nodeModulesAtTypes}`, ...(extraExpectedDirectories || emptyArray)]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-555-            checkWatchedFiles(host, mapDefined(files, f => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-572-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:573:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-574-                    content: fileContent
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-576-                const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:577:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-578-                    content: fileContent
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-585-                const module2Name = "../module2";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:586:                const fileContent = `import { module1 } from "${module1Name}";import { module2 } from "${module2Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-587-                const { file1, file2 } = getFiles(fileContent);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:588:                const { module1, module2 } = getModules(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/module1.ts`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/module2.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-589-                const files = [module1, module2, file1, file2, configFile, libFile];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-609-            it("non relative module name", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:610:                const expectedNonRelativeDirectories = [`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-611-                const module1Name = "module1";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-612-                const module2Name = "module2";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:613:                const fileContent = `import { module1 } from "${module1Name}";import { module2 } from "${module2Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-614-                const { file1, file2 } = getFiles(fileContent);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:615:                const { module1, module2 } = getModules(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/node_modules/module1/index.ts`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/module2/index.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-616-                const files = [module1, module2, file1, file2, configFile, libFile];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-639-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:640:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-641-                    content: fileContent1
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-643-                const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:644:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/src/feature/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-645-                    content: fileContent2
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-647-                const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:648:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/test/src/file3.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-649-                    content: fileContent3
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-651-                const file4: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:652:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/test/file4.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-653-                    content: fileContent4
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-664-                const module6Name = "../src/module1";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:665:                const fileContent1 = `import { module1 } from "${module1Name}";import { module2 } from "${module2Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:666:                const fileContent2 = `import { module1 } from "${module3Name}";import { module2 } from "${module4Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:667:                const fileContent3 = `import { module1 } from "${module5Name}";import { module2 } from "${module4Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:668:                const fileContent4 = `import { module1 } from "${module6Name}";import { module2 } from "${module2Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-669-                const { file1, file2, file3, file4 } = getFiles(fileContent1, fileContent2, fileContent3, fileContent4);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:670:                const { module1, module2 } = getModules(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/src/module1.ts`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/module2.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-671-                const files = [module1, module2, file1, file2, file3, file4, configFile, libFile];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-700-            it("non relative module name", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:701:                const expectedNonRelativeDirectories = [`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-702-                const module1Name = "module1";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-703-                const module2Name = "module2";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:704:                const fileContent = `import { module1 } from "${module1Name}";import { module2 } from "${module2Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-705-                const { file1, file2, file3, file4 } = getFiles(fileContent);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:706:                const { module1, module2 } = getModules(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/node_modules/module1/index.ts`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/module2/index.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-707-                const files = [module1, module2, file1, file2, file3, file4, configFile, libFile];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-715-                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file2, module2, module2Name, getDirectoryPath(file1.path), expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:716:                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file4, module1, module1Name, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product`, expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:717:                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file4, module2, module2Name, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product`, expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-718-                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file3, module1, module1Name, getDirectoryPath(file4.path), expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-741-                const file4Name = "../test/file4";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:742:                const importModuleContent = `import { module1 } from "${module1Name}";import { module2 } from "${module2Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:743:                const { file1, file2, file3, file4 } = getFiles(`import "${file2Name}"; import "${file4Name}"; import "${file3Name}"; ${importModuleContent}`, importModuleContent, importModuleContent, importModuleContent);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:744:                const { module1, module2 } = getModules(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/node_modules/module1/index.ts`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/module2/index.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-745-                const files = [module1, module2, file1, file2, file3, file4, libFile];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-757-                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file2, module2, module2Name, getDirectoryPath(file1.path), expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:758:                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file4, module1, module1Name, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product`, expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:759:                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file4, module2, module2Name, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product`, expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-760-                getExpectedNonRelativeModuleResolutionFromCacheTrace(host, file3, module1, module1Name, getDirectoryPath(file4.path), expectedTrace);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-765-                const watchedFiles = mapDefined(files, f => f === file1 || f.path.indexOf("/node_modules/") !== -1 ? undefined : f.path)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:766:                    .concat(getConfigFilesToWatch(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/src`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-767-                const watchedRecursiveDirectories = getTypeRootsFromLocation(currentDirectory).concat([
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:768:                    `${currentDirectory}/node_modules`, `${currentDirectory}/feature`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/${nodeModules}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:769:                    `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/${nodeModules}`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/test/${nodeModules}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:770:                    `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/product/test/src/${nodeModules}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-771-                ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-798-            const nodeFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:799:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/typings/node.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-800-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-806-            const electronFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:807:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/typings/electron.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-808-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-814-            const srcFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:815:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/somefolder/srcfile.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-816-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-821-            const moduleFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:822:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/somefolder/module1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-823-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-826-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:827:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-828-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-850-                else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:851:                    checkWatchedDirectoriesDetailed(host, [`${tscWatch.projectRoot}`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src`], 1,  /*recursive*/ false); // failed lookup for fs
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-852-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-853-                const expectedWatchedDirectories = new Map<string, number>();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:854:                expectedWatchedDirectories.set(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src`, 1); // Wild card
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:855:                expectedWatchedDirectories.set(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/somefolder`, 1); // failedLookup for somefolder/module2
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:856:                expectedWatchedDirectories.set(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/node_modules`, 1); // failed lookup for somefolder/module2
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:857:                expectedWatchedDirectories.set(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/somefolder`, 1); // failed lookup for somefolder/module2
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:858:                expectedWatchedDirectories.set(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules`, 1); // failed lookup for with node_modules/@types/fs
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:859:                expectedWatchedDirectories.set(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/typings`, useNodeFile ? 1 : 2); // typeroot directory + failed lookup if not using node file
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-860-                checkWatchedDirectoriesDetailed(host, expectedWatchedDirectories, /*recursive*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-873-            const npmCacheFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:874:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/.cache/babel-loader/89c02171edab901b9926470ba6d5677e.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-875-                content: JSON.stringify({ something: 10 })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-877-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:878:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/test.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-879-                content: `import { x } from "somemodule";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-881-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:882:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/somemodule/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-883-                content: `export const x = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-899-                const config: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:900:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-901-                    content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-918-            it("unnecessary lookup invalidation on save", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:919:                const expectedNonRelativeDirectories = [`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-920-                const module1Name = "module1";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-921-                const module2Name = "module2";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:922:                const fileContent = `import { module1 } from "${module1Name}";import { module2 } from "${module2Name}";`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-923-                const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:924:                    path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-925-                    content: fileContent
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-926-                };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts:927:                const { module1, module2 } = getModules(`${tscWatch.projectRoot}/src/node_modules/module1/index.ts`, `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/module2/index.ts`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/resolutionCache.ts-928-                const files = [module1, module2, file1, configFile, libFile];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/session.ts-345-                const len = 1 + Utils.byteLength(strmsg, "utf8");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/session.ts:346:                const resultMsg = `Content-Length: ${len}\r\n\r\n${strmsg}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/session.ts-386-                expect(() => session.addProtocolHandler(command, () => resp))
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/session.ts:387:                    .to.throw(`Protocol handler already exists for command "${command}"`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/session.ts-388-            });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-4-            const projects = "/users/username/projects";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:5:            const folderA = `${projects}/a`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-6-            const aFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:7:                path: `${folderA}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-8-                content: `import {C} from "./c/fc"; console.log(C)`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-10-            const aTsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:11:                path: `${folderA}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-12-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { module: "commonjs" } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-14-            const aC: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:15:                path: `${folderA}/c`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-16-                symLink: "../c"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-17-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:18:            const aFc = `${folderA}/c/fc.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:20:            const folderB = `${projects}/b`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-21-            const bFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:22:                path: `${folderB}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-23-                content: `import {C} from "./c/fc"; console.log(C)`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-25-            const bTsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:26:                path: `${folderB}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-27-                content: JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { module: "commonjs" } })
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-29-            const bC: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:30:                path: `${folderB}/c`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-31-                symLink: "../c"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-32-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:33:            const bFc = `${folderB}/c/fc.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:35:            const folderC = `${projects}/c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-36-            const cFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:37:                path: `${folderC}/fc.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-38-                content: `export const C = 8`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-98-            const projectRootPath = "/users/username/projects/myproject";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:99:            const packages = `${projectRootPath}/javascript/packages`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:100:            const recognizersDateTime = `${packages}/recognizers-date-time`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:101:            const recognizersText = `${packages}/recognizers-text`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:102:            const recognizersTextDist = `${recognizersText}/dist`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-103-            const moduleName = "@microsoft/recognizers-text";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:104:            const moduleNameInFile = `"${moduleName}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-105-            const recognizersDateTimeSrcFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:106:                path: `${recognizersDateTime}/src/datetime/baseDate.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-107-                content: `import {C} from ${moduleNameInFile};
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-109-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:110:            const recognizerDateTimeTsconfigPath = `${recognizersDateTime}/tsconfig.json`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-111-            const recognizerDateTimeTsconfigWithoutPathMapping: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-130-            const nodeModulesRecorgnizersText: SymLink = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:131:                path: `${recognizersDateTime}/node_modules/@microsoft/recognizers-text`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-132-                symLink: recognizersText
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-134-            const recognizerTextSrcFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:135:                path: `${recognizersText}/src/recognizers-text.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-136-                content: `export class C { method () { return 10; } }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-138-            const recongnizerTextDistTypingFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:139:                path: `${recognizersTextDist}/types/recognizers-text.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-140-                content: `export class C { method(): number; }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-142-            const recongnizerTextPackageJson: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:143:                path: `${recognizersText}/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-144-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-186-                    const watchedDirectoriesWithResolvedModule = arrayToMap(getTypeRootsFromLocation(recognizersDateTime), k => k, () => 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:187:                    watchedDirectoriesWithResolvedModule.set(`${recognizersDateTime}/src`, withPathMapping ? 1 : 2); // wild card + failed lookups
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-188-                    if (!withPathMapping) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:189:                        watchedDirectoriesWithResolvedModule.set(`${recognizersDateTime}/node_modules`, 1); // failed lookups
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-190-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-191-                    const watchedDirectoriesWithUnresolvedModule = new Map(watchedDirectoriesWithResolvedModule);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:192:                    watchedDirectoriesWithUnresolvedModule.set(`${recognizersDateTime}/src`, 2); // wild card + failed lookups
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts:193:                    [`${recognizersDateTime}/node_modules`, ...(withPathMapping ? [recognizersText] : emptyArray), ...getNodeModuleDirectories(packages)].forEach(d => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/symLinks.ts-194-                        watchedDirectoriesWithUnresolvedModule.set(d, 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-4-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:5:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-6-                content: `import { y, cc } from "./b";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-10-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:11:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-12-                content: `export { cc } from "./c";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-16-            const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:17:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-18-                content: `export const cc = 10;`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-20-            const something: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:21:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/something/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-22-                content: "export const something = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-24-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:25:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-26-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-38-            catch (e) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:39:                assert.equal(e.message, `Request: ${request.command} not allowed in LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-40-                hasException = true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-143-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:144:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-145-                content: `///<reference path="b.ts"/>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-149-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:150:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/b.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-151-                content: `///<reference path="./c.ts"/>
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-155-            const file3: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:156:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/c.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-157-                content: `function fooC() { }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-159-            const something: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:160:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/node_modules/something/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-161-                content: "function something() {}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-163-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts:164:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntacticServer.ts-165-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts-18-            const app: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts:19:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/app.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts-20-                content: "console.log('Hello world');"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts-22-            const unitTest1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts:23:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/unitTest1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts-24-                content: `import assert = require('assert');
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts-37-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts:38:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/syntaxOperations.ts-39-                content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/telemetry.ts-33-        it("counts files by extension", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/telemetry.ts:34:            const files = ["ts.ts", "tsx.tsx", "moo.ts", "dts.d.ts", "jsx.jsx", "js.js", "badExtension.badExtension"].map(f => makeFile(`/src/${f}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/telemetry.ts-35-            const notIncludedFile = makeFile("/bin/ts.js");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts-35-                    const pos2 = ts2.lineOffsetToPosition(line + 1, offset + 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts:36:                    assert.strictEqual(pos1, pos2, `lineOffsetToPosition ${line + 1}-${offset + 1}: expected ${pos1} to equal ${pos2}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts-37-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts-40-                const {start: start2, length: length2 } = ts2.lineToTextSpan(line);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts:41:                assert.strictEqual(start1, start2, `lineToTextSpan ${line}::start:: expected ${start1} to equal ${start2}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts:42:                assert.strictEqual(length1, length2, `lineToTextSpan ${line}::length:: expected ${length1} to equal ${length2}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts-43-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts-47-                const { line: line2, offset: offset2 } = ts2.positionToLineOffset(pos);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts:48:                assert.strictEqual(line1, line2, `positionToLineOffset ${pos}::line:: expected ${line1} to equal ${line2}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts:49:                assert.strictEqual(offset1, offset2, `positionToLineOffset ${pos}::offset:: expected ${offset1} to equal ${offset2}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/textStorage.ts-50-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeAquisition.ts-36-            const barTypings = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeAquisition.ts:37:                path: `${typingsCacheLocation}/node_modules/@types/bar/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeAquisition.ts-38-                content: "export let y: number"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-3-        it("when typeReferenceDirective contains UpperCasePackage", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:4:            const libProjectLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/lib`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-5-            const typeLib: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:6:                path: `${libProjectLocation}/@types/UpperCasePackage/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-7-                content: `declare class BrokenTest {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-13-            const appLib: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:14:                path: `${libProjectLocation}/@app/lib/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-15-                content: `/// <reference types="UpperCasePackage" />
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-21-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:22:            const testProjectLocation = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/test`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-23-            const testFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:24:                path: `${testProjectLocation}/test.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-25-                content: `class TestClass1 {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-38-            const testConfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:39:                path: `${testProjectLocation}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-40-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-59-        it("when typeReferenceDirective is relative path and in a sibling folder", () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:60:            const projectPath = `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/background`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-61-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:62:                path: `${projectPath}/a.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-63-                content: "let x = 10;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-65-            const tsconfig: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:66:                path: `${projectPath}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-67-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-75-            const filesystem: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts:76:                path: `${tscWatch.projectRoot}/typedefs/filesystem.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typeReferenceDirectives.ts-77-                content: `interface LocalFileSystem { someProperty: string; }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-726-            for (const f of typingFiles) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:727:                assert.isTrue(host.fileExists(f.path), `expected file ${f.path} to exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-728-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-868-                installWorker(_requestId: number, args: string[], _cwd: string, cb: TI.RequestCompletedAction) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:869:                    assert.deepEqual(args, [`@types/jquery@ts${versionMajorMinor}`]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-870-                    const installedTypings = ["@types/jquery"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1055-            const emberComponent = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1056:                path: `${cachePath}/node_modules/@types/${emberComponentDirectory}/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1057-                content: "export let x: number"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1064-                installWorker(_requestId: number, _args: string[], _cwd: string, cb: TI.RequestCompletedAction) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1065:                    const installedTypings = ["@types/node", "@types/commander", `@types/${emberComponentDirectory}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1066-                    const typingFiles = [node, commander, emberComponent];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1087-            const file: TestFSWithWatch.File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1088:                path: `${tscWatch.projects}/a/b/app.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1089-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1091-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1092:            const cachePath = `${tscWatch.projects}/a/cache`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1093-            const commanderJS: TestFSWithWatch.File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1094:                path: `${tscWatch.projects}/node_modules/commander/index.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1095-                content: "module.exports = 0",
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1098-            const typeNames: readonly string[] = ["commander"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1099:            const typePath = (name: string): string => `${cachePath}/node_modules/@types/${name}/index.d.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1100-            const host = createServerHost([file, commanderJS]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1105-                installWorker(_requestId: number, _args: string[], _cwd: string, cb: TI.RequestCompletedAction) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1106:                    const installedTypings = typeNames.map(name => `@types/${name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1107-                    const typingFiles = typeNames.map((name): TestFSWithWatch.File => ({ path: typePath(name), content: "" }));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1117-            checkWatchedDirectories(host, [
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1118:                `${tscWatch.projects}/node_modules`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1119:                `${tscWatch.projects}/a/node_modules`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1120:                `${tscWatch.projects}/a/b/node_modules`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1121:                `${tscWatch.projects}/a/node_modules/@types`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1122:                `${tscWatch.projects}/a/b/node_modules/@types`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1123:                `${tscWatch.projects}/a/b/bower_components`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1124-            ], /*recursive*/ true);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1130-            for (const name of typeNames) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1131:                assert.isTrue(host.fileExists(typePath(name)), `typings for '${name}' should be created`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1132-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1603-            const registry = createTypesRegistry("node");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1604:            registry.delete(`ts${versionMajorMinor}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1605-            const logger = trackingLogger();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1635-            const registry = createTypesRegistry("node", "commander");
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1636:            registry.get("node")![`ts${versionMajorMinor}`] = "1.3.0-next.1";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1637-            const logger = trackingLogger();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1847-                path: appPath,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1848:                content: `${appContents}import * as x from "fooo";`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1849-            };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1879-            verifyUnresolvedImportResolutions('import * as a from "foo";', ["foo"], [{
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1880:                path: `${globalTypingsCacheLocation}/node_modules/foo/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1881-                content: "export function a(): void;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1886-            const fooAA: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1887:                path: `${globalTypingsCacheLocation}/node_modules/foo/a/a.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1888-                content: "export function a (): void;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1890-            const fooAB: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1891:                path: `${globalTypingsCacheLocation}/node_modules/foo/a/b.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1892-                content: "export function b (): void;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1894-            const fooAC: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1895:                path: `${globalTypingsCacheLocation}/node_modules/foo/a/c.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1896-                content: "export function c (): void;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1913-            const nodeTyping: TestFSWithWatch.File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1914:                path: `${globalTypingsCacheLocation}/node_modules/node/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1915-                content: `
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1972-            const projects = "/users/username/projects";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1973:            const projectRootPath = `${projects}/san2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1974-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1975:                path: `${projectRootPath}/x.js`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1976-                content: "const aaaaaaav = 1;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1979:            const currentDirectory = `${projects}/anotherProject`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1980-            const packageJsonInCurrentDirectory: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1981:                path: `${currentDirectory}/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1982-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1988-            const packageJsonOfPkgcurrentdirectory: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1989:                path: `${currentDirectory}/node_modules/pkgcurrentdirectory/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1990-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1996-            const indexOfPkgcurrentdirectory: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:1997:                path: `${currentDirectory}/node_modules/pkgcurrentdirectory/index.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-1998-                content: "export function foo() { }"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-2002-            const typingsCachePackageJson: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:2003:                path: `${typingsCache}/package.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-2004-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-2009-            const typingsCachePackageLockJson: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts:2010:                path: `${typingsCache}/package-lock.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/typingsInstaller.ts-2011-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-5-            const projectFolder = "/a/username/project";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:6:            const projectSrcFolder = `${projectFolder}/src`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-7-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:8:                path: `${projectFolder}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-9-                content: JSON.stringify({
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-15-            const index: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:16:                path: `${projectSrcFolder}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-17-                content: `import {} from "./"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-19-            const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:20:                path: `${projectSrcFolder}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-21-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-38-            // node_modules/@types folder
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:39:            mapOfDirectories.set(`${projectFolder}/${nodeModulesAtTypes}`, 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-40-            const expectedCompletions = ["file1"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-52-            const file2: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:53:                path: `${projectSrcFolder}/file2.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-54-                content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-90-        function verifyWatchedDirectories(rootedPath: string, useProjectAtRoot: boolean) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:91:            const root = useProjectAtRoot ? rootedPath : `${rootedPath}myfolder/allproject/`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-92-            const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-140-        const projectFolder = "/a/username/project";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:141:        const projectSrcFolder = `${projectFolder}/src`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-142-        const configFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:143:            path: `${projectFolder}/tsconfig.json`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-144-            content: "{}"
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-146-        const index: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:147:            path: `${projectSrcFolder}/index.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-148-            content: `import {} from "file"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-150-        const file1: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:151:            path: `${projectSrcFolder}/file1.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-152-            content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-154-        const nodeModulesExistingUnusedFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:155:            path: `${projectFolder}/node_modules/someFile.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-156-            content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-161-        const expectedWatchedFiles = arrayToMap(fileNames.slice(1), identity, () => 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:162:        const expectedWatchedDirectories = arrayToMap([projectFolder, projectSrcFolder, `${projectFolder}/${nodeModules}`, `${projectFolder}/${nodeModulesAtTypes}`], identity, () => 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-173-        const nodeModulesIgnoredFileFromIgnoreDirectory: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:174:            path: `${projectFolder}/node_modules/.cache/someFile.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-175-            content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-178-        const nodeModulesIgnoredFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:179:            path: `${projectFolder}/node_modules/.cacheFile.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-180-            content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-183-        const gitIgnoredFileFromIgnoreDirectory: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:184:            path: `${projectFolder}/.git/someFile.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-185-            content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-188-        const gitIgnoredFile: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:189:            path: `${projectFolder}/.gitCache.d.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-190-            content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-192-        const emacsIgnoredFileFromIgnoreDirectory: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:193:            path: `${projectFolder}/src/.#field.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-194-            content: ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-226-            checkNumberOfProjects(service, { inferredProjects: 1 });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:227:            const libPath = `${windowsStyleRoot}${libFile.path.substring(1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-228-            checkProjectActualFiles(service.inferredProjects[0], [path, libPath]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:229:            checkWatchedFiles(host, [libPath, `${getDirectoryPath(path)}/tsconfig.json`, `${getDirectoryPath(path)}/jsconfig.json`]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-230-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-573-            const file: File = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:574:                path: `${projectRoot}/foo.ts`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-575-                content: `import { foo } from "bar"`
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-579-            service.openClientFile(file.path, /*fileContent*/ undefined, /*scriptKind*/ undefined, projectRoot);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:580:            const expectedWatchFiles = [libFile.path, `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`, `${projectRoot}/jsconfig.json`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-581-            checkWatchedFilesDetailed(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-594-            checkWatchedDirectories(host, [], /*recursive*/ false);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts:595:            const expectedWatchedDirectories = [`${projectRoot}/node_modules`, `${projectRoot}/node_modules/@types`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/watchEnvironment.ts-596-            checkWatchedDirectoriesDetailed(
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsc/tsc.ts-4-    log(_level, s) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsc/tsc.ts:5:        ts.sys.write(`${s || ""}${ts.sys.newLine}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsc/tsc.ts-6-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-41-            default:
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:42:                return Debug.fail(`unsupported platform '${process.platform}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-43-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-52-            process.env.HOME ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:53:            ((process.env.LOGNAME || process.env.USER) && `/${usersDir}/${process.env.LOGNAME || process.env.USER}`) ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-54-            os.tmpdir();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:196:            s = `[${nowString()}] ${s}\n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-197-            if (!this.inGroup || this.firstInGroup) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-293-            if (this.logger.loggingEnabled() && this.logger.getLogFileName()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:294:                args.push(Arguments.LogFile, combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(normalizeSlashes(this.logger.getLogFileName())), `ti-${process.pid}.log`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-295-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-317-                        : match[1].charAt(0) === "d" ? 5858 : 9229;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:318:                    execArgv.push(`--${match[1]}=${currentPort + 1}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-319-                    break;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-348-                if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:349:                    this.logger.info(`Scheduling throttled operation:${stringifyIndented(request)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-350-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-355-                if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:356:                    this.logger.info(`Sending request:${stringifyIndented(request)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-357-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-366-                if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:367:                    this.logger.info(`Deferring request for: ${operationId}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-368-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-375-            if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:376:                this.logger.info(`Received response:${stringifyIndented(response)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-377-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-459-                        if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:460:                            this.logger.info(`Skipping defunct request for: ${queuedRequest.operationId}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-461-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-476-            if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:477:                this.logger.info(`Scheduling request for: ${request.operationId}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-478-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-544-                    if (this.logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:545:                        this.logger.info(`eventPort: event "${eventName}" queued, but socket not yet initialized`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-546-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-829-        catch (e) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:830:            logger.info(`Exception when creating directory watcher: ${e.message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-831-            return noopWatcher;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-842-                if (logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:843:                    logger.info(`${cacheKey} for path ${path} not found in cache...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-844-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-847-                    if (logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:848:                        logger.info(`Starting ${process.execPath} with args:${stringifyIndented(args)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-849-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-852-                    if (logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:853:                        logger.info(`WatchGuard for path ${path} returned: OK`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-854-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-858-                    if (logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:859:                        logger.info(`WatchGuard for path ${path} returned: ${e.message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-860-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-866-            else if (logger.hasLevel(LogLevel.verbose)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:867:                logger.info(`watchDirectory for ${path} uses cached drive information.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-868-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts-980-    logger.info(`Starting TS Server`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:981:    logger.info(`Version: ${version}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:982:    logger.info(`Arguments: ${process.argv.join(" ")}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:983:    logger.info(`Platform: ${os.platform()} NodeVersion: ${nodeVersion} CaseSensitive: ${sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/tsserver/server.ts:984:    logger.info(`ServerMode: ${serverMode} syntaxOnly: ${syntaxOnly} hasUnknownServerMode: ${unknownServerMode}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-22-            try {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:23:                fs.appendFileSync(this.logFile, `[${nowString()}] ${text}${sys.newLine}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-24-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-38-            if (host.fileExists(npmPath)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:39:                return `"${npmPath}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-40-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-51-            if (log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:52:                log.writeLine(`Types registry file '${typesRegistryFilePath}' does not exist`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-53-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-61-            if (log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:62:                log.writeLine(`Error when loading types registry file '${typesRegistryFilePath}': ${(<Error>e).message}, ${(<Error>e).stack}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-63-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-69-    function getTypesRegistryFileLocation(globalTypingsCacheLocation: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:70:        return combinePaths(normalizeSlashes(globalTypingsCacheLocation), `node_modules/${typesRegistryPackageName}/index.json`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-71-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-97-            if (stringContains(this.npmPath, " ") && this.npmPath[0] !== `"`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:98:                this.npmPath = `"${this.npmPath}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-99-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-100-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:101:                this.log.writeLine(`Process id: ${process.pid}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:102:                this.log.writeLine(`NPM location: ${this.npmPath} (explicit '${Arguments.NpmLocation}' ${npmLocation === undefined ? "not " : ""} provided)`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:103:                this.log.writeLine(`validateDefaultNpmLocation: ${validateDefaultNpmLocation}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-104-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-110-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:111:                    this.log.writeLine(`Updating ${typesRegistryPackageName} npm package...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-112-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:113:                this.execSyncAndLog(`${this.npmPath} install --ignore-scripts ${typesRegistryPackageName}@${this.latestDistTag}`, { cwd: globalTypingsCacheLocation });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-114-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:115:                    this.log.writeLine(`Updated ${typesRegistryPackageName} npm package`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-116-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-119-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:120:                    this.log.writeLine(`Error updating ${typesRegistryPackageName} package: ${(<Error>e).message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-121-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-160-                            this.installWorker(-1, [packageName], cwd, success => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:161:                                const message = success ? `Package ${packageName} installed.` : `There was an error installing ${packageName}.`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-162-                                const response: PackageInstalledResponse = { kind: ActionPackageInstalled, projectName, success, message };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-179-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:180:                this.log.writeLine(`Sending response:\n    ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-181-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-189-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:190:                this.log.writeLine(`#${requestId} with arguments'${JSON.stringify(packageNames)}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-191-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-194-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:195:                this.log.writeLine(`npm install #${requestId} took: ${Date.now() - start} ms`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-196-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-202-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:203:                this.log.writeLine(`Exec: ${command}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-204-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-207-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:208:                    this.log.writeLine(`    Succeeded. stdout:${indent(sys.newLine, stdout)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-209-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-213-                const { stdout, stderr } = error;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:214:                this.log.writeLine(`    Failed. stdout:${indent(sys.newLine, stdout)}${sys.newLine}    stderr:${indent(sys.newLine, stderr)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-215-                return true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-237-        process.on("uncaughtException", (e: Error) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:238:            log.writeLine(`Unhandled exception: ${e} at ${e.stack}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-239-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-251-        return str && str.length
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts:252:            ? `${newline}    ` + str.replace(/\r?\n/, `${newline}    `)
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstaller/nodeTypingsInstaller.ts-253-            : "";
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-26-            if (log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:27:                log.writeLine(`Failed to resolve ${packageName} in folder '${cachePath}': ${(<Error>e).message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-28-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-48-        while (true) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:49:            command = `${npmPath} install --ignore-scripts ${(toSlice === packageNames.length ? packageNames : packageNames.slice(sliceStart, sliceStart + toSlice)).join(" ")} --save-dev --user-agent="typesInstaller/${tsVersion}"`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-50-            if (command.length < 8000) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-113-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:114:                this.log.writeLine(`Global cache location '${globalCachePath}', safe file path '${safeListPath}', types map path ${typesMapLocation}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-115-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-124-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:125:                this.log.writeLine(`Closing file watchers for project '${projectName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-126-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-129-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:130:                    this.log.writeLine(`No watchers are registered for project '${projectName}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-131-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-137-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:138:                this.log.writeLine(`Closing file watchers for project '${projectName}' - done.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-139-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-143-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:144:                this.log.writeLine(`Got install request ${JSON.stringify(req)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-145-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-149-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:150:                    this.log.writeLine(`Request specifies cache path '${req.cachePath}', loading cached information...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-151-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-169-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:170:                this.log.writeLine(`Finished typings discovery: ${JSON.stringify(discoverTypingsResult)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-171-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-192-                if (safeListFromMap) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:193:                    this.log.writeLine(`Loaded safelist from types map file '${this.typesMapLocation}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-194-                    this.safeList = safeListFromMap;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-196-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:197:                this.log.writeLine(`Failed to load safelist from types map file '${this.typesMapLocation}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-198-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-203-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:204:                this.log.writeLine(`Processing cache location '${cacheLocation}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-205-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-214-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:215:                this.log.writeLine(`Trying to find '${packageJson}'...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-216-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-220-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:221:                    this.log.writeLine(`Loaded content of '${packageJson}': ${JSON.stringify(npmConfig)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:222:                    this.log.writeLine(`Loaded content of '${packageLockJson}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-223-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-246-                            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:247:                                this.log.writeLine(`New typing for package ${packageName} from '${typingFile}' conflicts with existing typing file '${existingTypingFile}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-248-                            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-250-                        if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:251:                            this.log.writeLine(`Adding entry into typings cache: '${packageName}' => '${typingFile}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-252-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-264-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:265:                this.log.writeLine(`Finished processing cache location '${cacheLocation}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-266-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-273-                if (this.missingTypingsSet.has(typingKey)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:274:                    if (this.log.isEnabled()) this.log.writeLine(`'${typing}':: '${typingKey}' is in missingTypingsSet - skipping...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-275-                    return undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-284-                if (!this.typesRegistry.has(typingKey)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:285:                    if (this.log.isEnabled()) this.log.writeLine(`'${typing}':: Entry for package '${typingKey}' does not exist in local types registry - skipping...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-286-                    return undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-288-                if (this.packageNameToTypingLocation.get(typingKey) && JsTyping.isTypingUpToDate(this.packageNameToTypingLocation.get(typingKey)!, this.typesRegistry.get(typingKey)!)) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:289:                    if (this.log.isEnabled()) this.log.writeLine(`'${typing}':: '${typingKey}' already has an up-to-date typing - skipping...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-290-                    return undefined;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-298-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:299:                this.log.writeLine(`Npm config file: ${npmConfigPath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-300-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-302-                if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:303:                    this.log.writeLine(`Npm config file: '${npmConfigPath}' is missing, creating new one...`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-304-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-311-            if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:312:                this.log.writeLine(`Installing typings ${JSON.stringify(typingsToInstall)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-313-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-342-                        if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:343:                            this.log.writeLine(`install request failed, marking packages as missing to prevent repeated requests: ${JSON.stringify(filteredTypings)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-344-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-352-                    if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:353:                        this.log.writeLine(`Installed typings ${JSON.stringify(scopedTypings)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-354-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-364-                        const distTags = this.typesRegistry.get(packageName)!;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:365:                        const newVersion = new Version(distTags[`ts${versionMajorMinor}`] || distTags[this.latestDistTag]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-366-                        const newTyping: JsTyping.CachedTyping = { typingLocation: typingFile, version: newVersion };
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-370-                    if (this.log.isEnabled()) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:371:                        this.log.writeLine(`Installed typing files ${JSON.stringify(installedTypingFiles)}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-372-                    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-430-                if (isLoggingEnabled) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:431:                    this.log.writeLine(`${projectWatcherType}:: Added:: WatchInfo: ${path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-432-                }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-435-                        if (isLoggingEnabled) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:436:                            this.log.writeLine(`FileWatcher:: Triggered with ${f} eventKind: ${FileWatcherEventKind[eventKind]}:: WatchInfo: ${path}:: handler is already invoked '${watchers.isInvoked}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-437-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-444-                        if (isLoggingEnabled) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:445:                            this.log.writeLine(`DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with ${f} :: WatchInfo: ${path} recursive :: handler is already invoked '${watchers.isInvoked}'`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-446-                        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-459-                    close: () => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:460:                        this.log.writeLine(`${projectWatcherType}:: Closed:: WatchInfo: ${path}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-461-                        watcher.close();
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-540-    export function typingsName(packageName: string): string {
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts:541:        return `@types/${packageName}@ts${versionMajorMinor}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/src/typingsInstallerCore/typingsInstaller.ts-542-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_compile.js-33-        var { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start!);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_compile.js:34:        console.log(`${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_compile.js-35-    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_compile.js-37-    var exitCode = emitResult.emitSkipped ? 1 : 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_compile.js:38:    console.log(`Process exiting with code '${exitCode}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_compile.js-39-    process.exit(exitCode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_linter.js-59-        let { line, character } = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart());
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_linter.js:60:        console.log(`${sourceFile.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_linter.js-61-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_parseConfig.js-24-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_parseConfig.js:25:    console.log(`${error.file && error.file.fileName}: ${error.messageText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-80-        if (!output.emitSkipped) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js:81:            console.log(`Emitting ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-82-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-83-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js:84:            console.log(`Emitting ${fileName} failed`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-85-            logErrors(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-101-                let { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start!);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js:102:                console.log(`  Error ${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-103-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-104-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js:105:                console.log(`  Error: ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/APISample_watcher.js-106-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.errors.txt-12-!!! error TS2611: 'x' is defined as a property in class 'Base', but is overridden here in 'Derived' as an accessor.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.errors.txt:13:      set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.errors.txt-14-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.js-7-  get x() { return 2; } // should be an error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.js:8:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.js-20-    get x() { return 2; } // should be an error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.js:21:    set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.symbols:16:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.symbols-17->x : Symbol(Derived.x, Decl(accessorsOverrideProperty2.ts, 4, 28), Decl(accessorsOverrideProperty2.ts, 5, 23))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types:18:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types-19->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types-20->value : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types:21:>console.log(`x was set to ${value}`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types-22->console.log : (...data: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types-24->log : (...data: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types:25:>`x was set to ${value}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/accessorsOverrideProperty2.types-26->value : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js:4:var a = `${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js:5:var b = `leading ${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js:6:var c = `${123 + 456 as number} trailing`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js:7:var d = `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js-8-var e = `Hello` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js:9:var f = 1 + `${1} end of string` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js:10:var g = tag `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.js-11-var h = tag `Hello` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols:6:var a = `${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols-7->a : Symbol(a, Decl(asOperator3.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols:9:var b = `leading ${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols-10->b : Symbol(b, Decl(asOperator3.ts, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols:12:var c = `${123 + 456 as number} trailing`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols-13->c : Symbol(c, Decl(asOperator3.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols:15:var d = `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols-16->d : Symbol(d, Decl(asOperator3.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols:21:var f = 1 + `${1} end of string` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols-22->f : Symbol(f, Decl(asOperator3.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols:24:var g = tag `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.symbols-25->g : Symbol(g, Decl(asOperator3.ts, 8, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:6:var a = `${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-7->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:8:>`${123 + 456 as number}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-9->123 + 456 as number : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:14:var b = `leading ${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-15->b : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:16:>`leading ${123 + 456 as number}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-17->123 + 456 as number : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:22:var c = `${123 + 456 as number} trailing`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-23->c : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:24:>`${123 + 456 as number} trailing` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-25->123 + 456 as number : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:30:var d = `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-31->d : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:32:>`Hello ${123} World` as string : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:33:>`Hello ${123} World` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-34->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:41:var f = 1 + `${1} end of string` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-42->f : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:43:>1 + `${1} end of string` as string : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:44:>1 + `${1} end of string` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-45->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:46:>`${1} end of string` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-47->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:49:var g = tag `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-50->g : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:51:>tag `Hello ${123} World` as string : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:52:>tag `Hello ${123} World` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-53->tag : (...x: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types:54:>`Hello ${123} World` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/asOperator3.types-55->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.callHierarchy.txt-26-│ │ │ │    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.callHierarchy.txt:27:│ │ │ │ 2:     bar`a${1}b`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.callHierarchy.txt-28-│ │ │ │    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.callHierarchy.txt-39-│ │ ╭ /tests/cases/fourslash/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.ts:2:5-2:8
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.callHierarchy.txt:40:│ │ │ 2:     bar`a${1}b`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.callHierarchy.txt-41-│ │ │        ^^^
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.js-4-let n = Math.random();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.js:5:let s = `${n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.symbols:10:let s = `${n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.symbols-11->s : Symbol(s, Decl(file.js, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.types:11:let s = `${n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.types-12->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.types:13:>`${n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.types-14->n : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.js-15-    [`hello bye`]() { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.js:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.symbols:55:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.symbols:56:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol([`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames10_ES5.ts, 13, 24))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.symbols-57->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames10_ES5.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.types-12->v : { [x: string]: () => void; [x: number]: () => void; ""(): void; 0(): void; "hello bye"(): void; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.types:13:>{    [s]() { },    [n]() { },    [s + s]() { },    [s + n]() { },    [+s]() { },    [""]() { },    [0]() { },    [a]() { },    [<any>true]() { },    [`hello bye`]() { },    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }} : { [x: string]: () => void; [x: number]: () => void; ""(): void; 0(): void; "hello bye"(): void; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.types:61:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.types:62:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : () => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.types:63:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.types-64->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.js-15-    [`hello bye`]() { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.js:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.js-33-    [`hello bye`]() { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.js:34:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.symbols:55:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.symbols:56:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol([`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames10_ES6.ts, 13, 24))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.symbols-57->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames10_ES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.types-12->v : { [x: string]: () => void; [x: number]: () => void; ""(): void; 0(): void; "hello bye"(): void; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.types:13:>{    [s]() { },    [n]() { },    [s + s]() { },    [s + n]() { },    [+s]() { },    [""]() { },    [0]() { },    [a]() { },    [<any>true]() { },    [`hello bye`]() { },    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }} : { [x: string]: () => void; [x: number]: () => void; ""(): void; 0(): void; "hello bye"(): void; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.types:61:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.types:62:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : () => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.types:63:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.types-64->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.js-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.js:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.symbols:60:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.symbols:61:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol([`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames11_ES5.ts, 13, 29))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.symbols-62->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames11_ES5.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.types-12->v : { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; "": any; readonly 0: number; "hello bye": any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.types:13:>{    get [s]() { return 0; },    set [n](v) { },    get [s + s]() { return 0; },    set [s + n](v) { },    get [+s]() { return 0; },    set [""](v) { },    get [0]() { return 0; },    set [a](v) { },    get [<any>true]() { return 0; },    set [`hello bye`](v) { },    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }} : { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; "": any; readonly 0: number; "hello bye": any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.types:71:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.types:72:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.types:73:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.types-74->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.js-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.js:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.js-33-    set [`hello bye`](v) { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.js:34:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.symbols:60:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.symbols:61:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol([`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames11_ES6.ts, 13, 29))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.symbols-62->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames11_ES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.types-12->v : { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; "": any; readonly 0: number; "hello bye": any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.types:13:>{    get [s]() { return 0; },    set [n](v) { },    get [s + s]() { return 0; },    set [s + n](v) { },    get [+s]() { return 0; },    set [""](v) { },    get [0]() { return 0; },    set [a](v) { },    get [<any>true]() { return 0; },    set [`hello bye`](v) { },    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }} : { [x: string]: any; [x: number]: any; "": any; readonly 0: number; "hello bye": any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.types:71:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.types:72:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.types:73:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.types-74->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.errors.txt-39-        [`hello bye`] = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.errors.txt:40:        static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.errors.txt-41-               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.js-15-    [`hello bye`] = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.js:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.symbols:57:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.symbols:58:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol(C[`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames12_ES5.ts, 13, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.symbols-59->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames12_ES5.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.types:64:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.types:65:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.types:66:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.types-67->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.errors.txt-39-        [`hello bye`] = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.errors.txt:40:        static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.errors.txt-41-               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.js-15-    [`hello bye`] = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.js:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.js:31:_a = n, s + s, _b = s + n, +s, _c = `hello ${a} bye`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.js-32-C[_c] = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.symbols:57:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.symbols:58:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol(C[`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames12_ES6.ts, 13, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.symbols-59->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames12_ES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.types:64:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.types:65:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.types:66:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.types-67->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.js-15-    [`hello bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.js:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.symbols:55:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.symbols:56:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol(C[`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames13_ES5.ts, 13, 23))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.symbols-57->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames13_ES5.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.types:60:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.types:61:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : () => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.types:62:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.types-63->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.js-15-    [`hello bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.js:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.js-33-    [`hello bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.js:34:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.symbols:55:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.symbols:56:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol(C[`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames13_ES6.ts, 13, 23))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.symbols-57->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames13_ES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.types:60:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.types:61:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : () => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.types:62:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.types-63->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.js-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.js:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.symbols:60:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.symbols:61:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol(C[`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames16_ES5.ts, 13, 28))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.symbols-62->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames16_ES5.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.types:70:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.types:71:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.types:72:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.types-73->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.js-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.js:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.js-33-    set [`hello bye`](v) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.js:34:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.symbols:60:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.symbols:61:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol(C[`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames16_ES6.ts, 13, 28))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.symbols-62->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames16_ES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.types:70:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.types:71:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.types:72:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.types-73->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.js-15-    [`hello bye`]: 0,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.js:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.symbols:57:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.symbols:58:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol([`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames4_ES5.ts, 13, 21))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.symbols-59->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames4_ES5.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.types-12->v : { [x: string]: string | number; [x: number]: string | number; "": number; 0: number; "hello bye": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.types:13:>{    [s]: 0,    [n]: n,    [s + s]: 1,    [s + n]: 2,    [+s]: s,    [""]: 0,    [0]: 0,    [a]: 1,    [<any>true]: 0,    [`hello bye`]: 0,    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0} : { [x: string]: string | number; [x: number]: string | number; "": number; 0: number; "hello bye": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.types:71:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.types:72:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.types:73:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.types-74->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.js-15-    [`hello bye`]: 0,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.js:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.js-33-    [`hello bye`]: 0,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.js:34:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.symbols:57:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.symbols:58:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : Symbol([`hello ${a} bye`], Decl(computedPropertyNames4_ES6.ts, 13, 21))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.symbols-59->a : Symbol(a, Decl(computedPropertyNames4_ES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.types-12->v : { [x: string]: string | number; [x: number]: string | number; "": number; 0: number; "hello bye": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.types:13:>{    [s]: 0,    [n]: n,    [s + s]: 1,    [s + n]: 2,    [+s]: s,    [""]: 0,    [0]: 0,    [a]: 1,    [<any>true]: 0,    [`hello bye`]: 0,    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0} : { [x: string]: string | number; [x: number]: string | number; "": number; 0: number; "hello bye": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.types:71:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.types:72:>[`hello ${a} bye`] : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.types:73:>`hello ${a} bye` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.types-74->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-81-    let t2 = 'bar' as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:82:    let t3 = `${t1}-${t2}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:83:    let t4 = `${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-85-    function ff1(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: 1 | 2) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:86:        return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-87-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-89-    function ff2<T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:90:        return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-91-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-97-    function ff3(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: object) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:98:        return `${x}${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-99-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-102-    type ContentMatch = "match" | "nonMatch";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:103:    type Outcome = `${Action}_${ContentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-107-        const contentMatch: ContentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:108:        const outcome: Outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-109-        return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-114-        const contentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:115:        const outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-116-        return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-119-    function accessorNames<S extends string>(propName: S) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt:120:        return [`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`] as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.errors.txt-121-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-67-let t2 = 'bar' as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:68:let t3 = `${t1}-${t2}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:69:let t4 = `${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-71-function ff1(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: 1 | 2) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:72:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-75-function ff2<T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:76:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-83-function ff3(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: object) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:84:    return `${x}${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-88-type ContentMatch = "match" | "nonMatch";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:89:type Outcome = `${Action}_${ContentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-93-    const contentMatch: ContentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:94:    const outcome: Outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-95-    return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-100-    const contentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:101:    const outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-102-    return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-105-function accessorNames<S extends string>(propName: S) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:106:    return [`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`] as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-165-let t2 = 'bar';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:166:let t3 = `${t1}-${t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:167:let t4 = `${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-168-function ff1(x, y) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:169:    return `${x}-${y}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-171-function ff2(x, y) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:172:    return `${x}-${y}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-177-function ff3(x, y) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:178:    return `${x}${y}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-182-    const contentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:183:    const outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-184-    return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-188-    const contentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:189:    const outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-190-    return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-192-function accessorNames(propName) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:193:    return [`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-301-declare function ff1(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: 1 | 2): "foo-1" | "foo-2" | "bar-1" | "bar-2";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:302:declare function ff2<T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U): `${T}-${U}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-303-declare const ts1: "foo-bar";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-305-declare const ts3: "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:306:declare function ff3(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: object): `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-307-declare type Action = "verify" | "write";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-308-declare type ContentMatch = "match" | "nonMatch";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:309:declare type Outcome = `${Action}_${ContentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-310-declare function ff4(verify: boolean, contentMatches: boolean): "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-311-declare function ff5(verify: boolean, contentMatches: boolean): "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js:312:declare function accessorNames<S extends string>(propName: S): readonly [`get-${S}`, `set-${S}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.js-313-declare const ns1: readonly ["get-foo", "set-foo"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:208:let t3 = `${t1}-${t2}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-209->t3 : Symbol(t3, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 66, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:213:let t4 = `${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-214->t4 : Symbol(t4, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 67, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:223:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-224->x : Symbol(x, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 69, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:237:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-238->x : Symbol(x, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 73, 49))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:259:    return `${x}${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-260->x : Symbol(x, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 81, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:270:type Outcome = `${Action}_${ContentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-271->Outcome : Symbol(Outcome, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 86, 41))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:290:    const outcome: Outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-291->outcome : Symbol(outcome, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 92, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:313:    const outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-314->outcome : Symbol(outcome, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 99, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols:328:    return [`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`] as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.symbols-329->propName : Symbol(propName, Decl(constAssertions.ts, 103, 41))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:367:let t3 = `${t1}-${t2}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-368->t3 : "foo-bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:369:>`${t1}-${t2}` as const : "foo-bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:370:>`${t1}-${t2}` : "foo-bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-371->t1 : "foo"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:374:let t4 = `${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-375->t4 : "(foo)-(bar)"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:376:>`${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}` as const : "(foo)-(bar)"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:377:>`${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}` : "(foo)-(bar)"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:378:>`(${t1})` : "(foo)"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-379->t1 : "foo"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:380:>`(${t2})` : "(bar)"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-381->t2 : "bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:388:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:389:>`${x}-${y}` as const : "foo-1" | "foo-2" | "bar-1" | "bar-2"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:390:>`${x}-${y}` : "foo-1" | "foo-2" | "bar-1" | "bar-2"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-391->x : "foo" | "bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-395-function ff2<T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:396:>ff2 : <T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) => `${T}-${U}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-397->x : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:400:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:401:>`${x}-${y}` as const : `${T}-${U}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:402:>`${x}-${y}` : `${T}-${U}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-403->x : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-409->ff2('foo', 'bar') : "foo-bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:410:>ff2 : <T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) => `${T}-${U}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-411->'foo' : "foo"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-416->ff2('foo', !!true ? '0' : '1') : "foo-1" | "foo-0"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:417:>ff2 : <T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) => `${T}-${U}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-418->'foo' : "foo"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-428->ff2(!!true ? 'top' : 'bottom', !!true ? 'left' : 'right') : "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:429:>ff2 : <T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) => `${T}-${U}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-430->!!true ? 'top' : 'bottom' : "top" | "bottom"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-443-function ff3(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: object) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:444:>ff3 : (x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: object) => `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-445->x : "foo" | "bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:448:    return `${x}${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:449:>`${x}${y}` as const : `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:450:>`${x}${y}` : `foo${string}` | `bar${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-451->x : "foo" | "bar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:461:type Outcome = `${Action}_${ContentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-462->Outcome : "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:483:    const outcome: Outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-484->outcome : "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:485:>`${action}_${contentMatch}` as const : "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:486:>`${action}_${contentMatch}` : "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-487->action : Action
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:513:    const outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-514->outcome : "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:515:>`${action}_${contentMatch}` as const : "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:516:>`${action}_${contentMatch}` : "verify_match" | "verify_nonMatch" | "write_match" | "write_nonMatch"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-517->action : Action
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-524-function accessorNames<S extends string>(propName: S) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:525:>accessorNames : <S extends string>(propName: S) => readonly [`get-${S}`, `set-${S}`]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-526->propName : S
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:528:    return [`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`] as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:529:>[`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`] as const : readonly [`get-${S}`, `set-${S}`]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:530:>[`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`] : readonly [`get-${S}`, `set-${S}`]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:531:>`get-${propName}` : `get-${S}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-532->propName : S
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:533:>`set-${propName}` : `set-${S}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-534->propName : S
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-539->accessorNames('foo') : readonly ["get-foo", "set-foo"]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types:540:>accessorNames : <S extends string>(propName: S) => readonly [`get-${S}`, `set-${S}`]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constAssertions.types-541->'foo' : "foo"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.errors.txt-55-!!! error TS2476: A const enum member can only be accessed using a string literal.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.errors.txt:56:    var y2 = E2[`${name}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.errors.txt-57-                ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.js-25-var y1 = E2[name];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.js:26:var y2 = E2[`${name}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.symbols:54:var y2 = E2[`${name}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.symbols-55->y2 : Symbol(y2, Decl(constEnumErrors.ts, 24, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.types:63:var y2 = E2[`${name}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.types-64->y2 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.types:65:>E2[`${name}`] : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.types-66->E2 : typeof E2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.types:67:>`${name}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/constEnumErrors.types-68->name : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.js-10-  public hello() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.js:11:    Log.info(`Hello ${this.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.js-12-  }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.symbols:20:    Log.info(`Hello ${this.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.symbols-21->Log.info : Symbol(info, Decl(helloworld.ts, 0, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.types:21:    Log.info(`Hello ${this.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.types:22:>Log.info(`Hello ${this.name}`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.types-23->Log.info : (msg: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.types-25->info : (msg: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.types:26:>`Hello ${this.name}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.types-27->this.name : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.js-5-  if (kindCache[kind]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.js:6:    throw new Error(`Class with kind "${kind}" is already registered.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.js-7-  }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.symbols:14:    throw new Error(`Class with kind "${kind}" is already registered.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.symbols-15->Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.types:16:    throw new Error(`Class with kind "${kind}" is already registered.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.types:17:>new Error(`Class with kind "${kind}" is already registered.`) : Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.types-18->Error : ErrorConstructor
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.types:19:>`Class with kind "${kind}" is already registered.` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.types-20->kind : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.js-19-    ...props
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.js:20:}) => `name: ${name} props: ${JSON.stringify(props)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.symbols:52:}) => `name: ${name} props: ${JSON.stringify(props)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.symbols-53->name : Symbol(name, Decl(destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.ts, 15, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.types-36->Child : SFC<Props>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.types:37:>({    children,    name = "Artemis",    ...props}) => `name: ${name} props: ${JSON.stringify(props)}` : ({ children, name, ...props }: Props & { children?: any; }) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.types:49:}) => `name: ${name} props: ${JSON.stringify(props)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.types:50:>`name: ${name} props: ${JSON.stringify(props)}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.types-51->name : "Apollo" | "Artemis" | "Dionysus" | "Persephone"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.errors.txt-49-        public doSomethingWithSuperProperties() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.errors.txt:50:            return `${this.a} ${this.b} ${this.c}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.errors.txt-51-                           ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.js-23-    public doSomethingWithSuperProperties() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.js:24:        return `${this.a} ${this.b} ${this.c}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.js-25-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.js-48-    doSomethingWithSuperProperties() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.js:49:        return `${this.a} ${this.b} ${this.c}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.js-50-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.symbols:64:        return `${this.a} ${this.b} ${this.c}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.symbols-65->this : Symbol(C2, Decl(destructuringParameterProperties4.ts, 18, 1))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.types:80:        return `${this.a} ${this.b} ${this.c}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.types:81:>`${this.a} ${this.b} ${this.c}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/destructuringParameterProperties4.types-82->this.a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-669-@uifabric/build: publish-beta.js:21:43 - error TS1212: Identifier expected. 'package' is a reserved word in strict mode.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log:670:@uifabric/build: 21   console.log(`Publishing ${chalk.magenta(package.packageName)} in ${packagePath}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-671-@uifabric/build:                                              ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-1845-@fluentui/public-docsite: src/pages/Styles/ElevationPage/ElevationPage.tsx:122:42 - error TS2339: Property 'example' does not exist on type 'typeof import("*.scss")'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log:1846:@fluentui/public-docsite: 122               <div className={css(styles.example, styles.compact, `ms-depth-${row.level}`)}>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-1847-@fluentui/public-docsite:                                              ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-1848-@fluentui/public-docsite: src/pages/Styles/ElevationPage/ElevationPage.tsx:122:58 - error TS2339: Property 'compact' does not exist on type 'typeof import("*.scss")'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log:1849:@fluentui/public-docsite: 122               <div className={css(styles.example, styles.compact, `ms-depth-${row.level}`)}>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-1850-@fluentui/public-docsite:                                                              ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-2094-@fluentui/public-docsite: src/pages/Styles/TypographyPage/TypographyPage.tsx:137:42 - error TS2339: Property 'example' does not exist on type 'typeof import("*.scss")'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log:2095:@fluentui/public-docsite: 137               <div className={css(styles.example, `ms-fontSize-${row.size}`)}>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/docker/office-ui-fabric.log-2096-@fluentui/public-docsite:                                              ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js-6-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:7:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:8:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:9:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:10:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:11:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:12:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js-14-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:15:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:16:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:17:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:18:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:19:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:20:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js-22-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:23:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:24:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:25:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:26:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.js:27:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-11-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:12:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:16:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:21:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:26:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:31:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:36:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-37->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-41-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:42:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:48:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-49->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:56:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-57->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:64:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-65->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:72:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-73->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:80:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-81->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-88-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:89:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-90->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:94:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-95->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:99:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-100->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:104:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-105->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols:109:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-13-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:14:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:15:>`${t1 ** -t2} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-16->t1 ** -t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:21:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:22:>`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-23->(-t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:31:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:32:>`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-33->(-++t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:42:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:43:>`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-44->(-t1++) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:53:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:54:>`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-55->(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:64:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:65:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-66->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-74-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:75:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:76:>`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-77->t1 ** -t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:86:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:87:>`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-88->(-t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:103:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:104:>`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-105->(-++t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:123:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:124:>`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-125->(-t1++) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:143:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:144:>`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-145->(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:162:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:163:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-164->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-179-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:180:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:181:>`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-182->(-t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:190:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:191:>`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-192->(-++t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:201:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:202:>`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-203->(-t1++) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:212:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:213:>`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-214->(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:223:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types:224:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js-6-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:7:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:8:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:9:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:10:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:11:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:12:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js-14-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:15:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:16:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:17:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:18:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:19:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:20:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js-22-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:23:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:24:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:25:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:26:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:27:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js-33-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:34:`${Math.pow(t1, -t2)} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:35:`${Math.pow((-t1), t2) - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:36:`${Math.pow((-++t1), t2) - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:37:`${Math.pow((-t1++), t2) - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:38:`${Math.pow((~t1), Math.pow(t2, --t1))} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:39:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js-40-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:41:`${Math.pow(t1, -t2)} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, -t2)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:42:`${Math.pow((-t1), t2) - t1} hello world ${Math.pow((-t1), t2) - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:43:`${Math.pow((-++t1), t2) - t1} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow((-++t1), -t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:44:`${Math.pow((-t1++), t2) - t1} hello world ${Math.pow(t2, Math.pow((-t1++), -t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:45:`${Math.pow((~t1), Math.pow(t2, --t1))} hello world ${Math.pow((~t1), Math.pow(t2, --t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:46:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} hello world ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js-47-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:48:`hello ${Math.pow((-t1), t2) - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:49:`hello ${Math.pow((-++t1), t2) - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:50:`hello ${Math.pow((-t1++), t2) - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:51:`hello ${Math.pow((~t1), Math.pow(t2, --t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.js:52:`hello ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-11-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:12:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:16:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:21:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:26:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:31:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:36:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-37->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-41-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:42:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:48:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-49->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:56:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-57->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:64:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-65->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:72:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-73->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:80:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-81->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-88-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:89:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-90->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:94:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-95->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:99:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-100->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:104:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-105->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols:109:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-13-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:14:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:15:>`${t1 ** -t2} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-16->t1 ** -t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:21:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:22:>`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-23->(-t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:31:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:32:>`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-33->(-++t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:42:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:43:>`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-44->(-t1++) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:53:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:54:>`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-55->(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:64:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:65:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-66->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-74-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:75:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:76:>`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-77->t1 ** -t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:86:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:87:>`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-88->(-t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:103:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:104:>`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-105->(-++t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:123:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:124:>`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-125->(-t1++) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:143:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:144:>`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-145->(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:162:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:163:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-164->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-179-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:180:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:181:>`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-182->(-t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:190:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:191:>`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-192->(-++t1) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:201:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:202:>`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-203->(-t1++) ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:212:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:213:>`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-214->(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:223:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types:224:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js-6-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:7:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:8:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:9:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:10:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:11:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:12:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:13:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:15:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:17:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:18:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:19:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:20:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:22:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:23:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:24:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:25:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:26:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.js:27:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-11-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:12:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:21:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:31:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:37:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-38->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:42:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:47:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-48->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:53:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-54->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:61:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-62->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:69:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-70->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:77:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-78->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:87:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-88->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:95:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-96->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:101:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-102->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:109:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:117:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-118->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:125:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-126->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols:135:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.symbols-136->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-13-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:14:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:15:>`${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-16->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:20:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:21:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-22->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:28:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:29:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-30->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:36:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:37:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-38->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:44:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:45:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-46->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:54:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:55:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-56->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:64:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:65:>`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-66->1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:76:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:77:>`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-78->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:85:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:86:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-87->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:98:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:99:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-100->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:111:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:112:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-113->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:124:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:125:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-126->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:141:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:142:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-143->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:158:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:159:>`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-160->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:167:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:168:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-169->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:180:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:181:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-182->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:193:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:194:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-195->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:206:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:207:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-208->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:223:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types:224:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js-6-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:7:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:8:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:9:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:10:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:11:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:12:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:13:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:15:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:17:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:18:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:19:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:20:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:22:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:23:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:24:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:25:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:26:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:27:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js-33-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:34:`${Math.pow(t1, t2)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:35:`${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:36:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:37:`${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:38:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:39:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:40:`${1 + typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:41:`${Math.pow(t1, t2)}${Math.pow(t1, t2)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:42:`${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:43:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:44:`${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:45:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:46:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:47:`${Math.pow(t1, t2)} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, t2)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:48:`${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:49:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)} hello world ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:50:`${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:51:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1} hello world ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.js:52:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} hello world ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-11-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:12:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:21:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:31:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:37:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-38->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:42:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:47:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-48->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:53:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-54->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:61:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-62->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:69:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-70->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:77:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-78->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:87:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-88->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:95:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-96->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:101:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-102->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:109:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:117:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-118->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:125:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-126->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols:135:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.symbols-136->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-13-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:14:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:15:>`${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-16->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:20:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:21:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-22->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:28:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:29:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-30->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:36:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:37:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-38->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:44:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:45:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-46->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:54:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:55:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-56->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:64:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:65:>`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-66->1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:76:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:77:>`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-78->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:85:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:86:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-87->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:98:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:99:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-100->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:111:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:112:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-113->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:124:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:125:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-126->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:141:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:142:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-143->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:158:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:159:>`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-160->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:167:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:168:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-169->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:180:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:181:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-182->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:193:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:194:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-195->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:206:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:207:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-208->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:223:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types:224:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js-6-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:7:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:8:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:9:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:10:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:11:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:12:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:13:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:15:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:16:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:17:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:18:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:19:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:20:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:22:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:23:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:24:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:25:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:26:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.js:27:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-11-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:12:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:16:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:21:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:26:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:31:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:37:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-38->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:42:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:47:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-48->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:53:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-54->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:61:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-62->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:69:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-70->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:77:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-78->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:87:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-88->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:95:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-96->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:101:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-102->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:109:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:117:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-118->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:125:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-126->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols:135:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.symbols-136->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-13-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:14:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:15:>`hello ${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-16->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:20:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:21:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-22->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:28:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:29:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-30->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:36:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:37:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-38->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:44:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:45:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-46->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:54:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:55:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-56->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:64:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:65:>`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-66->1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:76:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:77:>`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-78->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:85:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:86:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-87->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:98:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:99:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-100->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:111:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:112:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-113->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:124:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:125:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-126->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:141:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:142:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-143->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:158:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:159:>`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-160->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:167:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:168:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-169->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:180:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:181:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-182->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:193:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:194:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-195->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:206:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:207:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-208->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:223:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types:224:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js-6-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:7:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:8:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:9:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:10:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:11:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:12:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:13:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:15:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:16:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:17:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:18:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:19:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:20:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:22:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:23:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:24:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:25:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:26:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:27:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js-33-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:34:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, t2)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:35:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:36:`hello ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:37:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:38:`hello ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:39:`hello ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:40:`hello ${1 + typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:41:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, t2)}${Math.pow(t1, t2)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:42:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:43:`hello ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:44:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:45:`hello ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:46:`hello ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:47:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, t2)} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, t2)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:48:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:49:`hello ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)} hello world ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:50:`hello ${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:51:`hello ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1} hello world ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.js:52:`hello ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} hello world ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-11-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:12:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:16:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:21:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:26:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:31:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:37:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-38->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:42:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:47:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-48->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:53:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-54->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:61:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-62->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:69:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-70->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:77:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-78->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:87:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-88->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:95:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-96->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:101:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-102->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:109:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:117:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-118->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:125:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-126->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols:135:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.symbols-136->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-13-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:14:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:15:>`hello ${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-16->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:20:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:21:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-22->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:28:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:29:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-30->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:36:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:37:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-38->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:44:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:45:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-46->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:54:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:55:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-56->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:64:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:65:>`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-66->1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:76:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:77:>`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-78->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:85:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:86:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-87->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:98:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:99:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-100->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:111:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:112:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-113->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:124:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:125:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-126->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:141:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:142:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-143->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:158:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:159:>`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-160->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:167:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:168:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-169->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:180:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:181:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-182->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:193:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:194:>`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-195->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:206:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:207:>`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-208->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:223:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types:224:>`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js-6-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:7:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:8:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:9:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:10:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:11:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:12:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:13:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:15:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:17:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:18:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:19:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:20:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:22:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:23:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:24:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:25:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:26:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.js:27:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-11-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:12:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:21:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:31:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:37:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-38->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:42:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:47:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-48->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:53:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-54->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:61:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-62->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:69:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-70->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:77:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-78->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:87:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-88->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:95:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-96->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:101:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-102->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:109:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:117:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-118->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:125:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-126->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols:135:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.symbols-136->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-13-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:14:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:15:>`${t1 ** t2} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-16->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:20:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:21:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-22->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:28:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:29:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-30->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:36:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:37:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-38->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:44:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:45:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-46->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:54:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:55:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-56->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:64:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:65:>`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-66->1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:76:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:77:>`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-78->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:85:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:86:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-87->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:98:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:99:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-100->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:111:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:112:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-113->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:124:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:125:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-126->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:141:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:142:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-143->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:158:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:159:>`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-160->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:167:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:168:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-169->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:180:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:181:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-182->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:193:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:194:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-195->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:206:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:207:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-208->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:223:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types:224:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js-6-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:7:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:8:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:9:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:10:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:11:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:12:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:13:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:15:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:17:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:18:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:19:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:20:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:22:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:23:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:24:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:25:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:26:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:27:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js-34-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:35:`${Math.pow(t1, t2)} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:36:`${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:37:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:38:`${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:39:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:40:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:41:`${1 + typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:42:`${Math.pow(t1, t2)}${Math.pow(t1, t2)} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:43:`${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))}${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:44:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)}${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:45:`${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1}${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:46:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1}${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:47:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))}${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:48:`${Math.pow(t1, t2)} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, t2)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:49:`${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1))} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:50:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)} hello world ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:51:`${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1} hello world ${Math.pow(t1, t2) + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:52:`${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1} hello world ${t1 + Math.pow(t2, t2) + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.js:53:`${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} hello world ${typeof (Math.pow(t1, Math.pow(t2, t1)))} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-11-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:12:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-13->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:16:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-17->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:21:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-22->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-27->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:31:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-32->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:37:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-38->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:42:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-43->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:47:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-48->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:53:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-54->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:61:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-62->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:69:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-70->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:77:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-78->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:87:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-88->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:95:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-96->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:101:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-102->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:109:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-110->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:117:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-118->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:125:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-126->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols:135:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.symbols-136->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-13-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:14:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:15:>`${t1 ** t2} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-16->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:20:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:21:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-22->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:28:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:29:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-30->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:36:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:37:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-38->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:44:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:45:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-46->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:54:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:55:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-56->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:64:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:65:>`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-66->1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:76:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:77:>`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-78->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:85:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:86:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-87->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:98:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:99:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-100->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:111:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:112:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-113->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:124:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:125:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-126->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:141:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:142:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-143->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:158:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:159:>`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-160->t1 ** t2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:167:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:168:>`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-169->t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:180:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:181:>`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-182->t1 + t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:193:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:194:>`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-195->t1 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:206:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:207:>`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-208->t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:223:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types:224:>`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.types-225->typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.errors.txt-40-!!! error TS2553: Computed values are not permitted in an enum with string valued members.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.errors.txt:41:        g = `1${"2"}3`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.errors.txt-42-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.js-30-    f = `1` + 1,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.js:31:    g = `1${"2"}3`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.js-32-    h = `1`.length
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.symbols:69:    g = `1${"2"}3`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.symbols-70->g : Symbol(T5.g, Decl(enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.ts, 28, 16))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.types:107:    g = `1${"2"}3`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.types-108->g : T5.e
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.types:109:>`1${"2"}3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.types-110->"2" : "2"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.js-9-//// [hello.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.js:10:const sayHello = (name?: string) => void (`Hello, ${name}!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.js-32-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.js:33:const sayHello = (name) => void (`Hello, ${name}!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.js-34-exports.default = sayHello;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.symbols-14-No type information for this code.=== tests/cases/compiler/hello.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.symbols:15:const sayHello = (name?: string) => void (`Hello, ${name}!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.symbols-16->sayHello : Symbol(sayHello, Decl(hello.ts, 0, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types-16-No type information for this code.=== tests/cases/compiler/hello.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types:17:const sayHello = (name?: string) => void (`Hello, ${name}!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types-18->sayHello : (name?: string) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types:19:>(name?: string) => void (`Hello, ${name}!`) : (name?: string) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types-20->name : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types:21:>void (`Hello, ${name}!`) : undefined
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types:22:>(`Hello, ${name}!`) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types:23:>`Hello, ${name}!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.types-24->name : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-54-    // TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:55:    `${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-56-           ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-59-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:60:    `${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-61-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-62-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:63:    `${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-64-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-65-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:66:    `${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-67-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-68-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:69:    `${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-70-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-73-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:74:    `${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-75-       ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:80:    `${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-81-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-84-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:85:    `${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-86-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-89-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:90:    `${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-91-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-94-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:95:    `${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-96-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-103-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:104:    `${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-105-       ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-112-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:113:    `${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-114-           ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:123:    `${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-124-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-127-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:128:    `${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-129-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-132-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:133:    `${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-134-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-137-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:138:    `${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-139-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-146-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:147:    `${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-148-       ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-155-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt:156:    `${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.errors.txt-157-           ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js-7-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:8:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:9:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:10:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:11:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:12:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:13:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:15:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:16:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:17:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:18:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:19:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:20:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:22:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:23:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:24:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:25:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:26:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.js:27:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-12-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:13:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-14->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:18:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-19->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:23:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-24->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:28:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-29->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:33:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-34->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:38:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-39->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:43:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-44->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:51:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-52->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:59:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-60->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:67:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-68->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:75:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-76->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:83:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-84->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:91:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-92->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:99:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-100->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:107:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-108->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:115:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-116->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:123:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-124->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols:131:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.symbols-132->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-14-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:15:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:16:>`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-17->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:26:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:27:>`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-28->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:35:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:36:>`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-37->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:45:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:46:>`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-47->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:55:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:56:>`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-57->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:65:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:66:>`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-67->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:74:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:75:>`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-76->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:89:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:90:>`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-91->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:106:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:107:>`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-108->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:123:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:124:>`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-125->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:140:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:141:>`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-142->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:155:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:156:>`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-157->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:174:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:175:>`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-176->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:189:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:190:>`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-191->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:206:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:207:>`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-208->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:223:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:224:>`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-225->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:240:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:241:>`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-242->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:255:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types:256:>`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.types-257->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-54-    // With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:55:    `hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-56-             ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-57-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:58:    `hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-59-             ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-60-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:61:    `hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-62-             ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-63-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:64:    `hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-65-             ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-68-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:69:    `hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-70-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-73-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:74:    `hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-75-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:80:    `hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-81-             ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-84-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:85:    `hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-86-             ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-89-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:90:    `hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-91-             ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-94-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:95:    `hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-96-             ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-103-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:104:    `hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-105-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-112-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:113:    `hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-114-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:123:    `hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-124-             ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-127-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:128:    `hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-129-             ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-132-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:133:    `hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-134-             ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-137-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:138:    `hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-139-             ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-146-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:147:    `hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-148-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-155-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt:156:    `hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.errors.txt-157-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js-7-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:8:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:9:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:10:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:11:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:12:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:13:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:15:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:16:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:17:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:18:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:19:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:20:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:22:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:23:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:24:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:25:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:26:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.js:27:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-12-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:13:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-14->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:18:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-19->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:23:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-24->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:28:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-29->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:33:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-34->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:38:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-39->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:43:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-44->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:51:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-52->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:59:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-60->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:67:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-68->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:75:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-76->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:83:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-84->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:91:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-92->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:99:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-100->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:107:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-108->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:115:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-116->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:123:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-124->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols:131:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.symbols-132->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-14-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:15:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:16:>`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-17->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:24:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:25:>`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-26->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:34:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:35:>`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-36->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:44:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:45:>`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-46->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:54:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:55:>`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-56->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:63:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:64:>`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-65->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:74:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:75:>`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-76->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:89:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:90:>`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-91->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:106:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:107:>`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-108->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:123:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:124:>`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-125->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:140:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:141:>`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-142->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:155:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:156:>`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-157->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:174:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:175:>`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-176->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:189:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:190:>`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-191->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:206:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:207:>`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-208->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:223:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:224:>`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-225->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:240:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:241:>`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-242->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:255:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types:256:>`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.types-257->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-54-    // With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:55:    `${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-56-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-57-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:58:    `${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-59-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-60-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:61:    `${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-62-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-63-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:64:    `${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-65-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-68-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:69:    `${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-70-       ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-73-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:74:    `${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-75-           ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:80:    `${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-81-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-84-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:85:    `${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-86-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-89-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:90:    `${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-91-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-94-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:95:    `${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-96-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-103-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:104:    `${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-105-       ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-112-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:113:    `${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-114-           ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:123:    `${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-124-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-127-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:128:    `${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-129-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-132-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:133:    `${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-134-       ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-137-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '-' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:138:    `${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-139-       ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-146-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the '!' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:147:    `${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-148-       ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-155-!!! error TS17006: An unary expression with the 'typeof' operator is not allowed in the left-hand side of an exponentiation expression. Consider enclosing the expression in parentheses.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt:156:    `${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.errors.txt-157-           ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js-7-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:8:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:9:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:10:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:11:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:12:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:13:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:15:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:16:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:17:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:18:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:19:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:20:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:22:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:23:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:24:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:25:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:26:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.js:27:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-12-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:13:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-14->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:18:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-19->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:23:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-24->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:28:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-29->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:33:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-34->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:38:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-39->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:43:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-44->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:51:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-52->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:59:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-60->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:67:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-68->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:75:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-76->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:83:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-84->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:91:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-92->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:99:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-100->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:107:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-108->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:115:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-116->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:123:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-124->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols:131:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.symbols-132->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-14-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:15:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:16:>`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-17->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:24:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:25:>`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-26->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:34:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:35:>`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-36->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:44:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:45:>`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-46->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:54:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:55:>`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-56->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:63:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:64:>`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-65->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:74:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:75:>`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-76->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:89:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:90:>`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-91->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:106:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:107:>`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-108->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:123:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:124:>`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-125->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:140:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:141:>`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-142->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:155:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:156:>`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-157->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:174:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:175:>`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-176->-t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:189:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:190:>`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-191->-++t1 ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:206:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:207:>`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-208->-t1++ ** t2 - t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:223:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:224:>`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-225->!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:240:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:241:>`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-242->typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:255:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types:256:>`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.types-257->1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-15-==== tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts (12 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:16:    var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-17-                 ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-18-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:19:    var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-20-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-21-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:22:    var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-23-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-24-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:25:    var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-26-                 ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-27-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:28:    var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-29-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-30-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:31:    var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-32-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-33-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:34:    var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-35-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-36-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:37:    var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-38-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-41-    var k = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:42:    k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-43-          ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-44-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:45:    k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-46-          ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-47-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:48:    k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-49-          ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-50-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt:51:    k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.errors.txt-52-          ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js-1-//// [exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:2:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:3:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:4:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:5:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:6:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js-11-var k = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:12:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:13:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:14:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.js:15:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:2:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-3->a : Symbol(a, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:5:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 1, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:8:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:11:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:14:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:17:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:20:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:23:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:29:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-30->k : Symbol(k, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:32:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-33->k : Symbol(k, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:35:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-36->k : Symbol(k, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols:38:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.symbols-39->k : Symbol(k, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:2:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-3->a : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:4:>1 ** `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:6:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-7->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:9:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-10->b : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:11:>1 ** `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-12->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:13:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-14->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:16:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-17->c : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:18:>1 ** `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-19->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:20:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-21->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:23:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-24->d : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:25:>1 ** `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-26->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:27:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-28->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:30:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-31->e : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:32:>`${ 3 }` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:33:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-34->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:37:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-38->f : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:39:>`2${ 3 }` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:40:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-41->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:44:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-45->g : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:46:>`${ 3 }4` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:47:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-48->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:51:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-52->h : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:53:>`2${ 3 }4` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:54:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-55->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:62:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:63:>k **= `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-64->k : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:65:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-66->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:68:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:69:>k **= `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-70->k : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:71:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-72->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:74:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:75:>k **= `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-76->k : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:77:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-78->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:80:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:81:>k **= `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-82->k : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types:83:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.types-84->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-16-==== tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts (13 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:17:    var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-18-                 ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-19-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:20:    var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-21-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-22-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:23:    var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-24-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-25-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:26:    var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-27-                 ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-28-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:29:    var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-30-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-31-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:32:    var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-33-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-34-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:35:    var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-36-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-37-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:38:    var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-39-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-42-    var k = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:43:    k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-44-          ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-45-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:46:    k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-47-          ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-48-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:49:    k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-50-          ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-51-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt:52:    kj **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.errors.txt-53-    ~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js-1-//// [exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:2:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:3:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:4:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:5:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:6:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js-11-var k = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:12:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:13:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:14:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:15:kj **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js-17-//// [exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:18:var a = Math.pow(1, `${3}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:19:var b = Math.pow(1, `2${3}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:20:var c = Math.pow(1, `${3}4`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:21:var d = Math.pow(1, `2${3}4`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:22:var e = Math.pow(`${3}`, 5);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:23:var f = Math.pow(`2${3}`, 5);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:24:var g = Math.pow(`${3}4`, 5);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:25:var h = Math.pow(`2${3}4`, 5);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js-26-var k = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:27:k = Math.pow(k, `${3}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:28:k = Math.pow(k, `2${3}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:29:k = Math.pow(k, `2${3}4`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.js:30:kj = Math.pow(kj, `2${3}4`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:2:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-3->a : Symbol(a, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:5:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 1, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:8:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:11:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:14:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:17:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:20:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:23:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:29:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-30->k : Symbol(k, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:32:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-33->k : Symbol(k, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:35:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols-36->k : Symbol(k, Decl(exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.symbols:38:kj **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:2:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-3->a : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:4:>1 ** `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:6:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-7->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:9:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-10->b : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:11:>1 ** `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-12->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:13:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-14->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:16:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-17->c : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:18:>1 ** `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-19->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:20:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-21->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:23:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-24->d : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:25:>1 ** `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-26->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:27:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-28->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:30:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-31->e : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:32:>`${ 3 }` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:33:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-34->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:37:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-38->f : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:39:>`2${ 3 }` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:40:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-41->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:44:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-45->g : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:46:>`${ 3 }4` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:47:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-48->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:51:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-52->h : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:53:>`2${ 3 }4` ** 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:54:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-55->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:62:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:63:>k **= `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-64->k : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:65:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-66->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:68:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:69:>k **= `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-70->k : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:71:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-72->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:74:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:75:>k **= `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-76->k : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:77:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-78->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:80:kj **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:81:>kj **= `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-82->kj : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types:83:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.types-84->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types-4-(function (define, undefined) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types:5:>(function (define, undefined) {define(function () {    'use strict';    var impl = {};    impl.mobileDetectRules = {    "phones": {        "iPhone": "\\biPhone\\b|\\biPod\\b",        "BlackBerry": "BlackBerry|\\bBB10\\b|rim[0-9]+",        "HTC": "HTC|HTC.*(Sensation|Evo|Vision|Explorer|6800|8100|8900|A7272|S510e|C110e|Legend|Desire|T8282)|APX515CKT|Qtek9090|APA9292KT|HD_mini|Sensation.*Z710e|PG86100|Z715e|Desire.*(A8181|HD)|ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR6425|001HT|Inspire 4G|Android.*\\bEVO\\b|T-Mobile G1|Z520m",        "Nexus": "Nexus One|Nexus S|Galaxy.*Nexus|Android.*Nexus.*Mobile|Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 6",        "Dell": "Dell.*Streak|Dell.*Aero|Dell.*Venue|DELL.*Venue Pro|Dell Flash|Dell Smoke|Dell Mini 3iX|XCD28|XCD35|\\b001DL\\b|\\b101DL\\b|\\bGS01\\b",        "Motorola": "Motorola|DROIDX|DROID BIONIC|\\bDroid\\b.*Build|Android.*Xoom|HRI39|MOT-|A1260|A1680|A555|A853|A855|A953|A955|A956|Motorola.*ELECTRIFY|Motorola.*i1|i867|i940|MB200|MB300|MB501|MB502|MB508|MB511|MB520|MB525|MB526|MB611|MB612|MB632|MB810|MB855|MB860|MB861|MB865|MB870|ME501|ME502|ME511|ME525|ME600|ME632|ME722|ME811|ME860|ME863|ME865|MT620|MT710|MT716|MT720|MT810|MT870|MT917|Motorola.*TITANIUM|WX435|WX445|XT300|XT301|XT311|XT316|XT317|XT319|XT320|XT390|XT502|XT530|XT531|XT532|XT535|XT603|XT610|XT611|XT615|XT681|XT701|XT702|XT711|XT720|XT800|XT806|XT860|XT862|XT875|XT882|XT883|XT894|XT901|XT907|XT909|XT910|XT912|XT928|XT926|XT915|XT919|XT925|XT1021|\\bMoto E\\b",        "Samsung": "Samsung|SM-G9250|GT-19300|SGH-I337|BGT-S5230|GT-B2100|GT-B2700|GT-B2710|GT-B3210|GT-B3310|GT-B3410|GT-B3730|GT-B3740|GT-B5510|GT-B5512|GT-B5722|GT-B6520|GT-B7300|GT-B7320|GT-B7330|GT-B7350|GT-B7510|GT-B7722|GT-B7800|GT-C3010|GT-C3011|GT-C3060|GT-C3200|GT-C3212|GT-C3212I|GT-C3262|GT-C3222|GT-C3300|GT-C3300K|GT-C3303|GT-C3303K|GT-C3310|GT-C3322|GT-C3330|GT-C3350|GT-C3500|GT-C3510|GT-C3530|GT-C3630|GT-C3780|GT-C5010|GT-C5212|GT-C6620|GT-C6625|GT-C6712|GT-E1050|GT-E1070|GT-E1075|GT-E1080|GT-E1081|GT-E1085|GT-E1087|GT-E1100|GT-E1107|GT-E1110|GT-E1120|GT-E1125|GT-E1130|GT-E1160|GT-E1170|GT-E1175|GT-E1180|GT-E1182|GT-E1200|GT-E1210|GT-E1225|GT-E1230|GT-E1390|GT-E2100|GT-E2120|GT-E2121|GT-E2152|GT-E2220|GT-E2222|GT-E2230|GT-E2232|GT-E2250|GT-E2370|GT-E2550|GT-E2652|GT-E3210|GT-E3213|GT-I5500|GT-I5503|GT-I5700|GT-I5800|GT-I5801|GT-I6410|GT-I6420|GT-I7110|GT-I7410|GT-I7500|GT-I8000|GT-I8150|GT-I8160|GT-I8190|GT-I8320|GT-I8330|GT-I8350|GT-I8530|GT-I8700|GT-I8703|GT-I8910|GT-I9000|GT-I9001|GT-I9003|GT-I9010|GT-I9020|GT-I9023|GT-I9070|GT-I9082|GT-I9100|GT-I9103|GT-I9220|GT-I9250|GT-I9300|GT-I9305|GT-I9500|GT-I9505|GT-M3510|GT-M5650|GT-M7500|GT-M7600|GT-M7603|GT-M8800|GT-M8910|GT-N7000|GT-S3110|GT-S3310|GT-S3350|GT-S3353|GT-S3370|GT-S3650|GT-S3653|GT-S3770|GT-S3850|GT-S5210|GT-S5220|GT-S5229|GT-S5230|GT-S5233|GT-S5250|GT-S5253|GT-S5260|GT-S5263|GT-S5270|GT-S5300|GT-S5330|GT-S5350|GT-S5360|GT-S5363|GT-S5369|GT-S5380|GT-S5380D|GT-S5560|GT-S5570|GT-S5600|GT-S5603|GT-S5610|GT-S5620|GT-S5660|GT-S5670|GT-S5690|GT-S5750|GT-S5780|GT-S5830|GT-S5839|GT-S6102|GT-S6500|GT-S7070|GT-S7200|GT-S7220|GT-S7230|GT-S7233|GT-S7250|GT-S7500|GT-S7530|GT-S7550|GT-S7562|GT-S7710|GT-S8000|GT-S8003|GT-S8500|GT-S8530|GT-S8600|SCH-A310|SCH-A530|SCH-A570|SCH-A610|SCH-A630|SCH-A650|SCH-A790|SCH-A795|SCH-A850|SCH-A870|SCH-A890|SCH-A930|SCH-A950|SCH-A970|SCH-A990|SCH-I100|SCH-I110|SCH-I400|SCH-I405|SCH-I500|SCH-I510|SCH-I515|SCH-I600|SCH-I730|SCH-I760|SCH-I770|SCH-I830|SCH-I910|SCH-I920|SCH-I959|SCH-LC11|SCH-N150|SCH-N300|SCH-R100|SCH-R300|SCH-R351|SCH-R400|SCH-R410|SCH-T300|SCH-U310|SCH-U320|SCH-U350|SCH-U360|SCH-U365|SCH-U370|SCH-U380|SCH-U410|SCH-U430|SCH-U450|SCH-U460|SCH-U470|SCH-U490|SCH-U540|SCH-U550|SCH-U620|SCH-U640|SCH-U650|SCH-U660|SCH-U700|SCH-U740|SCH-U750|SCH-U810|SCH-U820|SCH-U900|SCH-U940|SCH-U960|SCS-26UC|SGH-A107|SGH-A117|SGH-A127|SGH-A137|SGH-A157|SGH-A167|SGH-A177|SGH-A187|SGH-A197|SGH-A227|SGH-A237|SGH-A257|SGH-A437|SGH-A517|SGH-A597|SGH-A637|SGH-A657|SGH-A667|SGH-A687|SGH-A697|SGH-A707|SGH-A717|SGH-A727|SGH-A737|SGH-A747|SGH-A767|SGH-A777|SGH-A797|SGH-A817|SGH-A827|SGH-A837|SGH-A847|SGH-A867|SGH-A877|SGH-A887|SGH-A897|SGH-A927|SGH-B100|SGH-B130|SGH-B200|SGH-B220|SGH-C100|SGH-C110|SGH-C120|SGH-C130|SGH-C140|SGH-C160|SGH-C170|SGH-C180|SGH-C200|SGH-C207|SGH-C210|SGH-C225|SGH-C230|SGH-C417|SGH-C450|SGH-D307|SGH-D347|SGH-D357|SGH-D407|SGH-D415|SGH-D780|SGH-D807|SGH-D980|SGH-E105|SGH-E200|SGH-E315|SGH-E316|SGH-E317|SGH-E335|SGH-E590|SGH-E635|SGH-E715|SGH-E890|SGH-F300|SGH-F480|SGH-I200|SGH-I300|SGH-I320|SGH-I550|SGH-I577|SGH-I600|SGH-I607|SGH-I617|SGH-I627|SGH-I637|SGH-I677|SGH-I700|SGH-I717|SGH-I727|SGH-i747M|SGH-I777|SGH-I780|SGH-I827|SGH-I847|SGH-I857|SGH-I896|SGH-I897|SGH-I900|SGH-I907|SGH-I917|SGH-I927|SGH-I937|SGH-I997|SGH-J150|SGH-J200|SGH-L170|SGH-L700|SGH-M110|SGH-M150|SGH-M200|SGH-N105|SGH-N500|SGH-N600|SGH-N620|SGH-N625|SGH-N700|SGH-N710|SGH-P107|SGH-P207|SGH-P300|SGH-P310|SGH-P520|SGH-P735|SGH-P777|SGH-Q105|SGH-R210|SGH-R220|SGH-R225|SGH-S105|SGH-S307|SGH-T109|SGH-T119|SGH-T139|SGH-T209|SGH-T219|SGH-T229|SGH-T239|SGH-T249|SGH-T259|SGH-T309|SGH-T319|SGH-T329|SGH-T339|SGH-T349|SGH-T359|SGH-T369|SGH-T379|SGH-T409|SGH-T429|SGH-T439|SGH-T459|SGH-T469|SGH-T479|SGH-T499|SGH-T509|SGH-T519|SGH-T539|SGH-T559|SGH-T589|SGH-T609|SGH-T619|SGH-T629|SGH-T639|SGH-T659|SGH-T669|SGH-T679|SGH-T709|SGH-T719|SGH-T729|SGH-T739|SGH-T746|SGH-T749|SGH-T759|SGH-T769|SGH-T809|SGH-T819|SGH-T839|SGH-T919|SGH-T929|SGH-T939|SGH-T959|SGH-T989|SGH-U100|SGH-U200|SGH-U800|SGH-V205|SGH-V206|SGH-X100|SGH-X105|SGH-X120|SGH-X140|SGH-X426|SGH-X427|SGH-X475|SGH-X495|SGH-X497|SGH-X507|SGH-X600|SGH-X610|SGH-X620|SGH-X630|SGH-X700|SGH-X820|SGH-X890|SGH-Z130|SGH-Z150|SGH-Z170|SGH-ZX10|SGH-ZX20|SHW-M110|SPH-A120|SPH-A400|SPH-A420|SPH-A460|SPH-A500|SPH-A560|SPH-A600|SPH-A620|SPH-A660|SPH-A700|SPH-A740|SPH-A760|SPH-A790|SPH-A800|SPH-A820|SPH-A840|SPH-A880|SPH-A900|SPH-A940|SPH-A960|SPH-D600|SPH-D700|SPH-D710|SPH-D720|SPH-I300|SPH-I325|SPH-I330|SPH-I350|SPH-I500|SPH-I600|SPH-I700|SPH-L700|SPH-M100|SPH-M220|SPH-M240|SPH-M300|SPH-M305|SPH-M320|SPH-M330|SPH-M350|SPH-M360|SPH-M370|SPH-M380|SPH-M510|SPH-M540|SPH-M550|SPH-M560|SPH-M570|SPH-M580|SPH-M610|SPH-M620|SPH-M630|SPH-M800|SPH-M810|SPH-M850|SPH-M900|SPH-M910|SPH-M920|SPH-M930|SPH-N100|SPH-N200|SPH-N240|SPH-N300|SPH-N400|SPH-Z400|SWC-E100|SCH-i909|GT-N7100|GT-N7105|SCH-I535|SM-N900A|SGH-I317|SGH-T999L|GT-S5360B|GT-I8262|GT-S6802|GT-S6312|GT-S6310|GT-S5312|GT-S5310|GT-I9105|GT-I8510|GT-S6790N|SM-G7105|SM-N9005|GT-S5301|GT-I9295|GT-I9195|SM-C101|GT-S7392|GT-S7560|GT-B7610|GT-I5510|GT-S7582|GT-S7530E|GT-I8750|SM-G9006V|SM-G9008V|SM-G9009D|SM-G900A|SM-G900D|SM-G900F|SM-G900H|SM-G900I|SM-G900J|SM-G900K|SM-G900L|SM-G900M|SM-G900P|SM-G900R4|SM-G900S|SM-G900T|SM-G900V|SM-G900W8|SHV-E160K|SCH-P709|SCH-P729|SM-T2558|GT-I9205|SM-G9350|SM-J120F",        "LG": "\\bLG\\b;|LG[- ]?(C800|C900|E400|E610|E900|E-900|F160|F180K|F180L|F180S|730|855|L160|LS740|LS840|LS970|LU6200|MS690|MS695|MS770|MS840|MS870|MS910|P500|P700|P705|VM696|AS680|AS695|AX840|C729|E970|GS505|272|C395|E739BK|E960|L55C|L75C|LS696|LS860|P769BK|P350|P500|P509|P870|UN272|US730|VS840|VS950|LN272|LN510|LS670|LS855|LW690|MN270|MN510|P509|P769|P930|UN200|UN270|UN510|UN610|US670|US740|US760|UX265|UX840|VN271|VN530|VS660|VS700|VS740|VS750|VS910|VS920|VS930|VX9200|VX11000|AX840A|LW770|P506|P925|P999|E612|D955|D802|MS323)",        "Sony": "SonyST|SonyLT|SonyEricsson|SonyEricssonLT15iv|LT18i|E10i|LT28h|LT26w|SonyEricssonMT27i|C5303|C6902|C6903|C6906|C6943|D2533",        "Asus": "Asus.*Galaxy|PadFone.*Mobile",        "NokiaLumia": "Lumia [0-9]{3,4}",        "Micromax": "Micromax.*\\b(A210|A92|A88|A72|A111|A110Q|A115|A116|A110|A90S|A26|A51|A35|A54|A25|A27|A89|A68|A65|A57|A90)\\b",        "Palm": "PalmSource|Palm",        "Vertu": "Vertu|Vertu.*Ltd|Vertu.*Ascent|Vertu.*Ayxta|Vertu.*Constellation(F|Quest)?|Vertu.*Monika|Vertu.*Signature",        "Pantech": "PANTECH|IM-A850S|IM-A840S|IM-A830L|IM-A830K|IM-A830S|IM-A820L|IM-A810K|IM-A810S|IM-A800S|IM-T100K|IM-A725L|IM-A780L|IM-A775C|IM-A770K|IM-A760S|IM-A750K|IM-A740S|IM-A730S|IM-A720L|IM-A710K|IM-A690L|IM-A690S|IM-A650S|IM-A630K|IM-A600S|VEGA PTL21|PT003|P8010|ADR910L|P6030|P6020|P9070|P4100|P9060|P5000|CDM8992|TXT8045|ADR8995|IS11PT|P2030|P6010|P8000|PT002|IS06|CDM8999|P9050|PT001|TXT8040|P2020|P9020|P2000|P7040|P7000|C790",        "Fly": "IQ230|IQ444|IQ450|IQ440|IQ442|IQ441|IQ245|IQ256|IQ236|IQ255|IQ235|IQ245|IQ275|IQ240|IQ285|IQ280|IQ270|IQ260|IQ250",        "Wiko": "KITE 4G|HIGHWAY|GETAWAY|STAIRWAY|DARKSIDE|DARKFULL|DARKNIGHT|DARKMOON|SLIDE|WAX 4G|RAINBOW|BLOOM|SUNSET|GOA(?!nna)|LENNY|BARRY|IGGY|OZZY|CINK FIVE|CINK PEAX|CINK PEAX 2|CINK SLIM|CINK SLIM 2|CINK +|CINK KING|CINK PEAX|CINK SLIM|SUBLIM",        "iMobile": "i-mobile (IQ|i-STYLE|idea|ZAA|Hitz)",        "SimValley": "\\b(SP-80|XT-930|SX-340|XT-930|SX-310|SP-360|SP60|SPT-800|SP-120|SPT-800|SP-140|SPX-5|SPX-8|SP-100|SPX-8|SPX-12)\\b",        "Wolfgang": "AT-B24D|AT-AS50HD|AT-AS40W|AT-AS55HD|AT-AS45q2|AT-B26D|AT-AS50Q",        "Alcatel": "Alcatel",        "Nintendo": "Nintendo 3DS",        "Amoi": "Amoi",        "INQ": "INQ",        "GenericPhone": "Tapatalk|PDA;|SAGEM|\\bmmp\\b|pocket|\\bpsp\\b|symbian|Smartphone|smartfon|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|\\bwap\\b|nokia|Series40|Series60|S60|SonyEricsson|N900|MAUI.*WAP.*Browser"    },    "tablets": {        "iPad": "iPad|iPad.*Mobile",        "NexusTablet": "Android.*Nexus[\\s]+(7|9|10)",        "SamsungTablet": "SAMSUNG.*Tablet|Galaxy.*Tab|SC-01C|GT-P1000|GT-P1003|GT-P1010|GT-P3105|GT-P6210|GT-P6800|GT-P6810|GT-P7100|GT-P7300|GT-P7310|GT-P7500|GT-P7510|SCH-I800|SCH-I815|SCH-I905|SGH-I957|SGH-I987|SGH-T849|SGH-T859|SGH-T869|SPH-P100|GT-P3100|GT-P3108|GT-P3110|GT-P5100|GT-P5110|GT-P6200|GT-P7320|GT-P7511|GT-N8000|GT-P8510|SGH-I497|SPH-P500|SGH-T779|SCH-I705|SCH-I915|GT-N8013|GT-P3113|GT-P5113|GT-P8110|GT-N8010|GT-N8005|GT-N8020|GT-P1013|GT-P6201|GT-P7501|GT-N5100|GT-N5105|GT-N5110|SHV-E140K|SHV-E140L|SHV-E140S|SHV-E150S|SHV-E230K|SHV-E230L|SHV-E230S|SHW-M180K|SHW-M180L|SHW-M180S|SHW-M180W|SHW-M300W|SHW-M305W|SHW-M380K|SHW-M380S|SHW-M380W|SHW-M430W|SHW-M480K|SHW-M480S|SHW-M480W|SHW-M485W|SHW-M486W|SHW-M500W|GT-I9228|SCH-P739|SCH-I925|GT-I9200|GT-P5200|GT-P5210|GT-P5210X|SM-T311|SM-T310|SM-T310X|SM-T210|SM-T210R|SM-T211|SM-P600|SM-P601|SM-P605|SM-P900|SM-P901|SM-T217|SM-T217A|SM-T217S|SM-P6000|SM-T3100|SGH-I467|XE500|SM-T110|GT-P5220|GT-I9200X|GT-N5110X|GT-N5120|SM-P905|SM-T111|SM-T2105|SM-T315|SM-T320|SM-T320X|SM-T321|SM-T520|SM-T525|SM-T530NU|SM-T230NU|SM-T330NU|SM-T900|XE500T1C|SM-P605V|SM-P905V|SM-T337V|SM-T537V|SM-T707V|SM-T807V|SM-P600X|SM-P900X|SM-T210X|SM-T230|SM-T230X|SM-T325|GT-P7503|SM-T531|SM-T330|SM-T530|SM-T705|SM-T705C|SM-T535|SM-T331|SM-T800|SM-T700|SM-T537|SM-T807|SM-P907A|SM-T337A|SM-T537A|SM-T707A|SM-T807A|SM-T237|SM-T807P|SM-P607T|SM-T217T|SM-T337T|SM-T807T|SM-T116NQ|SM-P550|SM-T350|SM-T550|SM-T9000|SM-P9000|SM-T705Y|SM-T805|GT-P3113|SM-T710|SM-T810|SM-T815|SM-T360|SM-T533|SM-T113|SM-T335|SM-T715|SM-T560|SM-T670|SM-T677|SM-T377|SM-T567|SM-T357T|SM-T555|SM-T561",        "Kindle": "Kindle|Silk.*Accelerated|Android.*\\b(KFOT|KFTT|KFJWI|KFJWA|KFOTE|KFSOWI|KFTHWI|KFTHWA|KFAPWI|KFAPWA|WFJWAE|KFSAWA|KFSAWI|KFASWI|KFARWI)\\b",        "SurfaceTablet": "Windows NT [0-9.]+; ARM;.*(Tablet|ARMBJS)",        "HPTablet": "HP Slate (7|8|10)|HP ElitePad 900|hp-tablet|EliteBook.*Touch|HP 8|Slate 21|HP SlateBook 10",        "AsusTablet": "^.*PadFone((?!Mobile).)*$|Transformer|TF101|TF101G|TF300T|TF300TG|TF300TL|TF700T|TF700KL|TF701T|TF810C|ME171|ME301T|ME302C|ME371MG|ME370T|ME372MG|ME172V|ME173X|ME400C|Slider SL101|\\bK00F\\b|\\bK00C\\b|\\bK00E\\b|\\bK00L\\b|TX201LA|ME176C|ME102A|\\bM80TA\\b|ME372CL|ME560CG|ME372CG|ME302KL| K010 | K017 |ME572C|ME103K|ME170C|ME171C|\\bME70C\\b|ME581C|ME581CL|ME8510C|ME181C|P01Y|PO1MA",        "BlackBerryTablet": "PlayBook|RIM Tablet",        "HTCtablet": "HTC_Flyer_P512|HTC Flyer|HTC Jetstream|HTC-P715a|HTC EVO View 4G|PG41200|PG09410",        "MotorolaTablet": "xoom|sholest|MZ615|MZ605|MZ505|MZ601|MZ602|MZ603|MZ604|MZ606|MZ607|MZ608|MZ609|MZ615|MZ616|MZ617",        "NookTablet": "Android.*Nook|NookColor|nook browser|BNRV200|BNRV200A|BNTV250|BNTV250A|BNTV400|BNTV600|LogicPD Zoom2",        "AcerTablet": "Android.*; \\b(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700|A701|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|G100|G100W|B1-A71|B1-710|B1-711|A1-810|A1-811|A1-830)\\b|W3-810|\\bA3-A10\\b|\\bA3-A11\\b|\\bA3-A20",        "ToshibaTablet": "Android.*(AT100|AT105|AT200|AT205|AT270|AT275|AT300|AT305|AT1S5|AT500|AT570|AT700|AT830)|TOSHIBA.*FOLIO",        "LGTablet": "\\bL-06C|LG-V909|LG-V900|LG-V700|LG-V510|LG-V500|LG-V410|LG-V400|LG-VK810\\b",        "FujitsuTablet": "Android.*\\b(F-01D|F-02F|F-05E|F-10D|M532|Q572)\\b",        "PrestigioTablet": "PMP3170B|PMP3270B|PMP3470B|PMP7170B|PMP3370B|PMP3570C|PMP5870C|PMP3670B|PMP5570C|PMP5770D|PMP3970B|PMP3870C|PMP5580C|PMP5880D|PMP5780D|PMP5588C|PMP7280C|PMP7280C3G|PMP7280|PMP7880D|PMP5597D|PMP5597|PMP7100D|PER3464|PER3274|PER3574|PER3884|PER5274|PER5474|PMP5097CPRO|PMP5097|PMP7380D|PMP5297C|PMP5297C_QUAD|PMP812E|PMP812E3G|PMP812F|PMP810E|PMP880TD|PMT3017|PMT3037|PMT3047|PMT3057|PMT7008|PMT5887|PMT5001|PMT5002",        "LenovoTablet": "Lenovo TAB|Idea(Tab|Pad)( A1|A10| K1|)|ThinkPad([ ]+)?Tablet|YT3-X90L|YT3-X90F|YT3-X90X|Lenovo.*(S2109|S2110|S5000|S6000|K3011|A3000|A3500|A1000|A2107|A2109|A1107|A5500|A7600|B6000|B8000|B8080)(-|)(FL|F|HV|H|)",        "DellTablet": "Venue 11|Venue 8|Venue 7|Dell Streak 10|Dell Streak 7",        "YarvikTablet": "Android.*\\b(TAB210|TAB211|TAB224|TAB250|TAB260|TAB264|TAB310|TAB360|TAB364|TAB410|TAB411|TAB420|TAB424|TAB450|TAB460|TAB461|TAB464|TAB465|TAB467|TAB468|TAB07-100|TAB07-101|TAB07-150|TAB07-151|TAB07-152|TAB07-200|TAB07-201-3G|TAB07-210|TAB07-211|TAB07-212|TAB07-214|TAB07-220|TAB07-400|TAB07-485|TAB08-150|TAB08-200|TAB08-201-3G|TAB08-201-30|TAB09-100|TAB09-211|TAB09-410|TAB10-150|TAB10-201|TAB10-211|TAB10-400|TAB10-410|TAB13-201|TAB274EUK|TAB275EUK|TAB374EUK|TAB462EUK|TAB474EUK|TAB9-200)\\b",        "MedionTablet": "Android.*\\bOYO\\b|LIFE.*(P9212|P9514|P9516|S9512)|LIFETAB",        "ArnovaTablet": "AN10G2|AN7bG3|AN7fG3|AN8G3|AN8cG3|AN7G3|AN9G3|AN7dG3|AN7dG3ST|AN7dG3ChildPad|AN10bG3|AN10bG3DT|AN9G2",        "IntensoTablet": "INM8002KP|INM1010FP|INM805ND|Intenso Tab|TAB1004",        "IRUTablet": "M702pro",        "MegafonTablet": "MegaFon V9|\\bZTE V9\\b|Android.*\\bMT7A\\b",        "EbodaTablet": "E-Boda (Supreme|Impresspeed|Izzycomm|Essential)",        "AllViewTablet": "Allview.*(Viva|Alldro|City|Speed|All TV|Frenzy|Quasar|Shine|TX1|AX1|AX2)",        "ArchosTablet": "\\b(101G9|80G9|A101IT)\\b|Qilive 97R|Archos5|\\bARCHOS (70|79|80|90|97|101|FAMILYPAD|)(b|)(G10| Cobalt| TITANIUM(HD|)| Xenon| Neon|XSK| 2| XS 2| PLATINUM| CARBON|GAMEPAD)\\b",        "AinolTablet": "NOVO7|NOVO8|NOVO10|Novo7Aurora|Novo7Basic|NOVO7PALADIN|novo9-Spark",        "NokiaLumiaTablet": "Lumia 2520",        "SonyTablet": "Sony.*Tablet|Xperia Tablet|Sony Tablet S|SO-03E|SGPT12|SGPT13|SGPT114|SGPT121|SGPT122|SGPT123|SGPT111|SGPT112|SGPT113|SGPT131|SGPT132|SGPT133|SGPT211|SGPT212|SGPT213|SGP311|SGP312|SGP321|EBRD1101|EBRD1102|EBRD1201|SGP351|SGP341|SGP511|SGP512|SGP521|SGP541|SGP551|SGP621|SGP612|SOT31",        "PhilipsTablet": "\\b(PI2010|PI3000|PI3100|PI3105|PI3110|PI3205|PI3210|PI3900|PI4010|PI7000|PI7100)\\b",        "CubeTablet": "Android.*(K8GT|U9GT|U10GT|U16GT|U17GT|U18GT|U19GT|U20GT|U23GT|U30GT)|CUBE U8GT",        "CobyTablet": "MID1042|MID1045|MID1125|MID1126|MID7012|MID7014|MID7015|MID7034|MID7035|MID7036|MID7042|MID7048|MID7127|MID8042|MID8048|MID8127|MID9042|MID9740|MID9742|MID7022|MID7010",        "MIDTablet": "M9701|M9000|M9100|M806|M1052|M806|T703|MID701|MID713|MID710|MID727|MID760|MID830|MID728|MID933|MID125|MID810|MID732|MID120|MID930|MID800|MID731|MID900|MID100|MID820|MID735|MID980|MID130|MID833|MID737|MID960|MID135|MID860|MID736|MID140|MID930|MID835|MID733|MID4X10",        "MSITablet": "MSI \\b(Primo 73K|Primo 73L|Primo 81L|Primo 77|Primo 93|Primo 75|Primo 76|Primo 73|Primo 81|Primo 91|Primo 90|Enjoy 71|Enjoy 7|Enjoy 10)\\b",        "SMiTTablet": "Android.*(\\bMID\\b|MID-560|MTV-T1200|MTV-PND531|MTV-P1101|MTV-PND530)",        "RockChipTablet": "Android.*(RK2818|RK2808A|RK2918|RK3066)|RK2738|RK2808A",        "FlyTablet": "IQ310|Fly Vision",        "bqTablet": "Android.*(bq)?.*(Elcano|Curie|Edison|Maxwell|Kepler|Pascal|Tesla|Hypatia|Platon|Newton|Livingstone|Cervantes|Avant|Aquaris E10)|Maxwell.*Lite|Maxwell.*Plus",        "HuaweiTablet": "MediaPad|MediaPad 7 Youth|IDEOS S7|S7-201c|S7-202u|S7-101|S7-103|S7-104|S7-105|S7-106|S7-201|S7-Slim",        "NecTablet": "\\bN-06D|\\bN-08D",        "PantechTablet": "Pantech.*P4100",        "BronchoTablet": "Broncho.*(N701|N708|N802|a710)",        "VersusTablet": "TOUCHPAD.*[78910]|\\bTOUCHTAB\\b",        "ZyncTablet": "z1000|Z99 2G|z99|z930|z999|z990|z909|Z919|z900",        "PositivoTablet": "TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA",        "NabiTablet": "Android.*\\bNabi",        "KoboTablet": "Kobo Touch|\\bK080\\b|\\bVox\\b Build|\\bArc\\b Build",        "DanewTablet": "DSlide.*\\b(700|701R|702|703R|704|802|970|971|972|973|974|1010|1012)\\b",        "TexetTablet": "NaviPad|TB-772A|TM-7045|TM-7055|TM-9750|TM-7016|TM-7024|TM-7026|TM-7041|TM-7043|TM-7047|TM-8041|TM-9741|TM-9747|TM-9748|TM-9751|TM-7022|TM-7021|TM-7020|TM-7011|TM-7010|TM-7023|TM-7025|TM-7037W|TM-7038W|TM-7027W|TM-9720|TM-9725|TM-9737W|TM-1020|TM-9738W|TM-9740|TM-9743W|TB-807A|TB-771A|TB-727A|TB-725A|TB-719A|TB-823A|TB-805A|TB-723A|TB-715A|TB-707A|TB-705A|TB-709A|TB-711A|TB-890HD|TB-880HD|TB-790HD|TB-780HD|TB-770HD|TB-721HD|TB-710HD|TB-434HD|TB-860HD|TB-840HD|TB-760HD|TB-750HD|TB-740HD|TB-730HD|TB-722HD|TB-720HD|TB-700HD|TB-500HD|TB-470HD|TB-431HD|TB-430HD|TB-506|TB-504|TB-446|TB-436|TB-416|TB-146SE|TB-126SE",        "PlaystationTablet": "Playstation.*(Portable|Vita)",        "TrekstorTablet": "ST10416-1|VT10416-1|ST70408-1|ST702xx-1|ST702xx-2|ST80208|ST97216|ST70104-2|VT10416-2|ST10216-2A|SurfTab",        "PyleAudioTablet": "\\b(PTBL10CEU|PTBL10C|PTBL72BC|PTBL72BCEU|PTBL7CEU|PTBL7C|PTBL92BC|PTBL92BCEU|PTBL9CEU|PTBL9CUK|PTBL9C)\\b",        "AdvanTablet": "Android.* \\b(E3A|T3X|T5C|T5B|T3E|T3C|T3B|T1J|T1F|T2A|T1H|T1i|E1C|T1-E|T5-A|T4|E1-B|T2Ci|T1-B|T1-D|O1-A|E1-A|T1-A|T3A|T4i)\\b ",        "DanyTechTablet": "Genius Tab G3|Genius Tab S2|Genius Tab Q3|Genius Tab G4|Genius Tab Q4|Genius Tab G-II|Genius TAB GII|Genius TAB GIII|Genius Tab S1",        "GalapadTablet": "Android.*\\bG1\\b",        "MicromaxTablet": "Funbook|Micromax.*\\b(P250|P560|P360|P362|P600|P300|P350|P500|P275)\\b",        "KarbonnTablet": "Android.*\\b(A39|A37|A34|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2)\\b",        "AllFineTablet": "Fine7 Genius|Fine7 Shine|Fine7 Air|Fine8 Style|Fine9 More|Fine10 Joy|Fine11 Wide",        "PROSCANTablet": "\\b(PEM63|PLT1023G|PLT1041|PLT1044|PLT1044G|PLT1091|PLT4311|PLT4311PL|PLT4315|PLT7030|PLT7033|PLT7033D|PLT7035|PLT7035D|PLT7044K|PLT7045K|PLT7045KB|PLT7071KG|PLT7072|PLT7223G|PLT7225G|PLT7777G|PLT7810K|PLT7849G|PLT7851G|PLT7852G|PLT8015|PLT8031|PLT8034|PLT8036|PLT8080K|PLT8082|PLT8088|PLT8223G|PLT8234G|PLT8235G|PLT8816K|PLT9011|PLT9045K|PLT9233G|PLT9735|PLT9760G|PLT9770G)\\b",        "YONESTablet": "BQ1078|BC1003|BC1077|RK9702|BC9730|BC9001|IT9001|BC7008|BC7010|BC708|BC728|BC7012|BC7030|BC7027|BC7026",        "ChangJiaTablet": "TPC7102|TPC7103|TPC7105|TPC7106|TPC7107|TPC7201|TPC7203|TPC7205|TPC7210|TPC7708|TPC7709|TPC7712|TPC7110|TPC8101|TPC8103|TPC8105|TPC8106|TPC8203|TPC8205|TPC8503|TPC9106|TPC9701|TPC97101|TPC97103|TPC97105|TPC97106|TPC97111|TPC97113|TPC97203|TPC97603|TPC97809|TPC97205|TPC10101|TPC10103|TPC10106|TPC10111|TPC10203|TPC10205|TPC10503",        "GUTablet": "TX-A1301|TX-M9002|Q702|kf026",        "PointOfViewTablet": "TAB-P506|TAB-navi-7-3G-M|TAB-P517|TAB-P-527|TAB-P701|TAB-P703|TAB-P721|TAB-P731N|TAB-P741|TAB-P825|TAB-P905|TAB-P925|TAB-PR945|TAB-PL1015|TAB-P1025|TAB-PI1045|TAB-P1325|TAB-PROTAB[0-9]+|TAB-PROTAB25|TAB-PROTAB26|TAB-PROTAB27|TAB-PROTAB26XL|TAB-PROTAB2-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB25XXL|TAB-PROTAB26-IPS10|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS10",        "OvermaxTablet": "OV-(SteelCore|NewBase|Basecore|Baseone|Exellen|Quattor|EduTab|Solution|ACTION|BasicTab|TeddyTab|MagicTab|Stream|TB-08|TB-09)",        "HCLTablet": "HCL.*Tablet|Connect-3G-2.0|Connect-2G-2.0|ME Tablet U1|ME Tablet U2|ME Tablet G1|ME Tablet X1|ME Tablet Y2|ME Tablet Sync",        "DPSTablet": "DPS Dream 9|DPS Dual 7",        "VistureTablet": "V97 HD|i75 3G|Visture V4( HD)?|Visture V5( HD)?|Visture V10",        "CrestaTablet": "CTP(-)?810|CTP(-)?818|CTP(-)?828|CTP(-)?838|CTP(-)?888|CTP(-)?978|CTP(-)?980|CTP(-)?987|CTP(-)?988|CTP(-)?989",        "MediatekTablet": "\\bMT8125|MT8389|MT8135|MT8377\\b",        "ConcordeTablet": "Concorde([ ]+)?Tab|ConCorde ReadMan",        "GoCleverTablet": "GOCLEVER TAB|A7GOCLEVER|M1042|M7841|M742|R1042BK|R1041|TAB A975|TAB A7842|TAB A741|TAB A741L|TAB M723G|TAB M721|TAB A1021|TAB I921|TAB R721|TAB I720|TAB T76|TAB R70|TAB R76.2|TAB R106|TAB R83.2|TAB M813G|TAB I721|GCTA722|TAB I70|TAB I71|TAB S73|TAB R73|TAB R74|TAB R93|TAB R75|TAB R76.1|TAB A73|TAB A93|TAB A93.2|TAB T72|TAB R83|TAB R974|TAB R973|TAB A101|TAB A103|TAB A104|TAB A104.2|R105BK|M713G|A972BK|TAB A971|TAB R974.2|TAB R104|TAB R83.3|TAB A1042",        "ModecomTablet": "FreeTAB 9000|FreeTAB 7.4|FreeTAB 7004|FreeTAB 7800|FreeTAB 2096|FreeTAB 7.5|FreeTAB 1014|FreeTAB 1001 |FreeTAB 8001|FreeTAB 9706|FreeTAB 9702|FreeTAB 7003|FreeTAB 7002|FreeTAB 1002|FreeTAB 7801|FreeTAB 1331|FreeTAB 1004|FreeTAB 8002|FreeTAB 8014|FreeTAB 9704|FreeTAB 1003",        "VoninoTablet": "\\b(Argus[ _]?S|Diamond[ _]?79HD|Emerald[ _]?78E|Luna[ _]?70C|Onyx[ _]?S|Onyx[ _]?Z|Orin[ _]?HD|Orin[ _]?S|Otis[ _]?S|SpeedStar[ _]?S|Magnet[ _]?M9|Primus[ _]?94[ _]?3G|Primus[ _]?94HD|Primus[ _]?QS|Android.*\\bQ8\\b|Sirius[ _]?EVO[ _]?QS|Sirius[ _]?QS|Spirit[ _]?S)\\b",        "ECSTablet": "V07OT2|TM105A|S10OT1|TR10CS1",        "StorexTablet": "eZee[_']?(Tab|Go)[0-9]+|TabLC7|Looney Tunes Tab",        "VodafoneTablet": "SmartTab([ ]+)?[0-9]+|SmartTabII10|SmartTabII7|VF-1497",        "EssentielBTablet": "Smart[ ']?TAB[ ]+?[0-9]+|Family[ ']?TAB2",        "RossMoorTablet": "RM-790|RM-997|RMD-878G|RMD-974R|RMT-705A|RMT-701|RME-601|RMT-501|RMT-711",        "iMobileTablet": "i-mobile i-note",        "TolinoTablet": "tolino tab [0-9.]+|tolino shine",        "AudioSonicTablet": "\\bC-22Q|T7-QC|T-17B|T-17P\\b",        "AMPETablet": "Android.* A78 ",        "SkkTablet": "Android.* (SKYPAD|PHOENIX|CYCLOPS)",        "TecnoTablet": "TECNO P9",        "JXDTablet": "Android.* \\b(F3000|A3300|JXD5000|JXD3000|JXD2000|JXD300B|JXD300|S5800|S7800|S602b|S5110b|S7300|S5300|S602|S603|S5100|S5110|S601|S7100a|P3000F|P3000s|P101|P200s|P1000m|P200m|P9100|P1000s|S6600b|S908|P1000|P300|S18|S6600|S9100)\\b",        "iJoyTablet": "Tablet (Spirit 7|Essentia|Galatea|Fusion|Onix 7|Landa|Titan|Scooby|Deox|Stella|Themis|Argon|Unique 7|Sygnus|Hexen|Finity 7|Cream|Cream X2|Jade|Neon 7|Neron 7|Kandy|Scape|Saphyr 7|Rebel|Biox|Rebel|Rebel 8GB|Myst|Draco 7|Myst|Tab7-004|Myst|Tadeo Jones|Tablet Boing|Arrow|Draco Dual Cam|Aurix|Mint|Amity|Revolution|Finity 9|Neon 9|T9w|Amity 4GB Dual Cam|Stone 4GB|Stone 8GB|Andromeda|Silken|X2|Andromeda II|Halley|Flame|Saphyr 9,7|Touch 8|Planet|Triton|Unique 10|Hexen 10|Memphis 4GB|Memphis 8GB|Onix 10)",        "FX2Tablet": "FX2 PAD7|FX2 PAD10",        "XoroTablet": "KidsPAD 701|PAD[ ]?712|PAD[ ]?714|PAD[ ]?716|PAD[ ]?717|PAD[ ]?718|PAD[ ]?720|PAD[ ]?721|PAD[ ]?722|PAD[ ]?790|PAD[ ]?792|PAD[ ]?900|PAD[ ]?9715D|PAD[ ]?9716DR|PAD[ ]?9718DR|PAD[ ]?9719QR|PAD[ ]?9720QR|TelePAD1030|Telepad1032|TelePAD730|TelePAD731|TelePAD732|TelePAD735Q|TelePAD830|TelePAD9730|TelePAD795|MegaPAD 1331|MegaPAD 1851|MegaPAD 2151",        "ViewsonicTablet": "ViewPad 10pi|ViewPad 10e|ViewPad 10s|ViewPad E72|ViewPad7|ViewPad E100|ViewPad 7e|ViewSonic VB733|VB100a",        "OdysTablet": "LOOX|XENO10|ODYS[ -](Space|EVO|Xpress|NOON)|\\bXELIO\\b|Xelio10Pro|XELIO7PHONETAB|XELIO10EXTREME|XELIOPT2|NEO_QUAD10",        "CaptivaTablet": "CAPTIVA PAD",        "IconbitTablet": "NetTAB|NT-3702|NT-3702S|NT-3702S|NT-3603P|NT-3603P|NT-0704S|NT-0704S|NT-3805C|NT-3805C|NT-0806C|NT-0806C|NT-0909T|NT-0909T|NT-0907S|NT-0907S|NT-0902S|NT-0902S",        "TeclastTablet": "T98 4G|\\bP80\\b|\\bX90HD\\b|X98 Air|X98 Air 3G|\\bX89\\b|P80 3G|\\bX80h\\b|P98 Air|\\bX89HD\\b|P98 3G|\\bP90HD\\b|P89 3G|X98 3G|\\bP70h\\b|P79HD 3G|G18d 3G|\\bP79HD\\b|\\bP89s\\b|\\bA88\\b|\\bP10HD\\b|\\bP19HD\\b|G18 3G|\\bP78HD\\b|\\bA78\\b|\\bP75\\b|G17s 3G|G17h 3G|\\bP85t\\b|\\bP90\\b|\\bP11\\b|\\bP98t\\b|\\bP98HD\\b|\\bG18d\\b|\\bP85s\\b|\\bP11HD\\b|\\bP88s\\b|\\bA80HD\\b|\\bA80se\\b|\\bA10h\\b|\\bP89\\b|\\bP78s\\b|\\bG18\\b|\\bP85\\b|\\bA70h\\b|\\bA70\\b|\\bG17\\b|\\bP18\\b|\\bA80s\\b|\\bA11s\\b|\\bP88HD\\b|\\bA80h\\b|\\bP76s\\b|\\bP76h\\b|\\bP98\\b|\\bA10HD\\b|\\bP78\\b|\\bP88\\b|\\bA11\\b|\\bA10t\\b|\\bP76a\\b|\\bP76t\\b|\\bP76e\\b|\\bP85HD\\b|\\bP85a\\b|\\bP86\\b|\\bP75HD\\b|\\bP76v\\b|\\bA12\\b|\\bP75a\\b|\\bA15\\b|\\bP76Ti\\b|\\bP81HD\\b|\\bA10\\b|\\bT760VE\\b|\\bT720HD\\b|\\bP76\\b|\\bP73\\b|\\bP71\\b|\\bP72\\b|\\bT720SE\\b|\\bC520Ti\\b|\\bT760\\b|\\bT720VE\\b|T720-3GE|T720-WiFi",        "OndaTablet": "\\b(V975i|Vi30|VX530|V701|Vi60|V701s|Vi50|V801s|V719|Vx610w|VX610W|V819i|Vi10|VX580W|Vi10|V711s|V813|V811|V820w|V820|Vi20|V711|VI30W|V712|V891w|V972|V819w|V820w|Vi60|V820w|V711|V813s|V801|V819|V975s|V801|V819|V819|V818|V811|V712|V975m|V101w|V961w|V812|V818|V971|V971s|V919|V989|V116w|V102w|V973|Vi40)\\b[\\s]+",        "JaytechTablet": "TPC-PA762",        "BlaupunktTablet": "Endeavour 800NG|Endeavour 1010",        "DigmaTablet": "\\b(iDx10|iDx9|iDx8|iDx7|iDxD7|iDxD8|iDsQ8|iDsQ7|iDsQ8|iDsD10|iDnD7|3TS804H|iDsQ11|iDj7|iDs10)\\b",        "EvolioTablet": "ARIA_Mini_wifi|Aria[ _]Mini|Evolio X10|Evolio X7|Evolio X8|\\bEvotab\\b|\\bNeura\\b",        "LavaTablet": "QPAD E704|\\bIvoryS\\b|E-TAB IVORY|\\bE-TAB\\b",        "AocTablet": "MW0811|MW0812|MW0922|MTK8382|MW1031|MW0831|MW0821|MW0931|MW0712",        "MpmanTablet": "MP11 OCTA|MP10 OCTA|MPQC1114|MPQC1004|MPQC994|MPQC974|MPQC973|MPQC804|MPQC784|MPQC780|\\bMPG7\\b|MPDCG75|MPDCG71|MPDC1006|MP101DC|MPDC9000|MPDC905|MPDC706HD|MPDC706|MPDC705|MPDC110|MPDC100|MPDC99|MPDC97|MPDC88|MPDC8|MPDC77|MP709|MID701|MID711|MID170|MPDC703|MPQC1010",        "CelkonTablet": "CT695|CT888|CT[\\s]?910|CT7 Tab|CT9 Tab|CT3 Tab|CT2 Tab|CT1 Tab|C820|C720|\\bCT-1\\b",        "WolderTablet": "miTab \\b(DIAMOND|SPACE|BROOKLYN|NEO|FLY|MANHATTAN|FUNK|EVOLUTION|SKY|GOCAR|IRON|GENIUS|POP|MINT|EPSILON|BROADWAY|JUMP|HOP|LEGEND|NEW AGE|LINE|ADVANCE|FEEL|FOLLOW|LIKE|LINK|LIVE|THINK|FREEDOM|CHICAGO|CLEVELAND|BALTIMORE-GH|IOWA|BOSTON|SEATTLE|PHOENIX|DALLAS|IN 101|MasterChef)\\b",        "MiTablet": "\\bMI PAD\\b|\\bHM NOTE 1W\\b",        "NibiruTablet": "Nibiru M1|Nibiru Jupiter One",        "NexoTablet": "NEXO NOVA|NEXO 10|NEXO AVIO|NEXO FREE|NEXO GO|NEXO EVO|NEXO 3G|NEXO SMART|NEXO KIDDO|NEXO MOBI",        "LeaderTablet": "TBLT10Q|TBLT10I|TBL-10WDKB|TBL-10WDKBO2013|TBL-W230V2|TBL-W450|TBL-W500|SV572|TBLT7I|TBA-AC7-8G|TBLT79|TBL-8W16|TBL-10W32|TBL-10WKB|TBL-W100",        "UbislateTablet": "UbiSlate[\\s]?7C",        "PocketBookTablet": "Pocketbook",        "KocasoTablet": "\\b(TB-1207)\\b",        "Hudl": "Hudl HT7S3|Hudl 2",        "TelstraTablet": "T-Hub2",        "GenericTablet": "Android.*\\b97D\\b|Tablet(?!.*PC)|BNTV250A|MID-WCDMA|LogicPD Zoom2|\\bA7EB\\b|CatNova8|A1_07|CT704|CT1002|\\bM721\\b|rk30sdk|\\bEVOTAB\\b|M758A|ET904|ALUMIUM10|Smartfren Tab|Endeavour 1010|Tablet-PC-4|Tagi Tab|\\bM6pro\\b|CT1020W|arc 10HD|\\bJolla\\b|\\bTP750\\b"    },    "oss": {        "AndroidOS": "Android",        "BlackBerryOS": "blackberry|\\bBB10\\b|rim tablet os",        "PalmOS": "PalmOS|avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|palm|plucker|xiino",        "SymbianOS": "Symbian|SymbOS|Series60|Series40|SYB-[0-9]+|\\bS60\\b",        "WindowsMobileOS": "Windows CE.*(PPC|Smartphone|Mobile|[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})|Window Mobile|Windows Phone [0-9.]+|WCE;",        "WindowsPhoneOS": "Windows Phone 10.0|Windows Phone 8.1|Windows Phone 8.0|Windows Phone OS|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|Windows NT 6.[23]; ARM;",        "iOS": "\\biPhone.*Mobile|\\biPod|\\biPad",        "MeeGoOS": "MeeGo",        "MaemoOS": "Maemo",        "JavaOS": "J2ME\/|\\bMIDP\\b|\\bCLDC\\b",        "webOS": "webOS|hpwOS",        "badaOS": "\\bBada\\b",        "BREWOS": "BREW"    },    "uas": {        "Vivaldi": "Vivaldi",        "Chrome": "\\bCrMo\\b|CriOS|Android.*Chrome\/[.0-9]* (Mobile)?",        "Dolfin": "\\bDolfin\\b",        "Opera": "Opera.*Mini|Opera.*Mobi|Android.*Opera|Mobile.*OPR\/[0-9.]+|Coast\/[0-9.]+",        "Skyfire": "Skyfire",        "Edge": "Mobile Safari\/[.0-9]* Edge",        "IE": "IEMobile|MSIEMobile",        "Firefox": "fennec|firefox.*maemo|(Mobile|Tablet).*Firefox|Firefox.*Mobile",        "Bolt": "bolt",        "TeaShark": "teashark",        "Blazer": "Blazer",        "Safari": "Version.*Mobile.*Safari|Safari.*Mobile|MobileSafari",        "Tizen": "Tizen",        "UCBrowser": "UC.*Browser|UCWEB",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser",        "DiigoBrowser": "DiigoBrowser",        "Puffin": "Puffin",        "Mercury": "\\bMercury\\b",        "ObigoBrowser": "Obigo",        "NetFront": "NF-Browser",        "GenericBrowser": "NokiaBrowser|OviBrowser|OneBrowser|TwonkyBeamBrowser|SEMC.*Browser|FlyFlow|Minimo|NetFront|Novarra-Vision|MQQBrowser|MicroMessenger",        "PaleMoon": "Android.*PaleMoon|Mobile.*PaleMoon"    },    "props": {        "Mobile": "Mobile\/[VER]",        "Build": "Build\/[VER]",        "Version": "Version\/[VER]",        "VendorID": "VendorID\/[VER]",        "iPad": "iPad.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPhone": "iPhone.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPod": "iPod.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "Kindle": "Kindle\/[VER]",        "Chrome": [            "Chrome\/[VER]",            "CriOS\/[VER]",            "CrMo\/[VER]"        ],        "Coast": [            "Coast\/[VER]"        ],        "Dolfin": "Dolfin\/[VER]",        "Firefox": "Firefox\/[VER]",        "Fennec": "Fennec\/[VER]",        "Edge": "Edge\/[VER]",        "IE": [            "IEMobile\/[VER];",            "IEMobile [VER]",            "MSIE [VER];",            "Trident\/[0-9.]+;.*rv:[VER]"        ],        "NetFront": "NetFront\/[VER]",        "NokiaBrowser": "NokiaBrowser\/[VER]",        "Opera": [            " OPR\/[VER]",            "Opera Mini\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "Opera Mini": "Opera Mini\/[VER]",        "Opera Mobi": "Version\/[VER]",        "UC Browser": "UC Browser[VER]",        "MQQBrowser": "MQQBrowser\/[VER]",        "MicroMessenger": "MicroMessenger\/[VER]",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp\/[VER]",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser\/[VER]",        "Iron": "Iron\/[VER]",        "Safari": [            "Version\/[VER]",            "Safari\/[VER]"        ],        "Skyfire": "Skyfire\/[VER]",        "Tizen": "Tizen\/[VER]",        "Webkit": "webkit[ \/][VER]",        "PaleMoon": "PaleMoon\/[VER]",        "Gecko": "Gecko\/[VER]",        "Trident": "Trident\/[VER]",        "Presto": "Presto\/[VER]",        "Goanna": "Goanna\/[VER]",        "iOS": " \\bi?OS\\b [VER][ ;]{1}",        "Android": "Android [VER]",        "BlackBerry": [            "BlackBerry[\\w]+\/[VER]",            "BlackBerry.*Version\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "BREW": "BREW [VER]",        "Java": "Java\/[VER]",        "Windows Phone OS": [            "Windows Phone OS [VER]",            "Windows Phone [VER]"        ],        "Windows Phone": "Windows Phone [VER]",        "Windows CE": "Windows CE\/[VER]",        "Windows NT": "Windows NT [VER]",        "Symbian": [            "SymbianOS\/[VER]",            "Symbian\/[VER]"        ],        "webOS": [            "webOS\/[VER]",            "hpwOS\/[VER];"        ]    },    "utils": {        "Bot": "Googlebot|facebookexternalhit|AdsBot-Google|Google Keyword Suggestion|Facebot|YandexBot|bingbot|ia_archiver|AhrefsBot|Ezooms|GSLFbot|WBSearchBot|Twitterbot|TweetmemeBot|Twikle|PaperLiBot|Wotbox|UnwindFetchor|Exabot|MJ12bot|YandexImages|TurnitinBot|Pingdom",        "MobileBot": "Googlebot-Mobile|AdsBot-Google-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2",        "DesktopMode": "WPDesktop",        "TV": "SonyDTV|HbbTV",        "WebKit": "(webkit)[ \/]([\\w.]+)",        "Console": "\\b(Nintendo|Nintendo WiiU|Nintendo 3DS|PLAYSTATION|Xbox)\\b",        "Watch": "SM-V700"    }};    // following patterns come from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/    impl.detectMobileBrowsers = {        fullPattern: /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i,        shortPattern: /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i,        tabletPattern: /android|ipad|playbook|silk/i    };    var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,        isArray;    impl.FALLBACK_PHONE = 'UnknownPhone';    impl.FALLBACK_TABLET = 'UnknownTablet';    impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE = 'UnknownMobile';    isArray = ('isArray' in Array) ?        Array.isArray : function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; };    isArray = 'isArray' in Array        ? function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; }        : Array.isArray;    function equalIC(a, b) {        return a != null && b != null && a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase();    }    function containsIC(array, value) {        var valueLC, i, len = array.length;        if (!len || !value) {            return false;        }        valueLC = value.toLowerCase();        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {            if (valueLC === array[i].toLowerCase()) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    function convertPropsToRegExp(object) {        for (var key in object) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(object, key)) {                object[key] = new RegExp(object[key], 'i');            }        }    }    (function init() {        var key, values, value, i, len, verPos, mobileDetectRules = impl.mobileDetectRules;        for (key in mobileDetectRules.props) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(mobileDetectRules.props, key)) {                values = mobileDetectRules.props[key];                if (!isArray(values)) {                    values = [values];                }                len = values.length;                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                    value = values[i];                    verPos = value.indexOf('[VER]');                    if (verPos >= 0) {                        value = value.substring(0, verPos) + '([\\w._\\+]+)' + value.substring(verPos + 5);                    }                    values[i] = new RegExp(value, 'i');                }                mobileDetectRules.props[key] = values;            }        }        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.oss);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.phones);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.tablets);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.uas);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.utils);        // copy some patterns to oss0 which are tested first (see issue#15)        mobileDetectRules.oss0 = {            WindowsPhoneOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsPhoneOS,            WindowsMobileOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsMobileOS        };    }());    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and find the first matched key.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {String|null} the matched key if found, otherwise <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatch = function(rules, userAgent) {        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    return key;                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and return an array of matched keys.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {Array} an array of matched keys, may be empty when there is no match, but not <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatches = function(rules, userAgent) {        var result = [];        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    result.push(key);                }            }        }        return result;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {String} version or <tt>null</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersionStr = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var props = impl.mobileDetectRules.props, patterns, i, len, match;        if (hasOwnProp.call(props, propertyName)) {            patterns = props[propertyName];            len = patterns.length;            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                match = patterns[i].exec(userAgent);                if (match !== null) {                    return match[1];                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {Number} version or <tt>NaN</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersion = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var version = impl.getVersionStr(propertyName, userAgent);        return version ? impl.prepareVersionNo(version) : NaN;    };    /**     * Prepare the version number.     *     * @param {String} version     * @return {Number} the version number as a floating number     * @private     */    impl.prepareVersionNo = function (version) {        var numbers;        numbers = version.split(/[a-z._ \/\-]/i);        if (numbers.length === 1) {            version = numbers[0];        }        if (numbers.length > 1) {            version = numbers[0] + '.';            numbers.shift();            version += numbers.join('');        }        return Number(version);    };    impl.isMobileFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.fullPattern.test(userAgent) ||            impl.detectMobileBrowsers.shortPattern.test(userAgent.substr(0,4));    };    impl.isTabletFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.tabletPattern.test(userAgent);    };    impl.prepareDetectionCache = function (cache, userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        if (cache.mobile !== undefined) {            return;        }        var phone, tablet, phoneSized;        // first check for stronger tablet rules, then phone (see issue#5)        tablet = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.tablets, userAgent);        if (tablet) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = tablet;            cache.phone = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as tablet        }        phone = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.phones, userAgent);        if (phone) {            cache.mobile = cache.phone = phone;            cache.tablet = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as phone        }        // our rules haven't found a match -> try more general fallback rules        if (impl.isMobileFallback(userAgent)) {            phoneSized = MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth);            if (phoneSized === undefined) {                cache.mobile = impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE;                cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;            } else if (phoneSized) {                cache.mobile = cache.phone = impl.FALLBACK_PHONE;                cache.tablet = null;            } else {                cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;                cache.phone = null;            }        } else if (impl.isTabletFallback(userAgent)) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;            cache.phone = null;        } else {            // not mobile at all!            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;        }    };    // t is a reference to a MobileDetect instance    impl.mobileGrade = function (t) {        // impl note:        // To keep in sync w/ Mobile_Detect.php easily, the following code is tightly aligned to the PHP version.        // When changes are made in Mobile_Detect.php, copy this method and replace:        //     $this-> / t.        //     self::MOBILE_GRADE_(.) / '$1'        //     , self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT / (nothing)        //     isIOS() / os('iOS')        //     [reg] / (nothing)   <-- jsdelivr complaining about unescaped unicode character U+00AE        var $isMobile = t.mobile() !== null;        if (            // Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 - Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1)            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')>=4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')>=3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')>=3.1 ||            // Android 2.1-2.3 - Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)            // Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)  - Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM            // Android 4.0 (ICS)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices            // Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7            ( t.version('Android')>2.1 && t.is('Webkit') ) ||            // Windows Phone 7-7.5 - Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800            t.version('Windows Phone OS')>=7.0 ||            // Blackberry 7 - Tested on BlackBerry Torch 9810            // Blackberry 6.0 - Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670            t.is('BlackBerry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=6.0 ||            // Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) - Tested on PlayBook            t.match('Playbook.*Tablet') ||            // Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) - Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)            ( t.version('webOS')>=1.4 && t.match('Palm|Pre|Pixi') ) ||            // Palm WebOS 3.0  - Tested on HP TouchPad            t.match('hp.*TouchPad') ||            // Firefox Mobile (12 Beta) - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Firefox') && t.version('Firefox')>=12 ) ||            // Chrome for Android - Tested on Android 4.0, 4.1 device            ( t.is('Chrome') && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=4.0 ) ||            // Skyfire 4.1 - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Skyfire') && t.version('Skyfire')>=4.1 && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3            ( t.is('Opera') && t.version('Opera Mobi')>11 && t.is('AndroidOS') ) ||            // Meego 1.2 - Tested on Nokia 950 and N9            t.is('MeeGoOS') ||            // Tizen (pre-release) - Tested on early hardware            t.is('Tizen') ||            // Samsung Bada 2.0 - Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser            // @todo: more tests here!            t.is('Dolfin') && t.version('Bada')>=2.0 ||            // UC Browser - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( (t.is('UC Browser') || t.is('Dolfin')) && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Kindle 3 and Fire  - Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each            ( t.match('Kindle Fire') ||                t.is('Kindle') && t.version('Kindle')>=3.0 ) ||            // Nook Color 1.4.1 - Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet            t.is('AndroidOS') && t.is('NookTablet') ||            // Chrome Desktop 11-21 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Chrome')>=11 && !$isMobile ||            // Safari Desktop 4-5 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Safari')>=5.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Firefox Desktop 4-13 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Firefox')>=4.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Internet Explorer 7-9 - Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7            t.version('MSIE')>=7.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Opera Desktop 10-12 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            // @reference: http://my.opera.com/community/openweb/idopera/            t.version('Opera')>=10 && !$isMobile            ){            return 'A';        }        if (            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')<4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')<3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')<3.1 ||            // Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770            t.is('Blackberry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=5 && t.version('BlackBerry')<6 ||            //Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) - Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3            ( t.version('Opera Mini')>=5.0 && t.version('Opera Mini')<=6.5 &&                (t.version('Android')>=2.3 || t.is('iOS')) ) ||            // Nokia Symbian^3 - Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)            t.match('NokiaN8|NokiaC7|N97.*Series60|Symbian/3') ||            // @todo: report this (tested on Nokia N71)            t.version('Opera Mobi')>=11 && t.is('SymbianOS')            ){            return 'B';        }        if (        // Blackberry 4.x - Tested on the Curve 8330            t.version('BlackBerry')<5.0 ||            // Windows Mobile - Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)            t.match('MSIEMobile|Windows CE.*Mobile') || t.version('Windows Mobile')<=5.2            ){            return 'C';        }        //All older smartphone platforms and featurephones - Any device that doesn't support media queries        //will receive the basic, C grade experience.        return 'C';    };    impl.detectOS = function (ua) {        return impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss0, ua) ||            impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss, ua);    };    impl.getDeviceSmallerSide = function () {        return window.screen.width < window.screen.height ?            window.screen.width :            window.screen.height;    };    /**     * Constructor for MobileDetect object.     * <br>     * Such an object will keep a reference to the given user-agent string and cache most of the detect queries.<br>     * <div style="background-color: #d9edf7; border: 1px solid #bce8f1; color: #3a87ad; padding: 14px; border-radius: 2px; margin-top: 20px">     *     <strong>Find information how to download and install:</strong>     *     <a href="https://github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/">github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/</a>     * </div>     *     * @example <pre>     *     var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent);     *     if (md.mobile()) {     *         location.href = (md.mobileGrade() === 'A') ? '/mobile/' : '/lynx/';     *     }     * </pre>     *     * @param {string} userAgent typically taken from window.navigator.userAgent or http_header['User-Agent']     * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth=600] <strong>only for browsers</strong> specify a value for the maximum     *        width of smallest device side (in logical "CSS" pixels) until a device detected as mobile will be handled     *        as phone.     *        This is only used in cases where the device cannot be classified as phone or tablet.<br>     *        See <a href="http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html">Declaring Tablet Layouts     *        for Android</a>.<br>     *        If you provide a value < 0, then this "fuzzy" check is disabled.     * @constructor     * @global     */    function MobileDetect(userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        this.ua = userAgent || '';        this._cache = {};        //600dp is typical 7" tablet minimum width        this.maxPhoneWidth = maxPhoneWidth || 600;    }    MobileDetect.prototype = {        constructor: MobileDetect,        /**         * Returns the detected phone or tablet type or <tt>null</tt> if it is not a mobile device.         * <br>         * For a list of possible return values see {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code>, <code>UnknownTablet</code> or         * <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> here.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the phone family or tablet family, e.g. "Nexus".         * @function MobileDetect#mobile         */        mobile: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.mobile;        },        /**         * Returns the detected phone type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC, Nexus, Dell, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Sony, Asus,         * NokiaLumia, Micromax, Palm, Vertu, Pantech, Fly, Wiko, iMobile, SimValley,         * Wolfgang, Alcatel, Nintendo, Amoi, INQ, GenericPhone</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the phone family or producer, e.g. "iPhone"         * @function MobileDetect#phone         */        phone: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.phone;        },        /**         * Returns the detected tablet type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPad, NexusTablet, SamsungTablet, Kindle, SurfaceTablet, HPTablet, AsusTablet,         * BlackBerryTablet, HTCtablet, MotorolaTablet, NookTablet, AcerTablet,         * ToshibaTablet, LGTablet, FujitsuTablet, PrestigioTablet, LenovoTablet,         * DellTablet, YarvikTablet, MedionTablet, ArnovaTablet, IntensoTablet, IRUTablet,         * MegafonTablet, EbodaTablet, AllViewTablet, ArchosTablet, AinolTablet,         * NokiaLumiaTablet, SonyTablet, PhilipsTablet, CubeTablet, CobyTablet, MIDTablet,         * MSITablet, SMiTTablet, RockChipTablet, FlyTablet, bqTablet, HuaweiTablet,         * NecTablet, PantechTablet, BronchoTablet, VersusTablet, ZyncTablet,         * PositivoTablet, NabiTablet, KoboTablet, DanewTablet, TexetTablet,         * PlaystationTablet, TrekstorTablet, PyleAudioTablet, AdvanTablet,         * DanyTechTablet, GalapadTablet, MicromaxTablet, KarbonnTablet, AllFineTablet,         * PROSCANTablet, YONESTablet, ChangJiaTablet, GUTablet, PointOfViewTablet,         * OvermaxTablet, HCLTablet, DPSTablet, VistureTablet, CrestaTablet,         * MediatekTablet, ConcordeTablet, GoCleverTablet, ModecomTablet, VoninoTablet,         * ECSTablet, StorexTablet, VodafoneTablet, EssentielBTablet, RossMoorTablet,         * iMobileTablet, TolinoTablet, AudioSonicTablet, AMPETablet, SkkTablet,         * TecnoTablet, JXDTablet, iJoyTablet, FX2Tablet, XoroTablet, ViewsonicTablet,         * OdysTablet, CaptivaTablet, IconbitTablet, TeclastTablet, OndaTablet,         * JaytechTablet, BlaupunktTablet, DigmaTablet, EvolioTablet, LavaTablet,         * AocTablet, MpmanTablet, CelkonTablet, WolderTablet, MiTablet, NibiruTablet,         * NexoTablet, LeaderTablet, UbislateTablet, PocketBookTablet, KocasoTablet, Hudl,         * TelstraTablet, GenericTablet</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownTablet</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the tablet family or producer, e.g. "SamsungTablet"         * @function MobileDetect#tablet         */        tablet: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.tablet;        },        /**         * Returns the (first) detected user-agent string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned user-agent is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected user-agent or <tt>null</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgent         */        userAgent: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgent === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgent = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgent;        },        /**         * Returns all detected user-agent strings.         * <br>         * The array is empty or contains one or more of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {Array} the array of detected user-agent keys or <tt>[]</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgents         */        userAgents: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgents === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgents = impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgents;        },        /**         * Returns the detected operating system string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The operating system is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>AndroidOS, BlackBerryOS, PalmOS, SymbianOS, WindowsMobileOS, WindowsPhoneOS,         * iOS, MeeGoOS, MaemoOS, JavaOS, webOS, badaOS, BREWOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected operating system.         * @function MobileDetect#os         */        os: function () {            if (this._cache.os === undefined) {                this._cache.os = impl.detectOS(this.ua);            }            return this._cache.os;        },        /**         * Get the version (as Number) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {Number} the version as float or <tt>NaN</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *          Be careful when comparing this value with '==' operator!         * @function MobileDetect#version         */        version: function (key) {            return impl.getVersion(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Get the version (as String) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the "raw" version as String or <tt>null</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *         * @function MobileDetect#versionStr         */        versionStr: function (key) {            return impl.getVersionStr(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Global test key against userAgent, os, phone, tablet and some other properties of userAgent string.         *         * @param {String} key the key (case-insensitive) of a userAgent, an operating system, phone or         *        tablet family.<br>         *        For a complete list of possible values, see {@link MobileDetect#userAgent},         *        {@link MobileDetect#os}, {@link MobileDetect#phone}, {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         *        Additionally you have following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Bot, MobileBot, DesktopMode, TV, WebKit, Console, Watch</tt><br>         *         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the given key is one of the defined keys of userAgent, os, phone,         *                    tablet or one of the listed additional keys, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#is         */        is: function (key) {            return containsIC(this.userAgents(), key) ||                   equalIC(key, this.os()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.phone()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.tablet()) ||                   containsIC(impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.utils, this.ua), key);        },        /**         * Do a quick test against navigator::userAgent.         *         * @param {String|RegExp} pattern the pattern, either as String or RegExp         *                        (a string will be converted to a case-insensitive RegExp).         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the pattern matches, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#match         */        match: function (pattern) {            if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) {                pattern = new RegExp(pattern, 'i');            }            return pattern.test(this.ua);        },        /**         * Checks whether the mobile device can be considered as phone regarding <code>screen.width</code>.         * <br>         * Obviously this method makes sense in browser environments only (not for Node.js)!         * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth] the maximum logical pixels (aka. CSS-pixels) to be considered as phone.<br>         *        The argument is optional and if not present or falsy, the value of the constructor is taken.         * @returns {boolean|undefined} <code>undefined</code> if screen size wasn't detectable, else <code>true</code>         *          when screen.width is less or equal to maxPhoneWidth, otherwise <code>false</code>.<br>         *          Will always return <code>undefined</code> server-side.         */        isPhoneSized: function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth || this.maxPhoneWidth);        },        /**         * Returns the mobile grade ('A', 'B', 'C').         *         * @returns {String} one of the mobile grades ('A', 'B', 'C').         * @function MobileDetect#mobileGrade         */        mobileGrade: function () {            if (this._cache.grade === undefined) {                this._cache.grade = impl.mobileGrade(this);            }            return this._cache.grade;        }    };    // environment-dependent    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.screen) {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return maxPhoneWidth < 0 ? undefined : impl.getDeviceSmallerSide() <= maxPhoneWidth;        };    } else {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function () {};    }    // should not be replaced by a completely new object - just overwrite existing methods    MobileDetect._impl = impl;    MobileDetect.version = '1.3.3 2016-07-31';    return MobileDetect;}); // end of call of define()})((function (undefined) {    if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {        return function (factory) { module.exports = factory(); };    } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {        return define;    } else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {        return function (factory) { window.MobileDetect = factory(); };    } else {        // please file a bug if you get this error!        throw new Error('unknown environment');    }})()) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types:6:>(function (define, undefined) {define(function () {    'use strict';    var impl = {};    impl.mobileDetectRules = {    "phones": {        "iPhone": "\\biPhone\\b|\\biPod\\b",        "BlackBerry": "BlackBerry|\\bBB10\\b|rim[0-9]+",        "HTC": "HTC|HTC.*(Sensation|Evo|Vision|Explorer|6800|8100|8900|A7272|S510e|C110e|Legend|Desire|T8282)|APX515CKT|Qtek9090|APA9292KT|HD_mini|Sensation.*Z710e|PG86100|Z715e|Desire.*(A8181|HD)|ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR6425|001HT|Inspire 4G|Android.*\\bEVO\\b|T-Mobile G1|Z520m",        "Nexus": "Nexus One|Nexus S|Galaxy.*Nexus|Android.*Nexus.*Mobile|Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 6",        "Dell": "Dell.*Streak|Dell.*Aero|Dell.*Venue|DELL.*Venue Pro|Dell Flash|Dell Smoke|Dell Mini 3iX|XCD28|XCD35|\\b001DL\\b|\\b101DL\\b|\\bGS01\\b",        "Motorola": "Motorola|DROIDX|DROID BIONIC|\\bDroid\\b.*Build|Android.*Xoom|HRI39|MOT-|A1260|A1680|A555|A853|A855|A953|A955|A956|Motorola.*ELECTRIFY|Motorola.*i1|i867|i940|MB200|MB300|MB501|MB502|MB508|MB511|MB520|MB525|MB526|MB611|MB612|MB632|MB810|MB855|MB860|MB861|MB865|MB870|ME501|ME502|ME511|ME525|ME600|ME632|ME722|ME811|ME860|ME863|ME865|MT620|MT710|MT716|MT720|MT810|MT870|MT917|Motorola.*TITANIUM|WX435|WX445|XT300|XT301|XT311|XT316|XT317|XT319|XT320|XT390|XT502|XT530|XT531|XT532|XT535|XT603|XT610|XT611|XT615|XT681|XT701|XT702|XT711|XT720|XT800|XT806|XT860|XT862|XT875|XT882|XT883|XT894|XT901|XT907|XT909|XT910|XT912|XT928|XT926|XT915|XT919|XT925|XT1021|\\bMoto E\\b",        "Samsung": "Samsung|SM-G9250|GT-19300|SGH-I337|BGT-S5230|GT-B2100|GT-B2700|GT-B2710|GT-B3210|GT-B3310|GT-B3410|GT-B3730|GT-B3740|GT-B5510|GT-B5512|GT-B5722|GT-B6520|GT-B7300|GT-B7320|GT-B7330|GT-B7350|GT-B7510|GT-B7722|GT-B7800|GT-C3010|GT-C3011|GT-C3060|GT-C3200|GT-C3212|GT-C3212I|GT-C3262|GT-C3222|GT-C3300|GT-C3300K|GT-C3303|GT-C3303K|GT-C3310|GT-C3322|GT-C3330|GT-C3350|GT-C3500|GT-C3510|GT-C3530|GT-C3630|GT-C3780|GT-C5010|GT-C5212|GT-C6620|GT-C6625|GT-C6712|GT-E1050|GT-E1070|GT-E1075|GT-E1080|GT-E1081|GT-E1085|GT-E1087|GT-E1100|GT-E1107|GT-E1110|GT-E1120|GT-E1125|GT-E1130|GT-E1160|GT-E1170|GT-E1175|GT-E1180|GT-E1182|GT-E1200|GT-E1210|GT-E1225|GT-E1230|GT-E1390|GT-E2100|GT-E2120|GT-E2121|GT-E2152|GT-E2220|GT-E2222|GT-E2230|GT-E2232|GT-E2250|GT-E2370|GT-E2550|GT-E2652|GT-E3210|GT-E3213|GT-I5500|GT-I5503|GT-I5700|GT-I5800|GT-I5801|GT-I6410|GT-I6420|GT-I7110|GT-I7410|GT-I7500|GT-I8000|GT-I8150|GT-I8160|GT-I8190|GT-I8320|GT-I8330|GT-I8350|GT-I8530|GT-I8700|GT-I8703|GT-I8910|GT-I9000|GT-I9001|GT-I9003|GT-I9010|GT-I9020|GT-I9023|GT-I9070|GT-I9082|GT-I9100|GT-I9103|GT-I9220|GT-I9250|GT-I9300|GT-I9305|GT-I9500|GT-I9505|GT-M3510|GT-M5650|GT-M7500|GT-M7600|GT-M7603|GT-M8800|GT-M8910|GT-N7000|GT-S3110|GT-S3310|GT-S3350|GT-S3353|GT-S3370|GT-S3650|GT-S3653|GT-S3770|GT-S3850|GT-S5210|GT-S5220|GT-S5229|GT-S5230|GT-S5233|GT-S5250|GT-S5253|GT-S5260|GT-S5263|GT-S5270|GT-S5300|GT-S5330|GT-S5350|GT-S5360|GT-S5363|GT-S5369|GT-S5380|GT-S5380D|GT-S5560|GT-S5570|GT-S5600|GT-S5603|GT-S5610|GT-S5620|GT-S5660|GT-S5670|GT-S5690|GT-S5750|GT-S5780|GT-S5830|GT-S5839|GT-S6102|GT-S6500|GT-S7070|GT-S7200|GT-S7220|GT-S7230|GT-S7233|GT-S7250|GT-S7500|GT-S7530|GT-S7550|GT-S7562|GT-S7710|GT-S8000|GT-S8003|GT-S8500|GT-S8530|GT-S8600|SCH-A310|SCH-A530|SCH-A570|SCH-A610|SCH-A630|SCH-A650|SCH-A790|SCH-A795|SCH-A850|SCH-A870|SCH-A890|SCH-A930|SCH-A950|SCH-A970|SCH-A990|SCH-I100|SCH-I110|SCH-I400|SCH-I405|SCH-I500|SCH-I510|SCH-I515|SCH-I600|SCH-I730|SCH-I760|SCH-I770|SCH-I830|SCH-I910|SCH-I920|SCH-I959|SCH-LC11|SCH-N150|SCH-N300|SCH-R100|SCH-R300|SCH-R351|SCH-R400|SCH-R410|SCH-T300|SCH-U310|SCH-U320|SCH-U350|SCH-U360|SCH-U365|SCH-U370|SCH-U380|SCH-U410|SCH-U430|SCH-U450|SCH-U460|SCH-U470|SCH-U490|SCH-U540|SCH-U550|SCH-U620|SCH-U640|SCH-U650|SCH-U660|SCH-U700|SCH-U740|SCH-U750|SCH-U810|SCH-U820|SCH-U900|SCH-U940|SCH-U960|SCS-26UC|SGH-A107|SGH-A117|SGH-A127|SGH-A137|SGH-A157|SGH-A167|SGH-A177|SGH-A187|SGH-A197|SGH-A227|SGH-A237|SGH-A257|SGH-A437|SGH-A517|SGH-A597|SGH-A637|SGH-A657|SGH-A667|SGH-A687|SGH-A697|SGH-A707|SGH-A717|SGH-A727|SGH-A737|SGH-A747|SGH-A767|SGH-A777|SGH-A797|SGH-A817|SGH-A827|SGH-A837|SGH-A847|SGH-A867|SGH-A877|SGH-A887|SGH-A897|SGH-A927|SGH-B100|SGH-B130|SGH-B200|SGH-B220|SGH-C100|SGH-C110|SGH-C120|SGH-C130|SGH-C140|SGH-C160|SGH-C170|SGH-C180|SGH-C200|SGH-C207|SGH-C210|SGH-C225|SGH-C230|SGH-C417|SGH-C450|SGH-D307|SGH-D347|SGH-D357|SGH-D407|SGH-D415|SGH-D780|SGH-D807|SGH-D980|SGH-E105|SGH-E200|SGH-E315|SGH-E316|SGH-E317|SGH-E335|SGH-E590|SGH-E635|SGH-E715|SGH-E890|SGH-F300|SGH-F480|SGH-I200|SGH-I300|SGH-I320|SGH-I550|SGH-I577|SGH-I600|SGH-I607|SGH-I617|SGH-I627|SGH-I637|SGH-I677|SGH-I700|SGH-I717|SGH-I727|SGH-i747M|SGH-I777|SGH-I780|SGH-I827|SGH-I847|SGH-I857|SGH-I896|SGH-I897|SGH-I900|SGH-I907|SGH-I917|SGH-I927|SGH-I937|SGH-I997|SGH-J150|SGH-J200|SGH-L170|SGH-L700|SGH-M110|SGH-M150|SGH-M200|SGH-N105|SGH-N500|SGH-N600|SGH-N620|SGH-N625|SGH-N700|SGH-N710|SGH-P107|SGH-P207|SGH-P300|SGH-P310|SGH-P520|SGH-P735|SGH-P777|SGH-Q105|SGH-R210|SGH-R220|SGH-R225|SGH-S105|SGH-S307|SGH-T109|SGH-T119|SGH-T139|SGH-T209|SGH-T219|SGH-T229|SGH-T239|SGH-T249|SGH-T259|SGH-T309|SGH-T319|SGH-T329|SGH-T339|SGH-T349|SGH-T359|SGH-T369|SGH-T379|SGH-T409|SGH-T429|SGH-T439|SGH-T459|SGH-T469|SGH-T479|SGH-T499|SGH-T509|SGH-T519|SGH-T539|SGH-T559|SGH-T589|SGH-T609|SGH-T619|SGH-T629|SGH-T639|SGH-T659|SGH-T669|SGH-T679|SGH-T709|SGH-T719|SGH-T729|SGH-T739|SGH-T746|SGH-T749|SGH-T759|SGH-T769|SGH-T809|SGH-T819|SGH-T839|SGH-T919|SGH-T929|SGH-T939|SGH-T959|SGH-T989|SGH-U100|SGH-U200|SGH-U800|SGH-V205|SGH-V206|SGH-X100|SGH-X105|SGH-X120|SGH-X140|SGH-X426|SGH-X427|SGH-X475|SGH-X495|SGH-X497|SGH-X507|SGH-X600|SGH-X610|SGH-X620|SGH-X630|SGH-X700|SGH-X820|SGH-X890|SGH-Z130|SGH-Z150|SGH-Z170|SGH-ZX10|SGH-ZX20|SHW-M110|SPH-A120|SPH-A400|SPH-A420|SPH-A460|SPH-A500|SPH-A560|SPH-A600|SPH-A620|SPH-A660|SPH-A700|SPH-A740|SPH-A760|SPH-A790|SPH-A800|SPH-A820|SPH-A840|SPH-A880|SPH-A900|SPH-A940|SPH-A960|SPH-D600|SPH-D700|SPH-D710|SPH-D720|SPH-I300|SPH-I325|SPH-I330|SPH-I350|SPH-I500|SPH-I600|SPH-I700|SPH-L700|SPH-M100|SPH-M220|SPH-M240|SPH-M300|SPH-M305|SPH-M320|SPH-M330|SPH-M350|SPH-M360|SPH-M370|SPH-M380|SPH-M510|SPH-M540|SPH-M550|SPH-M560|SPH-M570|SPH-M580|SPH-M610|SPH-M620|SPH-M630|SPH-M800|SPH-M810|SPH-M850|SPH-M900|SPH-M910|SPH-M920|SPH-M930|SPH-N100|SPH-N200|SPH-N240|SPH-N300|SPH-N400|SPH-Z400|SWC-E100|SCH-i909|GT-N7100|GT-N7105|SCH-I535|SM-N900A|SGH-I317|SGH-T999L|GT-S5360B|GT-I8262|GT-S6802|GT-S6312|GT-S6310|GT-S5312|GT-S5310|GT-I9105|GT-I8510|GT-S6790N|SM-G7105|SM-N9005|GT-S5301|GT-I9295|GT-I9195|SM-C101|GT-S7392|GT-S7560|GT-B7610|GT-I5510|GT-S7582|GT-S7530E|GT-I8750|SM-G9006V|SM-G9008V|SM-G9009D|SM-G900A|SM-G900D|SM-G900F|SM-G900H|SM-G900I|SM-G900J|SM-G900K|SM-G900L|SM-G900M|SM-G900P|SM-G900R4|SM-G900S|SM-G900T|SM-G900V|SM-G900W8|SHV-E160K|SCH-P709|SCH-P729|SM-T2558|GT-I9205|SM-G9350|SM-J120F",        "LG": "\\bLG\\b;|LG[- ]?(C800|C900|E400|E610|E900|E-900|F160|F180K|F180L|F180S|730|855|L160|LS740|LS840|LS970|LU6200|MS690|MS695|MS770|MS840|MS870|MS910|P500|P700|P705|VM696|AS680|AS695|AX840|C729|E970|GS505|272|C395|E739BK|E960|L55C|L75C|LS696|LS860|P769BK|P350|P500|P509|P870|UN272|US730|VS840|VS950|LN272|LN510|LS670|LS855|LW690|MN270|MN510|P509|P769|P930|UN200|UN270|UN510|UN610|US670|US740|US760|UX265|UX840|VN271|VN530|VS660|VS700|VS740|VS750|VS910|VS920|VS930|VX9200|VX11000|AX840A|LW770|P506|P925|P999|E612|D955|D802|MS323)",        "Sony": "SonyST|SonyLT|SonyEricsson|SonyEricssonLT15iv|LT18i|E10i|LT28h|LT26w|SonyEricssonMT27i|C5303|C6902|C6903|C6906|C6943|D2533",        "Asus": "Asus.*Galaxy|PadFone.*Mobile",        "NokiaLumia": "Lumia [0-9]{3,4}",        "Micromax": "Micromax.*\\b(A210|A92|A88|A72|A111|A110Q|A115|A116|A110|A90S|A26|A51|A35|A54|A25|A27|A89|A68|A65|A57|A90)\\b",        "Palm": "PalmSource|Palm",        "Vertu": "Vertu|Vertu.*Ltd|Vertu.*Ascent|Vertu.*Ayxta|Vertu.*Constellation(F|Quest)?|Vertu.*Monika|Vertu.*Signature",        "Pantech": "PANTECH|IM-A850S|IM-A840S|IM-A830L|IM-A830K|IM-A830S|IM-A820L|IM-A810K|IM-A810S|IM-A800S|IM-T100K|IM-A725L|IM-A780L|IM-A775C|IM-A770K|IM-A760S|IM-A750K|IM-A740S|IM-A730S|IM-A720L|IM-A710K|IM-A690L|IM-A690S|IM-A650S|IM-A630K|IM-A600S|VEGA PTL21|PT003|P8010|ADR910L|P6030|P6020|P9070|P4100|P9060|P5000|CDM8992|TXT8045|ADR8995|IS11PT|P2030|P6010|P8000|PT002|IS06|CDM8999|P9050|PT001|TXT8040|P2020|P9020|P2000|P7040|P7000|C790",        "Fly": "IQ230|IQ444|IQ450|IQ440|IQ442|IQ441|IQ245|IQ256|IQ236|IQ255|IQ235|IQ245|IQ275|IQ240|IQ285|IQ280|IQ270|IQ260|IQ250",        "Wiko": "KITE 4G|HIGHWAY|GETAWAY|STAIRWAY|DARKSIDE|DARKFULL|DARKNIGHT|DARKMOON|SLIDE|WAX 4G|RAINBOW|BLOOM|SUNSET|GOA(?!nna)|LENNY|BARRY|IGGY|OZZY|CINK FIVE|CINK PEAX|CINK PEAX 2|CINK SLIM|CINK SLIM 2|CINK +|CINK KING|CINK PEAX|CINK SLIM|SUBLIM",        "iMobile": "i-mobile (IQ|i-STYLE|idea|ZAA|Hitz)",        "SimValley": "\\b(SP-80|XT-930|SX-340|XT-930|SX-310|SP-360|SP60|SPT-800|SP-120|SPT-800|SP-140|SPX-5|SPX-8|SP-100|SPX-8|SPX-12)\\b",        "Wolfgang": "AT-B24D|AT-AS50HD|AT-AS40W|AT-AS55HD|AT-AS45q2|AT-B26D|AT-AS50Q",        "Alcatel": "Alcatel",        "Nintendo": "Nintendo 3DS",        "Amoi": "Amoi",        "INQ": "INQ",        "GenericPhone": "Tapatalk|PDA;|SAGEM|\\bmmp\\b|pocket|\\bpsp\\b|symbian|Smartphone|smartfon|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|\\bwap\\b|nokia|Series40|Series60|S60|SonyEricsson|N900|MAUI.*WAP.*Browser"    },    "tablets": {        "iPad": "iPad|iPad.*Mobile",        "NexusTablet": "Android.*Nexus[\\s]+(7|9|10)",        "SamsungTablet": "SAMSUNG.*Tablet|Galaxy.*Tab|SC-01C|GT-P1000|GT-P1003|GT-P1010|GT-P3105|GT-P6210|GT-P6800|GT-P6810|GT-P7100|GT-P7300|GT-P7310|GT-P7500|GT-P7510|SCH-I800|SCH-I815|SCH-I905|SGH-I957|SGH-I987|SGH-T849|SGH-T859|SGH-T869|SPH-P100|GT-P3100|GT-P3108|GT-P3110|GT-P5100|GT-P5110|GT-P6200|GT-P7320|GT-P7511|GT-N8000|GT-P8510|SGH-I497|SPH-P500|SGH-T779|SCH-I705|SCH-I915|GT-N8013|GT-P3113|GT-P5113|GT-P8110|GT-N8010|GT-N8005|GT-N8020|GT-P1013|GT-P6201|GT-P7501|GT-N5100|GT-N5105|GT-N5110|SHV-E140K|SHV-E140L|SHV-E140S|SHV-E150S|SHV-E230K|SHV-E230L|SHV-E230S|SHW-M180K|SHW-M180L|SHW-M180S|SHW-M180W|SHW-M300W|SHW-M305W|SHW-M380K|SHW-M380S|SHW-M380W|SHW-M430W|SHW-M480K|SHW-M480S|SHW-M480W|SHW-M485W|SHW-M486W|SHW-M500W|GT-I9228|SCH-P739|SCH-I925|GT-I9200|GT-P5200|GT-P5210|GT-P5210X|SM-T311|SM-T310|SM-T310X|SM-T210|SM-T210R|SM-T211|SM-P600|SM-P601|SM-P605|SM-P900|SM-P901|SM-T217|SM-T217A|SM-T217S|SM-P6000|SM-T3100|SGH-I467|XE500|SM-T110|GT-P5220|GT-I9200X|GT-N5110X|GT-N5120|SM-P905|SM-T111|SM-T2105|SM-T315|SM-T320|SM-T320X|SM-T321|SM-T520|SM-T525|SM-T530NU|SM-T230NU|SM-T330NU|SM-T900|XE500T1C|SM-P605V|SM-P905V|SM-T337V|SM-T537V|SM-T707V|SM-T807V|SM-P600X|SM-P900X|SM-T210X|SM-T230|SM-T230X|SM-T325|GT-P7503|SM-T531|SM-T330|SM-T530|SM-T705|SM-T705C|SM-T535|SM-T331|SM-T800|SM-T700|SM-T537|SM-T807|SM-P907A|SM-T337A|SM-T537A|SM-T707A|SM-T807A|SM-T237|SM-T807P|SM-P607T|SM-T217T|SM-T337T|SM-T807T|SM-T116NQ|SM-P550|SM-T350|SM-T550|SM-T9000|SM-P9000|SM-T705Y|SM-T805|GT-P3113|SM-T710|SM-T810|SM-T815|SM-T360|SM-T533|SM-T113|SM-T335|SM-T715|SM-T560|SM-T670|SM-T677|SM-T377|SM-T567|SM-T357T|SM-T555|SM-T561",        "Kindle": "Kindle|Silk.*Accelerated|Android.*\\b(KFOT|KFTT|KFJWI|KFJWA|KFOTE|KFSOWI|KFTHWI|KFTHWA|KFAPWI|KFAPWA|WFJWAE|KFSAWA|KFSAWI|KFASWI|KFARWI)\\b",        "SurfaceTablet": "Windows NT [0-9.]+; ARM;.*(Tablet|ARMBJS)",        "HPTablet": "HP Slate (7|8|10)|HP ElitePad 900|hp-tablet|EliteBook.*Touch|HP 8|Slate 21|HP SlateBook 10",        "AsusTablet": "^.*PadFone((?!Mobile).)*$|Transformer|TF101|TF101G|TF300T|TF300TG|TF300TL|TF700T|TF700KL|TF701T|TF810C|ME171|ME301T|ME302C|ME371MG|ME370T|ME372MG|ME172V|ME173X|ME400C|Slider SL101|\\bK00F\\b|\\bK00C\\b|\\bK00E\\b|\\bK00L\\b|TX201LA|ME176C|ME102A|\\bM80TA\\b|ME372CL|ME560CG|ME372CG|ME302KL| K010 | K017 |ME572C|ME103K|ME170C|ME171C|\\bME70C\\b|ME581C|ME581CL|ME8510C|ME181C|P01Y|PO1MA",        "BlackBerryTablet": "PlayBook|RIM Tablet",        "HTCtablet": "HTC_Flyer_P512|HTC Flyer|HTC Jetstream|HTC-P715a|HTC EVO View 4G|PG41200|PG09410",        "MotorolaTablet": "xoom|sholest|MZ615|MZ605|MZ505|MZ601|MZ602|MZ603|MZ604|MZ606|MZ607|MZ608|MZ609|MZ615|MZ616|MZ617",        "NookTablet": "Android.*Nook|NookColor|nook browser|BNRV200|BNRV200A|BNTV250|BNTV250A|BNTV400|BNTV600|LogicPD Zoom2",        "AcerTablet": "Android.*; \\b(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700|A701|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|G100|G100W|B1-A71|B1-710|B1-711|A1-810|A1-811|A1-830)\\b|W3-810|\\bA3-A10\\b|\\bA3-A11\\b|\\bA3-A20",        "ToshibaTablet": "Android.*(AT100|AT105|AT200|AT205|AT270|AT275|AT300|AT305|AT1S5|AT500|AT570|AT700|AT830)|TOSHIBA.*FOLIO",        "LGTablet": "\\bL-06C|LG-V909|LG-V900|LG-V700|LG-V510|LG-V500|LG-V410|LG-V400|LG-VK810\\b",        "FujitsuTablet": "Android.*\\b(F-01D|F-02F|F-05E|F-10D|M532|Q572)\\b",        "PrestigioTablet": "PMP3170B|PMP3270B|PMP3470B|PMP7170B|PMP3370B|PMP3570C|PMP5870C|PMP3670B|PMP5570C|PMP5770D|PMP3970B|PMP3870C|PMP5580C|PMP5880D|PMP5780D|PMP5588C|PMP7280C|PMP7280C3G|PMP7280|PMP7880D|PMP5597D|PMP5597|PMP7100D|PER3464|PER3274|PER3574|PER3884|PER5274|PER5474|PMP5097CPRO|PMP5097|PMP7380D|PMP5297C|PMP5297C_QUAD|PMP812E|PMP812E3G|PMP812F|PMP810E|PMP880TD|PMT3017|PMT3037|PMT3047|PMT3057|PMT7008|PMT5887|PMT5001|PMT5002",        "LenovoTablet": "Lenovo TAB|Idea(Tab|Pad)( A1|A10| K1|)|ThinkPad([ ]+)?Tablet|YT3-X90L|YT3-X90F|YT3-X90X|Lenovo.*(S2109|S2110|S5000|S6000|K3011|A3000|A3500|A1000|A2107|A2109|A1107|A5500|A7600|B6000|B8000|B8080)(-|)(FL|F|HV|H|)",        "DellTablet": "Venue 11|Venue 8|Venue 7|Dell Streak 10|Dell Streak 7",        "YarvikTablet": "Android.*\\b(TAB210|TAB211|TAB224|TAB250|TAB260|TAB264|TAB310|TAB360|TAB364|TAB410|TAB411|TAB420|TAB424|TAB450|TAB460|TAB461|TAB464|TAB465|TAB467|TAB468|TAB07-100|TAB07-101|TAB07-150|TAB07-151|TAB07-152|TAB07-200|TAB07-201-3G|TAB07-210|TAB07-211|TAB07-212|TAB07-214|TAB07-220|TAB07-400|TAB07-485|TAB08-150|TAB08-200|TAB08-201-3G|TAB08-201-30|TAB09-100|TAB09-211|TAB09-410|TAB10-150|TAB10-201|TAB10-211|TAB10-400|TAB10-410|TAB13-201|TAB274EUK|TAB275EUK|TAB374EUK|TAB462EUK|TAB474EUK|TAB9-200)\\b",        "MedionTablet": "Android.*\\bOYO\\b|LIFE.*(P9212|P9514|P9516|S9512)|LIFETAB",        "ArnovaTablet": "AN10G2|AN7bG3|AN7fG3|AN8G3|AN8cG3|AN7G3|AN9G3|AN7dG3|AN7dG3ST|AN7dG3ChildPad|AN10bG3|AN10bG3DT|AN9G2",        "IntensoTablet": "INM8002KP|INM1010FP|INM805ND|Intenso Tab|TAB1004",        "IRUTablet": "M702pro",        "MegafonTablet": "MegaFon V9|\\bZTE V9\\b|Android.*\\bMT7A\\b",        "EbodaTablet": "E-Boda (Supreme|Impresspeed|Izzycomm|Essential)",        "AllViewTablet": "Allview.*(Viva|Alldro|City|Speed|All TV|Frenzy|Quasar|Shine|TX1|AX1|AX2)",        "ArchosTablet": "\\b(101G9|80G9|A101IT)\\b|Qilive 97R|Archos5|\\bARCHOS (70|79|80|90|97|101|FAMILYPAD|)(b|)(G10| Cobalt| TITANIUM(HD|)| Xenon| Neon|XSK| 2| XS 2| PLATINUM| CARBON|GAMEPAD)\\b",        "AinolTablet": "NOVO7|NOVO8|NOVO10|Novo7Aurora|Novo7Basic|NOVO7PALADIN|novo9-Spark",        "NokiaLumiaTablet": "Lumia 2520",        "SonyTablet": "Sony.*Tablet|Xperia Tablet|Sony Tablet S|SO-03E|SGPT12|SGPT13|SGPT114|SGPT121|SGPT122|SGPT123|SGPT111|SGPT112|SGPT113|SGPT131|SGPT132|SGPT133|SGPT211|SGPT212|SGPT213|SGP311|SGP312|SGP321|EBRD1101|EBRD1102|EBRD1201|SGP351|SGP341|SGP511|SGP512|SGP521|SGP541|SGP551|SGP621|SGP612|SOT31",        "PhilipsTablet": "\\b(PI2010|PI3000|PI3100|PI3105|PI3110|PI3205|PI3210|PI3900|PI4010|PI7000|PI7100)\\b",        "CubeTablet": "Android.*(K8GT|U9GT|U10GT|U16GT|U17GT|U18GT|U19GT|U20GT|U23GT|U30GT)|CUBE U8GT",        "CobyTablet": "MID1042|MID1045|MID1125|MID1126|MID7012|MID7014|MID7015|MID7034|MID7035|MID7036|MID7042|MID7048|MID7127|MID8042|MID8048|MID8127|MID9042|MID9740|MID9742|MID7022|MID7010",        "MIDTablet": "M9701|M9000|M9100|M806|M1052|M806|T703|MID701|MID713|MID710|MID727|MID760|MID830|MID728|MID933|MID125|MID810|MID732|MID120|MID930|MID800|MID731|MID900|MID100|MID820|MID735|MID980|MID130|MID833|MID737|MID960|MID135|MID860|MID736|MID140|MID930|MID835|MID733|MID4X10",        "MSITablet": "MSI \\b(Primo 73K|Primo 73L|Primo 81L|Primo 77|Primo 93|Primo 75|Primo 76|Primo 73|Primo 81|Primo 91|Primo 90|Enjoy 71|Enjoy 7|Enjoy 10)\\b",        "SMiTTablet": "Android.*(\\bMID\\b|MID-560|MTV-T1200|MTV-PND531|MTV-P1101|MTV-PND530)",        "RockChipTablet": "Android.*(RK2818|RK2808A|RK2918|RK3066)|RK2738|RK2808A",        "FlyTablet": "IQ310|Fly Vision",        "bqTablet": "Android.*(bq)?.*(Elcano|Curie|Edison|Maxwell|Kepler|Pascal|Tesla|Hypatia|Platon|Newton|Livingstone|Cervantes|Avant|Aquaris E10)|Maxwell.*Lite|Maxwell.*Plus",        "HuaweiTablet": "MediaPad|MediaPad 7 Youth|IDEOS S7|S7-201c|S7-202u|S7-101|S7-103|S7-104|S7-105|S7-106|S7-201|S7-Slim",        "NecTablet": "\\bN-06D|\\bN-08D",        "PantechTablet": "Pantech.*P4100",        "BronchoTablet": "Broncho.*(N701|N708|N802|a710)",        "VersusTablet": "TOUCHPAD.*[78910]|\\bTOUCHTAB\\b",        "ZyncTablet": "z1000|Z99 2G|z99|z930|z999|z990|z909|Z919|z900",        "PositivoTablet": "TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA",        "NabiTablet": "Android.*\\bNabi",        "KoboTablet": "Kobo Touch|\\bK080\\b|\\bVox\\b Build|\\bArc\\b Build",        "DanewTablet": "DSlide.*\\b(700|701R|702|703R|704|802|970|971|972|973|974|1010|1012)\\b",        "TexetTablet": "NaviPad|TB-772A|TM-7045|TM-7055|TM-9750|TM-7016|TM-7024|TM-7026|TM-7041|TM-7043|TM-7047|TM-8041|TM-9741|TM-9747|TM-9748|TM-9751|TM-7022|TM-7021|TM-7020|TM-7011|TM-7010|TM-7023|TM-7025|TM-7037W|TM-7038W|TM-7027W|TM-9720|TM-9725|TM-9737W|TM-1020|TM-9738W|TM-9740|TM-9743W|TB-807A|TB-771A|TB-727A|TB-725A|TB-719A|TB-823A|TB-805A|TB-723A|TB-715A|TB-707A|TB-705A|TB-709A|TB-711A|TB-890HD|TB-880HD|TB-790HD|TB-780HD|TB-770HD|TB-721HD|TB-710HD|TB-434HD|TB-860HD|TB-840HD|TB-760HD|TB-750HD|TB-740HD|TB-730HD|TB-722HD|TB-720HD|TB-700HD|TB-500HD|TB-470HD|TB-431HD|TB-430HD|TB-506|TB-504|TB-446|TB-436|TB-416|TB-146SE|TB-126SE",        "PlaystationTablet": "Playstation.*(Portable|Vita)",        "TrekstorTablet": "ST10416-1|VT10416-1|ST70408-1|ST702xx-1|ST702xx-2|ST80208|ST97216|ST70104-2|VT10416-2|ST10216-2A|SurfTab",        "PyleAudioTablet": "\\b(PTBL10CEU|PTBL10C|PTBL72BC|PTBL72BCEU|PTBL7CEU|PTBL7C|PTBL92BC|PTBL92BCEU|PTBL9CEU|PTBL9CUK|PTBL9C)\\b",        "AdvanTablet": "Android.* \\b(E3A|T3X|T5C|T5B|T3E|T3C|T3B|T1J|T1F|T2A|T1H|T1i|E1C|T1-E|T5-A|T4|E1-B|T2Ci|T1-B|T1-D|O1-A|E1-A|T1-A|T3A|T4i)\\b ",        "DanyTechTablet": "Genius Tab G3|Genius Tab S2|Genius Tab Q3|Genius Tab G4|Genius Tab Q4|Genius Tab G-II|Genius TAB GII|Genius TAB GIII|Genius Tab S1",        "GalapadTablet": "Android.*\\bG1\\b",        "MicromaxTablet": "Funbook|Micromax.*\\b(P250|P560|P360|P362|P600|P300|P350|P500|P275)\\b",        "KarbonnTablet": "Android.*\\b(A39|A37|A34|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2)\\b",        "AllFineTablet": "Fine7 Genius|Fine7 Shine|Fine7 Air|Fine8 Style|Fine9 More|Fine10 Joy|Fine11 Wide",        "PROSCANTablet": "\\b(PEM63|PLT1023G|PLT1041|PLT1044|PLT1044G|PLT1091|PLT4311|PLT4311PL|PLT4315|PLT7030|PLT7033|PLT7033D|PLT7035|PLT7035D|PLT7044K|PLT7045K|PLT7045KB|PLT7071KG|PLT7072|PLT7223G|PLT7225G|PLT7777G|PLT7810K|PLT7849G|PLT7851G|PLT7852G|PLT8015|PLT8031|PLT8034|PLT8036|PLT8080K|PLT8082|PLT8088|PLT8223G|PLT8234G|PLT8235G|PLT8816K|PLT9011|PLT9045K|PLT9233G|PLT9735|PLT9760G|PLT9770G)\\b",        "YONESTablet": "BQ1078|BC1003|BC1077|RK9702|BC9730|BC9001|IT9001|BC7008|BC7010|BC708|BC728|BC7012|BC7030|BC7027|BC7026",        "ChangJiaTablet": "TPC7102|TPC7103|TPC7105|TPC7106|TPC7107|TPC7201|TPC7203|TPC7205|TPC7210|TPC7708|TPC7709|TPC7712|TPC7110|TPC8101|TPC8103|TPC8105|TPC8106|TPC8203|TPC8205|TPC8503|TPC9106|TPC9701|TPC97101|TPC97103|TPC97105|TPC97106|TPC97111|TPC97113|TPC97203|TPC97603|TPC97809|TPC97205|TPC10101|TPC10103|TPC10106|TPC10111|TPC10203|TPC10205|TPC10503",        "GUTablet": "TX-A1301|TX-M9002|Q702|kf026",        "PointOfViewTablet": "TAB-P506|TAB-navi-7-3G-M|TAB-P517|TAB-P-527|TAB-P701|TAB-P703|TAB-P721|TAB-P731N|TAB-P741|TAB-P825|TAB-P905|TAB-P925|TAB-PR945|TAB-PL1015|TAB-P1025|TAB-PI1045|TAB-P1325|TAB-PROTAB[0-9]+|TAB-PROTAB25|TAB-PROTAB26|TAB-PROTAB27|TAB-PROTAB26XL|TAB-PROTAB2-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB25XXL|TAB-PROTAB26-IPS10|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS10",        "OvermaxTablet": "OV-(SteelCore|NewBase|Basecore|Baseone|Exellen|Quattor|EduTab|Solution|ACTION|BasicTab|TeddyTab|MagicTab|Stream|TB-08|TB-09)",        "HCLTablet": "HCL.*Tablet|Connect-3G-2.0|Connect-2G-2.0|ME Tablet U1|ME Tablet U2|ME Tablet G1|ME Tablet X1|ME Tablet Y2|ME Tablet Sync",        "DPSTablet": "DPS Dream 9|DPS Dual 7",        "VistureTablet": "V97 HD|i75 3G|Visture V4( HD)?|Visture V5( HD)?|Visture V10",        "CrestaTablet": "CTP(-)?810|CTP(-)?818|CTP(-)?828|CTP(-)?838|CTP(-)?888|CTP(-)?978|CTP(-)?980|CTP(-)?987|CTP(-)?988|CTP(-)?989",        "MediatekTablet": "\\bMT8125|MT8389|MT8135|MT8377\\b",        "ConcordeTablet": "Concorde([ ]+)?Tab|ConCorde ReadMan",        "GoCleverTablet": "GOCLEVER TAB|A7GOCLEVER|M1042|M7841|M742|R1042BK|R1041|TAB A975|TAB A7842|TAB A741|TAB A741L|TAB M723G|TAB M721|TAB A1021|TAB I921|TAB R721|TAB I720|TAB T76|TAB R70|TAB R76.2|TAB R106|TAB R83.2|TAB M813G|TAB I721|GCTA722|TAB I70|TAB I71|TAB S73|TAB R73|TAB R74|TAB R93|TAB R75|TAB R76.1|TAB A73|TAB A93|TAB A93.2|TAB T72|TAB R83|TAB R974|TAB R973|TAB A101|TAB A103|TAB A104|TAB A104.2|R105BK|M713G|A972BK|TAB A971|TAB R974.2|TAB R104|TAB R83.3|TAB A1042",        "ModecomTablet": "FreeTAB 9000|FreeTAB 7.4|FreeTAB 7004|FreeTAB 7800|FreeTAB 2096|FreeTAB 7.5|FreeTAB 1014|FreeTAB 1001 |FreeTAB 8001|FreeTAB 9706|FreeTAB 9702|FreeTAB 7003|FreeTAB 7002|FreeTAB 1002|FreeTAB 7801|FreeTAB 1331|FreeTAB 1004|FreeTAB 8002|FreeTAB 8014|FreeTAB 9704|FreeTAB 1003",        "VoninoTablet": "\\b(Argus[ _]?S|Diamond[ _]?79HD|Emerald[ _]?78E|Luna[ _]?70C|Onyx[ _]?S|Onyx[ _]?Z|Orin[ _]?HD|Orin[ _]?S|Otis[ _]?S|SpeedStar[ _]?S|Magnet[ _]?M9|Primus[ _]?94[ _]?3G|Primus[ _]?94HD|Primus[ _]?QS|Android.*\\bQ8\\b|Sirius[ _]?EVO[ _]?QS|Sirius[ _]?QS|Spirit[ _]?S)\\b",        "ECSTablet": "V07OT2|TM105A|S10OT1|TR10CS1",        "StorexTablet": "eZee[_']?(Tab|Go)[0-9]+|TabLC7|Looney Tunes Tab",        "VodafoneTablet": "SmartTab([ ]+)?[0-9]+|SmartTabII10|SmartTabII7|VF-1497",        "EssentielBTablet": "Smart[ ']?TAB[ ]+?[0-9]+|Family[ ']?TAB2",        "RossMoorTablet": "RM-790|RM-997|RMD-878G|RMD-974R|RMT-705A|RMT-701|RME-601|RMT-501|RMT-711",        "iMobileTablet": "i-mobile i-note",        "TolinoTablet": "tolino tab [0-9.]+|tolino shine",        "AudioSonicTablet": "\\bC-22Q|T7-QC|T-17B|T-17P\\b",        "AMPETablet": "Android.* A78 ",        "SkkTablet": "Android.* (SKYPAD|PHOENIX|CYCLOPS)",        "TecnoTablet": "TECNO P9",        "JXDTablet": "Android.* \\b(F3000|A3300|JXD5000|JXD3000|JXD2000|JXD300B|JXD300|S5800|S7800|S602b|S5110b|S7300|S5300|S602|S603|S5100|S5110|S601|S7100a|P3000F|P3000s|P101|P200s|P1000m|P200m|P9100|P1000s|S6600b|S908|P1000|P300|S18|S6600|S9100)\\b",        "iJoyTablet": "Tablet (Spirit 7|Essentia|Galatea|Fusion|Onix 7|Landa|Titan|Scooby|Deox|Stella|Themis|Argon|Unique 7|Sygnus|Hexen|Finity 7|Cream|Cream X2|Jade|Neon 7|Neron 7|Kandy|Scape|Saphyr 7|Rebel|Biox|Rebel|Rebel 8GB|Myst|Draco 7|Myst|Tab7-004|Myst|Tadeo Jones|Tablet Boing|Arrow|Draco Dual Cam|Aurix|Mint|Amity|Revolution|Finity 9|Neon 9|T9w|Amity 4GB Dual Cam|Stone 4GB|Stone 8GB|Andromeda|Silken|X2|Andromeda II|Halley|Flame|Saphyr 9,7|Touch 8|Planet|Triton|Unique 10|Hexen 10|Memphis 4GB|Memphis 8GB|Onix 10)",        "FX2Tablet": "FX2 PAD7|FX2 PAD10",        "XoroTablet": "KidsPAD 701|PAD[ ]?712|PAD[ ]?714|PAD[ ]?716|PAD[ ]?717|PAD[ ]?718|PAD[ ]?720|PAD[ ]?721|PAD[ ]?722|PAD[ ]?790|PAD[ ]?792|PAD[ ]?900|PAD[ ]?9715D|PAD[ ]?9716DR|PAD[ ]?9718DR|PAD[ ]?9719QR|PAD[ ]?9720QR|TelePAD1030|Telepad1032|TelePAD730|TelePAD731|TelePAD732|TelePAD735Q|TelePAD830|TelePAD9730|TelePAD795|MegaPAD 1331|MegaPAD 1851|MegaPAD 2151",        "ViewsonicTablet": "ViewPad 10pi|ViewPad 10e|ViewPad 10s|ViewPad E72|ViewPad7|ViewPad E100|ViewPad 7e|ViewSonic VB733|VB100a",        "OdysTablet": "LOOX|XENO10|ODYS[ -](Space|EVO|Xpress|NOON)|\\bXELIO\\b|Xelio10Pro|XELIO7PHONETAB|XELIO10EXTREME|XELIOPT2|NEO_QUAD10",        "CaptivaTablet": "CAPTIVA PAD",        "IconbitTablet": "NetTAB|NT-3702|NT-3702S|NT-3702S|NT-3603P|NT-3603P|NT-0704S|NT-0704S|NT-3805C|NT-3805C|NT-0806C|NT-0806C|NT-0909T|NT-0909T|NT-0907S|NT-0907S|NT-0902S|NT-0902S",        "TeclastTablet": "T98 4G|\\bP80\\b|\\bX90HD\\b|X98 Air|X98 Air 3G|\\bX89\\b|P80 3G|\\bX80h\\b|P98 Air|\\bX89HD\\b|P98 3G|\\bP90HD\\b|P89 3G|X98 3G|\\bP70h\\b|P79HD 3G|G18d 3G|\\bP79HD\\b|\\bP89s\\b|\\bA88\\b|\\bP10HD\\b|\\bP19HD\\b|G18 3G|\\bP78HD\\b|\\bA78\\b|\\bP75\\b|G17s 3G|G17h 3G|\\bP85t\\b|\\bP90\\b|\\bP11\\b|\\bP98t\\b|\\bP98HD\\b|\\bG18d\\b|\\bP85s\\b|\\bP11HD\\b|\\bP88s\\b|\\bA80HD\\b|\\bA80se\\b|\\bA10h\\b|\\bP89\\b|\\bP78s\\b|\\bG18\\b|\\bP85\\b|\\bA70h\\b|\\bA70\\b|\\bG17\\b|\\bP18\\b|\\bA80s\\b|\\bA11s\\b|\\bP88HD\\b|\\bA80h\\b|\\bP76s\\b|\\bP76h\\b|\\bP98\\b|\\bA10HD\\b|\\bP78\\b|\\bP88\\b|\\bA11\\b|\\bA10t\\b|\\bP76a\\b|\\bP76t\\b|\\bP76e\\b|\\bP85HD\\b|\\bP85a\\b|\\bP86\\b|\\bP75HD\\b|\\bP76v\\b|\\bA12\\b|\\bP75a\\b|\\bA15\\b|\\bP76Ti\\b|\\bP81HD\\b|\\bA10\\b|\\bT760VE\\b|\\bT720HD\\b|\\bP76\\b|\\bP73\\b|\\bP71\\b|\\bP72\\b|\\bT720SE\\b|\\bC520Ti\\b|\\bT760\\b|\\bT720VE\\b|T720-3GE|T720-WiFi",        "OndaTablet": "\\b(V975i|Vi30|VX530|V701|Vi60|V701s|Vi50|V801s|V719|Vx610w|VX610W|V819i|Vi10|VX580W|Vi10|V711s|V813|V811|V820w|V820|Vi20|V711|VI30W|V712|V891w|V972|V819w|V820w|Vi60|V820w|V711|V813s|V801|V819|V975s|V801|V819|V819|V818|V811|V712|V975m|V101w|V961w|V812|V818|V971|V971s|V919|V989|V116w|V102w|V973|Vi40)\\b[\\s]+",        "JaytechTablet": "TPC-PA762",        "BlaupunktTablet": "Endeavour 800NG|Endeavour 1010",        "DigmaTablet": "\\b(iDx10|iDx9|iDx8|iDx7|iDxD7|iDxD8|iDsQ8|iDsQ7|iDsQ8|iDsD10|iDnD7|3TS804H|iDsQ11|iDj7|iDs10)\\b",        "EvolioTablet": "ARIA_Mini_wifi|Aria[ _]Mini|Evolio X10|Evolio X7|Evolio X8|\\bEvotab\\b|\\bNeura\\b",        "LavaTablet": "QPAD E704|\\bIvoryS\\b|E-TAB IVORY|\\bE-TAB\\b",        "AocTablet": "MW0811|MW0812|MW0922|MTK8382|MW1031|MW0831|MW0821|MW0931|MW0712",        "MpmanTablet": "MP11 OCTA|MP10 OCTA|MPQC1114|MPQC1004|MPQC994|MPQC974|MPQC973|MPQC804|MPQC784|MPQC780|\\bMPG7\\b|MPDCG75|MPDCG71|MPDC1006|MP101DC|MPDC9000|MPDC905|MPDC706HD|MPDC706|MPDC705|MPDC110|MPDC100|MPDC99|MPDC97|MPDC88|MPDC8|MPDC77|MP709|MID701|MID711|MID170|MPDC703|MPQC1010",        "CelkonTablet": "CT695|CT888|CT[\\s]?910|CT7 Tab|CT9 Tab|CT3 Tab|CT2 Tab|CT1 Tab|C820|C720|\\bCT-1\\b",        "WolderTablet": "miTab \\b(DIAMOND|SPACE|BROOKLYN|NEO|FLY|MANHATTAN|FUNK|EVOLUTION|SKY|GOCAR|IRON|GENIUS|POP|MINT|EPSILON|BROADWAY|JUMP|HOP|LEGEND|NEW AGE|LINE|ADVANCE|FEEL|FOLLOW|LIKE|LINK|LIVE|THINK|FREEDOM|CHICAGO|CLEVELAND|BALTIMORE-GH|IOWA|BOSTON|SEATTLE|PHOENIX|DALLAS|IN 101|MasterChef)\\b",        "MiTablet": "\\bMI PAD\\b|\\bHM NOTE 1W\\b",        "NibiruTablet": "Nibiru M1|Nibiru Jupiter One",        "NexoTablet": "NEXO NOVA|NEXO 10|NEXO AVIO|NEXO FREE|NEXO GO|NEXO EVO|NEXO 3G|NEXO SMART|NEXO KIDDO|NEXO MOBI",        "LeaderTablet": "TBLT10Q|TBLT10I|TBL-10WDKB|TBL-10WDKBO2013|TBL-W230V2|TBL-W450|TBL-W500|SV572|TBLT7I|TBA-AC7-8G|TBLT79|TBL-8W16|TBL-10W32|TBL-10WKB|TBL-W100",        "UbislateTablet": "UbiSlate[\\s]?7C",        "PocketBookTablet": "Pocketbook",        "KocasoTablet": "\\b(TB-1207)\\b",        "Hudl": "Hudl HT7S3|Hudl 2",        "TelstraTablet": "T-Hub2",        "GenericTablet": "Android.*\\b97D\\b|Tablet(?!.*PC)|BNTV250A|MID-WCDMA|LogicPD Zoom2|\\bA7EB\\b|CatNova8|A1_07|CT704|CT1002|\\bM721\\b|rk30sdk|\\bEVOTAB\\b|M758A|ET904|ALUMIUM10|Smartfren Tab|Endeavour 1010|Tablet-PC-4|Tagi Tab|\\bM6pro\\b|CT1020W|arc 10HD|\\bJolla\\b|\\bTP750\\b"    },    "oss": {        "AndroidOS": "Android",        "BlackBerryOS": "blackberry|\\bBB10\\b|rim tablet os",        "PalmOS": "PalmOS|avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|palm|plucker|xiino",        "SymbianOS": "Symbian|SymbOS|Series60|Series40|SYB-[0-9]+|\\bS60\\b",        "WindowsMobileOS": "Windows CE.*(PPC|Smartphone|Mobile|[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})|Window Mobile|Windows Phone [0-9.]+|WCE;",        "WindowsPhoneOS": "Windows Phone 10.0|Windows Phone 8.1|Windows Phone 8.0|Windows Phone OS|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|Windows NT 6.[23]; ARM;",        "iOS": "\\biPhone.*Mobile|\\biPod|\\biPad",        "MeeGoOS": "MeeGo",        "MaemoOS": "Maemo",        "JavaOS": "J2ME\/|\\bMIDP\\b|\\bCLDC\\b",        "webOS": "webOS|hpwOS",        "badaOS": "\\bBada\\b",        "BREWOS": "BREW"    },    "uas": {        "Vivaldi": "Vivaldi",        "Chrome": "\\bCrMo\\b|CriOS|Android.*Chrome\/[.0-9]* (Mobile)?",        "Dolfin": "\\bDolfin\\b",        "Opera": "Opera.*Mini|Opera.*Mobi|Android.*Opera|Mobile.*OPR\/[0-9.]+|Coast\/[0-9.]+",        "Skyfire": "Skyfire",        "Edge": "Mobile Safari\/[.0-9]* Edge",        "IE": "IEMobile|MSIEMobile",        "Firefox": "fennec|firefox.*maemo|(Mobile|Tablet).*Firefox|Firefox.*Mobile",        "Bolt": "bolt",        "TeaShark": "teashark",        "Blazer": "Blazer",        "Safari": "Version.*Mobile.*Safari|Safari.*Mobile|MobileSafari",        "Tizen": "Tizen",        "UCBrowser": "UC.*Browser|UCWEB",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser",        "DiigoBrowser": "DiigoBrowser",        "Puffin": "Puffin",        "Mercury": "\\bMercury\\b",        "ObigoBrowser": "Obigo",        "NetFront": "NF-Browser",        "GenericBrowser": "NokiaBrowser|OviBrowser|OneBrowser|TwonkyBeamBrowser|SEMC.*Browser|FlyFlow|Minimo|NetFront|Novarra-Vision|MQQBrowser|MicroMessenger",        "PaleMoon": "Android.*PaleMoon|Mobile.*PaleMoon"    },    "props": {        "Mobile": "Mobile\/[VER]",        "Build": "Build\/[VER]",        "Version": "Version\/[VER]",        "VendorID": "VendorID\/[VER]",        "iPad": "iPad.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPhone": "iPhone.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPod": "iPod.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "Kindle": "Kindle\/[VER]",        "Chrome": [            "Chrome\/[VER]",            "CriOS\/[VER]",            "CrMo\/[VER]"        ],        "Coast": [            "Coast\/[VER]"        ],        "Dolfin": "Dolfin\/[VER]",        "Firefox": "Firefox\/[VER]",        "Fennec": "Fennec\/[VER]",        "Edge": "Edge\/[VER]",        "IE": [            "IEMobile\/[VER];",            "IEMobile [VER]",            "MSIE [VER];",            "Trident\/[0-9.]+;.*rv:[VER]"        ],        "NetFront": "NetFront\/[VER]",        "NokiaBrowser": "NokiaBrowser\/[VER]",        "Opera": [            " OPR\/[VER]",            "Opera Mini\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "Opera Mini": "Opera Mini\/[VER]",        "Opera Mobi": "Version\/[VER]",        "UC Browser": "UC Browser[VER]",        "MQQBrowser": "MQQBrowser\/[VER]",        "MicroMessenger": "MicroMessenger\/[VER]",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp\/[VER]",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser\/[VER]",        "Iron": "Iron\/[VER]",        "Safari": [            "Version\/[VER]",            "Safari\/[VER]"        ],        "Skyfire": "Skyfire\/[VER]",        "Tizen": "Tizen\/[VER]",        "Webkit": "webkit[ \/][VER]",        "PaleMoon": "PaleMoon\/[VER]",        "Gecko": "Gecko\/[VER]",        "Trident": "Trident\/[VER]",        "Presto": "Presto\/[VER]",        "Goanna": "Goanna\/[VER]",        "iOS": " \\bi?OS\\b [VER][ ;]{1}",        "Android": "Android [VER]",        "BlackBerry": [            "BlackBerry[\\w]+\/[VER]",            "BlackBerry.*Version\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "BREW": "BREW [VER]",        "Java": "Java\/[VER]",        "Windows Phone OS": [            "Windows Phone OS [VER]",            "Windows Phone [VER]"        ],        "Windows Phone": "Windows Phone [VER]",        "Windows CE": "Windows CE\/[VER]",        "Windows NT": "Windows NT [VER]",        "Symbian": [            "SymbianOS\/[VER]",            "Symbian\/[VER]"        ],        "webOS": [            "webOS\/[VER]",            "hpwOS\/[VER];"        ]    },    "utils": {        "Bot": "Googlebot|facebookexternalhit|AdsBot-Google|Google Keyword Suggestion|Facebot|YandexBot|bingbot|ia_archiver|AhrefsBot|Ezooms|GSLFbot|WBSearchBot|Twitterbot|TweetmemeBot|Twikle|PaperLiBot|Wotbox|UnwindFetchor|Exabot|MJ12bot|YandexImages|TurnitinBot|Pingdom",        "MobileBot": "Googlebot-Mobile|AdsBot-Google-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2",        "DesktopMode": "WPDesktop",        "TV": "SonyDTV|HbbTV",        "WebKit": "(webkit)[ \/]([\\w.]+)",        "Console": "\\b(Nintendo|Nintendo WiiU|Nintendo 3DS|PLAYSTATION|Xbox)\\b",        "Watch": "SM-V700"    }};    // following patterns come from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/    impl.detectMobileBrowsers = {        fullPattern: /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i,        shortPattern: /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i,        tabletPattern: /android|ipad|playbook|silk/i    };    var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,        isArray;    impl.FALLBACK_PHONE = 'UnknownPhone';    impl.FALLBACK_TABLET = 'UnknownTablet';    impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE = 'UnknownMobile';    isArray = ('isArray' in Array) ?        Array.isArray : function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; };    isArray = 'isArray' in Array        ? function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; }        : Array.isArray;    function equalIC(a, b) {        return a != null && b != null && a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase();    }    function containsIC(array, value) {        var valueLC, i, len = array.length;        if (!len || !value) {            return false;        }        valueLC = value.toLowerCase();        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {            if (valueLC === array[i].toLowerCase()) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    function convertPropsToRegExp(object) {        for (var key in object) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(object, key)) {                object[key] = new RegExp(object[key], 'i');            }        }    }    (function init() {        var key, values, value, i, len, verPos, mobileDetectRules = impl.mobileDetectRules;        for (key in mobileDetectRules.props) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(mobileDetectRules.props, key)) {                values = mobileDetectRules.props[key];                if (!isArray(values)) {                    values = [values];                }                len = values.length;                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                    value = values[i];                    verPos = value.indexOf('[VER]');                    if (verPos >= 0) {                        value = value.substring(0, verPos) + '([\\w._\\+]+)' + value.substring(verPos + 5);                    }                    values[i] = new RegExp(value, 'i');                }                mobileDetectRules.props[key] = values;            }        }        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.oss);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.phones);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.tablets);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.uas);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.utils);        // copy some patterns to oss0 which are tested first (see issue#15)        mobileDetectRules.oss0 = {            WindowsPhoneOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsPhoneOS,            WindowsMobileOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsMobileOS        };    }());    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and find the first matched key.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {String|null} the matched key if found, otherwise <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatch = function(rules, userAgent) {        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    return key;                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and return an array of matched keys.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {Array} an array of matched keys, may be empty when there is no match, but not <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatches = function(rules, userAgent) {        var result = [];        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    result.push(key);                }            }        }        return result;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {String} version or <tt>null</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersionStr = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var props = impl.mobileDetectRules.props, patterns, i, len, match;        if (hasOwnProp.call(props, propertyName)) {            patterns = props[propertyName];            len = patterns.length;            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                match = patterns[i].exec(userAgent);                if (match !== null) {                    return match[1];                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {Number} version or <tt>NaN</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersion = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var version = impl.getVersionStr(propertyName, userAgent);        return version ? impl.prepareVersionNo(version) : NaN;    };    /**     * Prepare the version number.     *     * @param {String} version     * @return {Number} the version number as a floating number     * @private     */    impl.prepareVersionNo = function (version) {        var numbers;        numbers = version.split(/[a-z._ \/\-]/i);        if (numbers.length === 1) {            version = numbers[0];        }        if (numbers.length > 1) {            version = numbers[0] + '.';            numbers.shift();            version += numbers.join('');        }        return Number(version);    };    impl.isMobileFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.fullPattern.test(userAgent) ||            impl.detectMobileBrowsers.shortPattern.test(userAgent.substr(0,4));    };    impl.isTabletFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.tabletPattern.test(userAgent);    };    impl.prepareDetectionCache = function (cache, userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        if (cache.mobile !== undefined) {            return;        }        var phone, tablet, phoneSized;        // first check for stronger tablet rules, then phone (see issue#5)        tablet = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.tablets, userAgent);        if (tablet) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = tablet;            cache.phone = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as tablet        }        phone = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.phones, userAgent);        if (phone) {            cache.mobile = cache.phone = phone;            cache.tablet = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as phone        }        // our rules haven't found a match -> try more general fallback rules        if (impl.isMobileFallback(userAgent)) {            phoneSized = MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth);            if (phoneSized === undefined) {                cache.mobile = impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE;                cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;            } else if (phoneSized) {                cache.mobile = cache.phone = impl.FALLBACK_PHONE;                cache.tablet = null;            } else {                cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;                cache.phone = null;            }        } else if (impl.isTabletFallback(userAgent)) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;            cache.phone = null;        } else {            // not mobile at all!            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;        }    };    // t is a reference to a MobileDetect instance    impl.mobileGrade = function (t) {        // impl note:        // To keep in sync w/ Mobile_Detect.php easily, the following code is tightly aligned to the PHP version.        // When changes are made in Mobile_Detect.php, copy this method and replace:        //     $this-> / t.        //     self::MOBILE_GRADE_(.) / '$1'        //     , self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT / (nothing)        //     isIOS() / os('iOS')        //     [reg] / (nothing)   <-- jsdelivr complaining about unescaped unicode character U+00AE        var $isMobile = t.mobile() !== null;        if (            // Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 - Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1)            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')>=4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')>=3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')>=3.1 ||            // Android 2.1-2.3 - Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)            // Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)  - Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM            // Android 4.0 (ICS)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices            // Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7            ( t.version('Android')>2.1 && t.is('Webkit') ) ||            // Windows Phone 7-7.5 - Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800            t.version('Windows Phone OS')>=7.0 ||            // Blackberry 7 - Tested on BlackBerry Torch 9810            // Blackberry 6.0 - Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670            t.is('BlackBerry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=6.0 ||            // Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) - Tested on PlayBook            t.match('Playbook.*Tablet') ||            // Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) - Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)            ( t.version('webOS')>=1.4 && t.match('Palm|Pre|Pixi') ) ||            // Palm WebOS 3.0  - Tested on HP TouchPad            t.match('hp.*TouchPad') ||            // Firefox Mobile (12 Beta) - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Firefox') && t.version('Firefox')>=12 ) ||            // Chrome for Android - Tested on Android 4.0, 4.1 device            ( t.is('Chrome') && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=4.0 ) ||            // Skyfire 4.1 - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Skyfire') && t.version('Skyfire')>=4.1 && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3            ( t.is('Opera') && t.version('Opera Mobi')>11 && t.is('AndroidOS') ) ||            // Meego 1.2 - Tested on Nokia 950 and N9            t.is('MeeGoOS') ||            // Tizen (pre-release) - Tested on early hardware            t.is('Tizen') ||            // Samsung Bada 2.0 - Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser            // @todo: more tests here!            t.is('Dolfin') && t.version('Bada')>=2.0 ||            // UC Browser - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( (t.is('UC Browser') || t.is('Dolfin')) && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Kindle 3 and Fire  - Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each            ( t.match('Kindle Fire') ||                t.is('Kindle') && t.version('Kindle')>=3.0 ) ||            // Nook Color 1.4.1 - Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet            t.is('AndroidOS') && t.is('NookTablet') ||            // Chrome Desktop 11-21 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Chrome')>=11 && !$isMobile ||            // Safari Desktop 4-5 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Safari')>=5.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Firefox Desktop 4-13 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Firefox')>=4.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Internet Explorer 7-9 - Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7            t.version('MSIE')>=7.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Opera Desktop 10-12 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            // @reference: http://my.opera.com/community/openweb/idopera/            t.version('Opera')>=10 && !$isMobile            ){            return 'A';        }        if (            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')<4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')<3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')<3.1 ||            // Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770            t.is('Blackberry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=5 && t.version('BlackBerry')<6 ||            //Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) - Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3            ( t.version('Opera Mini')>=5.0 && t.version('Opera Mini')<=6.5 &&                (t.version('Android')>=2.3 || t.is('iOS')) ) ||            // Nokia Symbian^3 - Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)            t.match('NokiaN8|NokiaC7|N97.*Series60|Symbian/3') ||            // @todo: report this (tested on Nokia N71)            t.version('Opera Mobi')>=11 && t.is('SymbianOS')            ){            return 'B';        }        if (        // Blackberry 4.x - Tested on the Curve 8330            t.version('BlackBerry')<5.0 ||            // Windows Mobile - Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)            t.match('MSIEMobile|Windows CE.*Mobile') || t.version('Windows Mobile')<=5.2            ){            return 'C';        }        //All older smartphone platforms and featurephones - Any device that doesn't support media queries        //will receive the basic, C grade experience.        return 'C';    };    impl.detectOS = function (ua) {        return impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss0, ua) ||            impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss, ua);    };    impl.getDeviceSmallerSide = function () {        return window.screen.width < window.screen.height ?            window.screen.width :            window.screen.height;    };    /**     * Constructor for MobileDetect object.     * <br>     * Such an object will keep a reference to the given user-agent string and cache most of the detect queries.<br>     * <div style="background-color: #d9edf7; border: 1px solid #bce8f1; color: #3a87ad; padding: 14px; border-radius: 2px; margin-top: 20px">     *     <strong>Find information how to download and install:</strong>     *     <a href="https://github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/">github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/</a>     * </div>     *     * @example <pre>     *     var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent);     *     if (md.mobile()) {     *         location.href = (md.mobileGrade() === 'A') ? '/mobile/' : '/lynx/';     *     }     * </pre>     *     * @param {string} userAgent typically taken from window.navigator.userAgent or http_header['User-Agent']     * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth=600] <strong>only for browsers</strong> specify a value for the maximum     *        width of smallest device side (in logical "CSS" pixels) until a device detected as mobile will be handled     *        as phone.     *        This is only used in cases where the device cannot be classified as phone or tablet.<br>     *        See <a href="http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html">Declaring Tablet Layouts     *        for Android</a>.<br>     *        If you provide a value < 0, then this "fuzzy" check is disabled.     * @constructor     * @global     */    function MobileDetect(userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        this.ua = userAgent || '';        this._cache = {};        //600dp is typical 7" tablet minimum width        this.maxPhoneWidth = maxPhoneWidth || 600;    }    MobileDetect.prototype = {        constructor: MobileDetect,        /**         * Returns the detected phone or tablet type or <tt>null</tt> if it is not a mobile device.         * <br>         * For a list of possible return values see {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code>, <code>UnknownTablet</code> or         * <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> here.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the phone family or tablet family, e.g. "Nexus".         * @function MobileDetect#mobile         */        mobile: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.mobile;        },        /**         * Returns the detected phone type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC, Nexus, Dell, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Sony, Asus,         * NokiaLumia, Micromax, Palm, Vertu, Pantech, Fly, Wiko, iMobile, SimValley,         * Wolfgang, Alcatel, Nintendo, Amoi, INQ, GenericPhone</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the phone family or producer, e.g. "iPhone"         * @function MobileDetect#phone         */        phone: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.phone;        },        /**         * Returns the detected tablet type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPad, NexusTablet, SamsungTablet, Kindle, SurfaceTablet, HPTablet, AsusTablet,         * BlackBerryTablet, HTCtablet, MotorolaTablet, NookTablet, AcerTablet,         * ToshibaTablet, LGTablet, FujitsuTablet, PrestigioTablet, LenovoTablet,         * DellTablet, YarvikTablet, MedionTablet, ArnovaTablet, IntensoTablet, IRUTablet,         * MegafonTablet, EbodaTablet, AllViewTablet, ArchosTablet, AinolTablet,         * NokiaLumiaTablet, SonyTablet, PhilipsTablet, CubeTablet, CobyTablet, MIDTablet,         * MSITablet, SMiTTablet, RockChipTablet, FlyTablet, bqTablet, HuaweiTablet,         * NecTablet, PantechTablet, BronchoTablet, VersusTablet, ZyncTablet,         * PositivoTablet, NabiTablet, KoboTablet, DanewTablet, TexetTablet,         * PlaystationTablet, TrekstorTablet, PyleAudioTablet, AdvanTablet,         * DanyTechTablet, GalapadTablet, MicromaxTablet, KarbonnTablet, AllFineTablet,         * PROSCANTablet, YONESTablet, ChangJiaTablet, GUTablet, PointOfViewTablet,         * OvermaxTablet, HCLTablet, DPSTablet, VistureTablet, CrestaTablet,         * MediatekTablet, ConcordeTablet, GoCleverTablet, ModecomTablet, VoninoTablet,         * ECSTablet, StorexTablet, VodafoneTablet, EssentielBTablet, RossMoorTablet,         * iMobileTablet, TolinoTablet, AudioSonicTablet, AMPETablet, SkkTablet,         * TecnoTablet, JXDTablet, iJoyTablet, FX2Tablet, XoroTablet, ViewsonicTablet,         * OdysTablet, CaptivaTablet, IconbitTablet, TeclastTablet, OndaTablet,         * JaytechTablet, BlaupunktTablet, DigmaTablet, EvolioTablet, LavaTablet,         * AocTablet, MpmanTablet, CelkonTablet, WolderTablet, MiTablet, NibiruTablet,         * NexoTablet, LeaderTablet, UbislateTablet, PocketBookTablet, KocasoTablet, Hudl,         * TelstraTablet, GenericTablet</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownTablet</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the tablet family or producer, e.g. "SamsungTablet"         * @function MobileDetect#tablet         */        tablet: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.tablet;        },        /**         * Returns the (first) detected user-agent string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned user-agent is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected user-agent or <tt>null</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgent         */        userAgent: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgent === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgent = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgent;        },        /**         * Returns all detected user-agent strings.         * <br>         * The array is empty or contains one or more of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {Array} the array of detected user-agent keys or <tt>[]</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgents         */        userAgents: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgents === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgents = impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgents;        },        /**         * Returns the detected operating system string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The operating system is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>AndroidOS, BlackBerryOS, PalmOS, SymbianOS, WindowsMobileOS, WindowsPhoneOS,         * iOS, MeeGoOS, MaemoOS, JavaOS, webOS, badaOS, BREWOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected operating system.         * @function MobileDetect#os         */        os: function () {            if (this._cache.os === undefined) {                this._cache.os = impl.detectOS(this.ua);            }            return this._cache.os;        },        /**         * Get the version (as Number) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {Number} the version as float or <tt>NaN</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *          Be careful when comparing this value with '==' operator!         * @function MobileDetect#version         */        version: function (key) {            return impl.getVersion(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Get the version (as String) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the "raw" version as String or <tt>null</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *         * @function MobileDetect#versionStr         */        versionStr: function (key) {            return impl.getVersionStr(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Global test key against userAgent, os, phone, tablet and some other properties of userAgent string.         *         * @param {String} key the key (case-insensitive) of a userAgent, an operating system, phone or         *        tablet family.<br>         *        For a complete list of possible values, see {@link MobileDetect#userAgent},         *        {@link MobileDetect#os}, {@link MobileDetect#phone}, {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         *        Additionally you have following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Bot, MobileBot, DesktopMode, TV, WebKit, Console, Watch</tt><br>         *         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the given key is one of the defined keys of userAgent, os, phone,         *                    tablet or one of the listed additional keys, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#is         */        is: function (key) {            return containsIC(this.userAgents(), key) ||                   equalIC(key, this.os()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.phone()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.tablet()) ||                   containsIC(impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.utils, this.ua), key);        },        /**         * Do a quick test against navigator::userAgent.         *         * @param {String|RegExp} pattern the pattern, either as String or RegExp         *                        (a string will be converted to a case-insensitive RegExp).         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the pattern matches, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#match         */        match: function (pattern) {            if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) {                pattern = new RegExp(pattern, 'i');            }            return pattern.test(this.ua);        },        /**         * Checks whether the mobile device can be considered as phone regarding <code>screen.width</code>.         * <br>         * Obviously this method makes sense in browser environments only (not for Node.js)!         * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth] the maximum logical pixels (aka. CSS-pixels) to be considered as phone.<br>         *        The argument is optional and if not present or falsy, the value of the constructor is taken.         * @returns {boolean|undefined} <code>undefined</code> if screen size wasn't detectable, else <code>true</code>         *          when screen.width is less or equal to maxPhoneWidth, otherwise <code>false</code>.<br>         *          Will always return <code>undefined</code> server-side.         */        isPhoneSized: function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth || this.maxPhoneWidth);        },        /**         * Returns the mobile grade ('A', 'B', 'C').         *         * @returns {String} one of the mobile grades ('A', 'B', 'C').         * @function MobileDetect#mobileGrade         */        mobileGrade: function () {            if (this._cache.grade === undefined) {                this._cache.grade = impl.mobileGrade(this);            }            return this._cache.grade;        }    };    // environment-dependent    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.screen) {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return maxPhoneWidth < 0 ? undefined : impl.getDeviceSmallerSide() <= maxPhoneWidth;        };    } else {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function () {};    }    // should not be replaced by a completely new object - just overwrite existing methods    MobileDetect._impl = impl;    MobileDetect.version = '1.3.3 2016-07-31';    return MobileDetect;}); // end of call of define()}) : (define: any, undefined?: any) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types:7:>function (define, undefined) {define(function () {    'use strict';    var impl = {};    impl.mobileDetectRules = {    "phones": {        "iPhone": "\\biPhone\\b|\\biPod\\b",        "BlackBerry": "BlackBerry|\\bBB10\\b|rim[0-9]+",        "HTC": "HTC|HTC.*(Sensation|Evo|Vision|Explorer|6800|8100|8900|A7272|S510e|C110e|Legend|Desire|T8282)|APX515CKT|Qtek9090|APA9292KT|HD_mini|Sensation.*Z710e|PG86100|Z715e|Desire.*(A8181|HD)|ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR6425|001HT|Inspire 4G|Android.*\\bEVO\\b|T-Mobile G1|Z520m",        "Nexus": "Nexus One|Nexus S|Galaxy.*Nexus|Android.*Nexus.*Mobile|Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 6",        "Dell": "Dell.*Streak|Dell.*Aero|Dell.*Venue|DELL.*Venue Pro|Dell Flash|Dell Smoke|Dell Mini 3iX|XCD28|XCD35|\\b001DL\\b|\\b101DL\\b|\\bGS01\\b",        "Motorola": "Motorola|DROIDX|DROID BIONIC|\\bDroid\\b.*Build|Android.*Xoom|HRI39|MOT-|A1260|A1680|A555|A853|A855|A953|A955|A956|Motorola.*ELECTRIFY|Motorola.*i1|i867|i940|MB200|MB300|MB501|MB502|MB508|MB511|MB520|MB525|MB526|MB611|MB612|MB632|MB810|MB855|MB860|MB861|MB865|MB870|ME501|ME502|ME511|ME525|ME600|ME632|ME722|ME811|ME860|ME863|ME865|MT620|MT710|MT716|MT720|MT810|MT870|MT917|Motorola.*TITANIUM|WX435|WX445|XT300|XT301|XT311|XT316|XT317|XT319|XT320|XT390|XT502|XT530|XT531|XT532|XT535|XT603|XT610|XT611|XT615|XT681|XT701|XT702|XT711|XT720|XT800|XT806|XT860|XT862|XT875|XT882|XT883|XT894|XT901|XT907|XT909|XT910|XT912|XT928|XT926|XT915|XT919|XT925|XT1021|\\bMoto E\\b",        "Samsung": "Samsung|SM-G9250|GT-19300|SGH-I337|BGT-S5230|GT-B2100|GT-B2700|GT-B2710|GT-B3210|GT-B3310|GT-B3410|GT-B3730|GT-B3740|GT-B5510|GT-B5512|GT-B5722|GT-B6520|GT-B7300|GT-B7320|GT-B7330|GT-B7350|GT-B7510|GT-B7722|GT-B7800|GT-C3010|GT-C3011|GT-C3060|GT-C3200|GT-C3212|GT-C3212I|GT-C3262|GT-C3222|GT-C3300|GT-C3300K|GT-C3303|GT-C3303K|GT-C3310|GT-C3322|GT-C3330|GT-C3350|GT-C3500|GT-C3510|GT-C3530|GT-C3630|GT-C3780|GT-C5010|GT-C5212|GT-C6620|GT-C6625|GT-C6712|GT-E1050|GT-E1070|GT-E1075|GT-E1080|GT-E1081|GT-E1085|GT-E1087|GT-E1100|GT-E1107|GT-E1110|GT-E1120|GT-E1125|GT-E1130|GT-E1160|GT-E1170|GT-E1175|GT-E1180|GT-E1182|GT-E1200|GT-E1210|GT-E1225|GT-E1230|GT-E1390|GT-E2100|GT-E2120|GT-E2121|GT-E2152|GT-E2220|GT-E2222|GT-E2230|GT-E2232|GT-E2250|GT-E2370|GT-E2550|GT-E2652|GT-E3210|GT-E3213|GT-I5500|GT-I5503|GT-I5700|GT-I5800|GT-I5801|GT-I6410|GT-I6420|GT-I7110|GT-I7410|GT-I7500|GT-I8000|GT-I8150|GT-I8160|GT-I8190|GT-I8320|GT-I8330|GT-I8350|GT-I8530|GT-I8700|GT-I8703|GT-I8910|GT-I9000|GT-I9001|GT-I9003|GT-I9010|GT-I9020|GT-I9023|GT-I9070|GT-I9082|GT-I9100|GT-I9103|GT-I9220|GT-I9250|GT-I9300|GT-I9305|GT-I9500|GT-I9505|GT-M3510|GT-M5650|GT-M7500|GT-M7600|GT-M7603|GT-M8800|GT-M8910|GT-N7000|GT-S3110|GT-S3310|GT-S3350|GT-S3353|GT-S3370|GT-S3650|GT-S3653|GT-S3770|GT-S3850|GT-S5210|GT-S5220|GT-S5229|GT-S5230|GT-S5233|GT-S5250|GT-S5253|GT-S5260|GT-S5263|GT-S5270|GT-S5300|GT-S5330|GT-S5350|GT-S5360|GT-S5363|GT-S5369|GT-S5380|GT-S5380D|GT-S5560|GT-S5570|GT-S5600|GT-S5603|GT-S5610|GT-S5620|GT-S5660|GT-S5670|GT-S5690|GT-S5750|GT-S5780|GT-S5830|GT-S5839|GT-S6102|GT-S6500|GT-S7070|GT-S7200|GT-S7220|GT-S7230|GT-S7233|GT-S7250|GT-S7500|GT-S7530|GT-S7550|GT-S7562|GT-S7710|GT-S8000|GT-S8003|GT-S8500|GT-S8530|GT-S8600|SCH-A310|SCH-A530|SCH-A570|SCH-A610|SCH-A630|SCH-A650|SCH-A790|SCH-A795|SCH-A850|SCH-A870|SCH-A890|SCH-A930|SCH-A950|SCH-A970|SCH-A990|SCH-I100|SCH-I110|SCH-I400|SCH-I405|SCH-I500|SCH-I510|SCH-I515|SCH-I600|SCH-I730|SCH-I760|SCH-I770|SCH-I830|SCH-I910|SCH-I920|SCH-I959|SCH-LC11|SCH-N150|SCH-N300|SCH-R100|SCH-R300|SCH-R351|SCH-R400|SCH-R410|SCH-T300|SCH-U310|SCH-U320|SCH-U350|SCH-U360|SCH-U365|SCH-U370|SCH-U380|SCH-U410|SCH-U430|SCH-U450|SCH-U460|SCH-U470|SCH-U490|SCH-U540|SCH-U550|SCH-U620|SCH-U640|SCH-U650|SCH-U660|SCH-U700|SCH-U740|SCH-U750|SCH-U810|SCH-U820|SCH-U900|SCH-U940|SCH-U960|SCS-26UC|SGH-A107|SGH-A117|SGH-A127|SGH-A137|SGH-A157|SGH-A167|SGH-A177|SGH-A187|SGH-A197|SGH-A227|SGH-A237|SGH-A257|SGH-A437|SGH-A517|SGH-A597|SGH-A637|SGH-A657|SGH-A667|SGH-A687|SGH-A697|SGH-A707|SGH-A717|SGH-A727|SGH-A737|SGH-A747|SGH-A767|SGH-A777|SGH-A797|SGH-A817|SGH-A827|SGH-A837|SGH-A847|SGH-A867|SGH-A877|SGH-A887|SGH-A897|SGH-A927|SGH-B100|SGH-B130|SGH-B200|SGH-B220|SGH-C100|SGH-C110|SGH-C120|SGH-C130|SGH-C140|SGH-C160|SGH-C170|SGH-C180|SGH-C200|SGH-C207|SGH-C210|SGH-C225|SGH-C230|SGH-C417|SGH-C450|SGH-D307|SGH-D347|SGH-D357|SGH-D407|SGH-D415|SGH-D780|SGH-D807|SGH-D980|SGH-E105|SGH-E200|SGH-E315|SGH-E316|SGH-E317|SGH-E335|SGH-E590|SGH-E635|SGH-E715|SGH-E890|SGH-F300|SGH-F480|SGH-I200|SGH-I300|SGH-I320|SGH-I550|SGH-I577|SGH-I600|SGH-I607|SGH-I617|SGH-I627|SGH-I637|SGH-I677|SGH-I700|SGH-I717|SGH-I727|SGH-i747M|SGH-I777|SGH-I780|SGH-I827|SGH-I847|SGH-I857|SGH-I896|SGH-I897|SGH-I900|SGH-I907|SGH-I917|SGH-I927|SGH-I937|SGH-I997|SGH-J150|SGH-J200|SGH-L170|SGH-L700|SGH-M110|SGH-M150|SGH-M200|SGH-N105|SGH-N500|SGH-N600|SGH-N620|SGH-N625|SGH-N700|SGH-N710|SGH-P107|SGH-P207|SGH-P300|SGH-P310|SGH-P520|SGH-P735|SGH-P777|SGH-Q105|SGH-R210|SGH-R220|SGH-R225|SGH-S105|SGH-S307|SGH-T109|SGH-T119|SGH-T139|SGH-T209|SGH-T219|SGH-T229|SGH-T239|SGH-T249|SGH-T259|SGH-T309|SGH-T319|SGH-T329|SGH-T339|SGH-T349|SGH-T359|SGH-T369|SGH-T379|SGH-T409|SGH-T429|SGH-T439|SGH-T459|SGH-T469|SGH-T479|SGH-T499|SGH-T509|SGH-T519|SGH-T539|SGH-T559|SGH-T589|SGH-T609|SGH-T619|SGH-T629|SGH-T639|SGH-T659|SGH-T669|SGH-T679|SGH-T709|SGH-T719|SGH-T729|SGH-T739|SGH-T746|SGH-T749|SGH-T759|SGH-T769|SGH-T809|SGH-T819|SGH-T839|SGH-T919|SGH-T929|SGH-T939|SGH-T959|SGH-T989|SGH-U100|SGH-U200|SGH-U800|SGH-V205|SGH-V206|SGH-X100|SGH-X105|SGH-X120|SGH-X140|SGH-X426|SGH-X427|SGH-X475|SGH-X495|SGH-X497|SGH-X507|SGH-X600|SGH-X610|SGH-X620|SGH-X630|SGH-X700|SGH-X820|SGH-X890|SGH-Z130|SGH-Z150|SGH-Z170|SGH-ZX10|SGH-ZX20|SHW-M110|SPH-A120|SPH-A400|SPH-A420|SPH-A460|SPH-A500|SPH-A560|SPH-A600|SPH-A620|SPH-A660|SPH-A700|SPH-A740|SPH-A760|SPH-A790|SPH-A800|SPH-A820|SPH-A840|SPH-A880|SPH-A900|SPH-A940|SPH-A960|SPH-D600|SPH-D700|SPH-D710|SPH-D720|SPH-I300|SPH-I325|SPH-I330|SPH-I350|SPH-I500|SPH-I600|SPH-I700|SPH-L700|SPH-M100|SPH-M220|SPH-M240|SPH-M300|SPH-M305|SPH-M320|SPH-M330|SPH-M350|SPH-M360|SPH-M370|SPH-M380|SPH-M510|SPH-M540|SPH-M550|SPH-M560|SPH-M570|SPH-M580|SPH-M610|SPH-M620|SPH-M630|SPH-M800|SPH-M810|SPH-M850|SPH-M900|SPH-M910|SPH-M920|SPH-M930|SPH-N100|SPH-N200|SPH-N240|SPH-N300|SPH-N400|SPH-Z400|SWC-E100|SCH-i909|GT-N7100|GT-N7105|SCH-I535|SM-N900A|SGH-I317|SGH-T999L|GT-S5360B|GT-I8262|GT-S6802|GT-S6312|GT-S6310|GT-S5312|GT-S5310|GT-I9105|GT-I8510|GT-S6790N|SM-G7105|SM-N9005|GT-S5301|GT-I9295|GT-I9195|SM-C101|GT-S7392|GT-S7560|GT-B7610|GT-I5510|GT-S7582|GT-S7530E|GT-I8750|SM-G9006V|SM-G9008V|SM-G9009D|SM-G900A|SM-G900D|SM-G900F|SM-G900H|SM-G900I|SM-G900J|SM-G900K|SM-G900L|SM-G900M|SM-G900P|SM-G900R4|SM-G900S|SM-G900T|SM-G900V|SM-G900W8|SHV-E160K|SCH-P709|SCH-P729|SM-T2558|GT-I9205|SM-G9350|SM-J120F",        "LG": "\\bLG\\b;|LG[- ]?(C800|C900|E400|E610|E900|E-900|F160|F180K|F180L|F180S|730|855|L160|LS740|LS840|LS970|LU6200|MS690|MS695|MS770|MS840|MS870|MS910|P500|P700|P705|VM696|AS680|AS695|AX840|C729|E970|GS505|272|C395|E739BK|E960|L55C|L75C|LS696|LS860|P769BK|P350|P500|P509|P870|UN272|US730|VS840|VS950|LN272|LN510|LS670|LS855|LW690|MN270|MN510|P509|P769|P930|UN200|UN270|UN510|UN610|US670|US740|US760|UX265|UX840|VN271|VN530|VS660|VS700|VS740|VS750|VS910|VS920|VS930|VX9200|VX11000|AX840A|LW770|P506|P925|P999|E612|D955|D802|MS323)",        "Sony": "SonyST|SonyLT|SonyEricsson|SonyEricssonLT15iv|LT18i|E10i|LT28h|LT26w|SonyEricssonMT27i|C5303|C6902|C6903|C6906|C6943|D2533",        "Asus": "Asus.*Galaxy|PadFone.*Mobile",        "NokiaLumia": "Lumia [0-9]{3,4}",        "Micromax": "Micromax.*\\b(A210|A92|A88|A72|A111|A110Q|A115|A116|A110|A90S|A26|A51|A35|A54|A25|A27|A89|A68|A65|A57|A90)\\b",        "Palm": "PalmSource|Palm",        "Vertu": "Vertu|Vertu.*Ltd|Vertu.*Ascent|Vertu.*Ayxta|Vertu.*Constellation(F|Quest)?|Vertu.*Monika|Vertu.*Signature",        "Pantech": "PANTECH|IM-A850S|IM-A840S|IM-A830L|IM-A830K|IM-A830S|IM-A820L|IM-A810K|IM-A810S|IM-A800S|IM-T100K|IM-A725L|IM-A780L|IM-A775C|IM-A770K|IM-A760S|IM-A750K|IM-A740S|IM-A730S|IM-A720L|IM-A710K|IM-A690L|IM-A690S|IM-A650S|IM-A630K|IM-A600S|VEGA PTL21|PT003|P8010|ADR910L|P6030|P6020|P9070|P4100|P9060|P5000|CDM8992|TXT8045|ADR8995|IS11PT|P2030|P6010|P8000|PT002|IS06|CDM8999|P9050|PT001|TXT8040|P2020|P9020|P2000|P7040|P7000|C790",        "Fly": "IQ230|IQ444|IQ450|IQ440|IQ442|IQ441|IQ245|IQ256|IQ236|IQ255|IQ235|IQ245|IQ275|IQ240|IQ285|IQ280|IQ270|IQ260|IQ250",        "Wiko": "KITE 4G|HIGHWAY|GETAWAY|STAIRWAY|DARKSIDE|DARKFULL|DARKNIGHT|DARKMOON|SLIDE|WAX 4G|RAINBOW|BLOOM|SUNSET|GOA(?!nna)|LENNY|BARRY|IGGY|OZZY|CINK FIVE|CINK PEAX|CINK PEAX 2|CINK SLIM|CINK SLIM 2|CINK +|CINK KING|CINK PEAX|CINK SLIM|SUBLIM",        "iMobile": "i-mobile (IQ|i-STYLE|idea|ZAA|Hitz)",        "SimValley": "\\b(SP-80|XT-930|SX-340|XT-930|SX-310|SP-360|SP60|SPT-800|SP-120|SPT-800|SP-140|SPX-5|SPX-8|SP-100|SPX-8|SPX-12)\\b",        "Wolfgang": "AT-B24D|AT-AS50HD|AT-AS40W|AT-AS55HD|AT-AS45q2|AT-B26D|AT-AS50Q",        "Alcatel": "Alcatel",        "Nintendo": "Nintendo 3DS",        "Amoi": "Amoi",        "INQ": "INQ",        "GenericPhone": "Tapatalk|PDA;|SAGEM|\\bmmp\\b|pocket|\\bpsp\\b|symbian|Smartphone|smartfon|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|\\bwap\\b|nokia|Series40|Series60|S60|SonyEricsson|N900|MAUI.*WAP.*Browser"    },    "tablets": {        "iPad": "iPad|iPad.*Mobile",        "NexusTablet": "Android.*Nexus[\\s]+(7|9|10)",        "SamsungTablet": "SAMSUNG.*Tablet|Galaxy.*Tab|SC-01C|GT-P1000|GT-P1003|GT-P1010|GT-P3105|GT-P6210|GT-P6800|GT-P6810|GT-P7100|GT-P7300|GT-P7310|GT-P7500|GT-P7510|SCH-I800|SCH-I815|SCH-I905|SGH-I957|SGH-I987|SGH-T849|SGH-T859|SGH-T869|SPH-P100|GT-P3100|GT-P3108|GT-P3110|GT-P5100|GT-P5110|GT-P6200|GT-P7320|GT-P7511|GT-N8000|GT-P8510|SGH-I497|SPH-P500|SGH-T779|SCH-I705|SCH-I915|GT-N8013|GT-P3113|GT-P5113|GT-P8110|GT-N8010|GT-N8005|GT-N8020|GT-P1013|GT-P6201|GT-P7501|GT-N5100|GT-N5105|GT-N5110|SHV-E140K|SHV-E140L|SHV-E140S|SHV-E150S|SHV-E230K|SHV-E230L|SHV-E230S|SHW-M180K|SHW-M180L|SHW-M180S|SHW-M180W|SHW-M300W|SHW-M305W|SHW-M380K|SHW-M380S|SHW-M380W|SHW-M430W|SHW-M480K|SHW-M480S|SHW-M480W|SHW-M485W|SHW-M486W|SHW-M500W|GT-I9228|SCH-P739|SCH-I925|GT-I9200|GT-P5200|GT-P5210|GT-P5210X|SM-T311|SM-T310|SM-T310X|SM-T210|SM-T210R|SM-T211|SM-P600|SM-P601|SM-P605|SM-P900|SM-P901|SM-T217|SM-T217A|SM-T217S|SM-P6000|SM-T3100|SGH-I467|XE500|SM-T110|GT-P5220|GT-I9200X|GT-N5110X|GT-N5120|SM-P905|SM-T111|SM-T2105|SM-T315|SM-T320|SM-T320X|SM-T321|SM-T520|SM-T525|SM-T530NU|SM-T230NU|SM-T330NU|SM-T900|XE500T1C|SM-P605V|SM-P905V|SM-T337V|SM-T537V|SM-T707V|SM-T807V|SM-P600X|SM-P900X|SM-T210X|SM-T230|SM-T230X|SM-T325|GT-P7503|SM-T531|SM-T330|SM-T530|SM-T705|SM-T705C|SM-T535|SM-T331|SM-T800|SM-T700|SM-T537|SM-T807|SM-P907A|SM-T337A|SM-T537A|SM-T707A|SM-T807A|SM-T237|SM-T807P|SM-P607T|SM-T217T|SM-T337T|SM-T807T|SM-T116NQ|SM-P550|SM-T350|SM-T550|SM-T9000|SM-P9000|SM-T705Y|SM-T805|GT-P3113|SM-T710|SM-T810|SM-T815|SM-T360|SM-T533|SM-T113|SM-T335|SM-T715|SM-T560|SM-T670|SM-T677|SM-T377|SM-T567|SM-T357T|SM-T555|SM-T561",        "Kindle": "Kindle|Silk.*Accelerated|Android.*\\b(KFOT|KFTT|KFJWI|KFJWA|KFOTE|KFSOWI|KFTHWI|KFTHWA|KFAPWI|KFAPWA|WFJWAE|KFSAWA|KFSAWI|KFASWI|KFARWI)\\b",        "SurfaceTablet": "Windows NT [0-9.]+; ARM;.*(Tablet|ARMBJS)",        "HPTablet": "HP Slate (7|8|10)|HP ElitePad 900|hp-tablet|EliteBook.*Touch|HP 8|Slate 21|HP SlateBook 10",        "AsusTablet": "^.*PadFone((?!Mobile).)*$|Transformer|TF101|TF101G|TF300T|TF300TG|TF300TL|TF700T|TF700KL|TF701T|TF810C|ME171|ME301T|ME302C|ME371MG|ME370T|ME372MG|ME172V|ME173X|ME400C|Slider SL101|\\bK00F\\b|\\bK00C\\b|\\bK00E\\b|\\bK00L\\b|TX201LA|ME176C|ME102A|\\bM80TA\\b|ME372CL|ME560CG|ME372CG|ME302KL| K010 | K017 |ME572C|ME103K|ME170C|ME171C|\\bME70C\\b|ME581C|ME581CL|ME8510C|ME181C|P01Y|PO1MA",        "BlackBerryTablet": "PlayBook|RIM Tablet",        "HTCtablet": "HTC_Flyer_P512|HTC Flyer|HTC Jetstream|HTC-P715a|HTC EVO View 4G|PG41200|PG09410",        "MotorolaTablet": "xoom|sholest|MZ615|MZ605|MZ505|MZ601|MZ602|MZ603|MZ604|MZ606|MZ607|MZ608|MZ609|MZ615|MZ616|MZ617",        "NookTablet": "Android.*Nook|NookColor|nook browser|BNRV200|BNRV200A|BNTV250|BNTV250A|BNTV400|BNTV600|LogicPD Zoom2",        "AcerTablet": "Android.*; \\b(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700|A701|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|G100|G100W|B1-A71|B1-710|B1-711|A1-810|A1-811|A1-830)\\b|W3-810|\\bA3-A10\\b|\\bA3-A11\\b|\\bA3-A20",        "ToshibaTablet": "Android.*(AT100|AT105|AT200|AT205|AT270|AT275|AT300|AT305|AT1S5|AT500|AT570|AT700|AT830)|TOSHIBA.*FOLIO",        "LGTablet": "\\bL-06C|LG-V909|LG-V900|LG-V700|LG-V510|LG-V500|LG-V410|LG-V400|LG-VK810\\b",        "FujitsuTablet": "Android.*\\b(F-01D|F-02F|F-05E|F-10D|M532|Q572)\\b",        "PrestigioTablet": "PMP3170B|PMP3270B|PMP3470B|PMP7170B|PMP3370B|PMP3570C|PMP5870C|PMP3670B|PMP5570C|PMP5770D|PMP3970B|PMP3870C|PMP5580C|PMP5880D|PMP5780D|PMP5588C|PMP7280C|PMP7280C3G|PMP7280|PMP7880D|PMP5597D|PMP5597|PMP7100D|PER3464|PER3274|PER3574|PER3884|PER5274|PER5474|PMP5097CPRO|PMP5097|PMP7380D|PMP5297C|PMP5297C_QUAD|PMP812E|PMP812E3G|PMP812F|PMP810E|PMP880TD|PMT3017|PMT3037|PMT3047|PMT3057|PMT7008|PMT5887|PMT5001|PMT5002",        "LenovoTablet": "Lenovo TAB|Idea(Tab|Pad)( A1|A10| K1|)|ThinkPad([ ]+)?Tablet|YT3-X90L|YT3-X90F|YT3-X90X|Lenovo.*(S2109|S2110|S5000|S6000|K3011|A3000|A3500|A1000|A2107|A2109|A1107|A5500|A7600|B6000|B8000|B8080)(-|)(FL|F|HV|H|)",        "DellTablet": "Venue 11|Venue 8|Venue 7|Dell Streak 10|Dell Streak 7",        "YarvikTablet": "Android.*\\b(TAB210|TAB211|TAB224|TAB250|TAB260|TAB264|TAB310|TAB360|TAB364|TAB410|TAB411|TAB420|TAB424|TAB450|TAB460|TAB461|TAB464|TAB465|TAB467|TAB468|TAB07-100|TAB07-101|TAB07-150|TAB07-151|TAB07-152|TAB07-200|TAB07-201-3G|TAB07-210|TAB07-211|TAB07-212|TAB07-214|TAB07-220|TAB07-400|TAB07-485|TAB08-150|TAB08-200|TAB08-201-3G|TAB08-201-30|TAB09-100|TAB09-211|TAB09-410|TAB10-150|TAB10-201|TAB10-211|TAB10-400|TAB10-410|TAB13-201|TAB274EUK|TAB275EUK|TAB374EUK|TAB462EUK|TAB474EUK|TAB9-200)\\b",        "MedionTablet": "Android.*\\bOYO\\b|LIFE.*(P9212|P9514|P9516|S9512)|LIFETAB",        "ArnovaTablet": "AN10G2|AN7bG3|AN7fG3|AN8G3|AN8cG3|AN7G3|AN9G3|AN7dG3|AN7dG3ST|AN7dG3ChildPad|AN10bG3|AN10bG3DT|AN9G2",        "IntensoTablet": "INM8002KP|INM1010FP|INM805ND|Intenso Tab|TAB1004",        "IRUTablet": "M702pro",        "MegafonTablet": "MegaFon V9|\\bZTE V9\\b|Android.*\\bMT7A\\b",        "EbodaTablet": "E-Boda (Supreme|Impresspeed|Izzycomm|Essential)",        "AllViewTablet": "Allview.*(Viva|Alldro|City|Speed|All TV|Frenzy|Quasar|Shine|TX1|AX1|AX2)",        "ArchosTablet": "\\b(101G9|80G9|A101IT)\\b|Qilive 97R|Archos5|\\bARCHOS (70|79|80|90|97|101|FAMILYPAD|)(b|)(G10| Cobalt| TITANIUM(HD|)| Xenon| Neon|XSK| 2| XS 2| PLATINUM| CARBON|GAMEPAD)\\b",        "AinolTablet": "NOVO7|NOVO8|NOVO10|Novo7Aurora|Novo7Basic|NOVO7PALADIN|novo9-Spark",        "NokiaLumiaTablet": "Lumia 2520",        "SonyTablet": "Sony.*Tablet|Xperia Tablet|Sony Tablet S|SO-03E|SGPT12|SGPT13|SGPT114|SGPT121|SGPT122|SGPT123|SGPT111|SGPT112|SGPT113|SGPT131|SGPT132|SGPT133|SGPT211|SGPT212|SGPT213|SGP311|SGP312|SGP321|EBRD1101|EBRD1102|EBRD1201|SGP351|SGP341|SGP511|SGP512|SGP521|SGP541|SGP551|SGP621|SGP612|SOT31",        "PhilipsTablet": "\\b(PI2010|PI3000|PI3100|PI3105|PI3110|PI3205|PI3210|PI3900|PI4010|PI7000|PI7100)\\b",        "CubeTablet": "Android.*(K8GT|U9GT|U10GT|U16GT|U17GT|U18GT|U19GT|U20GT|U23GT|U30GT)|CUBE U8GT",        "CobyTablet": "MID1042|MID1045|MID1125|MID1126|MID7012|MID7014|MID7015|MID7034|MID7035|MID7036|MID7042|MID7048|MID7127|MID8042|MID8048|MID8127|MID9042|MID9740|MID9742|MID7022|MID7010",        "MIDTablet": "M9701|M9000|M9100|M806|M1052|M806|T703|MID701|MID713|MID710|MID727|MID760|MID830|MID728|MID933|MID125|MID810|MID732|MID120|MID930|MID800|MID731|MID900|MID100|MID820|MID735|MID980|MID130|MID833|MID737|MID960|MID135|MID860|MID736|MID140|MID930|MID835|MID733|MID4X10",        "MSITablet": "MSI \\b(Primo 73K|Primo 73L|Primo 81L|Primo 77|Primo 93|Primo 75|Primo 76|Primo 73|Primo 81|Primo 91|Primo 90|Enjoy 71|Enjoy 7|Enjoy 10)\\b",        "SMiTTablet": "Android.*(\\bMID\\b|MID-560|MTV-T1200|MTV-PND531|MTV-P1101|MTV-PND530)",        "RockChipTablet": "Android.*(RK2818|RK2808A|RK2918|RK3066)|RK2738|RK2808A",        "FlyTablet": "IQ310|Fly Vision",        "bqTablet": "Android.*(bq)?.*(Elcano|Curie|Edison|Maxwell|Kepler|Pascal|Tesla|Hypatia|Platon|Newton|Livingstone|Cervantes|Avant|Aquaris E10)|Maxwell.*Lite|Maxwell.*Plus",        "HuaweiTablet": "MediaPad|MediaPad 7 Youth|IDEOS S7|S7-201c|S7-202u|S7-101|S7-103|S7-104|S7-105|S7-106|S7-201|S7-Slim",        "NecTablet": "\\bN-06D|\\bN-08D",        "PantechTablet": "Pantech.*P4100",        "BronchoTablet": "Broncho.*(N701|N708|N802|a710)",        "VersusTablet": "TOUCHPAD.*[78910]|\\bTOUCHTAB\\b",        "ZyncTablet": "z1000|Z99 2G|z99|z930|z999|z990|z909|Z919|z900",        "PositivoTablet": "TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA",        "NabiTablet": "Android.*\\bNabi",        "KoboTablet": "Kobo Touch|\\bK080\\b|\\bVox\\b Build|\\bArc\\b Build",        "DanewTablet": "DSlide.*\\b(700|701R|702|703R|704|802|970|971|972|973|974|1010|1012)\\b",        "TexetTablet": "NaviPad|TB-772A|TM-7045|TM-7055|TM-9750|TM-7016|TM-7024|TM-7026|TM-7041|TM-7043|TM-7047|TM-8041|TM-9741|TM-9747|TM-9748|TM-9751|TM-7022|TM-7021|TM-7020|TM-7011|TM-7010|TM-7023|TM-7025|TM-7037W|TM-7038W|TM-7027W|TM-9720|TM-9725|TM-9737W|TM-1020|TM-9738W|TM-9740|TM-9743W|TB-807A|TB-771A|TB-727A|TB-725A|TB-719A|TB-823A|TB-805A|TB-723A|TB-715A|TB-707A|TB-705A|TB-709A|TB-711A|TB-890HD|TB-880HD|TB-790HD|TB-780HD|TB-770HD|TB-721HD|TB-710HD|TB-434HD|TB-860HD|TB-840HD|TB-760HD|TB-750HD|TB-740HD|TB-730HD|TB-722HD|TB-720HD|TB-700HD|TB-500HD|TB-470HD|TB-431HD|TB-430HD|TB-506|TB-504|TB-446|TB-436|TB-416|TB-146SE|TB-126SE",        "PlaystationTablet": "Playstation.*(Portable|Vita)",        "TrekstorTablet": "ST10416-1|VT10416-1|ST70408-1|ST702xx-1|ST702xx-2|ST80208|ST97216|ST70104-2|VT10416-2|ST10216-2A|SurfTab",        "PyleAudioTablet": "\\b(PTBL10CEU|PTBL10C|PTBL72BC|PTBL72BCEU|PTBL7CEU|PTBL7C|PTBL92BC|PTBL92BCEU|PTBL9CEU|PTBL9CUK|PTBL9C)\\b",        "AdvanTablet": "Android.* \\b(E3A|T3X|T5C|T5B|T3E|T3C|T3B|T1J|T1F|T2A|T1H|T1i|E1C|T1-E|T5-A|T4|E1-B|T2Ci|T1-B|T1-D|O1-A|E1-A|T1-A|T3A|T4i)\\b ",        "DanyTechTablet": "Genius Tab G3|Genius Tab S2|Genius Tab Q3|Genius Tab G4|Genius Tab Q4|Genius Tab G-II|Genius TAB GII|Genius TAB GIII|Genius Tab S1",        "GalapadTablet": "Android.*\\bG1\\b",        "MicromaxTablet": "Funbook|Micromax.*\\b(P250|P560|P360|P362|P600|P300|P350|P500|P275)\\b",        "KarbonnTablet": "Android.*\\b(A39|A37|A34|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2)\\b",        "AllFineTablet": "Fine7 Genius|Fine7 Shine|Fine7 Air|Fine8 Style|Fine9 More|Fine10 Joy|Fine11 Wide",        "PROSCANTablet": "\\b(PEM63|PLT1023G|PLT1041|PLT1044|PLT1044G|PLT1091|PLT4311|PLT4311PL|PLT4315|PLT7030|PLT7033|PLT7033D|PLT7035|PLT7035D|PLT7044K|PLT7045K|PLT7045KB|PLT7071KG|PLT7072|PLT7223G|PLT7225G|PLT7777G|PLT7810K|PLT7849G|PLT7851G|PLT7852G|PLT8015|PLT8031|PLT8034|PLT8036|PLT8080K|PLT8082|PLT8088|PLT8223G|PLT8234G|PLT8235G|PLT8816K|PLT9011|PLT9045K|PLT9233G|PLT9735|PLT9760G|PLT9770G)\\b",        "YONESTablet": "BQ1078|BC1003|BC1077|RK9702|BC9730|BC9001|IT9001|BC7008|BC7010|BC708|BC728|BC7012|BC7030|BC7027|BC7026",        "ChangJiaTablet": "TPC7102|TPC7103|TPC7105|TPC7106|TPC7107|TPC7201|TPC7203|TPC7205|TPC7210|TPC7708|TPC7709|TPC7712|TPC7110|TPC8101|TPC8103|TPC8105|TPC8106|TPC8203|TPC8205|TPC8503|TPC9106|TPC9701|TPC97101|TPC97103|TPC97105|TPC97106|TPC97111|TPC97113|TPC97203|TPC97603|TPC97809|TPC97205|TPC10101|TPC10103|TPC10106|TPC10111|TPC10203|TPC10205|TPC10503",        "GUTablet": "TX-A1301|TX-M9002|Q702|kf026",        "PointOfViewTablet": "TAB-P506|TAB-navi-7-3G-M|TAB-P517|TAB-P-527|TAB-P701|TAB-P703|TAB-P721|TAB-P731N|TAB-P741|TAB-P825|TAB-P905|TAB-P925|TAB-PR945|TAB-PL1015|TAB-P1025|TAB-PI1045|TAB-P1325|TAB-PROTAB[0-9]+|TAB-PROTAB25|TAB-PROTAB26|TAB-PROTAB27|TAB-PROTAB26XL|TAB-PROTAB2-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB25XXL|TAB-PROTAB26-IPS10|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS10",        "OvermaxTablet": "OV-(SteelCore|NewBase|Basecore|Baseone|Exellen|Quattor|EduTab|Solution|ACTION|BasicTab|TeddyTab|MagicTab|Stream|TB-08|TB-09)",        "HCLTablet": "HCL.*Tablet|Connect-3G-2.0|Connect-2G-2.0|ME Tablet U1|ME Tablet U2|ME Tablet G1|ME Tablet X1|ME Tablet Y2|ME Tablet Sync",        "DPSTablet": "DPS Dream 9|DPS Dual 7",        "VistureTablet": "V97 HD|i75 3G|Visture V4( HD)?|Visture V5( HD)?|Visture V10",        "CrestaTablet": "CTP(-)?810|CTP(-)?818|CTP(-)?828|CTP(-)?838|CTP(-)?888|CTP(-)?978|CTP(-)?980|CTP(-)?987|CTP(-)?988|CTP(-)?989",        "MediatekTablet": "\\bMT8125|MT8389|MT8135|MT8377\\b",        "ConcordeTablet": "Concorde([ ]+)?Tab|ConCorde ReadMan",        "GoCleverTablet": "GOCLEVER TAB|A7GOCLEVER|M1042|M7841|M742|R1042BK|R1041|TAB A975|TAB A7842|TAB A741|TAB A741L|TAB M723G|TAB M721|TAB A1021|TAB I921|TAB R721|TAB I720|TAB T76|TAB R70|TAB R76.2|TAB R106|TAB R83.2|TAB M813G|TAB I721|GCTA722|TAB I70|TAB I71|TAB S73|TAB R73|TAB R74|TAB R93|TAB R75|TAB R76.1|TAB A73|TAB A93|TAB A93.2|TAB T72|TAB R83|TAB R974|TAB R973|TAB A101|TAB A103|TAB A104|TAB A104.2|R105BK|M713G|A972BK|TAB A971|TAB R974.2|TAB R104|TAB R83.3|TAB A1042",        "ModecomTablet": "FreeTAB 9000|FreeTAB 7.4|FreeTAB 7004|FreeTAB 7800|FreeTAB 2096|FreeTAB 7.5|FreeTAB 1014|FreeTAB 1001 |FreeTAB 8001|FreeTAB 9706|FreeTAB 9702|FreeTAB 7003|FreeTAB 7002|FreeTAB 1002|FreeTAB 7801|FreeTAB 1331|FreeTAB 1004|FreeTAB 8002|FreeTAB 8014|FreeTAB 9704|FreeTAB 1003",        "VoninoTablet": "\\b(Argus[ _]?S|Diamond[ _]?79HD|Emerald[ _]?78E|Luna[ _]?70C|Onyx[ _]?S|Onyx[ _]?Z|Orin[ _]?HD|Orin[ _]?S|Otis[ _]?S|SpeedStar[ _]?S|Magnet[ _]?M9|Primus[ _]?94[ _]?3G|Primus[ _]?94HD|Primus[ _]?QS|Android.*\\bQ8\\b|Sirius[ _]?EVO[ _]?QS|Sirius[ _]?QS|Spirit[ _]?S)\\b",        "ECSTablet": "V07OT2|TM105A|S10OT1|TR10CS1",        "StorexTablet": "eZee[_']?(Tab|Go)[0-9]+|TabLC7|Looney Tunes Tab",        "VodafoneTablet": "SmartTab([ ]+)?[0-9]+|SmartTabII10|SmartTabII7|VF-1497",        "EssentielBTablet": "Smart[ ']?TAB[ ]+?[0-9]+|Family[ ']?TAB2",        "RossMoorTablet": "RM-790|RM-997|RMD-878G|RMD-974R|RMT-705A|RMT-701|RME-601|RMT-501|RMT-711",        "iMobileTablet": "i-mobile i-note",        "TolinoTablet": "tolino tab [0-9.]+|tolino shine",        "AudioSonicTablet": "\\bC-22Q|T7-QC|T-17B|T-17P\\b",        "AMPETablet": "Android.* A78 ",        "SkkTablet": "Android.* (SKYPAD|PHOENIX|CYCLOPS)",        "TecnoTablet": "TECNO P9",        "JXDTablet": "Android.* \\b(F3000|A3300|JXD5000|JXD3000|JXD2000|JXD300B|JXD300|S5800|S7800|S602b|S5110b|S7300|S5300|S602|S603|S5100|S5110|S601|S7100a|P3000F|P3000s|P101|P200s|P1000m|P200m|P9100|P1000s|S6600b|S908|P1000|P300|S18|S6600|S9100)\\b",        "iJoyTablet": "Tablet (Spirit 7|Essentia|Galatea|Fusion|Onix 7|Landa|Titan|Scooby|Deox|Stella|Themis|Argon|Unique 7|Sygnus|Hexen|Finity 7|Cream|Cream X2|Jade|Neon 7|Neron 7|Kandy|Scape|Saphyr 7|Rebel|Biox|Rebel|Rebel 8GB|Myst|Draco 7|Myst|Tab7-004|Myst|Tadeo Jones|Tablet Boing|Arrow|Draco Dual Cam|Aurix|Mint|Amity|Revolution|Finity 9|Neon 9|T9w|Amity 4GB Dual Cam|Stone 4GB|Stone 8GB|Andromeda|Silken|X2|Andromeda II|Halley|Flame|Saphyr 9,7|Touch 8|Planet|Triton|Unique 10|Hexen 10|Memphis 4GB|Memphis 8GB|Onix 10)",        "FX2Tablet": "FX2 PAD7|FX2 PAD10",        "XoroTablet": "KidsPAD 701|PAD[ ]?712|PAD[ ]?714|PAD[ ]?716|PAD[ ]?717|PAD[ ]?718|PAD[ ]?720|PAD[ ]?721|PAD[ ]?722|PAD[ ]?790|PAD[ ]?792|PAD[ ]?900|PAD[ ]?9715D|PAD[ ]?9716DR|PAD[ ]?9718DR|PAD[ ]?9719QR|PAD[ ]?9720QR|TelePAD1030|Telepad1032|TelePAD730|TelePAD731|TelePAD732|TelePAD735Q|TelePAD830|TelePAD9730|TelePAD795|MegaPAD 1331|MegaPAD 1851|MegaPAD 2151",        "ViewsonicTablet": "ViewPad 10pi|ViewPad 10e|ViewPad 10s|ViewPad E72|ViewPad7|ViewPad E100|ViewPad 7e|ViewSonic VB733|VB100a",        "OdysTablet": "LOOX|XENO10|ODYS[ -](Space|EVO|Xpress|NOON)|\\bXELIO\\b|Xelio10Pro|XELIO7PHONETAB|XELIO10EXTREME|XELIOPT2|NEO_QUAD10",        "CaptivaTablet": "CAPTIVA PAD",        "IconbitTablet": "NetTAB|NT-3702|NT-3702S|NT-3702S|NT-3603P|NT-3603P|NT-0704S|NT-0704S|NT-3805C|NT-3805C|NT-0806C|NT-0806C|NT-0909T|NT-0909T|NT-0907S|NT-0907S|NT-0902S|NT-0902S",        "TeclastTablet": "T98 4G|\\bP80\\b|\\bX90HD\\b|X98 Air|X98 Air 3G|\\bX89\\b|P80 3G|\\bX80h\\b|P98 Air|\\bX89HD\\b|P98 3G|\\bP90HD\\b|P89 3G|X98 3G|\\bP70h\\b|P79HD 3G|G18d 3G|\\bP79HD\\b|\\bP89s\\b|\\bA88\\b|\\bP10HD\\b|\\bP19HD\\b|G18 3G|\\bP78HD\\b|\\bA78\\b|\\bP75\\b|G17s 3G|G17h 3G|\\bP85t\\b|\\bP90\\b|\\bP11\\b|\\bP98t\\b|\\bP98HD\\b|\\bG18d\\b|\\bP85s\\b|\\bP11HD\\b|\\bP88s\\b|\\bA80HD\\b|\\bA80se\\b|\\bA10h\\b|\\bP89\\b|\\bP78s\\b|\\bG18\\b|\\bP85\\b|\\bA70h\\b|\\bA70\\b|\\bG17\\b|\\bP18\\b|\\bA80s\\b|\\bA11s\\b|\\bP88HD\\b|\\bA80h\\b|\\bP76s\\b|\\bP76h\\b|\\bP98\\b|\\bA10HD\\b|\\bP78\\b|\\bP88\\b|\\bA11\\b|\\bA10t\\b|\\bP76a\\b|\\bP76t\\b|\\bP76e\\b|\\bP85HD\\b|\\bP85a\\b|\\bP86\\b|\\bP75HD\\b|\\bP76v\\b|\\bA12\\b|\\bP75a\\b|\\bA15\\b|\\bP76Ti\\b|\\bP81HD\\b|\\bA10\\b|\\bT760VE\\b|\\bT720HD\\b|\\bP76\\b|\\bP73\\b|\\bP71\\b|\\bP72\\b|\\bT720SE\\b|\\bC520Ti\\b|\\bT760\\b|\\bT720VE\\b|T720-3GE|T720-WiFi",        "OndaTablet": "\\b(V975i|Vi30|VX530|V701|Vi60|V701s|Vi50|V801s|V719|Vx610w|VX610W|V819i|Vi10|VX580W|Vi10|V711s|V813|V811|V820w|V820|Vi20|V711|VI30W|V712|V891w|V972|V819w|V820w|Vi60|V820w|V711|V813s|V801|V819|V975s|V801|V819|V819|V818|V811|V712|V975m|V101w|V961w|V812|V818|V971|V971s|V919|V989|V116w|V102w|V973|Vi40)\\b[\\s]+",        "JaytechTablet": "TPC-PA762",        "BlaupunktTablet": "Endeavour 800NG|Endeavour 1010",        "DigmaTablet": "\\b(iDx10|iDx9|iDx8|iDx7|iDxD7|iDxD8|iDsQ8|iDsQ7|iDsQ8|iDsD10|iDnD7|3TS804H|iDsQ11|iDj7|iDs10)\\b",        "EvolioTablet": "ARIA_Mini_wifi|Aria[ _]Mini|Evolio X10|Evolio X7|Evolio X8|\\bEvotab\\b|\\bNeura\\b",        "LavaTablet": "QPAD E704|\\bIvoryS\\b|E-TAB IVORY|\\bE-TAB\\b",        "AocTablet": "MW0811|MW0812|MW0922|MTK8382|MW1031|MW0831|MW0821|MW0931|MW0712",        "MpmanTablet": "MP11 OCTA|MP10 OCTA|MPQC1114|MPQC1004|MPQC994|MPQC974|MPQC973|MPQC804|MPQC784|MPQC780|\\bMPG7\\b|MPDCG75|MPDCG71|MPDC1006|MP101DC|MPDC9000|MPDC905|MPDC706HD|MPDC706|MPDC705|MPDC110|MPDC100|MPDC99|MPDC97|MPDC88|MPDC8|MPDC77|MP709|MID701|MID711|MID170|MPDC703|MPQC1010",        "CelkonTablet": "CT695|CT888|CT[\\s]?910|CT7 Tab|CT9 Tab|CT3 Tab|CT2 Tab|CT1 Tab|C820|C720|\\bCT-1\\b",        "WolderTablet": "miTab \\b(DIAMOND|SPACE|BROOKLYN|NEO|FLY|MANHATTAN|FUNK|EVOLUTION|SKY|GOCAR|IRON|GENIUS|POP|MINT|EPSILON|BROADWAY|JUMP|HOP|LEGEND|NEW AGE|LINE|ADVANCE|FEEL|FOLLOW|LIKE|LINK|LIVE|THINK|FREEDOM|CHICAGO|CLEVELAND|BALTIMORE-GH|IOWA|BOSTON|SEATTLE|PHOENIX|DALLAS|IN 101|MasterChef)\\b",        "MiTablet": "\\bMI PAD\\b|\\bHM NOTE 1W\\b",        "NibiruTablet": "Nibiru M1|Nibiru Jupiter One",        "NexoTablet": "NEXO NOVA|NEXO 10|NEXO AVIO|NEXO FREE|NEXO GO|NEXO EVO|NEXO 3G|NEXO SMART|NEXO KIDDO|NEXO MOBI",        "LeaderTablet": "TBLT10Q|TBLT10I|TBL-10WDKB|TBL-10WDKBO2013|TBL-W230V2|TBL-W450|TBL-W500|SV572|TBLT7I|TBA-AC7-8G|TBLT79|TBL-8W16|TBL-10W32|TBL-10WKB|TBL-W100",        "UbislateTablet": "UbiSlate[\\s]?7C",        "PocketBookTablet": "Pocketbook",        "KocasoTablet": "\\b(TB-1207)\\b",        "Hudl": "Hudl HT7S3|Hudl 2",        "TelstraTablet": "T-Hub2",        "GenericTablet": "Android.*\\b97D\\b|Tablet(?!.*PC)|BNTV250A|MID-WCDMA|LogicPD Zoom2|\\bA7EB\\b|CatNova8|A1_07|CT704|CT1002|\\bM721\\b|rk30sdk|\\bEVOTAB\\b|M758A|ET904|ALUMIUM10|Smartfren Tab|Endeavour 1010|Tablet-PC-4|Tagi Tab|\\bM6pro\\b|CT1020W|arc 10HD|\\bJolla\\b|\\bTP750\\b"    },    "oss": {        "AndroidOS": "Android",        "BlackBerryOS": "blackberry|\\bBB10\\b|rim tablet os",        "PalmOS": "PalmOS|avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|palm|plucker|xiino",        "SymbianOS": "Symbian|SymbOS|Series60|Series40|SYB-[0-9]+|\\bS60\\b",        "WindowsMobileOS": "Windows CE.*(PPC|Smartphone|Mobile|[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})|Window Mobile|Windows Phone [0-9.]+|WCE;",        "WindowsPhoneOS": "Windows Phone 10.0|Windows Phone 8.1|Windows Phone 8.0|Windows Phone OS|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|Windows NT 6.[23]; ARM;",        "iOS": "\\biPhone.*Mobile|\\biPod|\\biPad",        "MeeGoOS": "MeeGo",        "MaemoOS": "Maemo",        "JavaOS": "J2ME\/|\\bMIDP\\b|\\bCLDC\\b",        "webOS": "webOS|hpwOS",        "badaOS": "\\bBada\\b",        "BREWOS": "BREW"    },    "uas": {        "Vivaldi": "Vivaldi",        "Chrome": "\\bCrMo\\b|CriOS|Android.*Chrome\/[.0-9]* (Mobile)?",        "Dolfin": "\\bDolfin\\b",        "Opera": "Opera.*Mini|Opera.*Mobi|Android.*Opera|Mobile.*OPR\/[0-9.]+|Coast\/[0-9.]+",        "Skyfire": "Skyfire",        "Edge": "Mobile Safari\/[.0-9]* Edge",        "IE": "IEMobile|MSIEMobile",        "Firefox": "fennec|firefox.*maemo|(Mobile|Tablet).*Firefox|Firefox.*Mobile",        "Bolt": "bolt",        "TeaShark": "teashark",        "Blazer": "Blazer",        "Safari": "Version.*Mobile.*Safari|Safari.*Mobile|MobileSafari",        "Tizen": "Tizen",        "UCBrowser": "UC.*Browser|UCWEB",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser",        "DiigoBrowser": "DiigoBrowser",        "Puffin": "Puffin",        "Mercury": "\\bMercury\\b",        "ObigoBrowser": "Obigo",        "NetFront": "NF-Browser",        "GenericBrowser": "NokiaBrowser|OviBrowser|OneBrowser|TwonkyBeamBrowser|SEMC.*Browser|FlyFlow|Minimo|NetFront|Novarra-Vision|MQQBrowser|MicroMessenger",        "PaleMoon": "Android.*PaleMoon|Mobile.*PaleMoon"    },    "props": {        "Mobile": "Mobile\/[VER]",        "Build": "Build\/[VER]",        "Version": "Version\/[VER]",        "VendorID": "VendorID\/[VER]",        "iPad": "iPad.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPhone": "iPhone.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPod": "iPod.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "Kindle": "Kindle\/[VER]",        "Chrome": [            "Chrome\/[VER]",            "CriOS\/[VER]",            "CrMo\/[VER]"        ],        "Coast": [            "Coast\/[VER]"        ],        "Dolfin": "Dolfin\/[VER]",        "Firefox": "Firefox\/[VER]",        "Fennec": "Fennec\/[VER]",        "Edge": "Edge\/[VER]",        "IE": [            "IEMobile\/[VER];",            "IEMobile [VER]",            "MSIE [VER];",            "Trident\/[0-9.]+;.*rv:[VER]"        ],        "NetFront": "NetFront\/[VER]",        "NokiaBrowser": "NokiaBrowser\/[VER]",        "Opera": [            " OPR\/[VER]",            "Opera Mini\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "Opera Mini": "Opera Mini\/[VER]",        "Opera Mobi": "Version\/[VER]",        "UC Browser": "UC Browser[VER]",        "MQQBrowser": "MQQBrowser\/[VER]",        "MicroMessenger": "MicroMessenger\/[VER]",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp\/[VER]",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser\/[VER]",        "Iron": "Iron\/[VER]",        "Safari": [            "Version\/[VER]",            "Safari\/[VER]"        ],        "Skyfire": "Skyfire\/[VER]",        "Tizen": "Tizen\/[VER]",        "Webkit": "webkit[ \/][VER]",        "PaleMoon": "PaleMoon\/[VER]",        "Gecko": "Gecko\/[VER]",        "Trident": "Trident\/[VER]",        "Presto": "Presto\/[VER]",        "Goanna": "Goanna\/[VER]",        "iOS": " \\bi?OS\\b [VER][ ;]{1}",        "Android": "Android [VER]",        "BlackBerry": [            "BlackBerry[\\w]+\/[VER]",            "BlackBerry.*Version\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "BREW": "BREW [VER]",        "Java": "Java\/[VER]",        "Windows Phone OS": [            "Windows Phone OS [VER]",            "Windows Phone [VER]"        ],        "Windows Phone": "Windows Phone [VER]",        "Windows CE": "Windows CE\/[VER]",        "Windows NT": "Windows NT [VER]",        "Symbian": [            "SymbianOS\/[VER]",            "Symbian\/[VER]"        ],        "webOS": [            "webOS\/[VER]",            "hpwOS\/[VER];"        ]    },    "utils": {        "Bot": "Googlebot|facebookexternalhit|AdsBot-Google|Google Keyword Suggestion|Facebot|YandexBot|bingbot|ia_archiver|AhrefsBot|Ezooms|GSLFbot|WBSearchBot|Twitterbot|TweetmemeBot|Twikle|PaperLiBot|Wotbox|UnwindFetchor|Exabot|MJ12bot|YandexImages|TurnitinBot|Pingdom",        "MobileBot": "Googlebot-Mobile|AdsBot-Google-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2",        "DesktopMode": "WPDesktop",        "TV": "SonyDTV|HbbTV",        "WebKit": "(webkit)[ \/]([\\w.]+)",        "Console": "\\b(Nintendo|Nintendo WiiU|Nintendo 3DS|PLAYSTATION|Xbox)\\b",        "Watch": "SM-V700"    }};    // following patterns come from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/    impl.detectMobileBrowsers = {        fullPattern: /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i,        shortPattern: /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i,        tabletPattern: /android|ipad|playbook|silk/i    };    var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,        isArray;    impl.FALLBACK_PHONE = 'UnknownPhone';    impl.FALLBACK_TABLET = 'UnknownTablet';    impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE = 'UnknownMobile';    isArray = ('isArray' in Array) ?        Array.isArray : function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; };    isArray = 'isArray' in Array        ? function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; }        : Array.isArray;    function equalIC(a, b) {        return a != null && b != null && a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase();    }    function containsIC(array, value) {        var valueLC, i, len = array.length;        if (!len || !value) {            return false;        }        valueLC = value.toLowerCase();        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {            if (valueLC === array[i].toLowerCase()) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    function convertPropsToRegExp(object) {        for (var key in object) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(object, key)) {                object[key] = new RegExp(object[key], 'i');            }        }    }    (function init() {        var key, values, value, i, len, verPos, mobileDetectRules = impl.mobileDetectRules;        for (key in mobileDetectRules.props) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(mobileDetectRules.props, key)) {                values = mobileDetectRules.props[key];                if (!isArray(values)) {                    values = [values];                }                len = values.length;                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                    value = values[i];                    verPos = value.indexOf('[VER]');                    if (verPos >= 0) {                        value = value.substring(0, verPos) + '([\\w._\\+]+)' + value.substring(verPos + 5);                    }                    values[i] = new RegExp(value, 'i');                }                mobileDetectRules.props[key] = values;            }        }        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.oss);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.phones);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.tablets);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.uas);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.utils);        // copy some patterns to oss0 which are tested first (see issue#15)        mobileDetectRules.oss0 = {            WindowsPhoneOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsPhoneOS,            WindowsMobileOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsMobileOS        };    }());    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and find the first matched key.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {String|null} the matched key if found, otherwise <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatch = function(rules, userAgent) {        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    return key;                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and return an array of matched keys.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {Array} an array of matched keys, may be empty when there is no match, but not <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatches = function(rules, userAgent) {        var result = [];        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    result.push(key);                }            }        }        return result;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {String} version or <tt>null</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersionStr = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var props = impl.mobileDetectRules.props, patterns, i, len, match;        if (hasOwnProp.call(props, propertyName)) {            patterns = props[propertyName];            len = patterns.length;            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                match = patterns[i].exec(userAgent);                if (match !== null) {                    return match[1];                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {Number} version or <tt>NaN</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersion = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var version = impl.getVersionStr(propertyName, userAgent);        return version ? impl.prepareVersionNo(version) : NaN;    };    /**     * Prepare the version number.     *     * @param {String} version     * @return {Number} the version number as a floating number     * @private     */    impl.prepareVersionNo = function (version) {        var numbers;        numbers = version.split(/[a-z._ \/\-]/i);        if (numbers.length === 1) {            version = numbers[0];        }        if (numbers.length > 1) {            version = numbers[0] + '.';            numbers.shift();            version += numbers.join('');        }        return Number(version);    };    impl.isMobileFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.fullPattern.test(userAgent) ||            impl.detectMobileBrowsers.shortPattern.test(userAgent.substr(0,4));    };    impl.isTabletFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.tabletPattern.test(userAgent);    };    impl.prepareDetectionCache = function (cache, userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        if (cache.mobile !== undefined) {            return;        }        var phone, tablet, phoneSized;        // first check for stronger tablet rules, then phone (see issue#5)        tablet = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.tablets, userAgent);        if (tablet) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = tablet;            cache.phone = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as tablet        }        phone = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.phones, userAgent);        if (phone) {            cache.mobile = cache.phone = phone;            cache.tablet = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as phone        }        // our rules haven't found a match -> try more general fallback rules        if (impl.isMobileFallback(userAgent)) {            phoneSized = MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth);            if (phoneSized === undefined) {                cache.mobile = impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE;                cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;            } else if (phoneSized) {                cache.mobile = cache.phone = impl.FALLBACK_PHONE;                cache.tablet = null;            } else {                cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;                cache.phone = null;            }        } else if (impl.isTabletFallback(userAgent)) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;            cache.phone = null;        } else {            // not mobile at all!            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;        }    };    // t is a reference to a MobileDetect instance    impl.mobileGrade = function (t) {        // impl note:        // To keep in sync w/ Mobile_Detect.php easily, the following code is tightly aligned to the PHP version.        // When changes are made in Mobile_Detect.php, copy this method and replace:        //     $this-> / t.        //     self::MOBILE_GRADE_(.) / '$1'        //     , self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT / (nothing)        //     isIOS() / os('iOS')        //     [reg] / (nothing)   <-- jsdelivr complaining about unescaped unicode character U+00AE        var $isMobile = t.mobile() !== null;        if (            // Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 - Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1)            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')>=4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')>=3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')>=3.1 ||            // Android 2.1-2.3 - Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)            // Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)  - Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM            // Android 4.0 (ICS)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices            // Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7            ( t.version('Android')>2.1 && t.is('Webkit') ) ||            // Windows Phone 7-7.5 - Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800            t.version('Windows Phone OS')>=7.0 ||            // Blackberry 7 - Tested on BlackBerry Torch 9810            // Blackberry 6.0 - Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670            t.is('BlackBerry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=6.0 ||            // Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) - Tested on PlayBook            t.match('Playbook.*Tablet') ||            // Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) - Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)            ( t.version('webOS')>=1.4 && t.match('Palm|Pre|Pixi') ) ||            // Palm WebOS 3.0  - Tested on HP TouchPad            t.match('hp.*TouchPad') ||            // Firefox Mobile (12 Beta) - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Firefox') && t.version('Firefox')>=12 ) ||            // Chrome for Android - Tested on Android 4.0, 4.1 device            ( t.is('Chrome') && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=4.0 ) ||            // Skyfire 4.1 - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Skyfire') && t.version('Skyfire')>=4.1 && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3            ( t.is('Opera') && t.version('Opera Mobi')>11 && t.is('AndroidOS') ) ||            // Meego 1.2 - Tested on Nokia 950 and N9            t.is('MeeGoOS') ||            // Tizen (pre-release) - Tested on early hardware            t.is('Tizen') ||            // Samsung Bada 2.0 - Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser            // @todo: more tests here!            t.is('Dolfin') && t.version('Bada')>=2.0 ||            // UC Browser - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( (t.is('UC Browser') || t.is('Dolfin')) && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Kindle 3 and Fire  - Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each            ( t.match('Kindle Fire') ||                t.is('Kindle') && t.version('Kindle')>=3.0 ) ||            // Nook Color 1.4.1 - Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet            t.is('AndroidOS') && t.is('NookTablet') ||            // Chrome Desktop 11-21 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Chrome')>=11 && !$isMobile ||            // Safari Desktop 4-5 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Safari')>=5.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Firefox Desktop 4-13 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Firefox')>=4.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Internet Explorer 7-9 - Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7            t.version('MSIE')>=7.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Opera Desktop 10-12 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            // @reference: http://my.opera.com/community/openweb/idopera/            t.version('Opera')>=10 && !$isMobile            ){            return 'A';        }        if (            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')<4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')<3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')<3.1 ||            // Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770            t.is('Blackberry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=5 && t.version('BlackBerry')<6 ||            //Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) - Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3            ( t.version('Opera Mini')>=5.0 && t.version('Opera Mini')<=6.5 &&                (t.version('Android')>=2.3 || t.is('iOS')) ) ||            // Nokia Symbian^3 - Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)            t.match('NokiaN8|NokiaC7|N97.*Series60|Symbian/3') ||            // @todo: report this (tested on Nokia N71)            t.version('Opera Mobi')>=11 && t.is('SymbianOS')            ){            return 'B';        }        if (        // Blackberry 4.x - Tested on the Curve 8330            t.version('BlackBerry')<5.0 ||            // Windows Mobile - Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)            t.match('MSIEMobile|Windows CE.*Mobile') || t.version('Windows Mobile')<=5.2            ){            return 'C';        }        //All older smartphone platforms and featurephones - Any device that doesn't support media queries        //will receive the basic, C grade experience.        return 'C';    };    impl.detectOS = function (ua) {        return impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss0, ua) ||            impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss, ua);    };    impl.getDeviceSmallerSide = function () {        return window.screen.width < window.screen.height ?            window.screen.width :            window.screen.height;    };    /**     * Constructor for MobileDetect object.     * <br>     * Such an object will keep a reference to the given user-agent string and cache most of the detect queries.<br>     * <div style="background-color: #d9edf7; border: 1px solid #bce8f1; color: #3a87ad; padding: 14px; border-radius: 2px; margin-top: 20px">     *     <strong>Find information how to download and install:</strong>     *     <a href="https://github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/">github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/</a>     * </div>     *     * @example <pre>     *     var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent);     *     if (md.mobile()) {     *         location.href = (md.mobileGrade() === 'A') ? '/mobile/' : '/lynx/';     *     }     * </pre>     *     * @param {string} userAgent typically taken from window.navigator.userAgent or http_header['User-Agent']     * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth=600] <strong>only for browsers</strong> specify a value for the maximum     *        width of smallest device side (in logical "CSS" pixels) until a device detected as mobile will be handled     *        as phone.     *        This is only used in cases where the device cannot be classified as phone or tablet.<br>     *        See <a href="http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html">Declaring Tablet Layouts     *        for Android</a>.<br>     *        If you provide a value < 0, then this "fuzzy" check is disabled.     * @constructor     * @global     */    function MobileDetect(userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        this.ua = userAgent || '';        this._cache = {};        //600dp is typical 7" tablet minimum width        this.maxPhoneWidth = maxPhoneWidth || 600;    }    MobileDetect.prototype = {        constructor: MobileDetect,        /**         * Returns the detected phone or tablet type or <tt>null</tt> if it is not a mobile device.         * <br>         * For a list of possible return values see {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code>, <code>UnknownTablet</code> or         * <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> here.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the phone family or tablet family, e.g. "Nexus".         * @function MobileDetect#mobile         */        mobile: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.mobile;        },        /**         * Returns the detected phone type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC, Nexus, Dell, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Sony, Asus,         * NokiaLumia, Micromax, Palm, Vertu, Pantech, Fly, Wiko, iMobile, SimValley,         * Wolfgang, Alcatel, Nintendo, Amoi, INQ, GenericPhone</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the phone family or producer, e.g. "iPhone"         * @function MobileDetect#phone         */        phone: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.phone;        },        /**         * Returns the detected tablet type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPad, NexusTablet, SamsungTablet, Kindle, SurfaceTablet, HPTablet, AsusTablet,         * BlackBerryTablet, HTCtablet, MotorolaTablet, NookTablet, AcerTablet,         * ToshibaTablet, LGTablet, FujitsuTablet, PrestigioTablet, LenovoTablet,         * DellTablet, YarvikTablet, MedionTablet, ArnovaTablet, IntensoTablet, IRUTablet,         * MegafonTablet, EbodaTablet, AllViewTablet, ArchosTablet, AinolTablet,         * NokiaLumiaTablet, SonyTablet, PhilipsTablet, CubeTablet, CobyTablet, MIDTablet,         * MSITablet, SMiTTablet, RockChipTablet, FlyTablet, bqTablet, HuaweiTablet,         * NecTablet, PantechTablet, BronchoTablet, VersusTablet, ZyncTablet,         * PositivoTablet, NabiTablet, KoboTablet, DanewTablet, TexetTablet,         * PlaystationTablet, TrekstorTablet, PyleAudioTablet, AdvanTablet,         * DanyTechTablet, GalapadTablet, MicromaxTablet, KarbonnTablet, AllFineTablet,         * PROSCANTablet, YONESTablet, ChangJiaTablet, GUTablet, PointOfViewTablet,         * OvermaxTablet, HCLTablet, DPSTablet, VistureTablet, CrestaTablet,         * MediatekTablet, ConcordeTablet, GoCleverTablet, ModecomTablet, VoninoTablet,         * ECSTablet, StorexTablet, VodafoneTablet, EssentielBTablet, RossMoorTablet,         * iMobileTablet, TolinoTablet, AudioSonicTablet, AMPETablet, SkkTablet,         * TecnoTablet, JXDTablet, iJoyTablet, FX2Tablet, XoroTablet, ViewsonicTablet,         * OdysTablet, CaptivaTablet, IconbitTablet, TeclastTablet, OndaTablet,         * JaytechTablet, BlaupunktTablet, DigmaTablet, EvolioTablet, LavaTablet,         * AocTablet, MpmanTablet, CelkonTablet, WolderTablet, MiTablet, NibiruTablet,         * NexoTablet, LeaderTablet, UbislateTablet, PocketBookTablet, KocasoTablet, Hudl,         * TelstraTablet, GenericTablet</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownTablet</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the tablet family or producer, e.g. "SamsungTablet"         * @function MobileDetect#tablet         */        tablet: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.tablet;        },        /**         * Returns the (first) detected user-agent string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned user-agent is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected user-agent or <tt>null</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgent         */        userAgent: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgent === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgent = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgent;        },        /**         * Returns all detected user-agent strings.         * <br>         * The array is empty or contains one or more of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {Array} the array of detected user-agent keys or <tt>[]</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgents         */        userAgents: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgents === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgents = impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgents;        },        /**         * Returns the detected operating system string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The operating system is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>AndroidOS, BlackBerryOS, PalmOS, SymbianOS, WindowsMobileOS, WindowsPhoneOS,         * iOS, MeeGoOS, MaemoOS, JavaOS, webOS, badaOS, BREWOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected operating system.         * @function MobileDetect#os         */        os: function () {            if (this._cache.os === undefined) {                this._cache.os = impl.detectOS(this.ua);            }            return this._cache.os;        },        /**         * Get the version (as Number) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {Number} the version as float or <tt>NaN</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *          Be careful when comparing this value with '==' operator!         * @function MobileDetect#version         */        version: function (key) {            return impl.getVersion(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Get the version (as String) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the "raw" version as String or <tt>null</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *         * @function MobileDetect#versionStr         */        versionStr: function (key) {            return impl.getVersionStr(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Global test key against userAgent, os, phone, tablet and some other properties of userAgent string.         *         * @param {String} key the key (case-insensitive) of a userAgent, an operating system, phone or         *        tablet family.<br>         *        For a complete list of possible values, see {@link MobileDetect#userAgent},         *        {@link MobileDetect#os}, {@link MobileDetect#phone}, {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         *        Additionally you have following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Bot, MobileBot, DesktopMode, TV, WebKit, Console, Watch</tt><br>         *         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the given key is one of the defined keys of userAgent, os, phone,         *                    tablet or one of the listed additional keys, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#is         */        is: function (key) {            return containsIC(this.userAgents(), key) ||                   equalIC(key, this.os()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.phone()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.tablet()) ||                   containsIC(impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.utils, this.ua), key);        },        /**         * Do a quick test against navigator::userAgent.         *         * @param {String|RegExp} pattern the pattern, either as String or RegExp         *                        (a string will be converted to a case-insensitive RegExp).         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the pattern matches, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#match         */        match: function (pattern) {            if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) {                pattern = new RegExp(pattern, 'i');            }            return pattern.test(this.ua);        },        /**         * Checks whether the mobile device can be considered as phone regarding <code>screen.width</code>.         * <br>         * Obviously this method makes sense in browser environments only (not for Node.js)!         * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth] the maximum logical pixels (aka. CSS-pixels) to be considered as phone.<br>         *        The argument is optional and if not present or falsy, the value of the constructor is taken.         * @returns {boolean|undefined} <code>undefined</code> if screen size wasn't detectable, else <code>true</code>         *          when screen.width is less or equal to maxPhoneWidth, otherwise <code>false</code>.<br>         *          Will always return <code>undefined</code> server-side.         */        isPhoneSized: function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth || this.maxPhoneWidth);        },        /**         * Returns the mobile grade ('A', 'B', 'C').         *         * @returns {String} one of the mobile grades ('A', 'B', 'C').         * @function MobileDetect#mobileGrade         */        mobileGrade: function () {            if (this._cache.grade === undefined) {                this._cache.grade = impl.mobileGrade(this);            }            return this._cache.grade;        }    };    // environment-dependent    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.screen) {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return maxPhoneWidth < 0 ? undefined : impl.getDeviceSmallerSide() <= maxPhoneWidth;        };    } else {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function () {};    }    // should not be replaced by a completely new object - just overwrite existing methods    MobileDetect._impl = impl;    MobileDetect.version = '1.3.3 2016-07-31';    return MobileDetect;}); // end of call of define()} : (define: any, undefined?: any) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types-8->define : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types-11-define(function () {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types:12:>define(function () {    'use strict';    var impl = {};    impl.mobileDetectRules = {    "phones": {        "iPhone": "\\biPhone\\b|\\biPod\\b",        "BlackBerry": "BlackBerry|\\bBB10\\b|rim[0-9]+",        "HTC": "HTC|HTC.*(Sensation|Evo|Vision|Explorer|6800|8100|8900|A7272|S510e|C110e|Legend|Desire|T8282)|APX515CKT|Qtek9090|APA9292KT|HD_mini|Sensation.*Z710e|PG86100|Z715e|Desire.*(A8181|HD)|ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR6425|001HT|Inspire 4G|Android.*\\bEVO\\b|T-Mobile G1|Z520m",        "Nexus": "Nexus One|Nexus S|Galaxy.*Nexus|Android.*Nexus.*Mobile|Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 6",        "Dell": "Dell.*Streak|Dell.*Aero|Dell.*Venue|DELL.*Venue Pro|Dell Flash|Dell Smoke|Dell Mini 3iX|XCD28|XCD35|\\b001DL\\b|\\b101DL\\b|\\bGS01\\b",        "Motorola": "Motorola|DROIDX|DROID BIONIC|\\bDroid\\b.*Build|Android.*Xoom|HRI39|MOT-|A1260|A1680|A555|A853|A855|A953|A955|A956|Motorola.*ELECTRIFY|Motorola.*i1|i867|i940|MB200|MB300|MB501|MB502|MB508|MB511|MB520|MB525|MB526|MB611|MB612|MB632|MB810|MB855|MB860|MB861|MB865|MB870|ME501|ME502|ME511|ME525|ME600|ME632|ME722|ME811|ME860|ME863|ME865|MT620|MT710|MT716|MT720|MT810|MT870|MT917|Motorola.*TITANIUM|WX435|WX445|XT300|XT301|XT311|XT316|XT317|XT319|XT320|XT390|XT502|XT530|XT531|XT532|XT535|XT603|XT610|XT611|XT615|XT681|XT701|XT702|XT711|XT720|XT800|XT806|XT860|XT862|XT875|XT882|XT883|XT894|XT901|XT907|XT909|XT910|XT912|XT928|XT926|XT915|XT919|XT925|XT1021|\\bMoto E\\b",        "Samsung": "Samsung|SM-G9250|GT-19300|SGH-I337|BGT-S5230|GT-B2100|GT-B2700|GT-B2710|GT-B3210|GT-B3310|GT-B3410|GT-B3730|GT-B3740|GT-B5510|GT-B5512|GT-B5722|GT-B6520|GT-B7300|GT-B7320|GT-B7330|GT-B7350|GT-B7510|GT-B7722|GT-B7800|GT-C3010|GT-C3011|GT-C3060|GT-C3200|GT-C3212|GT-C3212I|GT-C3262|GT-C3222|GT-C3300|GT-C3300K|GT-C3303|GT-C3303K|GT-C3310|GT-C3322|GT-C3330|GT-C3350|GT-C3500|GT-C3510|GT-C3530|GT-C3630|GT-C3780|GT-C5010|GT-C5212|GT-C6620|GT-C6625|GT-C6712|GT-E1050|GT-E1070|GT-E1075|GT-E1080|GT-E1081|GT-E1085|GT-E1087|GT-E1100|GT-E1107|GT-E1110|GT-E1120|GT-E1125|GT-E1130|GT-E1160|GT-E1170|GT-E1175|GT-E1180|GT-E1182|GT-E1200|GT-E1210|GT-E1225|GT-E1230|GT-E1390|GT-E2100|GT-E2120|GT-E2121|GT-E2152|GT-E2220|GT-E2222|GT-E2230|GT-E2232|GT-E2250|GT-E2370|GT-E2550|GT-E2652|GT-E3210|GT-E3213|GT-I5500|GT-I5503|GT-I5700|GT-I5800|GT-I5801|GT-I6410|GT-I6420|GT-I7110|GT-I7410|GT-I7500|GT-I8000|GT-I8150|GT-I8160|GT-I8190|GT-I8320|GT-I8330|GT-I8350|GT-I8530|GT-I8700|GT-I8703|GT-I8910|GT-I9000|GT-I9001|GT-I9003|GT-I9010|GT-I9020|GT-I9023|GT-I9070|GT-I9082|GT-I9100|GT-I9103|GT-I9220|GT-I9250|GT-I9300|GT-I9305|GT-I9500|GT-I9505|GT-M3510|GT-M5650|GT-M7500|GT-M7600|GT-M7603|GT-M8800|GT-M8910|GT-N7000|GT-S3110|GT-S3310|GT-S3350|GT-S3353|GT-S3370|GT-S3650|GT-S3653|GT-S3770|GT-S3850|GT-S5210|GT-S5220|GT-S5229|GT-S5230|GT-S5233|GT-S5250|GT-S5253|GT-S5260|GT-S5263|GT-S5270|GT-S5300|GT-S5330|GT-S5350|GT-S5360|GT-S5363|GT-S5369|GT-S5380|GT-S5380D|GT-S5560|GT-S5570|GT-S5600|GT-S5603|GT-S5610|GT-S5620|GT-S5660|GT-S5670|GT-S5690|GT-S5750|GT-S5780|GT-S5830|GT-S5839|GT-S6102|GT-S6500|GT-S7070|GT-S7200|GT-S7220|GT-S7230|GT-S7233|GT-S7250|GT-S7500|GT-S7530|GT-S7550|GT-S7562|GT-S7710|GT-S8000|GT-S8003|GT-S8500|GT-S8530|GT-S8600|SCH-A310|SCH-A530|SCH-A570|SCH-A610|SCH-A630|SCH-A650|SCH-A790|SCH-A795|SCH-A850|SCH-A870|SCH-A890|SCH-A930|SCH-A950|SCH-A970|SCH-A990|SCH-I100|SCH-I110|SCH-I400|SCH-I405|SCH-I500|SCH-I510|SCH-I515|SCH-I600|SCH-I730|SCH-I760|SCH-I770|SCH-I830|SCH-I910|SCH-I920|SCH-I959|SCH-LC11|SCH-N150|SCH-N300|SCH-R100|SCH-R300|SCH-R351|SCH-R400|SCH-R410|SCH-T300|SCH-U310|SCH-U320|SCH-U350|SCH-U360|SCH-U365|SCH-U370|SCH-U380|SCH-U410|SCH-U430|SCH-U450|SCH-U460|SCH-U470|SCH-U490|SCH-U540|SCH-U550|SCH-U620|SCH-U640|SCH-U650|SCH-U660|SCH-U700|SCH-U740|SCH-U750|SCH-U810|SCH-U820|SCH-U900|SCH-U940|SCH-U960|SCS-26UC|SGH-A107|SGH-A117|SGH-A127|SGH-A137|SGH-A157|SGH-A167|SGH-A177|SGH-A187|SGH-A197|SGH-A227|SGH-A237|SGH-A257|SGH-A437|SGH-A517|SGH-A597|SGH-A637|SGH-A657|SGH-A667|SGH-A687|SGH-A697|SGH-A707|SGH-A717|SGH-A727|SGH-A737|SGH-A747|SGH-A767|SGH-A777|SGH-A797|SGH-A817|SGH-A827|SGH-A837|SGH-A847|SGH-A867|SGH-A877|SGH-A887|SGH-A897|SGH-A927|SGH-B100|SGH-B130|SGH-B200|SGH-B220|SGH-C100|SGH-C110|SGH-C120|SGH-C130|SGH-C140|SGH-C160|SGH-C170|SGH-C180|SGH-C200|SGH-C207|SGH-C210|SGH-C225|SGH-C230|SGH-C417|SGH-C450|SGH-D307|SGH-D347|SGH-D357|SGH-D407|SGH-D415|SGH-D780|SGH-D807|SGH-D980|SGH-E105|SGH-E200|SGH-E315|SGH-E316|SGH-E317|SGH-E335|SGH-E590|SGH-E635|SGH-E715|SGH-E890|SGH-F300|SGH-F480|SGH-I200|SGH-I300|SGH-I320|SGH-I550|SGH-I577|SGH-I600|SGH-I607|SGH-I617|SGH-I627|SGH-I637|SGH-I677|SGH-I700|SGH-I717|SGH-I727|SGH-i747M|SGH-I777|SGH-I780|SGH-I827|SGH-I847|SGH-I857|SGH-I896|SGH-I897|SGH-I900|SGH-I907|SGH-I917|SGH-I927|SGH-I937|SGH-I997|SGH-J150|SGH-J200|SGH-L170|SGH-L700|SGH-M110|SGH-M150|SGH-M200|SGH-N105|SGH-N500|SGH-N600|SGH-N620|SGH-N625|SGH-N700|SGH-N710|SGH-P107|SGH-P207|SGH-P300|SGH-P310|SGH-P520|SGH-P735|SGH-P777|SGH-Q105|SGH-R210|SGH-R220|SGH-R225|SGH-S105|SGH-S307|SGH-T109|SGH-T119|SGH-T139|SGH-T209|SGH-T219|SGH-T229|SGH-T239|SGH-T249|SGH-T259|SGH-T309|SGH-T319|SGH-T329|SGH-T339|SGH-T349|SGH-T359|SGH-T369|SGH-T379|SGH-T409|SGH-T429|SGH-T439|SGH-T459|SGH-T469|SGH-T479|SGH-T499|SGH-T509|SGH-T519|SGH-T539|SGH-T559|SGH-T589|SGH-T609|SGH-T619|SGH-T629|SGH-T639|SGH-T659|SGH-T669|SGH-T679|SGH-T709|SGH-T719|SGH-T729|SGH-T739|SGH-T746|SGH-T749|SGH-T759|SGH-T769|SGH-T809|SGH-T819|SGH-T839|SGH-T919|SGH-T929|SGH-T939|SGH-T959|SGH-T989|SGH-U100|SGH-U200|SGH-U800|SGH-V205|SGH-V206|SGH-X100|SGH-X105|SGH-X120|SGH-X140|SGH-X426|SGH-X427|SGH-X475|SGH-X495|SGH-X497|SGH-X507|SGH-X600|SGH-X610|SGH-X620|SGH-X630|SGH-X700|SGH-X820|SGH-X890|SGH-Z130|SGH-Z150|SGH-Z170|SGH-ZX10|SGH-ZX20|SHW-M110|SPH-A120|SPH-A400|SPH-A420|SPH-A460|SPH-A500|SPH-A560|SPH-A600|SPH-A620|SPH-A660|SPH-A700|SPH-A740|SPH-A760|SPH-A790|SPH-A800|SPH-A820|SPH-A840|SPH-A880|SPH-A900|SPH-A940|SPH-A960|SPH-D600|SPH-D700|SPH-D710|SPH-D720|SPH-I300|SPH-I325|SPH-I330|SPH-I350|SPH-I500|SPH-I600|SPH-I700|SPH-L700|SPH-M100|SPH-M220|SPH-M240|SPH-M300|SPH-M305|SPH-M320|SPH-M330|SPH-M350|SPH-M360|SPH-M370|SPH-M380|SPH-M510|SPH-M540|SPH-M550|SPH-M560|SPH-M570|SPH-M580|SPH-M610|SPH-M620|SPH-M630|SPH-M800|SPH-M810|SPH-M850|SPH-M900|SPH-M910|SPH-M920|SPH-M930|SPH-N100|SPH-N200|SPH-N240|SPH-N300|SPH-N400|SPH-Z400|SWC-E100|SCH-i909|GT-N7100|GT-N7105|SCH-I535|SM-N900A|SGH-I317|SGH-T999L|GT-S5360B|GT-I8262|GT-S6802|GT-S6312|GT-S6310|GT-S5312|GT-S5310|GT-I9105|GT-I8510|GT-S6790N|SM-G7105|SM-N9005|GT-S5301|GT-I9295|GT-I9195|SM-C101|GT-S7392|GT-S7560|GT-B7610|GT-I5510|GT-S7582|GT-S7530E|GT-I8750|SM-G9006V|SM-G9008V|SM-G9009D|SM-G900A|SM-G900D|SM-G900F|SM-G900H|SM-G900I|SM-G900J|SM-G900K|SM-G900L|SM-G900M|SM-G900P|SM-G900R4|SM-G900S|SM-G900T|SM-G900V|SM-G900W8|SHV-E160K|SCH-P709|SCH-P729|SM-T2558|GT-I9205|SM-G9350|SM-J120F",        "LG": "\\bLG\\b;|LG[- ]?(C800|C900|E400|E610|E900|E-900|F160|F180K|F180L|F180S|730|855|L160|LS740|LS840|LS970|LU6200|MS690|MS695|MS770|MS840|MS870|MS910|P500|P700|P705|VM696|AS680|AS695|AX840|C729|E970|GS505|272|C395|E739BK|E960|L55C|L75C|LS696|LS860|P769BK|P350|P500|P509|P870|UN272|US730|VS840|VS950|LN272|LN510|LS670|LS855|LW690|MN270|MN510|P509|P769|P930|UN200|UN270|UN510|UN610|US670|US740|US760|UX265|UX840|VN271|VN530|VS660|VS700|VS740|VS750|VS910|VS920|VS930|VX9200|VX11000|AX840A|LW770|P506|P925|P999|E612|D955|D802|MS323)",        "Sony": "SonyST|SonyLT|SonyEricsson|SonyEricssonLT15iv|LT18i|E10i|LT28h|LT26w|SonyEricssonMT27i|C5303|C6902|C6903|C6906|C6943|D2533",        "Asus": "Asus.*Galaxy|PadFone.*Mobile",        "NokiaLumia": "Lumia [0-9]{3,4}",        "Micromax": "Micromax.*\\b(A210|A92|A88|A72|A111|A110Q|A115|A116|A110|A90S|A26|A51|A35|A54|A25|A27|A89|A68|A65|A57|A90)\\b",        "Palm": "PalmSource|Palm",        "Vertu": "Vertu|Vertu.*Ltd|Vertu.*Ascent|Vertu.*Ayxta|Vertu.*Constellation(F|Quest)?|Vertu.*Monika|Vertu.*Signature",        "Pantech": "PANTECH|IM-A850S|IM-A840S|IM-A830L|IM-A830K|IM-A830S|IM-A820L|IM-A810K|IM-A810S|IM-A800S|IM-T100K|IM-A725L|IM-A780L|IM-A775C|IM-A770K|IM-A760S|IM-A750K|IM-A740S|IM-A730S|IM-A720L|IM-A710K|IM-A690L|IM-A690S|IM-A650S|IM-A630K|IM-A600S|VEGA PTL21|PT003|P8010|ADR910L|P6030|P6020|P9070|P4100|P9060|P5000|CDM8992|TXT8045|ADR8995|IS11PT|P2030|P6010|P8000|PT002|IS06|CDM8999|P9050|PT001|TXT8040|P2020|P9020|P2000|P7040|P7000|C790",        "Fly": "IQ230|IQ444|IQ450|IQ440|IQ442|IQ441|IQ245|IQ256|IQ236|IQ255|IQ235|IQ245|IQ275|IQ240|IQ285|IQ280|IQ270|IQ260|IQ250",        "Wiko": "KITE 4G|HIGHWAY|GETAWAY|STAIRWAY|DARKSIDE|DARKFULL|DARKNIGHT|DARKMOON|SLIDE|WAX 4G|RAINBOW|BLOOM|SUNSET|GOA(?!nna)|LENNY|BARRY|IGGY|OZZY|CINK FIVE|CINK PEAX|CINK PEAX 2|CINK SLIM|CINK SLIM 2|CINK +|CINK KING|CINK PEAX|CINK SLIM|SUBLIM",        "iMobile": "i-mobile (IQ|i-STYLE|idea|ZAA|Hitz)",        "SimValley": "\\b(SP-80|XT-930|SX-340|XT-930|SX-310|SP-360|SP60|SPT-800|SP-120|SPT-800|SP-140|SPX-5|SPX-8|SP-100|SPX-8|SPX-12)\\b",        "Wolfgang": "AT-B24D|AT-AS50HD|AT-AS40W|AT-AS55HD|AT-AS45q2|AT-B26D|AT-AS50Q",        "Alcatel": "Alcatel",        "Nintendo": "Nintendo 3DS",        "Amoi": "Amoi",        "INQ": "INQ",        "GenericPhone": "Tapatalk|PDA;|SAGEM|\\bmmp\\b|pocket|\\bpsp\\b|symbian|Smartphone|smartfon|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|\\bwap\\b|nokia|Series40|Series60|S60|SonyEricsson|N900|MAUI.*WAP.*Browser"    },    "tablets": {        "iPad": "iPad|iPad.*Mobile",        "NexusTablet": "Android.*Nexus[\\s]+(7|9|10)",        "SamsungTablet": "SAMSUNG.*Tablet|Galaxy.*Tab|SC-01C|GT-P1000|GT-P1003|GT-P1010|GT-P3105|GT-P6210|GT-P6800|GT-P6810|GT-P7100|GT-P7300|GT-P7310|GT-P7500|GT-P7510|SCH-I800|SCH-I815|SCH-I905|SGH-I957|SGH-I987|SGH-T849|SGH-T859|SGH-T869|SPH-P100|GT-P3100|GT-P3108|GT-P3110|GT-P5100|GT-P5110|GT-P6200|GT-P7320|GT-P7511|GT-N8000|GT-P8510|SGH-I497|SPH-P500|SGH-T779|SCH-I705|SCH-I915|GT-N8013|GT-P3113|GT-P5113|GT-P8110|GT-N8010|GT-N8005|GT-N8020|GT-P1013|GT-P6201|GT-P7501|GT-N5100|GT-N5105|GT-N5110|SHV-E140K|SHV-E140L|SHV-E140S|SHV-E150S|SHV-E230K|SHV-E230L|SHV-E230S|SHW-M180K|SHW-M180L|SHW-M180S|SHW-M180W|SHW-M300W|SHW-M305W|SHW-M380K|SHW-M380S|SHW-M380W|SHW-M430W|SHW-M480K|SHW-M480S|SHW-M480W|SHW-M485W|SHW-M486W|SHW-M500W|GT-I9228|SCH-P739|SCH-I925|GT-I9200|GT-P5200|GT-P5210|GT-P5210X|SM-T311|SM-T310|SM-T310X|SM-T210|SM-T210R|SM-T211|SM-P600|SM-P601|SM-P605|SM-P900|SM-P901|SM-T217|SM-T217A|SM-T217S|SM-P6000|SM-T3100|SGH-I467|XE500|SM-T110|GT-P5220|GT-I9200X|GT-N5110X|GT-N5120|SM-P905|SM-T111|SM-T2105|SM-T315|SM-T320|SM-T320X|SM-T321|SM-T520|SM-T525|SM-T530NU|SM-T230NU|SM-T330NU|SM-T900|XE500T1C|SM-P605V|SM-P905V|SM-T337V|SM-T537V|SM-T707V|SM-T807V|SM-P600X|SM-P900X|SM-T210X|SM-T230|SM-T230X|SM-T325|GT-P7503|SM-T531|SM-T330|SM-T530|SM-T705|SM-T705C|SM-T535|SM-T331|SM-T800|SM-T700|SM-T537|SM-T807|SM-P907A|SM-T337A|SM-T537A|SM-T707A|SM-T807A|SM-T237|SM-T807P|SM-P607T|SM-T217T|SM-T337T|SM-T807T|SM-T116NQ|SM-P550|SM-T350|SM-T550|SM-T9000|SM-P9000|SM-T705Y|SM-T805|GT-P3113|SM-T710|SM-T810|SM-T815|SM-T360|SM-T533|SM-T113|SM-T335|SM-T715|SM-T560|SM-T670|SM-T677|SM-T377|SM-T567|SM-T357T|SM-T555|SM-T561",        "Kindle": "Kindle|Silk.*Accelerated|Android.*\\b(KFOT|KFTT|KFJWI|KFJWA|KFOTE|KFSOWI|KFTHWI|KFTHWA|KFAPWI|KFAPWA|WFJWAE|KFSAWA|KFSAWI|KFASWI|KFARWI)\\b",        "SurfaceTablet": "Windows NT [0-9.]+; ARM;.*(Tablet|ARMBJS)",        "HPTablet": "HP Slate (7|8|10)|HP ElitePad 900|hp-tablet|EliteBook.*Touch|HP 8|Slate 21|HP SlateBook 10",        "AsusTablet": "^.*PadFone((?!Mobile).)*$|Transformer|TF101|TF101G|TF300T|TF300TG|TF300TL|TF700T|TF700KL|TF701T|TF810C|ME171|ME301T|ME302C|ME371MG|ME370T|ME372MG|ME172V|ME173X|ME400C|Slider SL101|\\bK00F\\b|\\bK00C\\b|\\bK00E\\b|\\bK00L\\b|TX201LA|ME176C|ME102A|\\bM80TA\\b|ME372CL|ME560CG|ME372CG|ME302KL| K010 | K017 |ME572C|ME103K|ME170C|ME171C|\\bME70C\\b|ME581C|ME581CL|ME8510C|ME181C|P01Y|PO1MA",        "BlackBerryTablet": "PlayBook|RIM Tablet",        "HTCtablet": "HTC_Flyer_P512|HTC Flyer|HTC Jetstream|HTC-P715a|HTC EVO View 4G|PG41200|PG09410",        "MotorolaTablet": "xoom|sholest|MZ615|MZ605|MZ505|MZ601|MZ602|MZ603|MZ604|MZ606|MZ607|MZ608|MZ609|MZ615|MZ616|MZ617",        "NookTablet": "Android.*Nook|NookColor|nook browser|BNRV200|BNRV200A|BNTV250|BNTV250A|BNTV400|BNTV600|LogicPD Zoom2",        "AcerTablet": "Android.*; \\b(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700|A701|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|G100|G100W|B1-A71|B1-710|B1-711|A1-810|A1-811|A1-830)\\b|W3-810|\\bA3-A10\\b|\\bA3-A11\\b|\\bA3-A20",        "ToshibaTablet": "Android.*(AT100|AT105|AT200|AT205|AT270|AT275|AT300|AT305|AT1S5|AT500|AT570|AT700|AT830)|TOSHIBA.*FOLIO",        "LGTablet": "\\bL-06C|LG-V909|LG-V900|LG-V700|LG-V510|LG-V500|LG-V410|LG-V400|LG-VK810\\b",        "FujitsuTablet": "Android.*\\b(F-01D|F-02F|F-05E|F-10D|M532|Q572)\\b",        "PrestigioTablet": "PMP3170B|PMP3270B|PMP3470B|PMP7170B|PMP3370B|PMP3570C|PMP5870C|PMP3670B|PMP5570C|PMP5770D|PMP3970B|PMP3870C|PMP5580C|PMP5880D|PMP5780D|PMP5588C|PMP7280C|PMP7280C3G|PMP7280|PMP7880D|PMP5597D|PMP5597|PMP7100D|PER3464|PER3274|PER3574|PER3884|PER5274|PER5474|PMP5097CPRO|PMP5097|PMP7380D|PMP5297C|PMP5297C_QUAD|PMP812E|PMP812E3G|PMP812F|PMP810E|PMP880TD|PMT3017|PMT3037|PMT3047|PMT3057|PMT7008|PMT5887|PMT5001|PMT5002",        "LenovoTablet": "Lenovo TAB|Idea(Tab|Pad)( A1|A10| K1|)|ThinkPad([ ]+)?Tablet|YT3-X90L|YT3-X90F|YT3-X90X|Lenovo.*(S2109|S2110|S5000|S6000|K3011|A3000|A3500|A1000|A2107|A2109|A1107|A5500|A7600|B6000|B8000|B8080)(-|)(FL|F|HV|H|)",        "DellTablet": "Venue 11|Venue 8|Venue 7|Dell Streak 10|Dell Streak 7",        "YarvikTablet": "Android.*\\b(TAB210|TAB211|TAB224|TAB250|TAB260|TAB264|TAB310|TAB360|TAB364|TAB410|TAB411|TAB420|TAB424|TAB450|TAB460|TAB461|TAB464|TAB465|TAB467|TAB468|TAB07-100|TAB07-101|TAB07-150|TAB07-151|TAB07-152|TAB07-200|TAB07-201-3G|TAB07-210|TAB07-211|TAB07-212|TAB07-214|TAB07-220|TAB07-400|TAB07-485|TAB08-150|TAB08-200|TAB08-201-3G|TAB08-201-30|TAB09-100|TAB09-211|TAB09-410|TAB10-150|TAB10-201|TAB10-211|TAB10-400|TAB10-410|TAB13-201|TAB274EUK|TAB275EUK|TAB374EUK|TAB462EUK|TAB474EUK|TAB9-200)\\b",        "MedionTablet": "Android.*\\bOYO\\b|LIFE.*(P9212|P9514|P9516|S9512)|LIFETAB",        "ArnovaTablet": "AN10G2|AN7bG3|AN7fG3|AN8G3|AN8cG3|AN7G3|AN9G3|AN7dG3|AN7dG3ST|AN7dG3ChildPad|AN10bG3|AN10bG3DT|AN9G2",        "IntensoTablet": "INM8002KP|INM1010FP|INM805ND|Intenso Tab|TAB1004",        "IRUTablet": "M702pro",        "MegafonTablet": "MegaFon V9|\\bZTE V9\\b|Android.*\\bMT7A\\b",        "EbodaTablet": "E-Boda (Supreme|Impresspeed|Izzycomm|Essential)",        "AllViewTablet": "Allview.*(Viva|Alldro|City|Speed|All TV|Frenzy|Quasar|Shine|TX1|AX1|AX2)",        "ArchosTablet": "\\b(101G9|80G9|A101IT)\\b|Qilive 97R|Archos5|\\bARCHOS (70|79|80|90|97|101|FAMILYPAD|)(b|)(G10| Cobalt| TITANIUM(HD|)| Xenon| Neon|XSK| 2| XS 2| PLATINUM| CARBON|GAMEPAD)\\b",        "AinolTablet": "NOVO7|NOVO8|NOVO10|Novo7Aurora|Novo7Basic|NOVO7PALADIN|novo9-Spark",        "NokiaLumiaTablet": "Lumia 2520",        "SonyTablet": "Sony.*Tablet|Xperia Tablet|Sony Tablet S|SO-03E|SGPT12|SGPT13|SGPT114|SGPT121|SGPT122|SGPT123|SGPT111|SGPT112|SGPT113|SGPT131|SGPT132|SGPT133|SGPT211|SGPT212|SGPT213|SGP311|SGP312|SGP321|EBRD1101|EBRD1102|EBRD1201|SGP351|SGP341|SGP511|SGP512|SGP521|SGP541|SGP551|SGP621|SGP612|SOT31",        "PhilipsTablet": "\\b(PI2010|PI3000|PI3100|PI3105|PI3110|PI3205|PI3210|PI3900|PI4010|PI7000|PI7100)\\b",        "CubeTablet": "Android.*(K8GT|U9GT|U10GT|U16GT|U17GT|U18GT|U19GT|U20GT|U23GT|U30GT)|CUBE U8GT",        "CobyTablet": "MID1042|MID1045|MID1125|MID1126|MID7012|MID7014|MID7015|MID7034|MID7035|MID7036|MID7042|MID7048|MID7127|MID8042|MID8048|MID8127|MID9042|MID9740|MID9742|MID7022|MID7010",        "MIDTablet": "M9701|M9000|M9100|M806|M1052|M806|T703|MID701|MID713|MID710|MID727|MID760|MID830|MID728|MID933|MID125|MID810|MID732|MID120|MID930|MID800|MID731|MID900|MID100|MID820|MID735|MID980|MID130|MID833|MID737|MID960|MID135|MID860|MID736|MID140|MID930|MID835|MID733|MID4X10",        "MSITablet": "MSI \\b(Primo 73K|Primo 73L|Primo 81L|Primo 77|Primo 93|Primo 75|Primo 76|Primo 73|Primo 81|Primo 91|Primo 90|Enjoy 71|Enjoy 7|Enjoy 10)\\b",        "SMiTTablet": "Android.*(\\bMID\\b|MID-560|MTV-T1200|MTV-PND531|MTV-P1101|MTV-PND530)",        "RockChipTablet": "Android.*(RK2818|RK2808A|RK2918|RK3066)|RK2738|RK2808A",        "FlyTablet": "IQ310|Fly Vision",        "bqTablet": "Android.*(bq)?.*(Elcano|Curie|Edison|Maxwell|Kepler|Pascal|Tesla|Hypatia|Platon|Newton|Livingstone|Cervantes|Avant|Aquaris E10)|Maxwell.*Lite|Maxwell.*Plus",        "HuaweiTablet": "MediaPad|MediaPad 7 Youth|IDEOS S7|S7-201c|S7-202u|S7-101|S7-103|S7-104|S7-105|S7-106|S7-201|S7-Slim",        "NecTablet": "\\bN-06D|\\bN-08D",        "PantechTablet": "Pantech.*P4100",        "BronchoTablet": "Broncho.*(N701|N708|N802|a710)",        "VersusTablet": "TOUCHPAD.*[78910]|\\bTOUCHTAB\\b",        "ZyncTablet": "z1000|Z99 2G|z99|z930|z999|z990|z909|Z919|z900",        "PositivoTablet": "TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA",        "NabiTablet": "Android.*\\bNabi",        "KoboTablet": "Kobo Touch|\\bK080\\b|\\bVox\\b Build|\\bArc\\b Build",        "DanewTablet": "DSlide.*\\b(700|701R|702|703R|704|802|970|971|972|973|974|1010|1012)\\b",        "TexetTablet": "NaviPad|TB-772A|TM-7045|TM-7055|TM-9750|TM-7016|TM-7024|TM-7026|TM-7041|TM-7043|TM-7047|TM-8041|TM-9741|TM-9747|TM-9748|TM-9751|TM-7022|TM-7021|TM-7020|TM-7011|TM-7010|TM-7023|TM-7025|TM-7037W|TM-7038W|TM-7027W|TM-9720|TM-9725|TM-9737W|TM-1020|TM-9738W|TM-9740|TM-9743W|TB-807A|TB-771A|TB-727A|TB-725A|TB-719A|TB-823A|TB-805A|TB-723A|TB-715A|TB-707A|TB-705A|TB-709A|TB-711A|TB-890HD|TB-880HD|TB-790HD|TB-780HD|TB-770HD|TB-721HD|TB-710HD|TB-434HD|TB-860HD|TB-840HD|TB-760HD|TB-750HD|TB-740HD|TB-730HD|TB-722HD|TB-720HD|TB-700HD|TB-500HD|TB-470HD|TB-431HD|TB-430HD|TB-506|TB-504|TB-446|TB-436|TB-416|TB-146SE|TB-126SE",        "PlaystationTablet": "Playstation.*(Portable|Vita)",        "TrekstorTablet": "ST10416-1|VT10416-1|ST70408-1|ST702xx-1|ST702xx-2|ST80208|ST97216|ST70104-2|VT10416-2|ST10216-2A|SurfTab",        "PyleAudioTablet": "\\b(PTBL10CEU|PTBL10C|PTBL72BC|PTBL72BCEU|PTBL7CEU|PTBL7C|PTBL92BC|PTBL92BCEU|PTBL9CEU|PTBL9CUK|PTBL9C)\\b",        "AdvanTablet": "Android.* \\b(E3A|T3X|T5C|T5B|T3E|T3C|T3B|T1J|T1F|T2A|T1H|T1i|E1C|T1-E|T5-A|T4|E1-B|T2Ci|T1-B|T1-D|O1-A|E1-A|T1-A|T3A|T4i)\\b ",        "DanyTechTablet": "Genius Tab G3|Genius Tab S2|Genius Tab Q3|Genius Tab G4|Genius Tab Q4|Genius Tab G-II|Genius TAB GII|Genius TAB GIII|Genius Tab S1",        "GalapadTablet": "Android.*\\bG1\\b",        "MicromaxTablet": "Funbook|Micromax.*\\b(P250|P560|P360|P362|P600|P300|P350|P500|P275)\\b",        "KarbonnTablet": "Android.*\\b(A39|A37|A34|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2)\\b",        "AllFineTablet": "Fine7 Genius|Fine7 Shine|Fine7 Air|Fine8 Style|Fine9 More|Fine10 Joy|Fine11 Wide",        "PROSCANTablet": "\\b(PEM63|PLT1023G|PLT1041|PLT1044|PLT1044G|PLT1091|PLT4311|PLT4311PL|PLT4315|PLT7030|PLT7033|PLT7033D|PLT7035|PLT7035D|PLT7044K|PLT7045K|PLT7045KB|PLT7071KG|PLT7072|PLT7223G|PLT7225G|PLT7777G|PLT7810K|PLT7849G|PLT7851G|PLT7852G|PLT8015|PLT8031|PLT8034|PLT8036|PLT8080K|PLT8082|PLT8088|PLT8223G|PLT8234G|PLT8235G|PLT8816K|PLT9011|PLT9045K|PLT9233G|PLT9735|PLT9760G|PLT9770G)\\b",        "YONESTablet": "BQ1078|BC1003|BC1077|RK9702|BC9730|BC9001|IT9001|BC7008|BC7010|BC708|BC728|BC7012|BC7030|BC7027|BC7026",        "ChangJiaTablet": "TPC7102|TPC7103|TPC7105|TPC7106|TPC7107|TPC7201|TPC7203|TPC7205|TPC7210|TPC7708|TPC7709|TPC7712|TPC7110|TPC8101|TPC8103|TPC8105|TPC8106|TPC8203|TPC8205|TPC8503|TPC9106|TPC9701|TPC97101|TPC97103|TPC97105|TPC97106|TPC97111|TPC97113|TPC97203|TPC97603|TPC97809|TPC97205|TPC10101|TPC10103|TPC10106|TPC10111|TPC10203|TPC10205|TPC10503",        "GUTablet": "TX-A1301|TX-M9002|Q702|kf026",        "PointOfViewTablet": "TAB-P506|TAB-navi-7-3G-M|TAB-P517|TAB-P-527|TAB-P701|TAB-P703|TAB-P721|TAB-P731N|TAB-P741|TAB-P825|TAB-P905|TAB-P925|TAB-PR945|TAB-PL1015|TAB-P1025|TAB-PI1045|TAB-P1325|TAB-PROTAB[0-9]+|TAB-PROTAB25|TAB-PROTAB26|TAB-PROTAB27|TAB-PROTAB26XL|TAB-PROTAB2-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB25XXL|TAB-PROTAB26-IPS10|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS10",        "OvermaxTablet": "OV-(SteelCore|NewBase|Basecore|Baseone|Exellen|Quattor|EduTab|Solution|ACTION|BasicTab|TeddyTab|MagicTab|Stream|TB-08|TB-09)",        "HCLTablet": "HCL.*Tablet|Connect-3G-2.0|Connect-2G-2.0|ME Tablet U1|ME Tablet U2|ME Tablet G1|ME Tablet X1|ME Tablet Y2|ME Tablet Sync",        "DPSTablet": "DPS Dream 9|DPS Dual 7",        "VistureTablet": "V97 HD|i75 3G|Visture V4( HD)?|Visture V5( HD)?|Visture V10",        "CrestaTablet": "CTP(-)?810|CTP(-)?818|CTP(-)?828|CTP(-)?838|CTP(-)?888|CTP(-)?978|CTP(-)?980|CTP(-)?987|CTP(-)?988|CTP(-)?989",        "MediatekTablet": "\\bMT8125|MT8389|MT8135|MT8377\\b",        "ConcordeTablet": "Concorde([ ]+)?Tab|ConCorde ReadMan",        "GoCleverTablet": "GOCLEVER TAB|A7GOCLEVER|M1042|M7841|M742|R1042BK|R1041|TAB A975|TAB A7842|TAB A741|TAB A741L|TAB M723G|TAB M721|TAB A1021|TAB I921|TAB R721|TAB I720|TAB T76|TAB R70|TAB R76.2|TAB R106|TAB R83.2|TAB M813G|TAB I721|GCTA722|TAB I70|TAB I71|TAB S73|TAB R73|TAB R74|TAB R93|TAB R75|TAB R76.1|TAB A73|TAB A93|TAB A93.2|TAB T72|TAB R83|TAB R974|TAB R973|TAB A101|TAB A103|TAB A104|TAB A104.2|R105BK|M713G|A972BK|TAB A971|TAB R974.2|TAB R104|TAB R83.3|TAB A1042",        "ModecomTablet": "FreeTAB 9000|FreeTAB 7.4|FreeTAB 7004|FreeTAB 7800|FreeTAB 2096|FreeTAB 7.5|FreeTAB 1014|FreeTAB 1001 |FreeTAB 8001|FreeTAB 9706|FreeTAB 9702|FreeTAB 7003|FreeTAB 7002|FreeTAB 1002|FreeTAB 7801|FreeTAB 1331|FreeTAB 1004|FreeTAB 8002|FreeTAB 8014|FreeTAB 9704|FreeTAB 1003",        "VoninoTablet": "\\b(Argus[ _]?S|Diamond[ _]?79HD|Emerald[ _]?78E|Luna[ _]?70C|Onyx[ _]?S|Onyx[ _]?Z|Orin[ _]?HD|Orin[ _]?S|Otis[ _]?S|SpeedStar[ _]?S|Magnet[ _]?M9|Primus[ _]?94[ _]?3G|Primus[ _]?94HD|Primus[ _]?QS|Android.*\\bQ8\\b|Sirius[ _]?EVO[ _]?QS|Sirius[ _]?QS|Spirit[ _]?S)\\b",        "ECSTablet": "V07OT2|TM105A|S10OT1|TR10CS1",        "StorexTablet": "eZee[_']?(Tab|Go)[0-9]+|TabLC7|Looney Tunes Tab",        "VodafoneTablet": "SmartTab([ ]+)?[0-9]+|SmartTabII10|SmartTabII7|VF-1497",        "EssentielBTablet": "Smart[ ']?TAB[ ]+?[0-9]+|Family[ ']?TAB2",        "RossMoorTablet": "RM-790|RM-997|RMD-878G|RMD-974R|RMT-705A|RMT-701|RME-601|RMT-501|RMT-711",        "iMobileTablet": "i-mobile i-note",        "TolinoTablet": "tolino tab [0-9.]+|tolino shine",        "AudioSonicTablet": "\\bC-22Q|T7-QC|T-17B|T-17P\\b",        "AMPETablet": "Android.* A78 ",        "SkkTablet": "Android.* (SKYPAD|PHOENIX|CYCLOPS)",        "TecnoTablet": "TECNO P9",        "JXDTablet": "Android.* \\b(F3000|A3300|JXD5000|JXD3000|JXD2000|JXD300B|JXD300|S5800|S7800|S602b|S5110b|S7300|S5300|S602|S603|S5100|S5110|S601|S7100a|P3000F|P3000s|P101|P200s|P1000m|P200m|P9100|P1000s|S6600b|S908|P1000|P300|S18|S6600|S9100)\\b",        "iJoyTablet": "Tablet (Spirit 7|Essentia|Galatea|Fusion|Onix 7|Landa|Titan|Scooby|Deox|Stella|Themis|Argon|Unique 7|Sygnus|Hexen|Finity 7|Cream|Cream X2|Jade|Neon 7|Neron 7|Kandy|Scape|Saphyr 7|Rebel|Biox|Rebel|Rebel 8GB|Myst|Draco 7|Myst|Tab7-004|Myst|Tadeo Jones|Tablet Boing|Arrow|Draco Dual Cam|Aurix|Mint|Amity|Revolution|Finity 9|Neon 9|T9w|Amity 4GB Dual Cam|Stone 4GB|Stone 8GB|Andromeda|Silken|X2|Andromeda II|Halley|Flame|Saphyr 9,7|Touch 8|Planet|Triton|Unique 10|Hexen 10|Memphis 4GB|Memphis 8GB|Onix 10)",        "FX2Tablet": "FX2 PAD7|FX2 PAD10",        "XoroTablet": "KidsPAD 701|PAD[ ]?712|PAD[ ]?714|PAD[ ]?716|PAD[ ]?717|PAD[ ]?718|PAD[ ]?720|PAD[ ]?721|PAD[ ]?722|PAD[ ]?790|PAD[ ]?792|PAD[ ]?900|PAD[ ]?9715D|PAD[ ]?9716DR|PAD[ ]?9718DR|PAD[ ]?9719QR|PAD[ ]?9720QR|TelePAD1030|Telepad1032|TelePAD730|TelePAD731|TelePAD732|TelePAD735Q|TelePAD830|TelePAD9730|TelePAD795|MegaPAD 1331|MegaPAD 1851|MegaPAD 2151",        "ViewsonicTablet": "ViewPad 10pi|ViewPad 10e|ViewPad 10s|ViewPad E72|ViewPad7|ViewPad E100|ViewPad 7e|ViewSonic VB733|VB100a",        "OdysTablet": "LOOX|XENO10|ODYS[ -](Space|EVO|Xpress|NOON)|\\bXELIO\\b|Xelio10Pro|XELIO7PHONETAB|XELIO10EXTREME|XELIOPT2|NEO_QUAD10",        "CaptivaTablet": "CAPTIVA PAD",        "IconbitTablet": "NetTAB|NT-3702|NT-3702S|NT-3702S|NT-3603P|NT-3603P|NT-0704S|NT-0704S|NT-3805C|NT-3805C|NT-0806C|NT-0806C|NT-0909T|NT-0909T|NT-0907S|NT-0907S|NT-0902S|NT-0902S",        "TeclastTablet": "T98 4G|\\bP80\\b|\\bX90HD\\b|X98 Air|X98 Air 3G|\\bX89\\b|P80 3G|\\bX80h\\b|P98 Air|\\bX89HD\\b|P98 3G|\\bP90HD\\b|P89 3G|X98 3G|\\bP70h\\b|P79HD 3G|G18d 3G|\\bP79HD\\b|\\bP89s\\b|\\bA88\\b|\\bP10HD\\b|\\bP19HD\\b|G18 3G|\\bP78HD\\b|\\bA78\\b|\\bP75\\b|G17s 3G|G17h 3G|\\bP85t\\b|\\bP90\\b|\\bP11\\b|\\bP98t\\b|\\bP98HD\\b|\\bG18d\\b|\\bP85s\\b|\\bP11HD\\b|\\bP88s\\b|\\bA80HD\\b|\\bA80se\\b|\\bA10h\\b|\\bP89\\b|\\bP78s\\b|\\bG18\\b|\\bP85\\b|\\bA70h\\b|\\bA70\\b|\\bG17\\b|\\bP18\\b|\\bA80s\\b|\\bA11s\\b|\\bP88HD\\b|\\bA80h\\b|\\bP76s\\b|\\bP76h\\b|\\bP98\\b|\\bA10HD\\b|\\bP78\\b|\\bP88\\b|\\bA11\\b|\\bA10t\\b|\\bP76a\\b|\\bP76t\\b|\\bP76e\\b|\\bP85HD\\b|\\bP85a\\b|\\bP86\\b|\\bP75HD\\b|\\bP76v\\b|\\bA12\\b|\\bP75a\\b|\\bA15\\b|\\bP76Ti\\b|\\bP81HD\\b|\\bA10\\b|\\bT760VE\\b|\\bT720HD\\b|\\bP76\\b|\\bP73\\b|\\bP71\\b|\\bP72\\b|\\bT720SE\\b|\\bC520Ti\\b|\\bT760\\b|\\bT720VE\\b|T720-3GE|T720-WiFi",        "OndaTablet": "\\b(V975i|Vi30|VX530|V701|Vi60|V701s|Vi50|V801s|V719|Vx610w|VX610W|V819i|Vi10|VX580W|Vi10|V711s|V813|V811|V820w|V820|Vi20|V711|VI30W|V712|V891w|V972|V819w|V820w|Vi60|V820w|V711|V813s|V801|V819|V975s|V801|V819|V819|V818|V811|V712|V975m|V101w|V961w|V812|V818|V971|V971s|V919|V989|V116w|V102w|V973|Vi40)\\b[\\s]+",        "JaytechTablet": "TPC-PA762",        "BlaupunktTablet": "Endeavour 800NG|Endeavour 1010",        "DigmaTablet": "\\b(iDx10|iDx9|iDx8|iDx7|iDxD7|iDxD8|iDsQ8|iDsQ7|iDsQ8|iDsD10|iDnD7|3TS804H|iDsQ11|iDj7|iDs10)\\b",        "EvolioTablet": "ARIA_Mini_wifi|Aria[ _]Mini|Evolio X10|Evolio X7|Evolio X8|\\bEvotab\\b|\\bNeura\\b",        "LavaTablet": "QPAD E704|\\bIvoryS\\b|E-TAB IVORY|\\bE-TAB\\b",        "AocTablet": "MW0811|MW0812|MW0922|MTK8382|MW1031|MW0831|MW0821|MW0931|MW0712",        "MpmanTablet": "MP11 OCTA|MP10 OCTA|MPQC1114|MPQC1004|MPQC994|MPQC974|MPQC973|MPQC804|MPQC784|MPQC780|\\bMPG7\\b|MPDCG75|MPDCG71|MPDC1006|MP101DC|MPDC9000|MPDC905|MPDC706HD|MPDC706|MPDC705|MPDC110|MPDC100|MPDC99|MPDC97|MPDC88|MPDC8|MPDC77|MP709|MID701|MID711|MID170|MPDC703|MPQC1010",        "CelkonTablet": "CT695|CT888|CT[\\s]?910|CT7 Tab|CT9 Tab|CT3 Tab|CT2 Tab|CT1 Tab|C820|C720|\\bCT-1\\b",        "WolderTablet": "miTab \\b(DIAMOND|SPACE|BROOKLYN|NEO|FLY|MANHATTAN|FUNK|EVOLUTION|SKY|GOCAR|IRON|GENIUS|POP|MINT|EPSILON|BROADWAY|JUMP|HOP|LEGEND|NEW AGE|LINE|ADVANCE|FEEL|FOLLOW|LIKE|LINK|LIVE|THINK|FREEDOM|CHICAGO|CLEVELAND|BALTIMORE-GH|IOWA|BOSTON|SEATTLE|PHOENIX|DALLAS|IN 101|MasterChef)\\b",        "MiTablet": "\\bMI PAD\\b|\\bHM NOTE 1W\\b",        "NibiruTablet": "Nibiru M1|Nibiru Jupiter One",        "NexoTablet": "NEXO NOVA|NEXO 10|NEXO AVIO|NEXO FREE|NEXO GO|NEXO EVO|NEXO 3G|NEXO SMART|NEXO KIDDO|NEXO MOBI",        "LeaderTablet": "TBLT10Q|TBLT10I|TBL-10WDKB|TBL-10WDKBO2013|TBL-W230V2|TBL-W450|TBL-W500|SV572|TBLT7I|TBA-AC7-8G|TBLT79|TBL-8W16|TBL-10W32|TBL-10WKB|TBL-W100",        "UbislateTablet": "UbiSlate[\\s]?7C",        "PocketBookTablet": "Pocketbook",        "KocasoTablet": "\\b(TB-1207)\\b",        "Hudl": "Hudl HT7S3|Hudl 2",        "TelstraTablet": "T-Hub2",        "GenericTablet": "Android.*\\b97D\\b|Tablet(?!.*PC)|BNTV250A|MID-WCDMA|LogicPD Zoom2|\\bA7EB\\b|CatNova8|A1_07|CT704|CT1002|\\bM721\\b|rk30sdk|\\bEVOTAB\\b|M758A|ET904|ALUMIUM10|Smartfren Tab|Endeavour 1010|Tablet-PC-4|Tagi Tab|\\bM6pro\\b|CT1020W|arc 10HD|\\bJolla\\b|\\bTP750\\b"    },    "oss": {        "AndroidOS": "Android",        "BlackBerryOS": "blackberry|\\bBB10\\b|rim tablet os",        "PalmOS": "PalmOS|avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|palm|plucker|xiino",        "SymbianOS": "Symbian|SymbOS|Series60|Series40|SYB-[0-9]+|\\bS60\\b",        "WindowsMobileOS": "Windows CE.*(PPC|Smartphone|Mobile|[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})|Window Mobile|Windows Phone [0-9.]+|WCE;",        "WindowsPhoneOS": "Windows Phone 10.0|Windows Phone 8.1|Windows Phone 8.0|Windows Phone OS|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|Windows NT 6.[23]; ARM;",        "iOS": "\\biPhone.*Mobile|\\biPod|\\biPad",        "MeeGoOS": "MeeGo",        "MaemoOS": "Maemo",        "JavaOS": "J2ME\/|\\bMIDP\\b|\\bCLDC\\b",        "webOS": "webOS|hpwOS",        "badaOS": "\\bBada\\b",        "BREWOS": "BREW"    },    "uas": {        "Vivaldi": "Vivaldi",        "Chrome": "\\bCrMo\\b|CriOS|Android.*Chrome\/[.0-9]* (Mobile)?",        "Dolfin": "\\bDolfin\\b",        "Opera": "Opera.*Mini|Opera.*Mobi|Android.*Opera|Mobile.*OPR\/[0-9.]+|Coast\/[0-9.]+",        "Skyfire": "Skyfire",        "Edge": "Mobile Safari\/[.0-9]* Edge",        "IE": "IEMobile|MSIEMobile",        "Firefox": "fennec|firefox.*maemo|(Mobile|Tablet).*Firefox|Firefox.*Mobile",        "Bolt": "bolt",        "TeaShark": "teashark",        "Blazer": "Blazer",        "Safari": "Version.*Mobile.*Safari|Safari.*Mobile|MobileSafari",        "Tizen": "Tizen",        "UCBrowser": "UC.*Browser|UCWEB",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser",        "DiigoBrowser": "DiigoBrowser",        "Puffin": "Puffin",        "Mercury": "\\bMercury\\b",        "ObigoBrowser": "Obigo",        "NetFront": "NF-Browser",        "GenericBrowser": "NokiaBrowser|OviBrowser|OneBrowser|TwonkyBeamBrowser|SEMC.*Browser|FlyFlow|Minimo|NetFront|Novarra-Vision|MQQBrowser|MicroMessenger",        "PaleMoon": "Android.*PaleMoon|Mobile.*PaleMoon"    },    "props": {        "Mobile": "Mobile\/[VER]",        "Build": "Build\/[VER]",        "Version": "Version\/[VER]",        "VendorID": "VendorID\/[VER]",        "iPad": "iPad.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPhone": "iPhone.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPod": "iPod.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "Kindle": "Kindle\/[VER]",        "Chrome": [            "Chrome\/[VER]",            "CriOS\/[VER]",            "CrMo\/[VER]"        ],        "Coast": [            "Coast\/[VER]"        ],        "Dolfin": "Dolfin\/[VER]",        "Firefox": "Firefox\/[VER]",        "Fennec": "Fennec\/[VER]",        "Edge": "Edge\/[VER]",        "IE": [            "IEMobile\/[VER];",            "IEMobile [VER]",            "MSIE [VER];",            "Trident\/[0-9.]+;.*rv:[VER]"        ],        "NetFront": "NetFront\/[VER]",        "NokiaBrowser": "NokiaBrowser\/[VER]",        "Opera": [            " OPR\/[VER]",            "Opera Mini\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "Opera Mini": "Opera Mini\/[VER]",        "Opera Mobi": "Version\/[VER]",        "UC Browser": "UC Browser[VER]",        "MQQBrowser": "MQQBrowser\/[VER]",        "MicroMessenger": "MicroMessenger\/[VER]",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp\/[VER]",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser\/[VER]",        "Iron": "Iron\/[VER]",        "Safari": [            "Version\/[VER]",            "Safari\/[VER]"        ],        "Skyfire": "Skyfire\/[VER]",        "Tizen": "Tizen\/[VER]",        "Webkit": "webkit[ \/][VER]",        "PaleMoon": "PaleMoon\/[VER]",        "Gecko": "Gecko\/[VER]",        "Trident": "Trident\/[VER]",        "Presto": "Presto\/[VER]",        "Goanna": "Goanna\/[VER]",        "iOS": " \\bi?OS\\b [VER][ ;]{1}",        "Android": "Android [VER]",        "BlackBerry": [            "BlackBerry[\\w]+\/[VER]",            "BlackBerry.*Version\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "BREW": "BREW [VER]",        "Java": "Java\/[VER]",        "Windows Phone OS": [            "Windows Phone OS [VER]",            "Windows Phone [VER]"        ],        "Windows Phone": "Windows Phone [VER]",        "Windows CE": "Windows CE\/[VER]",        "Windows NT": "Windows NT [VER]",        "Symbian": [            "SymbianOS\/[VER]",            "Symbian\/[VER]"        ],        "webOS": [            "webOS\/[VER]",            "hpwOS\/[VER];"        ]    },    "utils": {        "Bot": "Googlebot|facebookexternalhit|AdsBot-Google|Google Keyword Suggestion|Facebot|YandexBot|bingbot|ia_archiver|AhrefsBot|Ezooms|GSLFbot|WBSearchBot|Twitterbot|TweetmemeBot|Twikle|PaperLiBot|Wotbox|UnwindFetchor|Exabot|MJ12bot|YandexImages|TurnitinBot|Pingdom",        "MobileBot": "Googlebot-Mobile|AdsBot-Google-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2",        "DesktopMode": "WPDesktop",        "TV": "SonyDTV|HbbTV",        "WebKit": "(webkit)[ \/]([\\w.]+)",        "Console": "\\b(Nintendo|Nintendo WiiU|Nintendo 3DS|PLAYSTATION|Xbox)\\b",        "Watch": "SM-V700"    }};    // following patterns come from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/    impl.detectMobileBrowsers = {        fullPattern: /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i,        shortPattern: /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i,        tabletPattern: /android|ipad|playbook|silk/i    };    var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,        isArray;    impl.FALLBACK_PHONE = 'UnknownPhone';    impl.FALLBACK_TABLET = 'UnknownTablet';    impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE = 'UnknownMobile';    isArray = ('isArray' in Array) ?        Array.isArray : function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; };    isArray = 'isArray' in Array        ? function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; }        : Array.isArray;    function equalIC(a, b) {        return a != null && b != null && a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase();    }    function containsIC(array, value) {        var valueLC, i, len = array.length;        if (!len || !value) {            return false;        }        valueLC = value.toLowerCase();        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {            if (valueLC === array[i].toLowerCase()) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    function convertPropsToRegExp(object) {        for (var key in object) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(object, key)) {                object[key] = new RegExp(object[key], 'i');            }        }    }    (function init() {        var key, values, value, i, len, verPos, mobileDetectRules = impl.mobileDetectRules;        for (key in mobileDetectRules.props) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(mobileDetectRules.props, key)) {                values = mobileDetectRules.props[key];                if (!isArray(values)) {                    values = [values];                }                len = values.length;                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                    value = values[i];                    verPos = value.indexOf('[VER]');                    if (verPos >= 0) {                        value = value.substring(0, verPos) + '([\\w._\\+]+)' + value.substring(verPos + 5);                    }                    values[i] = new RegExp(value, 'i');                }                mobileDetectRules.props[key] = values;            }        }        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.oss);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.phones);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.tablets);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.uas);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.utils);        // copy some patterns to oss0 which are tested first (see issue#15)        mobileDetectRules.oss0 = {            WindowsPhoneOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsPhoneOS,            WindowsMobileOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsMobileOS        };    }());    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and find the first matched key.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {String|null} the matched key if found, otherwise <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatch = function(rules, userAgent) {        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    return key;                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and return an array of matched keys.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {Array} an array of matched keys, may be empty when there is no match, but not <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatches = function(rules, userAgent) {        var result = [];        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    result.push(key);                }            }        }        return result;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {String} version or <tt>null</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersionStr = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var props = impl.mobileDetectRules.props, patterns, i, len, match;        if (hasOwnProp.call(props, propertyName)) {            patterns = props[propertyName];            len = patterns.length;            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                match = patterns[i].exec(userAgent);                if (match !== null) {                    return match[1];                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {Number} version or <tt>NaN</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersion = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var version = impl.getVersionStr(propertyName, userAgent);        return version ? impl.prepareVersionNo(version) : NaN;    };    /**     * Prepare the version number.     *     * @param {String} version     * @return {Number} the version number as a floating number     * @private     */    impl.prepareVersionNo = function (version) {        var numbers;        numbers = version.split(/[a-z._ \/\-]/i);        if (numbers.length === 1) {            version = numbers[0];        }        if (numbers.length > 1) {            version = numbers[0] + '.';            numbers.shift();            version += numbers.join('');        }        return Number(version);    };    impl.isMobileFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.fullPattern.test(userAgent) ||            impl.detectMobileBrowsers.shortPattern.test(userAgent.substr(0,4));    };    impl.isTabletFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.tabletPattern.test(userAgent);    };    impl.prepareDetectionCache = function (cache, userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        if (cache.mobile !== undefined) {            return;        }        var phone, tablet, phoneSized;        // first check for stronger tablet rules, then phone (see issue#5)        tablet = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.tablets, userAgent);        if (tablet) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = tablet;            cache.phone = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as tablet        }        phone = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.phones, userAgent);        if (phone) {            cache.mobile = cache.phone = phone;            cache.tablet = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as phone        }        // our rules haven't found a match -> try more general fallback rules        if (impl.isMobileFallback(userAgent)) {            phoneSized = MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth);            if (phoneSized === undefined) {                cache.mobile = impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE;                cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;            } else if (phoneSized) {                cache.mobile = cache.phone = impl.FALLBACK_PHONE;                cache.tablet = null;            } else {                cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;                cache.phone = null;            }        } else if (impl.isTabletFallback(userAgent)) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;            cache.phone = null;        } else {            // not mobile at all!            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;        }    };    // t is a reference to a MobileDetect instance    impl.mobileGrade = function (t) {        // impl note:        // To keep in sync w/ Mobile_Detect.php easily, the following code is tightly aligned to the PHP version.        // When changes are made in Mobile_Detect.php, copy this method and replace:        //     $this-> / t.        //     self::MOBILE_GRADE_(.) / '$1'        //     , self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT / (nothing)        //     isIOS() / os('iOS')        //     [reg] / (nothing)   <-- jsdelivr complaining about unescaped unicode character U+00AE        var $isMobile = t.mobile() !== null;        if (            // Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 - Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1)            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')>=4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')>=3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')>=3.1 ||            // Android 2.1-2.3 - Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)            // Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)  - Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM            // Android 4.0 (ICS)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices            // Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7            ( t.version('Android')>2.1 && t.is('Webkit') ) ||            // Windows Phone 7-7.5 - Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800            t.version('Windows Phone OS')>=7.0 ||            // Blackberry 7 - Tested on BlackBerry Torch 9810            // Blackberry 6.0 - Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670            t.is('BlackBerry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=6.0 ||            // Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) - Tested on PlayBook            t.match('Playbook.*Tablet') ||            // Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) - Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)            ( t.version('webOS')>=1.4 && t.match('Palm|Pre|Pixi') ) ||            // Palm WebOS 3.0  - Tested on HP TouchPad            t.match('hp.*TouchPad') ||            // Firefox Mobile (12 Beta) - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Firefox') && t.version('Firefox')>=12 ) ||            // Chrome for Android - Tested on Android 4.0, 4.1 device            ( t.is('Chrome') && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=4.0 ) ||            // Skyfire 4.1 - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Skyfire') && t.version('Skyfire')>=4.1 && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3            ( t.is('Opera') && t.version('Opera Mobi')>11 && t.is('AndroidOS') ) ||            // Meego 1.2 - Tested on Nokia 950 and N9            t.is('MeeGoOS') ||            // Tizen (pre-release) - Tested on early hardware            t.is('Tizen') ||            // Samsung Bada 2.0 - Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser            // @todo: more tests here!            t.is('Dolfin') && t.version('Bada')>=2.0 ||            // UC Browser - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( (t.is('UC Browser') || t.is('Dolfin')) && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Kindle 3 and Fire  - Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each            ( t.match('Kindle Fire') ||                t.is('Kindle') && t.version('Kindle')>=3.0 ) ||            // Nook Color 1.4.1 - Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet            t.is('AndroidOS') && t.is('NookTablet') ||            // Chrome Desktop 11-21 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Chrome')>=11 && !$isMobile ||            // Safari Desktop 4-5 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Safari')>=5.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Firefox Desktop 4-13 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Firefox')>=4.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Internet Explorer 7-9 - Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7            t.version('MSIE')>=7.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Opera Desktop 10-12 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            // @reference: http://my.opera.com/community/openweb/idopera/            t.version('Opera')>=10 && !$isMobile            ){            return 'A';        }        if (            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')<4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')<3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')<3.1 ||            // Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770            t.is('Blackberry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=5 && t.version('BlackBerry')<6 ||            //Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) - Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3            ( t.version('Opera Mini')>=5.0 && t.version('Opera Mini')<=6.5 &&                (t.version('Android')>=2.3 || t.is('iOS')) ) ||            // Nokia Symbian^3 - Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)            t.match('NokiaN8|NokiaC7|N97.*Series60|Symbian/3') ||            // @todo: report this (tested on Nokia N71)            t.version('Opera Mobi')>=11 && t.is('SymbianOS')            ){            return 'B';        }        if (        // Blackberry 4.x - Tested on the Curve 8330            t.version('BlackBerry')<5.0 ||            // Windows Mobile - Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)            t.match('MSIEMobile|Windows CE.*Mobile') || t.version('Windows Mobile')<=5.2            ){            return 'C';        }        //All older smartphone platforms and featurephones - Any device that doesn't support media queries        //will receive the basic, C grade experience.        return 'C';    };    impl.detectOS = function (ua) {        return impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss0, ua) ||            impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss, ua);    };    impl.getDeviceSmallerSide = function () {        return window.screen.width < window.screen.height ?            window.screen.width :            window.screen.height;    };    /**     * Constructor for MobileDetect object.     * <br>     * Such an object will keep a reference to the given user-agent string and cache most of the detect queries.<br>     * <div style="background-color: #d9edf7; border: 1px solid #bce8f1; color: #3a87ad; padding: 14px; border-radius: 2px; margin-top: 20px">     *     <strong>Find information how to download and install:</strong>     *     <a href="https://github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/">github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/</a>     * </div>     *     * @example <pre>     *     var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent);     *     if (md.mobile()) {     *         location.href = (md.mobileGrade() === 'A') ? '/mobile/' : '/lynx/';     *     }     * </pre>     *     * @param {string} userAgent typically taken from window.navigator.userAgent or http_header['User-Agent']     * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth=600] <strong>only for browsers</strong> specify a value for the maximum     *        width of smallest device side (in logical "CSS" pixels) until a device detected as mobile will be handled     *        as phone.     *        This is only used in cases where the device cannot be classified as phone or tablet.<br>     *        See <a href="http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html">Declaring Tablet Layouts     *        for Android</a>.<br>     *        If you provide a value < 0, then this "fuzzy" check is disabled.     * @constructor     * @global     */    function MobileDetect(userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        this.ua = userAgent || '';        this._cache = {};        //600dp is typical 7" tablet minimum width        this.maxPhoneWidth = maxPhoneWidth || 600;    }    MobileDetect.prototype = {        constructor: MobileDetect,        /**         * Returns the detected phone or tablet type or <tt>null</tt> if it is not a mobile device.         * <br>         * For a list of possible return values see {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code>, <code>UnknownTablet</code> or         * <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> here.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the phone family or tablet family, e.g. "Nexus".         * @function MobileDetect#mobile         */        mobile: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.mobile;        },        /**         * Returns the detected phone type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC, Nexus, Dell, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Sony, Asus,         * NokiaLumia, Micromax, Palm, Vertu, Pantech, Fly, Wiko, iMobile, SimValley,         * Wolfgang, Alcatel, Nintendo, Amoi, INQ, GenericPhone</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the phone family or producer, e.g. "iPhone"         * @function MobileDetect#phone         */        phone: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.phone;        },        /**         * Returns the detected tablet type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPad, NexusTablet, SamsungTablet, Kindle, SurfaceTablet, HPTablet, AsusTablet,         * BlackBerryTablet, HTCtablet, MotorolaTablet, NookTablet, AcerTablet,         * ToshibaTablet, LGTablet, FujitsuTablet, PrestigioTablet, LenovoTablet,         * DellTablet, YarvikTablet, MedionTablet, ArnovaTablet, IntensoTablet, IRUTablet,         * MegafonTablet, EbodaTablet, AllViewTablet, ArchosTablet, AinolTablet,         * NokiaLumiaTablet, SonyTablet, PhilipsTablet, CubeTablet, CobyTablet, MIDTablet,         * MSITablet, SMiTTablet, RockChipTablet, FlyTablet, bqTablet, HuaweiTablet,         * NecTablet, PantechTablet, BronchoTablet, VersusTablet, ZyncTablet,         * PositivoTablet, NabiTablet, KoboTablet, DanewTablet, TexetTablet,         * PlaystationTablet, TrekstorTablet, PyleAudioTablet, AdvanTablet,         * DanyTechTablet, GalapadTablet, MicromaxTablet, KarbonnTablet, AllFineTablet,         * PROSCANTablet, YONESTablet, ChangJiaTablet, GUTablet, PointOfViewTablet,         * OvermaxTablet, HCLTablet, DPSTablet, VistureTablet, CrestaTablet,         * MediatekTablet, ConcordeTablet, GoCleverTablet, ModecomTablet, VoninoTablet,         * ECSTablet, StorexTablet, VodafoneTablet, EssentielBTablet, RossMoorTablet,         * iMobileTablet, TolinoTablet, AudioSonicTablet, AMPETablet, SkkTablet,         * TecnoTablet, JXDTablet, iJoyTablet, FX2Tablet, XoroTablet, ViewsonicTablet,         * OdysTablet, CaptivaTablet, IconbitTablet, TeclastTablet, OndaTablet,         * JaytechTablet, BlaupunktTablet, DigmaTablet, EvolioTablet, LavaTablet,         * AocTablet, MpmanTablet, CelkonTablet, WolderTablet, MiTablet, NibiruTablet,         * NexoTablet, LeaderTablet, UbislateTablet, PocketBookTablet, KocasoTablet, Hudl,         * TelstraTablet, GenericTablet</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownTablet</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the tablet family or producer, e.g. "SamsungTablet"         * @function MobileDetect#tablet         */        tablet: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.tablet;        },        /**         * Returns the (first) detected user-agent string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned user-agent is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected user-agent or <tt>null</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgent         */        userAgent: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgent === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgent = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgent;        },        /**         * Returns all detected user-agent strings.         * <br>         * The array is empty or contains one or more of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {Array} the array of detected user-agent keys or <tt>[]</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgents         */        userAgents: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgents === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgents = impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgents;        },        /**         * Returns the detected operating system string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The operating system is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>AndroidOS, BlackBerryOS, PalmOS, SymbianOS, WindowsMobileOS, WindowsPhoneOS,         * iOS, MeeGoOS, MaemoOS, JavaOS, webOS, badaOS, BREWOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected operating system.         * @function MobileDetect#os         */        os: function () {            if (this._cache.os === undefined) {                this._cache.os = impl.detectOS(this.ua);            }            return this._cache.os;        },        /**         * Get the version (as Number) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {Number} the version as float or <tt>NaN</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *          Be careful when comparing this value with '==' operator!         * @function MobileDetect#version         */        version: function (key) {            return impl.getVersion(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Get the version (as String) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the "raw" version as String or <tt>null</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *         * @function MobileDetect#versionStr         */        versionStr: function (key) {            return impl.getVersionStr(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Global test key against userAgent, os, phone, tablet and some other properties of userAgent string.         *         * @param {String} key the key (case-insensitive) of a userAgent, an operating system, phone or         *        tablet family.<br>         *        For a complete list of possible values, see {@link MobileDetect#userAgent},         *        {@link MobileDetect#os}, {@link MobileDetect#phone}, {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         *        Additionally you have following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Bot, MobileBot, DesktopMode, TV, WebKit, Console, Watch</tt><br>         *         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the given key is one of the defined keys of userAgent, os, phone,         *                    tablet or one of the listed additional keys, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#is         */        is: function (key) {            return containsIC(this.userAgents(), key) ||                   equalIC(key, this.os()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.phone()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.tablet()) ||                   containsIC(impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.utils, this.ua), key);        },        /**         * Do a quick test against navigator::userAgent.         *         * @param {String|RegExp} pattern the pattern, either as String or RegExp         *                        (a string will be converted to a case-insensitive RegExp).         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the pattern matches, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#match         */        match: function (pattern) {            if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) {                pattern = new RegExp(pattern, 'i');            }            return pattern.test(this.ua);        },        /**         * Checks whether the mobile device can be considered as phone regarding <code>screen.width</code>.         * <br>         * Obviously this method makes sense in browser environments only (not for Node.js)!         * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth] the maximum logical pixels (aka. CSS-pixels) to be considered as phone.<br>         *        The argument is optional and if not present or falsy, the value of the constructor is taken.         * @returns {boolean|undefined} <code>undefined</code> if screen size wasn't detectable, else <code>true</code>         *          when screen.width is less or equal to maxPhoneWidth, otherwise <code>false</code>.<br>         *          Will always return <code>undefined</code> server-side.         */        isPhoneSized: function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth || this.maxPhoneWidth);        },        /**         * Returns the mobile grade ('A', 'B', 'C').         *         * @returns {String} one of the mobile grades ('A', 'B', 'C').         * @function MobileDetect#mobileGrade         */        mobileGrade: function () {            if (this._cache.grade === undefined) {                this._cache.grade = impl.mobileGrade(this);            }            return this._cache.grade;        }    };    // environment-dependent    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.screen) {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return maxPhoneWidth < 0 ? undefined : impl.getDeviceSmallerSide() <= maxPhoneWidth;        };    } else {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function () {};    }    // should not be replaced by a completely new object - just overwrite existing methods    MobileDetect._impl = impl;    MobileDetect.version = '1.3.3 2016-07-31';    return MobileDetect;}) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types-13->define : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/fixSignatureCaching.types:14:>function () {    'use strict';    var impl = {};    impl.mobileDetectRules = {    "phones": {        "iPhone": "\\biPhone\\b|\\biPod\\b",        "BlackBerry": "BlackBerry|\\bBB10\\b|rim[0-9]+",        "HTC": "HTC|HTC.*(Sensation|Evo|Vision|Explorer|6800|8100|8900|A7272|S510e|C110e|Legend|Desire|T8282)|APX515CKT|Qtek9090|APA9292KT|HD_mini|Sensation.*Z710e|PG86100|Z715e|Desire.*(A8181|HD)|ADR6200|ADR6400L|ADR6425|001HT|Inspire 4G|Android.*\\bEVO\\b|T-Mobile G1|Z520m",        "Nexus": "Nexus One|Nexus S|Galaxy.*Nexus|Android.*Nexus.*Mobile|Nexus 4|Nexus 5|Nexus 6",        "Dell": "Dell.*Streak|Dell.*Aero|Dell.*Venue|DELL.*Venue Pro|Dell Flash|Dell Smoke|Dell Mini 3iX|XCD28|XCD35|\\b001DL\\b|\\b101DL\\b|\\bGS01\\b",        "Motorola": "Motorola|DROIDX|DROID BIONIC|\\bDroid\\b.*Build|Android.*Xoom|HRI39|MOT-|A1260|A1680|A555|A853|A855|A953|A955|A956|Motorola.*ELECTRIFY|Motorola.*i1|i867|i940|MB200|MB300|MB501|MB502|MB508|MB511|MB520|MB525|MB526|MB611|MB612|MB632|MB810|MB855|MB860|MB861|MB865|MB870|ME501|ME502|ME511|ME525|ME600|ME632|ME722|ME811|ME860|ME863|ME865|MT620|MT710|MT716|MT720|MT810|MT870|MT917|Motorola.*TITANIUM|WX435|WX445|XT300|XT301|XT311|XT316|XT317|XT319|XT320|XT390|XT502|XT530|XT531|XT532|XT535|XT603|XT610|XT611|XT615|XT681|XT701|XT702|XT711|XT720|XT800|XT806|XT860|XT862|XT875|XT882|XT883|XT894|XT901|XT907|XT909|XT910|XT912|XT928|XT926|XT915|XT919|XT925|XT1021|\\bMoto E\\b",        "Samsung": "Samsung|SM-G9250|GT-19300|SGH-I337|BGT-S5230|GT-B2100|GT-B2700|GT-B2710|GT-B3210|GT-B3310|GT-B3410|GT-B3730|GT-B3740|GT-B5510|GT-B5512|GT-B5722|GT-B6520|GT-B7300|GT-B7320|GT-B7330|GT-B7350|GT-B7510|GT-B7722|GT-B7800|GT-C3010|GT-C3011|GT-C3060|GT-C3200|GT-C3212|GT-C3212I|GT-C3262|GT-C3222|GT-C3300|GT-C3300K|GT-C3303|GT-C3303K|GT-C3310|GT-C3322|GT-C3330|GT-C3350|GT-C3500|GT-C3510|GT-C3530|GT-C3630|GT-C3780|GT-C5010|GT-C5212|GT-C6620|GT-C6625|GT-C6712|GT-E1050|GT-E1070|GT-E1075|GT-E1080|GT-E1081|GT-E1085|GT-E1087|GT-E1100|GT-E1107|GT-E1110|GT-E1120|GT-E1125|GT-E1130|GT-E1160|GT-E1170|GT-E1175|GT-E1180|GT-E1182|GT-E1200|GT-E1210|GT-E1225|GT-E1230|GT-E1390|GT-E2100|GT-E2120|GT-E2121|GT-E2152|GT-E2220|GT-E2222|GT-E2230|GT-E2232|GT-E2250|GT-E2370|GT-E2550|GT-E2652|GT-E3210|GT-E3213|GT-I5500|GT-I5503|GT-I5700|GT-I5800|GT-I5801|GT-I6410|GT-I6420|GT-I7110|GT-I7410|GT-I7500|GT-I8000|GT-I8150|GT-I8160|GT-I8190|GT-I8320|GT-I8330|GT-I8350|GT-I8530|GT-I8700|GT-I8703|GT-I8910|GT-I9000|GT-I9001|GT-I9003|GT-I9010|GT-I9020|GT-I9023|GT-I9070|GT-I9082|GT-I9100|GT-I9103|GT-I9220|GT-I9250|GT-I9300|GT-I9305|GT-I9500|GT-I9505|GT-M3510|GT-M5650|GT-M7500|GT-M7600|GT-M7603|GT-M8800|GT-M8910|GT-N7000|GT-S3110|GT-S3310|GT-S3350|GT-S3353|GT-S3370|GT-S3650|GT-S3653|GT-S3770|GT-S3850|GT-S5210|GT-S5220|GT-S5229|GT-S5230|GT-S5233|GT-S5250|GT-S5253|GT-S5260|GT-S5263|GT-S5270|GT-S5300|GT-S5330|GT-S5350|GT-S5360|GT-S5363|GT-S5369|GT-S5380|GT-S5380D|GT-S5560|GT-S5570|GT-S5600|GT-S5603|GT-S5610|GT-S5620|GT-S5660|GT-S5670|GT-S5690|GT-S5750|GT-S5780|GT-S5830|GT-S5839|GT-S6102|GT-S6500|GT-S7070|GT-S7200|GT-S7220|GT-S7230|GT-S7233|GT-S7250|GT-S7500|GT-S7530|GT-S7550|GT-S7562|GT-S7710|GT-S8000|GT-S8003|GT-S8500|GT-S8530|GT-S8600|SCH-A310|SCH-A530|SCH-A570|SCH-A610|SCH-A630|SCH-A650|SCH-A790|SCH-A795|SCH-A850|SCH-A870|SCH-A890|SCH-A930|SCH-A950|SCH-A970|SCH-A990|SCH-I100|SCH-I110|SCH-I400|SCH-I405|SCH-I500|SCH-I510|SCH-I515|SCH-I600|SCH-I730|SCH-I760|SCH-I770|SCH-I830|SCH-I910|SCH-I920|SCH-I959|SCH-LC11|SCH-N150|SCH-N300|SCH-R100|SCH-R300|SCH-R351|SCH-R400|SCH-R410|SCH-T300|SCH-U310|SCH-U320|SCH-U350|SCH-U360|SCH-U365|SCH-U370|SCH-U380|SCH-U410|SCH-U430|SCH-U450|SCH-U460|SCH-U470|SCH-U490|SCH-U540|SCH-U550|SCH-U620|SCH-U640|SCH-U650|SCH-U660|SCH-U700|SCH-U740|SCH-U750|SCH-U810|SCH-U820|SCH-U900|SCH-U940|SCH-U960|SCS-26UC|SGH-A107|SGH-A117|SGH-A127|SGH-A137|SGH-A157|SGH-A167|SGH-A177|SGH-A187|SGH-A197|SGH-A227|SGH-A237|SGH-A257|SGH-A437|SGH-A517|SGH-A597|SGH-A637|SGH-A657|SGH-A667|SGH-A687|SGH-A697|SGH-A707|SGH-A717|SGH-A727|SGH-A737|SGH-A747|SGH-A767|SGH-A777|SGH-A797|SGH-A817|SGH-A827|SGH-A837|SGH-A847|SGH-A867|SGH-A877|SGH-A887|SGH-A897|SGH-A927|SGH-B100|SGH-B130|SGH-B200|SGH-B220|SGH-C100|SGH-C110|SGH-C120|SGH-C130|SGH-C140|SGH-C160|SGH-C170|SGH-C180|SGH-C200|SGH-C207|SGH-C210|SGH-C225|SGH-C230|SGH-C417|SGH-C450|SGH-D307|SGH-D347|SGH-D357|SGH-D407|SGH-D415|SGH-D780|SGH-D807|SGH-D980|SGH-E105|SGH-E200|SGH-E315|SGH-E316|SGH-E317|SGH-E335|SGH-E590|SGH-E635|SGH-E715|SGH-E890|SGH-F300|SGH-F480|SGH-I200|SGH-I300|SGH-I320|SGH-I550|SGH-I577|SGH-I600|SGH-I607|SGH-I617|SGH-I627|SGH-I637|SGH-I677|SGH-I700|SGH-I717|SGH-I727|SGH-i747M|SGH-I777|SGH-I780|SGH-I827|SGH-I847|SGH-I857|SGH-I896|SGH-I897|SGH-I900|SGH-I907|SGH-I917|SGH-I927|SGH-I937|SGH-I997|SGH-J150|SGH-J200|SGH-L170|SGH-L700|SGH-M110|SGH-M150|SGH-M200|SGH-N105|SGH-N500|SGH-N600|SGH-N620|SGH-N625|SGH-N700|SGH-N710|SGH-P107|SGH-P207|SGH-P300|SGH-P310|SGH-P520|SGH-P735|SGH-P777|SGH-Q105|SGH-R210|SGH-R220|SGH-R225|SGH-S105|SGH-S307|SGH-T109|SGH-T119|SGH-T139|SGH-T209|SGH-T219|SGH-T229|SGH-T239|SGH-T249|SGH-T259|SGH-T309|SGH-T319|SGH-T329|SGH-T339|SGH-T349|SGH-T359|SGH-T369|SGH-T379|SGH-T409|SGH-T429|SGH-T439|SGH-T459|SGH-T469|SGH-T479|SGH-T499|SGH-T509|SGH-T519|SGH-T539|SGH-T559|SGH-T589|SGH-T609|SGH-T619|SGH-T629|SGH-T639|SGH-T659|SGH-T669|SGH-T679|SGH-T709|SGH-T719|SGH-T729|SGH-T739|SGH-T746|SGH-T749|SGH-T759|SGH-T769|SGH-T809|SGH-T819|SGH-T839|SGH-T919|SGH-T929|SGH-T939|SGH-T959|SGH-T989|SGH-U100|SGH-U200|SGH-U800|SGH-V205|SGH-V206|SGH-X100|SGH-X105|SGH-X120|SGH-X140|SGH-X426|SGH-X427|SGH-X475|SGH-X495|SGH-X497|SGH-X507|SGH-X600|SGH-X610|SGH-X620|SGH-X630|SGH-X700|SGH-X820|SGH-X890|SGH-Z130|SGH-Z150|SGH-Z170|SGH-ZX10|SGH-ZX20|SHW-M110|SPH-A120|SPH-A400|SPH-A420|SPH-A460|SPH-A500|SPH-A560|SPH-A600|SPH-A620|SPH-A660|SPH-A700|SPH-A740|SPH-A760|SPH-A790|SPH-A800|SPH-A820|SPH-A840|SPH-A880|SPH-A900|SPH-A940|SPH-A960|SPH-D600|SPH-D700|SPH-D710|SPH-D720|SPH-I300|SPH-I325|SPH-I330|SPH-I350|SPH-I500|SPH-I600|SPH-I700|SPH-L700|SPH-M100|SPH-M220|SPH-M240|SPH-M300|SPH-M305|SPH-M320|SPH-M330|SPH-M350|SPH-M360|SPH-M370|SPH-M380|SPH-M510|SPH-M540|SPH-M550|SPH-M560|SPH-M570|SPH-M580|SPH-M610|SPH-M620|SPH-M630|SPH-M800|SPH-M810|SPH-M850|SPH-M900|SPH-M910|SPH-M920|SPH-M930|SPH-N100|SPH-N200|SPH-N240|SPH-N300|SPH-N400|SPH-Z400|SWC-E100|SCH-i909|GT-N7100|GT-N7105|SCH-I535|SM-N900A|SGH-I317|SGH-T999L|GT-S5360B|GT-I8262|GT-S6802|GT-S6312|GT-S6310|GT-S5312|GT-S5310|GT-I9105|GT-I8510|GT-S6790N|SM-G7105|SM-N9005|GT-S5301|GT-I9295|GT-I9195|SM-C101|GT-S7392|GT-S7560|GT-B7610|GT-I5510|GT-S7582|GT-S7530E|GT-I8750|SM-G9006V|SM-G9008V|SM-G9009D|SM-G900A|SM-G900D|SM-G900F|SM-G900H|SM-G900I|SM-G900J|SM-G900K|SM-G900L|SM-G900M|SM-G900P|SM-G900R4|SM-G900S|SM-G900T|SM-G900V|SM-G900W8|SHV-E160K|SCH-P709|SCH-P729|SM-T2558|GT-I9205|SM-G9350|SM-J120F",        "LG": "\\bLG\\b;|LG[- ]?(C800|C900|E400|E610|E900|E-900|F160|F180K|F180L|F180S|730|855|L160|LS740|LS840|LS970|LU6200|MS690|MS695|MS770|MS840|MS870|MS910|P500|P700|P705|VM696|AS680|AS695|AX840|C729|E970|GS505|272|C395|E739BK|E960|L55C|L75C|LS696|LS860|P769BK|P350|P500|P509|P870|UN272|US730|VS840|VS950|LN272|LN510|LS670|LS855|LW690|MN270|MN510|P509|P769|P930|UN200|UN270|UN510|UN610|US670|US740|US760|UX265|UX840|VN271|VN530|VS660|VS700|VS740|VS750|VS910|VS920|VS930|VX9200|VX11000|AX840A|LW770|P506|P925|P999|E612|D955|D802|MS323)",        "Sony": "SonyST|SonyLT|SonyEricsson|SonyEricssonLT15iv|LT18i|E10i|LT28h|LT26w|SonyEricssonMT27i|C5303|C6902|C6903|C6906|C6943|D2533",        "Asus": "Asus.*Galaxy|PadFone.*Mobile",        "NokiaLumia": "Lumia [0-9]{3,4}",        "Micromax": "Micromax.*\\b(A210|A92|A88|A72|A111|A110Q|A115|A116|A110|A90S|A26|A51|A35|A54|A25|A27|A89|A68|A65|A57|A90)\\b",        "Palm": "PalmSource|Palm",        "Vertu": "Vertu|Vertu.*Ltd|Vertu.*Ascent|Vertu.*Ayxta|Vertu.*Constellation(F|Quest)?|Vertu.*Monika|Vertu.*Signature",        "Pantech": "PANTECH|IM-A850S|IM-A840S|IM-A830L|IM-A830K|IM-A830S|IM-A820L|IM-A810K|IM-A810S|IM-A800S|IM-T100K|IM-A725L|IM-A780L|IM-A775C|IM-A770K|IM-A760S|IM-A750K|IM-A740S|IM-A730S|IM-A720L|IM-A710K|IM-A690L|IM-A690S|IM-A650S|IM-A630K|IM-A600S|VEGA PTL21|PT003|P8010|ADR910L|P6030|P6020|P9070|P4100|P9060|P5000|CDM8992|TXT8045|ADR8995|IS11PT|P2030|P6010|P8000|PT002|IS06|CDM8999|P9050|PT001|TXT8040|P2020|P9020|P2000|P7040|P7000|C790",        "Fly": "IQ230|IQ444|IQ450|IQ440|IQ442|IQ441|IQ245|IQ256|IQ236|IQ255|IQ235|IQ245|IQ275|IQ240|IQ285|IQ280|IQ270|IQ260|IQ250",        "Wiko": "KITE 4G|HIGHWAY|GETAWAY|STAIRWAY|DARKSIDE|DARKFULL|DARKNIGHT|DARKMOON|SLIDE|WAX 4G|RAINBOW|BLOOM|SUNSET|GOA(?!nna)|LENNY|BARRY|IGGY|OZZY|CINK FIVE|CINK PEAX|CINK PEAX 2|CINK SLIM|CINK SLIM 2|CINK +|CINK KING|CINK PEAX|CINK SLIM|SUBLIM",        "iMobile": "i-mobile (IQ|i-STYLE|idea|ZAA|Hitz)",        "SimValley": "\\b(SP-80|XT-930|SX-340|XT-930|SX-310|SP-360|SP60|SPT-800|SP-120|SPT-800|SP-140|SPX-5|SPX-8|SP-100|SPX-8|SPX-12)\\b",        "Wolfgang": "AT-B24D|AT-AS50HD|AT-AS40W|AT-AS55HD|AT-AS45q2|AT-B26D|AT-AS50Q",        "Alcatel": "Alcatel",        "Nintendo": "Nintendo 3DS",        "Amoi": "Amoi",        "INQ": "INQ",        "GenericPhone": "Tapatalk|PDA;|SAGEM|\\bmmp\\b|pocket|\\bpsp\\b|symbian|Smartphone|smartfon|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodafone|\\bwap\\b|nokia|Series40|Series60|S60|SonyEricsson|N900|MAUI.*WAP.*Browser"    },    "tablets": {        "iPad": "iPad|iPad.*Mobile",        "NexusTablet": "Android.*Nexus[\\s]+(7|9|10)",        "SamsungTablet": "SAMSUNG.*Tablet|Galaxy.*Tab|SC-01C|GT-P1000|GT-P1003|GT-P1010|GT-P3105|GT-P6210|GT-P6800|GT-P6810|GT-P7100|GT-P7300|GT-P7310|GT-P7500|GT-P7510|SCH-I800|SCH-I815|SCH-I905|SGH-I957|SGH-I987|SGH-T849|SGH-T859|SGH-T869|SPH-P100|GT-P3100|GT-P3108|GT-P3110|GT-P5100|GT-P5110|GT-P6200|GT-P7320|GT-P7511|GT-N8000|GT-P8510|SGH-I497|SPH-P500|SGH-T779|SCH-I705|SCH-I915|GT-N8013|GT-P3113|GT-P5113|GT-P8110|GT-N8010|GT-N8005|GT-N8020|GT-P1013|GT-P6201|GT-P7501|GT-N5100|GT-N5105|GT-N5110|SHV-E140K|SHV-E140L|SHV-E140S|SHV-E150S|SHV-E230K|SHV-E230L|SHV-E230S|SHW-M180K|SHW-M180L|SHW-M180S|SHW-M180W|SHW-M300W|SHW-M305W|SHW-M380K|SHW-M380S|SHW-M380W|SHW-M430W|SHW-M480K|SHW-M480S|SHW-M480W|SHW-M485W|SHW-M486W|SHW-M500W|GT-I9228|SCH-P739|SCH-I925|GT-I9200|GT-P5200|GT-P5210|GT-P5210X|SM-T311|SM-T310|SM-T310X|SM-T210|SM-T210R|SM-T211|SM-P600|SM-P601|SM-P605|SM-P900|SM-P901|SM-T217|SM-T217A|SM-T217S|SM-P6000|SM-T3100|SGH-I467|XE500|SM-T110|GT-P5220|GT-I9200X|GT-N5110X|GT-N5120|SM-P905|SM-T111|SM-T2105|SM-T315|SM-T320|SM-T320X|SM-T321|SM-T520|SM-T525|SM-T530NU|SM-T230NU|SM-T330NU|SM-T900|XE500T1C|SM-P605V|SM-P905V|SM-T337V|SM-T537V|SM-T707V|SM-T807V|SM-P600X|SM-P900X|SM-T210X|SM-T230|SM-T230X|SM-T325|GT-P7503|SM-T531|SM-T330|SM-T530|SM-T705|SM-T705C|SM-T535|SM-T331|SM-T800|SM-T700|SM-T537|SM-T807|SM-P907A|SM-T337A|SM-T537A|SM-T707A|SM-T807A|SM-T237|SM-T807P|SM-P607T|SM-T217T|SM-T337T|SM-T807T|SM-T116NQ|SM-P550|SM-T350|SM-T550|SM-T9000|SM-P9000|SM-T705Y|SM-T805|GT-P3113|SM-T710|SM-T810|SM-T815|SM-T360|SM-T533|SM-T113|SM-T335|SM-T715|SM-T560|SM-T670|SM-T677|SM-T377|SM-T567|SM-T357T|SM-T555|SM-T561",        "Kindle": "Kindle|Silk.*Accelerated|Android.*\\b(KFOT|KFTT|KFJWI|KFJWA|KFOTE|KFSOWI|KFTHWI|KFTHWA|KFAPWI|KFAPWA|WFJWAE|KFSAWA|KFSAWI|KFASWI|KFARWI)\\b",        "SurfaceTablet": "Windows NT [0-9.]+; ARM;.*(Tablet|ARMBJS)",        "HPTablet": "HP Slate (7|8|10)|HP ElitePad 900|hp-tablet|EliteBook.*Touch|HP 8|Slate 21|HP SlateBook 10",        "AsusTablet": "^.*PadFone((?!Mobile).)*$|Transformer|TF101|TF101G|TF300T|TF300TG|TF300TL|TF700T|TF700KL|TF701T|TF810C|ME171|ME301T|ME302C|ME371MG|ME370T|ME372MG|ME172V|ME173X|ME400C|Slider SL101|\\bK00F\\b|\\bK00C\\b|\\bK00E\\b|\\bK00L\\b|TX201LA|ME176C|ME102A|\\bM80TA\\b|ME372CL|ME560CG|ME372CG|ME302KL| K010 | K017 |ME572C|ME103K|ME170C|ME171C|\\bME70C\\b|ME581C|ME581CL|ME8510C|ME181C|P01Y|PO1MA",        "BlackBerryTablet": "PlayBook|RIM Tablet",        "HTCtablet": "HTC_Flyer_P512|HTC Flyer|HTC Jetstream|HTC-P715a|HTC EVO View 4G|PG41200|PG09410",        "MotorolaTablet": "xoom|sholest|MZ615|MZ605|MZ505|MZ601|MZ602|MZ603|MZ604|MZ606|MZ607|MZ608|MZ609|MZ615|MZ616|MZ617",        "NookTablet": "Android.*Nook|NookColor|nook browser|BNRV200|BNRV200A|BNTV250|BNTV250A|BNTV400|BNTV600|LogicPD Zoom2",        "AcerTablet": "Android.*; \\b(A100|A101|A110|A200|A210|A211|A500|A501|A510|A511|A700|A701|W500|W500P|W501|W501P|W510|W511|W700|G100|G100W|B1-A71|B1-710|B1-711|A1-810|A1-811|A1-830)\\b|W3-810|\\bA3-A10\\b|\\bA3-A11\\b|\\bA3-A20",        "ToshibaTablet": "Android.*(AT100|AT105|AT200|AT205|AT270|AT275|AT300|AT305|AT1S5|AT500|AT570|AT700|AT830)|TOSHIBA.*FOLIO",        "LGTablet": "\\bL-06C|LG-V909|LG-V900|LG-V700|LG-V510|LG-V500|LG-V410|LG-V400|LG-VK810\\b",        "FujitsuTablet": "Android.*\\b(F-01D|F-02F|F-05E|F-10D|M532|Q572)\\b",        "PrestigioTablet": "PMP3170B|PMP3270B|PMP3470B|PMP7170B|PMP3370B|PMP3570C|PMP5870C|PMP3670B|PMP5570C|PMP5770D|PMP3970B|PMP3870C|PMP5580C|PMP5880D|PMP5780D|PMP5588C|PMP7280C|PMP7280C3G|PMP7280|PMP7880D|PMP5597D|PMP5597|PMP7100D|PER3464|PER3274|PER3574|PER3884|PER5274|PER5474|PMP5097CPRO|PMP5097|PMP7380D|PMP5297C|PMP5297C_QUAD|PMP812E|PMP812E3G|PMP812F|PMP810E|PMP880TD|PMT3017|PMT3037|PMT3047|PMT3057|PMT7008|PMT5887|PMT5001|PMT5002",        "LenovoTablet": "Lenovo TAB|Idea(Tab|Pad)( A1|A10| K1|)|ThinkPad([ ]+)?Tablet|YT3-X90L|YT3-X90F|YT3-X90X|Lenovo.*(S2109|S2110|S5000|S6000|K3011|A3000|A3500|A1000|A2107|A2109|A1107|A5500|A7600|B6000|B8000|B8080)(-|)(FL|F|HV|H|)",        "DellTablet": "Venue 11|Venue 8|Venue 7|Dell Streak 10|Dell Streak 7",        "YarvikTablet": "Android.*\\b(TAB210|TAB211|TAB224|TAB250|TAB260|TAB264|TAB310|TAB360|TAB364|TAB410|TAB411|TAB420|TAB424|TAB450|TAB460|TAB461|TAB464|TAB465|TAB467|TAB468|TAB07-100|TAB07-101|TAB07-150|TAB07-151|TAB07-152|TAB07-200|TAB07-201-3G|TAB07-210|TAB07-211|TAB07-212|TAB07-214|TAB07-220|TAB07-400|TAB07-485|TAB08-150|TAB08-200|TAB08-201-3G|TAB08-201-30|TAB09-100|TAB09-211|TAB09-410|TAB10-150|TAB10-201|TAB10-211|TAB10-400|TAB10-410|TAB13-201|TAB274EUK|TAB275EUK|TAB374EUK|TAB462EUK|TAB474EUK|TAB9-200)\\b",        "MedionTablet": "Android.*\\bOYO\\b|LIFE.*(P9212|P9514|P9516|S9512)|LIFETAB",        "ArnovaTablet": "AN10G2|AN7bG3|AN7fG3|AN8G3|AN8cG3|AN7G3|AN9G3|AN7dG3|AN7dG3ST|AN7dG3ChildPad|AN10bG3|AN10bG3DT|AN9G2",        "IntensoTablet": "INM8002KP|INM1010FP|INM805ND|Intenso Tab|TAB1004",        "IRUTablet": "M702pro",        "MegafonTablet": "MegaFon V9|\\bZTE V9\\b|Android.*\\bMT7A\\b",        "EbodaTablet": "E-Boda (Supreme|Impresspeed|Izzycomm|Essential)",        "AllViewTablet": "Allview.*(Viva|Alldro|City|Speed|All TV|Frenzy|Quasar|Shine|TX1|AX1|AX2)",        "ArchosTablet": "\\b(101G9|80G9|A101IT)\\b|Qilive 97R|Archos5|\\bARCHOS (70|79|80|90|97|101|FAMILYPAD|)(b|)(G10| Cobalt| TITANIUM(HD|)| Xenon| Neon|XSK| 2| XS 2| PLATINUM| CARBON|GAMEPAD)\\b",        "AinolTablet": "NOVO7|NOVO8|NOVO10|Novo7Aurora|Novo7Basic|NOVO7PALADIN|novo9-Spark",        "NokiaLumiaTablet": "Lumia 2520",        "SonyTablet": "Sony.*Tablet|Xperia Tablet|Sony Tablet S|SO-03E|SGPT12|SGPT13|SGPT114|SGPT121|SGPT122|SGPT123|SGPT111|SGPT112|SGPT113|SGPT131|SGPT132|SGPT133|SGPT211|SGPT212|SGPT213|SGP311|SGP312|SGP321|EBRD1101|EBRD1102|EBRD1201|SGP351|SGP341|SGP511|SGP512|SGP521|SGP541|SGP551|SGP621|SGP612|SOT31",        "PhilipsTablet": "\\b(PI2010|PI3000|PI3100|PI3105|PI3110|PI3205|PI3210|PI3900|PI4010|PI7000|PI7100)\\b",        "CubeTablet": "Android.*(K8GT|U9GT|U10GT|U16GT|U17GT|U18GT|U19GT|U20GT|U23GT|U30GT)|CUBE U8GT",        "CobyTablet": "MID1042|MID1045|MID1125|MID1126|MID7012|MID7014|MID7015|MID7034|MID7035|MID7036|MID7042|MID7048|MID7127|MID8042|MID8048|MID8127|MID9042|MID9740|MID9742|MID7022|MID7010",        "MIDTablet": "M9701|M9000|M9100|M806|M1052|M806|T703|MID701|MID713|MID710|MID727|MID760|MID830|MID728|MID933|MID125|MID810|MID732|MID120|MID930|MID800|MID731|MID900|MID100|MID820|MID735|MID980|MID130|MID833|MID737|MID960|MID135|MID860|MID736|MID140|MID930|MID835|MID733|MID4X10",        "MSITablet": "MSI \\b(Primo 73K|Primo 73L|Primo 81L|Primo 77|Primo 93|Primo 75|Primo 76|Primo 73|Primo 81|Primo 91|Primo 90|Enjoy 71|Enjoy 7|Enjoy 10)\\b",        "SMiTTablet": "Android.*(\\bMID\\b|MID-560|MTV-T1200|MTV-PND531|MTV-P1101|MTV-PND530)",        "RockChipTablet": "Android.*(RK2818|RK2808A|RK2918|RK3066)|RK2738|RK2808A",        "FlyTablet": "IQ310|Fly Vision",        "bqTablet": "Android.*(bq)?.*(Elcano|Curie|Edison|Maxwell|Kepler|Pascal|Tesla|Hypatia|Platon|Newton|Livingstone|Cervantes|Avant|Aquaris E10)|Maxwell.*Lite|Maxwell.*Plus",        "HuaweiTablet": "MediaPad|MediaPad 7 Youth|IDEOS S7|S7-201c|S7-202u|S7-101|S7-103|S7-104|S7-105|S7-106|S7-201|S7-Slim",        "NecTablet": "\\bN-06D|\\bN-08D",        "PantechTablet": "Pantech.*P4100",        "BronchoTablet": "Broncho.*(N701|N708|N802|a710)",        "VersusTablet": "TOUCHPAD.*[78910]|\\bTOUCHTAB\\b",        "ZyncTablet": "z1000|Z99 2G|z99|z930|z999|z990|z909|Z919|z900",        "PositivoTablet": "TB07STA|TB10STA|TB07FTA|TB10FTA",        "NabiTablet": "Android.*\\bNabi",        "KoboTablet": "Kobo Touch|\\bK080\\b|\\bVox\\b Build|\\bArc\\b Build",        "DanewTablet": "DSlide.*\\b(700|701R|702|703R|704|802|970|971|972|973|974|1010|1012)\\b",        "TexetTablet": "NaviPad|TB-772A|TM-7045|TM-7055|TM-9750|TM-7016|TM-7024|TM-7026|TM-7041|TM-7043|TM-7047|TM-8041|TM-9741|TM-9747|TM-9748|TM-9751|TM-7022|TM-7021|TM-7020|TM-7011|TM-7010|TM-7023|TM-7025|TM-7037W|TM-7038W|TM-7027W|TM-9720|TM-9725|TM-9737W|TM-1020|TM-9738W|TM-9740|TM-9743W|TB-807A|TB-771A|TB-727A|TB-725A|TB-719A|TB-823A|TB-805A|TB-723A|TB-715A|TB-707A|TB-705A|TB-709A|TB-711A|TB-890HD|TB-880HD|TB-790HD|TB-780HD|TB-770HD|TB-721HD|TB-710HD|TB-434HD|TB-860HD|TB-840HD|TB-760HD|TB-750HD|TB-740HD|TB-730HD|TB-722HD|TB-720HD|TB-700HD|TB-500HD|TB-470HD|TB-431HD|TB-430HD|TB-506|TB-504|TB-446|TB-436|TB-416|TB-146SE|TB-126SE",        "PlaystationTablet": "Playstation.*(Portable|Vita)",        "TrekstorTablet": "ST10416-1|VT10416-1|ST70408-1|ST702xx-1|ST702xx-2|ST80208|ST97216|ST70104-2|VT10416-2|ST10216-2A|SurfTab",        "PyleAudioTablet": "\\b(PTBL10CEU|PTBL10C|PTBL72BC|PTBL72BCEU|PTBL7CEU|PTBL7C|PTBL92BC|PTBL92BCEU|PTBL9CEU|PTBL9CUK|PTBL9C)\\b",        "AdvanTablet": "Android.* \\b(E3A|T3X|T5C|T5B|T3E|T3C|T3B|T1J|T1F|T2A|T1H|T1i|E1C|T1-E|T5-A|T4|E1-B|T2Ci|T1-B|T1-D|O1-A|E1-A|T1-A|T3A|T4i)\\b ",        "DanyTechTablet": "Genius Tab G3|Genius Tab S2|Genius Tab Q3|Genius Tab G4|Genius Tab Q4|Genius Tab G-II|Genius TAB GII|Genius TAB GIII|Genius Tab S1",        "GalapadTablet": "Android.*\\bG1\\b",        "MicromaxTablet": "Funbook|Micromax.*\\b(P250|P560|P360|P362|P600|P300|P350|P500|P275)\\b",        "KarbonnTablet": "Android.*\\b(A39|A37|A34|ST8|ST10|ST7|Smart Tab3|Smart Tab2)\\b",        "AllFineTablet": "Fine7 Genius|Fine7 Shine|Fine7 Air|Fine8 Style|Fine9 More|Fine10 Joy|Fine11 Wide",        "PROSCANTablet": "\\b(PEM63|PLT1023G|PLT1041|PLT1044|PLT1044G|PLT1091|PLT4311|PLT4311PL|PLT4315|PLT7030|PLT7033|PLT7033D|PLT7035|PLT7035D|PLT7044K|PLT7045K|PLT7045KB|PLT7071KG|PLT7072|PLT7223G|PLT7225G|PLT7777G|PLT7810K|PLT7849G|PLT7851G|PLT7852G|PLT8015|PLT8031|PLT8034|PLT8036|PLT8080K|PLT8082|PLT8088|PLT8223G|PLT8234G|PLT8235G|PLT8816K|PLT9011|PLT9045K|PLT9233G|PLT9735|PLT9760G|PLT9770G)\\b",        "YONESTablet": "BQ1078|BC1003|BC1077|RK9702|BC9730|BC9001|IT9001|BC7008|BC7010|BC708|BC728|BC7012|BC7030|BC7027|BC7026",        "ChangJiaTablet": "TPC7102|TPC7103|TPC7105|TPC7106|TPC7107|TPC7201|TPC7203|TPC7205|TPC7210|TPC7708|TPC7709|TPC7712|TPC7110|TPC8101|TPC8103|TPC8105|TPC8106|TPC8203|TPC8205|TPC8503|TPC9106|TPC9701|TPC97101|TPC97103|TPC97105|TPC97106|TPC97111|TPC97113|TPC97203|TPC97603|TPC97809|TPC97205|TPC10101|TPC10103|TPC10106|TPC10111|TPC10203|TPC10205|TPC10503",        "GUTablet": "TX-A1301|TX-M9002|Q702|kf026",        "PointOfViewTablet": "TAB-P506|TAB-navi-7-3G-M|TAB-P517|TAB-P-527|TAB-P701|TAB-P703|TAB-P721|TAB-P731N|TAB-P741|TAB-P825|TAB-P905|TAB-P925|TAB-PR945|TAB-PL1015|TAB-P1025|TAB-PI1045|TAB-P1325|TAB-PROTAB[0-9]+|TAB-PROTAB25|TAB-PROTAB26|TAB-PROTAB27|TAB-PROTAB26XL|TAB-PROTAB2-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS9|TAB-PROTAB25XXL|TAB-PROTAB26-IPS10|TAB-PROTAB30-IPS10",        "OvermaxTablet": "OV-(SteelCore|NewBase|Basecore|Baseone|Exellen|Quattor|EduTab|Solution|ACTION|BasicTab|TeddyTab|MagicTab|Stream|TB-08|TB-09)",        "HCLTablet": "HCL.*Tablet|Connect-3G-2.0|Connect-2G-2.0|ME Tablet U1|ME Tablet U2|ME Tablet G1|ME Tablet X1|ME Tablet Y2|ME Tablet Sync",        "DPSTablet": "DPS Dream 9|DPS Dual 7",        "VistureTablet": "V97 HD|i75 3G|Visture V4( HD)?|Visture V5( HD)?|Visture V10",        "CrestaTablet": "CTP(-)?810|CTP(-)?818|CTP(-)?828|CTP(-)?838|CTP(-)?888|CTP(-)?978|CTP(-)?980|CTP(-)?987|CTP(-)?988|CTP(-)?989",        "MediatekTablet": "\\bMT8125|MT8389|MT8135|MT8377\\b",        "ConcordeTablet": "Concorde([ ]+)?Tab|ConCorde ReadMan",        "GoCleverTablet": "GOCLEVER TAB|A7GOCLEVER|M1042|M7841|M742|R1042BK|R1041|TAB A975|TAB A7842|TAB A741|TAB A741L|TAB M723G|TAB M721|TAB A1021|TAB I921|TAB R721|TAB I720|TAB T76|TAB R70|TAB R76.2|TAB R106|TAB R83.2|TAB M813G|TAB I721|GCTA722|TAB I70|TAB I71|TAB S73|TAB R73|TAB R74|TAB R93|TAB R75|TAB R76.1|TAB A73|TAB A93|TAB A93.2|TAB T72|TAB R83|TAB R974|TAB R973|TAB A101|TAB A103|TAB A104|TAB A104.2|R105BK|M713G|A972BK|TAB A971|TAB R974.2|TAB R104|TAB R83.3|TAB A1042",        "ModecomTablet": "FreeTAB 9000|FreeTAB 7.4|FreeTAB 7004|FreeTAB 7800|FreeTAB 2096|FreeTAB 7.5|FreeTAB 1014|FreeTAB 1001 |FreeTAB 8001|FreeTAB 9706|FreeTAB 9702|FreeTAB 7003|FreeTAB 7002|FreeTAB 1002|FreeTAB 7801|FreeTAB 1331|FreeTAB 1004|FreeTAB 8002|FreeTAB 8014|FreeTAB 9704|FreeTAB 1003",        "VoninoTablet": "\\b(Argus[ _]?S|Diamond[ _]?79HD|Emerald[ _]?78E|Luna[ _]?70C|Onyx[ _]?S|Onyx[ _]?Z|Orin[ _]?HD|Orin[ _]?S|Otis[ _]?S|SpeedStar[ _]?S|Magnet[ _]?M9|Primus[ _]?94[ _]?3G|Primus[ _]?94HD|Primus[ _]?QS|Android.*\\bQ8\\b|Sirius[ _]?EVO[ _]?QS|Sirius[ _]?QS|Spirit[ _]?S)\\b",        "ECSTablet": "V07OT2|TM105A|S10OT1|TR10CS1",        "StorexTablet": "eZee[_']?(Tab|Go)[0-9]+|TabLC7|Looney Tunes Tab",        "VodafoneTablet": "SmartTab([ ]+)?[0-9]+|SmartTabII10|SmartTabII7|VF-1497",        "EssentielBTablet": "Smart[ ']?TAB[ ]+?[0-9]+|Family[ ']?TAB2",        "RossMoorTablet": "RM-790|RM-997|RMD-878G|RMD-974R|RMT-705A|RMT-701|RME-601|RMT-501|RMT-711",        "iMobileTablet": "i-mobile i-note",        "TolinoTablet": "tolino tab [0-9.]+|tolino shine",        "AudioSonicTablet": "\\bC-22Q|T7-QC|T-17B|T-17P\\b",        "AMPETablet": "Android.* A78 ",        "SkkTablet": "Android.* (SKYPAD|PHOENIX|CYCLOPS)",        "TecnoTablet": "TECNO P9",        "JXDTablet": "Android.* \\b(F3000|A3300|JXD5000|JXD3000|JXD2000|JXD300B|JXD300|S5800|S7800|S602b|S5110b|S7300|S5300|S602|S603|S5100|S5110|S601|S7100a|P3000F|P3000s|P101|P200s|P1000m|P200m|P9100|P1000s|S6600b|S908|P1000|P300|S18|S6600|S9100)\\b",        "iJoyTablet": "Tablet (Spirit 7|Essentia|Galatea|Fusion|Onix 7|Landa|Titan|Scooby|Deox|Stella|Themis|Argon|Unique 7|Sygnus|Hexen|Finity 7|Cream|Cream X2|Jade|Neon 7|Neron 7|Kandy|Scape|Saphyr 7|Rebel|Biox|Rebel|Rebel 8GB|Myst|Draco 7|Myst|Tab7-004|Myst|Tadeo Jones|Tablet Boing|Arrow|Draco Dual Cam|Aurix|Mint|Amity|Revolution|Finity 9|Neon 9|T9w|Amity 4GB Dual Cam|Stone 4GB|Stone 8GB|Andromeda|Silken|X2|Andromeda II|Halley|Flame|Saphyr 9,7|Touch 8|Planet|Triton|Unique 10|Hexen 10|Memphis 4GB|Memphis 8GB|Onix 10)",        "FX2Tablet": "FX2 PAD7|FX2 PAD10",        "XoroTablet": "KidsPAD 701|PAD[ ]?712|PAD[ ]?714|PAD[ ]?716|PAD[ ]?717|PAD[ ]?718|PAD[ ]?720|PAD[ ]?721|PAD[ ]?722|PAD[ ]?790|PAD[ ]?792|PAD[ ]?900|PAD[ ]?9715D|PAD[ ]?9716DR|PAD[ ]?9718DR|PAD[ ]?9719QR|PAD[ ]?9720QR|TelePAD1030|Telepad1032|TelePAD730|TelePAD731|TelePAD732|TelePAD735Q|TelePAD830|TelePAD9730|TelePAD795|MegaPAD 1331|MegaPAD 1851|MegaPAD 2151",        "ViewsonicTablet": "ViewPad 10pi|ViewPad 10e|ViewPad 10s|ViewPad E72|ViewPad7|ViewPad E100|ViewPad 7e|ViewSonic VB733|VB100a",        "OdysTablet": "LOOX|XENO10|ODYS[ -](Space|EVO|Xpress|NOON)|\\bXELIO\\b|Xelio10Pro|XELIO7PHONETAB|XELIO10EXTREME|XELIOPT2|NEO_QUAD10",        "CaptivaTablet": "CAPTIVA PAD",        "IconbitTablet": "NetTAB|NT-3702|NT-3702S|NT-3702S|NT-3603P|NT-3603P|NT-0704S|NT-0704S|NT-3805C|NT-3805C|NT-0806C|NT-0806C|NT-0909T|NT-0909T|NT-0907S|NT-0907S|NT-0902S|NT-0902S",        "TeclastTablet": "T98 4G|\\bP80\\b|\\bX90HD\\b|X98 Air|X98 Air 3G|\\bX89\\b|P80 3G|\\bX80h\\b|P98 Air|\\bX89HD\\b|P98 3G|\\bP90HD\\b|P89 3G|X98 3G|\\bP70h\\b|P79HD 3G|G18d 3G|\\bP79HD\\b|\\bP89s\\b|\\bA88\\b|\\bP10HD\\b|\\bP19HD\\b|G18 3G|\\bP78HD\\b|\\bA78\\b|\\bP75\\b|G17s 3G|G17h 3G|\\bP85t\\b|\\bP90\\b|\\bP11\\b|\\bP98t\\b|\\bP98HD\\b|\\bG18d\\b|\\bP85s\\b|\\bP11HD\\b|\\bP88s\\b|\\bA80HD\\b|\\bA80se\\b|\\bA10h\\b|\\bP89\\b|\\bP78s\\b|\\bG18\\b|\\bP85\\b|\\bA70h\\b|\\bA70\\b|\\bG17\\b|\\bP18\\b|\\bA80s\\b|\\bA11s\\b|\\bP88HD\\b|\\bA80h\\b|\\bP76s\\b|\\bP76h\\b|\\bP98\\b|\\bA10HD\\b|\\bP78\\b|\\bP88\\b|\\bA11\\b|\\bA10t\\b|\\bP76a\\b|\\bP76t\\b|\\bP76e\\b|\\bP85HD\\b|\\bP85a\\b|\\bP86\\b|\\bP75HD\\b|\\bP76v\\b|\\bA12\\b|\\bP75a\\b|\\bA15\\b|\\bP76Ti\\b|\\bP81HD\\b|\\bA10\\b|\\bT760VE\\b|\\bT720HD\\b|\\bP76\\b|\\bP73\\b|\\bP71\\b|\\bP72\\b|\\bT720SE\\b|\\bC520Ti\\b|\\bT760\\b|\\bT720VE\\b|T720-3GE|T720-WiFi",        "OndaTablet": "\\b(V975i|Vi30|VX530|V701|Vi60|V701s|Vi50|V801s|V719|Vx610w|VX610W|V819i|Vi10|VX580W|Vi10|V711s|V813|V811|V820w|V820|Vi20|V711|VI30W|V712|V891w|V972|V819w|V820w|Vi60|V820w|V711|V813s|V801|V819|V975s|V801|V819|V819|V818|V811|V712|V975m|V101w|V961w|V812|V818|V971|V971s|V919|V989|V116w|V102w|V973|Vi40)\\b[\\s]+",        "JaytechTablet": "TPC-PA762",        "BlaupunktTablet": "Endeavour 800NG|Endeavour 1010",        "DigmaTablet": "\\b(iDx10|iDx9|iDx8|iDx7|iDxD7|iDxD8|iDsQ8|iDsQ7|iDsQ8|iDsD10|iDnD7|3TS804H|iDsQ11|iDj7|iDs10)\\b",        "EvolioTablet": "ARIA_Mini_wifi|Aria[ _]Mini|Evolio X10|Evolio X7|Evolio X8|\\bEvotab\\b|\\bNeura\\b",        "LavaTablet": "QPAD E704|\\bIvoryS\\b|E-TAB IVORY|\\bE-TAB\\b",        "AocTablet": "MW0811|MW0812|MW0922|MTK8382|MW1031|MW0831|MW0821|MW0931|MW0712",        "MpmanTablet": "MP11 OCTA|MP10 OCTA|MPQC1114|MPQC1004|MPQC994|MPQC974|MPQC973|MPQC804|MPQC784|MPQC780|\\bMPG7\\b|MPDCG75|MPDCG71|MPDC1006|MP101DC|MPDC9000|MPDC905|MPDC706HD|MPDC706|MPDC705|MPDC110|MPDC100|MPDC99|MPDC97|MPDC88|MPDC8|MPDC77|MP709|MID701|MID711|MID170|MPDC703|MPQC1010",        "CelkonTablet": "CT695|CT888|CT[\\s]?910|CT7 Tab|CT9 Tab|CT3 Tab|CT2 Tab|CT1 Tab|C820|C720|\\bCT-1\\b",        "WolderTablet": "miTab \\b(DIAMOND|SPACE|BROOKLYN|NEO|FLY|MANHATTAN|FUNK|EVOLUTION|SKY|GOCAR|IRON|GENIUS|POP|MINT|EPSILON|BROADWAY|JUMP|HOP|LEGEND|NEW AGE|LINE|ADVANCE|FEEL|FOLLOW|LIKE|LINK|LIVE|THINK|FREEDOM|CHICAGO|CLEVELAND|BALTIMORE-GH|IOWA|BOSTON|SEATTLE|PHOENIX|DALLAS|IN 101|MasterChef)\\b",        "MiTablet": "\\bMI PAD\\b|\\bHM NOTE 1W\\b",        "NibiruTablet": "Nibiru M1|Nibiru Jupiter One",        "NexoTablet": "NEXO NOVA|NEXO 10|NEXO AVIO|NEXO FREE|NEXO GO|NEXO EVO|NEXO 3G|NEXO SMART|NEXO KIDDO|NEXO MOBI",        "LeaderTablet": "TBLT10Q|TBLT10I|TBL-10WDKB|TBL-10WDKBO2013|TBL-W230V2|TBL-W450|TBL-W500|SV572|TBLT7I|TBA-AC7-8G|TBLT79|TBL-8W16|TBL-10W32|TBL-10WKB|TBL-W100",        "UbislateTablet": "UbiSlate[\\s]?7C",        "PocketBookTablet": "Pocketbook",        "KocasoTablet": "\\b(TB-1207)\\b",        "Hudl": "Hudl HT7S3|Hudl 2",        "TelstraTablet": "T-Hub2",        "GenericTablet": "Android.*\\b97D\\b|Tablet(?!.*PC)|BNTV250A|MID-WCDMA|LogicPD Zoom2|\\bA7EB\\b|CatNova8|A1_07|CT704|CT1002|\\bM721\\b|rk30sdk|\\bEVOTAB\\b|M758A|ET904|ALUMIUM10|Smartfren Tab|Endeavour 1010|Tablet-PC-4|Tagi Tab|\\bM6pro\\b|CT1020W|arc 10HD|\\bJolla\\b|\\bTP750\\b"    },    "oss": {        "AndroidOS": "Android",        "BlackBerryOS": "blackberry|\\bBB10\\b|rim tablet os",        "PalmOS": "PalmOS|avantgo|blazer|elaine|hiptop|palm|plucker|xiino",        "SymbianOS": "Symbian|SymbOS|Series60|Series40|SYB-[0-9]+|\\bS60\\b",        "WindowsMobileOS": "Windows CE.*(PPC|Smartphone|Mobile|[0-9]{3}x[0-9]{3})|Window Mobile|Windows Phone [0-9.]+|WCE;",        "WindowsPhoneOS": "Windows Phone 10.0|Windows Phone 8.1|Windows Phone 8.0|Windows Phone OS|XBLWP7|ZuneWP7|Windows NT 6.[23]; ARM;",        "iOS": "\\biPhone.*Mobile|\\biPod|\\biPad",        "MeeGoOS": "MeeGo",        "MaemoOS": "Maemo",        "JavaOS": "J2ME\/|\\bMIDP\\b|\\bCLDC\\b",        "webOS": "webOS|hpwOS",        "badaOS": "\\bBada\\b",        "BREWOS": "BREW"    },    "uas": {        "Vivaldi": "Vivaldi",        "Chrome": "\\bCrMo\\b|CriOS|Android.*Chrome\/[.0-9]* (Mobile)?",        "Dolfin": "\\bDolfin\\b",        "Opera": "Opera.*Mini|Opera.*Mobi|Android.*Opera|Mobile.*OPR\/[0-9.]+|Coast\/[0-9.]+",        "Skyfire": "Skyfire",        "Edge": "Mobile Safari\/[.0-9]* Edge",        "IE": "IEMobile|MSIEMobile",        "Firefox": "fennec|firefox.*maemo|(Mobile|Tablet).*Firefox|Firefox.*Mobile",        "Bolt": "bolt",        "TeaShark": "teashark",        "Blazer": "Blazer",        "Safari": "Version.*Mobile.*Safari|Safari.*Mobile|MobileSafari",        "Tizen": "Tizen",        "UCBrowser": "UC.*Browser|UCWEB",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser",        "DiigoBrowser": "DiigoBrowser",        "Puffin": "Puffin",        "Mercury": "\\bMercury\\b",        "ObigoBrowser": "Obigo",        "NetFront": "NF-Browser",        "GenericBrowser": "NokiaBrowser|OviBrowser|OneBrowser|TwonkyBeamBrowser|SEMC.*Browser|FlyFlow|Minimo|NetFront|Novarra-Vision|MQQBrowser|MicroMessenger",        "PaleMoon": "Android.*PaleMoon|Mobile.*PaleMoon"    },    "props": {        "Mobile": "Mobile\/[VER]",        "Build": "Build\/[VER]",        "Version": "Version\/[VER]",        "VendorID": "VendorID\/[VER]",        "iPad": "iPad.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPhone": "iPhone.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "iPod": "iPod.*CPU[a-z ]+[VER]",        "Kindle": "Kindle\/[VER]",        "Chrome": [            "Chrome\/[VER]",            "CriOS\/[VER]",            "CrMo\/[VER]"        ],        "Coast": [            "Coast\/[VER]"        ],        "Dolfin": "Dolfin\/[VER]",        "Firefox": "Firefox\/[VER]",        "Fennec": "Fennec\/[VER]",        "Edge": "Edge\/[VER]",        "IE": [            "IEMobile\/[VER];",            "IEMobile [VER]",            "MSIE [VER];",            "Trident\/[0-9.]+;.*rv:[VER]"        ],        "NetFront": "NetFront\/[VER]",        "NokiaBrowser": "NokiaBrowser\/[VER]",        "Opera": [            " OPR\/[VER]",            "Opera Mini\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "Opera Mini": "Opera Mini\/[VER]",        "Opera Mobi": "Version\/[VER]",        "UC Browser": "UC Browser[VER]",        "MQQBrowser": "MQQBrowser\/[VER]",        "MicroMessenger": "MicroMessenger\/[VER]",        "baiduboxapp": "baiduboxapp\/[VER]",        "baidubrowser": "baidubrowser\/[VER]",        "Iron": "Iron\/[VER]",        "Safari": [            "Version\/[VER]",            "Safari\/[VER]"        ],        "Skyfire": "Skyfire\/[VER]",        "Tizen": "Tizen\/[VER]",        "Webkit": "webkit[ \/][VER]",        "PaleMoon": "PaleMoon\/[VER]",        "Gecko": "Gecko\/[VER]",        "Trident": "Trident\/[VER]",        "Presto": "Presto\/[VER]",        "Goanna": "Goanna\/[VER]",        "iOS": " \\bi?OS\\b [VER][ ;]{1}",        "Android": "Android [VER]",        "BlackBerry": [            "BlackBerry[\\w]+\/[VER]",            "BlackBerry.*Version\/[VER]",            "Version\/[VER]"        ],        "BREW": "BREW [VER]",        "Java": "Java\/[VER]",        "Windows Phone OS": [            "Windows Phone OS [VER]",            "Windows Phone [VER]"        ],        "Windows Phone": "Windows Phone [VER]",        "Windows CE": "Windows CE\/[VER]",        "Windows NT": "Windows NT [VER]",        "Symbian": [            "SymbianOS\/[VER]",            "Symbian\/[VER]"        ],        "webOS": [            "webOS\/[VER]",            "hpwOS\/[VER];"        ]    },    "utils": {        "Bot": "Googlebot|facebookexternalhit|AdsBot-Google|Google Keyword Suggestion|Facebot|YandexBot|bingbot|ia_archiver|AhrefsBot|Ezooms|GSLFbot|WBSearchBot|Twitterbot|TweetmemeBot|Twikle|PaperLiBot|Wotbox|UnwindFetchor|Exabot|MJ12bot|YandexImages|TurnitinBot|Pingdom",        "MobileBot": "Googlebot-Mobile|AdsBot-Google-Mobile|YahooSeeker\/M1A1-R2D2",        "DesktopMode": "WPDesktop",        "TV": "SonyDTV|HbbTV",        "WebKit": "(webkit)[ \/]([\\w.]+)",        "Console": "\\b(Nintendo|Nintendo WiiU|Nintendo 3DS|PLAYSTATION|Xbox)\\b",        "Watch": "SM-V700"    }};    // following patterns come from http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/    impl.detectMobileBrowsers = {        fullPattern: /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i,        shortPattern: /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i,        tabletPattern: /android|ipad|playbook|silk/i    };    var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,        isArray;    impl.FALLBACK_PHONE = 'UnknownPhone';    impl.FALLBACK_TABLET = 'UnknownTablet';    impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE = 'UnknownMobile';    isArray = ('isArray' in Array) ?        Array.isArray : function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; };    isArray = 'isArray' in Array        ? function (value) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === '[object Array]'; }        : Array.isArray;    function equalIC(a, b) {        return a != null && b != null && a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase();    }    function containsIC(array, value) {        var valueLC, i, len = array.length;        if (!len || !value) {            return false;        }        valueLC = value.toLowerCase();        for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {            if (valueLC === array[i].toLowerCase()) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }    function convertPropsToRegExp(object) {        for (var key in object) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(object, key)) {                object[key] = new RegExp(object[key], 'i');            }        }    }    (function init() {        var key, values, value, i, len, verPos, mobileDetectRules = impl.mobileDetectRules;        for (key in mobileDetectRules.props) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(mobileDetectRules.props, key)) {                values = mobileDetectRules.props[key];                if (!isArray(values)) {                    values = [values];                }                len = values.length;                for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                    value = values[i];                    verPos = value.indexOf('[VER]');                    if (verPos >= 0) {                        value = value.substring(0, verPos) + '([\\w._\\+]+)' + value.substring(verPos + 5);                    }                    values[i] = new RegExp(value, 'i');                }                mobileDetectRules.props[key] = values;            }        }        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.oss);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.phones);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.tablets);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.uas);        convertPropsToRegExp(mobileDetectRules.utils);        // copy some patterns to oss0 which are tested first (see issue#15)        mobileDetectRules.oss0 = {            WindowsPhoneOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsPhoneOS,            WindowsMobileOS: mobileDetectRules.oss.WindowsMobileOS        };    }());    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and find the first matched key.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {String|null} the matched key if found, otherwise <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatch = function(rules, userAgent) {        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    return key;                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Test userAgent string against a set of rules and return an array of matched keys.     * @param {Object} rules (key is String, value is RegExp)     * @param {String} userAgent the navigator.userAgent (or HTTP-Header 'User-Agent').     * @returns {Array} an array of matched keys, may be empty when there is no match, but not <tt>null</tt>     * @private     */    impl.findMatches = function(rules, userAgent) {        var result = [];        for (var key in rules) {            if (hasOwnProp.call(rules, key)) {                if (rules[key].test(userAgent)) {                    result.push(key);                }            }        }        return result;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {String} version or <tt>null</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersionStr = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var props = impl.mobileDetectRules.props, patterns, i, len, match;        if (hasOwnProp.call(props, propertyName)) {            patterns = props[propertyName];            len = patterns.length;            for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {                match = patterns[i].exec(userAgent);                if (match !== null) {                    return match[1];                }            }        }        return null;    };    /**     * Check the version of the given property in the User-Agent.     * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)     *     * @param {String} propertyName     * @param {String} userAgent     * @return {Number} version or <tt>NaN</tt> if version not found     * @private     */    impl.getVersion = function (propertyName, userAgent) {        var version = impl.getVersionStr(propertyName, userAgent);        return version ? impl.prepareVersionNo(version) : NaN;    };    /**     * Prepare the version number.     *     * @param {String} version     * @return {Number} the version number as a floating number     * @private     */    impl.prepareVersionNo = function (version) {        var numbers;        numbers = version.split(/[a-z._ \/\-]/i);        if (numbers.length === 1) {            version = numbers[0];        }        if (numbers.length > 1) {            version = numbers[0] + '.';            numbers.shift();            version += numbers.join('');        }        return Number(version);    };    impl.isMobileFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.fullPattern.test(userAgent) ||            impl.detectMobileBrowsers.shortPattern.test(userAgent.substr(0,4));    };    impl.isTabletFallback = function (userAgent) {        return impl.detectMobileBrowsers.tabletPattern.test(userAgent);    };    impl.prepareDetectionCache = function (cache, userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        if (cache.mobile !== undefined) {            return;        }        var phone, tablet, phoneSized;        // first check for stronger tablet rules, then phone (see issue#5)        tablet = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.tablets, userAgent);        if (tablet) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = tablet;            cache.phone = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as tablet        }        phone = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.phones, userAgent);        if (phone) {            cache.mobile = cache.phone = phone;            cache.tablet = null;            return; // unambiguously identified as phone        }        // our rules haven't found a match -> try more general fallback rules        if (impl.isMobileFallback(userAgent)) {            phoneSized = MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth);            if (phoneSized === undefined) {                cache.mobile = impl.FALLBACK_MOBILE;                cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;            } else if (phoneSized) {                cache.mobile = cache.phone = impl.FALLBACK_PHONE;                cache.tablet = null;            } else {                cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;                cache.phone = null;            }        } else if (impl.isTabletFallback(userAgent)) {            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = impl.FALLBACK_TABLET;            cache.phone = null;        } else {            // not mobile at all!            cache.mobile = cache.tablet = cache.phone = null;        }    };    // t is a reference to a MobileDetect instance    impl.mobileGrade = function (t) {        // impl note:        // To keep in sync w/ Mobile_Detect.php easily, the following code is tightly aligned to the PHP version.        // When changes are made in Mobile_Detect.php, copy this method and replace:        //     $this-> / t.        //     self::MOBILE_GRADE_(.) / '$1'        //     , self::VERSION_TYPE_FLOAT / (nothing)        //     isIOS() / os('iOS')        //     [reg] / (nothing)   <-- jsdelivr complaining about unescaped unicode character U+00AE        var $isMobile = t.mobile() !== null;        if (            // Apple iOS 3.2-5.1 - Tested on the original iPad (4.3 / 5.0), iPad 2 (4.3), iPad 3 (5.1), original iPhone (3.1), iPhone 3 (3.2), 3GS (4.3), 4 (4.3 / 5.0), and 4S (5.1)            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')>=4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')>=3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')>=3.1 ||            // Android 2.1-2.3 - Tested on the HTC Incredible (2.2), original Droid (2.2), HTC Aria (2.1), Google Nexus S (2.3). Functional on 1.5 & 1.6 but performance may be sluggish, tested on Google G1 (1.5)            // Android 3.1 (Honeycomb)  - Tested on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and Motorola XOOM            // Android 4.0 (ICS)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus. Note: transition performance can be poor on upgraded devices            // Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean)  - Tested on a Galaxy Nexus and Galaxy 7            ( t.version('Android')>2.1 && t.is('Webkit') ) ||            // Windows Phone 7-7.5 - Tested on the HTC Surround (7.0) HTC Trophy (7.5), LG-E900 (7.5), Nokia Lumia 800            t.version('Windows Phone OS')>=7.0 ||            // Blackberry 7 - Tested on BlackBerry Torch 9810            // Blackberry 6.0 - Tested on the Torch 9800 and Style 9670            t.is('BlackBerry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=6.0 ||            // Blackberry Playbook (1.0-2.0) - Tested on PlayBook            t.match('Playbook.*Tablet') ||            // Palm WebOS (1.4-2.0) - Tested on the Palm Pixi (1.4), Pre (1.4), Pre 2 (2.0)            ( t.version('webOS')>=1.4 && t.match('Palm|Pre|Pixi') ) ||            // Palm WebOS 3.0  - Tested on HP TouchPad            t.match('hp.*TouchPad') ||            // Firefox Mobile (12 Beta) - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Firefox') && t.version('Firefox')>=12 ) ||            // Chrome for Android - Tested on Android 4.0, 4.1 device            ( t.is('Chrome') && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=4.0 ) ||            // Skyfire 4.1 - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( t.is('Skyfire') && t.version('Skyfire')>=4.1 && t.is('AndroidOS') && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Opera Mobile 11.5-12: Tested on Android 2.3            ( t.is('Opera') && t.version('Opera Mobi')>11 && t.is('AndroidOS') ) ||            // Meego 1.2 - Tested on Nokia 950 and N9            t.is('MeeGoOS') ||            // Tizen (pre-release) - Tested on early hardware            t.is('Tizen') ||            // Samsung Bada 2.0 - Tested on a Samsung Wave 3, Dolphin browser            // @todo: more tests here!            t.is('Dolfin') && t.version('Bada')>=2.0 ||            // UC Browser - Tested on Android 2.3 device            ( (t.is('UC Browser') || t.is('Dolfin')) && t.version('Android')>=2.3 ) ||            // Kindle 3 and Fire  - Tested on the built-in WebKit browser for each            ( t.match('Kindle Fire') ||                t.is('Kindle') && t.version('Kindle')>=3.0 ) ||            // Nook Color 1.4.1 - Tested on original Nook Color, not Nook Tablet            t.is('AndroidOS') && t.is('NookTablet') ||            // Chrome Desktop 11-21 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Chrome')>=11 && !$isMobile ||            // Safari Desktop 4-5 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Safari')>=5.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Firefox Desktop 4-13 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            t.version('Firefox')>=4.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Internet Explorer 7-9 - Tested on Windows XP, Vista and 7            t.version('MSIE')>=7.0 && !$isMobile ||            // Opera Desktop 10-12 - Tested on OS X 10.7 and Windows 7            // @reference: http://my.opera.com/community/openweb/idopera/            t.version('Opera')>=10 && !$isMobile            ){            return 'A';        }        if (            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPad')<4.3 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPhone')<3.1 ||            t.os('iOS') && t.version('iPod')<3.1 ||            // Blackberry 5.0: Tested on the Storm 2 9550, Bold 9770            t.is('Blackberry') && t.version('BlackBerry')>=5 && t.version('BlackBerry')<6 ||            //Opera Mini (5.0-6.5) - Tested on iOS 3.2/4.3 and Android 2.3            ( t.version('Opera Mini')>=5.0 && t.version('Opera Mini')<=6.5 &&                (t.version('Android')>=2.3 || t.is('iOS')) ) ||            // Nokia Symbian^3 - Tested on Nokia N8 (Symbian^3), C7 (Symbian^3), also works on N97 (Symbian^1)            t.match('NokiaN8|NokiaC7|N97.*Series60|Symbian/3') ||            // @todo: report this (tested on Nokia N71)            t.version('Opera Mobi')>=11 && t.is('SymbianOS')            ){            return 'B';        }        if (        // Blackberry 4.x - Tested on the Curve 8330            t.version('BlackBerry')<5.0 ||            // Windows Mobile - Tested on the HTC Leo (WinMo 5.2)            t.match('MSIEMobile|Windows CE.*Mobile') || t.version('Windows Mobile')<=5.2            ){            return 'C';        }        //All older smartphone platforms and featurephones - Any device that doesn't support media queries        //will receive the basic, C grade experience.        return 'C';    };    impl.detectOS = function (ua) {        return impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss0, ua) ||            impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.oss, ua);    };    impl.getDeviceSmallerSide = function () {        return window.screen.width < window.screen.height ?            window.screen.width :            window.screen.height;    };    /**     * Constructor for MobileDetect object.     * <br>     * Such an object will keep a reference to the given user-agent string and cache most of the detect queries.<br>     * <div style="background-color: #d9edf7; border: 1px solid #bce8f1; color: #3a87ad; padding: 14px; border-radius: 2px; margin-top: 20px">     *     <strong>Find information how to download and install:</strong>     *     <a href="https://github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/">github.com/hgoebl/mobile-detect.js/</a>     * </div>     *     * @example <pre>     *     var md = new MobileDetect(window.navigator.userAgent);     *     if (md.mobile()) {     *         location.href = (md.mobileGrade() === 'A') ? '/mobile/' : '/lynx/';     *     }     * </pre>     *     * @param {string} userAgent typically taken from window.navigator.userAgent or http_header['User-Agent']     * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth=600] <strong>only for browsers</strong> specify a value for the maximum     *        width of smallest device side (in logical "CSS" pixels) until a device detected as mobile will be handled     *        as phone.     *        This is only used in cases where the device cannot be classified as phone or tablet.<br>     *        See <a href="http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html">Declaring Tablet Layouts     *        for Android</a>.<br>     *        If you provide a value < 0, then this "fuzzy" check is disabled.     * @constructor     * @global     */    function MobileDetect(userAgent, maxPhoneWidth) {        this.ua = userAgent || '';        this._cache = {};        //600dp is typical 7" tablet minimum width        this.maxPhoneWidth = maxPhoneWidth || 600;    }    MobileDetect.prototype = {        constructor: MobileDetect,        /**         * Returns the detected phone or tablet type or <tt>null</tt> if it is not a mobile device.         * <br>         * For a list of possible return values see {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code>, <code>UnknownTablet</code> or         * <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> here.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the phone family or tablet family, e.g. "Nexus".         * @function MobileDetect#mobile         */        mobile: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.mobile;        },        /**         * Returns the detected phone type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC, Nexus, Dell, Motorola, Samsung, LG, Sony, Asus,         * NokiaLumia, Micromax, Palm, Vertu, Pantech, Fly, Wiko, iMobile, SimValley,         * Wolfgang, Alcatel, Nintendo, Amoi, INQ, GenericPhone</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownPhone</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the phone family or producer, e.g. "iPhone"         * @function MobileDetect#phone         */        phone: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.phone;        },        /**         * Returns the detected tablet type/family string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned tablet (family or producer) is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>iPad, NexusTablet, SamsungTablet, Kindle, SurfaceTablet, HPTablet, AsusTablet,         * BlackBerryTablet, HTCtablet, MotorolaTablet, NookTablet, AcerTablet,         * ToshibaTablet, LGTablet, FujitsuTablet, PrestigioTablet, LenovoTablet,         * DellTablet, YarvikTablet, MedionTablet, ArnovaTablet, IntensoTablet, IRUTablet,         * MegafonTablet, EbodaTablet, AllViewTablet, ArchosTablet, AinolTablet,         * NokiaLumiaTablet, SonyTablet, PhilipsTablet, CubeTablet, CobyTablet, MIDTablet,         * MSITablet, SMiTTablet, RockChipTablet, FlyTablet, bqTablet, HuaweiTablet,         * NecTablet, PantechTablet, BronchoTablet, VersusTablet, ZyncTablet,         * PositivoTablet, NabiTablet, KoboTablet, DanewTablet, TexetTablet,         * PlaystationTablet, TrekstorTablet, PyleAudioTablet, AdvanTablet,         * DanyTechTablet, GalapadTablet, MicromaxTablet, KarbonnTablet, AllFineTablet,         * PROSCANTablet, YONESTablet, ChangJiaTablet, GUTablet, PointOfViewTablet,         * OvermaxTablet, HCLTablet, DPSTablet, VistureTablet, CrestaTablet,         * MediatekTablet, ConcordeTablet, GoCleverTablet, ModecomTablet, VoninoTablet,         * ECSTablet, StorexTablet, VodafoneTablet, EssentielBTablet, RossMoorTablet,         * iMobileTablet, TolinoTablet, AudioSonicTablet, AMPETablet, SkkTablet,         * TecnoTablet, JXDTablet, iJoyTablet, FX2Tablet, XoroTablet, ViewsonicTablet,         * OdysTablet, CaptivaTablet, IconbitTablet, TeclastTablet, OndaTablet,         * JaytechTablet, BlaupunktTablet, DigmaTablet, EvolioTablet, LavaTablet,         * AocTablet, MpmanTablet, CelkonTablet, WolderTablet, MiTablet, NibiruTablet,         * NexoTablet, LeaderTablet, UbislateTablet, PocketBookTablet, KocasoTablet, Hudl,         * TelstraTablet, GenericTablet</tt><br>         * <br>         * If the device is not detected by the regular expressions from Mobile-Detect, a test is made against         * the patterns of <a href="http://detectmobilebrowsers.com/">detectmobilebrowsers.com</a>. If this test         * is positive, a value of <code>UnknownTablet</code> or <code>UnknownMobile</code> is returned.<br>         * When used in browser, the decision whether phone or tablet is made based on <code>screen.width/height</code>.<br>         * <br>         * When used server-side (node.js), there is no way to tell the difference between <code>UnknownTablet</code>         * and <code>UnknownMobile</code>, so you will get <code>null</code> here, while {@link MobileDetect#mobile}         * will return <code>UnknownMobile</code>.<br>         * Be aware that since v1.0.0 in this special case you will get <code>UnknownMobile</code> only for:         * {@link MobileDetect#mobile}, not for {@link MobileDetect#phone} and {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.         * In versions before v1.0.0 all 3 methods returned <code>UnknownMobile</code> which was tedious to use.         * <br>         * In most cases you will use the return value just as a boolean.         *         * @returns {String} the key of the tablet family or producer, e.g. "SamsungTablet"         * @function MobileDetect#tablet         */        tablet: function () {            impl.prepareDetectionCache(this._cache, this.ua, this.maxPhoneWidth);            return this._cache.tablet;        },        /**         * Returns the (first) detected user-agent string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The returned user-agent is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected user-agent or <tt>null</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgent         */        userAgent: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgent === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgent = impl.findMatch(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgent;        },        /**         * Returns all detected user-agent strings.         * <br>         * The array is empty or contains one or more of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Vivaldi, Chrome, Dolfin, Opera, Skyfire, Edge, IE, Firefox, Bolt, TeaShark,         * Blazer, Safari, Tizen, UCBrowser, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser, DiigoBrowser,         * Puffin, Mercury, ObigoBrowser, NetFront, GenericBrowser, PaleMoon</tt><br>         * <br>         * In most cases calling {@link MobileDetect#userAgent} will be sufficient. But there are rare         * cases where a mobile device pretends to be more than one particular browser. You can get the         * list of all matches with {@link MobileDetect#userAgents} or check for a particular value by         * providing one of the defined keys as first argument to {@link MobileDetect#is}.         *         * @returns {Array} the array of detected user-agent keys or <tt>[]</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#userAgents         */        userAgents: function () {            if (this._cache.userAgents === undefined) {                this._cache.userAgents = impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.uas, this.ua);            }            return this._cache.userAgents;        },        /**         * Returns the detected operating system string or <tt>null</tt>.         * <br>         * The operating system is one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>AndroidOS, BlackBerryOS, PalmOS, SymbianOS, WindowsMobileOS, WindowsPhoneOS,         * iOS, MeeGoOS, MaemoOS, JavaOS, webOS, badaOS, BREWOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the key for the detected operating system.         * @function MobileDetect#os         */        os: function () {            if (this._cache.os === undefined) {                this._cache.os = impl.detectOS(this.ua);            }            return this._cache.os;        },        /**         * Get the version (as Number) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         * Will return a float number. (eg. 2_0 will return 2.0, 4.3.1 will return 4.31)         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {Number} the version as float or <tt>NaN</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *          Be careful when comparing this value with '==' operator!         * @function MobileDetect#version         */        version: function (key) {            return impl.getVersion(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Get the version (as String) of the given property in the User-Agent.         * <br>         *         * @param {String} key a key defining a thing which has a version.<br>         *        You can use one of following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Mobile, Build, Version, VendorID, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Kindle, Chrome, Coast,         * Dolfin, Firefox, Fennec, Edge, IE, NetFront, NokiaBrowser, Opera, Opera Mini,         * Opera Mobi, UC Browser, MQQBrowser, MicroMessenger, baiduboxapp, baidubrowser,         * Iron, Safari, Skyfire, Tizen, Webkit, PaleMoon, Gecko, Trident, Presto, Goanna,         * iOS, Android, BlackBerry, BREW, Java, Windows Phone OS, Windows Phone, Windows         * CE, Windows NT, Symbian, webOS</tt><br>         *         * @returns {String} the "raw" version as String or <tt>null</tt> if User-Agent doesn't contain this version.         *         * @function MobileDetect#versionStr         */        versionStr: function (key) {            return impl.getVersionStr(key, this.ua);        },        /**         * Global test key against userAgent, os, phone, tablet and some other properties of userAgent string.         *         * @param {String} key the key (case-insensitive) of a userAgent, an operating system, phone or         *        tablet family.<br>         *        For a complete list of possible values, see {@link MobileDetect#userAgent},         *        {@link MobileDetect#os}, {@link MobileDetect#phone}, {@link MobileDetect#tablet}.<br>         *        Additionally you have following keys:<br>         * <br><tt>Bot, MobileBot, DesktopMode, TV, WebKit, Console, Watch</tt><br>         *         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the given key is one of the defined keys of userAgent, os, phone,         *                    tablet or one of the listed additional keys, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#is         */        is: function (key) {            return containsIC(this.userAgents(), key) ||                   equalIC(key, this.os()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.phone()) ||                   equalIC(key, this.tablet()) ||                   containsIC(impl.findMatches(impl.mobileDetectRules.utils, this.ua), key);        },        /**         * Do a quick test against navigator::userAgent.         *         * @param {String|RegExp} pattern the pattern, either as String or RegExp         *                        (a string will be converted to a case-insensitive RegExp).         * @returns {boolean} <tt>true</tt> when the pattern matches, otherwise <tt>false</tt>         * @function MobileDetect#match         */        match: function (pattern) {            if (!(pattern instanceof RegExp)) {                pattern = new RegExp(pattern, 'i');            }            return pattern.test(this.ua);        },        /**         * Checks whether the mobile device can be considered as phone regarding <code>screen.width</code>.         * <br>         * Obviously this method makes sense in browser environments only (not for Node.js)!         * @param {number} [maxPhoneWidth] the maximum logical pixels (aka. CSS-pixels) to be considered as phone.<br>         *        The argument is optional and if not present or falsy, the value of the constructor is taken.         * @returns {boolean|undefined} <code>undefined</code> if screen size wasn't detectable, else <code>true</code>         *          when screen.width is less or equal to maxPhoneWidth, otherwise <code>false</code>.<br>         *          Will always return <code>undefined</code> server-side.         */        isPhoneSized: function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return MobileDetect.isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth || this.maxPhoneWidth);        },        /**         * Returns the mobile grade ('A', 'B', 'C').         *         * @returns {String} one of the mobile grades ('A', 'B', 'C').         * @function MobileDetect#mobileGrade         */        mobileGrade: function () {            if (this._cache.grade === undefined) {                this._cache.grade = impl.mobileGrade(this);            }            return this._cache.grade;        }    };    // environment-dependent    if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.screen) {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function (maxPhoneWidth) {            return maxPhoneWidth < 0 ? undefined : impl.getDeviceSmallerSide() <= maxPhoneWidth;        };    } else {        MobileDetect.isPhoneSized = function () {};    }    // should not be replaced by a completely new object - just overwrite existing methods    MobileDetect._impl = impl;    MobileDetect.version = '1.3.3 2016-07-31';    return MobileDetect;} : () => { (userAgent: any, maxPhoneWidth: any): void; isPhoneSized(maxPhoneWidth: any): any; _impl: {}; version: string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.errors.txt:7:    type manyprops = `${props}${props}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.errors.txt:9:    export const c = null as any as {[K in manyprops]: {[K2 in manyprops]: `${K}.${K2}`}};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.errors.txt-10-                 ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.js:4:type manyprops = `${props}${props}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.js:6:export const c = null as any as {[K in manyprops]: {[K2 in manyprops]: `${K}.${K2}`}};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.symbols:5:type manyprops = `${props}${props}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.symbols-6->manyprops : Symbol(manyprops, Decl(hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.ts, 0, 167))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.symbols:10:export const c = null as any as {[K in manyprops]: {[K2 in manyprops]: `${K}.${K2}`}};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.symbols-11->c : Symbol(c, Decl(hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.ts, 4, 12))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.types:5:type manyprops = `${props}${props}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.types-6->manyprops : "aa" | "ab" | "ac" | "ad" | "ae" | "af" | "ag" | "ah" | "ai" | "aj" | "ak" | "al" | "am" | "an" | "ao" | "ap" | "aq" | "ar" | "as" | "at" | "au" | "av" | "aw" | "ax" | "ay" | "az" | "ba" | "bb" | "bc" | "bd" | "be" | "bf" | "bg" | "bh" | "bi" | "bj" | "bk" | "bl" | "bm" | "bn" | "bo" | "bp" | "bq" | "br" | "bs" | "bt" | "bu" | "bv" | "bw" | "bx" | "by" | "bz" | "ca" | "cb" | "cc" | "cd" | "ce" | "cf" | "cg" | "ch" | "ci" | "cj" | "ck" | "cl" | "cm" | "cn" | "co" | "cp" | "cq" | "cr" | "cs" | "ct" | "cu" | "cv" | "cw" | "cx" | "cy" | "cz" | "da" | "db" | "dc" | "dd" | "de" | "df" | "dg" | "dh" | "di" | "dj" | "dk" | "dl" | "dm" | "dn" | "do" | "dp" | "dq" | "dr" | "ds" | "dt" | "du" | "dv" | "dw" | "dx" | "dy" | "dz" | "ea" | "eb" | "ec" | "ed" | "ee" | "ef" | "eg" | "eh" | "ei" | "ej" | "ek" | "el" | "em" | "en" | "eo" | "ep" | "eq" | "er" | "es" | "et" | "eu" | "ev" | "ew" | "ex" | "ey" | "ez" | "fa" | "fb" | "fc" | "fd" | "fe" | "ff" | "fg" | "fh" | "fi" | "fj" | "fk" | "fl" | "fm" | "fn" | "fo" | "fp" | "fq" | "fr" | "fs" | "ft" | "fu" | "fv" | "fw" | "fx" | "fy" | "fz" | "ga" | "gb" | "gc" | "gd" | "ge" | "gf" | "gg" | "gh" | "gi" | "gj" | "gk" | "gl" | "gm" | "gn" | "go" | "gp" | "gq" | "gr" | "gs" | "gt" | "gu" | "gv" | "gw" | "gx" | "gy" | "gz" | "ha" | "hb" | "hc" | "hd" | "he" | "hf" | "hg" | "hh" | "hi" | "hj" | "hk" | "hl" | "hm" | "hn" | "ho" | "hp" | "hq" | "hr" | "hs" | "ht" | "hu" | "hv" | "hw" | "hx" | "hy" | "hz" | "ia" | "ib" | "ic" | "id" | "ie" | "if" | "ig" | "ih" | "ii" | "ij" | "ik" | "il" | "im" | "in" | "io" | "ip" | "iq" | "ir" | "is" | "it" | "iu" | "iv" | "iw" | "ix" | "iy" | "iz" | "ja" | "jb" | "jc" | "jd" | "je" | "jf" | "jg" | "jh" | "ji" | "jj" | "jk" | "jl" | "jm" | "jn" | "jo" | "jp" | "jq" | "jr" | "js" | "jt" | "ju" | "jv" | "jw" | "jx" | "jy" | "jz" | "ka" | "kb" | "kc" | "kd" | "ke" | "kf" | "kg" | "kh" | "ki" | "kj" | "kk" | "kl" | "km" | "kn" | "ko" | "kp" | "kq" | "kr" | "ks" | "kt" | "ku" | "kv" | "kw" | "kx" | "ky" | "kz" | "la" | "lb" | "lc" | "ld" | "le" | "lf" | "lg" | "lh" | "li" | "lj" | "lk" | "ll" | "lm" | "ln" | "lo" | "lp" | "lq" | "lr" | "ls" | "lt" | "lu" | "lv" | "lw" | "lx" | "ly" | "lz" | "ma" | "mb" | "mc" | "md" | "me" | "mf" | "mg" | "mh" | "mi" | "mj" | "mk" | "ml" | "mm" | "mn" | "mo" | "mp" | "mq" | "mr" | "ms" | "mt" | "mu" | "mv" | "mw" | "mx" | "my" | "mz" | "na" | "nb" | "nc" | "nd" | "ne" | "nf" | "ng" | "nh" | "ni" | "nj" | "nk" | "nl" | "nm" | "nn" | "no" | "np" | "nq" | "nr" | "ns" | "nt" | "nu" | "nv" | "nw" | "nx" | "ny" | "nz" | "oa" | "ob" | "oc" | "od" | "oe" | "of" | "og" | "oh" | "oi" | "oj" | "ok" | "ol" | "om" | "on" | "oo" | "op" | "oq" | "or" | "os" | "ot" | "ou" | "ov" | "ow" | "ox" | "oy" | "oz" | "pa" | "pb" | "pc" | "pd" | "pe" | "pf" | "pg" | "ph" | "pi" | "pj" | "pk" | "pl" | "pm" | "pn" | "po" | "pp" | "pq" | "pr" | "ps" | "pt" | "pu" | "pv" | "pw" | "px" | "py" | "pz" | "qa" | "qb" | "qc" | "qd" | "qe" | "qf" | "qg" | "qh" | "qi" | "qj" | "qk" | "ql" | "qm" | "qn" | "qo" | "qp" | "qq" | "qr" | "qs" | "qt" | "qu" | "qv" | "qw" | "qx" | "qy" | "qz" | "ra" | "rb" | "rc" | "rd" | "re" | "rf" | "rg" | "rh" | "ri" | "rj" | "rk" | "rl" | "rm" | "rn" | "ro" | "rp" | "rq" | "rr" | "rs" | "rt" | "ru" | "rv" | "rw" | "rx" | "ry" | "rz" | "sa" | "sb" | "sc" | "sd" | "se" | "sf" | "sg" | "sh" | "si" | "sj" | "sk" | "sl" | "sm" | "sn" | "so" | "sp" | "sq" | "sr" | "ss" | "st" | "su" | "sv" | "sw" | "sx" | "sy" | "sz" | "ta" | "tb" | "tc" | "td" | "te" | "tf" | "tg" | "th" | "ti" | "tj" | "tk" | "tl" | "tm" | "tn" | "to" | "tp" | "tq" | "tr" | "ts" | "tt" | "tu" | "tv" | "tw" | "tx" | "ty" | "tz" | "ua" | "ub" | "uc" | "ud" | "ue" | "uf" | "ug" | "uh" | "ui" | "uj" | "uk" | "ul" | "um" | "un" | "uo" | "up" | "uq" | "ur" | "us" | "ut" | "uu" | "uv" | "uw" | "ux" | "uy" | "uz" | "va" | "vb" | "vc" | "vd" | "ve" | "vf" | "vg" | "vh" | "vi" | "vj" | "vk" | "vl" | "vm" | "vn" | "vo" | "vp" | "vq" | "vr" | "vs" | "vt" | "vu" | "vv" | "vw" | "vx" | "vy" | "vz" | "wa" | "wb" | "wc" | "wd" | "we" | "wf" | "wg" | "wh" | "wi" | "wj" | "wk" | "wl" | "wm" | "wn" | "wo" | "wp" | "wq" | "wr" | "ws" | "wt" | "wu" | "wv" | "ww" | "wx" | "wy" | "wz" | "xa" | "xb" | "xc" | "xd" | "xe" | "xf" | "xg" | "xh" | "xi" | "xj" | "xk" | "xl" | "xm" | "xn" | "xo" | "xp" | "xq" | "xr" | "xs" | "xt" | "xu" | "xv" | "xw" | "xx" | "xy" | "xz" | "ya" | "yb" | "yc" | "yd" | "ye" | "yf" | "yg" | "yh" | "yi" | "yj" | "yk" | "yl" | "ym" | "yn" | "yo" | "yp" | "yq" | "yr" | "ys" | "yt" | "yu" | "yv" | "yw" | "yx" | "yy" | "yz" | "za" | "zb" | "zc" | "zd" | "ze" | "zf" | "zg" | "zh" | "zi" | "zj" | "zk" | "zl" | "zm" | "zn" | "zo" | "zp" | "zq" | "zr" | "zs" | "zt" | "zu" | "zv" | "zw" | "zx" | "zy" | "zz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.types:8:export const c = null as any as {[K in manyprops]: {[K2 in manyprops]: `${K}.${K2}`}};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.types-9->c : { aa: { aa: "aa.aa"; ab: "aa.ab"; ac: "aa.ac"; ad: "aa.ad"; ae: "aa.ae"; af: "aa.af"; ag: "aa.ag"; ah: "aa.ah"; ai: "aa.ai"; aj: "aa.aj"; ak: "aa.ak"; al: "aa.al"; am: "aa.am"; an: "aa.an"; ao: "aa.ao"; ap: "aa.ap"; aq: "aa.aq"; ar: "aa.ar"; as: "aa.as"; at: "aa.at"; au: "aa.au"; av: "aa.av"; aw: "aa.aw"; ax: "aa.ax"; ay: "aa.ay"; az: "aa.az"; ba: "aa.ba"; bb: "aa.bb"; bc: "aa.bc"; bd: "aa.bd"; be: "aa.be"; bf: "aa.bf"; bg: "aa.bg"; bh: "aa.bh"; bi: "aa.bi"; bj: "aa.bj"; bk: "aa.bk"; bl: "aa.bl"; bm: "aa.bm"; bn: "aa.bn"; bo: "aa.bo"; bp: "aa.bp"; bq: "aa.bq"; br: "aa.br"; bs: "aa.bs"; bt: "aa.bt"; bu: "aa.bu"; bv: "aa.bv"; bw: "aa.bw"; bx: "aa.bx"; by: "aa.by"; bz: "aa.bz"; ca: "aa.ca"; cb: "aa.cb"; cc: "aa.cc"; cd: "aa.cd"; ce: "aa.ce"; cf: "aa.cf"; cg: "aa.cg"; ch: "aa.ch"; ci: "aa.ci"; cj: "aa.cj"; ck: "aa.ck"; cl: "aa.cl"; cm: "aa.cm"; cn: "aa.cn"; co: "aa.co"; cp: "aa.cp"; cq: "aa.cq"; cr: "aa.cr"; cs: "aa.cs"; ct: "aa.ct"; cu: "aa.cu"; cv: "aa.cv"; cw: "aa.cw"; cx: "aa.cx"; cy: "aa.cy"; cz: "aa.cz"; da: "aa.da"; db: "aa.db"; dc: "aa.dc"; dd: "aa.dd"; de: "aa.de"; df: "aa.df"; dg: "aa.dg"; dh: "aa.dh"; di: "aa.di"; dj: "aa.dj"; dk: "aa.dk"; dl: "aa.dl"; dm: "aa.dm"; dn: "aa.dn"; do: "aa.do"; dp: "aa.dp"; dq: "aa.dq"; dr: "aa.dr"; ds: "aa.ds"; dt: "aa.dt"; du: "aa.du"; dv: "aa.dv"; dw: "aa.dw"; dx: "aa.dx"; dy: "aa.dy"; dz: "aa.dz"; ea: "aa.ea"; eb: "aa.eb"; ec: "aa.ec"; ed: "aa.ed"; ee: "aa.ee"; ef: "aa.ef"; eg: "aa.eg"; eh: "aa.eh"; ei: "aa.ei"; ej: "aa.ej"; ek: "aa.ek"; el: "aa.el"; em: "aa.em"; en: "aa.en"; eo: "aa.eo"; ep: "aa.ep"; eq: "aa.eq"; er: "aa.er"; es: "aa.es"; et: "aa.et"; eu: "aa.eu"; ev: "aa.ev"; ew: "aa.ew"; ex: "aa.ex"; ey: "aa.ey"; ez: "aa.ez"; fa: "aa.fa"; fb: "aa.fb"; fc: "aa.fc"; fd: "aa.fd"; fe: "aa.fe"; ff: "aa.ff"; fg: "aa.fg"; fh: "aa.fh"; fi: "aa.fi"; fj: "aa.fj"; fk: "aa.fk"; fl: "aa.fl"; fm: "aa.fm"; fn: "aa.fn"; fo: "aa.fo"; fp: "aa.fp"; fq: "aa.fq"; fr: "aa.fr"; fs: "aa.fs"; ft: "aa.ft"; fu: "aa.fu"; fv: "aa.fv"; fw: "aa.fw"; fx: "aa.fx"; fy: "aa.fy"; fz: "aa.fz"; ga: "aa.ga"; gb: "aa.gb"; gc: "aa.gc"; gd: "aa.gd"; ge: "aa.ge"; gf: "aa.gf"; gg: "aa.gg"; gh: "aa.gh"; gi: "aa.gi"; gj: "aa.gj"; gk: "aa.gk"; gl: "aa.gl"; gm: "aa.gm"; gn: "aa.gn"; go: "aa.go"; gp: "aa.gp"; gq: "aa.gq"; gr: "aa.gr"; gs: "aa.gs"; gt: "aa.gt"; gu: "aa.gu"; gv: "aa.gv"; gw: "aa.gw"; gx: "aa.gx"; gy: "aa.gy"; gz: "aa.gz"; ha: "aa.ha"; hb: "aa.hb"; hc: "aa.hc"; hd: "aa.hd"; he: "aa.he"; hf: "aa.hf"; hg: "aa.hg"; hh: "aa.hh"; hi: "aa.hi"; hj: "aa.hj"; hk: "aa.hk"; hl: "aa.hl"; hm: "aa.hm"; hn: "aa.hn"; ho: "aa.ho"; hp: "aa.hp"; hq: "aa.hq"; hr: "aa.hr"; hs: "aa.hs"; ht: "aa.ht"; hu: "aa.hu"; hv: "aa.hv"; hw: "aa.hw"; hx: "aa.hx"; hy: "aa.hy"; hz: "aa.hz"; ia: "aa.ia"; ib: "aa.ib"; ic: "aa.ic"; id: "aa.id"; ie: "aa.ie"; if: "aa.if"; ig: "aa.ig"; ih: "aa.ih"; ii: "aa.ii"; ij: "aa.ij"; ik: "aa.ik"; il: "aa.il"; im: "aa.im"; in: "aa.in"; io: "aa.io"; ip: "aa.ip"; iq: "aa.iq"; ir: "aa.ir"; is: "aa.is"; it: "aa.it"; iu: "aa.iu"; iv: "aa.iv"; iw: "aa.iw"; ix: "aa.ix"; iy: "aa.iy"; iz: "aa.iz"; ja: "aa.ja"; jb: "aa.jb"; jc: "aa.jc"; jd: "aa.jd"; je: "aa.je"; jf: "aa.jf"; jg: "aa.jg"; jh: "aa.jh"; ji: "aa.ji"; jj: "aa.jj"; jk: "aa.jk"; jl: "aa.jl"; jm: "aa.jm"; jn: "aa.jn"; jo: "aa.jo"; jp: "aa.jp"; jq: "aa.jq"; jr: "aa.jr"; js: "aa.js"; jt: "aa.jt"; ju: "aa.ju"; jv: "aa.jv"; jw: "aa.jw"; jx: "aa.jx"; jy: "aa.jy"; jz: "aa.jz"; ka: "aa.ka"; kb: "aa.kb"; kc: "aa.kc"; kd: "aa.kd"; ke: "aa.ke"; kf: "aa.kf"; kg: "aa.kg"; kh: "aa.kh"; ki: "aa.ki"; kj: "aa.kj"; kk: "aa.kk"; kl: "aa.kl"; km: "aa.km"; kn: "aa.kn"; ko: "aa.ko"; kp: "aa.kp"; kq: "aa.kq"; kr: "aa.kr"; ks: "aa.ks"; kt: "aa.kt"; ku: "aa.ku"; kv: "aa.kv"; kw: "aa.kw"; kx: "aa.kx"; ky: "aa.ky"; kz: "aa.kz"; la: "aa.la"; lb: "aa.lb"; lc: "aa.lc"; ld: "aa.ld"; le: "aa.le"; lf: "aa.lf"; lg: "aa.lg"; lh: "aa.lh"; li: "aa.li"; lj: "aa.lj"; lk: "aa.lk"; ll: "aa.ll"; lm: "aa.lm"; ln: "aa.ln"; lo: "aa.lo"; lp: "aa.lp"; lq: "aa.lq"; lr: "aa.lr"; ls: "aa.ls"; lt: "aa.lt"; lu: "aa.lu"; lv: "aa.lv"; lw: "aa.lw"; lx: "aa.lx"; ly: "aa.ly"; lz: "aa.lz"; ma: "aa.ma"; mb: "aa.mb"; mc: "aa.mc"; md: "aa.md"; me: "aa.me"; mf: "aa.mf"; mg: "aa.mg"; mh: "aa.mh"; mi: "aa.mi"; mj: "aa.mj"; mk: "aa.mk"; ml: "aa.ml"; mm: "aa.mm"; mn: "aa.mn"; mo: "aa.mo"; mp: "aa.mp"; mq: "aa.mq"; mr: "aa.mr"; ms: "aa.ms"; mt: "aa.mt"; mu: "aa.mu"; mv: "aa.mv"; mw: "aa.mw"; mx: "aa.mx"; my: "aa.my"; mz: "aa.mz"; na: "aa.na"; nb: "aa.nb"; nc: "aa.nc"; nd: "aa.nd"; ne: "aa.ne"; nf: "aa.nf"; ng: "aa.ng"; nh: "aa.nh"; ni: "aa.ni"; nj: "aa.nj"; nk: "aa.nk"; nl: "aa.nl"; nm: "aa.nm"; nn: "aa.nn"; no: "aa.no"; np: "aa.np"; nq: "aa.nq"; nr: "aa.nr"; ns: "aa.ns"; nt: "aa.nt"; nu: "aa.nu"; nv: "aa.nv"; nw: "aa.nw"; nx: "aa.nx"; ny: "aa.ny"; nz: "aa.nz"; oa: "aa.oa"; ob: "aa.ob"; oc: "aa.oc"; od: "aa.od"; oe: "aa.oe"; of: "aa.of"; og: "aa.og"; oh: "aa.oh"; oi: "aa.oi"; oj: "aa.oj"; ok: "aa.ok"; ol: "aa.ol"; om: "aa.om"; on: "aa.on"; oo: "aa.oo"; op: "aa.op"; oq: "aa.oq"; or: "aa.or"; os: "aa.os"; ot: "aa.ot"; ou: "aa.ou"; ov: "aa.ov"; ow: "aa.ow"; ox: "aa.ox"; oy: "aa.oy"; oz: "aa.oz"; pa: "aa.pa"; pb: "aa.pb"; pc: "aa.pc"; pd: "aa.pd"; pe: "aa.pe"; pf: "aa.pf"; pg: "aa.pg"; ph: "aa.ph"; pi: "aa.pi"; pj: "aa.pj"; pk: "aa.pk"; pl: "aa.pl"; pm: "aa.pm"; pn: "aa.pn"; po: "aa.po"; pp: "aa.pp"; pq: "aa.pq"; pr: "aa.pr"; ps: "aa.ps"; pt: "aa.pt"; pu: "aa.pu"; pv: "aa.pv"; pw: "aa.pw"; px: "aa.px"; py: "aa.py"; pz: "aa.pz"; qa: "aa.qa"; qb: "aa.qb"; qc: "aa.qc"; qd: "aa.qd"; qe: "aa.qe"; qf: "aa.qf"; qg: "aa.qg"; qh: "aa.qh"; qi: "aa.qi"; qj: "aa.qj"; qk: "aa.qk"; ql: "aa.ql"; qm: "aa.qm"; qn: "aa.qn"; qo: "aa.qo"; qp: "aa.qp"; qq: "aa.qq"; qr: "aa.qr"; qs: "aa.qs"; qt: "aa.qt"; qu: "aa.qu"; qv: "aa.qv"; qw: "aa.qw"; qx: "aa.qx"; qy: "aa.qy"; qz: "aa.qz"; ra: "aa.ra"; rb: "aa.rb"; rc: "aa.rc"; rd: "aa.rd"; re: "aa.re"; rf: "aa.rf"; rg: "aa.rg"; rh: "aa.rh"; ri: "aa.ri"; rj: "aa.rj"; rk: "aa.rk"; rl: "aa.rl"; rm: "aa.rm"; rn: "aa.rn"; ro: "aa.ro"; rp: "aa.rp"; rq: "aa.rq"; rr: "aa.rr"; rs: "aa.rs"; rt: "aa.rt"; ru: "aa.ru"; rv: "aa.rv"; rw: "aa.rw"; rx: "aa.rx"; ry: "aa.ry"; rz: "aa.rz"; sa: "aa.sa"; sb: "aa.sb"; sc: "aa.sc"; sd: "aa.sd"; se: "aa.se"; sf: "aa.sf"; sg: "aa.sg"; sh: "aa.sh"; si: "aa.si"; sj: "aa.sj"; sk: "aa.sk"; sl: "aa.sl"; sm: "aa.sm"; sn: "aa.sn"; so: "aa.so"; sp: "aa.sp"; sq: "aa.sq"; sr: "aa.sr"; ss: "aa.ss"; st: "aa.st"; su: "aa.su"; sv: "aa.sv"; sw: "aa.sw"; sx: "aa.sx"; sy: "aa.sy"; sz: "aa.sz"; ta: "aa.ta"; tb: "aa.tb"; tc: "aa.tc"; td: "aa.td"; te: "aa.te"; tf: "aa.tf"; tg: "aa.tg"; th: "aa.th"; ti: "aa.ti"; tj: "aa.tj"; tk: "aa.tk"; tl: "aa.tl"; tm: "aa.tm"; tn: "aa.tn"; to: "aa.to"; tp: "aa.tp"; tq: "aa.tq"; tr: "aa.tr"; ts: "aa.ts"; tt: "aa.tt"; tu: "aa.tu"; tv: "aa.tv"; tw: "aa.tw"; tx: "aa.tx"; ty: "aa.ty"; tz: "aa.tz"; ua: "aa.ua"; ub: "aa.ub"; uc: "aa.uc"; ud: "aa.ud"; ue: "aa.ue"; uf: "aa.uf"; ug: "aa.ug"; uh: "aa.uh"; ui: "aa.ui"; uj: "aa.uj"; uk: "aa.uk"; ul: "aa.ul"; um: "aa.um"; un: "aa.un"; uo: "aa.uo"; up: "aa.up"; uq: "aa.uq"; ur: "aa.ur"; us: "aa.us"; ut: "aa.ut"; uu: "aa.uu"; uv: "aa.uv"; uw: "aa.uw"; ux: "aa.ux"; uy: "aa.uy"; uz: "aa.uz"; va: "aa.va"; vb: "aa.vb"; vc: "aa.vc"; vd: "aa.vd"; ve: "aa.ve"; vf: "aa.vf"; vg: "aa.vg"; vh: "aa.vh"; vi: "aa.vi"; vj: "aa.vj"; vk: "aa.vk"; vl: "aa.vl"; vm: "aa.vm"; vn: "aa.vn"; vo: "aa.vo"; vp: "aa.vp"; vq: "aa.vq"; vr: "aa.vr"; vs: "aa.vs"; vt: "aa.vt"; vu: "aa.vu"; vv: "aa.vv"; vw: "aa.vw"; vx: "aa.vx"; vy: "aa.vy"; vz: "aa.vz"; wa: "aa.wa"; wb: "aa.wb"; wc: "aa.wc"; wd: "aa.wd"; we: "aa.we"; wf: "aa.wf"; wg: "aa.wg"; wh: "aa.wh"; wi: "aa.wi"; wj: "aa.wj"; wk: "aa.wk"; wl: "aa.wl"; wm: "aa.wm"; wn: "aa.wn"; wo: "aa.wo"; wp: "aa.wp"; wq: "aa.wq"; wr: "aa.wr"; ws: "aa.ws"; wt: "aa.wt"; wu: "aa.wu"; wv: "aa.wv"; ww: "aa.ww"; wx: "aa.wx"; wy: "aa.wy"; wz: "aa.wz"; xa: "aa.xa"; xb: "aa.xb"; xc: "aa.xc"; xd: "aa.xd"; xe: "aa.xe"; xf: "aa.xf"; xg: "aa.xg"; xh: "aa.xh"; xi: "aa.xi"; xj: "aa.xj"; 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zq: "dq.zq"; zr: "dq.zr"; zs: "dq.zs"; zt: "dq.zt"; zu: "dq.zu"; zv: "dq.zv"; zw: "dq.zw"; zx: "dq.zx"; zy: "dq.zy"; zz: "dq.zz"; }; dr: { aa: "dr.aa"; ab: "dr.ab"; ac: "dr.ac"; ad: "dr.ad"; ae: "dr.ae"; af: "dr.af"; ag: "dr.ag"; ah: "dr.ah"; ai: "dr.ai"; aj: "dr.aj"; ak: "dr.ak"; al: "dr.al"; am: "dr.am"; an: "dr.an"; ao: "dr.ao"; ap: "dr.ap"; aq: "dr.aq"; ar: "dr.ar"; as: "dr.as"; at: "dr.at"; au: "dr.au"; av: "dr.av"; aw: "dr.aw"; ax: "dr.ax"; ay: "dr.ay"; az: "dr.az"; ba: "dr.ba"; bb: "dr.bb"; bc: "dr.bc"; bd: "dr.bd"; be: "dr.be"; bf: "dr.bf"; bg: "dr.bg"; bh: "dr.bh"; bi: "dr.bi"; bj: "dr.bj"; bk: "dr.bk"; bl: "dr.bl"; bm: "dr.bm"; bn: "dr.bn"; bo: "dr.bo"; bp: "dr.bp"; bq: "dr.bq"; br: "dr.br"; bs: "dr.bs"; bt: "dr.bt"; bu: "dr.bu"; bv: "dr.bv"; bw: "dr.bw"; bx: "dr.bx"; by: "dr.by"; bz: "dr.bz"; ca: "dr.ca"; cb: "dr.cb"; cc: "dr.cc"; cd: "dr.cd"; ce: "dr.ce"; cf: "dr.cf"; cg: "dr.cg"; ch: "dr.ch"; ci: "dr.ci"; cj: "dr.cj"; ck: "dr.ck"; cl: "dr.cl"; cm: "dr.cm"; cn: "dr.cn"; co: "dr.co"; 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uj: "dr.uj"; uk: "dr.uk"; ul: "dr.ul"; um: "dr.um"; un: "dr.un"; uo: "dr.uo"; up: "dr.up"; uq: "dr.uq"; ur: "dr.ur"; us: "dr.us"; ut: "dr.ut"; uu: "dr.uu"; uv: "dr.uv"; uw: "dr.uw"; ux: "dr.ux"; uy: "dr.uy"; uz: "dr.uz"; va: "dr.va"; vb: "dr.vb"; vc: "dr.vc"; vd: "dr.vd"; ve: "dr.ve"; vf: "dr.vf"; vg: "dr.vg"; vh: "dr.vh"; vi: "dr.vi"; vj: "dr.vj"; vk: "dr.vk"; vl: "dr.vl"; vm: "dr.vm"; vn: "dr.vn"; vo: "dr.vo"; vp: "dr.vp"; vq: "dr.vq"; vr: "dr.vr"; vs: "dr.vs"; vt: "dr.vt"; vu: "dr.vu"; vv: "dr.vv"; vw: "dr.vw"; vx: "dr.vx"; vy: "dr.vy"; vz: "dr.vz"; wa: "dr.wa"; wb: "dr.wb"; wc: "dr.wc"; wd: "dr.wd"; we: "dr.we"; wf: "dr.wf"; wg: "dr.wg"; wh: "dr.wh"; wi: "dr.wi"; wj: "dr.wj"; wk: "dr.wk"; wl: "dr.wl"; wm: "dr.wm"; wn: "dr.wn"; wo: "dr.wo"; wp: "dr.wp"; wq: "dr.wq"; wr: "dr.wr"; ws: "dr.ws"; wt: "dr.wt"; wu: "dr.wu"; wv: "dr.wv"; ww: "dr.ww"; wx: "dr.wx"; wy: "dr.wy"; wz: "dr.wz"; xa: "dr.xa"; xb: "dr.xb"; xc: "dr.xc"; xd: "dr.xd"; xe: "dr.xe"; xf: "dr.xf"; xg: "dr.xg"; xh: "dr.xh"; 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xz: "ds.xz"; ya: "ds.ya"; yb: "ds.yb"; yc: "ds.yc"; yd: "ds.yd"; ye: "ds.ye"; yf: "ds.yf"; yg: "ds.yg"; yh: "ds.yh"; yi: "ds.yi"; yj: "ds.yj"; yk: "ds.yk"; yl: "ds.yl"; ym: "ds.ym"; yn: "ds.yn"; yo: "ds.yo"; yp: "ds.yp"; yq: "ds.yq"; yr: "ds.yr"; ys: "ds.ys"; yt: "ds.yt"; yu: "ds.yu"; yv: "ds.yv"; yw: "ds.yw"; yx: "ds.yx"; yy: "ds.yy"; yz: "ds.yz"; za: "ds.za"; zb: "ds.zb"; zc: "ds.zc"; zd: "ds.zd"; ze: "ds.ze"; zf: "ds.zf"; zg: "ds.zg"; zh: "ds.zh"; zi: "ds.zi"; zj: "ds.zj"; zk: "ds.zk"; zl: "ds.zl"; zm: "ds.zm"; zn: "ds.zn"; zo: "ds.zo"; zp: "ds.zp"; zq: "ds.zq"; zr: "ds.zr"; zs: "ds.zs"; zt: "ds.zt"; zu: "ds.zu"; zv: "ds.zv"; zw: "ds.zw"; zx: "ds.zx"; zy: "ds.zy"; zz: "ds.zz"; }; dt: { aa: "dt.aa"; ab: "dt.ab"; ac: "dt.ac"; ad: "dt.ad"; ae: "dt.ae"; af: "dt.af"; ag: "dt.ag"; ah: "dt.ah"; ai: "dt.ai"; aj: "dt.aj"; ak: "dt.ak"; al: "dt.al"; am: "dt.am"; an: "dt.an"; ao: "dt.ao"; ap: "dt.ap"; aq: "dt.aq"; ar: "dt.ar"; as: "dt.as"; at: "dt.at"; au: "dt.au"; av: "dt.av"; aw: "dt.aw"; ax: "dt.ax"; 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wz: "dv.wz"; xa: "dv.xa"; xb: "dv.xb"; xc: "dv.xc"; xd: "dv.xd"; xe: "dv.xe"; xf: "dv.xf"; xg: "dv.xg"; xh: "dv.xh"; xi: "dv.xi"; xj: "dv.xj"; xk: "dv.xk"; xl: "dv.xl"; xm: "dv.xm"; xn: "dv.xn"; xo: "dv.xo"; xp: "dv.xp"; xq: "dv.xq"; xr: "dv.xr"; xs: "dv.xs"; xt: "dv.xt"; xu: "dv.xu"; xv: "dv.xv"; xw: "dv.xw"; xx: "dv.xx"; xy: "dv.xy"; xz: "dv.xz"; ya: "dv.ya"; yb: "dv.yb"; yc: "dv.yc"; yd: "dv.yd"; ye: "dv.ye"; yf: "dv.yf"; yg: "dv.yg"; yh: "dv.yh"; yi: "dv.yi"; yj: "dv.yj"; yk: "dv.yk"; yl: "dv.yl"; ym: "dv.ym"; yn: "dv.yn"; yo: "dv.yo"; yp: "dv.yp"; yq: "dv.yq"; yr: "dv.yr"; ys: "dv.ys"; yt: "dv.yt"; yu: "dv.yu"; yv: "dv.yv"; yw: "dv.yw"; yx: "dv.yx"; yy: "dv.yy"; yz: "dv.yz"; za: "dv.za"; zb: "dv.zb"; zc: "dv.zc"; zd: "dv.zd"; ze: "dv.ze"; zf: "dv.zf"; zg: "dv.zg"; zh: "dv.zh"; zi: "dv.zi"; zj: "dv.zj"; zk: "dv.zk"; zl: "dv.zl"; zm: "dv.zm"; zn: "dv.zn"; zo: "dv.zo"; zp: "dv.zp"; zq: "dv.zq"; zr: "dv.zr"; zs: "dv.zs"; zt: "dv.zt"; zu: "dv.zu"; zv: "dv.zv"; zw: "dv.zw"; zx: "dv.zx"; zy: "dv.zy"; zz: "dv.zz"; }; dw: { aa: "dw.aa"; ab: "dw.ab"; ac: "dw.ac"; ad: "dw.ad"; ae: "dw.ae"; af: "dw.af"; ag: "dw.ag"; ah: "dw.ah"; ai: "dw.ai"; aj: "dw.aj"; ak: "dw.ak"; al: "dw.al"; am: "dw.am"; an: "dw.an"; ao: "dw.ao"; ap: "dw.ap"; aq: "dw.aq"; ar: "dw.ar"; as: "dw.as"; at: "dw.at"; au: "dw.au"; av: "dw.av"; aw: "dw.aw"; ax: "dw.ax"; ay: "dw.ay"; az: "dw.az"; ba: "dw.ba"; bb: "dw.bb"; bc: "dw.bc"; bd: "dw.bd"; be: "dw.be"; bf: "dw.bf"; bg: "dw.bg"; bh: "dw.bh"; bi: "dw.bi"; bj: "dw.bj"; bk: "dw.bk"; bl: "dw.bl"; bm: "dw.bm"; bn: "dw.bn"; bo: "dw.bo"; bp: "dw.bp"; bq: "dw.bq"; br: "dw.br"; bs: "dw.bs"; bt: "dw.bt"; bu: "dw.bu"; bv: "dw.bv"; bw: "dw.bw"; bx: "dw.bx"; by: "dw.by"; bz: "dw.bz"; ca: "dw.ca"; cb: "dw.cb"; cc: "dw.cc"; cd: "dw.cd"; ce: "dw.ce"; cf: "dw.cf"; cg: "dw.cg"; ch: "dw.ch"; ci: "dw.ci"; cj: "dw.cj"; ck: "dw.ck"; cl: "dw.cl"; cm: "dw.cm"; cn: "dw.cn"; co: "dw.co"; cp: "dw.cp"; cq: "dw.cq"; cr: "dw.cr"; cs: "dw.cs"; ct: "dw.ct"; cu: "dw.cu"; cv: "dw.cv"; cw: "dw.cw"; 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sv: "fr.sv"; sw: "fr.sw"; sx: "fr.sx"; sy: "fr.sy"; sz: "fr.sz"; ta: "fr.ta"; tb: "fr.tb"; tc: "fr.tc"; td: "fr.td"; te: "fr.te"; tf: "fr.tf"; tg: "fr.tg"; th: "fr.th"; ti: "fr.ti"; tj: "fr.tj"; tk: "fr.tk"; tl: "fr.tl"; tm: "fr.tm"; tn: "fr.tn"; to: "fr.to"; tp: "fr.tp"; tq: "fr.tq"; tr: "fr.tr"; ts: "fr.ts"; tt: "fr.tt"; tu: "fr.tu"; tv: "fr.tv"; tw: "fr.tw"; tx: "fr.tx"; ty: "fr.ty"; tz: "fr.tz"; ua: "fr.ua"; ub: "fr.ub"; uc: "fr.uc"; ud: "fr.ud"; ue: "fr.ue"; uf: "fr.uf"; ug: "fr.ug"; uh: "fr.uh"; ui: "fr.ui"; uj: "fr.uj"; uk: "fr.uk"; ul: "fr.ul"; um: "fr.um"; un: "fr.un"; uo: "fr.uo"; up: "fr.up"; uq: "fr.uq"; ur: "fr.ur"; us: "fr.us"; ut: "fr.ut"; uu: "fr.uu"; uv: "fr.uv"; uw: "fr.uw"; ux: "fr.ux"; uy: "fr.uy"; uz: "fr.uz"; va: "fr.va"; vb: "fr.vb"; vc: "fr.vc"; vd: "fr.vd"; ve: "fr.ve"; vf: "fr.vf"; vg: "fr.vg"; vh: "fr.vh"; vi: "fr.vi"; ... 120 more ...; zz: "fr.zz"; }; ... 527 more ...; zz: { ...; }; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.types:10:>null as any as {[K in manyprops]: {[K2 in manyprops]: `${K}.${K2}`}} : { aa: { aa: "aa.aa"; ab: "aa.ab"; ac: "aa.ac"; ad: "aa.ad"; ae: "aa.ae"; af: "aa.af"; ag: "aa.ag"; ah: "aa.ah"; ai: "aa.ai"; aj: "aa.aj"; ak: "aa.ak"; al: "aa.al"; am: "aa.am"; an: "aa.an"; ao: "aa.ao"; ap: "aa.ap"; aq: "aa.aq"; ar: "aa.ar"; as: "aa.as"; at: "aa.at"; au: "aa.au"; av: "aa.av"; aw: "aa.aw"; ax: "aa.ax"; ay: "aa.ay"; az: "aa.az"; ba: "aa.ba"; bb: "aa.bb"; bc: "aa.bc"; bd: "aa.bd"; be: "aa.be"; bf: "aa.bf"; bg: "aa.bg"; bh: "aa.bh"; bi: "aa.bi"; bj: "aa.bj"; bk: "aa.bk"; bl: "aa.bl"; bm: "aa.bm"; bn: "aa.bn"; bo: "aa.bo"; bp: "aa.bp"; bq: "aa.bq"; br: "aa.br"; bs: "aa.bs"; bt: "aa.bt"; bu: "aa.bu"; bv: "aa.bv"; bw: "aa.bw"; bx: "aa.bx"; by: "aa.by"; bz: "aa.bz"; ca: "aa.ca"; cb: "aa.cb"; cc: "aa.cc"; cd: "aa.cd"; ce: "aa.ce"; cf: "aa.cf"; cg: "aa.cg"; ch: "aa.ch"; ci: "aa.ci"; cj: "aa.cj"; ck: "aa.ck"; 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xc: "dr.xc"; xd: "dr.xd"; xe: "dr.xe"; xf: "dr.xf"; xg: "dr.xg"; xh: "dr.xh"; xi: "dr.xi"; xj: "dr.xj"; xk: "dr.xk"; xl: "dr.xl"; xm: "dr.xm"; xn: "dr.xn"; xo: "dr.xo"; xp: "dr.xp"; xq: "dr.xq"; xr: "dr.xr"; xs: "dr.xs"; xt: "dr.xt"; xu: "dr.xu"; xv: "dr.xv"; xw: "dr.xw"; xx: "dr.xx"; xy: "dr.xy"; xz: "dr.xz"; ya: "dr.ya"; yb: "dr.yb"; yc: "dr.yc"; yd: "dr.yd"; ye: "dr.ye"; yf: "dr.yf"; yg: "dr.yg"; yh: "dr.yh"; yi: "dr.yi"; yj: "dr.yj"; yk: "dr.yk"; yl: "dr.yl"; ym: "dr.ym"; yn: "dr.yn"; yo: "dr.yo"; yp: "dr.yp"; yq: "dr.yq"; yr: "dr.yr"; ys: "dr.ys"; yt: "dr.yt"; yu: "dr.yu"; yv: "dr.yv"; yw: "dr.yw"; yx: "dr.yx"; yy: "dr.yy"; yz: "dr.yz"; za: "dr.za"; zb: "dr.zb"; zc: "dr.zc"; zd: "dr.zd"; ze: "dr.ze"; zf: "dr.zf"; zg: "dr.zg"; zh: "dr.zh"; zi: "dr.zi"; zj: "dr.zj"; zk: "dr.zk"; zl: "dr.zl"; zm: "dr.zm"; zn: "dr.zn"; zo: "dr.zo"; zp: "dr.zp"; zq: "dr.zq"; zr: "dr.zr"; zs: "dr.zs"; zt: "dr.zt"; zu: "dr.zu"; zv: "dr.zv"; zw: "dr.zw"; zx: "dr.zx"; zy: "dr.zy"; zz: "dr.zz"; }; ds: { aa: "ds.aa"; 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uu: "ds.uu"; uv: "ds.uv"; uw: "ds.uw"; ux: "ds.ux"; uy: "ds.uy"; uz: "ds.uz"; va: "ds.va"; vb: "ds.vb"; vc: "ds.vc"; vd: "ds.vd"; ve: "ds.ve"; vf: "ds.vf"; vg: "ds.vg"; vh: "ds.vh"; vi: "ds.vi"; vj: "ds.vj"; vk: "ds.vk"; vl: "ds.vl"; vm: "ds.vm"; vn: "ds.vn"; vo: "ds.vo"; vp: "ds.vp"; vq: "ds.vq"; vr: "ds.vr"; vs: "ds.vs"; vt: "ds.vt"; vu: "ds.vu"; vv: "ds.vv"; vw: "ds.vw"; vx: "ds.vx"; vy: "ds.vy"; vz: "ds.vz"; wa: "ds.wa"; wb: "ds.wb"; wc: "ds.wc"; wd: "ds.wd"; we: "ds.we"; wf: "ds.wf"; wg: "ds.wg"; wh: "ds.wh"; wi: "ds.wi"; wj: "ds.wj"; wk: "ds.wk"; wl: "ds.wl"; wm: "ds.wm"; wn: "ds.wn"; wo: "ds.wo"; wp: "ds.wp"; wq: "ds.wq"; wr: "ds.wr"; ws: "ds.ws"; wt: "ds.wt"; wu: "ds.wu"; wv: "ds.wv"; ww: "ds.ww"; wx: "ds.wx"; wy: "ds.wy"; wz: "ds.wz"; xa: "ds.xa"; xb: "ds.xb"; xc: "ds.xc"; xd: "ds.xd"; xe: "ds.xe"; xf: "ds.xf"; xg: "ds.xg"; xh: "ds.xh"; xi: "ds.xi"; xj: "ds.xj"; xk: "ds.xk"; xl: "ds.xl"; xm: "ds.xm"; xn: "ds.xn"; xo: "ds.xo"; xp: "ds.xp"; xq: "ds.xq"; xr: "ds.xr"; xs: "ds.xs"; 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ux: "fq.ux"; uy: "fq.uy"; uz: "fq.uz"; va: "fq.va"; vb: "fq.vb"; vc: "fq.vc"; vd: "fq.vd"; ve: "fq.ve"; vf: "fq.vf"; vg: "fq.vg"; vh: "fq.vh"; vi: "fq.vi"; vj: "fq.vj"; vk: "fq.vk"; vl: "fq.vl"; vm: "fq.vm"; vn: "fq.vn"; vo: "fq.vo"; vp: "fq.vp"; vq: "fq.vq"; vr: "fq.vr"; vs: "fq.vs"; vt: "fq.vt"; vu: "fq.vu"; vv: "fq.vv"; vw: "fq.vw"; vx: "fq.vx"; vy: "fq.vy"; vz: "fq.vz"; wa: "fq.wa"; wb: "fq.wb"; wc: "fq.wc"; wd: "fq.wd"; we: "fq.we"; wf: "fq.wf"; wg: "fq.wg"; wh: "fq.wh"; wi: "fq.wi"; wj: "fq.wj"; wk: "fq.wk"; wl: "fq.wl"; wm: "fq.wm"; wn: "fq.wn"; wo: "fq.wo"; wp: "fq.wp"; wq: "fq.wq"; wr: "fq.wr"; ws: "fq.ws"; wt: "fq.wt"; wu: "fq.wu"; wv: "fq.wv"; ww: "fq.ww"; wx: "fq.wx"; wy: "fq.wy"; wz: "fq.wz"; xa: "fq.xa"; xb: "fq.xb"; xc: "fq.xc"; xd: "fq.xd"; xe: "fq.xe"; xf: "fq.xf"; xg: "fq.xg"; xh: "fq.xh"; xi: "fq.xi"; xj: "fq.xj"; xk: "fq.xk"; xl: "fq.xl"; xm: "fq.xm"; xn: "fq.xn"; xo: "fq.xo"; xp: "fq.xp"; xq: "fq.xq"; xr: "fq.xr"; xs: "fq.xs"; xt: "fq.xt"; xu: "fq.xu"; xv: "fq.xv"; 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av: "fr.av"; aw: "fr.aw"; ax: "fr.ax"; ay: "fr.ay"; az: "fr.az"; ba: "fr.ba"; bb: "fr.bb"; bc: "fr.bc"; bd: "fr.bd"; be: "fr.be"; bf: "fr.bf"; bg: "fr.bg"; bh: "fr.bh"; bi: "fr.bi"; bj: "fr.bj"; bk: "fr.bk"; bl: "fr.bl"; bm: "fr.bm"; bn: "fr.bn"; bo: "fr.bo"; bp: "fr.bp"; bq: "fr.bq"; br: "fr.br"; bs: "fr.bs"; bt: "fr.bt"; bu: "fr.bu"; bv: "fr.bv"; bw: "fr.bw"; bx: "fr.bx"; by: "fr.by"; bz: "fr.bz"; ca: "fr.ca"; cb: "fr.cb"; cc: "fr.cc"; cd: "fr.cd"; ce: "fr.ce"; cf: "fr.cf"; cg: "fr.cg"; ch: "fr.ch"; ci: "fr.ci"; cj: "fr.cj"; ck: "fr.ck"; cl: "fr.cl"; cm: "fr.cm"; cn: "fr.cn"; co: "fr.co"; cp: "fr.cp"; cq: "fr.cq"; cr: "fr.cr"; cs: "fr.cs"; ct: "fr.ct"; cu: "fr.cu"; cv: "fr.cv"; cw: "fr.cw"; cx: "fr.cx"; cy: "fr.cy"; cz: "fr.cz"; da: "fr.da"; db: "fr.db"; dc: "fr.dc"; dd: "fr.dd"; de: "fr.de"; df: "fr.df"; dg: "fr.dg"; dh: "fr.dh"; di: "fr.di"; dj: "fr.dj"; dk: "fr.dk"; dl: "fr.dl"; dm: "fr.dm"; dn: "fr.dn"; do: "fr.do"; dp: "fr.dp"; dq: "fr.dq"; dr: "fr.dr"; ds: "fr.ds"; dt: "fr.dt"; du: "fr.du"; dv: "fr.dv"; dw: "fr.dw"; dx: "fr.dx"; dy: "fr.dy"; dz: "fr.dz"; ea: "fr.ea"; eb: "fr.eb"; ec: "fr.ec"; ed: "fr.ed"; ee: "fr.ee"; ef: "fr.ef"; eg: "fr.eg"; eh: "fr.eh"; ei: "fr.ei"; ej: "fr.ej"; ek: "fr.ek"; el: "fr.el"; em: "fr.em"; en: "fr.en"; eo: "fr.eo"; ep: "fr.ep"; eq: "fr.eq"; er: "fr.er"; es: "fr.es"; et: "fr.et"; eu: "fr.eu"; ev: "fr.ev"; ew: "fr.ew"; ex: "fr.ex"; ey: "fr.ey"; ez: "fr.ez"; fa: "fr.fa"; fb: "fr.fb"; fc: "fr.fc"; fd: "fr.fd"; fe: "fr.fe"; ff: "fr.ff"; fg: "fr.fg"; fh: "fr.fh"; fi: "fr.fi"; fj: "fr.fj"; fk: "fr.fk"; fl: "fr.fl"; fm: "fr.fm"; fn: "fr.fn"; fo: "fr.fo"; fp: "fr.fp"; fq: "fr.fq"; fr: "fr.fr"; fs: "fr.fs"; ft: "fr.ft"; fu: "fr.fu"; fv: "fr.fv"; fw: "fr.fw"; fx: "fr.fx"; fy: "fr.fy"; fz: "fr.fz"; ga: "fr.ga"; gb: "fr.gb"; gc: "fr.gc"; gd: "fr.gd"; ge: "fr.ge"; gf: "fr.gf"; gg: "fr.gg"; gh: "fr.gh"; gi: "fr.gi"; gj: "fr.gj"; gk: "fr.gk"; gl: "fr.gl"; gm: "fr.gm"; gn: "fr.gn"; go: "fr.go"; gp: "fr.gp"; gq: "fr.gq"; gr: "fr.gr"; gs: "fr.gs"; gt: "fr.gt"; gu: "fr.gu"; gv: "fr.gv"; gw: "fr.gw"; gx: "fr.gx"; gy: "fr.gy"; gz: "fr.gz"; ha: "fr.ha"; hb: "fr.hb"; hc: "fr.hc"; hd: "fr.hd"; he: "fr.he"; hf: "fr.hf"; hg: "fr.hg"; hh: "fr.hh"; hi: "fr.hi"; hj: "fr.hj"; hk: "fr.hk"; hl: "fr.hl"; hm: "fr.hm"; hn: "fr.hn"; ho: "fr.ho"; hp: "fr.hp"; hq: "fr.hq"; hr: "fr.hr"; hs: "fr.hs"; ht: "fr.ht"; hu: "fr.hu"; hv: "fr.hv"; hw: "fr.hw"; hx: "fr.hx"; hy: "fr.hy"; hz: "fr.hz"; ia: "fr.ia"; ib: "fr.ib"; ic: "fr.ic"; id: "fr.id"; ie: "fr.ie"; if: "fr.if"; ig: "fr.ig"; ih: "fr.ih"; ii: "fr.ii"; ij: "fr.ij"; ik: "fr.ik"; il: "fr.il"; im: "fr.im"; in: "fr.in"; io: "fr.io"; ip: "fr.ip"; iq: "fr.iq"; ir: "fr.ir"; is: "fr.is"; it: "fr.it"; iu: "fr.iu"; iv: "fr.iv"; iw: "fr.iw"; ix: "fr.ix"; iy: "fr.iy"; iz: "fr.iz"; ja: "fr.ja"; jb: "fr.jb"; jc: "fr.jc"; jd: "fr.jd"; je: "fr.je"; jf: "fr.jf"; jg: "fr.jg"; jh: "fr.jh"; ji: "fr.ji"; jj: "fr.jj"; jk: "fr.jk"; jl: "fr.jl"; jm: "fr.jm"; jn: "fr.jn"; jo: "fr.jo"; jp: "fr.jp"; jq: "fr.jq"; jr: "fr.jr"; js: "fr.js"; jt: "fr.jt"; ju: "fr.ju"; jv: "fr.jv"; jw: "fr.jw"; jx: "fr.jx"; jy: "fr.jy"; jz: "fr.jz"; ka: "fr.ka"; kb: "fr.kb"; kc: "fr.kc"; kd: "fr.kd"; ke: "fr.ke"; kf: "fr.kf"; kg: "fr.kg"; kh: "fr.kh"; ki: "fr.ki"; kj: "fr.kj"; kk: "fr.kk"; kl: "fr.kl"; km: "fr.km"; kn: "fr.kn"; ko: "fr.ko"; kp: "fr.kp"; kq: "fr.kq"; kr: "fr.kr"; ks: "fr.ks"; kt: "fr.kt"; ku: "fr.ku"; kv: "fr.kv"; kw: "fr.kw"; kx: "fr.kx"; ky: "fr.ky"; kz: "fr.kz"; la: "fr.la"; lb: "fr.lb"; lc: "fr.lc"; ld: "fr.ld"; le: "fr.le"; lf: "fr.lf"; lg: "fr.lg"; lh: "fr.lh"; li: "fr.li"; lj: "fr.lj"; lk: "fr.lk"; ll: "fr.ll"; lm: "fr.lm"; ln: "fr.ln"; lo: "fr.lo"; lp: "fr.lp"; lq: "fr.lq"; lr: "fr.lr"; ls: "fr.ls"; lt: "fr.lt"; lu: "fr.lu"; lv: "fr.lv"; lw: "fr.lw"; lx: "fr.lx"; ly: "fr.ly"; lz: "fr.lz"; ma: "fr.ma"; mb: "fr.mb"; mc: "fr.mc"; md: "fr.md"; me: "fr.me"; mf: "fr.mf"; mg: "fr.mg"; mh: "fr.mh"; mi: "fr.mi"; mj: "fr.mj"; mk: "fr.mk"; ml: "fr.ml"; mm: "fr.mm"; mn: "fr.mn"; mo: "fr.mo"; mp: "fr.mp"; mq: "fr.mq"; mr: "fr.mr"; ms: "fr.ms"; mt: "fr.mt"; mu: "fr.mu"; mv: "fr.mv"; mw: "fr.mw"; mx: "fr.mx"; my: "fr.my"; mz: "fr.mz"; na: "fr.na"; nb: "fr.nb"; nc: "fr.nc"; nd: "fr.nd"; ne: "fr.ne"; nf: "fr.nf"; ng: "fr.ng"; nh: "fr.nh"; ni: "fr.ni"; nj: "fr.nj"; nk: "fr.nk"; nl: "fr.nl"; nm: "fr.nm"; nn: "fr.nn"; no: "fr.no"; np: "fr.np"; nq: "fr.nq"; nr: "fr.nr"; ns: "fr.ns"; nt: "fr.nt"; nu: "fr.nu"; nv: "fr.nv"; nw: "fr.nw"; nx: "fr.nx"; ny: "fr.ny"; nz: "fr.nz"; oa: "fr.oa"; ob: "fr.ob"; oc: "fr.oc"; od: "fr.od"; oe: "fr.oe"; of: "fr.of"; og: "fr.og"; oh: "fr.oh"; oi: "fr.oi"; oj: "fr.oj"; ok: "fr.ok"; ol: "fr.ol"; om: "fr.om"; on: "fr.on"; oo: "fr.oo"; op: "fr.op"; oq: "fr.oq"; or: "fr.or"; os: "fr.os"; ot: "fr.ot"; ou: "fr.ou"; ov: "fr.ov"; ow: "fr.ow"; ox: "fr.ox"; oy: "fr.oy"; oz: "fr.oz"; pa: "fr.pa"; pb: "fr.pb"; pc: "fr.pc"; pd: "fr.pd"; pe: "fr.pe"; pf: "fr.pf"; pg: "fr.pg"; ph: "fr.ph"; pi: "fr.pi"; pj: "fr.pj"; pk: "fr.pk"; pl: "fr.pl"; pm: "fr.pm"; pn: "fr.pn"; po: "fr.po"; pp: "fr.pp"; pq: "fr.pq"; pr: "fr.pr"; ps: "fr.ps"; pt: "fr.pt"; pu: "fr.pu"; pv: "fr.pv"; pw: "fr.pw"; px: "fr.px"; py: "fr.py"; pz: "fr.pz"; qa: "fr.qa"; qb: "fr.qb"; qc: "fr.qc"; qd: "fr.qd"; qe: "fr.qe"; qf: "fr.qf"; qg: "fr.qg"; qh: "fr.qh"; qi: "fr.qi"; qj: "fr.qj"; qk: "fr.qk"; ql: "fr.ql"; qm: "fr.qm"; qn: "fr.qn"; qo: "fr.qo"; qp: "fr.qp"; qq: "fr.qq"; qr: "fr.qr"; qs: "fr.qs"; qt: "fr.qt"; qu: "fr.qu"; qv: "fr.qv"; qw: "fr.qw"; qx: "fr.qx"; qy: "fr.qy"; qz: "fr.qz"; ra: "fr.ra"; rb: "fr.rb"; rc: "fr.rc"; rd: "fr.rd"; re: "fr.re"; rf: "fr.rf"; rg: "fr.rg"; rh: "fr.rh"; ri: "fr.ri"; rj: "fr.rj"; rk: "fr.rk"; rl: "fr.rl"; rm: "fr.rm"; rn: "fr.rn"; ro: "fr.ro"; rp: "fr.rp"; rq: "fr.rq"; rr: "fr.rr"; rs: "fr.rs"; rt: "fr.rt"; ru: "fr.ru"; rv: "fr.rv"; rw: "fr.rw"; rx: "fr.rx"; ry: "fr.ry"; rz: "fr.rz"; sa: "fr.sa"; sb: "fr.sb"; sc: "fr.sc"; sd: "fr.sd"; se: "fr.se"; sf: "fr.sf"; sg: "fr.sg"; sh: "fr.sh"; si: "fr.si"; sj: "fr.sj"; sk: "fr.sk"; sl: "fr.sl"; sm: "fr.sm"; sn: "fr.sn"; so: "fr.so"; sp: "fr.sp"; sq: "fr.sq"; sr: "fr.sr"; ss: "fr.ss"; st: "fr.st"; su: "fr.su"; sv: "fr.sv"; sw: "fr.sw"; sx: "fr.sx"; sy: "fr.sy"; sz: "fr.sz"; ta: "fr.ta"; tb: "fr.tb"; tc: "fr.tc"; td: "fr.td"; te: "fr.te"; tf: "fr.tf"; tg: "fr.tg"; th: "fr.th"; ti: "fr.ti"; tj: "fr.tj"; tk: "fr.tk"; tl: "fr.tl"; tm: "fr.tm"; tn: "fr.tn"; to: "fr.to"; tp: "fr.tp"; tq: "fr.tq"; tr: "fr.tr"; ts: "fr.ts"; tt: "fr.tt"; tu: "fr.tu"; tv: "fr.tv"; tw: "fr.tw"; tx: "fr.tx"; ty: "fr.ty"; tz: "fr.tz"; ua: "fr.ua"; ub: "fr.ub"; uc: "fr.uc"; ud: "fr.ud"; ue: "fr.ue"; uf: "fr.uf"; ug: "fr.ug"; uh: "fr.uh"; ui: "fr.ui"; uj: "fr.uj"; uk: "fr.uk"; ul: "fr.ul"; um: "fr.um"; un: "fr.un"; uo: "fr.uo"; up: "fr.up"; uq: "fr.uq"; ur: "fr.ur"; us: "fr.us"; ut: "fr.ut"; uu: "fr.uu"; uv: "fr.uv"; uw: "fr.uw"; ux: "fr.ux"; uy: "fr.uy"; uz: "fr.uz"; va: "fr.va"; vb: "fr.vb"; vc: "fr.vc"; vd: "fr.vd"; ve: "fr.ve"; vf: "fr.vf"; vg: "fr.vg"; vh: "fr.vh"; vi: "fr.vi"; ... 120 more ...; zz: "fr.zz"; }; ... 527 more ...; zz: { ...; }; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.types-11->null as any : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.js:9:var p0 = import(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.js-10-var p1 = import(getSpecifier());
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.js-18-Promise.resolve().then(() => require(getSpecifier()));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.js:19:var p0 = Promise.resolve().then(() => require(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.js-20-var p1 = Promise.resolve().then(() => require(getSpecifier()));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.symbols:17:var p0 = import(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.symbols-18->p0 : Symbol(p0, Decl(importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.types:19:var p0 = import(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.types-20->p0 : Promise<any>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.types:21:>import(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`) : Promise<any>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.types:22:>`${directory}\${moduleFile}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.types-23->directory : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js-29-    for (const directory of directories) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js:30:        const path = `${directory}\moduleFile`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js-31-        import(yield path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js-45-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js:46:Promise.resolve().then(() => require(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js-47-Promise.resolve().then(() => require(getSpecifier()));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js-58-    for (const directory of directories) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js:59:        const path = `${directory}\moduleFile`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.js-60-        Promise.resolve().then(() => require(yield path));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.symbols-25->directory : Symbol(directory, Decl(1.ts, 4, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.symbols:81:        const path = `${directory}\moduleFile`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.symbols-82->path : Symbol(path, Decl(1.ts, 23, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.types:25:>import(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`) : Promise<any>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.types:26:>`${directory}\${moduleFile}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.types-27->directory : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.types:103:        const path = `${directory}\moduleFile`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.types-104->path : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.types:105:>`${directory}\moduleFile` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.types-106->directory : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.js-2-const localeName = "zh-CN";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.js:3:import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then(bar => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.js-4-    let x = bar;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.js-13-const localeName = "zh-CN";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.js:14:import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then(bar => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.js-15-    let x = bar;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.symbols:5:import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then(bar => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.symbols:6:>import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then : Symbol(Promise.then, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.symbols-7->localeName : Symbol(localeName, Decl(importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.ts, 0, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.types:6:import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then(bar => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.types:7:>import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then(bar => {    let x = bar;}) : Promise<void>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.types:8:>import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then : <TResult1 = any, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: (value: any) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) => Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.types:9:>import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`) : Promise<any>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.types:10:>`./locales/${localeName}.js` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.types-11->localeName : "zh-CN"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.js-15-    async baz(context: number): Promise<string> {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.js:16:        return `${context}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.js-17-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.js-72-        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.js:73:            return `${context}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.js-74-        });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.symbols:50:        return `${context}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.symbols-51->context : Symbol(context, Decl(inferenceErasedSignatures.ts, 13, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.types:38:        return `${context}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.types:39:>`${context}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/inferenceErasedSignatures.types-40->context : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.errors.txt:52:    type TX1<S extends string> = Uppercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.errors.txt-53-    type TX2 = TX1<'xYz'>;  // "ABXYZ"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.errors.txt:54:    type TX3<S extends string> = Lowercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.errors.txt-55-    type TX4 = TX3<'xYz'>;  // "abxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.errors.txt:56:    type TX5 = `${Uppercase<'abc'>}${Lowercase<'XYZ'>}`;  // "ABCxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js:30:type TX1<S extends string> = Uppercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js-31-type TX2 = TX1<'xYz'>;  // "ABXYZ"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js:32:type TX3<S extends string> = Lowercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js-33-type TX4 = TX3<'xYz'>;  // "abxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js:34:type TX5 = `${Uppercase<'abc'>}${Lowercase<'XYZ'>}`;  // "ABCxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js-100-declare type TN6 = Uncapitalize<42>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js:101:declare type TX1<S extends string> = Uppercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js-102-declare type TX2 = TX1<'xYz'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js:103:declare type TX3<S extends string> = Lowercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js-104-declare type TX4 = TX3<'xYz'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js:105:declare type TX5 = `${Uppercase<'abc'>}${Lowercase<'XYZ'>}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.js-106-declare type MyUppercase<S extends string> = intrinsic;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.symbols:98:type TX1<S extends string> = Uppercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.symbols-99->TX1 : Symbol(TX1, Decl(intrinsicTypes.ts, 26, 28))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.symbols:108:type TX3<S extends string> = Lowercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.symbols-109->TX3 : Symbol(TX3, Decl(intrinsicTypes.ts, 29, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.symbols:118:type TX5 = `${Uppercase<'abc'>}${Lowercase<'XYZ'>}`;  // "ABCxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.symbols-119->TX5 : Symbol(TX5, Decl(intrinsicTypes.ts, 31, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.types:74:type TX1<S extends string> = Uppercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.types:75:>TX1 : Uppercase<`aB${S}`>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.types:80:type TX3<S extends string> = Lowercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.types:81:>TX3 : Lowercase<`aB${S}`>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.types:86:type TX5 = `${Uppercase<'abc'>}${Lowercase<'XYZ'>}`;  // "ABCxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/intrinsicTypes.types-87->TX5 : "ABCxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt-15-    const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:16:    const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:17:    const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt-19-!!! error TS1125: Hexadecimal digit expected.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:20:    const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:35:    const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:36:    const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:37:    const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:38:    const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:39:    const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:40:    const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:41:    const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:42:    const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:43:    const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:44:    const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:45:    const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:46:    const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:47:    const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).errors.txt:48:    const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-6-const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:7:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:8:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:9:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-10-const z = tag`\u{hello} \xtraordinary wonderful \uworld` // should work with Tagged NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:12:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:13:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:14:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:15:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:16:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:17:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:18:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:19:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:20:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:21:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:22:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:23:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:24:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:25:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-36-const a = tag `123`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:37:const b = tag `123 ${100}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-38-const x = tag(__makeTemplateObject([void 0, void 0, " wonderful ", void 0], ["\\u{hello} ", " \\xtraordinary ", " wonderful ", " \\uworld"]), 100, 200, 300);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:39:const y = `\u{hello} ${100} \xtraordinary ${200} wonderful ${300} \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-40-const z = tag(__makeTemplateObject([void 0], ["\\u{hello} \\xtraordinary wonderful \\uworld"])); // should work with Tagged NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:41:const a1 = tag `${100}\0`; // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-42-const a2 = tag(__makeTemplateObject(["", void 0], ["", "\\00"]), 100); // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-46-const a6 = tag(__makeTemplateObject(["", void 0], ["", "\\u000"]), 100); // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:47:const a7 = tag `${100}\u0000`; // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-48-const a8 = tag(__makeTemplateObject(["", void 0], ["", "\\u{"]), 100); // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:49:const a9 = tag `${100}\u{10FFFF}`; // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-50-const a10 = tag(__makeTemplateObject(["", void 0], ["", "\\u{1f622"]), 100); // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:51:const a11 = tag `${100}\u{1f622}`; // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-52-const a12 = tag(__makeTemplateObject(["", void 0], ["", "\\x"]), 100); // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js-53-const a13 = tag(__makeTemplateObject(["", void 0], ["", "\\x0"]), 100); // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).js:54:const a14 = tag `${100}\x00`; // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:15:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-16->b : Symbol(b, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 5, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:19:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-20->x : Symbol(x, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 6, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:23:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-24->y : Symbol(y, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 7, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:30:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-31->a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 10, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:34:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-35->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 11, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:38:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-39->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 12, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:42:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-43->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 13, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:46:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-47->a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 14, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:50:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-51->a6 : Symbol(a6, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 15, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:54:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-55->a7 : Symbol(a7, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 16, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:58:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-59->a8 : Symbol(a8, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 17, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:62:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-63->a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 18, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:66:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-67->a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 19, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:70:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-71->a11 : Symbol(a11, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 20, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:74:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-75->a12 : Symbol(a12, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 21, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:78:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-79->a13 : Symbol(a13, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 22, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols:82:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).symbols-83->a14 : Symbol(a14, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 23, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:17:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-18->b : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:19:>tag`123 ${100}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-20->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:21:>`123 ${100}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-22->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:24:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-25->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:26:>tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-27->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:28:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-29->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:33:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-34->y : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:35:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-36->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:46:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-47->a1 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:48:>tag`${ 100 }\0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-49->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:50:>`${ 100 }\0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-51->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:53:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-54->a2 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:55:>tag`${ 100 }\00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-56->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:57:>`${ 100 }\00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-58->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:60:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-61->a3 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:62:>tag`${ 100 }\u` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-63->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:64:>`${ 100 }\u` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-65->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:67:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-68->a4 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:69:>tag`${ 100 }\u0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-70->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:71:>`${ 100 }\u0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-72->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:74:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-75->a5 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:76:>tag`${ 100 }\u00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-77->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:78:>`${ 100 }\u00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-79->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:81:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-82->a6 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:83:>tag`${ 100 }\u000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-84->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:85:>`${ 100 }\u000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-86->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:88:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-89->a7 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:90:>tag`${ 100 }\u0000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-91->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:92:>`${ 100 }\u0000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-93->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:95:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-96->a8 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:97:>tag`${ 100 }\u{` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-98->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:99:>`${ 100 }\u{` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-100->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:102:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-103->a9 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:104:>tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-105->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:106:>`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-107->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:109:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-110->a10 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:111:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-112->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:113:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-114->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:116:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-117->a11 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:118:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-119->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:120:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-121->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:123:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-124->a12 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:125:>tag`${ 100 }\x` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-126->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:127:>`${ 100 }\x` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-128->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:130:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-131->a13 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:132:>tag`${ 100 }\x0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-133->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:134:>`${ 100 }\x0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-135->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:137:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-138->a14 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:139:>tag`${ 100 }\x00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-140->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types:141:>`${ 100 }\x00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es2015).types-142->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt-15-    const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:16:    const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:17:    const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt-19-!!! error TS1125: Hexadecimal digit expected.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:20:    const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:35:    const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:36:    const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:37:    const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:38:    const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:39:    const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:40:    const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:41:    const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:42:    const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:43:    const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:44:    const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:45:    const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:46:    const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:47:    const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).errors.txt:48:    const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js-6-const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:7:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:8:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:9:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js-10-const z = tag`\u{hello} \xtraordinary wonderful \uworld` // should work with Tagged NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:12:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:13:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:14:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:15:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:16:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:17:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:18:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:19:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:20:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:21:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:22:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:23:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:24:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).js:25:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:15:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-16->b : Symbol(b, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 5, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:19:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-20->x : Symbol(x, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 6, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:23:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-24->y : Symbol(y, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 7, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:30:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-31->a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 10, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:34:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-35->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 11, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:38:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-39->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 12, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:42:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-43->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 13, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:46:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-47->a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 14, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:50:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-51->a6 : Symbol(a6, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 15, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:54:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-55->a7 : Symbol(a7, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 16, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:58:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-59->a8 : Symbol(a8, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 17, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:62:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-63->a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 18, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:66:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-67->a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 19, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:70:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-71->a11 : Symbol(a11, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 20, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:74:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-75->a12 : Symbol(a12, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 21, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:78:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-79->a13 : Symbol(a13, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 22, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols:82:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).symbols-83->a14 : Symbol(a14, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 23, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:17:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-18->b : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:19:>tag`123 ${100}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-20->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:21:>`123 ${100}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-22->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:24:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-25->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:26:>tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-27->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:28:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-29->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:33:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-34->y : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:35:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-36->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:46:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-47->a1 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:48:>tag`${ 100 }\0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-49->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:50:>`${ 100 }\0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-51->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:53:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-54->a2 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:55:>tag`${ 100 }\00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-56->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:57:>`${ 100 }\00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-58->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:60:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-61->a3 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:62:>tag`${ 100 }\u` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-63->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:64:>`${ 100 }\u` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-65->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:67:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-68->a4 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:69:>tag`${ 100 }\u0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-70->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:71:>`${ 100 }\u0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-72->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:74:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-75->a5 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:76:>tag`${ 100 }\u00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-77->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:78:>`${ 100 }\u00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-79->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:81:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-82->a6 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:83:>tag`${ 100 }\u000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-84->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:85:>`${ 100 }\u000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-86->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:88:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-89->a7 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:90:>tag`${ 100 }\u0000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-91->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:92:>`${ 100 }\u0000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-93->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:95:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-96->a8 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:97:>tag`${ 100 }\u{` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-98->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:99:>`${ 100 }\u{` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-100->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:102:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-103->a9 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:104:>tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-105->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:106:>`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-107->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:109:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-110->a10 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:111:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-112->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:113:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-114->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:116:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-117->a11 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:118:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-119->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:120:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-121->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:123:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-124->a12 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:125:>tag`${ 100 }\x` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-126->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:127:>`${ 100 }\x` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-128->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:130:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-131->a13 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:132:>tag`${ 100 }\x0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-133->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:134:>`${ 100 }\x0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-135->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:137:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-138->a14 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:139:>tag`${ 100 }\x00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-140->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types:141:>`${ 100 }\x00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=es5).types-142->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt-15-    const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:16:    const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:17:    const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt-19-!!! error TS1125: Hexadecimal digit expected.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:20:    const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:35:    const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:36:    const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:37:    const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:38:    const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:39:    const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:40:    const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:41:    const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:42:    const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:43:    const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:44:    const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:45:    const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:46:    const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:47:    const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).errors.txt:48:    const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js-6-const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:7:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:8:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:9:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js-10-const z = tag`\u{hello} \xtraordinary wonderful \uworld` // should work with Tagged NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:12:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:13:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:14:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:15:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:16:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:17:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:18:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:19:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:20:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:21:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:22:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:23:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:24:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:25:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js-32-const a = tag `123`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:33:const b = tag `123 ${100}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:34:const x = tag `\u{hello} ${100} \xtraordinary ${200} wonderful ${300} \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:35:const y = `\u{hello} ${100} \xtraordinary ${200} wonderful ${300} \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js-36-const z = tag `\u{hello} \xtraordinary wonderful \uworld`; // should work with Tagged NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:37:const a1 = tag `${100}\0`; // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:38:const a2 = tag `${100}\00`; // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:39:const a3 = tag `${100}\u`; // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:40:const a4 = tag `${100}\u0`; // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:41:const a5 = tag `${100}\u00`; // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:42:const a6 = tag `${100}\u000`; // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:43:const a7 = tag `${100}\u0000`; // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:44:const a8 = tag `${100}\u{`; // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:45:const a9 = tag `${100}\u{10FFFF}`; // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:46:const a10 = tag `${100}\u{1f622`; // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:47:const a11 = tag `${100}\u{1f622}`; // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:48:const a12 = tag `${100}\x`; // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:49:const a13 = tag `${100}\x0`; // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).js:50:const a14 = tag `${100}\x00`; // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:15:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-16->b : Symbol(b, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 5, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:19:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-20->x : Symbol(x, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 6, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:23:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-24->y : Symbol(y, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 7, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:30:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-31->a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 10, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:34:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-35->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 11, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:38:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-39->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 12, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:42:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-43->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 13, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:46:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-47->a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 14, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:50:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-51->a6 : Symbol(a6, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 15, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:54:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-55->a7 : Symbol(a7, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 16, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:58:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-59->a8 : Symbol(a8, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 17, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:62:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-63->a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 18, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:66:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-67->a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 19, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:70:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-71->a11 : Symbol(a11, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 20, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:74:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-75->a12 : Symbol(a12, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 21, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:78:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-79->a13 : Symbol(a13, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 22, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols:82:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).symbols-83->a14 : Symbol(a14, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 23, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:17:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-18->b : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:19:>tag`123 ${100}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-20->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:21:>`123 ${100}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-22->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:24:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-25->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:26:>tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-27->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:28:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-29->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:33:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-34->y : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:35:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-36->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:46:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-47->a1 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:48:>tag`${ 100 }\0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-49->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:50:>`${ 100 }\0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-51->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:53:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-54->a2 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:55:>tag`${ 100 }\00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-56->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:57:>`${ 100 }\00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-58->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:60:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-61->a3 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:62:>tag`${ 100 }\u` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-63->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:64:>`${ 100 }\u` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-65->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:67:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-68->a4 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:69:>tag`${ 100 }\u0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-70->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:71:>`${ 100 }\u0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-72->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:74:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-75->a5 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:76:>tag`${ 100 }\u00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-77->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:78:>`${ 100 }\u00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-79->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:81:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-82->a6 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:83:>tag`${ 100 }\u000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-84->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:85:>`${ 100 }\u000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-86->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:88:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-89->a7 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:90:>tag`${ 100 }\u0000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-91->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:92:>`${ 100 }\u0000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-93->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:95:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-96->a8 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:97:>tag`${ 100 }\u{` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-98->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:99:>`${ 100 }\u{` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-100->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:102:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-103->a9 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:104:>tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-105->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:106:>`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-107->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:109:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-110->a10 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:111:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-112->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:113:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-114->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:116:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-117->a11 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:118:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-119->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:120:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-121->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:123:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-124->a12 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:125:>tag`${ 100 }\x` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-126->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:127:>`${ 100 }\x` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-128->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:130:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-131->a13 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:132:>tag`${ 100 }\x0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-133->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:134:>`${ 100 }\x0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-135->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:137:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-138->a14 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:139:>tag`${ 100 }\x00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-140->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types:141:>`${ 100 }\x00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences(target=esnext).types-142->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt-15-    const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:16:    const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:17:    const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt-19-!!! error TS1125: Hexadecimal digit expected.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:20:    const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:35:    const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:36:    const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:37:    const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:38:    const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:39:    const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:40:    const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:41:    const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:42:    const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:43:    const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:44:    const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:45:    const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:46:    const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:47:    const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.errors.txt:48:    const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js-6-const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:7:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:8:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:9:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js-10-const z = tag`\u{hello} \xtraordinary wonderful \uworld` // should work with Tagged NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:12:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:13:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:14:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:15:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:16:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:17:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:18:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:19:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:20:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:21:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:22:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:23:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:24:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.js:25:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:15:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-16->b : Symbol(b, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 5, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:19:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-20->x : Symbol(x, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 6, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:23:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-24->y : Symbol(y, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 7, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:30:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-31->a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 10, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:34:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-35->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 11, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:38:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-39->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 12, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:42:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-43->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 13, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:46:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-47->a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 14, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:50:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-51->a6 : Symbol(a6, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 15, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:54:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-55->a7 : Symbol(a7, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 16, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:58:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-59->a8 : Symbol(a8, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 17, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:62:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-63->a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 18, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:66:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-67->a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 19, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:70:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-71->a11 : Symbol(a11, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 20, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:74:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-75->a12 : Symbol(a12, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 21, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:78:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-79->a13 : Symbol(a13, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 22, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols:82:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.symbols-83->a14 : Symbol(a14, Decl(invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts, 23, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:17:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-18->b : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:19:>tag`123 ${100}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-20->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:21:>`123 ${100}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-22->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:24:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-25->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:26:>tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-27->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:28:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-29->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:33:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-34->y : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:35:>`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-36->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:46:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-47->a1 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:48:>tag`${ 100 }\0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-49->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:50:>`${ 100 }\0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-51->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:53:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-54->a2 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:55:>tag`${ 100 }\00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-56->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:57:>`${ 100 }\00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-58->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:60:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-61->a3 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:62:>tag`${ 100 }\u` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-63->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:64:>`${ 100 }\u` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-65->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:67:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-68->a4 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:69:>tag`${ 100 }\u0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-70->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:71:>`${ 100 }\u0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-72->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:74:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-75->a5 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:76:>tag`${ 100 }\u00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-77->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:78:>`${ 100 }\u00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-79->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:81:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-82->a6 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:83:>tag`${ 100 }\u000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-84->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:85:>`${ 100 }\u000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-86->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:88:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-89->a7 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:90:>tag`${ 100 }\u0000` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-91->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:92:>`${ 100 }\u0000` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-93->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:95:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-96->a8 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:97:>tag`${ 100 }\u{` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-98->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:99:>`${ 100 }\u{` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-100->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:102:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-103->a9 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:104:>tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-105->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:106:>`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-107->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:109:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-110->a10 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:111:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-112->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:113:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-114->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:116:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-117->a11 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:118:>tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-119->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:120:>`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-121->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:123:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-124->a12 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:125:>tag`${ 100 }\x` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-126->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:127:>`${ 100 }\x` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-128->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:130:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-131->a13 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:132:>tag`${ 100 }\x0` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-133->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:134:>`${ 100 }\x0` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-135->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:137:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-138->a14 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:139:>tag`${ 100 }\x00` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-140->tag : (str: any, ...args: any[]) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types:141:>`${ 100 }\x00` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.types-142->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.js-5-    constructor(status) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.js:6:        super(`error with status ${status}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.js-7-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.symbols:25:        super(`error with status ${status}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.symbols-26->super : Symbol(ErrorConstructor, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.types:28:        super(`error with status ${status}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.types:29:>super(`error with status ${status}`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.types-30->super : ErrorConstructor
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.types:31:>`error with status ${status}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.types-32->status : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.errors.txt-28-    module.exports.h = module.exports.i = function hi(mom) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.errors.txt:29:        return `hi, ${mom}!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.errors.txt-30-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.symbols:57:    return `hi, ${mom}!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.symbols-58->mom : Symbol(mom, Decl(mod.js, 5, 50))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types-57-module.exports.h = module.exports.i = function hi(mom) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types:58:>module.exports.h = module.exports.i = function hi(mom) {    return `hi, ${mom}!`;} : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types-59->module.exports.h : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types-63->h : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types:64:>module.exports.i = function hi(mom) {    return `hi, ${mom}!`;} : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types-65->module.exports.i : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types-69->i : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types:70:>function hi(mom) {    return `hi, ${mom}!`;} : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types-71->hi : (mom: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types:74:    return `hi, ${mom}!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types:75:>`hi, ${mom}!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.types-76->mom : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js:4:type Getters<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `get${Capitalize<P>}`]: () => T[P] };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js-5-type TG1 = Getters<{ foo: string, bar: number, baz: { z: boolean } }>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js:27:type DoubleProp<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `${P}1` | `${P}2`]: T[P] }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js-28-type TD1 = DoubleProp<{ a: string, b: number }>;  // { a1: string, a2: string, b1: number, b2: number }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js-29-type TD2 = keyof TD1;  // 'a1' | 'a2' | 'b1' | 'b2'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js:30:type TD3<U> = keyof DoubleProp<U>;  // `${keyof U & string}1` | `${keyof U & string}2`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js-34-type Lazyify<T> = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js:35:    [K in keyof T as `get${Capitalize<K & string>}`]: () => T[K]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js-104-declare type Getters<T> = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js:105:    [P in keyof T & string as `get${Capitalize<P>}`]: () => T[P];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js-141-declare type DoubleProp<T> = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js:142:    [P in keyof T & string as `${P}1` | `${P}2`]: T[P];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js-150-declare type Lazyify<T> = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.js:151:    [K in keyof T as `get${Capitalize<K & string>}`]: () => T[K];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols:4:type Getters<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `get${Capitalize<P>}`]: () => T[P] };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols-5->Getters : Symbol(Getters, Decl(mappedTypeAsClauses.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols:86:type DoubleProp<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `${P}1` | `${P}2`]: T[P] }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols-87->DoubleProp : Symbol(DoubleProp, Decl(mappedTypeAsClauses.ts, 21, 85))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols:106:type TD3<U> = keyof DoubleProp<U>;  // `${keyof U & string}1` | `${keyof U & string}2`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols-107->TD3 : Symbol(TD3, Decl(mappedTypeAsClauses.ts, 27, 21))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols:118:    [K in keyof T as `get${Capitalize<K & string>}`]: () => T[K]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.symbols-119->K : Symbol(K, Decl(mappedTypeAsClauses.ts, 33, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.types:4:type Getters<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `get${Capitalize<P>}`]: () => T[P] };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.types-5->Getters : Getters<T>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.types:55:type DoubleProp<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `${P}1` | `${P}2`]: T[P] }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.types-56->DoubleProp : DoubleProp<T>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.types:66:type TD3<U> = keyof DoubleProp<U>;  // `${keyof U & string}1` | `${keyof U & string}2`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.types:67:>TD3 : `${keyof U & string}1` | `${keyof U & string}2`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/mappedTypeAsClauses.types:74:    [K in keyof T as `get${Capitalize<K & string>}`]: () => T[K]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.errors.txt:14:    const templateStr = `hello ${symbol}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.errors.txt-15-                                 ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.errors.txt:27:    const templateStrUnion = `union with number ${symbolUnionNumber} and union with string ${symbolUnionString}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.errors.txt-28-                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.js:7:const templateStr = `hello ${symbol}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.js-8-const appendStr = "hello " + symbol;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.js:14:const templateStrUnion = `union with number ${symbolUnionNumber} and union with string ${symbolUnionString}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.symbols:10:const templateStr = `hello ${symbol}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.symbols-11->templateStr : Symbol(templateStr, Decl(noImplicitSymbolToString.ts, 5, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.symbols:28:const templateStrUnion = `union with number ${symbolUnionNumber} and union with string ${symbolUnionString}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.symbols-29->templateStrUnion : Symbol(templateStrUnion, Decl(noImplicitSymbolToString.ts, 12, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types:11:const templateStr = `hello ${symbol}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types-12->templateStr : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types:13:>`hello ${symbol}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types-14->symbol : symbol
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types:33:const templateStrUnion = `union with number ${symbolUnionNumber} and union with string ${symbolUnionString}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types-34->templateStrUnion : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types:35:>`union with number ${symbolUnionNumber} and union with string ${symbolUnionString}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/noImplicitSymbolToString.types-36->symbolUnionNumber : number | symbol
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-11-    "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`": number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:12:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol(C["~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"], Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 2, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-42->c : Symbol(c, Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 8, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:43:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol(C["~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"], Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 2, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-54-    "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`": number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:55:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol(I["~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"], Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 17, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-79->i : Symbol(i, Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 21, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:80:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol(I["~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"], Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 17, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-92-    "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`": number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:93:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol("~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`", Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 31, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-113->a : Symbol(a, Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 29, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:114:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol("~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`", Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 31, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-125-    "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`": 1,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:126:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol("~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`", Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 43, 16))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols-146->b : Symbol(b, Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 41, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.symbols:147:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : Symbol("~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`", Decl(objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.ts, 43, 16))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types-46->c : C
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types:47:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types-85->i : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types:86:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types-124->a : { "   ": number; "a   b": string; "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types:125:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types-128->b : { "   ": number; "a   b": string; "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types:129:>{    "   ": 1,    "a   b": "",    "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`": 1,} : { "   ": number; "a   b": string; "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types-166->b : { "   ": number; "a   b": string; "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`": number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/objectTypeWithStringNamedPropertyOfIllegalCharacters.types:167:>"~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?\/.,`" : "~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:'<>?/.,`"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.exports.ts:7:export { b } from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.exports.ts:8:export { a } from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.exports.ts-9-export { D } from "lib";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.exports.ts-15-export { D, F1, F2 } from "lib";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.exports.ts:16:export { b } from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.exports.ts:17:export { a } from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.ts:8:import b from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.ts:9:import a from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.ts-10-import D from "lib";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.ts-16-import D, { F1, F2 } from "lib";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.ts:17:import b from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/organizeImports/MoveToTop_Invalid.ts:18:import a from `${'lib'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:13:var a = tempFun `${ x => x }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:14:var b = tempFun `${ (x => x) }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:15:var c = tempFun `${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:16:var d = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ x => x } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:17:var e = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ (x => x) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:18:var f = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:19:var g = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:20:var h = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ undefined }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:27:var a = tempFun `${x => x}  ${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:28:var b = tempFun `${(x => x)}  ${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:29:var c = tempFun `${((x => x))} ${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:30:var d = tempFun `${x => x} ${x => x} ${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:31:var e = tempFun `${x => x} ${(x => x)} ${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:32:var f = tempFun `${x => x} ${((x => x))} ${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:33:var g = tempFun `${(x => x)} ${(((x => x)))} ${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.js:34:var h = tempFun `${(x => x)} ${(((x => x)))} ${undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:55:var a = tempFun `${ x => x }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-56->a : Symbol(a, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 11, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:61:var b = tempFun `${ (x => x) }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-62->b : Symbol(b, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 12, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:67:var c = tempFun `${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-68->c : Symbol(c, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 13, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:73:var d = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ x => x } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-74->d : Symbol(d, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:81:var e = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ (x => x) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-82->e : Symbol(e, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:89:var f = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-90->f : Symbol(f, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:97:var g = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-98->g : Symbol(g, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 17, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols:105:var h = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ undefined }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.symbols-106->h : Symbol(h, Decl(parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:36:var a = tempFun `${ x => x }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-37->a : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:38:>tempFun `${ x => x }  ${ 10 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-39->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:40:>`${ x => x }  ${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-41->x => x : (x: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:46:var b = tempFun `${ (x => x) }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-47->b : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:48:>tempFun `${ (x => x) }  ${ 10 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-49->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:50:>`${ (x => x) }  ${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-51->(x => x) : (x: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:57:var c = tempFun `${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-58->c : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:59:>tempFun `${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-60->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:61:>`${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-62->((x => x)) : (x: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:69:var d = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ x => x } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-70->d : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:71:>tempFun `${ x => x } ${ x => x } ${ 10 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-72->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:73:>`${ x => x } ${ x => x } ${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-74->x => x : (x: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:82:var e = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ (x => x) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-83->e : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:84:>tempFun `${ x => x } ${ (x => x) } ${ 10 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-85->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:86:>`${ x => x } ${ (x => x) } ${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-87->x => x : (x: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:96:var f = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-97->f : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:98:>tempFun `${ x => x } ${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-99->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:100:>`${ x => x } ${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-101->x => x : (x: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:111:var g = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-112->g : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:113:>tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ 10 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-114->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:115:>`${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-116->(x => x) : (x: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:128:var h = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ undefined }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-129->h : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:130:>tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-131->tempFun : { <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, x: T): T; <T>(tempStrs: TemplateStringsArray, g: (x: T) => T, h: (y: T) => T, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types:132:>`${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.types-133->(x => x) : (x: any) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/printerApi/printsFileCorrectly.templateLiteral.js:1:let greeting = `Hi ${name}, how are you?`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js-14-        const b = new this.#fieldFunc2(0, ...arr, 3);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js:15:        const str = this.#fieldFunc2`head${1}middle${2}tail`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js:16:        this.getInstance().#fieldFunc2`test${1}and${2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js-17-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js-44-        const b = new (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _fieldFunc2))(0, ...arr, 3);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js:45:        const str = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _fieldFunc2).bind(this) `head${1}middle${2}tail`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js:46:        __classPrivateFieldGet((_a = this.getInstance()), _fieldFunc2).bind(_a) `test${1}and${2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.js-47-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.symbols:49:        const str = this.#fieldFunc2`head${1}middle${2}tail`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.symbols-50->str : Symbol(str, Decl(privateNameFieldCallExpression.ts, 13, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.symbols:54:        this.getInstance().#fieldFunc2`test${1}and${2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.symbols-55->this.getInstance().#fieldFunc2 : Symbol(A.#fieldFunc2, Decl(privateNameFieldCallExpression.ts, 1, 45))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types:71:        const str = this.#fieldFunc2`head${1}middle${2}tail`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types-72->str : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types:73:>this.#fieldFunc2`head${1}middle${2}tail` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types-74->this.#fieldFunc2 : (a: any, ...b: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types-75->this : this
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types:76:>`head${1}middle${2}tail` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types-77->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types:80:        this.getInstance().#fieldFunc2`test${1}and${2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types:81:>this.getInstance().#fieldFunc2`test${1}and${2}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types-82->this.getInstance().#fieldFunc2 : (a: any, ...b: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types-86->getInstance : () => A
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types:87:>`test${1}and${2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/privateNameFieldCallExpression.types-88->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.errors.txt-6-      get x() { return 2; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.errors.txt:7:      set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.errors.txt-8-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.js-3-  get x() { return 2; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.js:4:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.js-17-    get x() { return 2; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.js:18:    set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.symbols:8:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.symbols-9->x : Symbol(Base.x, Decl(propertyOverridesAccessors2.ts, 0, 12), Decl(propertyOverridesAccessors2.ts, 1, 23))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types:9:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types-10->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types-11->value : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types:12:>console.log(`x was set to ${value}`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types-13->console.log : (...data: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types-15->log : (...data: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types:16:>`x was set to ${value}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/propertyOverridesAccessors2.types-17->value : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.errors.txt-132-!!! error TS2304: Cannot find name 'html'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.errors.txt:133:          html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.errors.txt-134-          ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.js-105-    return html('li', [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.js:106:      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.js-107-      children.length > 0 ? parse(children, idx) : frag()
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.symbols-367-    return html('li', [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.symbols:368:      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.symbols-369->href : Symbol(href, Decl(recursiveTypeReferences1.ts, 104, 17))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-414-  return html('ul', node.map(([el, children], i) => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:415:>html('ul', node.map(([el, children], i) => {    const idx = [...index, i + 1];    return html('li', [      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),      children.length > 0 ? parse(children, idx) : frag()    ]);  })) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-416->html : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-417->'ul' : "ul"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:418:>node.map(([el, children], i) => {    const idx = [...index, i + 1];    return html('li', [      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),      children.length > 0 ? parse(children, idx) : frag()    ]);  }) : any[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-419->node.map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: [HTMLHeadingElement, Tree], index: number, array: [HTMLHeadingElement, Tree][]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-421->map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: [HTMLHeadingElement, Tree], index: number, array: [HTMLHeadingElement, Tree][]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:422:>([el, children], i) => {    const idx = [...index, i + 1];    return html('li', [      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),      children.length > 0 ? parse(children, idx) : frag()    ]);  } : ([el, children]: [HTMLHeadingElement, Tree], i: number) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-423->el : HTMLHeadingElement
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-436-    return html('li', [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:437:>html('li', [      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),      children.length > 0 ? parse(children, idx) : frag()    ]) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-438->html : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-439->'li' : "li"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:440:>[      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),      children.length > 0 ? parse(children, idx) : frag()    ] : any[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:442:      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:443:>html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-444->html : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-445->'a' : "a"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:446:>{ href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') } : { href: string; rel: string; 'data-index': string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-447->href : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types:448:>`#${el.id}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/recursiveTypeReferences1.types-449->el.id : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/smartSelection_templateStrings2.baseline:1:`a ${b} /**/c`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/smartSelection_templateStrings2.baseline-3- a ${b} c 
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/smartSelection_templateStrings2.baseline:4:`a ${b} c`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.errors.txt-9-    C`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.errors.txt:10:    let de_NEWLINE_f: "DE\nF" = `DE${"\n"}F`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.errors.txt-11-        ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.js:4:let de_NEWLINE_f: "DE\nF" = `DE${"\n"}F`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.symbols:6:let de_NEWLINE_f: "DE\nF" = `DE${"\n"}F`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.symbols-7->de_NEWLINE_f : Symbol(de_NEWLINE_f, Decl(stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.types:7:let de_NEWLINE_f: "DE\nF" = `DE${"\n"}F`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.types-8->de_NEWLINE_f : "DE\nF"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.types:9:>`DE${"\n"}F` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.types-10->"\n" : "\n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateChain.errors.txt:11:    a?.`b${1}c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateChain.errors.txt-12-       ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateChain.symbols-9->a : Symbol(a, Decl(taggedTemplateChain.ts, 0, 11))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateChain.types:11:>a?.`b${1}c` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateChain.types-12->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateChain.types:13:>`b${1}c` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateChain.types-14->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js-13-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:14:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:15:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:16:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ (y: <T>(p: T) => T) => { y<number>(undefined); return y } }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:17:tempTag1 `${ (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js-27-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:28:tempTag1 `${x => { x(undefined); return x; }}${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:29:tempTag1 `${x => { x(undefined); return x; }}${y => { y(undefined); return y; }}${10}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:30:tempTag1 `${x => { x(undefined); return x; }}${(y) => { y(undefined); return y; }}${undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.js:31:tempTag1 `${(x) => { x(undefined); return x; }}${y => { y(undefined); return y; }}${undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols-48-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols:49:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols-50->tempTag1 : Symbol(tempTag1, Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 0, 48), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 2, 79), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 3, 92))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols:56:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols-57->tempTag1 : Symbol(tempTag1, Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 0, 48), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 2, 79), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 3, 92))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols:67:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ (y: <T>(p: T) => T) => { y<number>(undefined); return y } }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols-68->tempTag1 : Symbol(tempTag1, Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 0, 48), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 2, 79), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 3, 92))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols:83:tempTag1 `${ (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.symbols-84->tempTag1 : Symbol(tempTag1, Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 0, 48), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 2, 79), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts, 3, 92))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-32-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:33:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:34:>tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ 10 }` : 10
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-35->tempTag1 : { <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, x: T): T; <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, h: FuncType, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:36:>`${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-37->x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } : (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => <T>(p: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:45:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:46:>tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ 10 }` : 10
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-47->tempTag1 : { <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, x: T): T; <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, h: FuncType, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:48:>`${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ 10 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-49->x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } : (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => <T>(p: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:63:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ (y: <T>(p: T) => T) => { y<number>(undefined); return y } }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:64:>tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ (y: <T>(p: T) => T) => { y<number>(undefined); return y } }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-65->tempTag1 : { <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, x: T): T; <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, h: FuncType, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:66:>`${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ (y: <T>(p: T) => T) => { y<number>(undefined); return y } }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-67->x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } : (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => <T>(p: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:82:tempTag1 `${ (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:83:>tempTag1 `${ (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-84->tempTag1 : { <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, x: T): T; <T>(templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType, h: FuncType, x: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types:85:>`${ (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.types-86->(x: <T>(p: T) => T) => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } : (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => <T>(p: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js-14-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js:15:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }         }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js:16:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<string, number>(null); return y; } }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js:17:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ undefined }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js-26-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js:27:tempTag2 `${x => { x(undefined); return x; }}${0}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js:28:tempTag2 `${x => { x(undefined); return x; }}${y => { y(null); return y; }}${"hello"}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.js:29:tempTag2 `${x => { x(undefined); return x; }}${undefined}${"hello"}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.symbols-50-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.symbols:51:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }         }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.symbols-52->tempTag2 : Symbol(tempTag2, Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 1, 52), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 3, 87), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 4, 101))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.symbols:58:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<string, number>(null); return y; } }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.symbols-59->tempTag2 : Symbol(tempTag2, Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 1, 52), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 3, 87), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 4, 101))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.symbols:68:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ undefined }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.symbols-69->tempTag2 : Symbol(tempTag2, Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 1, 52), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 3, 87), Decl(taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts, 4, 101))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types-38-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:39:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }         }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:40:>tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }         }${ 0 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types-41->tempTag2 : { (templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType1, x: number): number; (templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType2, h: FuncType2, x: string): string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:42:>`${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }         }${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types-43->x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } : (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => <T>(p: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:51:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<string, number>(null); return y; } }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:52:>tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<string, number>(null); return y; } }${ "hello" }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types-53->tempTag2 : { (templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType1, x: number): number; (templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType2, h: FuncType2, x: string): string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:54:>`${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<string, number>(null); return y; } }${ "hello" }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types-55->x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } : (x: <S, T>(p: T) => T) => <S, T>(p: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:69:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ undefined }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:70:>tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ undefined }${ "hello" }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types-71->tempTag2 : { (templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType1, x: number): number; (templateStrs: TemplateStringsArray, f: FuncType2, h: FuncType2, x: string): string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types:72:>`${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ undefined }${ "hello" }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.types-73->x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } : (x: <S, T>(p: T) => T) => <S, T>(p: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.js:7:let result: number = foo`${x}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.symbols:12:let result: number = foo`${x}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.symbols-13->result : Symbol(result, Decl(taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.types:12:let result: number = foo`${x}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.types-13->result : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.types:14:>foo`${x}` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.types-15->foo : (template: any, val: symbol) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.types:16:>`${x}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.types-17->x : symbol
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.js:5:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.symbols:7:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.symbols-8->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.types:7:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.types:8:>f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.types-9->f : (...args: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.types:10:>`\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.types-11->"Interrupted CRLF" : "Interrupted CRLF"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.js:5:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.js:10:f `\x0D${"Interrupted CRLF"}\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.symbols:7:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.symbols-8->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.types:7:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.types:8:>f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.types-9->f : (...args: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.types:10:>`\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.types-11->"Interrupted CRLF" : "Interrupted CRLF"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.js-1-//// [taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.js:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.symbols:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types:3:>`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types-4->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.js:6:f `0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.js:11:f `0${" "}1${" "}2${" "}3${" "}4${" "}5${" "}6${" "}7${" "}8${" "}9${" "}10${" "}11${" "}12${" "}13${" "}14${" "}15${" "}16${" "}17${" "}18${" "}19${" "}20${" "}2028${" "}2029${" "}0085${" "}t${" "}v${" "}f${" "}b${" "}r${" "}n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.symbols:8:f `0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.symbols-9->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types:8:f `0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types:9:>f `0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types-10->f : (...x: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types:11:>`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types-12->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-16-    function someGenerics1a<T, U>(n: T, m: number) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:17:    someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-19-    function someGenerics1b<T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:20:    someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-23-    function someGenerics2a<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:24:    someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-26-    function someGenerics2b<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:27:    someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-30-    function someGenerics3<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:31:    someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:32:    someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:33:    someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-36-    function someGenerics4<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:37:    someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:38:    someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:39:    someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-42-    function someGenerics5<U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:43:    someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:44:    someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:45:    someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-48-    function someGenerics6<A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:49:    someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:50:    someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:51:    someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-54-    function someGenerics7<A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:55:    someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:56:    someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:57:    someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-60-    function someGenerics8<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): T { return n; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:61:    var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:62:    x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-67-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:68:    var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-69-                                       ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:86:    var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-87-    var a9e: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-92-    // Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:93:    var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-94-    var a9d: { x: number; };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-97-    var anyVar: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:98:    var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-99-    var a: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-101-    // Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt:102:    var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.errors.txt-103-    var arr: any[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-11-function someGenerics1a<T, U>(n: T, m: number) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:12:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-14-function someGenerics1b<T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:15:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-18-function someGenerics2a<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:19:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-21-function someGenerics2b<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:22:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-25-function someGenerics3<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:26:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:27:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:28:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-31-function someGenerics4<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:32:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:33:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:34:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-37-function someGenerics5<U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:38:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:39:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:40:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-43-function someGenerics6<A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:44:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:45:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:46:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-49-function someGenerics7<A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:50:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:51:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:52:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-55-function someGenerics8<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): T { return n; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:56:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:57:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:63:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-64-var a9a: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:76:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-77-var a9e: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-79-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:80:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-81-var a9d: { x: number; };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-84-var anyVar: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:85:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-86-var a: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-88-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js:89:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js-90-var arr: any[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:31:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-32->someGenerics1a : Symbol(someGenerics1a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 6, 19))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:43:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-44->someGenerics1b : Symbol(someGenerics1b, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 10, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:56:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-57->someGenerics2a : Symbol(someGenerics2a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 13, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:73:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-74->someGenerics2b : Symbol(someGenerics2b, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 17, 37))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:88:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-89->someGenerics3 : Symbol(someGenerics3, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 20, 50))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:91:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-92->someGenerics3 : Symbol(someGenerics3, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 20, 50))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:95:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-96->someGenerics3 : Symbol(someGenerics3, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 20, 50))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:111:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-112->someGenerics4 : Symbol(someGenerics4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 26, 27))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:114:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-115->someGenerics4 : Symbol(someGenerics4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 26, 27))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:117:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-118->someGenerics4 : Symbol(someGenerics4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 26, 27))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:133:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-134->someGenerics5 : Symbol(someGenerics5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 32, 35))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:136:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-137->someGenerics5 : Symbol(someGenerics5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 32, 35))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:139:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-140->someGenerics5 : Symbol(someGenerics5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 32, 35))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:161:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-162->someGenerics6 : Symbol(someGenerics6, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 38, 31))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:170:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-171->someGenerics6 : Symbol(someGenerics6, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 38, 31))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:179:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-180->someGenerics6 : Symbol(someGenerics6, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 38, 31))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:209:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-210->someGenerics7 : Symbol(someGenerics7, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 44, 80))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:218:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-219->someGenerics7 : Symbol(someGenerics7, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 44, 80))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:227:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-228->someGenerics7 : Symbol(someGenerics7, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 44, 80))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:247:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-248->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 54, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:252:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-253->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 54, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:271:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-272->a9a : Symbol(a9a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 61, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 62, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:299:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-300->a9e : Symbol(a9e, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 74, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 75, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-312-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:313:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-314->a9d : Symbol(a9d, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 78, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 79, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:328:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-329->a : Symbol(a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 83, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 84, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-336-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols:337:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.symbols-338->arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 87, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts, 88, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:28:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:29:>someGenerics1a `${3}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-30->someGenerics1a : <T, U>(n: T, m: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:31:>`${3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-32->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:39:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:40:>someGenerics1b `${3}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-41->someGenerics1b : <T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:42:>`${3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-43->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:52:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:53:>someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-54->someGenerics2a : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:55:>`${(n: string) => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-56->(n: string) => n : (n: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:67:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:68:>someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-69->someGenerics2b : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:70:>`${ (n: string, x: number) => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-71->(n: string, x: number) => n : (n: string, x: number) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:82:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:83:>someGenerics3 `${() => ''}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-84->someGenerics3 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:85:>`${() => ''}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-86->() => '' : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:89:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:90:>someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-91->someGenerics3 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:92:>`${() => undefined}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-93->() => undefined : () => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:96:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:97:>someGenerics3 `${() => 3}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-98->someGenerics3 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:99:>`${() => 3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-100->() => 3 : () => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:111:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:112:>someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-113->someGenerics4 : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:114:>`${4}${ () => null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-115->4 : 4
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:119:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:120:>someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-121->someGenerics4 : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:122:>`${''}${ () => 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-123->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:127:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:128:>someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-129->someGenerics4 : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:130:>`${ null }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-131->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:142:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:143:>someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-144->someGenerics5 : <U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:145:>`${ 4 } ${ () => null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-146->4 : 4
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:150:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:151:>someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-152->someGenerics5 : <U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:153:>`${ '' }${ () => 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-154->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:158:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:159:>someGenerics5 `${null}${null}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-160->someGenerics5 : <U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:161:>`${null}${null}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-162->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:176:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:177:>someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-178->someGenerics6 : <A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:179:>`${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-180->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:190:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:191:>someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-192->someGenerics6 : <A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:193:>`${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-194->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:204:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:205:>someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-206->someGenerics6 : <A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:207:>`${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-208->(n: number) => n : (n: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:229:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:230:>someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-231->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:232:>`${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-233->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:243:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:244:>someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-245->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:246:>`${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-247->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:257:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:258:>someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-259->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:260:>`${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-261->(n: number) => n : (n: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:278:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-279->x : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:280:>someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }` : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-281->someGenerics8 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:282:>`${ someGenerics7 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-283->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:285:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:286:>x `${null}${null}${null}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-287->x : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:288:>`${null}${null}${null}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-289->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:304:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-305->a9a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:306:>someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-307->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:308:>`${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-309->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:332:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-333->a9e : { x: number; z: Date; y?: undefined; } | { x: number; y: string; z?: undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:334:>someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }` : { x: number; z: Date; y?: undefined; } | { x: number; y: string; z?: undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-335->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:336:>`${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-337->undefined : undefined
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-353-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:354:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-355->a9d : { x: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:356:>someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }` : { x: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-357->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:358:>`${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-359->{ x: 3 } : { x: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:377:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-378->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:379:>someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-380->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:381:>`${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-382->7 : 7
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-389-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:390:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-391->arr : any[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:392:>someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }` : any[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-393->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types:394:>`${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.types-395->[] : undefined[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-16-    function someGenerics1a<T, U>(n: T, m: number) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:17:    someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-19-    function someGenerics1b<T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:20:    someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-23-    function someGenerics2a<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:24:    someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-26-    function someGenerics2b<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:27:    someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-30-    function someGenerics3<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:31:    someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:32:    someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:33:    someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-36-    function someGenerics4<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:37:    someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:38:    someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:39:    someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-42-    function someGenerics5<U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:43:    someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:44:    someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:45:    someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-48-    function someGenerics6<A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:49:    someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:50:    someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:51:    someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-54-    function someGenerics7<A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:55:    someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:56:    someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:57:    someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-60-    function someGenerics8<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): T { return n; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:61:    var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:62:    x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-67-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:68:    var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-69-                                       ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:86:    var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-87-    var a9e: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-92-    // Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:93:    var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-94-    var a9d: { x: number; };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-97-    var anyVar: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:98:    var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-99-    var a: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-101-    // Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt:102:    var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.errors.txt-103-    var arr: any[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-11-function someGenerics1a<T, U>(n: T, m: number) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:12:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-14-function someGenerics1b<T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:15:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-18-function someGenerics2a<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:19:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-21-function someGenerics2b<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:22:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-25-function someGenerics3<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:26:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:27:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:28:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-31-function someGenerics4<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:32:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:33:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:34:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-37-function someGenerics5<U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:38:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:39:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:40:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-43-function someGenerics6<A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:44:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:45:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:46:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-49-function someGenerics7<A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:50:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:51:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:52:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-55-function someGenerics8<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): T { return n; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:56:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:57:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:63:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-64-var a9a: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:76:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-77-var a9e: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-79-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:80:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-81-var a9d: { x: number; };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-84-var anyVar: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:85:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-86-var a: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-88-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:89:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-90-var arr: any[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-102-function someGenerics1a(n, m) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:103:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-104-function someGenerics1b(n, m) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:105:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-106-// Generic tag with argument of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-107-function someGenerics2a(strs, n) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:108:someGenerics2a `${(n) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-109-function someGenerics2b(strs, n) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:110:someGenerics2b `${(n, x) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-111-// Generic tag with argument of function type whose parameter is not of type parameter type but body/return type uses type parameter
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-112-function someGenerics3(strs, producer) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:113:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:114:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:115:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-116-// 2 parameter generic tag with argument 1 of type parameter type and argument 2 of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-117-function someGenerics4(strs, n, f) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:118:someGenerics4 `${4}${() => null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:119:someGenerics4 `${''}${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:120:someGenerics4 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-121-// 2 parameter generic tag with argument 2 of type parameter type and argument 1 of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-122-function someGenerics5(strs, n, f) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:123:someGenerics5 `${4} ${() => null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:124:someGenerics5 `${''}${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:125:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-126-// Generic tag with multiple arguments of function types that each have parameters of the same generic type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-127-function someGenerics6(strs, a, b, c) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:128:someGenerics6 `${n => n}${n => n}${n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:129:someGenerics6 `${n => n}${n => n}${n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:130:someGenerics6 `${(n) => n}${(n) => n}${(n) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-131-// Generic tag with multiple arguments of function types that each have parameters of different generic type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-132-function someGenerics7(strs, a, b, c) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:133:someGenerics7 `${n => n}${n => n}${n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:134:someGenerics7 `${n => n}${n => n}${n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:135:someGenerics7 `${(n) => n}${(n) => n}${(n) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-136-// Generic tag with argument of generic function type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-137-function someGenerics8(strs, n) { return n; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:138:var x = someGenerics8 `${someGenerics7}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:139:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-140-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with no best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:144:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${''}${0}${[]}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-145-var a9a;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:146:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${undefined}${{ x: 6, z: new Date() }}${{ x: 6, y: '' }}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-147-var a9e;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-148-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:149:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${{ x: 3 }}${{ x: 6 }}${{ x: 6 }}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-150-var a9d;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-152-var anyVar;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:153:var a = someGenerics9 `${7}${anyVar}${4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-154-var a;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-155-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js:156:var arr = someGenerics9 `${[]}${null}${undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.js-157-var arr;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:31:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-32->someGenerics1a : Symbol(someGenerics1a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 6, 19))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:43:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-44->someGenerics1b : Symbol(someGenerics1b, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 10, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:56:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-57->someGenerics2a : Symbol(someGenerics2a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 13, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:73:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-74->someGenerics2b : Symbol(someGenerics2b, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 17, 37))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:88:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-89->someGenerics3 : Symbol(someGenerics3, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 20, 50))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:91:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-92->someGenerics3 : Symbol(someGenerics3, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 20, 50))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:95:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-96->someGenerics3 : Symbol(someGenerics3, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 20, 50))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:111:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-112->someGenerics4 : Symbol(someGenerics4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 26, 27))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:114:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-115->someGenerics4 : Symbol(someGenerics4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 26, 27))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:117:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-118->someGenerics4 : Symbol(someGenerics4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 26, 27))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:133:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-134->someGenerics5 : Symbol(someGenerics5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 32, 35))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:136:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-137->someGenerics5 : Symbol(someGenerics5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 32, 35))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:139:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-140->someGenerics5 : Symbol(someGenerics5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 32, 35))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:161:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-162->someGenerics6 : Symbol(someGenerics6, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 38, 31))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:170:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-171->someGenerics6 : Symbol(someGenerics6, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 38, 31))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:179:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-180->someGenerics6 : Symbol(someGenerics6, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 38, 31))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:209:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-210->someGenerics7 : Symbol(someGenerics7, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 44, 80))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:218:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-219->someGenerics7 : Symbol(someGenerics7, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 44, 80))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:227:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-228->someGenerics7 : Symbol(someGenerics7, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 44, 80))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:247:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-248->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 54, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:252:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-253->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 54, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:271:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-272->a9a : Symbol(a9a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 61, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 62, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:299:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-300->a9e : Symbol(a9e, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 74, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 75, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-312-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:313:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-314->a9d : Symbol(a9d, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 78, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 79, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:328:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-329->a : Symbol(a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 83, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 84, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-336-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols:337:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.symbols-338->arr : Symbol(arr, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 87, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts, 88, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:28:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:29:>someGenerics1a `${3}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-30->someGenerics1a : <T, U>(n: T, m: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:31:>`${3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-32->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:39:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:40:>someGenerics1b `${3}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-41->someGenerics1b : <T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:42:>`${3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-43->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:52:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:53:>someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-54->someGenerics2a : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:55:>`${(n: string) => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-56->(n: string) => n : (n: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:67:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:68:>someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-69->someGenerics2b : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:70:>`${ (n: string, x: number) => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-71->(n: string, x: number) => n : (n: string, x: number) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:82:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:83:>someGenerics3 `${() => ''}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-84->someGenerics3 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:85:>`${() => ''}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-86->() => '' : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:89:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:90:>someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-91->someGenerics3 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:92:>`${() => undefined}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-93->() => undefined : () => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:96:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:97:>someGenerics3 `${() => 3}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-98->someGenerics3 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:99:>`${() => 3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-100->() => 3 : () => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:111:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:112:>someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-113->someGenerics4 : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:114:>`${4}${ () => null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-115->4 : 4
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:119:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:120:>someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-121->someGenerics4 : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:122:>`${''}${ () => 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-123->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:127:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:128:>someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-129->someGenerics4 : <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:130:>`${ null }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-131->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:142:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:143:>someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-144->someGenerics5 : <U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:145:>`${ 4 } ${ () => null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-146->4 : 4
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:150:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:151:>someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-152->someGenerics5 : <U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:153:>`${ '' }${ () => 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-154->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:158:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:159:>someGenerics5 `${null}${null}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-160->someGenerics5 : <U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:161:>`${null}${null}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-162->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:176:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:177:>someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-178->someGenerics6 : <A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:179:>`${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-180->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:190:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:191:>someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-192->someGenerics6 : <A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:193:>`${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-194->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:204:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:205:>someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-206->someGenerics6 : <A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:207:>`${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-208->(n: number) => n : (n: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:229:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:230:>someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-231->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:232:>`${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-233->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:243:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:244:>someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-245->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:246:>`${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-247->n => n : (n: unknown) => unknown
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:257:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:258:>someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-259->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:260:>`${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-261->(n: number) => n : (n: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:278:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-279->x : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:280:>someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }` : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-281->someGenerics8 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:282:>`${ someGenerics7 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-283->someGenerics7 : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:285:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:286:>x `${null}${null}${null}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-287->x : <A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:288:>`${null}${null}${null}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-289->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:304:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-305->a9a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:306:>someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-307->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:308:>`${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-309->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:332:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-333->a9e : { x: number; z: Date; y?: undefined; } | { x: number; y: string; z?: undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:334:>someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }` : { x: number; z: Date; y?: undefined; } | { x: number; y: string; z?: undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-335->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:336:>`${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-337->undefined : undefined
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-353-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:354:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-355->a9d : { x: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:356:>someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }` : { x: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-357->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:358:>`${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-359->{ x: 3 } : { x: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:377:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-378->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:379:>someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-380->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:381:>`${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-382->7 : 7
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-389-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:390:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-391->arr : any[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:392:>someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }` : any[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-393->someGenerics9 : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: T, b: T, c: T) => T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types:394:>`${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.types-395->[] : undefined[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.js-7-f({ ...{ x: 0 } })`x`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.js:8:f({ ...{ x: 0 } })`x${f}x`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.js-9-f({ ...{ x: 0 }, y: (() => 1)() })``;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.symbols:17:f({ ...{ x: 0 } })`x${f}x`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.ts, 2, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.types:32:f({ ...{ x: 0 } })`x${f}x`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.types:33:>f({ ...{ x: 0 } })`x${f}x` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.types-34->f({ ...{ x: 0 } }) : (..._: any[]) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.types-39->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.types:40:>`x${f}x` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.types-41->f : (_: any) => (..._: any[]) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt:24:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt-25-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt:30:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt-31-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt:36:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt-37-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt:40:    f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt-41-                            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt:44:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt-45-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt:50:    f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt-51-                                                            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.errors.txt:56:    f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.js:15:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.js:19:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.js:23:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.js:25:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.js:27:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.js:29:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:39:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols-40->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:47:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols-49->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:56:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols-57->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:60:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols-61->f `abc`[0].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:65:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:66:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols-67->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:71:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols:72:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols-73->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.symbols-83->f.thisIsNotATag : Symbol(I.thisIsNotATag, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts, 4, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:32:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:33:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-34->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:35:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-36->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:46:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:47:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-49->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:50:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-51->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:62:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:63:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:64:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-65->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:66:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-67->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:71:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:72:>f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-73->f `abc`[0].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-79->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:80:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-81->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:84:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:85:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:86:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:87:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:88:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-89->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:90:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-91->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-94->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:95:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-96->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:99:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:100:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:101:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:102:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:103:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-104->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:105:>`abc${ true }def${ true }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-106->true : true
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-109->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:110:>`abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-111->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:122:>f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-123->f.thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-125->thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types:126:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.types-127->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt:24:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt-25-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt:30:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt-31-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt:36:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt-37-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt:40:    f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt-41-                            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt:44:    f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt-45-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt:50:    f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt-51-                                                            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.errors.txt:56:    f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:15:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:19:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:23:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:25:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:27:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:29:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js-37-f `abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:38:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js-39-f `abc`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:40:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js-41-f `abc`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:42:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:43:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:44:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.js:45:f `abc${true}def${true}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:39:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols-40->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:47:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols-49->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:56:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols-57->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:60:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols-61->f `abc`[0].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:65:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:66:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols-67->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:71:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols:72:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols-73->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.symbols-83->f.thisIsNotATag : Symbol(I.thisIsNotATag, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts, 4, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:32:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:33:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-34->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:35:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-36->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:46:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:47:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-49->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:50:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-51->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:62:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:63:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:64:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-65->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:66:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-67->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:71:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:72:>f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-73->f `abc`[0].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-79->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:80:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-81->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:84:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:85:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:86:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:87:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:88:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-89->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:90:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-91->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-94->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:95:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-96->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:99:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:100:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:101:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:102:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:103:>f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-104->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:105:>`abc${ true }def${ true }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-106->true : true
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-109->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:110:>`abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-111->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:122:>f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-123->f.thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-125->thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types:126:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.types-127->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.js:14:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.symbols:29:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.symbols-30->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.ts, 12, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.symbols:31:>f `abc${ 0 }def`.member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.ts, 1, 55))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.symbols-32->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:24:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types-25->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:26:>new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:27:>new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:28:>new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) : new () => boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:29:>new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello") : new (n: number) => new () => boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:30:>f `abc${ 0 }def`.member : new (s: string) => new (n: number) => new () => boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:31:>f `abc${ 0 }def` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types-32->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types:33:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.types-34->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.js:14:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.js-19-var f;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.js:20:var x = new new new f `abc${0}def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.symbols:29:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.symbols-30->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.ts, 12, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.symbols:31:>f `abc${ 0 }def`.member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.ts, 1, 55))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.symbols-32->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:24:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types-25->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:26:>new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:27:>new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:28:>new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) : new () => boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:29:>new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello") : new (n: number) => new () => boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:30:>f `abc${ 0 }def`.member : new (s: string) => new (n: number) => new () => boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:31:>f `abc${ 0 }def` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types-32->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types:33:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.types-34->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt-75-    var u = foo ``;              // number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt:76:    var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt:77:    var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt:78:    var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt-79-                       ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt-85-!!! related TS2793 tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts:5:10: The call would have succeeded against this implementation, but implementation signatures of overloads are not externally visible.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt:86:    var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt:87:    var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.errors.txt-88-                           ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.js-17-var u = foo ``;              // number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.js:18:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.js:19:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.js:20:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.js:21:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.js:22:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols:63:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols-64->v : Symbol(v, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols:67:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols-68->w : Symbol(w, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts, 17, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols:71:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols-72->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols:75:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols-76->y : Symbol(y, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts, 19, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols:79:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.symbols-80->z : Symbol(z, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:83:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-84->v : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:85:>foo `${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-86->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:87:>`${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-88->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:90:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-91->w : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:92:>foo `${1}${2}` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-93->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:94:>`${1}${2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-95->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:98:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-99->x : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:100:>foo `${1}${true}` : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-101->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:102:>`${1}${true}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-103->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:106:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-107->y : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:108:>foo `${1}${"2"}` : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-109->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:110:>`${1}${"2"}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-111->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:114:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-115->z : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:116:>foo `${1}${2}${3}` : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-117->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types:118:>`${1}${2}${3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.types-119->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt-75-    var u = foo ``;              // number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt:76:    var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt:77:    var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt:78:    var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt-79-                       ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt-85-!!! related TS2793 tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts:5:10: The call would have succeeded against this implementation, but implementation signatures of overloads are not externally visible.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt:86:    var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt:87:    var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.errors.txt-88-                           ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js-17-var u = foo ``;              // number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:18:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:19:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:20:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:21:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:22:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js-35-var u = foo ``; // number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:36:var v = foo `${1}`; // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:37:var w = foo `${1}${2}`; // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:38:var x = foo `${1}${true}`; // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:39:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`; // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.js:40:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`; // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols:63:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols-64->v : Symbol(v, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols:67:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols-68->w : Symbol(w, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts, 17, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols:71:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols-72->x : Symbol(x, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols:75:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols-76->y : Symbol(y, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts, 19, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols:79:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.symbols-80->z : Symbol(z, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:83:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-84->v : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:85:>foo `${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-86->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:87:>`${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-88->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:90:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-91->w : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:92:>foo `${1}${2}` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-93->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:94:>`${1}${2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-95->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:98:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-99->x : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:100:>foo `${1}${true}` : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-101->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:102:>`${1}${true}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-103->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:106:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-107->y : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:108:>foo `${1}${"2"}` : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-109->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:110:>`${1}${"2"}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-111->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:114:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-115->z : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:116:>foo `${1}${2}${3}` : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-117->foo : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: number): boolean; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number, y: string): {}; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types:118:>`${1}${2}${3}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.types-119->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.js:8:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.js-9-var b = foo1([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.js:17:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.js-18-var d = foo2([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.symbols:21:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.symbols-22->a : Symbol(a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.symbols:48:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.symbols-49->c : Symbol(c, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types:20:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types-21->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types:22:>foo1 `${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types-23->foo1 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: string[], x: number): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types:24:>`${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types-25->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types:52:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types-53->c : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types:54:>foo2 `${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types-55->foo2 : { (strs: string[], x: number): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types:56:>`${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.types-57->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js:8:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js-9-var b = foo1([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js:17:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js-18-var d = foo2([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js:24:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js-25-var b = foo1([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js:29:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.js-30-var d = foo2([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.symbols:21:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.symbols-22->a : Symbol(a, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.symbols:48:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.symbols-49->c : Symbol(c, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types:20:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types-21->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types:22:>foo1 `${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types-23->foo1 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; (strs: string[], x: number): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types:24:>`${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types-25->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types:52:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types-53->c : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types:54:>foo2 `${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types-55->foo2 : { (strs: string[], x: number): number; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: number): string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types:56:>`${1}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.types-57->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:27:    var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-29-    // No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:30:    fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-31-            ~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:42:    var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:43:    var d2       = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-50-    // Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:51:    fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-53-    // Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:54:    fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:62:    var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:63:    var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:64:    var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-65-    var n: number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-67-    // Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:68:    var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:69:    var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:70:    var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-84-    // Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:85:    fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:86:    fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:87:    fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:88:    fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-90-    // Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:91:    fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-93-    // Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:94:    fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-95-            ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-100-!!! error TS2769:     Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:101:    fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-102-                     ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-112-    function fn5() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:113:    fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-114-                     ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt-115-!!! error TS2339: Property 'toFixed' does not exist on type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.errors.txt:116:    fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:7:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-9-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:10:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:16:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:17:var d2       = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-22-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:23:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-25-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:26:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:34:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:35:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:36:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-37-var n: number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-39-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:40:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:41:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:42:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-53-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:54:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:55:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:56:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:57:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-59-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:60:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-62-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:63:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:64:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js-69-function fn5() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:70:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js:71:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:18:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-19->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-23-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:24:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-25->fn1 : Symbol(fn1, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 0, 0), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 1, 60), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 2, 60))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:48:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-49->d1 : Symbol(d1, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:54:var d2       = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-55->d2 : Symbol(d2, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-65-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:66:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-67->fn2 : Symbol(fn2, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 8, 14), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 10, 71), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 11, 64))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-69-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:70:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-71->fn2 : Symbol(fn2, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 8, 14), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 10, 71), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 11, 64))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:112:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-113->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:116:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-117->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:120:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-121->n : Symbol(n, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 34, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 35, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-127-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:128:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-129->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:132:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-133->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:136:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-137->n : Symbol(n, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 34, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 35, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-175-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:176:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-177->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:179:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-180->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:182:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-183->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:186:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-187->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-189-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:190:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-191->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-193-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:194:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-195->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:197:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-198->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:219:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-220->fn5 : Symbol(fn5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 62, 25), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 65, 73), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 66, 73))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols:224:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.symbols-225->fn5 : Symbol(fn5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 62, 25), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 65, 73), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts, 66, 73))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:17:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-18->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:19:>fn1 `${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-20->fn1 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:21:>`${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-22->undefined : undefined
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-24-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:25:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:26:>fn1 `${ {} }` : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-27->fn1 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:28:>`${ {} }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-29->{} : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:47:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-48->d1 : Date
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:49:>fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-50->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:51:>`${ 0 }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-52->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:55:var d2       = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-56->d2 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:57:>fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-58->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:59:>`${ 0 }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-60->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-73-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:74:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:75:>fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-76->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:77:>`${ 0 }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-78->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-81-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:82:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:83:>fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-84->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:85:>`${ '' }${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-86->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:113:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-114->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:115:>fn3 `${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-116->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:117:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-118->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:120:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-121->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:122:>fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-123->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:124:>`${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-125->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:129:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-130->n : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:131:>fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-132->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:133:>`${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-134->5 : 5
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-141-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:142:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-143->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:144:>fn3 `${ 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-145->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:146:>`${ 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-147->4 : 4
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:149:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-150->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:151:>fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-152->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:153:>`${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-154->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:158:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-159->n : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:160:>fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }` : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-161->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:162:>`${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-163->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-193-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:194:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:195:>fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-196->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:197:>`${ '' }${ 3  }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-198->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:201:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:202:>fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-203->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:204:>`${ 3  }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-205->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:208:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:209:>fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-210->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:211:>`${ 3  }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-212->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:215:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:216:>fn4 `${ '' }${ null }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-217->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:218:>`${ '' }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-219->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-222-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:223:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:224:>fn4 `${ null }${ null }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-225->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:226:>`${ null }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-227->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-230-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:231:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:232:>fn4 `${ true }${ null }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-233->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:234:>`${ true }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-235->true : true
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:238:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:239:>fn4 `${ null }${ true }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-240->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:241:>`${ null }${ true }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-242->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:262:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:263:>fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-264->fn5 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: string) => void): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: number) => void): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:265:>`${ (n) => n.toFixed() }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-266->(n) => n.toFixed() : (n: string) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:273:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:274:>fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-275->fn5 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: string) => void): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: number) => void): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types:276:>`${ (n) => n.substr(0) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.types-277->(n) => n.substr(0) : (n: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:27:    var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-29-    // No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:30:    fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-31-            ~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:42:    var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:43:    var d2 = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-50-    // Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:51:    fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-53-    // Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:54:    fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:62:    var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:63:    var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:64:    var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-65-    var n: number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-67-    // Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:68:    var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:69:    var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:70:    var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-84-    // Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:85:    fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:86:    fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:87:    fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:88:    fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-90-    // Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:91:    fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-93-    // Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:94:    fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-95-            ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-100-!!! error TS2769:     Argument of type 'boolean' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:101:    fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-102-                     ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-112-    function fn5() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:113:    fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-114-                     ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt-116-!!! related TS2728 /.ts/lib.es2015.core.d.ts:472:5: 'fixed' is declared here.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.errors.txt:117:    fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:7:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-9-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:10:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:16:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:17:var d2 = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-22-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:23:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-25-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:26:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:34:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:35:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:36:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-37-var n: number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-39-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:40:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:41:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:42:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-53-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:54:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:55:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:56:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:57:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-59-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:60:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-62-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:63:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:64:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-69-function fn5() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:70:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:71:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-76-function fn1() { return null; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:77:var s = fn1 `${undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-78-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:79:fn1 `${{}}`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-80-function fn2() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:81:var d1 = fn2 `${0}${undefined}`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:82:var d2 = fn2 `${0}${undefined}`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-83-d1.foo(); // error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-85-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:86:fn2 `${0}${''}`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-87-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:88:fn2 `${''}${0}`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-89-function fn3() { return null; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:90:var s = fn3 `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:91:var s = fn3 `${''}${3}${''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:92:var n = fn3 `${5}${5}${5}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-93-var n;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-94-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:95:var s = fn3 `${4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:96:var s = fn3 `${''}${''}${''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:97:var n = fn3 `${''}${''}${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-98-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with argument count that doesn't match any overload
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-101-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:102:fn4 `${''}${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:103:fn4 `${3}${''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:104:fn4 `${3}${undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:105:fn4 `${''}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-106-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:107:fn4 `${null}${null}`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-108-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:109:fn4 `${true}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:110:fn4 `${null}${true}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js-111-function fn5() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:112:fn5 `${(n) => n.toFixed()}`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.js:113:fn5 `${(n) => n.substr(0)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:18:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-19->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-23-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:24:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-25->fn1 : Symbol(fn1, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 0, 0), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 1, 60), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 2, 60))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:48:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-49->d1 : Symbol(d1, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:54:var d2 = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-55->d2 : Symbol(d2, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-65-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:66:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-67->fn2 : Symbol(fn2, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 8, 14), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 10, 71), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 11, 64))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-69-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:70:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-71->fn2 : Symbol(fn2, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 8, 14), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 10, 71), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 11, 64))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:112:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-113->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:116:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-117->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:120:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-121->n : Symbol(n, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 34, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 35, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-127-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:128:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-129->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:132:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-133->s : Symbol(s, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 5, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 32, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 33, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 38, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:136:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-137->n : Symbol(n, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 34, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 35, 3), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-175-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:176:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-177->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:179:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-180->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:182:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-183->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:186:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-187->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-189-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:190:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-191->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-193-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:194:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-195->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:197:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-198->fn4 : Symbol(fn4, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 43, 7), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 46, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 47, 89), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 48, 40))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:219:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-220->fn5 : Symbol(fn5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 62, 25), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 65, 73), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 66, 73))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols:224:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.symbols-225->fn5 : Symbol(fn5, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 62, 25), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 65, 73), Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts, 66, 73))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:17:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-18->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:19:>fn1 `${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-20->fn1 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:21:>`${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-22->undefined : undefined
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-24-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:25:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:26:>fn1 `${ {} }` : never
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-27->fn1 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:28:>`${ {} }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-29->{} : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:47:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-48->d1 : Date
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:49:>fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-50->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:51:>`${ 0 }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-52->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:55:var d2 = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-56->d2 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:57:>fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-58->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:59:>`${ 0 }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-60->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-73-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:74:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:75:>fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-76->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:77:>`${ 0 }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-78->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-81-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:82:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:83:>fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-84->fn2 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, n: number): number; <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: number, t: T): T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:85:>`${ '' }${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-86->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:113:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-114->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:115:>fn3 `${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-116->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:117:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-118->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:120:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-121->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:122:>fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-123->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:124:>`${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-125->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:129:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-130->n : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:131:>fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-132->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:133:>`${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-134->5 : 5
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-141-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:142:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-143->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:144:>fn3 `${ 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-145->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:146:>`${ 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-147->4 : 4
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:149:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-150->s : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:151:>fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }` : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-152->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:153:>`${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-154->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:158:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-159->n : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:160:>fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }` : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-161->fn3 : { <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): string; <T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, s: string, t: T, u: U): U; <T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, v: V, u: U, t: T): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:162:>`${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-163->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-193-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:194:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:195:>fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-196->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:197:>`${ '' }${ 3  }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-198->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:201:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:202:>fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-203->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:204:>`${ 3  }${ '' }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-205->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:208:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:209:>fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-210->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:211:>`${ 3  }${ undefined }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-212->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:215:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:216:>fn4 `${ '' }${ null }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-217->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:218:>`${ '' }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-219->'' : ""
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-222-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:223:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:224:>fn4 `${ null }${ null }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-225->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:226:>`${ null }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-227->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-230-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:231:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:232:>fn4 `${ true }${ null }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-233->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:234:>`${ true }${ null }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-235->true : true
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:238:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:239:>fn4 `${ null }${ true }` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-240->fn4 : { <T extends string, U extends number>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; <T extends number, U extends string>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, m: U): any; (strs: TemplateStringsArray): any; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:241:>`${ null }${ true }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-242->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:262:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:263:>fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-264->fn5 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: string) => void): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: number) => void): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:265:>`${ (n) => n.toFixed() }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-266->(n) => n.toFixed() : (n: string) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:273:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:274:>fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-275->fn5 : { (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: string) => void): string; (strs: TemplateStringsArray, f: (n: number) => void): number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types:276:>`${ (n) => n.substr(0) }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.types-277->(n) => n.substr(0) : (n: string) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.js:5:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.symbols:8:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.symbols-9->declare : Symbol(declare, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.types:8:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.types:9:>declare `Hello ${0} world!` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.types-10->declare : (x: any, ...ys: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.types:11:>`Hello ${0} world!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.types-12->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.js:5:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.js:10:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.symbols:8:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.symbols-9->declare : Symbol(declare, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.types:8:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.types:9:>declare `Hello ${0} world!` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.types-10->declare : (x: any, ...ys: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.types:11:>`Hello ${0} world!` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.types-12->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.js:6:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.js:10:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.js:14:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.js:18:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.js:20:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.js:22:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols:8:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols-9->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols:14:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols-15->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols:20:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols-21->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols:26:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols-27->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols:29:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols-30->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols:32:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols-33->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.symbols-39->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:10:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:11:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-12->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:13:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-14->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:26:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:27:>f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-28->f.g.h : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-32->h : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:33:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-34->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:44:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:45:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:46:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-47->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:48:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-49->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:60:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:61:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:62:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-63->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:64:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-65->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:69:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:70:>f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-71->f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-77->someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:78:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-79->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:82:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:83:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:84:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:85:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:86:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-87->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:88:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-89->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-92->someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:93:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-94->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:105:>f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-106->f.thisIsNotATag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-108->thisIsNotATag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types:109:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.types-110->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:5:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:9:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:13:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:17:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:19:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:21:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js-29-f `abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:30:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js-31-f.g.h `abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:32:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js-33-f `abc`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:34:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js-35-f `abc`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:36:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:37:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.js:38:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols:8:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols-9->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols:14:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols-15->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols:20:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols-21->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols:26:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols-27->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols:29:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols-30->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols:32:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols-33->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.symbols-39->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:10:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:11:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-12->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:13:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-14->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:26:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:27:>f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-28->f.g.h : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-32->h : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:33:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-34->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:44:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:45:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:46:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-47->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:48:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-49->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:60:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:61:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:62:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-63->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:64:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-65->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:69:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:70:>f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-71->f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-77->someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:78:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-79->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:82:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:83:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:84:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:85:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:86:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-87->f : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:88:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-89->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-92->someOtherTag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:93:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-94->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:105:>f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-106->f.thisIsNotATag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-108->thisIsNotATag : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types:109:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.types-110->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.errors.txt:8:    foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.errors.txt-9-                                  ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.js:5:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.symbols:7:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.symbols-8->foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types:7:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types:8:>foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types-9->foo : (...rest: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types:10:>`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types-11->function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } : (x: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.errors.txt:8:    foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.errors.txt-9-                                  ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.js:5:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.js:10:foo `${function (x) { x = "bad"; }}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.symbols:7:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.symbols-8->foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types:7:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types:8:>foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types-9->foo : (...rest: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types:10:>`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types-11->function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } : (x: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.js:15:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.js:19:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.js:23:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.js:25:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.js:27:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols:39:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols-40->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols:47:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols-49->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols:56:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols-57->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols:60:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols-61->f `abc`[0].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols:65:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols:66:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols-67->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.symbols-77->f.thisIsNotATag : Symbol(I.thisIsNotATag, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts, 4, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:32:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:33:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-34->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:35:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-36->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:46:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:47:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-49->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:50:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-51->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:62:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:63:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:64:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-65->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:66:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-67->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:71:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:72:>f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-73->f `abc`[0].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-79->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:80:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-81->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:84:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:85:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:86:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:87:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:88:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-89->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:90:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-91->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-94->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:95:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-96->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:107:>f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-108->f.thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-110->thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types:111:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.types-112->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:15:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:19:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:23:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:25:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:27:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js-36-f `abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:37:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js-38-f `abc`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:39:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js-40-f `abc`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:41:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:42:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.js:43:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols:39:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols-40->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols:47:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols-49->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols:56:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols-57->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols:60:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols-61->f `abc`[0].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols:65:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols:66:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : Symbol(I.member, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 3, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols-67->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.symbols-77->f.thisIsNotATag : Symbol(I.thisIsNotATag, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts, 4, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:32:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:33:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-34->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:35:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-36->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:46:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:47:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:48:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-49->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:50:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-51->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:62:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:63:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:64:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-65->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:66:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-67->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:71:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:72:>f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-73->f `abc`[0].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-79->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:80:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-81->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:84:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:85:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:86:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:87:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"] : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:88:>f `abc${1}def${2}ghi` : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-89->f : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:90:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-91->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-94->member : I
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:95:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-96->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:107:>f.thisIsNotATag(`abc${1}def${2}ghi`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-108->f.thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-110->thisIsNotATag : (x: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types:111:>`abc${1}def${2}ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.types-112->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.js:5:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.symbols:7:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.symbols-8->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.types:7:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.types:8:>f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.types-9->f : (...args: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.types:10:>`'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.types-11->" should be converted to " : " should be converted to "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.js:5:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.js:10:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${" should be converted to "}'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.symbols:7:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.symbols-8->f : Symbol(f, Decl(taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.types:7:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.types:8:>f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.types-9->f : (...args: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.types:10:>`'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.types-11->" should be converted to " : " should be converted to "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.js:38:export let c = obj["prop"]<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.js:43:c = obj.prop<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.js:65:export let c = obj["prop"] `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.js:69:c = obj.prop `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.symbols:128:export let c = obj["prop"]<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.symbols-129->c : Symbol(c, Decl(taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.ts, 36, 10))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.symbols:157:c = obj.prop<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.symbols-158->c : Symbol(c, Decl(taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.ts, 36, 10))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-20->a : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:21:>f<Stuff> `    hello    ${stuff => stuff.x}    brave    ${stuff => stuff.y}    world    ${stuff => stuff.z}` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-22->f : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, ...callbacks: ((x: T) => any)[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:23:>`    hello    ${stuff => stuff.x}    brave    ${stuff => stuff.y}    world    ${stuff => stuff.z}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-66->b : string | number | boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:67:>g<Stuff, number, string, boolean> `    hello    ${stuff => stuff.x}    brave    ${stuff => stuff.y}    world    ${stuff => stuff.z}` : string | number | boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-68->g : <Input, T, U, V>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, t: (i: Input) => T, u: (i: Input) => U, v: (i: Input) => V) => T | U | V
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:69:>`    hello    ${stuff => stuff.x}    brave    ${stuff => stuff.y}    world    ${stuff => stuff.z}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:111:export let c = obj["prop"]<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-112->c : { returnedObjProp: Stuff; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:113:>obj["prop"]<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}` : { returnedObjProp: Stuff; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-114->obj["prop"] : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: (input: T) => T) => { returnedObjProp: T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-116->"prop" : "prop"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:117:>`${(input) => ({ ...input })}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-118->(input) => ({ ...input }) : (input: Stuff) => { x: number; y: string; z: boolean; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:145:c = obj.prop<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:146:>c = obj.prop<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}` : { returnedObjProp: Stuff; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-147->c : { returnedObjProp: Stuff; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:148:>obj.prop<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}` : { returnedObjProp: Stuff; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-149->obj.prop : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: (input: T) => T) => { returnedObjProp: T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-151->prop : <T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, x: (input: T) => T) => { returnedObjProp: T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types:152:>`${(input) => ({ ...input })}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.types-153->(input) => ({ ...input }) : (input: Stuff) => { x: number; y: string; z: boolean; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt:22:    const a = new tag `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt:24:    const b = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt-25-                                 ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt:28:    const c = new tag<number> `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt-29-              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt:32:    const d = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`<string>(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt-33-              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt-42-     * new tag<number>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt:43:     * `hello${369}`();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.errors.txt-44-     * ```
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:12:const a = new tag `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:14:const b = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:16:const c = new tag<number> `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:18:const d = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`<string>(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js-24- * new tag<number>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:25: * `hello${369}`();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js-26- * ```
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js-41-//// [taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:42:const a = new tag `${100} ${200}`("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:43:const b = new tag `${"hello"} ${"world"}`(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:44:const c = (new tag `${100} ${200}`)("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:45:const d = (new tag `${"hello"} ${"world"}`)(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js-50- * new tag<number>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js:51: * `hello${369}`();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.js-52- * ```
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols:27:const a = new tag `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols-28->a : Symbol(a, Decl(taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts, 10, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols:31:const b = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols-32->b : Symbol(b, Decl(taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts, 12, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols:35:const c = new tag<number> `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols-36->c : Symbol(c, Decl(taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts, 14, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols:39:const d = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`<string>(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols-40->d : Symbol(d, Decl(taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts, 16, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols-47- * new tag<number>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols:48: * `hello${369}`();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.symbols-49- * ```
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:16:const a = new tag `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-17->a : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:18:>new tag `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world") : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:19:>tag `${100} ${200}` : SomethingNewable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-20->tag : SomethingTaggable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:21:>`${100} ${200}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-22->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:27:const b = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-28->b : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:29:>new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`(100, 200) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:30:>tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}` : SomethingNewable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-31->tag : SomethingTaggable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:32:>`${"hello"} ${"world"}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-33->"hello" : "hello"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:38:const c = new tag<number> `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-39->c : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:40:>new tag<number> `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world") : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:41:>new tag<number> `${100} ${200}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:42:>tag<number> `${100} ${200}` : SomethingNewable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-43->tag : SomethingTaggable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:44:>`${100} ${200}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-45->100 : 100
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:50:const d = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`<string>(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-51->d : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:52:>new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`<string>(100, 200) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:53:>new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:54:>tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}` : SomethingNewable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-55->tag : SomethingTaggable
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:56:>`${"hello"} ${"world"}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-57->"hello" : "hello"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-66- * new tag<number>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types:67: * `hello${369}`();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.types-68- * ```
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:1:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts(40,5): error TS2322: Type 'T' is not assignable to type '{ [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P]; }'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:2:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts(45,5): error TS2322: Type '{ [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T; }' is not assignable to type '{ [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U; }'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-3-  Type 'A' is not assignable to type 'B'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:16:    const createScopedActionType = <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:17:    const createActionInMyScope = createScopedActionType("MyScope");  // <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-18-    const MY_ACTION = createActionInMyScope("MY_ACTION");  // 'MyScope/MY_ACTION'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:22:    type EventName<S extends string> = `${S}Changed`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-23-    type EN1 = EventName<'Foo' | 'Bar' | 'Baz'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:24:    type Loc = `${'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'}-${'left' | 'center' | 'right'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:28:    type ToString<T extends string | number | boolean | bigint> = `${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-29-    type TS1 = ToString<'abc' | 42 | true | -1234n>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:33:    type TL1<T extends string> = `a${T}b${T}c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:34:    type TL2<U extends string> = TL1<`x${U}y`>;  // `ax${U}ybx{$U}yc`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-35-    type TL3 = TL2<'o'>;  // 'axoybxoyc'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:39:    type Cases<T extends string> = `${Uppercase<T>} ${Lowercase<T>} ${Capitalize<T>} ${Uncapitalize<T>}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:46:    function test<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'>(name: `get${Capitalize<T>}`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-47-        let s1: string = name;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:51:    function fa1<T>(x: T, y: { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }, z: { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P] }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-52-        y = x;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-54-        ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:55:!!! error TS2322: Type 'T' is not assignable to type '{ [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P]; }'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-56-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:58:    function fa2<T, U extends T, A extends string, B extends A>(x: { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T }, y: { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-59-        x = y;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-61-        ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:62:!!! error TS2322: Type '{ [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T; }' is not assignable to type '{ [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U; }'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-63-!!! error TS2322:   Type 'A' is not assignable to type 'B'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-72-        T extends [] ? '' :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:73:        T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint] ? `${T[0]}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:74:        T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint, ...infer U] ? `${T[0]}${D}${Join<U, D>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-75-        string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:83:    type MatchPair<S extends string> = S extends `[${infer A},${infer B}]` ? [A, B] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-91-    type SnakeToCamelCase<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:92:        S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:93:        S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-94-        SnakeToPascalCase<S>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-97-        string extends S ? string :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:98:        S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:99:        S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-100-        never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:109:    type FirstTwoAndRest<S extends string> = S extends `${infer A}${infer B}${infer R}` ? [`${A}${B}`, R] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-117-    type HexColor<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:118:        S extends `#${infer R1}${infer R2}${infer G1}${infer G2}${infer B1}${infer B2}` ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-119-            [R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2] extends [HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit] ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-131-    type Trim<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:132:        S extends ` ${infer T}` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:133:        S extends `${infer T} ` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-134-        S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-142-        S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:143:        S extends `${infer T}${D}${infer U}` ? [T, ...Split<U, D>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-144-        [S];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:153:    declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:154:    declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-155-    declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-164-        Path extends keyof T ? T[Path] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:165:        Path extends `${infer K}.${infer R}` ? K extends keyof T ? PropType<T[K], R> : unknown :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-166-        unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:181:    type S1<T> = T extends `foo${infer U}bar` ? S2<U> : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-182-    type S2<S extends string> = S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:186:    type TV1 = `${infer X}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-187-                  ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-193-        string extends S ? string[] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:194:        S extends `${infer C0}${infer C1}${infer C2}${infer C3}${infer C4}${infer C5}${infer C6}${infer C7}${infer C8}${infer C9}${infer R}` ? [C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:195:        S extends `${infer C}${infer R}` ? [C, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-196-        S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:203:    type Foo<T> = T extends `*${infer S}*` ? S : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:226:    type D100000 = `${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}`;  // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-227-                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:238:    type IsNegative<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${string}` ? true : false;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-247-    type PathKeys<T> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:248:        T extends readonly any[] ? Extract<keyof T, `${number}`> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, `${number}`>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt-249-        T extends object ? Extract<keyof T, string> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, string>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.errors.txt:252:    type SubKeys<T, K extends string> = K extends keyof T ? `${K}.${PathKeys<T[K]>}` : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:4:const createScopedActionType = <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:5:const createActionInMyScope = createScopedActionType("MyScope");  // <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-6-const MY_ACTION = createActionInMyScope("MY_ACTION");  // 'MyScope/MY_ACTION'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:10:type EventName<S extends string> = `${S}Changed`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-11-type EN1 = EventName<'Foo' | 'Bar' | 'Baz'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:12:type Loc = `${'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'}-${'left' | 'center' | 'right'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:16:type ToString<T extends string | number | boolean | bigint> = `${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-17-type TS1 = ToString<'abc' | 42 | true | -1234n>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:21:type TL1<T extends string> = `a${T}b${T}c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:22:type TL2<U extends string> = TL1<`x${U}y`>;  // `ax${U}ybx{$U}yc`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-23-type TL3 = TL2<'o'>;  // 'axoybxoyc'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:27:type Cases<T extends string> = `${Uppercase<T>} ${Lowercase<T>} ${Capitalize<T>} ${Uncapitalize<T>}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:34:function test<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'>(name: `get${Capitalize<T>}`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-35-    let s1: string = name;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:39:function fa1<T>(x: T, y: { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }, z: { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P] }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-40-    y = x;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:44:function fa2<T, U extends T, A extends string, B extends A>(x: { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T }, y: { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-45-    x = y;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-52-    T extends [] ? '' :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:53:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint] ? `${T[0]}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:54:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint, ...infer U] ? `${T[0]}${D}${Join<U, D>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-55-    string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:63:type MatchPair<S extends string> = S extends `[${infer A},${infer B}]` ? [A, B] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-71-type SnakeToCamelCase<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:72:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:73:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-74-    SnakeToPascalCase<S>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-77-    string extends S ? string :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:78:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:79:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-80-    never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:89:type FirstTwoAndRest<S extends string> = S extends `${infer A}${infer B}${infer R}` ? [`${A}${B}`, R] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-97-type HexColor<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:98:    S extends `#${infer R1}${infer R2}${infer G1}${infer G2}${infer B1}${infer B2}` ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-99-        [R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2] extends [HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit] ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-111-type Trim<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:112:    S extends ` ${infer T}` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:113:    S extends `${infer T} ` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-114-    S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-122-    S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:123:    S extends `${infer T}${D}${infer U}` ? [T, ...Split<U, D>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-124-    [S];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:133:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:134:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-135-declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-144-    Path extends keyof T ? T[Path] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:145:    Path extends `${infer K}.${infer R}` ? K extends keyof T ? PropType<T[K], R> : unknown :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-146-    unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:161:type S1<T> = T extends `foo${infer U}bar` ? S2<U> : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-162-type S2<S extends string> = S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:166:type TV1 = `${infer X}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-171-    string extends S ? string[] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:172:    S extends `${infer C0}${infer C1}${infer C2}${infer C3}${infer C4}${infer C5}${infer C6}${infer C7}${infer C8}${infer C9}${infer R}` ? [C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:173:    S extends `${infer C}${infer R}` ? [C, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-174-    S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:181:type Foo<T> = T extends `*${infer S}*` ? S : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:202:type D100000 = `${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}`;  // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:210:type IsNegative<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${string}` ? true : false;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-219-type PathKeys<T> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:220:    T extends readonly any[] ? Extract<keyof T, `${number}`> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, `${number}`>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-221-    T extends object ? Extract<keyof T, string> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, string>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:224:type SubKeys<T, K extends string> = K extends keyof T ? `${K}.${PathKeys<T[K]>}` : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-243-var createScopedActionType = function (scope) { return function (type) { return scope + "/" + type; }; };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:244:var createActionInMyScope = createScopedActionType("MyScope"); // <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-245-var MY_ACTION = createActionInMyScope("MY_ACTION"); // 'MyScope/MY_ACTION'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-279-//// [templateLiteralTypes1.d.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:280:declare const createScopedActionType: <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${S}/${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:281:declare const createActionInMyScope: <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-282-declare const MY_ACTION: "MyScope/MY_ACTION";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:283:declare type EventName<S extends string> = `${S}Changed`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-284-declare type EN1 = EventName<'Foo' | 'Bar' | 'Baz'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:285:declare type Loc = `${'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'}-${'left' | 'center' | 'right'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:286:declare type ToString<T extends string | number | boolean | bigint> = `${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-287-declare type TS1 = ToString<'abc' | 42 | true | -1234n>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:288:declare type TL1<T extends string> = `a${T}b${T}c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:289:declare type TL2<U extends string> = TL1<`x${U}y`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-290-declare type TL3 = TL2<'o'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:291:declare type Cases<T extends string> = `${Uppercase<T>} ${Lowercase<T>} ${Capitalize<T>} ${Uncapitalize<T>}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-292-declare type TCA1 = Cases<'bar'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-293-declare type TCA2 = Cases<'BAR'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:294:declare function test<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'>(name: `get${Capitalize<T>}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-295-declare function fa1<T>(x: T, y: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-297-}, z: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:298:    [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-299-}): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-300-declare function fa2<T, U extends T, A extends string, B extends A>(x: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:301:    [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-302-}, y: {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:303:    [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-304-}): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:305:declare type Join<T extends unknown[], D extends string> = T extends [] ? '' : T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint] ? `${T[0]}` : T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint, ...infer U] ? `${T[0]}${D}${Join<U, D>}` : string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-306-declare type TJ1 = Join<[1, 2, 3, 4], '.'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-308-declare type TJ3 = Join<[], '.'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:309:declare type MatchPair<S extends string> = S extends `[${infer A},${infer B}]` ? [A, B] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-310-declare type T20 = MatchPair<'[1,2]'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-314-declare type T24 = MatchPair<'[1,2,3,4]'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:315:declare type SnakeToCamelCase<S extends string> = S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` : S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}` : SnakeToPascalCase<S>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:316:declare type SnakeToPascalCase<S extends string> = string extends S ? string : S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` : S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}` : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-317-declare type RR0 = SnakeToPascalCase<'hello_world_foo'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-320-declare type RR3 = SnakeToCamelCase<'FOO_BAR_BAZ'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:321:declare type FirstTwoAndRest<S extends string> = S extends `${infer A}${infer B}${infer R}` ? [`${A}${B}`, R] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-322-declare type T25 = FirstTwoAndRest<'abcde'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-325-declare type HexDigit = '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' | 'f';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:326:declare type HexColor<S extends string> = S extends `#${infer R1}${infer R2}${infer G1}${infer G2}${infer B1}${infer B2}` ? [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-327-    R1,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-337-declare type TH4 = HexColor<'#8080FFF'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:338:declare type Trim<S extends string> = S extends ` ${infer T}` ? Trim<T> : S extends `${infer T} ` ? Trim<T> : S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-339-declare type TR1 = Trim<'xx   '>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-341-declare type TR3 = Trim<'   xx   '>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:342:declare type Split<S extends string, D extends string> = string extends S ? string[] : S extends '' ? [] : S extends `${infer T}${D}${infer U}` ? [T, ...Split<U, D>] : [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-343-    S
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-348-declare type T43 = Split<any, '.'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:349:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:350:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-351-declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-363-declare let p3: "hello";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:364:declare type PropType<T, Path extends string> = string extends Path ? unknown : Path extends keyof T ? T[Path] : Path extends `${infer K}.${infer R}` ? K extends keyof T ? PropType<T[K], R> : unknown : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-365-declare function getPropValue<T, P extends string>(obj: T, path: P): PropType<T, P>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:375:declare type S1<T> = T extends `foo${infer U}bar` ? S2<U> : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-376-declare type S2<S extends string> = S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:377:declare type TV1 = `${infer X}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:378:declare type Chars<S extends string> = string extends S ? string[] : S extends `${infer C0}${infer C1}${infer C2}${infer C3}${infer C4}${infer C5}${infer C6}${infer C7}${infer C8}${infer C9}${infer R}` ? [C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, ...Chars<R>] : S extends `${infer C}${infer R}` ? [C, ...Chars<R>] : S extends '' ? [] : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-379-declare type L1 = Chars<'FooBarBazThisIsALongerString'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:380:declare type Foo<T> = T extends `*${infer S}*` ? S : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-381-declare type TF1 = Foo<any>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-492-declare type Digits = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:493:declare type D100000 = `${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-494-declare type TDigits = [0] | [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7] | [8] | [9];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-495-declare type T100000 = [...TDigits, ...TDigits, ...TDigits, ...TDigits, ...TDigits];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:496:declare type IsNegative<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${string}` ? true : false;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-497-declare type AA<T extends number, Q extends number> = [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-501-declare type BB = AA<-2, -2>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:502:declare type PathKeys<T> = T extends readonly any[] ? Extract<keyof T, `${number}`> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, `${number}`>> : T extends object ? Extract<keyof T, string> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, string>> : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js:503:declare type SubKeys<T, K extends string> = K extends keyof T ? `${K}.${PathKeys<T[K]>}` : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.js-504-declare function getProp2<T, P extends PathKeys<T>>(obj: T, path: P): PropType<T, P>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:4:const createScopedActionType = <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-5->createScopedActionType : Symbol(createScopedActionType, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 2, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:17:const createActionInMyScope = createScopedActionType("MyScope");  // <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-18->createActionInMyScope : Symbol(createActionInMyScope, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 3, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:27:type EventName<S extends string> = `${S}Changed`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-28->EventName : Symbol(EventName, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 4, 53))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:36:type Loc = `${'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'}-${'left' | 'center' | 'right'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-37->Loc : Symbol(Loc, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 9, 44))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:41:type ToString<T extends string | number | boolean | bigint> = `${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-42->ToString : Symbol(ToString, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 10, 75))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:52:type TL1<T extends string> = `a${T}b${T}c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-53->TL1 : Symbol(TL1, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 15, 48))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:58:type TL2<U extends string> = TL1<`x${U}y`>;  // `ax${U}ybx{$U}yc`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-59->TL2 : Symbol(TL2, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 19, 43))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:70:type Cases<T extends string> = `${Uppercase<T>} ${Lowercase<T>} ${Capitalize<T>} ${Uncapitalize<T>}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-71->Cases : Symbol(Cases, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 21, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:92:function test<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'>(name: `get${Capitalize<T>}`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-93->test : Symbol(test, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 28, 25))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:108:function fa1<T>(x: T, y: { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }, z: { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P] }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-109->fa1 : Symbol(fa1, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 35, 1))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:134:function fa2<T, U extends T, A extends string, B extends A>(x: { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T }, y: { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-135->fa2 : Symbol(fa2, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 40, 1))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:172:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint] ? `${T[0]}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-173->T : Symbol(T, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 49, 10))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:176:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint, ...infer U] ? `${T[0]}${D}${Join<U, D>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-177->T : Symbol(T, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 49, 10))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:201:type MatchPair<S extends string> = S extends `[${infer A},${infer B}]` ? [A, B] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-202->MatchPair : Symbol(MatchPair, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 57, 24))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:234:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-235->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 69, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:243:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-244->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 69, 22))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:260:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-261->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 74, 23))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:270:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-271->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 74, 23))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:297:type FirstTwoAndRest<S extends string> = S extends `${infer A}${infer B}${infer R}` ? [`${A}${B}`, R] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-298->FirstTwoAndRest : Symbol(FirstTwoAndRest, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 83, 43))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:327:    S extends `#${infer R1}${infer R2}${infer G1}${infer G2}${infer B1}${infer B2}` ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-328->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 95, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:378:    S extends ` ${infer T}` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-379->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 109, 10))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:384:    S extends `${infer T} ` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-385->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 109, 10))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:416:    S extends `${infer T}${D}${infer U}` ? [T, ...Split<U, D>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-417->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 118, 11))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:447:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-448->getProp : Symbol(getProp, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 127, 27), Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 131, 177), Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 132, 130), Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 133, 82))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:470:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-471->getProp : Symbol(getProp, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 127, 27), Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 131, 177), Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 132, 130), Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 133, 82))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:542:    Path extends `${infer K}.${infer R}` ? K extends keyof T ? PropType<T[K], R> : unknown :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-543->Path : Symbol(Path, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 140, 16))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:600:type S1<T> = T extends `foo${infer U}bar` ? S2<U> : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-601->S1 : Symbol(S1, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 155, 21))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:615:type TV1 = `${infer X}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-616->TV1 : Symbol(TV1, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 160, 30))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:628:    S extends `${infer C0}${infer C1}${infer C2}${infer C3}${infer C4}${infer C5}${infer C6}${infer C7}${infer C8}${infer C9}${infer R}` ? [C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-629->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 168, 11))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:654:    S extends `${infer C}${infer R}` ? [C, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-655->S : Symbol(S, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 168, 11))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:673:type Foo<T> = T extends `*${infer S}*` ? S : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-674->Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 175, 48))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:827:type D100000 = `${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}`;  // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-828->D100000 : Symbol(D100000, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 198, 52))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:848:type IsNegative<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${string}` ? true : false;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-849->IsNegative : Symbol(IsNegative, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 204, 76))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:878:    T extends readonly any[] ? Extract<keyof T, `${number}`> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, `${number}`>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-879->T : Symbol(T, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 217, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols:898:type SubKeys<T, K extends string> = K extends keyof T ? `${K}.${PathKeys<T[K]>}` : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.symbols-899->SubKeys : Symbol(SubKeys, Decl(templateLiteralTypes1.ts, 220, 10))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:4:const createScopedActionType = <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:5:>createScopedActionType : <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${S}/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:6:><S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}` : <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${S}/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-7->scope : S
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:8:><T extends string>(type: T) => `${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}` : <T extends string>(type: T) => `${S}/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-9->type : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:10:>`${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}` : `${S}/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:11:>`${scope}/${type}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-12->scope : S
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:15:const createActionInMyScope = createScopedActionType("MyScope");  // <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:16:>createActionInMyScope : <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:17:>createScopedActionType("MyScope") : <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:18:>createScopedActionType : <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${S}/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-19->"MyScope" : "MyScope"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-23->createActionInMyScope("MY_ACTION") : "MyScope/MY_ACTION"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:24:>createActionInMyScope : <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-25->"MY_ACTION" : "MY_ACTION"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:29:type EventName<S extends string> = `${S}Changed`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:30:>EventName : `${S}Changed`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:35:type Loc = `${'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'}-${'left' | 'center' | 'right'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-36->Loc : "top-left" | "top-center" | "top-right" | "middle-left" | "middle-center" | "middle-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-center" | "bottom-right"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:40:type ToString<T extends string | number | boolean | bigint> = `${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:41:>ToString : `${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:51:type TL1<T extends string> = `a${T}b${T}c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:52:>TL1 : `a${T}b${T}c`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:54:type TL2<U extends string> = TL1<`x${U}y`>;  // `ax${U}ybx{$U}yc`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:55:>TL2 : `ax${U}ybx${U}yc`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:62:type Cases<T extends string> = `${Uppercase<T>} ${Lowercase<T>} ${Capitalize<T>} ${Uncapitalize<T>}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:63:>Cases : `${Uppercase<T>} ${Lowercase<T>} ${Capitalize<T>} ${Uncapitalize<T>}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:73:function test<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'>(name: `get${Capitalize<T>}`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:74:>test : <T extends "bar" | "foo">(name: `get${Capitalize<T>}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:75:>name : `get${Capitalize<T>}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-78->s1 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:79:>name : `get${Capitalize<T>}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-82->s2 : "getFoo" | "getBar"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:83:>name : `get${Capitalize<T>}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:86:function fa1<T>(x: T, y: { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }, z: { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P] }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:87:>fa1 : <T>(x: T, y: { [P in keyof T]: T[P]; }, z: { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P]; }) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-88->x : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-89->y : { [P in keyof T]: T[P]; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:90:>z : { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P]; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-98->z = x : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:99:>z : { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P]; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-100->x : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:103:function fa2<T, U extends T, A extends string, B extends A>(x: { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T }, y: { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:104:>fa2 : <T, U extends T, A extends string, B extends A>(x: { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T; }, y: { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U; }) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:105:>x : { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:106:>y : { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-108-    x = y;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:109:>x = y : { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:110:>x : { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:111:>y : { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-113-    y = x;  // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:114:>y = x : { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:115:>y : { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:116:>x : { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-124-    T extends [] ? '' :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:125:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint] ? `${T[0]}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:126:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint, ...infer U] ? `${T[0]}${D}${Join<U, D>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-127-    string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:140:type MatchPair<S extends string> = S extends `[${infer A},${infer B}]` ? [A, B] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-141->MatchPair : MatchPair<S>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:161:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:162:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-163-    SnakeToPascalCase<S>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-168-    string extends S ? string :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:169:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:170:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-171-    never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:187:type FirstTwoAndRest<S extends string> = S extends `${infer A}${infer B}${infer R}` ? [`${A}${B}`, R] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-188->FirstTwoAndRest : FirstTwoAndRest<S>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:205:    S extends `#${infer R1}${infer R2}${infer G1}${infer G2}${infer B1}${infer B2}` ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-206-        [R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2] extends [HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit] ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:228:    S extends ` ${infer T}` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:229:    S extends `${infer T} ` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-230-    S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-245-    S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:246:    S extends `${infer T}${D}${infer U}` ? [T, ...Split<U, D>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-247-    [S];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:263:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:264:>getProp : { <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0]; (obj: object, path: string): unknown; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-265->obj : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:266:>path : `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:268:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:269:>getProp : { <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0]; (obj: object, path: string): unknown; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-270->obj : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:271:>path : `${P0}.${P1}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-273-declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:274:>getProp : { <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0]; (obj: object, path: string): unknown; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-275->obj : T
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-278-declare function getProp(obj: object, path: string): unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:279:>getProp : { <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0]; (obj: object, path: string): unknown; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-280->obj : object
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-285->getProp({ a: { b: {c: 42, d: 'hello' }}} as const, 'a') : { readonly b: { readonly c: 42; readonly d: "hello"; }; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:286:>getProp : { <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0]; (obj: object, path: string): unknown; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-287->{ a: { b: {c: 42, d: 'hello' }}} as const : { readonly a: { readonly b: { readonly c: 42; readonly d: "hello"; }; }; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-301->getProp({ a: { b: {c: 42, d: 'hello' }}} as const, 'a.b') : { readonly c: 42; readonly d: "hello"; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:302:>getProp : { <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0]; (obj: object, path: string): unknown; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-303->{ a: { b: {c: 42, d: 'hello' }}} as const : { readonly a: { readonly b: { readonly c: 42; readonly d: "hello"; }; }; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-317->getProp({ a: { b: {c: 42, d: 'hello' }}} as const, 'a.b.d') : "hello"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:318:>getProp : { <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1]; <T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0]; (obj: object, path: string): unknown; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-319->{ a: { b: {c: 42, d: 'hello' }}} as const : { readonly a: { readonly b: { readonly c: 42; readonly d: "hello"; }; }; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-335-    Path extends keyof T ? T[Path] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:336:    Path extends `${infer K}.${infer R}` ? K extends keyof T ? PropType<T[K], R> : unknown :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-337-    unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:391:type S1<T> = T extends `foo${infer U}bar` ? S2<U> : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-392->S1 : S1<T>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:399:type TV1 = `${infer X}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:400:>TV1 : `${X}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-407-    string extends S ? string[] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:408:    S extends `${infer C0}${infer C1}${infer C2}${infer C3}${infer C4}${infer C5}${infer C6}${infer C7}${infer C8}${infer C9}${infer R}` ? [C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:409:    S extends `${infer C}${infer R}` ? [C, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-410-    S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:418:type Foo<T> = T extends `*${infer S}*` ? S : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-419->Foo : Foo<T>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:509:type D100000 = `${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}`;  // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-510->D100000 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:520:type IsNegative<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${string}` ? true : false;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-521->IsNegative : IsNegative<T>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:544:    T extends readonly any[] ? Extract<keyof T, `${number}`> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, `${number}`>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-545-    T extends object ? Extract<keyof T, string> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, string>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types:548:type SubKeys<T, K extends string> = K extends keyof T ? `${K}.${PathKeys<T[K]>}` : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypes1.types-549->SubKeys : SubKeys<T, K>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:1:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(7,7): error TS2322: Type '"no slash"' is not assignable to type '`/${string}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:2:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(14,10): error TS2345: Argument of type '"example.com/noprotocol"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:3:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(16,10): error TS2345: Argument of type '"gopher://example.com/protocol"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-4-tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(26,7): error TS2345: Argument of type '"other"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"false" | "true"'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-9-tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(39,11): error TS2345: Argument of type '"other"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"undefined" | "null"'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:10:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(60,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"?"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:11:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(61,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"NaN"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:12:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(62,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:13:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(63,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"+Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:14:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(64,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:15:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(65,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1_000"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:16:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(68,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"a10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:17:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(69,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"10a"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:18:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(72,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"- 1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:19:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(73,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-/**/1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:20:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(85,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:21:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(86,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:22:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(87,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e-21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:23:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(88,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E-21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:24:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(91,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.0"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:25:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(92,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:26:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(93,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:27:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(94,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1e-10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:28:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(95,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1E-10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:29:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(96,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1e-10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:30:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(99,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"?"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:31:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(100,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"NaN"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:32:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(101,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:33:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(102,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"+Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:34:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(103,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:35:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(104,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1_000"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:36:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(107,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"- 1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:37:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(108,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-/**/1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:38:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(111,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"a10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:39:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(112,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"10an"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:40:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(115,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:41:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(116,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:42:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(117,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"0n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:43:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(118,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"0b1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:44:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(119,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"0x1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:45:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(120,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"0o1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:46:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(121,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:47:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(122,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:48:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(123,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e-21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:49:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(124,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E-21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:50:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(125,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:51:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(126,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:52:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(127,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1e-10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:53:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(128,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1E-10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:54:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(129,9): error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1e-10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:55:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(140,1): error TS2322: Type '`a${string}`' is not assignable to type '`a${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:56:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(141,1): error TS2322: Type '"bno"' is not assignable to type '`a${any}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:57:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts(160,7): error TS2322: Type '"anything"' is not assignable to type '`${number} ${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-60-==== tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts (57 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:61:    type RequiresLeadingSlash = `/${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-68-          ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:69:!!! error TS2322: Type '"no slash"' is not assignable to type '`/${string}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:71:    type Protocol<T extends string, U extends string> = `${T}://${U}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-72-    function download(hostSpec: Protocol<"http" | "https" | "ftp", string>) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-77-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:78:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"example.com/noprotocol"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-79-    // issues error, incorrect protocol
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-81-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:82:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"gopher://example.com/protocol"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:86:    declare function bools(x: `${boolean}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-87-    // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:96:    type Pat<T extends string | null | undefined> = `${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-97-    declare function nullishes(x: Pat<null | undefined>): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:119:    declare function numbers(x: `${number}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-120-    // the following should work
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-139-            ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:140:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"?"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-141-    numbers("NaN");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-142-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:143:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"NaN"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-144-    numbers("Infinity");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-145-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:146:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-147-    numbers("+Infinity");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-148-            ~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:149:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"+Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-150-    numbers("-Infinity");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-151-            ~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:152:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-153-    numbers("1_000");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-154-            ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:155:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1_000"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-159-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:160:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"a10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-161-    numbers("10a");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-162-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:163:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"10a"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-167-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:168:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"- 1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-169-    numbers("-/**/1");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-170-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:171:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-/**/1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:173:    declare function bigints(x: `${bigint}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-174-    // the following should work
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-184-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:185:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-186-    bigints("1E21");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-187-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:188:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-189-    bigints("1e-21");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-190-            ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:191:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e-21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-192-    bigints("1E-21");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-193-            ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:194:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E-21"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-198-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:199:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.0"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-200-    bigints("1.1");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-201-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:202:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-203-    bigints("-1.1");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-204-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:205:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-206-    bigints("-1.1e-10");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-207-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:208:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1e-10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-209-    bigints("-1.1E-10");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-210-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:211:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1E-10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-212-    bigints("1.1e-10");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-213-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:214:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1e-10"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-218-            ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:219:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"?"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-220-    bigints("NaN");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-221-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:222:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"NaN"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-223-    bigints("Infinity");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-224-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:225:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-226-    bigints("+Infinity");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-227-            ~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:228:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"+Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-229-    bigints("-Infinity");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-230-            ~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:231:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-Infinity"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-232-    bigints("1_000");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-233-            ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:234:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1_000"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-238-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:239:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"- 1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-240-    bigints("-/**/1");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-241-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:242:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-/**/1"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-246-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:247:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"a10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-248-    bigints("10an");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-249-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:250:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"10an"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-254-            ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:255:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-256-    bigints("-1n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-257-            ~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:258:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-259-    bigints("0n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-260-            ~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:261:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"0n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-262-    bigints("0b1n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-263-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:264:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"0b1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-265-    bigints("0x1n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-266-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:267:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"0x1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-268-    bigints("0o1n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-269-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:270:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"0o1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-271-    bigints("1e21n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-272-            ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:273:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-274-    bigints("1E21n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-275-            ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:276:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-277-    bigints("1e-21n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-278-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:279:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1e-21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-280-    bigints("1E-21n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-281-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:282:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1E-21n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-283-    bigints("1.1n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-284-            ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:285:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-286-    bigints("-1.1n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-287-            ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:288:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-289-    bigints("-1.1e-10n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-290-            ~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:291:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1e-10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-292-    bigints("-1.1E-10n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-293-            ~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:294:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"-1.1E-10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-295-    bigints("1.1e-10n");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-296-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:297:!!! error TS2345: Argument of type '"1.1e-10n"' is not assignable to parameter of type '`${bigint}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:299:    type AStr = `a${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:300:    type ANum = `a${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:301:    type AAny = `a${any}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-309-    ~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:310:!!! error TS2322: Type '`a${string}`' is not assignable to type '`a${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-311-    anyish = `bno`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-312-    ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:313:!!! error TS2322: Type '"bno"' is not assignable to type '`a${any}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-324-    // Validates variance isn't measured as strictly covariant
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:325:    type AGen<T extends string | number> = {field: `a${T}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-326-    const shouldWork1: AGen<string> = null as any as AGen<"yes">;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-329-    // validates concatenation of patterns
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:330:    type A = `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:331:    type B = `${A} ${A}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-332-    const exampleBad: B = "anything"; // fails
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-333-          ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:334:!!! error TS2322: Type '"anything"' is not assignable to type '`${number} ${number}`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-335-    const exampleGood: B = "1 2"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt-339-    var aa: '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:340:    var aa: '0' & `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:344:    let t1: `foo${string}` | 'foo1' | '1foo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:345:    let t2: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo' | 'xfoo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:346:    let t3: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo' | `${number}foo`;  // `foo${string}` | xfoo' | `${number}foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:348:    var bb: `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.errors.txt:349:    var bb: `${number}` | '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-1-//// [templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:2:type RequiresLeadingSlash = `/${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:10:type Protocol<T extends string, U extends string> = `${T}://${U}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-11-function download(hostSpec: Protocol<"http" | "https" | "ftp", string>) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:21:declare function bools(x: `${boolean}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-22-// ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:29:type Pat<T extends string | null | undefined> = `${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-30-declare function nullishes(x: Pat<null | undefined>): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:42:declare function numbers(x: `${number}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-43-// the following should work
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:76:declare function bigints(x: `${bigint}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-77-// the following should work
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:132:type AStr = `a${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:133:type ANum = `a${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:134:type AAny = `a${any}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-153-// Validates variance isn't measured as strictly covariant
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:154:type AGen<T extends string | number> = {field: `a${T}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-155-const shouldWork1: AGen<string> = null as any as AGen<"yes">;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-158-// validates concatenation of patterns
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:159:type A = `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:160:type B = `${A} ${A}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-161-const exampleBad: B = "anything"; // fails
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-166-var aa: '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:167:var aa: '0' & `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:171:let t1: `foo${string}` | 'foo1' | '1foo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:172:let t2: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo' | 'xfoo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:173:let t3: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo' | `${number}foo`;  // `foo${string}` | xfoo' | `${number}foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:175:var bb: `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:176:var bb: `${number}` | '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-301-// Remove string literals from unions with matching template literals
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:302:var t1; // `foo${string}` | '1foo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:303:var t2; // `foo${string}` | '1foo' | 'xfoo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js:304:var t3; // `foo${string}` | xfoo' | `${number}foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.js-305-var bb;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:2:type RequiresLeadingSlash = `/${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-3->RequiresLeadingSlash : Symbol(RequiresLeadingSlash, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:15:type Protocol<T extends string, U extends string> = `${T}://${U}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-16->Protocol : Symbol(Protocol, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 6, 43))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:43:declare function bools(x: `${boolean}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-44->bools : Symbol(bools, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 17, 67))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:58:type Pat<T extends string | null | undefined> = `${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-59->Pat : Symbol(Pat, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 25, 15))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:91:declare function numbers(x: `${number}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-92->numbers : Symbol(numbers, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 38, 19))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:174:declare function bigints(x: `${bigint}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-175->bigints : Symbol(bigints, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 72, 18))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:308:type AStr = `a${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-309->AStr : Symbol(AStr, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 128, 20))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:311:type ANum = `a${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-312->ANum : Symbol(ANum, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 130, 25))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:314:type AAny = `a${any}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-315->AAny : Symbol(AAny, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 131, 25))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-362-// Validates variance isn't measured as strictly covariant
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:363:type AGen<T extends string | number> = {field: `a${T}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-364->AGen : Symbol(AGen, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 148, 14))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-379-// validates concatenation of patterns
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:380:type A = `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-381->A : Symbol(A, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 154, 62))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:383:type B = `${A} ${A}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-384->B : Symbol(B, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 157, 21))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:401:var aa: '0' & `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-402->aa : Symbol(aa, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 164, 3), Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 165, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:406:let t1: `foo${string}` | 'foo1' | '1foo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-407->t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 169, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:409:let t2: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo' | 'xfoo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-410->t2 : Symbol(t2, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 170, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:412:let t3: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo' | `${number}foo`;  // `foo${string}` | xfoo' | `${number}foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-413->t3 : Symbol(t3, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 171, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:415:var bb: `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-416->bb : Symbol(bb, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 173, 3), Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 174, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols:418:var bb: `${number}` | '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.symbols-419->bb : Symbol(bb, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 173, 3), Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts, 174, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:2:type RequiresLeadingSlash = `/${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:3:>RequiresLeadingSlash : `/${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-6-const a: RequiresLeadingSlash = "/bin";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:7:>a : `/${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-8->"/bin" : "/bin"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-11-const b: RequiresLeadingSlash = "no slash";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:12:>b : `/${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-13->"no slash" : "no slash"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:15:type Protocol<T extends string, U extends string> = `${T}://${U}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:16:>Protocol : `${T}://${U}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-19->download : (hostSpec: Protocol<"http" | "https" | "ftp", string>) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:20:>hostSpec : `http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-24->download("http://example.com/protocol") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:25:>download : (hostSpec: `http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-26->"http://example.com/protocol" : "http://example.com/protocol"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-30->download("example.com/noprotocol") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:31:>download : (hostSpec: `http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-32->"example.com/noprotocol" : "example.com/noprotocol"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-36->download("gopher://example.com/protocol") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:37:>download : (hostSpec: `http://${string}` | `https://${string}` | `ftp://${string}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-38->"gopher://example.com/protocol" : "gopher://example.com/protocol"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:46:declare function bools(x: `${boolean}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:47:>bools : (x: `${boolean}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-48->x : "false" | "true"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:67:type Pat<T extends string | null | undefined> = `${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:68:>Pat : `${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-69->null : null
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:113:declare function numbers(x: `${number}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:114:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:115:>x : `${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-119->numbers("1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:120:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-121->"1" : "1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-124->numbers("-1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:125:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-126->"-1" : "-1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-129->numbers("0") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:130:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-131->"0" : "0"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-134->numbers("0b1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:135:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-136->"0b1" : "0b1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-139->numbers("0x1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:140:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-141->"0x1" : "0x1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-144->numbers("0o1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:145:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-146->"0o1" : "0o1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-149->numbers("1e21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:150:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-151->"1e21" : "1e21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-154->numbers("1E21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:155:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-156->"1E21" : "1E21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-159->numbers("1e-21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:160:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-161->"1e-21" : "1e-21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-164->numbers("1E-21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:165:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-166->"1E-21" : "1E-21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-169->numbers("1.1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:170:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-171->"1.1" : "1.1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-174->numbers("-1.1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:175:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-176->"-1.1" : "-1.1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-179->numbers("-1.1e-10") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:180:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-181->"-1.1e-10" : "-1.1e-10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-184->numbers("-1.1E-10") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:185:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-186->"-1.1E-10" : "-1.1E-10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-189->numbers("1.1e-10") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:190:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-191->"1.1e-10" : "1.1e-10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-195->numbers("?") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:196:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-197->"?" : "?"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-200->numbers("NaN") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:201:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-202->"NaN" : "NaN"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-205->numbers("Infinity") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:206:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-207->"Infinity" : "Infinity"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-210->numbers("+Infinity") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:211:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-212->"+Infinity" : "+Infinity"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-215->numbers("-Infinity") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:216:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-217->"-Infinity" : "-Infinity"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-220->numbers("1_000") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:221:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-222->"1_000" : "1_000"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-226->numbers("a10") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:227:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-228->"a10" : "a10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-231->numbers("10a") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:232:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-233->"10a" : "10a"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-237->numbers("- 1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:238:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-239->"- 1" : "- 1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-242->numbers("-/**/1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:243:>numbers : (x: `${number}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-244->"-/**/1" : "-/**/1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:246:declare function bigints(x: `${bigint}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:247:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:248:>x : `${bigint}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-252->bigints("1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:253:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-254->"1" : "1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-257->bigints("-1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:258:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-259->"-1" : "-1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-262->bigints("0") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:263:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-264->"0" : "0"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-267->bigints("0b1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:268:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-269->"0b1" : "0b1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-272->bigints("0x1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:273:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-274->"0x1" : "0x1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-277->bigints("0o1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:278:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-279->"0o1" : "0o1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-283->bigints("1e21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:284:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-285->"1e21" : "1e21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-288->bigints("1E21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:289:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-290->"1E21" : "1E21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-293->bigints("1e-21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:294:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-295->"1e-21" : "1e-21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-298->bigints("1E-21") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:299:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-300->"1E-21" : "1E-21"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-304->bigints("1.0") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:305:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-306->"1.0" : "1.0"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-309->bigints("1.1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:310:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-311->"1.1" : "1.1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-314->bigints("-1.1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:315:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-316->"-1.1" : "-1.1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-319->bigints("-1.1e-10") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:320:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-321->"-1.1e-10" : "-1.1e-10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-324->bigints("-1.1E-10") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:325:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-326->"-1.1E-10" : "-1.1E-10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-329->bigints("1.1e-10") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:330:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-331->"1.1e-10" : "1.1e-10"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-335->bigints("?") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:336:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-337->"?" : "?"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-340->bigints("NaN") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:341:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-342->"NaN" : "NaN"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-345->bigints("Infinity") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:346:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-347->"Infinity" : "Infinity"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-350->bigints("+Infinity") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:351:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-352->"+Infinity" : "+Infinity"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-355->bigints("-Infinity") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:356:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-357->"-Infinity" : "-Infinity"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-360->bigints("1_000") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:361:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-362->"1_000" : "1_000"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-366->bigints("- 1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:367:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-368->"- 1" : "- 1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-371->bigints("-/**/1") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:372:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-373->"-/**/1" : "-/**/1"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-377->bigints("a10n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:378:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-379->"a10n" : "a10n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-382->bigints("10an") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:383:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-384->"10an" : "10an"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-388->bigints("1n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:389:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-390->"1n" : "1n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-393->bigints("-1n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:394:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-395->"-1n" : "-1n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-398->bigints("0n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:399:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-400->"0n" : "0n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-403->bigints("0b1n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:404:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-405->"0b1n" : "0b1n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-408->bigints("0x1n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:409:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-410->"0x1n" : "0x1n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-413->bigints("0o1n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:414:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-415->"0o1n" : "0o1n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-418->bigints("1e21n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:419:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-420->"1e21n" : "1e21n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-423->bigints("1E21n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:424:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-425->"1E21n" : "1E21n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-428->bigints("1e-21n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:429:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-430->"1e-21n" : "1e-21n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-433->bigints("1E-21n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:434:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-435->"1E-21n" : "1E-21n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-438->bigints("1.1n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:439:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-440->"1.1n" : "1.1n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-443->bigints("-1.1n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:444:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-445->"-1.1n" : "-1.1n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-448->bigints("-1.1e-10n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:449:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-450->"-1.1e-10n" : "-1.1e-10n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-453->bigints("-1.1E-10n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:454:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-455->"-1.1E-10n" : "-1.1E-10n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-458->bigints("1.1e-10n") : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:459:>bigints : (x: `${bigint}`) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-460->"1.1e-10n" : "1.1e-10n"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:462:type AStr = `a${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:463:>AStr : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:465:type ANum = `a${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:466:>ANum : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:468:type AAny = `a${any}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:469:>AAny : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-471-declare var str: AStr;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:472:>str : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-474-declare var num: ANum;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:475:>num : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-477-declare var anyish: AAny;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:478:>anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-481-num = str;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:482:>num = str : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:483:>num : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:484:>str : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-487->anyish = `bno` : "bno"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:488:>anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-489->`bno` : "bno"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-492-str = num;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:493:>str = num : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:494:>str : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:495:>num : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-497-anyish = str;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:498:>anyish = str : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:499:>anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:500:>str : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-502-str = anyish;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:503:>str = anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:504:>str : `a${string}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:505:>anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-507-anyish = num;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:508:>anyish = num : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:509:>anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:510:>num : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-512-num = anyish;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:513:>num = anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:514:>num : `a${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:515:>anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-518->anyish = `aok` : "aok"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:519:>anyish : `a${any}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-520->`aok` : "aok"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-523-// Validates variance isn't measured as strictly covariant
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:524:type AGen<T extends string | number> = {field: `a${T}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-525->AGen : AGen<T>
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:526:>field : `a${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-540-// validates concatenation of patterns
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:541:type A = `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:542:>A : `${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:544:type B = `${A} ${A}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:545:>B : `${number} ${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-547-const exampleBad: B = "anything"; // fails
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:548:>exampleBad : `${number} ${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-549->"anything" : "anything"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-551-const exampleGood: B = "1 2"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:552:>exampleGood : `${number} ${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-553->"1 2" : "1 2"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:560:var aa: '0' & `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types-561->aa : "0"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:565:let t1: `foo${string}` | 'foo1' | '1foo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:566:>t1 : `foo${string}` | "1foo"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:568:let t2: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo' | 'xfoo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:569:>t2 : `foo${string}` | "1foo" | "xfoo"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:571:let t3: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo' | `${number}foo`;  // `foo${string}` | xfoo' | `${number}foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:572:>t3 : `foo${string}` | "xfoo" | `${number}foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:574:var bb: `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:575:>bb : `${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:577:var bb: `${number}` | '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.types:578:>bb : `${number}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:1:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts(1,7): error TS2322: Type '":"' is not assignable to type '`:${string}:`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:2:tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts(3,7): error TS2322: Type '"::"' is not assignable to type '`:${string}:${string}:`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts (2 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:6:    const s1: `:${string}:` = ":"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt-7-          ~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:8:!!! error TS2322: Type '":"' is not assignable to type '`:${string}:`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:9:    const s2: `:${string}:` = "::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:10:    const s3: `:${string}:${string}:` = "::"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt-11-          ~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:12:!!! error TS2322: Type '"::"' is not assignable to type '`:${string}:${string}:`'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.errors.txt:13:    const s4: `:${string}:${string}:` = ":::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.js-1-//// [templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.js:2:const s1: `:${string}:` = ":"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.js:3:const s2: `:${string}:` = "::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.js:4:const s3: `:${string}:${string}:` = "::"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.js:5:const s4: `:${string}:${string}:` = ":::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols:2:const s1: `:${string}:` = ":"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols-3->s1 : Symbol(s1, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts, 0, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols:5:const s2: `:${string}:` = "::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols-6->s2 : Symbol(s2, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts, 1, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols:8:const s3: `:${string}:${string}:` = "::"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols-9->s3 : Symbol(s3, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts, 2, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols:11:const s4: `:${string}:${string}:` = ":::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.symbols-12->s4 : Symbol(s4, Decl(templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts, 3, 5))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:2:const s1: `:${string}:` = ":"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:3:>s1 : `:${string}:`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types-4->":" : ":"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:6:const s2: `:${string}:` = "::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:7:>s2 : `:${string}:`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types-8->"::" : "::"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:10:const s3: `:${string}:${string}:` = "::"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:11:>s3 : `:${string}:${string}:`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types-12->"::" : "::"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:14:const s4: `:${string}:${string}:` = ":::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types:15:>s4 : `:${string}:${string}:`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.types-16->":::" : ":::"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js-1-//// [templateStringBinaryOperations.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:2:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:3:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:4:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:5:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:6:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:10:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:11:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:12:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:13:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:15:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:16:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:17:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:18:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:19:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:20:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:21:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:22:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:23:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:24:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:25:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:26:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:28:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:29:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:30:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:31:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:32:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:33:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:34:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:35:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:36:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:37:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:38:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:39:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:41:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:42:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:43:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:44:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:45:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:46:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:47:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:48:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:49:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:50:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:51:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.js:52:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:2:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-3->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:5:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 1, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:8:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:11:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:14:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:17:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:20:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:23:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:26:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-27->i : Symbol(i, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 8, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:29:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-30->j : Symbol(j, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:32:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-33->k : Symbol(k, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:35:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-36->l : Symbol(l, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 11, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:38:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-39->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 13, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:41:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-42->b2 : Symbol(b2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:44:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-45->c2 : Symbol(c2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:47:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-48->d2 : Symbol(d2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:50:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-51->e2 : Symbol(e2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 17, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:53:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-54->f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:56:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-57->g2 : Symbol(g2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 19, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:59:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-60->h2 : Symbol(h2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:62:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-63->i2 : Symbol(i2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 21, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:65:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-66->j2 : Symbol(j2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 22, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:68:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-69->k2 : Symbol(k2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 23, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:71:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-72->l2 : Symbol(l2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 24, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:74:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-75->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 26, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:77:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-78->b3 : Symbol(b3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 27, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:80:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-81->c3 : Symbol(c3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 28, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:83:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-84->d3 : Symbol(d3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 29, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:86:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-87->e3 : Symbol(e3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 30, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:89:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-90->f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 31, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:92:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-93->g3 : Symbol(g3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 32, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:95:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-96->h3 : Symbol(h3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 33, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:98:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-99->i3 : Symbol(i3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 34, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:101:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-102->j3 : Symbol(j3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 35, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:104:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-105->k3 : Symbol(k3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 36, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:107:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-108->l3 : Symbol(l3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 37, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:110:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-111->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:113:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-114->b4 : Symbol(b4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:116:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-117->c4 : Symbol(c4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 41, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:119:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-120->d4 : Symbol(d4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 42, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:122:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-123->e4 : Symbol(e4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 43, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:125:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-126->f4 : Symbol(f4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 44, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:128:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-129->g4 : Symbol(g4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 45, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:131:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-132->h4 : Symbol(h4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 46, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:134:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-135->i4 : Symbol(i4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 47, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:137:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-138->j4 : Symbol(j4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 48, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:140:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-141->k4 : Symbol(k4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 49, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols:143:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.symbols-144->l4 : Symbol(l4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperations.ts, 50, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:2:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-3->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:4:>1 + `${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:6:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-7->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:9:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-10->b : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:11:>1 + `2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-12->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:13:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-14->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:16:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-17->c : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:18:>1 + `${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-19->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:20:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-21->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:23:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-24->d : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:25:>1 + `2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-26->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:27:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-28->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:30:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-31->e : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:32:>`${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:33:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-34->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:37:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-38->f : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:39:>`2${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:40:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-41->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:44:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-45->g : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:46:>`${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:47:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-48->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:51:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-52->h : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:53:>`2${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:54:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-55->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:58:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-59->i : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:60:>1 + `${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:61:>1 + `${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-62->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:63:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-64->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:67:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-68->j : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:69:>1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:70:>1 + `2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-71->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:72:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-73->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:76:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-77->k : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:78:>1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:79:>1 + `${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-80->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:81:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-82->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:85:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-86->l : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:87:>1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:88:>1 + `2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-89->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:90:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-91->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:94:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-95->a2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:96:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-97->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:98:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-99->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:103:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-104->b2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:105:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-106->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:107:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-108->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:112:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-113->c2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:114:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-115->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:116:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-117->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:121:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-122->d2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:123:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-124->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:125:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-126->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:130:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-131->e2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:132:>`${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:133:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-134->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:139:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-140->f2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:141:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:142:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-143->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:148:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-149->g2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:150:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:151:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-152->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:157:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-158->h2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:159:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:160:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-161->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:166:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-167->i2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:168:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:169:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-170->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:171:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-172->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:177:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-178->j2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:179:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:180:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-181->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:182:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-183->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:188:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-189->k2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:190:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:191:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-192->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:193:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-194->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:199:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-200->l2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:201:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:202:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-203->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:204:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-205->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:210:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-211->a3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:212:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-213->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:214:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-215->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:219:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-220->b3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:221:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-222->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:223:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-224->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:228:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-229->c3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:230:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-231->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:232:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-233->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:237:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-238->d3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:239:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-240->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:241:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-242->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:246:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-247->e3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:248:>`${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:249:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-250->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:255:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-256->f3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:257:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:258:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-259->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:264:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-265->g3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:266:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:267:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-268->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:273:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-274->h3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:275:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:276:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-277->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:282:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-283->i3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:284:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:285:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-286->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:287:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-288->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:293:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-294->j3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:295:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:296:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-297->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:298:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-299->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:304:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-305->k3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:306:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:307:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-308->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:309:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-310->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:315:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-316->l3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:317:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:318:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-319->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:320:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-321->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:326:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-327->a4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:328:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-329->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:330:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-331->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:335:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-336->b4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:337:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-338->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:339:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-340->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:344:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-345->c4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:346:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-347->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:348:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-349->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:353:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-354->d4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:355:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-356->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:357:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-358->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:362:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-363->e4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:364:>`${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:365:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-366->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:371:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-372->f4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:373:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:374:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-375->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:380:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-381->g4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:382:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:383:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-384->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:389:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-390->h4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:391:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:392:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-393->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:398:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-399->i4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:400:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:401:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-402->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:403:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-404->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:409:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-410->j4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:411:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:412:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-413->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:414:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-415->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:420:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-421->k4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:422:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:423:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-424->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:425:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-426->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:431:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-432->l4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:433:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:434:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-435->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types:436:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperations.types-437->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js-1-//// [templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:2:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:3:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:4:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:5:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:6:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:10:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:11:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:12:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:13:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:15:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:16:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:17:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:18:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:19:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:20:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:21:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:22:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:23:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:24:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:25:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:26:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:28:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:29:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:30:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:31:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:32:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:33:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:34:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:35:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:36:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:37:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:38:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:39:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:41:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:42:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:43:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:44:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:45:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:46:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:47:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:48:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:49:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:50:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:51:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:52:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js-55-//// [templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:56:var a = 1 + `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:57:var b = 1 + `2${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:58:var c = 1 + `${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:59:var d = 1 + `2${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:60:var e = `${3}` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:61:var f = `2${3}` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:62:var g = `${3}4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:63:var h = `2${3}4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:64:var i = 1 + `${3}` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:65:var j = 1 + `2${3}` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:66:var k = 1 + `${3}4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:67:var l = 1 + `2${3}4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:68:var a2 = 1 + `${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:69:var b2 = 1 + `2${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:70:var c2 = 1 + `${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:71:var d2 = 1 + `2${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:72:var e2 = `${3 - 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:73:var f2 = `2${3 - 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:74:var g2 = `${3 - 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:75:var h2 = `2${3 - 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:76:var i2 = 1 + `${3 - 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:77:var j2 = 1 + `2${3 - 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:78:var k2 = 1 + `${3 - 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:79:var l2 = 1 + `2${3 - 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:80:var a3 = 1 + `${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:81:var b3 = 1 + `2${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:82:var c3 = 1 + `${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:83:var d3 = 1 + `2${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:84:var e3 = `${3 * 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:85:var f3 = `2${3 * 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:86:var g3 = `${3 * 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:87:var h3 = `2${3 * 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:88:var i3 = 1 + `${3 * 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:89:var j3 = 1 + `2${3 * 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:90:var k3 = 1 + `${3 * 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:91:var l3 = 1 + `2${3 * 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:92:var a4 = 1 + `${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:93:var b4 = 1 + `2${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:94:var c4 = 1 + `${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:95:var d4 = 1 + `2${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:96:var e4 = `${3 & 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:97:var f4 = `2${3 & 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:98:var g4 = `${3 & 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:99:var h4 = `2${3 & 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:100:var i4 = 1 + `${3 & 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:101:var j4 = 1 + `2${3 & 4}` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:102:var k4 = 1 + `${3 & 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.js:103:var l4 = 1 + `2${3 & 4}5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:2:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-3->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:5:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 1, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:8:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:11:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:14:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:17:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:20:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:23:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:26:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-27->i : Symbol(i, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 8, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:29:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-30->j : Symbol(j, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:32:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-33->k : Symbol(k, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:35:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-36->l : Symbol(l, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 11, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:38:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-39->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 13, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:41:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-42->b2 : Symbol(b2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:44:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-45->c2 : Symbol(c2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:47:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-48->d2 : Symbol(d2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:50:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-51->e2 : Symbol(e2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 17, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:53:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-54->f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:56:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-57->g2 : Symbol(g2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 19, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:59:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-60->h2 : Symbol(h2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:62:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-63->i2 : Symbol(i2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 21, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:65:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-66->j2 : Symbol(j2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 22, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:68:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-69->k2 : Symbol(k2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 23, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:71:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-72->l2 : Symbol(l2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 24, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:74:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-75->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 26, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:77:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-78->b3 : Symbol(b3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 27, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:80:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-81->c3 : Symbol(c3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 28, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:83:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-84->d3 : Symbol(d3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 29, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:86:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-87->e3 : Symbol(e3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 30, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:89:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-90->f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 31, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:92:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-93->g3 : Symbol(g3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 32, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:95:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-96->h3 : Symbol(h3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 33, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:98:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-99->i3 : Symbol(i3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 34, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:101:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-102->j3 : Symbol(j3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 35, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:104:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-105->k3 : Symbol(k3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 36, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:107:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-108->l3 : Symbol(l3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 37, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:110:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-111->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:113:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-114->b4 : Symbol(b4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:116:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-117->c4 : Symbol(c4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 41, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:119:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-120->d4 : Symbol(d4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 42, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:122:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-123->e4 : Symbol(e4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 43, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:125:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-126->f4 : Symbol(f4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 44, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:128:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-129->g4 : Symbol(g4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 45, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:131:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-132->h4 : Symbol(h4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 46, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:134:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-135->i4 : Symbol(i4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 47, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:137:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-138->j4 : Symbol(j4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 48, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:140:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-141->k4 : Symbol(k4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 49, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols:143:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.symbols-144->l4 : Symbol(l4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts, 50, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:2:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-3->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:4:>1 + `${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:6:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-7->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:9:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-10->b : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:11:>1 + `2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-12->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:13:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-14->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:16:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-17->c : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:18:>1 + `${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-19->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:20:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-21->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:23:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-24->d : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:25:>1 + `2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-26->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:27:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-28->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:30:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-31->e : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:32:>`${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:33:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-34->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:37:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-38->f : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:39:>`2${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:40:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-41->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:44:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-45->g : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:46:>`${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:47:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-48->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:51:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-52->h : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:53:>`2${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:54:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-55->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:58:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-59->i : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:60:>1 + `${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:61:>1 + `${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-62->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:63:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-64->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:67:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-68->j : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:69:>1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:70:>1 + `2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-71->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:72:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-73->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:76:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-77->k : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:78:>1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:79:>1 + `${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-80->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:81:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-82->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:85:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-86->l : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:87:>1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:88:>1 + `2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-89->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:90:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-91->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:94:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-95->a2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:96:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-97->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:98:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-99->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:103:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-104->b2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:105:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-106->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:107:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-108->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:112:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-113->c2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:114:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-115->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:116:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-117->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:121:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-122->d2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:123:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-124->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:125:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-126->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:130:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-131->e2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:132:>`${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:133:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-134->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:139:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-140->f2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:141:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:142:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-143->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:148:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-149->g2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:150:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:151:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-152->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:157:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-158->h2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:159:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:160:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-161->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:166:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-167->i2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:168:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:169:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-170->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:171:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-172->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:177:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-178->j2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:179:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:180:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-181->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:182:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-183->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:188:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-189->k2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:190:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:191:>1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-192->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:193:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-194->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:199:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-200->l2 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:201:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:202:>1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-203->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:204:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-205->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:210:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-211->a3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:212:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-213->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:214:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-215->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:219:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-220->b3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:221:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-222->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:223:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-224->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:228:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-229->c3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:230:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-231->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:232:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-233->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:237:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-238->d3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:239:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-240->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:241:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-242->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:246:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-247->e3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:248:>`${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:249:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-250->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:255:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-256->f3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:257:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:258:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-259->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:264:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-265->g3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:266:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:267:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-268->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:273:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-274->h3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:275:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:276:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-277->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:282:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-283->i3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:284:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:285:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-286->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:287:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-288->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:293:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-294->j3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:295:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:296:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-297->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:298:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-299->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:304:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-305->k3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:306:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:307:>1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-308->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:309:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-310->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:315:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-316->l3 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:317:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:318:>1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-319->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:320:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-321->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:326:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-327->a4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:328:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-329->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:330:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-331->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:335:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-336->b4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:337:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-338->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:339:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-340->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:344:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-345->c4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:346:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-347->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:348:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-349->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:353:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-354->d4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:355:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-356->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:357:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-358->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:362:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-363->e4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:364:>`${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:365:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-366->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:371:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-372->f4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:373:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:374:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-375->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:380:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-381->g4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:382:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:383:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-384->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:389:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-390->h4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:391:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:392:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-393->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:398:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-399->i4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:400:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:401:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-402->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:403:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-404->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:409:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-410->j4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:411:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:412:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-413->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:414:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-415->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:420:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-421->k4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:422:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:423:>1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-424->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:425:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-426->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:431:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-432->l4 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:433:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6 : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:434:>1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-435->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types:436:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.types-437->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-99-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts (96 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:100:    var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-101-                ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-102-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:103:    var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-104-                ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-105-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:106:    var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-107-                ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-108-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:109:    var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-110-                ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-111-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:112:    var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-113-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-114-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:115:    var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-116-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-117-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:118:    var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-119-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-120-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:121:    var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-122-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:125:    var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-126-                 ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-127-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:128:    var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-129-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-130-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:131:    var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-132-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-133-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:134:    var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-135-                 ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-136-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:137:    var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-138-             ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-139-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:140:    var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-141-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-142-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:143:    var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-144-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-145-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:146:    var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-147-             ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:150:    var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-151-                 ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-152-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:153:    var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-154-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-155-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:156:    var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-157-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-158-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:159:    var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-160-                 ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-161-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:162:    var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-163-             ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-164-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:165:    var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-166-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-167-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:168:    var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-169-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-170-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:171:    var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-172-             ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:175:    var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-176-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-177-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:178:    var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-179-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-180-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:181:    var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-182-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-183-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:184:    var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-185-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-186-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:187:    var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-188-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-189-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:190:    var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-191-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-192-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:193:    var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-194-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-195-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:196:    var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-197-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:200:    var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-201-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-202-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:203:    var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-204-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-205-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:206:    var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-207-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-208-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:209:    var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-210-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-211-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:212:    var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-213-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-214-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:215:    var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-216-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-217-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:218:    var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-219-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-220-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:221:    var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-222-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:225:    var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-226-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-227-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:228:    var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-229-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-230-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:231:    var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-232-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-233-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:234:    var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-235-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-236-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:237:    var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-238-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-239-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:240:    var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-241-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-242-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:243:    var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-244-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-245-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:246:    var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-247-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:250:    var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-251-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-252-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:253:    var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-254-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-255-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:256:    var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-257-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-258-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:259:    var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-260-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-261-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:262:    var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-263-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-264-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:265:    var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-266-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-267-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:268:    var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-269-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-270-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:271:    var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-272-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:275:    var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-276-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-277-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:278:    var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-279-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-280-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:281:    var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-282-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-283-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:284:    var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-285-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-286-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:287:    var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-288-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-289-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:290:    var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-291-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-292-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:293:    var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-294-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-295-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:296:    var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-297-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:300:    var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-301-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-302-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:303:    var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-304-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-305-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:306:    var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-307-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-308-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:309:    var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-310-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-311-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:312:    var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-313-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-314-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:315:    var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-316-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-317-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:318:    var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-319-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-320-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:321:    var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-322-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:325:    var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-326-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-327-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:328:    var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-329-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-330-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:331:    var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-332-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-333-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:334:    var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-335-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-336-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:337:    var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-338-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-339-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:340:    var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-341-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-342-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:343:    var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-344-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-345-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:346:    var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-347-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:350:    var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-351-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-352-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:353:    var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-354-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-355-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:356:    var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-357-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-358-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:359:    var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-360-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-361-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:362:    var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-363-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-364-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:365:    var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-366-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-367-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:368:    var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-369-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-370-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:371:    var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-372-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:375:    var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-376-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-377-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:378:    var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-379-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-380-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:381:    var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-382-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-383-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:384:    var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-385-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-386-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:387:    var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-388-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-389-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:390:    var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-391-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-392-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:393:    var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-394-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-395-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt:396:    var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.errors.txt-397-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js-1-//// [templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:2:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:3:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:4:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:5:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:6:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:11:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:12:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:13:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:14:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:15:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:16:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:17:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:18:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:20:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:21:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:22:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:23:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:24:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:25:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:26:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:27:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:29:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:30:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:31:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:32:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:33:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:34:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:35:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:36:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:38:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:39:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:40:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:41:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:42:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:43:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:44:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:45:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:47:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:48:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:49:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:50:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:51:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:52:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:53:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:54:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:56:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:57:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:58:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:59:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:60:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:61:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:62:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:63:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:65:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:66:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:67:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:68:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:69:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:70:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:71:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:72:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:74:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:75:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:76:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:77:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:78:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:79:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:80:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:81:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:83:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:84:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:85:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:86:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:87:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:88:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:89:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:90:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:92:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:93:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:94:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:95:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:96:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:97:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:98:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:99:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:101:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:102:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:103:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:104:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:105:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:106:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:107:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:108:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js-111-//// [templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:112:var a = 1 - `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:113:var b = 1 - `2${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:114:var c = 1 - `${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:115:var d = 1 - `2${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:116:var e = `${3}` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:117:var f = `2${3}` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:118:var g = `${3}4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:119:var h = `2${3}4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:120:var a2 = 1 * `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:121:var b2 = 1 * `2${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:122:var c2 = 1 * `${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:123:var d2 = 1 * `2${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:124:var e2 = `${3}` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:125:var f2 = `2${3}` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:126:var g2 = `${3}4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:127:var h2 = `2${3}4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:128:var a3 = 1 & `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:129:var b3 = 1 & `2${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:130:var c3 = 1 & `${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:131:var d3 = 1 & `2${3}4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:132:var e3 = `${3}` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:133:var f3 = `2${3}` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:134:var g3 = `${3}4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:135:var h3 = `2${3}4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:136:var a4 = 1 - `${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:137:var b4 = 1 - `2${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:138:var c4 = 1 - `${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:139:var d4 = 1 - `2${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:140:var e4 = `${3 - 4}` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:141:var f4 = `2${3 - 4}` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:142:var g4 = `${3 - 4}5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:143:var h4 = `2${3 - 4}5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:144:var a5 = 1 - `${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:145:var b5 = 1 - `2${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:146:var c5 = 1 - `${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:147:var d5 = 1 - `2${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:148:var e5 = `${3 * 4}` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:149:var f5 = `2${3 * 4}` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:150:var g5 = `${3 * 4}5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:151:var h5 = `2${3 * 4}5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:152:var a6 = 1 - `${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:153:var b6 = 1 - `2${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:154:var c6 = 1 - `${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:155:var d6 = 1 - `2${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:156:var e6 = `${3 & 4}` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:157:var f6 = `2${3 & 4}` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:158:var g6 = `${3 & 4}5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:159:var h6 = `2${3 & 4}5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:160:var a7 = 1 * `${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:161:var b7 = 1 * `2${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:162:var c7 = 1 * `${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:163:var d7 = 1 * `2${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:164:var e7 = `${3 - 4}` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:165:var f7 = `2${3 - 4}` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:166:var g7 = `${3 - 4}5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:167:var h7 = `2${3 - 4}5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:168:var a8 = 1 * `${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:169:var b8 = 1 * `2${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:170:var c8 = 1 * `${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:171:var d8 = 1 * `2${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:172:var e8 = `${3 * 4}` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:173:var f8 = `2${3 * 4}` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:174:var g8 = `${3 * 4}5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:175:var h8 = `2${3 * 4}5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:176:var a9 = 1 * `${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:177:var b9 = 1 * `2${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:178:var c9 = 1 * `${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:179:var d9 = 1 * `2${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:180:var e9 = `${3 & 4}` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:181:var f9 = `2${3 & 4}` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:182:var g9 = `${3 & 4}5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:183:var h9 = `2${3 & 4}5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:184:var aa = 1 & `${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:185:var ba = 1 & `2${3 - 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:186:var ca = 1 & `${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:187:var da = 1 & `2${3 - 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:188:var ea = `${3 - 4}` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:189:var fa = `2${3 - 4}` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:190:var ga = `${3 - 4}5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:191:var ha = `2${3 - 4}5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:192:var ab = 1 & `${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:193:var bb = 1 & `2${3 * 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:194:var cb = 1 & `${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:195:var db = 1 & `2${3 * 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:196:var eb = `${3 * 4}` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:197:var fb = `2${3 * 4}` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:198:var gb = `${3 * 4}5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:199:var hb = `2${3 * 4}5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:200:var ac = 1 & `${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:201:var bc = 1 & `2${3 & 4}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:202:var cc = 1 & `${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:203:var dc = 1 & `2${3 & 4}5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:204:var ec = `${3 & 4}` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:205:var fc = `2${3 & 4}` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:206:var gc = `${3 & 4}5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.js:207:var hc = `2${3 & 4}5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:2:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-3->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:5:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 1, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:8:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:11:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:14:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:17:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:20:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:23:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:26:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-27->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:29:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-30->b2 : Symbol(b2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:32:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-33->c2 : Symbol(c2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 11, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:35:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-36->d2 : Symbol(d2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 12, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:38:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-39->e2 : Symbol(e2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 13, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:41:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-42->f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:44:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-45->g2 : Symbol(g2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:47:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-48->h2 : Symbol(h2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:50:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-51->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:53:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-54->b3 : Symbol(b3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 19, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:56:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-57->c3 : Symbol(c3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:59:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-60->d3 : Symbol(d3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 21, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:62:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-63->e3 : Symbol(e3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 22, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:65:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-66->f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 23, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:68:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-69->g3 : Symbol(g3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 24, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:71:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-72->h3 : Symbol(h3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 25, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:74:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-75->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 27, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:77:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-78->b4 : Symbol(b4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 28, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:80:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-81->c4 : Symbol(c4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 29, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:83:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-84->d4 : Symbol(d4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 30, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:86:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-87->e4 : Symbol(e4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 31, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:89:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-90->f4 : Symbol(f4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 32, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:92:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-93->g4 : Symbol(g4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 33, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:95:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-96->h4 : Symbol(h4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 34, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:98:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-99->a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 36, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:101:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-102->b5 : Symbol(b5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 37, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:104:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-105->c5 : Symbol(c5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 38, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:107:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-108->d5 : Symbol(d5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:110:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-111->e5 : Symbol(e5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:113:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-114->f5 : Symbol(f5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 41, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:116:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-117->g5 : Symbol(g5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 42, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:119:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-120->h5 : Symbol(h5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 43, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:122:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-123->a6 : Symbol(a6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 45, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:125:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-126->b6 : Symbol(b6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 46, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:128:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-129->c6 : Symbol(c6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 47, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:131:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-132->d6 : Symbol(d6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 48, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:134:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-135->e6 : Symbol(e6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 49, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:137:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-138->f6 : Symbol(f6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 50, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:140:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-141->g6 : Symbol(g6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 51, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:143:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-144->h6 : Symbol(h6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 52, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:146:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-147->a7 : Symbol(a7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 54, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:149:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-150->b7 : Symbol(b7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 55, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:152:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-153->c7 : Symbol(c7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 56, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:155:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-156->d7 : Symbol(d7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 57, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:158:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-159->e7 : Symbol(e7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 58, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:161:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-162->f7 : Symbol(f7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 59, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:164:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-165->g7 : Symbol(g7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 60, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:167:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-168->h7 : Symbol(h7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 61, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:170:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-171->a8 : Symbol(a8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 63, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:173:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-174->b8 : Symbol(b8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 64, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:176:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-177->c8 : Symbol(c8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 65, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:179:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-180->d8 : Symbol(d8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 66, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:182:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-183->e8 : Symbol(e8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 67, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:185:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-186->f8 : Symbol(f8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 68, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:188:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-189->g8 : Symbol(g8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 69, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:191:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-192->h8 : Symbol(h8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 70, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:194:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-195->a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 72, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:197:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-198->b9 : Symbol(b9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 73, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:200:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-201->c9 : Symbol(c9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 74, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:203:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-204->d9 : Symbol(d9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 75, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:206:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-207->e9 : Symbol(e9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 76, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:209:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-210->f9 : Symbol(f9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 77, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:212:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-213->g9 : Symbol(g9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 78, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:215:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-216->h9 : Symbol(h9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 79, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:218:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-219->aa : Symbol(aa, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 81, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:221:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-222->ba : Symbol(ba, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 82, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:224:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-225->ca : Symbol(ca, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 83, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:227:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-228->da : Symbol(da, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 84, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:230:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-231->ea : Symbol(ea, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 85, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:233:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-234->fa : Symbol(fa, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 86, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:236:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-237->ga : Symbol(ga, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 87, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:239:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-240->ha : Symbol(ha, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 88, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:242:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-243->ab : Symbol(ab, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 90, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:245:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-246->bb : Symbol(bb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 91, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:248:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-249->cb : Symbol(cb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 92, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:251:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-252->db : Symbol(db, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 93, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:254:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-255->eb : Symbol(eb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 94, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:257:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-258->fb : Symbol(fb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 95, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:260:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-261->gb : Symbol(gb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 96, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:263:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-264->hb : Symbol(hb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 97, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:266:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-267->ac : Symbol(ac, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 99, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:269:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-270->bc : Symbol(bc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 100, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:272:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-273->cc : Symbol(cc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 101, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:275:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-276->dc : Symbol(dc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 102, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:278:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-279->ec : Symbol(ec, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 103, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:281:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-282->fc : Symbol(fc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 104, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:284:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-285->gc : Symbol(gc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 105, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols:287:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.symbols-288->hc : Symbol(hc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts, 106, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:2:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-3->a : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:4:>1 - `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:6:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-7->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:9:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-10->b : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:11:>1 - `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-12->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:13:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-14->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:16:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-17->c : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:18:>1 - `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-19->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:20:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-21->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:23:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-24->d : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:25:>1 - `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-26->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:27:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-28->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:30:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-31->e : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:32:>`${ 3 }` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:33:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-34->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:37:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-38->f : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:39:>`2${ 3 }` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:40:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-41->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:44:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-45->g : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:46:>`${ 3 }4` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:47:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-48->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:51:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-52->h : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:53:>`2${ 3 }4` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:54:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-55->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:58:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-59->a2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:60:>1 * `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-61->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:62:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-63->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:65:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-66->b2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:67:>1 * `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-68->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:69:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-70->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:72:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-73->c2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:74:>1 * `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-75->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:76:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-77->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:79:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-80->d2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:81:>1 * `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-82->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:83:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-84->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:86:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-87->e2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:88:>`${ 3 }` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:89:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-90->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:93:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-94->f2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:95:>`2${ 3 }` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:96:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-97->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:100:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-101->g2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:102:>`${ 3 }4` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:103:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-104->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:107:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-108->h2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:109:>`2${ 3 }4` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:110:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-111->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:114:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-115->a3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:116:>1 & `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-117->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:118:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-119->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:121:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-122->b3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:123:>1 & `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-124->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:125:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-126->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:128:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-129->c3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:130:>1 & `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-131->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:132:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-133->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:135:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-136->d3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:137:>1 & `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-138->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:139:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-140->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:142:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-143->e3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:144:>`${ 3 }` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:145:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-146->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:149:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-150->f3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:151:>`2${ 3 }` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:152:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-153->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:156:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-157->g3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:158:>`${ 3 }4` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:159:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-160->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:163:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-164->h3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:165:>`2${ 3 }4` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:166:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-167->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:170:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-171->a4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:172:>1 - `${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-173->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:174:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-175->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:179:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-180->b4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:181:>1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-182->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:183:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-184->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:188:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-189->c4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:190:>1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-191->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:192:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-193->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:197:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-198->d4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:199:>1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-200->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:201:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-202->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:206:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-207->e4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:208:>`${ 3 - 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:209:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-210->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:215:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-216->f4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:217:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:218:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-219->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:224:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-225->g4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:226:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:227:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-228->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:233:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-234->h4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:235:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:236:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-237->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:242:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-243->a5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:244:>1 - `${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-245->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:246:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-247->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:251:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-252->b5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:253:>1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-254->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:255:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-256->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:260:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-261->c5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:262:>1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-263->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:264:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-265->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:269:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-270->d5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:271:>1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-272->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:273:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-274->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:278:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-279->e5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:280:>`${ 3 * 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:281:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-282->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:287:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-288->f5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:289:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:290:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-291->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:296:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-297->g5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:298:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:299:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-300->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:305:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-306->h5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:307:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:308:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-309->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:314:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-315->a6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:316:>1 - `${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-317->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:318:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-319->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:323:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-324->b6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:325:>1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-326->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:327:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-328->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:332:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-333->c6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:334:>1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-335->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:336:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-337->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:341:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-342->d6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:343:>1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-344->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:345:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-346->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:350:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-351->e6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:352:>`${ 3 & 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:353:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-354->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:359:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-360->f6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:361:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:362:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-363->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:368:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-369->g6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:370:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:371:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-372->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:377:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-378->h6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:379:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:380:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-381->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:386:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-387->a7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:388:>1 * `${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-389->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:390:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-391->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:395:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-396->b7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:397:>1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-398->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:399:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-400->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:404:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-405->c7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:406:>1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-407->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:408:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-409->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:413:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-414->d7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:415:>1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-416->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:417:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-418->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:422:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-423->e7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:424:>`${ 3 - 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:425:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-426->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:431:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-432->f7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:433:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:434:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-435->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:440:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-441->g7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:442:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:443:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-444->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:449:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-450->h7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:451:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:452:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-453->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:458:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-459->a8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:460:>1 * `${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-461->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:462:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-463->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:467:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-468->b8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:469:>1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-470->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:471:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-472->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:476:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-477->c8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:478:>1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-479->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:480:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-481->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:485:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-486->d8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:487:>1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-488->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:489:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-490->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:494:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-495->e8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:496:>`${ 3 * 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:497:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-498->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:503:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-504->f8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:505:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:506:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-507->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:512:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-513->g8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:514:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:515:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-516->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:521:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-522->h8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:523:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:524:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-525->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:530:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-531->a9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:532:>1 * `${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-533->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:534:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-535->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:539:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-540->b9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:541:>1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-542->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:543:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-544->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:548:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-549->c9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:550:>1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-551->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:552:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-553->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:557:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-558->d9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:559:>1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-560->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:561:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-562->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:566:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-567->e9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:568:>`${ 3 & 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:569:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-570->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:575:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-576->f9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:577:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:578:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-579->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:584:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-585->g9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:586:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:587:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-588->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:593:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-594->h9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:595:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:596:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-597->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:602:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-603->aa : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:604:>1 & `${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-605->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:606:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-607->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:611:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-612->ba : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:613:>1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-614->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:615:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-616->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:620:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-621->ca : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:622:>1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-623->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:624:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-625->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:629:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-630->da : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:631:>1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-632->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:633:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-634->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:638:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-639->ea : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:640:>`${ 3 - 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:641:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-642->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:647:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-648->fa : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:649:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:650:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-651->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:656:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-657->ga : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:658:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:659:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-660->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:665:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-666->ha : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:667:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:668:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-669->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:674:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-675->ab : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:676:>1 & `${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-677->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:678:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-679->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:683:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-684->bb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:685:>1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-686->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:687:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-688->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:692:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-693->cb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:694:>1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-695->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:696:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-697->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:701:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-702->db : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:703:>1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-704->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:705:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-706->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:710:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-711->eb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:712:>`${ 3 * 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:713:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-714->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:719:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-720->fb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:721:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:722:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-723->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:728:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-729->gb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:730:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:731:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-732->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:737:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-738->hb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:739:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:740:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-741->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:746:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-747->ac : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:748:>1 & `${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-749->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:750:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-751->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:755:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-756->bc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:757:>1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-758->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:759:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-760->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:764:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-765->cc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:766:>1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-767->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:768:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-769->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:773:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-774->dc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:775:>1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-776->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:777:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-778->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:782:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-783->ec : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:784:>`${ 3 & 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:785:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-786->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:791:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-792->fc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:793:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:794:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-795->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:800:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-801->gc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:802:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:803:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-804->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:809:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-810->hc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:811:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types:812:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.types-813->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-99-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts (96 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:100:    var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-101-                ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-102-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:103:    var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-104-                ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-105-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:106:    var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-107-                ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-108-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:109:    var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-110-                ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-111-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:112:    var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-113-            ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-114-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:115:    var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-116-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-117-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:118:    var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-119-            ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-120-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:121:    var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-122-            ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:125:    var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-126-                 ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-127-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:128:    var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-129-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-130-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:131:    var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-132-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-133-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:134:    var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-135-                 ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-136-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:137:    var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-138-             ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-139-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:140:    var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-141-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-142-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:143:    var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-144-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-145-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:146:    var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-147-             ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:150:    var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-151-                 ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-152-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:153:    var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-154-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-155-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:156:    var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-157-                 ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-158-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:159:    var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-160-                 ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-161-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:162:    var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-163-             ~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-164-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:165:    var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-166-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-167-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:168:    var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-169-             ~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-170-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:171:    var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-172-             ~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:175:    var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-176-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-177-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:178:    var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-179-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-180-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:181:    var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-182-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-183-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:184:    var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-185-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-186-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:187:    var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-188-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-189-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:190:    var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-191-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-192-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:193:    var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-194-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-195-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:196:    var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-197-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:200:    var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-201-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-202-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:203:    var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-204-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-205-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:206:    var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-207-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-208-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:209:    var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-210-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-211-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:212:    var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-213-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-214-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:215:    var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-216-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-217-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:218:    var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-219-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-220-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:221:    var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-222-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:225:    var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-226-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-227-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:228:    var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-229-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-230-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:231:    var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-232-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-233-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:234:    var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-235-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-236-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:237:    var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-238-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-239-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:240:    var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-241-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-242-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:243:    var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-244-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-245-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:246:    var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-247-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:250:    var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-251-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-252-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:253:    var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-254-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-255-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:256:    var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-257-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-258-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:259:    var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-260-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-261-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:262:    var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-263-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-264-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:265:    var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-266-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-267-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:268:    var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-269-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-270-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:271:    var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-272-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:275:    var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-276-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-277-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:278:    var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-279-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-280-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:281:    var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-282-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-283-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:284:    var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-285-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-286-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:287:    var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-288-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-289-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:290:    var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-291-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-292-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:293:    var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-294-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-295-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:296:    var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-297-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:300:    var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-301-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-302-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:303:    var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-304-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-305-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:306:    var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-307-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-308-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:309:    var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-310-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-311-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:312:    var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-313-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-314-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:315:    var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-316-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-317-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:318:    var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-319-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-320-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:321:    var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-322-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:325:    var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-326-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-327-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:328:    var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-329-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-330-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:331:    var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-332-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-333-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:334:    var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-335-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-336-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:337:    var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-338-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-339-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:340:    var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-341-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-342-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:343:    var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-344-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-345-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:346:    var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-347-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:350:    var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-351-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-352-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:353:    var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-354-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-355-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:356:    var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-357-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-358-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:359:    var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-360-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-361-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:362:    var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-363-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-364-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:365:    var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-366-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-367-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:368:    var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-369-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-370-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:371:    var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-372-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:375:    var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-376-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-377-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:378:    var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-379-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-380-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:381:    var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-382-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-383-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:384:    var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-385-                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-386-!!! error TS2363: The right-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:387:    var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-388-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-389-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:390:    var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-391-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-392-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:393:    var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-394-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-395-!!! error TS2362: The left-hand side of an arithmetic operation must be of type 'any', 'number', 'bigint' or an enum type.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt:396:    var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.errors.txt-397-             ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js-1-//// [templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:2:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:3:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:4:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:5:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:6:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:11:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:12:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:13:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:14:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:15:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:16:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:17:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:18:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:20:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:21:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:22:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:23:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:24:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:25:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:26:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:27:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:29:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:30:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:31:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:32:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:33:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:34:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:35:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:36:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:38:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:39:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:40:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:41:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:42:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:43:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:44:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:45:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:47:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:48:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:49:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:50:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:51:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:52:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:53:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:54:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:56:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:57:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:58:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:59:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:60:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:61:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:62:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:63:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:65:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:66:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:67:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:68:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:69:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:70:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:71:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:72:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:74:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:75:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:76:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:77:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:78:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:79:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:80:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:81:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:83:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:84:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:85:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:86:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:87:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:88:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:89:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:90:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:92:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:93:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:94:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:95:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:96:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:97:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:98:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:99:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:101:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:102:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:103:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:104:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:105:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:106:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:107:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.js:108:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:2:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-3->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:5:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 1, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:8:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:11:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 3, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:14:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:17:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 5, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:20:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:23:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 7, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:26:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-27->a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 9, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:29:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-30->b2 : Symbol(b2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:32:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-33->c2 : Symbol(c2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 11, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:35:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-36->d2 : Symbol(d2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 12, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:38:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-39->e2 : Symbol(e2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 13, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:41:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-42->f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:44:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-45->g2 : Symbol(g2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 15, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:47:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-48->h2 : Symbol(h2, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:50:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-51->a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:53:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-54->b3 : Symbol(b3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 19, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:56:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-57->c3 : Symbol(c3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:59:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-60->d3 : Symbol(d3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 21, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:62:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-63->e3 : Symbol(e3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 22, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:65:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-66->f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 23, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:68:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-69->g3 : Symbol(g3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 24, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:71:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-72->h3 : Symbol(h3, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 25, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:74:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-75->a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 27, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:77:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-78->b4 : Symbol(b4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 28, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:80:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-81->c4 : Symbol(c4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 29, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:83:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-84->d4 : Symbol(d4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 30, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:86:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-87->e4 : Symbol(e4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 31, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:89:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-90->f4 : Symbol(f4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 32, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:92:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-93->g4 : Symbol(g4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 33, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:95:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-96->h4 : Symbol(h4, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 34, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:98:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-99->a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 36, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:101:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-102->b5 : Symbol(b5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 37, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:104:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-105->c5 : Symbol(c5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 38, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:107:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-108->d5 : Symbol(d5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 39, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:110:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-111->e5 : Symbol(e5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 40, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:113:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-114->f5 : Symbol(f5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 41, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:116:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-117->g5 : Symbol(g5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 42, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:119:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-120->h5 : Symbol(h5, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 43, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:122:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-123->a6 : Symbol(a6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 45, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:125:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-126->b6 : Symbol(b6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 46, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:128:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-129->c6 : Symbol(c6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 47, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:131:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-132->d6 : Symbol(d6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 48, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:134:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-135->e6 : Symbol(e6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 49, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:137:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-138->f6 : Symbol(f6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 50, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:140:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-141->g6 : Symbol(g6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 51, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:143:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-144->h6 : Symbol(h6, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 52, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:146:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-147->a7 : Symbol(a7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 54, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:149:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-150->b7 : Symbol(b7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 55, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:152:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-153->c7 : Symbol(c7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 56, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:155:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-156->d7 : Symbol(d7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 57, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:158:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-159->e7 : Symbol(e7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 58, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:161:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-162->f7 : Symbol(f7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 59, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:164:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-165->g7 : Symbol(g7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 60, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:167:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-168->h7 : Symbol(h7, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 61, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:170:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-171->a8 : Symbol(a8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 63, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:173:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-174->b8 : Symbol(b8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 64, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:176:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-177->c8 : Symbol(c8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 65, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:179:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-180->d8 : Symbol(d8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 66, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:182:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-183->e8 : Symbol(e8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 67, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:185:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-186->f8 : Symbol(f8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 68, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:188:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-189->g8 : Symbol(g8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 69, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:191:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-192->h8 : Symbol(h8, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 70, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:194:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-195->a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 72, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:197:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-198->b9 : Symbol(b9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 73, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:200:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-201->c9 : Symbol(c9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 74, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:203:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-204->d9 : Symbol(d9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 75, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:206:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-207->e9 : Symbol(e9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 76, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:209:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-210->f9 : Symbol(f9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 77, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:212:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-213->g9 : Symbol(g9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 78, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:215:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-216->h9 : Symbol(h9, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 79, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:218:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-219->aa : Symbol(aa, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 81, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:221:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-222->ba : Symbol(ba, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 82, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:224:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-225->ca : Symbol(ca, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 83, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:227:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-228->da : Symbol(da, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 84, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:230:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-231->ea : Symbol(ea, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 85, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:233:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-234->fa : Symbol(fa, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 86, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:236:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-237->ga : Symbol(ga, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 87, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:239:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-240->ha : Symbol(ha, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 88, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:242:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-243->ab : Symbol(ab, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 90, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:245:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-246->bb : Symbol(bb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 91, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:248:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-249->cb : Symbol(cb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 92, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:251:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-252->db : Symbol(db, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 93, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:254:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-255->eb : Symbol(eb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 94, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:257:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-258->fb : Symbol(fb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 95, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:260:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-261->gb : Symbol(gb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 96, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:263:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-264->hb : Symbol(hb, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 97, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:266:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-267->ac : Symbol(ac, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 99, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:269:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-270->bc : Symbol(bc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 100, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:272:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-273->cc : Symbol(cc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 101, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:275:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-276->dc : Symbol(dc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 102, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:278:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-279->ec : Symbol(ec, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 103, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:281:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-282->fc : Symbol(fc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 104, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:284:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-285->gc : Symbol(gc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 105, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols:287:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.symbols-288->hc : Symbol(hc, Decl(templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts, 106, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:2:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-3->a : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:4:>1 - `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:6:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-7->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:9:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-10->b : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:11:>1 - `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-12->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:13:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-14->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:16:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-17->c : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:18:>1 - `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-19->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:20:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-21->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:23:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-24->d : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:25:>1 - `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-26->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:27:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-28->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:30:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-31->e : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:32:>`${ 3 }` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:33:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-34->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:37:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-38->f : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:39:>`2${ 3 }` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:40:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-41->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:44:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-45->g : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:46:>`${ 3 }4` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:47:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-48->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:51:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-52->h : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:53:>`2${ 3 }4` - 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:54:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-55->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:58:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-59->a2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:60:>1 * `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-61->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:62:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-63->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:65:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-66->b2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:67:>1 * `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-68->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:69:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-70->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:72:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-73->c2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:74:>1 * `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-75->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:76:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-77->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:79:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-80->d2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:81:>1 * `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-82->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:83:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-84->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:86:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-87->e2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:88:>`${ 3 }` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:89:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-90->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:93:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-94->f2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:95:>`2${ 3 }` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:96:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-97->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:100:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-101->g2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:102:>`${ 3 }4` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:103:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-104->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:107:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-108->h2 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:109:>`2${ 3 }4` * 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:110:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-111->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:114:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-115->a3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:116:>1 & `${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-117->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:118:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-119->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:121:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-122->b3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:123:>1 & `2${ 3 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-124->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:125:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-126->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:128:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-129->c3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:130:>1 & `${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-131->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:132:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-133->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:135:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-136->d3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:137:>1 & `2${ 3 }4` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-138->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:139:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-140->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:142:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-143->e3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:144:>`${ 3 }` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:145:>`${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-146->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:149:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-150->f3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:151:>`2${ 3 }` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:152:>`2${ 3 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-153->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:156:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-157->g3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:158:>`${ 3 }4` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:159:>`${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-160->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:163:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-164->h3 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:165:>`2${ 3 }4` & 5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:166:>`2${ 3 }4` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-167->3 : 3
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:170:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-171->a4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:172:>1 - `${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-173->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:174:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-175->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:179:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-180->b4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:181:>1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-182->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:183:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-184->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:188:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-189->c4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:190:>1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-191->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:192:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-193->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:197:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-198->d4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:199:>1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-200->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:201:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-202->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:206:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-207->e4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:208:>`${ 3 - 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:209:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-210->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:215:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-216->f4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:217:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:218:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-219->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:224:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-225->g4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:226:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:227:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-228->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:233:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-234->h4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:235:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:236:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-237->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:242:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-243->a5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:244:>1 - `${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-245->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:246:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-247->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:251:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-252->b5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:253:>1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-254->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:255:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-256->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:260:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-261->c5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:262:>1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-263->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:264:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-265->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:269:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-270->d5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:271:>1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-272->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:273:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-274->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:278:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-279->e5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:280:>`${ 3 * 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:281:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-282->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:287:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-288->f5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:289:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:290:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-291->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:296:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-297->g5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:298:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:299:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-300->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:305:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-306->h5 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:307:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:308:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-309->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:314:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-315->a6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:316:>1 - `${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-317->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:318:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-319->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:323:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-324->b6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:325:>1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-326->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:327:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-328->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:332:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-333->c6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:334:>1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-335->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:336:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-337->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:341:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-342->d6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:343:>1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-344->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:345:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-346->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:350:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-351->e6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:352:>`${ 3 & 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:353:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-354->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:359:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-360->f6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:361:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:362:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-363->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:368:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-369->g6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:370:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:371:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-372->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:377:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-378->h6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:379:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:380:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-381->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:386:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-387->a7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:388:>1 * `${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-389->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:390:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-391->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:395:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-396->b7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:397:>1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-398->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:399:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-400->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:404:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-405->c7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:406:>1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-407->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:408:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-409->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:413:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-414->d7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:415:>1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-416->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:417:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-418->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:422:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-423->e7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:424:>`${ 3 - 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:425:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-426->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:431:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-432->f7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:433:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:434:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-435->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:440:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-441->g7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:442:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:443:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-444->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:449:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-450->h7 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:451:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:452:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-453->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:458:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-459->a8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:460:>1 * `${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-461->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:462:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-463->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:467:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-468->b8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:469:>1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-470->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:471:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-472->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:476:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-477->c8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:478:>1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-479->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:480:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-481->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:485:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-486->d8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:487:>1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-488->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:489:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-490->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:494:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-495->e8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:496:>`${ 3 * 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:497:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-498->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:503:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-504->f8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:505:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:506:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-507->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:512:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-513->g8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:514:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:515:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-516->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:521:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-522->h8 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:523:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:524:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-525->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:530:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-531->a9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:532:>1 * `${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-533->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:534:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-535->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:539:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-540->b9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:541:>1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-542->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:543:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-544->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:548:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-549->c9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:550:>1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-551->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:552:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-553->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:557:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-558->d9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:559:>1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-560->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:561:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-562->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:566:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-567->e9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:568:>`${ 3 & 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:569:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-570->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:575:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-576->f9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:577:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:578:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-579->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:584:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-585->g9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:586:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:587:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-588->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:593:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-594->h9 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:595:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:596:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-597->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:602:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-603->aa : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:604:>1 & `${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-605->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:606:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-607->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:611:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-612->ba : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:613:>1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-614->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:615:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-616->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:620:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-621->ca : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:622:>1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-623->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:624:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-625->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:629:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-630->da : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:631:>1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-632->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:633:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-634->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:638:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-639->ea : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:640:>`${ 3 - 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:641:>`${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-642->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:647:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-648->fa : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:649:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:650:>`2${ 3 - 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-651->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:656:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-657->ga : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:658:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:659:>`${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-660->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:665:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-666->ha : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:667:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:668:>`2${ 3 - 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-669->3 - 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:674:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-675->ab : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:676:>1 & `${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-677->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:678:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-679->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:683:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-684->bb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:685:>1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-686->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:687:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-688->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:692:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-693->cb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:694:>1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-695->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:696:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-697->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:701:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-702->db : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:703:>1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-704->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:705:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-706->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:710:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-711->eb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:712:>`${ 3 * 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:713:>`${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-714->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:719:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-720->fb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:721:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:722:>`2${ 3 * 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-723->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:728:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-729->gb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:730:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:731:>`${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-732->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:737:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-738->hb : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:739:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:740:>`2${ 3 * 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-741->3 * 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:746:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-747->ac : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:748:>1 & `${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-749->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:750:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-751->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:755:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-756->bc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:757:>1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-758->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:759:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-760->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:764:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-765->cc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:766:>1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-767->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:768:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-769->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:773:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-774->dc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:775:>1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-776->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:777:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-778->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:782:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-783->ec : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:784:>`${ 3 & 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:785:>`${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-786->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:791:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-792->fc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:793:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:794:>`2${ 3 & 4 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-795->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:800:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-801->gc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:802:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:803:>`${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-804->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:809:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-810->hc : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:811:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types:812:>`2${ 3 & 4 }5` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.types-813->3 & 4 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.js-1-//// [templateStringInArray.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.js:2:var x = [1, 2, `abc${ 123 }def`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArray.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.symbols:2:var x = [1, 2, `abc${ 123 }def`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInArray.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArray.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types:2:var x = [1, 2, `abc${ 123 }def`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types-3->x : (string | number)[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types:4:>[1, 2, `abc${ 123 }def`] : (string | number)[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types-6->2 : 2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types:7:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArray.types-8->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.js-1-//// [templateStringInArrowFunction.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.js:2:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArrowFunction.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.symbols:2:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInArrowFunction.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArrowFunction.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.types:2:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.types-3->x : (x: any) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.types:4:>x => `abc${ x }def` : (x: any) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.types-5->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.types:6:>`abc${ x }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunction.types-7->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.js:2:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.js:5:var x = x => `abc${x}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.symbols:2:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.types:2:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.types-3->x : (x: any) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.types:4:>x => `abc${ x }def` : (x: any) => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.types-5->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.types:6:>`abc${ x }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.types-7->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpression.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.errors.txt:6:    `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.errors.txt-7-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.js-1-//// [templateStringInCallExpression.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.js:2:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.symbols:2:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types:2:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types:3:>`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types:6:>`hello ${0} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types-7->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types-8->`   ` : "   "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types:9:>`1${2}3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpression.types-10->2 : 2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.errors.txt:6:    `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.errors.txt-7-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInCallExpressionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.js:2:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInCallExpressionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.js:5:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.symbols:2:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types:2:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types:3:>`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types:6:>`hello ${0} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types-7->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types-8->`   ` : "   "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types:9:>`1${2}3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.types-10->2 : 2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.js-1-//// [templateStringInConditional.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.js:2:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInConditional.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInConditional.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInConditional.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types:2:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types:4:>`abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types:5:>`abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types-6->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types:7:>`abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types-8->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types:9:>`abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditional.types-10->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInConditionalES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInConditionalES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.js:5:var x = `abc${" "}def` ? `abc${" "}def` : `abc${" "}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInConditionalES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInConditionalES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInConditionalES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types:4:>`abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types:5:>`abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types-6->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types:7:>`abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types-8->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types:9:>`abc${ " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInConditionalES6.types-10->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpression.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.errors.txt:5:    delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.errors.txt-6-           ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.js-1-//// [templateStringInDeleteExpression.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.js:2:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.symbols:2:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.types:2:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.types:3:>delete `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpression.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.errors.txt:5:    delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.errors.txt-6-           ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.js:2:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.js:5:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.symbols:2:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.types:2:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.types:3:>delete `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDivision.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.errors.txt:5:    var x = `abc${ 1 }def` / 1;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.errors.txt-6-            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.js-1-//// [templateStringInDivision.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.js:2:var x = `abc${ 1 }def` / 1;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDivision.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 1 }def` / 1;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInDivision.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDivision.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.types:2:var x = `abc${ 1 }def` / 1;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.types-3->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.types:4:>`abc${ 1 }def` / 1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.types:5:>`abc${ 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInDivision.types-6->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.js-1-//// [templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.js:2:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.js:3:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.js:4:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.js:5:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.symbols:2:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.symbols:5:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.symbols:6:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.symbols:7:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:2:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-3->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:5:>`abc${0}abc` === `abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:6:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-7->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:10:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:11:>`abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:12:>`abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:13:>`abc` !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-14->`abc` : "abc"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:15:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-16->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:18:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:19:>`abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:20:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-21->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:24:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:25:>"abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-26->"abc0abc" : "abc0abc"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types:27:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecks.types-28->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:2:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:3:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:4:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:5:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js-7-//// [templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:8:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:9:    `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:10:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.js:11:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.symbols:5:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.symbols:6:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.symbols:7:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:2:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-3->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:5:>`abc${0}abc` === `abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:6:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-7->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:10:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:11:>`abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:12:>`abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:13:>`abc` !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-14->`abc` : "abc"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:15:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-16->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:18:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:19:>`abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:20:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-21->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:24:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:25:>"abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc` : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-26->"abc0abc" : "abc0abc"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types:27:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.types-28->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.js-2-var x = function y() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.js:3:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.js:4:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.symbols:6:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.symbols:7:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types-3->x : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types:4:>function y() {    `abc${ 0 }def`    return `abc${ 0 }def`;} : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types-5->y : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types:7:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types:8:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types-9->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types:11:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types:12:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpression.types-13->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.js-2-var x = function y() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.js:3:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.js:4:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.js-8-var x = function y() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.js:9:    `abc${0}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.js:10:    return `abc${0}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.symbols:6:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.symbols:7:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types-3->x : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types:4:>function y() {    `abc${ 0 }def`    return `abc${ 0 }def`;} : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types-5->y : () => string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types:7:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types:8:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types-9->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types:11:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types:12:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.types-13->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.js-1-//// [templateStringInInOperator.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.js:2:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.symbols:2:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInInOperator.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.types:2:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.types-3->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.types:4:>`${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20} : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.types:5:>`${ "hi" }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperator.types-6->"hi" : "hi"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInInOperatorES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.js:2:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInInOperatorES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.js:5:var x = `${"hi"}` in { hi: 10, hello: 20 };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.symbols:2:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInInOperatorES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.types:2:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.types-3->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.types:4:>`${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20} : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.types:5:>`${ "hi" }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInOperatorES6.types-6->"hi" : "hi"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpression.js-1-//// [templateStringInIndexExpression.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpression.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInIndexExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpression.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpression.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInIndexExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpression.types:3:>`abc${0}abc`[`0`] : error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpression.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpression.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.types:3:>`abc${0}abc`[`0`] : error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOf.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.errors.txt:5:    var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.errors.txt-6-            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.js-1-//// [templateStringInInstanceOf.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.js:2:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOf.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInInstanceOf.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOf.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.types:2:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.types-3->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.types:4:>`abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.types:5:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOf.types-6->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.errors.txt:5:    var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.errors.txt-6-            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInInstanceOfES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInInstanceOfES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.js:5:var x = `abc${0}def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInInstanceOfES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.types-3->x : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.types:4:>`abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.types:5:>`abc${ 0 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.types-6->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.errors.txt:23:    declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.errors.txt-24-    ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.js:5:declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.symbols-4-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.symbols:5:No type information for this code.declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.symbols-6-No type information for this code.}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.types:9:declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.types-10->declare : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.types:11:>module `M${2}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.types-12->module : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.types:13:>`M${2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleName.types-14->2 : 2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.errors.txt:23:    declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.errors.txt-24-    ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.js:5:declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.js:14:module `M${2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.symbols-4-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.symbols:5:No type information for this code.declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.symbols-6-No type information for this code.}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.types:9:declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.types-10->declare : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.types:11:>module `M${2}` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.types-12->module : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.types:13:>`M${2}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuleNameES6.types-14->2 : 2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModulo.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.errors.txt:5:    var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.errors.txt-6-                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.js-1-//// [templateStringInModulo.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.js:2:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModulo.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.symbols:2:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInModulo.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModulo.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.types:2:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.types-3->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.types:4:>1 % `abc${ 1 }def` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.types:6:>`abc${ 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModulo.types-7->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModuloES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.errors.txt:5:    var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.errors.txt-6-                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInModuloES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.js:2:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInModuloES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.js:5:var x = 1 % `abc${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModuloES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.symbols:2:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInModuloES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModuloES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.types:2:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.types-3->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.types:4:>1 % `abc${ 1 }def` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.types:6:>`abc${ 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInModuloES6.types-7->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplication.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.errors.txt:5:    var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.errors.txt-6-                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.js-1-//// [templateStringInMultiplication.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.js:2:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplication.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.symbols:2:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInMultiplication.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplication.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.types:2:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.types-3->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.types:4:>1 * `abc${ 1 }def` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.types:6:>`abc${ 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplication.types-7->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.errors.txt:5:    var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.errors.txt-6-                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInMultiplicationES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.js:2:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInMultiplicationES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.js:5:var x = 1 * `abc${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.symbols:2:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInMultiplicationES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.types:2:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.types-3->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.types:4:>1 * `abc${ 1 }def` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.types-5->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.types:6:>`abc${ 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.types-7->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpression.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.errors.txt:6:    new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.errors.txt-7-        ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.js-1-//// [templateStringInNewExpression.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.js:2:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.symbols:2:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types:2:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types:3:>new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types:6:>`hello ${0} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types-7->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types-8->`   ` : "   "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types:9:>`1${2}3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpression.types-10->2 : 2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.errors.txt:6:    new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.errors.txt-7-        ~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInNewExpressionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.js:2:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInNewExpressionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.js:5:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.symbols:2:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types:2:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types:3:>new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types:4:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types-5->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types:6:>`hello ${0} world` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types-7->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types-8->`   ` : "   "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types:9:>`1${2}3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.types-10->2 : 2
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperator.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.errors.txt:6:    var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.errors.txt-7-                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.js-1-//// [templateStringInNewOperator.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.js:2:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.symbols:2:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInNewOperator.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.types:2:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.types:4:>new `abc${ 1 }def` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.types:5:>`abc${ 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperator.types-6->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.errors.txt:6:    var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.errors.txt-7-                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInNewOperatorES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.js:2:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInNewOperatorES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.js:5:var x = new `abc${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.symbols:2:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInNewOperatorES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.types:2:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.types:4:>new `abc${ 1 }def` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.types:5:>`abc${ 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.types-6->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.errors.txt-11-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.errors.txt:12:        a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.errors.txt-13-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.js-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.js:3:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.js-4-    `b`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.symbols:5:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.symbols-6->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringInObjectLiteral.ts, 0, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.types:4:>{    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,    `b` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.types:5:>{    a: `abc${ 123 }def`, : { a: string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.types:7:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.types-8->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.types:9:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteral.types-10->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.errors.txt-11-            ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.errors.txt:12:        a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.errors.txt-13-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.js-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.js:3:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.js-4-    `b`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.js-8-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.js:9:    a: `abc${123}def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.js-10-} `b`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.symbols:5:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.symbols-6->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.ts, 0, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.types:4:>{    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,    `b` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.types:5:>{    a: `abc${ 123 }def`, : { a: string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.types:7:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.types-8->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.types:9:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.types-10->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.js-1-//// [templateStringInParentheses.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.js:2:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInParentheses.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.symbols:2:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInParentheses.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInParentheses.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.types:2:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.types:4:>(`abc${0}abc`) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.types:5:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParentheses.types-6->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInParenthesesES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.js:2:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInParenthesesES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.js:5:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInParenthesesES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.symbols:2:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInParenthesesES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInParenthesesES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.types:2:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.types:4:>(`abc${0}abc`) : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.types:5:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInParenthesesES6.types-6->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.js-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.js:3:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.symbols:5:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.symbols-6->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringInPropertyAssignment.ts, 0, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.types-3->x : { a: string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.types:4:>{    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`} : { a: string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.types:6:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.types-7->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.types:8:>`abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.types-9->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.js-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.js:3:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.js-7-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.js:8:    a: `abc${123}def${456}ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.symbols:5:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.symbols-6->a : Symbol(a, Decl(templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.ts, 0, 9))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.types-3->x : { a: string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.types:4:>{    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`} : { a: string; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.types:6:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.types-7->a : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.types:8:>`abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.types-9->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.errors.txt-13-!!! error TS2349:   Type '{}' has no call signatures.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.errors.txt:14:        `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.errors.txt-15-        ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.js-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.js:3:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.symbols:5:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.types:4:>{    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.types-5->{ : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.types:7:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.types:8:>`abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyName2.types-9->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.errors.txt-13-!!! error TS2349:   Type '{}' has no call signatures.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.errors.txt:14:        `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.errors.txt-15-        ~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.js-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.js:3:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.js-6-//// [templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.js:7:var x = {} `abc${123}def${456}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.symbols:5:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.types:4:>{    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.types-5->{ : {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.types:7:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.types:8:>`abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.types-9->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.js-1-//// [templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.js:2:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.js-3-    case `abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.js-4-    case `123`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.js:5:    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.js:6:        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.symbols:2:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.symbols-3-No type information for this code.    case `abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.symbols-4-No type information for this code.    case `123`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.symbols:5:No type information for this code.    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.symbols:6:No type information for this code.        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.symbols-7-No type information for this code.}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types:2:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types:3:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types-4->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types:12:    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types:13:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types-14->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types:16:        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types:17:>`def${1}def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.types-18->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js:2:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js-3-    case `abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js-4-    case `123`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js:5:    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js:6:        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js-9-//// [templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js:10:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js-11-    case `abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js-12-    case `123`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js:13:    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.js:14:        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.symbols:2:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.    case `abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.symbols-4-No type information for this code.    case `123`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.symbols:5:No type information for this code.    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.symbols:6:No type information for this code.        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.symbols-7-No type information for this code.}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types:2:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types:3:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types-4->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types:12:    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types:13:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types-14->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types:16:        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types:17:>`def${1}def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.types-18->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.errors.txt:6:    `I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.errors.txt-7-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.js-1-//// [templateStringInTaggedTemplate.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.js:2:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.symbols:2:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types:2:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types:3:>`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types:4:>`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types:5:>`${ `TAG` } ` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types-6->`TAG` : "TAG"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types:7:>`I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.types-8->"AM" : "AM"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.errors.txt-5-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.errors.txt:6:    `I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.errors.txt-7-    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.js:2:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.js:5:`I AM THE ${`${`TAG`} `} PORTION` `I ${"AM"} THE TEMPLATE PORTION`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.symbols:2:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types:2:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types:3:>`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types:4:>`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types:5:>`${ `TAG` } ` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types-6->`TAG` : "TAG"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types:7:>`I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.types-8->"AM" : "AM"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.js-1-//// [templateStringInTypeAssertion.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.js:2:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeAssertion.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.symbols:2:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInTypeAssertion.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeAssertion.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.types:2:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.types:4:><any>`abc${ 123 }def` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.types:5:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertion.types-6->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.js:2:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.js:5:var x = `abc${123}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.symbols:2:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.types:2:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.types-3->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.types:4:><any>`abc${ 123 }def` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.types:5:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.types-6->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.js-1-//// [templateStringInTypeOf.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.js:2:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeOf.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.symbols:2:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInTypeOf.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeOf.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.types:2:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.types-3->x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.types:4:>typeof `abc${ 123 }def` : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.types:5:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOf.types-6->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInTypeOfES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.js:2:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInTypeOfES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.js:5:var x = typeof `abc${123}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeOfES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.symbols:2:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInTypeOfES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeOfES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.types:2:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.types-3->x : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.types:4:>typeof `abc${ 123 }def` : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.types:5:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInTypeOfES6.types-6->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.js-1-//// [templateStringInUnaryPlus.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.js:2:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInUnaryPlus.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.symbols:2:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInUnaryPlus.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInUnaryPlus.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.types:2:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.types-3->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.types:4:>+`abc${ 123 }def` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.types:5:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlus.types-6->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.js:2:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.js-4-//// [templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.js:5:var x = +`abc${123}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.symbols:2:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.types:2:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.types-3->x : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.types:4:>+`abc${ 123 }def` : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.types:5:>`abc${ 123 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.types-6->123 : 123
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.js-1-//// [templateStringInWhile.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.js:2:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.js:3:    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhile.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.symbols:2:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.symbols:3:No type information for this code.    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.symbols-4-No type information for this code.}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhile.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.types:2:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.types:3:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.types-4->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.types:6:    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.types:7:>`def${1}def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhile.types-8->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.js-1-//// [templateStringInWhileES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.js:2:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.js:3:    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.js-6-//// [templateStringInWhileES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.js:7:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.js:8:    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhileES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.symbols:2:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.symbols:3:No type information for this code.    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.symbols-4-No type information for this code.}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhileES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.types:2:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.types:3:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.types-4->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.types:6:    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.types:7:>`def${1}def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInWhileES6.types-8->1 : 1
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.js-3-    // Once this is supported, the inner expression does not need to be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.js:4:    var x = yield `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.js-10-    // Once this is supported, the inner expression does not need to be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.js:11:    var x = yield `abc${x}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.symbols-5-    // Once this is supported, the inner expression does not need to be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.symbols:6:    var x = yield `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.symbols-7->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringInYieldKeyword.ts, 2, 7))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.types-5-    // Once this is supported, the inner expression does not need to be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.types:6:    var x = yield `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.types-7->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.types:8:>yield `abc${ x }def` : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.types:9:>`abc${ x }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringInYieldKeyword.types-10->x : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.js-1-//// [templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.js:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.symbols:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types:3:>`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.types-4->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.js-1-//// [templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.js:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.js-4-//// [templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.js:5:`0${" "}1${" "}2${" "}3${" "}4${" "}5${" "}6${" "}7${" "}8${" "}9${" "}10${" "}11${" "}12${" "}13${" "}14${" "}15${" "}16${" "}17${" "}18${" "}19${" "}20${" "}2028${" "}2029${" "}0085${" "}t${" "}v${" "}f${" "}b${" "}r${" "}n`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.symbols:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types:2:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types:3:>`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.types-4->" " : " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.js:2:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.types:2:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.types:4:>`abc${ 10 + 10 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.types-5->10 + 10 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.js:5:var x = `abc${10 + 10}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.types:4:>`abc${ 10 + 10 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.types-5->10 + 10 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.js:2:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.types:2:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.types:4:>`abc${ [1,2,3] }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.types-5->[1,2,3] : number[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.js:5:var x = `abc${[1, 2, 3]}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.types:4:>`abc${ [1,2,3] }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.types-5->[1,2,3] : number[]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.js:2:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.types:2:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.types:4:>`abc${ x => x }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.types-5->x => x : (x: any) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.js:5:var x = `abc${x => x}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.types:4:>`abc${ x => x }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.types-5->x => x : (x: any) => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedComments.types-2-`head${ // single line comment
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedComments.types:3:>`head${ // single line comment10}middle${/* Multi- * line * comment */ 20 // closing comment}tail` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedCommentsES6.types-2-`head${ // single line comment
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedCommentsES6.types:3:>`head${ // single line comment10}middle${/* Multi- * line * comment */ 20 // closing comment}tail` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.js:2:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.types:2:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.types:4:>`abc${ true ? false : " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.types-5->true ? false : " " : false | " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.js:5:var x = `abc${true ? false : " "}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.types:4:>`abc${ true ? false : " " }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.types-5->true ? false : " " : false | " "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.js:2:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.types:2:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.types:4:>`abc${ 1 / 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.types-5->1 / 1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.js:5:var x = `abc${1 / 1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.types:4:>`abc${ 1 / 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.types-5->1 / 1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.js:2:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.types:2:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.types:4:>`abc${ function y() { return y; } }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.types-5->function y() { return y; } : () => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.js:5:var x = `abc${function y() { return y; }}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.types:4:>`abc${ function y() { return y; } }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.types-5->function y() { return y; } : () => any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.js:2:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.types:2:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.types:4:>`abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.types-5->"hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.js:5:var x = `abc${"hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20 }}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.types:4:>`abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.types-5->"hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.errors.txt:5:    var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.errors.txt-6-                   ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.js:2:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.types:2:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.types:4:>`abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.types-5->"hello" instanceof String : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.errors.txt:5:    var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.errors.txt-6-                   ~~~~~~~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.js:5:var x = `abc${"hello" instanceof String}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.types:4:>`abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.types-5->"hello" instanceof String : boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.js:2:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.types:2:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.types:4:>`abc${ 1 % 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.types-5->1 % 1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.js:5:var x = `abc${1 % 1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.types:4:>`abc${ 1 % 1 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.types-5->1 % 1 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.js:2:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.types:2:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.types:4:>`abc${ 7 * 6 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.types-5->7 * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.js:5:var x = `abc${7 * 6}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.types:4:>`abc${ 7 * 6 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.types-5->7 * 6 : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.js:2:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.types:2:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.types:4:>`abc${ new String("Hi") }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.types-5->new String("Hi") : String
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.js:5:var x = `abc${new String("Hi")}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.types:4:>`abc${ new String("Hi") }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.types-5->new String("Hi") : String
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.js:2:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.types:2:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.types:4:>`abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.types-5->{ x: 10, y: 20 } : { x: number; y: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.js:5:var x = `abc${{ x: 10, y: 20 }}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.types:4:>`abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.types-5->{ x: 10, y: 20 } : { x: number; y: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.js:2:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.symbols:2:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types:2:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types:4:>`123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types:5:>`456 ${ " | " } 654` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types-6->" | " : " | "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types:7:>`456 ${ " | " } 654` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.types-8->" | " : " | "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.js:2:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.js:5:var x = `123${`456 ${" | "} 654`}321 123${`456 ${" | "} 654`}321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.symbols:2:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types:2:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types:4:>`123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types:5:>`456 ${ " | " } 654` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types-6->" | " : " | "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types:7:>`456 ${ " | " } 654` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.types-8->" | " : " | "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.js:2:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.types:2:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.types:4:>`abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.types-5-><any>(10 + 10) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.js:5:var x = `abc${(10 + 10)}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.types:4:>`abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.types-5-><any>(10 + 10) : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.js:2:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.types:2:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.types:4:>`abc${ typeof "hi" }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.types-5->typeof "hi" : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.js:5:var x = `abc${typeof "hi"}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.types:4:>`abc${ typeof "hi" }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.types-5->typeof "hi" : "string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.js:2:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.types:2:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.types:4:>`abc${ +Infinity }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.types-5->+Infinity : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.js:2:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.js:5:var x = `abc${+Infinity}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.symbols:2:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.types:2:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.types:4:>`abc${ +Infinity }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.types-5->+Infinity : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.errors.txt-10-        // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.errors.txt:11:        var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.errors.txt-12-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.js-3-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.js:4:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.symbols-5-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.symbols:6:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.symbols-7->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.ts, 2, 7))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.types-5-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.types:6:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.types-7->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.types:8:>`abc${ yield 10 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.types-9->yield 10 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.js-3-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.js:4:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.js-10-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.js:11:    var x = `abc${yield 10}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.symbols-5-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.symbols:6:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.symbols-7->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.ts, 2, 7))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.types-5-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.types:6:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.types-7->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.types:8:>`abc${ yield 10 }def` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.types-9->yield 10 : any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:4:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:6:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:8:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:10:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:12:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:14:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:16:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:18:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:20:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:22:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:24:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.js:26:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:5:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:8:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:11:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:14:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 8, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:17:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:20:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 12, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:23:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:26:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-27->i : Symbol(i, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:29:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-30->j : Symbol(j, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:32:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-33->k : Symbol(k, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:35:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-36->l : Symbol(l, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 22, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols:38:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.symbols-39->m : Symbol(m, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts, 24, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:6:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-7->b : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:8:>`${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-9->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:11:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-12->c : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:13:>`1${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-14->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:16:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-17->d : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:18:>`${ 0 }2` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-19->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:21:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-22->e : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:23:>`1${ 0 }2` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-24->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:26:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-27->f : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:28:>`${ 0 }${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-29->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:32:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-33->g : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:34:>`1${ 0 }${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-35->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:38:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-39->h : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:40:>`${ 0 }2${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-41->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:44:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-45->i : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:46:>`1${ 0 }2${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-47->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:50:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-51->j : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:52:>`${ 0 }${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-53->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:56:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-57->k : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:58:>`1${ 0 }${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-59->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:62:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-63->l : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:64:>`${ 0 }2${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-65->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:68:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-69->m : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types:70:>`1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.types-71->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:4:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:6:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:8:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:10:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:12:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:14:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:16:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:18:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:20:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:22:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:24:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:26:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js-30-var a = ``;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:31:var b = `${0}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:32:var c = `1${0}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:33:var d = `${0}2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:34:var e = `1${0}2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:35:var f = `${0}${0}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:36:var g = `1${0}${0}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:37:var h = `${0}2${0}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:38:var i = `1${0}2${0}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:39:var j = `${0}${0}3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:40:var k = `1${0}${0}3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:41:var l = `${0}2${0}3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.js:42:var m = `1${0}2${0}3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:5:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-6->b : Symbol(b, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 2, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:8:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-9->c : Symbol(c, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 4, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:11:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-12->d : Symbol(d, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 6, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:14:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-15->e : Symbol(e, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 8, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:17:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 10, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:20:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-21->g : Symbol(g, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 12, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:23:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-24->h : Symbol(h, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 14, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:26:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-27->i : Symbol(i, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 16, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:29:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-30->j : Symbol(j, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 18, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:32:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-33->k : Symbol(k, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 20, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:35:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-36->l : Symbol(l, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 22, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols:38:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.symbols-39->m : Symbol(m, Decl(templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts, 24, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:6:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-7->b : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:8:>`${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-9->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:11:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-12->c : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:13:>`1${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-14->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:16:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-17->d : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:18:>`${ 0 }2` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-19->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:21:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-22->e : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:23:>`1${ 0 }2` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-24->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:26:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-27->f : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:28:>`${ 0 }${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-29->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:32:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-33->g : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:34:>`1${ 0 }${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-35->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:38:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-39->h : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:40:>`${ 0 }2${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-41->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:44:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-45->i : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:46:>`1${ 0 }2${ 0 }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-47->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:50:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-51->j : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:52:>`${ 0 }${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-53->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:56:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-57->k : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:58:>`1${ 0 }${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-59->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:62:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-63->l : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:64:>`${ 0 }2${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-65->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:68:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-69->m : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types:70:>`1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.types-71->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.js-1-//// [templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.js:2:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.symbols:2:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.types:2:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.types:3:>` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail ` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.types-4->10 : 10
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.js:2:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.js:5:` /**head  ${10} // still middle  ${20} /* still tail `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.symbols:2:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.symbols-3-No type information for this code.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.types:2:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.types:3:>` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail ` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.types-4->10 : 10
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.js-1-//// [templateStringWithPropertyAccess.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.symbols:3:>`abc${0}abc`.indexOf : Symbol(String.indexOf, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.symbols-4->indexOf : Symbol(String.indexOf, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.types:3:>`abc${0}abc`.indexOf(`abc`) : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.types:4:>`abc${0}abc`.indexOf : (searchString: string, position?: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.types:5:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccess.types-6->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.js-1-//// [templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.js-4-//// [templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.symbols:3:>`abc${0}abc`.indexOf : Symbol(String.indexOf, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.symbols-4->indexOf : Symbol(String.indexOf, Decl(lib.es5.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.types:3:>`abc${0}abc`.indexOf(`abc`) : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.types:4:>`abc${0}abc`.indexOf : (searchString: string, position?: number) => number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.types:5:>`abc${0}abc` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.types-6->0 : 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.errors.txt:17:    f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.js:10:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.symbols:17:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.ts, 1, 1))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.types:20:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.types:21:>f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.types-22->f : (x: TemplateStringsArray, y: number, z: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.types:23:>`abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.types-24->1234 : 1234
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.errors.txt:14:    f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.js:7:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.symbols:13:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.symbols-14->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.ts, 0, 0))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.types:16:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.types:17:>f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.types-18->f : (x: TemplateStringsArray, y: number, z: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.types:19:>`abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.types-20->1234 : 1234
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.errors.txt:17:    f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.js:10:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.js-17-f({}, 10, 10);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.js:18:f `abcdef${1234}${5678}ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.symbols:17:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.symbols-18->f : Symbol(f, Decl(templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.ts, 1, 1))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.types:20:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.types:21:>f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl` : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.types-22->f : (x: TemplateStringsArray, y: number, z: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.types:23:>`abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.types-24->1234 : 1234
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.errors.txt:5:    `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.errors.txt-6-                              ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.js-1-//// [templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.js:2:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.symbols:2:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts, 0, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types:2:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types:3:>`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.types-4->function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } : (x: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.errors.txt-4-==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts (1 errors) ====
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.errors.txt:5:    `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.errors.txt-6-                              ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.js-1-//// [templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.js:2:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.js-4-//// [templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.js:5:`${function (x) { x = "bad"; }}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.symbols:2:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts, 0, 13))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types:2:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types:3:>`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.types-4->function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } : (x: number) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.errors.txt-98-!!! error TS2774: This condition will always return true since the function is always defined. Did you mean to call it instead?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.errors.txt:99:            console.log(`[Directory] ${stats.ctime}`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.errors.txt-100-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.js-77-    if (stats.isDirectory) { // err
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.js:78:        console.log(`[Directory] ${stats.ctime}`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.js-79-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.symbols:165:        console.log(`[Directory] ${stats.ctime}`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.symbols-166->console.log : Symbol(Console.log, Decl(lib.dom.d.ts, --, --))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.types:190:        console.log(`[Directory] ${stats.ctime}`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.types:191:>console.log(`[Directory] ${stats.ctime}`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.types-192->console.log : (...data: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.types-194->log : (...data: any[]) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.types:195:>`[Directory] ${stats.ctime}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.types-196->stats.ctime : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-bad-ref-branch-reports-the-error-about-files-not-in-rootDir-at-the-import-location.js-36-        woof: function(this: Dog) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-bad-ref-branch-reports-the-error-about-files-not-in-rootDir-at-the-import-location.js:37:            console.log(`${this.name} says "Woof"!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-bad-ref-branch-reports-the-error-about-files-not-in-rootDir-at-the-import-location.js-38-        },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-bad-ref-branch-reports-the-error-about-files-not-in-rootDir-at-the-import-location.js-214-      "../../animals/dog.ts": {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-bad-ref-branch-reports-the-error-about-files-not-in-rootDir-at-the-import-location.js:215:        "version": "-10991948013-import Animal from '.';\r\nimport { makeRandomName } from '../core/utilities';\r\n\r\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\r\n    woof(): void;\r\n    name: string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function createDog(): Dog {\r\n    return ({\r\n        size: \"medium\",\r\n        woof: function(this: Dog) {\r\n            console.log(`${this.name} says \"Woof\"!`);\r\n        },\r\n        name: makeRandomName()\r\n    });\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-bad-ref-branch-reports-the-error-about-files-not-in-rootDir-at-the-import-location.js-216-        "signature": "10854678623-import Animal from '.';\r\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\r\n    woof(): void;\r\n    name: string;\r\n}\r\nexport declare function createDog(): Dog;\r\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-master-branch-with-everything-setup-correctly-and-reports-no-error.js-36-        woof: function(this: Dog) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-master-branch-with-everything-setup-correctly-and-reports-no-error.js:37:            console.log(`${this.name} says "Woof"!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-master-branch-with-everything-setup-correctly-and-reports-no-error.js-38-        },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-master-branch-with-everything-setup-correctly-and-reports-no-error.js-247-      "../../animals/dog.ts": {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-master-branch-with-everything-setup-correctly-and-reports-no-error.js:248:        "version": "-10991948013-import Animal from '.';\r\nimport { makeRandomName } from '../core/utilities';\r\n\r\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\r\n    woof(): void;\r\n    name: string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function createDog(): Dog {\r\n    return ({\r\n        size: \"medium\",\r\n        woof: function(this: Dog) {\r\n            console.log(`${this.name} says \"Woof\"!`);\r\n        },\r\n        name: makeRandomName()\r\n    });\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/demo/initial-build/in-master-branch-with-everything-setup-correctly-and-reports-no-error.js-249-        "signature": "10854678623-import Animal from '.';\r\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\r\n    woof(): void;\r\n    name: string;\r\n}\r\nexport declare function createDog(): Dog;\r\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js-57-        woof: function(this: Dog) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js:58:            console.log(`${this.name} says "Woof"!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js-59-        },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js-271-      "../../animals/dog.ts": {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js:272:        "version": "-10991948013-import Animal from '.';\r\nimport { makeRandomName } from '../core/utilities';\r\n\r\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\r\n    woof(): void;\r\n    name: string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function createDog(): Dog {\r\n    return ({\r\n        size: \"medium\",\r\n        woof: function(this: Dog) {\r\n            console.log(`${this.name} says \"Woof\"!`);\r\n        },\r\n        name: makeRandomName()\r\n    });\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js-273-        "signature": "6032048049-import Animal from '.';\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\n    woof(): void;\n    name: string;\n}\nexport declare function createDog(): Dog;\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js-492-      "../../animals/dog.ts": {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js:493:        "version": "-10991948013-import Animal from '.';\r\nimport { makeRandomName } from '../core/utilities';\r\n\r\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\r\n    woof(): void;\r\n    name: string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function createDog(): Dog {\r\n    return ({\r\n        size: \"medium\",\r\n        woof: function(this: Dog) {\r\n            console.log(`${this.name} says \"Woof\"!`);\r\n        },\r\n        name: makeRandomName()\r\n    });\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-bad-reference.js-494-        "signature": "6032048049-import Animal from '.';\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\n    woof(): void;\n    name: string;\n}\nexport declare function createDog(): Dog;\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-circular-reference.js-61-        woof: function(this: Dog) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-circular-reference.js:62:            console.log(`${this.name} says "Woof"!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-circular-reference.js-63-        },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-circular-reference.js-452-      "../../animals/dog.ts": {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-circular-reference.js:453:        "version": "-10991948013-import Animal from '.';\r\nimport { makeRandomName } from '../core/utilities';\r\n\r\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\r\n    woof(): void;\r\n    name: string;\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport function createDog(): Dog {\r\n    return ({\r\n        size: \"medium\",\r\n        woof: function(this: Dog) {\r\n            console.log(`${this.name} says \"Woof\"!`);\r\n        },\r\n        name: makeRandomName()\r\n    });\r\n}\r\n\r\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/tsbuild/watchMode/demo/updates-with-circular-reference.js-454-        "signature": "6032048049-import Animal from '.';\nexport interface Dog extends Animal {\n    woof(): void;\n    name: string;\n}\nexport declare function createDog(): Dog;\n",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.js-79-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.js:80:                log(`unknown - ${beast.legs} legs, wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.js-81-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.js-85-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.js:86:            log(`manbearpig - ${beast.legs} legs, no wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.js-87-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.symbols-194-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.symbols:195:                log(`unknown - ${beast.legs} legs, wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.symbols-196->log : Symbol(log, Decl(typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts, 48, 1))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.symbols-204-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.symbols:205:            log(`manbearpig - ${beast.legs} legs, no wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.symbols-206->log : Symbol(log, Decl(typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts, 48, 1))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types-195-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types:196:                log(`unknown - ${beast.legs} legs, wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types:197:>log(`unknown - ${beast.legs} legs, wings`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types-198->log : (s: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types:199:>`unknown - ${beast.legs} legs, wings` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types-200->beast.legs : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types-207-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types:208:            log(`manbearpig - ${beast.legs} legs, no wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types:209:>log(`manbearpig - ${beast.legs} legs, no wings`) : void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types-210->log : (s: string) => void
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types:211:>`manbearpig - ${beast.legs} legs, no wings` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.types-212->beast.legs : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.js-1-//// [unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.js:2:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/unicodeExtendedEscapes/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.symbols:2:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/unicodeExtendedEscapes/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.types:2:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.types:4:>`\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.types-5->`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}` : "    "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.js-1-//// [unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.ts]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.js:2:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.js-5-//// [unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.js]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.js:6:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.symbols-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/unicodeExtendedEscapes/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.symbols:2:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.symbols-3->x : Symbol(x, Decl(unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.ts, 0, 3))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.types-1-=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/unicodeExtendedEscapes/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.ts ===
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.types:2:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.types-3->x : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.types:4:>`\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.types-5->`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}` : "    "
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.errors.txt-10-    export class C {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.errors.txt:11:        public a =  { b: this.b, ...this.c, [this.b]: `${this.c}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.errors.txt-12-                              ~
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.js-2-export class C {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.js:3:    public a =  { b: this.b, ...this.c, [this.b]: `${this.c}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.js-4-    private b = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.js-22-    constructor() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.js:23:        this.a = Object.assign(Object.assign({ b: this.b }, this.c), { [this.b]: `${this.c}` });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.js-24-        this.b = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.symbols:5:    public a =  { b: this.b, ...this.c, [this.b]: `${this.c}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.symbols-6->a : Symbol(C.a, Decl(useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.ts, 0, 16))
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.types:5:    public a =  { b: this.b, ...this.c, [this.b]: `${this.c}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.types-6->a : { c: number; b: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.types:7:>{ b: this.b, ...this.c, [this.b]: `${this.c}`} : { c: number; b: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.types-8->b : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.types-18->b : number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.types:19:>`${this.c}` : string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/baselines/reference/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.types-20->this.c : { c: number; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_compile.ts-37-        var { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start!);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_compile.ts:38:        console.log(`${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_compile.ts-39-    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_compile.ts-41-    var exitCode = emitResult.emitSkipped ? 1 : 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_compile.ts:42:    console.log(`Process exiting with code '${exitCode}'.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_compile.ts-43-    process.exit(exitCode);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_linter.ts-63-        let { line, character } = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(node.getStart());
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_linter.ts:64:        console.log(`${sourceFile.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_linter.ts-65-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_parseConfig.ts-28-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_parseConfig.ts:29:    console.log(`${error.file && error.file.fileName}: ${error.messageText}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-84-        if (!output.emitSkipped) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts:85:            console.log(`Emitting ${fileName}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-86-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-87-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts:88:            console.log(`Emitting ${fileName} failed`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-89-            logErrors(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-105-                let { line, character } = diagnostic.file.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.start!);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts:106:                console.log(`  Error ${diagnostic.file.fileName} (${line + 1},${character + 1}): ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-107-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-108-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts:109:                console.log(`  Error: ${message}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/APISample_watcher.ts-110-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.ts-7-let n = Math.random();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/checkJsObjectLiteralIndexSignatures.ts:8:let s = `${n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/constEnumErrors.ts-25-var y1 = E2[name];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/constEnumErrors.ts:26:var y2 = E2[`${name}`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.ts-13-  public hello() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.ts:14:    Log.info(`Hello ${this.name}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/declFileEmitDeclarationOnly.ts-15-  }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.ts-5-  if (kindCache[kind]) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.ts:6:    throw new Error(`Class with kind "${kind}" is already registered.`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/declarationNoDanglingGenerics.ts-7-  }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.ts-20-    ...props
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/destructuringInitializerContextualTypeFromContext.ts:21:}) => `name: ${name} props: ${JSON.stringify(props)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.ts-12-// @filename: hello.ts
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/esModuleInteropImportTSLibHasImport.ts:13:const sayHello = (name?: string) => void (`Hello, ${name}!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.ts:4:type manyprops = `${props}${props}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/hugeDeclarationOutputGetsTruncatedWithError.ts:6:export const c = null as any as {[K in manyprops]: {[K2 in manyprops]: `${K}.${K2}`}};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/inferenceErasedSignatures.ts-17-    async baz(context: number): Promise<string> {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/inferenceErasedSignatures.ts:18:        return `${context}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/inferenceErasedSignatures.ts-19-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/noImplicitSymbolToString.ts:6:const templateStr = `hello ${symbol}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/noImplicitSymbolToString.ts-7-const appendStr = "hello " + symbol;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/noImplicitSymbolToString.ts:13:const templateStrUnion = `union with number ${symbolUnionNumber} and union with string ${symbolUnionString}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringWithSymbolExpression01.ts:6:let result: number = foo`${x}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapes.ts:4:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringsHexadecimalEscapesES6.ts:5:f `\x0D${ "Interrupted CRLF" }\x0A`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.ts-8-f({ ...{ x: 0 } })`x`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.ts:9:f({ ...{ x: 0 } })`x${f}x`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringsWithCurriedFunction.ts-10-f({ ...{ x: 0 }, y: (() => 1)() })``;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapes.ts:4:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/taggedTemplateStringsWithUnicodeEscapesES6.ts:5:f `'\u{1f4a9}'${ " should be converted to " }'\uD83D\uDCA9'`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/templateStringsArrayTypeDefinedInES5Mode.ts:11:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/templateStringsArrayTypeNotDefinedES5Mode.ts:8:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/templateStringsArrayTypeRedefinedInES6Mode.ts:11:f `abcdef${ 1234 }${ 5678 }ghijkl`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.ts-78-    if (stats.isDirectory) { // err
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.ts:79:        console.log(`[Directory] ${stats.ctime}`)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/truthinessCallExpressionCoercion.ts-80-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.ts-2-export class C {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.ts:3:    public a =  { b: this.b, ...this.c, [this.b]: `${this.c}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/compiler/useBeforeDeclaration_propertyAssignment.ts-4-    private b = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/members/privateNames/privateNameFieldCallExpression.ts-15-        const b = new this.#fieldFunc2(0, ...arr, 3);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/members/privateNames/privateNameFieldCallExpression.ts:16:        const str = this.#fieldFunc2`head${1}middle${2}tail`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/members/privateNames/privateNameFieldCallExpression.ts:17:        this.getInstance().#fieldFunc2`test${1}and${2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/members/privateNames/privateNameFieldCallExpression.ts-18-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/propertyMemberDeclarations/accessorsOverrideProperty2.ts-8-  get x() { return 2; } // should be an error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/propertyMemberDeclarations/accessorsOverrideProperty2.ts:9:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/propertyMemberDeclarations/propertyOverridesAccessors2.ts-4-  get x() { return 2; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/classes/propertyMemberDeclarations/propertyOverridesAccessors2.ts:5:  set x(value) { console.log(`x was set to ${value}`); }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.ts:13:var p0 = import(`${directory}\${moduleFile}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionDeclarationEmit1.ts-14-var p1 = import(getSpecifier());
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.ts-30-    for (const directory of directories) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.ts:31:        const path = `${directory}\moduleFile`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionReturnPromiseOfAny.ts-32-        import(yield path);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.ts-4-const localeName = "zh-CN";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.ts:5:import(`./locales/${localeName}.js`).then(bar => {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/dynamicImport/importCallExpressionShouldNotGetParen.ts-6-    let x = bar;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/enums/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.ts-29-    f = `1` + 1,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/enums/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.ts:30:    g = `1${"2"}3`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/enums/enumConstantMemberWithTemplateLiterals.ts-31-    h = `1`.length
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts-7-const a = tag`123`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:8:const b = tag`123 ${100}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:9:const x = tag`\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:10:const y = `\u{hello} ${ 100 } \xtraordinary ${ 200 } wonderful ${ 300 } \uworld`; // should error with NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts-11-const z = tag`\u{hello} \xtraordinary wonderful \uworld` // should work with Tagged NoSubstitutionTemplate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:13:const a1 = tag`${ 100 }\0` // \0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:14:const a2 = tag`${ 100 }\00` // \\00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:15:const a3 = tag`${ 100 }\u` // \\u
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:16:const a4 = tag`${ 100 }\u0` // \\u0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:17:const a5 = tag`${ 100 }\u00` // \\u00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:18:const a6 = tag`${ 100 }\u000` // \\u000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:19:const a7 = tag`${ 100 }\u0000` // \u0000
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:20:const a8 = tag`${ 100 }\u{` // \\u{
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:21:const a9 = tag`${ 100 }\u{10FFFF}` // \\u{10FFFF
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:22:const a10 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622` // \\u{1f622
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:23:const a11 = tag`${ 100 }\u{1f622}` // \u{1f622}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:24:const a12 = tag`${ 100 }\x` // \\x
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:25:const a13 = tag`${ 100 }\x0` // \\x0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es2018/invalidTaggedTemplateEscapeSequences.ts:26:const a14 = tag`${ 100 }\x00` // \x00
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.ts-15-    [`hello bye`]() { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames10_ES5.ts:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.ts-15-    [`hello bye`]() { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames10_ES6.ts:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.ts-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames11_ES5.ts:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.ts-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames11_ES6.ts:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.ts-15-    [`hello bye`] = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames12_ES5.ts:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.ts-15-    [`hello bye`] = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames12_ES6.ts:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`] = 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.ts-15-    [`hello bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames13_ES5.ts:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.ts-15-    [`hello bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames13_ES6.ts:16:    static [`hello ${a} bye`]() { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.ts-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames16_ES5.ts:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.ts-15-    set [`hello bye`](v) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames16_ES6.ts:16:    get [`hello ${a} bye`]() { return 0; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.ts-15-    [`hello bye`]: 0,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames4_ES5.ts:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.ts-15-    [`hello bye`]: 0,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/computedProperties/computedPropertyNames4_ES6.ts:16:    [`hello ${a} bye`]: 0
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterProperties4.ts-24-    public doSomethingWithSuperProperties() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterProperties4.ts:25:        return `${this.a} ${this.b} ${this.c}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterProperties4.ts-26-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts:3:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.ts:7:f `0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-12-function someGenerics1a<T, U>(n: T, m: number) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:13:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-15-function someGenerics1b<T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:16:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-19-function someGenerics2a<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:20:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-22-function someGenerics2b<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:23:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-26-function someGenerics3<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:27:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:28:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:29:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-32-function someGenerics4<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:33:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:34:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:35:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-38-function someGenerics5<U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:39:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:40:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:41:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-44-function someGenerics6<A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:45:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:46:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:47:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-50-function someGenerics7<A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:51:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:52:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:53:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-56-function someGenerics8<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): T { return n; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:57:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:58:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:64:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-65-var a9a: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:77:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-78-var a9e: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-80-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:81:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-82-var a9d: { x: number; };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-85-var anyVar: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:86:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-87-var a: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-89-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts:90:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.ts-91-var arr: any[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-12-function someGenerics1a<T, U>(n: T, m: number) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:13:someGenerics1a `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-15-function someGenerics1b<T, U>(n: TemplateStringsArray, m: U) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:16:someGenerics1b `${3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-19-function someGenerics2a<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:20:someGenerics2a `${(n: string) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-22-function someGenerics2b<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: (x: T, y: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:23:someGenerics2b `${ (n: string, x: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-26-function someGenerics3<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, producer: () => T) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:27:someGenerics3 `${() => ''}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:28:someGenerics3 `${() => undefined}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:29:someGenerics3 `${() => 3}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-32-function someGenerics4<T, U>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:33:someGenerics4 `${4}${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:34:someGenerics4 `${''}${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:35:someGenerics4 `${ null }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-38-function someGenerics5<U, T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T, f: (x: U) => void) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:39:someGenerics5 `${ 4 } ${ () => null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:40:someGenerics5 `${ '' }${ () => 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:41:someGenerics5 `${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-44-function someGenerics6<A>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: A) => A, c: (c: A) => A) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:45:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:46:someGenerics6 `${ n => n }${ n => n}${ n => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:47:someGenerics6 `${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }${ (n: number) => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-50-function someGenerics7<A, B, C>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, a: (a: A) => A, b: (b: B) => B, c: (c: C) => C) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:51:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:52:someGenerics7 `${ n => n }${ n => n }${ n => n }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:53:someGenerics7 `${(n: number) => n}${ (n: string) => n}${ (n: number) => n}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-56-function someGenerics8<T>(strs: TemplateStringsArray, n: T): T { return n; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:57:var x = someGenerics8 `${ someGenerics7 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:58:x `${null}${null}${null}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:64:var a9a = someGenerics9 `${ '' }${ 0 }${ [] }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-65-var a9a: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:77:var a9e = someGenerics9 `${ undefined }${ { x: 6, z: new Date() } }${ { x: 6, y: '' } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-78-var a9e: {};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-80-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type passed arguments with a single best common type
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:81:var a9d = someGenerics9 `${ { x: 3 }}${ { x: 6 }}${ { x: 6 } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-82-var a9d: { x: number; };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-85-var anyVar: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:86:var a = someGenerics9 `${ 7 }${ anyVar }${ 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-87-var a: any;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-89-// Generic tag with multiple parameters of generic type where one argument is [] and the other is not 'any'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts:90:var arr = someGenerics9 `${ [] }${ null }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInferenceES6.ts-91-var arr: any[];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts:14:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts:18:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts:22:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts:24:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts:26:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTags.ts:28:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts:15:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts:19:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts:23:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts:25:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts:27:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithIncompatibleTypedTagsES6.ts:29:f `abc${ true }def${ true }ghi`["member"].member `abc${ 1 }def${ 2 }ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressions.ts:13:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithManyCallAndMemberExpressionsES6.ts:14:var x = new new new f `abc${ 0 }def`.member("hello")(42) === true;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts-16-var u = foo ``;              // number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts:17:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts:18:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts:19:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts:20:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1.ts:21:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts-17-var u = foo ``;              // number
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts:18:var v = foo `${1}`;          // string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts:19:var w = foo `${1}${2}`;      // boolean
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts:20:var x = foo `${1}${true}`;   // boolean (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts:21:var y = foo `${1}${"2"}`;    // {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution1_ES6.ts:22:var z = foo `${1}${2}${3}`;  // any (with error)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.ts:8:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.ts-9-var b = foo1([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.ts:17:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2.ts-18-var d = foo2([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.ts:8:var a = foo1 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.ts-9-var b = foo1([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.ts:17:var c = foo2 `${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution2_ES6.ts-18-var d = foo2([], 1);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:7:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-9-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:10:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:16:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:17:var d2       = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-22-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:23:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-25-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:26:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:34:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:35:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:36:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-37-var n: number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-39-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:40:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:41:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:42:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-53-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:54:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:55:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:56:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:57:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-59-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:60:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-62-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:63:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:64:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts-69-function fn5() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:70:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.ts:71:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:7:var s: string = fn1 `${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-9-// No candidate overloads found
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:10:fn1 `${ {} }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:16:var d1: Date = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // contextually typed
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:17:var d2 = fn2 `${ 0 }${ undefined }`; // any
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-22-// Generic and non-generic overload where generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:23:fn2 `${ 0 }${ '' }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-25-// Generic and non-generic overload where non-generic overload is the only candidate
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:26:fn2 `${ '' }${ 0 }`; // OK
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:34:var s = fn3 `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:35:var s = fn3 `${'' }${ 3 }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:36:var n = fn3 `${ 5 }${ 5 }${ 5 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-37-var n: number;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-39-// Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with arguments matching each overload type parameter count
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:40:var s = fn3 `${ 4 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:41:var s = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:42:var n = fn3 `${ '' }${ '' }${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-53-// Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:54:fn4 `${ '' }${ 3  }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:55:fn4 `${ 3  }${ '' }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:56:fn4 `${ 3  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:57:fn4 `${ '' }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-59-// Generic overloads with constraints called with type arguments that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:60:fn4 `${ null }${ null }`; // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-62-// Generic overloads with constraints called without type arguments but with types that do not satisfy the constraints
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:63:fn4 `${ true }${ null }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:64:fn4 `${ null }${ true }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts-69-function fn5() { return undefined; }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:70:fn5 `${ (n) => n.toFixed() }`; // will error; 'n' should have type 'string'.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3_ES6.ts:71:fn5 `${ (n) => n.substr(0) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclare.ts:6:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagNamedDeclareES6.ts:6:declare `Hello ${0} world!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts:5:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts:9:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts:13:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts:17:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts:19:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAny.ts:21:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts:5:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts:9:f.g.h `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts:13:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts:17:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts:19:f `abc`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTagsTypedAsAnyES6.ts:21:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].someOtherTag `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts:6:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts:6:foo `${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts:14:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts:18:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts:22:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts:24:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTags.ts:26:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts:15:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts:19:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`.member;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts:23:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts:25:f `abc`[0].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplateStringsWithTypedTagsES6.ts:27:f `abc${1}def${2}ghi`["member"].member `abc${1}def${2}ghi`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.ts:39:export let c = obj["prop"]<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments1.ts:44:c = obj.prop<Stuff> `${(input) => ({ ...input })}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts:14:const a = new tag `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts:16:const b = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts:18:const c = new tag<number> `${100} ${200}`<string>("hello", "world");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts:20:const d = new tag<number> `${"hello"} ${"world"}`<string>(100, 200);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts-26- * new tag<number>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts:27: * `hello${369}`();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/taggedTemplatesWithTypeArguments2.ts-28- * ```
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:1:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:2:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:3:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:4:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:5:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:6:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:7:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:8:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:9:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:10:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:11:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:12:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:14:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:15:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:16:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:17:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:18:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:19:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:20:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:21:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:22:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:23:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:24:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:25:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:27:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:28:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:29:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:30:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:31:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:32:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:33:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:34:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:35:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:36:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:37:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:38:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:40:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:41:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:42:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:43:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:44:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:45:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:46:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:47:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:48:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:49:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:50:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperations.ts:51:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:2:var a = 1 + `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:3:var b = 1 + `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:4:var c = 1 + `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:5:var d = 1 + `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:6:var e = `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:10:var i = 1 + `${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:11:var j = 1 + `2${ 3 }` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:12:var k = 1 + `${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:13:var l = 1 + `2${ 3 }4` + 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:15:var a2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:16:var b2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:17:var c2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:18:var d2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:19:var e2 = `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:20:var f2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:21:var g2 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:22:var h2 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:23:var i2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:24:var j2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:25:var k2 = 1 + `${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:26:var l2 = 1 + `2${ 3 - 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:28:var a3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:29:var b3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:30:var c3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:31:var d3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:32:var e3 = `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:33:var f3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:34:var g3 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:35:var h3 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:36:var i3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:37:var j3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:38:var k3 = 1 + `${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:39:var l3 = 1 + `2${ 3 * 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:41:var a4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:42:var b4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:43:var c4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:44:var d4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:45:var e4 = `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:46:var f4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:47:var g4 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:48:var h4 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:49:var i4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:50:var j4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:51:var k4 = 1 + `${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6.ts:52:var l4 = 1 + `2${ 3 & 4 }5` + 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:2:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:3:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:4:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:5:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:6:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:7:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:8:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:9:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:11:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:12:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:13:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:14:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:15:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:16:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:17:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:18:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:20:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:21:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:22:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:23:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:24:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:25:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:26:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:27:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:29:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:30:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:31:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:32:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:33:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:34:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:35:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:36:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:38:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:39:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:40:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:41:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:42:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:43:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:44:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:45:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:47:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:48:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:49:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:50:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:51:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:52:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:53:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:54:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:56:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:57:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:58:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:59:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:60:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:61:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:62:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:63:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:65:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:66:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:67:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:68:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:69:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:70:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:71:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:72:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:74:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:75:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:76:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:77:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:78:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:79:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:80:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:81:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:83:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:84:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:85:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:86:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:87:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:88:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:89:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:90:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:92:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:93:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:94:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:95:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:96:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:97:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:98:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:99:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:101:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:102:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:103:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:104:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:105:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:106:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:107:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsES6Invalid.ts:108:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:1:var a = 1 - `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:2:var b = 1 - `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:3:var c = 1 - `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:4:var d = 1 - `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:5:var e = `${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:6:var f = `2${ 3 }` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:7:var g = `${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:8:var h = `2${ 3 }4` - 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:10:var a2 = 1 * `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:11:var b2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:12:var c2 = 1 * `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:13:var d2 = 1 * `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:14:var e2 = `${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:15:var f2 = `2${ 3 }` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:16:var g2 = `${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:17:var h2 = `2${ 3 }4` * 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:19:var a3 = 1 & `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:20:var b3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:21:var c3 = 1 & `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:22:var d3 = 1 & `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:23:var e3 = `${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:24:var f3 = `2${ 3 }` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:25:var g3 = `${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:26:var h3 = `2${ 3 }4` & 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:28:var a4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:29:var b4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:30:var c4 = 1 - `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:31:var d4 = 1 - `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:32:var e4 = `${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:33:var f4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:34:var g4 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:35:var h4 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:37:var a5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:38:var b5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:39:var c5 = 1 - `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:40:var d5 = 1 - `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:41:var e5 = `${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:42:var f5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:43:var g5 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:44:var h5 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:46:var a6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:47:var b6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:48:var c6 = 1 - `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:49:var d6 = 1 - `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:50:var e6 = `${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:51:var f6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:52:var g6 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:53:var h6 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` - 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:55:var a7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:56:var b7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:57:var c7 = 1 * `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:58:var d7 = 1 * `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:59:var e7 = `${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:60:var f7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:61:var g7 = `${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:62:var h7 = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:64:var a8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:65:var b8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:66:var c8 = 1 * `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:67:var d8 = 1 * `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:68:var e8 = `${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:69:var f8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:70:var g8 = `${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:71:var h8 = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:73:var a9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:74:var b9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:75:var c9 = 1 * `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:76:var d9 = 1 * `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:77:var e9 = `${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:78:var f9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:79:var g9 = `${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:80:var h9 = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` * 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:82:var aa = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:83:var ba = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:84:var ca = 1 & `${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:85:var da = 1 & `2${ 3 - 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:86:var ea = `${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:87:var fa = `2${ 3 - 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:88:var ga = `${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:89:var ha = `2${ 3 - 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:91:var ab = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:92:var bb = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:93:var cb = 1 & `${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:94:var db = 1 & `2${ 3 * 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:95:var eb = `${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:96:var fb = `2${ 3 * 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:97:var gb = `${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:98:var hb = `2${ 3 * 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:100:var ac = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:101:var bc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:102:var cc = 1 & `${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:103:var dc = 1 & `2${ 3 & 4 }5`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:104:var ec = `${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:105:var fc = `2${ 3 & 4 }` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:106:var gc = `${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringBinaryOperationsInvalid.ts:107:var hc = `2${ 3 & 4 }5` & 6;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArray.ts:1:var x = [1, 2, `abc${ 123 }def`];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArrowFunction.ts:1:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInArrowFunctionES6.ts:2:var x = x => `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpression.ts:1:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInCallExpressionES6.ts:2:`abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInConditional.ts:1:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInConditionalES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInConditionalES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ " " }def` ? `abc${ " " }def` : `abc${ " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpression.ts:1:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDeleteExpressionES6.ts:2:delete `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInDivision.ts:1:var x = `abc${ 1 }def` / 1;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts:1:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts:2:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts:3:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecks.ts:4:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${0}abc` === `abc` ||
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts:3:        `abc` !== `abc${0}abc` &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts:4:        `abc${0}abc` == "abc0abc" &&
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInEqualityChecksES6.ts:5:        "abc0abc" !== `abc${0}abc`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInFunctionExpression.ts-1-var x = function y() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInFunctionExpression.ts:2:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInFunctionExpression.ts:3:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.ts-2-var x = function y() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.ts:3:    `abc${ 0 }def`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInFunctionExpressionES6.ts:4:    return `abc${ 0 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInOperator.ts:1:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInOperatorES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInOperatorES6.ts:2:var x = `${ "hi" }` in { hi: 10, hello: 20};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInIndexExpressionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOf.ts:1:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInInstanceOfES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ 0 }def` instanceof String;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModuleName.ts:4:declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModuleNameES6.ts:5:declare module `M${2}` {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModulo.ts:1:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModuloES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInModuloES6.ts:2:var x = 1 % `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplication.ts:1:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInMultiplicationES6.ts:2:var x = 1 * `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpression.ts:1:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewExpressionES6.ts:2:new `abc${0}abc`(`hello ${0} world`, `   `, `1${2}3`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperator.ts:1:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInNewOperatorES6.ts:2:var x = new `abc${ 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInObjectLiteral.ts-1-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInObjectLiteral.ts:2:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInObjectLiteral.ts-3-    `b`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.ts-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.ts:3:    a: `abc${ 123 }def`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInObjectLiteralES6.ts-4-    `b`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInParentheses.ts:1:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInParenthesesES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInParenthesesES6.ts:2:var x = (`abc${0}abc`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.ts-1-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyAssignment.ts:2:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.ts-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyAssignmentES6.ts:3:    a: `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyName2.ts-1-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyName2.ts:2:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.ts-2-var x = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInPropertyNameES6_2.ts:3:    `abc${ 123 }def${ 456 }ghi`: 321
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts:1:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts-2-    case `abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts-3-    case `123`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts:4:    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCase.ts:5:        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts:2:switch (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts-3-    case `abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts-4-    case `123`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts:5:    case `abc${0}abc`:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInSwitchAndCaseES6.ts:6:        `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplate.ts:1:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTaggedTemplateES6.ts:2:`I AM THE ${ `${ `TAG` } ` } PORTION`    `I ${ "AM" } THE TEMPLATE PORTION`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeAssertion.ts:1:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeAssertionES6.ts:2:var x = <any>`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeOf.ts:1:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeOfES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInTypeOfES6.ts:2:var x = typeof `abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInUnaryPlus.ts:1:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInUnaryPlusES6.ts:2:var x = +`abc${ 123 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhile.ts:1:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhile.ts:2:    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhileES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhileES6.ts:2:while (`abc${0}abc`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInWhileES6.ts:3:    `def${1}def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInYieldKeyword.ts-3-    // Once this is supported, the inner expression does not need to be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringInYieldKeyword.ts:4:    var x = yield `abc${ x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02.ts:3:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringPlainCharactersThatArePartsOfEscapes02_ES6.ts:3:`0${ " " }1${ " " }2${ " " }3${ " " }4${ " " }5${ " " }6${ " " }7${ " " }8${ " " }9${ " " }10${ " " }11${ " " }12${ " " }13${ " " }14${ " " }15${ " " }16${ " " }17${ " " }18${ " " }19${ " " }20${ " " }2028${ " " }2029${ " " }0085${ " " }t${ " " }v${ " " }f${ " " }b${ " " }r${ " " }n`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedAddition.ts:1:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedAdditionES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ 10 + 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArray.ts:1:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrayES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ [1,2,3] }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunction.ts:1:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedArrowFunctionES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ x => x }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditional.ts:1:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedConditionalES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ true ? false : " " }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivision.ts:1:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedDivisionES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ 1 / 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpression.ts:1:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedFunctionExpressionES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ function y() { return y; } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperator.ts:1:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInOperatorES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ "hi" in { hi: 10, hello: 20} }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOf.ts:1:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedInstanceOfES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ "hello" instanceof String }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedModulo.ts:1:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedModuloES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ 1 % 1 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplication.ts:1:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedMultiplicationES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ 7 * 6 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperator.ts:1:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedNewOperatorES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ new String("Hi") }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteral.ts:1:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedObjectLiteralES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ { x: 10, y: 20 } }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateString.ts:1:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTemplateStringES6.ts:2:var x = `123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321 123${ `456 ${ " | " } 654` }321`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAddition.ts:1:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeAssertionOnAdditionES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ <any>(10 + 10) }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperator.ts:1:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedTypeOfOperatorES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ typeof "hi" }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlus.ts:1:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedUnaryPlusES6.ts:2:var x = `abc${ +Infinity }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.ts-2-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeyword.ts:3:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.ts-3-    // Once this is supported, yield *must* be parenthesized.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmbeddedYieldKeywordES6.ts:4:    var x = `abc${ yield 10 }def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:3:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:5:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:7:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:9:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:11:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:13:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:15:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:17:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:19:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:21:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:23:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortions.ts:25:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:4:var b = `${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:6:var c = `1${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:8:var d = `${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:10:var e = `1${ 0 }2`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:12:var f = `${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:14:var g = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:16:var h = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:18:var i = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:20:var j = `${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:22:var k = `1${ 0 }${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:24:var l = `${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithEmptyLiteralPortionsES6.ts:26:var m = `1${ 0 }2${ 0 }3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortion.ts:1:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithOpenCommentInStringPortionES6.ts:2:` /**head  ${ 10 } // still middle  ${ 20 } /* still tail `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringWithPropertyAccessES6.ts-1-// @target: ES6
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpression.ts:3:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/templates/templateStringsWithTypeErrorInFunctionExpressionsInSubstitutionExpressionES6.ts:3:`${function (x: number) { x = "bad"; } }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/unicodeExtendedEscapes/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES5.ts:3:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es6/unicodeExtendedEscapes/unicodeExtendedEscapesInTemplates20_ES6.ts:3:var x = `\u{48}\u{65}\u{6c}\u{6c}\u{6f}${`\u{20}\u{020}\u{0020}\u{000020}`}\u{77}\u{6f}\u{72}\u{6c}\u{64}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts-7-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:8:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:9:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:10:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:11:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:12:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:13:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts-15-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:16:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:17:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:18:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:19:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:20:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:21:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts-23-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:24:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:25:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:26:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:27:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4.ts:28:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts-7-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:8:`${t1 ** -t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:9:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:10:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:11:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:12:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:13:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts-15-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empt
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:16:`${t1 ** -t2} hello world ${t1 ** -t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:17:`${(-t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:18:`${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t1 ** (-++t1) **- t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:19:`${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1} hello world ${t2 ** (-t1++) **  - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:20:`${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:21:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts-23-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:24:`hello ${(-t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:25:`hello ${(-++t1) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:26:`hello ${(-t1++) ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:27:`hello ${(~t1) ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTempalteString4ES6.ts:28:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts-7-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:8:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:9:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:10:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:11:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:12:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:13:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:14:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:16:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:17:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:18:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:19:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:20:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:21:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:23:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:24:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:25:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:27:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1.ts:28:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts-7-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:8:`${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:9:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:10:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:11:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:12:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:13:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:14:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:16:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:17:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:18:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:19:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:20:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:21:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:23:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:24:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:25:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:27:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString1ES6.ts:28:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts-7-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:8:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:9:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:10:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:11:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:12:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:13:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:14:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:16:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:17:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:18:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:19:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:20:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:21:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:23:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:24:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:25:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:26:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:27:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2.ts:28:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts-7-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:8:`hello ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:9:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:10:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:11:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:12:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:13:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:14:`hello ${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:16:`hello ${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:17:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:18:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:19:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:20:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:21:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:23:`hello ${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:24:`hello ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:25:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:26:`hello ${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:27:`hello ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString2ES6.ts:28:`hello ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts-7-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:8:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:9:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:10:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:11:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:12:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:13:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:14:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:16:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:17:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:18:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:19:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:20:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:21:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:23:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:24:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:25:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:27:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3.ts:28:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts-7-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:8:`${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:9:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:10:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:11:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:12:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:13:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:14:`${1 + typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:16:`${t1 ** t2}${t1 ** t2} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:17:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1}${t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:18:`${t1 + t2 ** t1}${t1 + t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:19:`${t1 ** t2 + t1}${t1 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:20:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1}${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:21:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) }${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:23:`${t1 ** t2} hello world ${t1 ** t2} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:24:`${t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:25:`${t1 + t2 ** t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:26:`${t1 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:27:`${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} hello world ${t1 + t2 ** t2 + t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/emitExponentiationOperatorInTemplateString3ES6.ts:28:`${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1) } hello world ${typeof (t1 ** t2 ** t1)} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts-8-// TempateHead & TemplateTail are empty
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:9:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:10:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:11:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:12:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:13:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:14:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:16:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:17:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:18:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:19:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:20:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:21:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:23:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:24:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:25:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:26:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:27:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError1.ts:28:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts-8-// With templateHead
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:9:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:10:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:11:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:12:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:13:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:14:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:16:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:17:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:18:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:19:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:20:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:21:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:23:`hello ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:24:`hello ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:25:`hello ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:26:`hello ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:27:`hello ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError2.ts:28:`hello ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts-8-// With TemplateTail
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:9:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:10:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:11:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:12:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:13:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:14:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:16:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1}${-t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:17:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1}${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:18:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1}${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:19:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 }${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:20:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:21:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1}${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} world`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:23:`${-t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:24:`${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-++t1 ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:25:`${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} hello world ${-t1++ ** t2 - t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:26:`${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } hello world ${!t1 ** t2 ** --t1 } !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:27:`${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorInTemplateStringWithSyntaxError3.ts:28:`${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} hello world ${1 + typeof t1 ** t2 ** t1} !!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:3:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:4:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:5:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:6:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:7:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:8:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:9:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:10:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts-12-var k = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:13:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:14:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:15:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalid.ts:16:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:3:var a = 1 ** `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:4:var b = 1 ** `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:5:var c = 1 ** `${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:6:var d = 1 ** `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:7:var e = `${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:8:var f = `2${ 3 }` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:9:var g = `${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:10:var h = `2${ 3 }4` ** 5;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts-12-var k = 10;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:13:k **= `${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:14:k **= `2${ 3 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:15:k **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/es7/exponentiationOperator/exponentiationOperatorWithTemplateStringInvalidES6.ts:16:kj **= `2${ 3 }4`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts:3:var a = `${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts:4:var b = `leading ${123 + 456 as number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts:5:var c = `${123 + 456 as number} trailing`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts:6:var d = `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts-7-var e = `Hello` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts:8:var f = 1 + `${1} end of string` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts:9:var g = tag `Hello ${123} World` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOperator3.ts-10-var h = tag `Hello` as string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:14:var a = tempFun `${ x => x }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:15:var b = tempFun `${ (x => x) }  ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:16:var c = tempFun `${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:17:var d = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ x => x } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:18:var e = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ (x => x) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:19:var f = tempFun `${ x => x } ${ ((x => x)) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:20:var g = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ 10 }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/parenthesizedContexualTyping3.ts:21:var h = tempFun `${ (x => x) } ${ (((x => x))) } ${ undefined }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts-14-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts:15:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts:16:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts:17:tempTag1 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }                   }${ (y: <T>(p: T) => T) => { y<number>(undefined); return y } }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping1.ts:18:tempTag1 `${ (x: <T>(p: T) => T) => { x<number>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<number>(undefined); return y; }                  }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts-15-// so this test will error.
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts:16:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number>(undefined); return x; }         }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts:17:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ y => { y<string, number>(null); return y; } }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/contextualTyping/taggedTemplateContextualTyping2.ts:18:tempTag2 `${ x => { x<number, string>(undefined); return x; } }${ undefined }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-70-let t2 = 'bar' as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:71:let t3 = `${t1}-${t2}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:72:let t4 = `${`(${t1})`}-${`(${t2})`}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-74-function ff1(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: 1 | 2) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:75:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-78-function ff2<T extends string, U extends string>(x: T, y: U) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:79:    return `${x}-${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-86-function ff3(x: 'foo' | 'bar', y: object) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:87:    return `${x}${y}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-91-type ContentMatch = "match" | "nonMatch";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:92:type Outcome = `${Action}_${ContentMatch}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-96-    const contentMatch: ContentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:97:    const outcome: Outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-98-    return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-103-    const contentMatch = contentMatches ? `match` : `nonMatch`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:104:    const outcome = `${action}_${contentMatch}` as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-105-    return outcome;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts-108-function accessorNames<S extends string>(propName: S) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeAssertions/constAssertions.ts:109:    return [`get-${propName}`, `set-${propName}`] as const;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeGuards/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts-80-            else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeGuards/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts:81:                log(`unknown - ${beast.legs} legs, wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeGuards/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts-82-            }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeGuards/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts-86-        else {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeGuards/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts:87:            log(`manbearpig - ${beast.legs} legs, no wings`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/expressions/typeGuards/typeGuardIntersectionTypes.ts-88-        }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/jsdoc/declarations/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.ts-7-    constructor(status) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/jsdoc/declarations/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.ts:8:        super(`error with status ${status}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/jsdoc/declarations/jsDeclarationsExportedClassAliases.ts-9-    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/jsdoc/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.ts-12-module.exports.h = module.exports.i = function hi(mom) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/jsdoc/jsdocTypeFromChainedAssignment2.ts:13:    return `hi, ${mom}!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:6:const createScopedActionType = <S extends string>(scope: S) => <T extends string>(type: T) => `${scope}/${type}` as `${S}/${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:7:const createActionInMyScope = createScopedActionType("MyScope");  // <T extends string>(type: T) => `MyScope/${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-8-const MY_ACTION = createActionInMyScope("MY_ACTION");  // 'MyScope/MY_ACTION'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:12:type EventName<S extends string> = `${S}Changed`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-13-type EN1 = EventName<'Foo' | 'Bar' | 'Baz'>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:14:type Loc = `${'top' | 'middle' | 'bottom'}-${'left' | 'center' | 'right'}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:18:type ToString<T extends string | number | boolean | bigint> = `${T}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-19-type TS1 = ToString<'abc' | 42 | true | -1234n>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:23:type TL1<T extends string> = `a${T}b${T}c`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:24:type TL2<U extends string> = TL1<`x${U}y`>;  // `ax${U}ybx{$U}yc`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-25-type TL3 = TL2<'o'>;  // 'axoybxoyc'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:29:type Cases<T extends string> = `${Uppercase<T>} ${Lowercase<T>} ${Capitalize<T>} ${Uncapitalize<T>}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:36:function test<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'>(name: `get${Capitalize<T>}`) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-37-    let s1: string = name;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:41:function fa1<T>(x: T, y: { [P in keyof T]: T[P] }, z: { [P in keyof T & string as `p_${P}`]: T[P] }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-42-    y = x;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:46:function fa2<T, U extends T, A extends string, B extends A>(x: { [P in B as `p_${P}`]: T }, y: { [Q in A as `p_${Q}`]: U }) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-47-    x = y;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-54-    T extends [] ? '' :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:55:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint] ? `${T[0]}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:56:    T extends [string | number | boolean | bigint, ...infer U] ? `${T[0]}${D}${Join<U, D>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-57-    string;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:65:type MatchPair<S extends string> = S extends `[${infer A},${infer B}]` ? [A, B] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-73-type SnakeToCamelCase<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:74:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:75:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Lowercase<T>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-76-    SnakeToPascalCase<S>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-79-    string extends S ? string :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:80:    S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}${SnakeToPascalCase<U>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:81:    S extends `${infer T}` ? `${Capitalize<Lowercase<T>>}` :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-82-    never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:91:type FirstTwoAndRest<S extends string> = S extends `${infer A}${infer B}${infer R}` ? [`${A}${B}`, R] : unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-99-type HexColor<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:100:    S extends `#${infer R1}${infer R2}${infer G1}${infer G2}${infer B1}${infer B2}` ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-101-        [R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2] extends [HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit, HexDigit] ?
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-113-type Trim<S extends string> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:114:    S extends ` ${infer T}` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:115:    S extends `${infer T} ` ? Trim<T> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-116-    S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-124-    S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:125:    S extends `${infer T}${D}${infer U}` ? [T, ...Split<U, D>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-126-    [S];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:135:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string, P2 extends keyof T[P0][P1] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}.${P2}`): T[P0][P1][P2];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:136:declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string, P1 extends keyof T[P0] & string>(obj: T, path: `${P0}.${P1}`): T[P0][P1];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-137-declare function getProp<T, P0 extends keyof T & string>(obj: T, path: P0): T[P0];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-146-    Path extends keyof T ? T[Path] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:147:    Path extends `${infer K}.${infer R}` ? K extends keyof T ? PropType<T[K], R> : unknown :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-148-    unknown;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:163:type S1<T> = T extends `foo${infer U}bar` ? S2<U> : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-164-type S2<S extends string> = S;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:168:type TV1 = `${infer X}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-173-    string extends S ? string[] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:174:    S extends `${infer C0}${infer C1}${infer C2}${infer C3}${infer C4}${infer C5}${infer C6}${infer C7}${infer C8}${infer C9}${infer R}` ? [C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:175:    S extends `${infer C}${infer R}` ? [C, ...Chars<R>] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-176-    S extends '' ? [] :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:183:type Foo<T> = T extends `*${infer S}*` ? S : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:204:type D100000 = `${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}${Digits}`;  // Error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:212:type IsNegative<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${string}` ? true : false;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-221-type PathKeys<T> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:222:    T extends readonly any[] ? Extract<keyof T, `${number}`> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, `${number}`>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts-223-    T extends object ? Extract<keyof T, string> | SubKeys<T, Extract<keyof T, string>> :
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypes1.ts:226:type SubKeys<T, K extends string> = K extends keyof T ? `${K}.${PathKeys<T[K]>}` : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-1-// @strict: true
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:2:type RequiresLeadingSlash = `/${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:10:type Protocol<T extends string, U extends string> = `${T}://${U}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-11-function download(hostSpec: Protocol<"http" | "https" | "ftp", string>) { }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:21:declare function bools(x: `${boolean}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-22-// ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:29:type Pat<T extends string | null | undefined> = `${T}`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-30-declare function nullishes(x: Pat<null | undefined>): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:42:declare function numbers(x: `${number}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-43-// the following should work
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:76:declare function bigints(x: `${bigint}`): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-77-// the following should work
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:132:type AStr = `a${string}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:133:type ANum = `a${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:134:type AAny = `a${any}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-153-// Validates variance isn't measured as strictly covariant
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:154:type AGen<T extends string | number> = {field: `a${T}`};
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-155-const shouldWork1: AGen<string> = null as any as AGen<"yes">;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-158-// validates concatenation of patterns
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:159:type A = `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:160:type B = `${A} ${A}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-161-const exampleBad: B = "anything"; // fails
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts-166-var aa: '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:167:var aa: '0' & `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:171:let t1: `foo${string}` | 'foo1' | '1foo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:172:let t2: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo';  // `foo${string}` | '1foo' | 'xfoo'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:173:let t3: `foo1` | '1foo' | 'foofoo' | `foo${string}` | 'foox' | 'xfoo' | `${number}foo`;  // `foo${string}` | xfoo' | `${number}foo`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:175:var bb: `${number}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatterns.ts:176:var bb: `${number}` | '0';
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts:1:const s1: `:${string}:` = ":"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts:2:const s2: `:${string}:` = "::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts:3:const s3: `:${string}:${string}:` = "::"; // should error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/literal/templateLiteralTypesPatternsPrefixSuffixAssignability.ts:4:const s4: `:${string}:${string}:` = ":::"; // ok
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts:6:type Getters<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `get${Capitalize<P>}`]: () => T[P] };
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts-7-type TG1 = Getters<{ foo: string, bar: number, baz: { z: boolean } }>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts:29:type DoubleProp<T> = { [P in keyof T & string as `${P}1` | `${P}2`]: T[P] }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts-30-type TD1 = DoubleProp<{ a: string, b: number }>;  // { a1: string, a2: string, b1: number, b2: number }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts-31-type TD2 = keyof TD1;  // 'a1' | 'a2' | 'b1' | 'b2'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts:32:type TD3<U> = keyof DoubleProp<U>;  // `${keyof U & string}1` | `${keyof U & string}2`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts-36-type Lazyify<T> = {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/mapped/mappedTypeAsClauses.ts:37:    [K in keyof T as `get${Capitalize<K & string>}`]: () => T[K]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/stringLiteral/stringLiteralTypesWithTemplateStrings02.ts:5:let de_NEWLINE_f: "DE\nF" = `DE${"\n"}F`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeAliases/intrinsicTypes.ts:32:type TX1<S extends string> = Uppercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeAliases/intrinsicTypes.ts-33-type TX2 = TX1<'xYz'>;  // "ABXYZ"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeAliases/intrinsicTypes.ts:34:type TX3<S extends string> = Lowercase<`aB${S}`>;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeAliases/intrinsicTypes.ts-35-type TX4 = TX3<'xYz'>;  // "abxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeAliases/intrinsicTypes.ts:36:type TX5 = `${Uppercase<'abc'>}${Lowercase<'XYZ'>}`;  // "ABCxyz"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeRelationships/recursiveTypes/recursiveTypeReferences1.ts-107-    return html('li', [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeRelationships/recursiveTypes/recursiveTypeReferences1.ts:108:      html('a', { href: `#${el.id}`, rel: 'noopener', 'data-index': idx.join('.') }, el.textContent!),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/conformance/types/typeRelationships/recursiveTypes/recursiveTypeReferences1.ts-109-      children.length > 0 ? parse(children, idx) : frag()
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.ts-3-//// function foo() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.ts:4:////     bar`a${1}b`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/callHierarchyTaggedTemplate.ts-5-//// }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/codeFixClassPropertyInitialization.ts-41-    return [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/codeFixClassPropertyInitialization.ts:42:        `Add 'undefined' type to property '${name}'`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/codeFixClassPropertyInitialization.ts:43:        `Add definite assignment assertion to property '${options.isPrivate ? "private " : ""}${name}: ${type};'`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/codeFixClassPropertyInitialization.ts:44:        ...(options.noInitializer ? [] : [`Add initializer to property '${name}'`]),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/codeFixClassPropertyInitialization.ts-45-    ].map(description => ({ description }));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport1.ts-45-    verify.completions(
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport1.ts:46:        { marker: `${kind}0`, exact: ["fake-module", "fake-module-dev"], isNewIdentifierLocation: true },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport1.ts:47:        { marker: `${kind}1`, exact: ["dts", "index", "ts", "tsx"], isNewIdentifierLocation: true },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport1.ts:48:        { marker: `${kind}2`, exact: ["fake-module", "fake-module-dev"].map(name => ({ name, replacementSpan: test.ranges()[i] })), isNewIdentifierLocation: true },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport1.ts-49-    );
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport11.ts-26-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport11.ts:27:        marker: kinds.map(k => `${k}0`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport11.ts-28-        exact: "module",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport11.ts-31-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport11.ts:32:        marker: kinds.map(k => `${k}1`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralNonrelativeImport11.ts-33-        exact: "index",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralRelativeImport3.ts-35-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralRelativeImport3.ts:36:        marker: [...kinds.map(k => `${k}0`), ...kinds.map(k => `${k}1`)],
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralRelativeImport3.ts-37-        exact: "fourslash",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralRelativeImport3.ts-40-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralRelativeImport3.ts:41:        marker: kinds.map(k => `${k}2`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionForStringLiteralRelativeImport3.ts-42-        exact: ["e1", "f1", "f2", "folder", "tests"],
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts-26-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts:27:        marker: [1,2,3,4].map(i => `parameterName${i}`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts-28-        exact: undefined,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts-30-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts:31:        marker: [1,2,3,4].map(i => `constructorParameter${i}`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts-32-        exact: completion.constructorParameterKeywords,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts-35-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts:36:        marker: [5, 6].map(i => `constructorParameter${i}`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListAtIdentifierDefinitionLocations_parameters.ts-37-        exact: undefined,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListInTemplateLiteralParts1.ts:3://///*0*/`  $ { ${/*1*/ 10/*2*/ + 1.1/*3*/ /*4*/} 12312`/*5*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListInTemplateLiteralPartsNegatives1.ts:3:////`/*0*/ /*1*/$ /*2*/{ /*3*/$/*4*/{ 10 + 1.1 }/*5*/ 12312/*6*/`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListIsGlobalCompletion.ts-34-////const z = <div =/*13*/ />; // no globals in jsx attribute with syntax error
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListIsGlobalCompletion.ts:35:////const x = `/*14*/ ${/*15*/}`; // globals only in template expression
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListIsGlobalCompletion.ts-36-////var user = </*16*/User name=/*17*/{ /*18*/window.isLoggedIn ? window.name : '/*19*/'} />; // globals only in JSX expression (but not in JSX expression strings)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesFromModule.ts-253-const commonValues: ReadonlyArray<FourSlashInterface.ExpectedCompletionEntry> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesFromModule.ts:254:    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(n => ({ name: `mod${n}`, text: `namespace mod${n}` }));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesFromModule.ts-255-const commonTypes: ReadonlyArray<FourSlashInterface.ExpectedCompletionEntry> =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesFromModule.ts:256:    [1, 2, 4].map(n => ({ name: `mod${n}`, text: `namespace mod${n}` }));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts-248-        { name: "mod1fn", text: "function mod1fn(): void" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts:249:        { name: "mod1evar", text: `var ${mod1Dot}mod1evar: number` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts:250:        { name: "mod1efn", text: `function ${mod1Dot}mod1efn(): void` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts-251-        { name: "mod1eexvar", text: `var mod1.mod1eexvar: number` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts-257-        { name: "mod1int", text: "interface mod1int" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts:258:        { name: "mod1eint", text: `interface ${mod1Dot}mod1eint` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts-259-        { name: "shwint", text: "interface shwint" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts-263-        { name: "mod1mod", text: "namespace mod1mod" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts:264:        { name: "mod1ecls", text: `class ${mod1Dot}mod1ecls` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts:265:        { name: "mod1emod", text: `namespace ${mod1Dot}mod1emod` },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionListWithModulesInsideModuleScope.ts-266-        { name: "mod2", text: "namespace mod2" },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsImport_matching.ts-22-            source: "/a",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsImport_matching.ts:23:            text: `function ${name}(): void`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsImport_matching.ts-24-            hasAction: true,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsImport_notFromIndex.ts-35-        source: "/src/a",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsImport_notFromIndex.ts:36:        description: `Import 'x' from module "${sourceDisplay}"`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsImport_notFromIndex.ts:37:        newFileContent: `import { x } from "${sourceDisplay}";\n\nx`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsImport_notFromIndex.ts-38-    });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsOptionalReplacementSpan1.ts-9-  verify.completions({
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsOptionalReplacementSpan1.ts:10:    marker: `${marker}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsOptionalReplacementSpan1.ts-11-    optionalReplacementSpan: range,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsRecommended_contextualTypes.ts-14-////function tag(arr: TemplateStringsArray, x: E) {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsRecommended_contextualTypes.ts-32-            name: enumName,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsRecommended_contextualTypes.ts:33:            text: `enum ${enumName}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsRecommended_contextualTypes.ts-34-            kind: "enum",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsWithStringReplacementMode.ts-9-    verify.completions({
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsWithStringReplacementMode.ts:10:        marker: `${i + 1}`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/completionsWithStringReplacementMode.ts-11-        exact: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/extract-unterminated3.ts-13-function newFunction() {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/extract-unterminated3.ts:14:    return \`head\${middle}tail\`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/findAllRefsInsideTemplates1.ts-3-////[|var [|{| "isWriteAccess": true, "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 0 |}x|] = 10;|]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/findAllRefsInsideTemplates1.ts:4:////var y = `${ [|x|] } ${ [|x|] }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/findAllRefsInsideTemplates2.ts-3-////[|function [|{| "isWriteAccess": true, "isDefinition": true, "contextRangeIndex": 0 |}f|](...rest: any[]) { }|]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/findAllRefsInsideTemplates2.ts:4:////[|f|] `${ [|f|] } ${ [|f|] }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:3:////const a1 = `${ 1 }${ 1 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts-4-////const a2 = `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:17:////const a5 = `text ${ 1 } text ${ 1 } text`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts-18-////const a6 = `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:27:    "const a1 = `${1}${1}`;\n" +
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:45:    "const a5 = `text ${1} text ${1} text`;\n" +
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceBetweenClosingParenAndTemplateString.ts-4-//// bar()`def`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatNoSpaceBetweenClosingParenAndTemplateString.ts:5://// baz()`a${x}b`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:3:////const a1 = `${1}${1}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts-4-////const a2 = `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:17:////const a5 = `text ${1} text ${1} text`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts-18-////const a6 = `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:27:    "const a1 = `${ 1 }${ 1 }`;\n" +
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatSpaceAfterTemplateHeadAndMiddle.ts:45:    "const a5 = `text ${ 1 } text ${ 1 } text`;\n" +
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts-3-/////*1*/rasdesgeryt35t35y35 e4 ergt er 35t 3535 `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts:4:////var y = `1${2}/*2*/3`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts-7-////let z=    `foo`;/*3*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts:8:////let w=  `bar${3}`;/*4*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts:12:////String.raw  `bar${3}`;/*7*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts:13:////`Write ${   JSON.stringify("")   } and ${    (765)   } and ${   346  }`;/*spaceInside*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts:30:verify.currentLineContentIs("let w = `bar${3}`;");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formatTemplateLiteral.ts:40:verify.currentLineContentIs('`Write ${JSON.stringify("")} and ${(765)} and ${346}`;');
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingMultipleMappedType.ts-22-for (let index = 1; index < 8; index++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingMultipleMappedType.ts:23:    goTo.marker(`x${index}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingMultipleMappedType.ts:24:    verify.currentLineContentIs(`type x${index}<T> = { [K in keyof T]: number }`);   
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingMultipleMappedType.ts-30-for (let index = 1; index < 8; index++) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingMultipleMappedType.ts:31:    goTo.marker(`y${index}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingMultipleMappedType.ts:32:    verify.currentLineContentIs(`type y${index} = { foo: number }`);   
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingOptionsChange.ts-9-/////*insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets*/[1  ]; [ ]; []; [,];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingOptionsChange.ts:10://///*insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces*/`${1}`;`${   1  }`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingOptionsChange.ts-11-/////*insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion*/const bar = <Bar>    Thing.getFoo();
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingOptionsChange.ts-28-runTest("insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets", "[ 1 ];[];[];[ , ];", "[1];[];[];[,];");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingOptionsChange.ts:29:runTest("insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces", "`${ 1 }`; `${ 1 }`", "`${1}`; `${1}`");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingOptionsChange.ts-30-runTest("insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion", "const bar = <Bar> Thing.getFoo();", "const bar = <Bar>Thing.getFoo();");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingTemplates.ts:3:////String.call `${123}`/*1*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingTemplates.ts:4:////String.call `${123} ${456}`/*2*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/formattingTemplates.ts:12:verify.currentLineContentIs("String.call`${123} ${456}`;");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/fourslash.ts-285-        goToDefinition(startsAndEnds: { [startMarkerName: string]: ArrayOrSingle<string> }): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/fourslash.ts:286:        /** Verifies goToDefinition for each `${markerName}Reference` -> `${markerName}Definition` */
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/fourslash.ts-287-        goToDefinitionForMarkers(...markerNames: string[]): void;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/getOutliningSpansForTemplateLiteral.ts-9-//// line`|]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/getOutliningSpansForTemplateLiteral.ts:10://// const e = [|`signal ${1} line`|]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/getOutliningSpansForTemplateLiteral.ts-11-//// const f = [|`multi
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/getOutliningSpansForTemplateLiteral.ts-13-//// line`|]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/getOutliningSpansForTemplateLiteral.ts:14://// const g = tag[|`signal ${1} line`|]
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/getOutliningSpansForTemplateLiteral.ts-15-//// const h = tag[|`multi
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/importNameCodeFix_endingPreference.ts-24-    goTo.file(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/importNameCodeFix_endingPreference.ts:25:    verify.importFixAtPosition([`import { foo } from "${specifier}";\n\nfoo;`,], /*errorCode*/ undefined, { importModuleSpecifierEnding });
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAmdIife.ts-41-for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAmdIife.ts:42:    goTo.marker(`4_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAmdIife.ts-43-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAmdIife.ts-47-for (let i = 1; i < 5; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAmdIife.ts:48:    goTo.marker(`8_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAmdIife.ts-49-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInArrays.ts-17-for (let i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInArrays.ts:18:    goTo.marker(`8_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInArrays.ts-19-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAssignment.ts-27-for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAssignment.ts:28:    goTo.marker(`0_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAssignment.ts-29-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAssignment.ts-33-for (let i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAssignment.ts:34:    goTo.marker(`4_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAssignment.ts-35-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAsyncExpressions.ts-12-for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAsyncExpressions.ts:13:    goTo.marker(`8_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInAsyncExpressions.ts-14-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInClassExpression.ts-22-    for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInClassExpression.ts:23:        goTo.marker(`${level}_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInClassExpression.ts-24-        edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInComments.ts-20-for (let i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInComments.ts:21:    goTo.marker(`0_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInComments.ts-22-    verify.indentationIs(0);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInComments.ts:24:    goTo.marker(`4_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInComments.ts-25-    verify.indentationIs(4);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInObject.ts-17-for (let i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInObject.ts:18:    goTo.marker(`4_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInObject.ts-19-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInObject.ts-22-for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInObject.ts:23:    goTo.marker(`8_${i}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/indentationInObject.ts-24-    edit.insertLine("");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/jsFileJsdocTypedefTagTypeExpressionCompletion.ts-52-    {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/jsFileJsdocTypedefTagTypeExpressionCompletion.ts:53:        marker: [1, 2, 3].map(i => `${i}TypeMember`),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/jsFileJsdocTypedefTagTypeExpressionCompletion.ts-54-        includes: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/navigationBarAnonymousClassAndFunctionExpressions.ts-20-////    console.log(function() {})
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/navigationBarAnonymousClassAndFunctionExpressions.ts:21:////    describe("this", 'function', `is a function`, `but this ${"wont"} show`, () => {});
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/navigationBarAnonymousClassAndFunctionExpressions.ts-22-////    [].map(() => {});
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression1.ts:9:////tempTag1 `${ x => /*0*/x }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression1.ts:10:////tempTag1 `${ x => /*1*/x }${ x => /*2*/x }${ 10 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression1.ts:11:////tempTag1 `${ x => /*3*/x }${ (x: number) => /*4*/x }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression1.ts:12:////tempTag1 `${ (x: number) => /*5*/x }${ x => /*6*/x }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression2.ts:9:////tempTag2 `${ x => /*0*/x }${ 0 }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression2.ts:10:////tempTag2 `${ /*1*/x => /*2*/x }${ undefined }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression2.ts:11:////tempTag2 `${ x => /*3*/x }${ x => /*4*/x }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoForContextuallyTypedFunctionInTaggedTemplateExpression2.ts:12:////tempTag2 `${ x => /*5*/x }${ undefined }${ "hello" }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/quickInfoWithNestedDestructuredParameterInLambda.ts:12:////export const /*1*/SomeStatelessComponent = ({someProp: { someBoolean, someString}}: SomeProps) => (<div>{`${someBoolean}${someString}`});
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertExport_exportNodeKinds.ts-73-    const newContent = tests[name];
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertExport_exportNodeKinds.ts:74:    const fileName = `/${name}.ts`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertExport_exportNodeKinds.ts-75-    goTo.selectAllInFile(fileName);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertParamsToDestructuredObject_templateLiteral.ts-3-////function /*a*/insert/*b*/(template: string, overwriteBefore = 0) {}
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertParamsToDestructuredObject_templateLiteral.ts:4:////insert(`this is \${not} a substitution`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertParamsToDestructuredObject_templateLiteral.ts-13-      'function insert({ template, overwriteBefore = 0 }: { template: string; overwriteBefore?: number; }) {}',
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertParamsToDestructuredObject_templateLiteral.ts:14:      'insert({ template: `this is \\${not} a substitution` });'
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertParamsToDestructuredObject_templateLiteral.ts-15-    ].join('\n')
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateAsFnArgument.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateAsFnArgument.ts:11:`console.log(\`foobar is \${32} years old\`)`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExpr.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExpr.ts:11:`const foo = \`foobar is \${42 + 6} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprInEnding.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprInEnding.ts:11:"const foo = `foobar is \${42 + 6}`",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprSingleQuote.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprSingleQuote.ts:11:`const foo = \`foobar is \${42 + 6} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprWithElementAccess.ts-12-        "const a = { prop: 1 };",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprWithElementAccess.ts:13:        "const b = `${a[\"prop\"]}ab`;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprWithElementAccess.ts-14-    ].join("\n")
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprWithPropertyAccess.ts-12-        "const a = { prop: 1 };",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprWithPropertyAccess.ts:13:        "const b = `${a.prop}ab`;"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateBinaryExprWithPropertyAccess.ts-14-    ].join("\n")
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateComment.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateComment.ts:11:"const foo = /* C0 */ `foo is\${ /* C1 */ /* C2 */42 /* C3 */} and bar is\${ /* C4 */ /* C5 */52 /* C6 */}`",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentAfterOperator.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentAfterOperator.ts:11:"const foo = /* C0 */ `foo is\${ /* C1 */ /* C2 */42 /* C3 */} and bar is\${ /* C4 */ /* C5 */52 /* C6 */}`",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentParenth.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentParenth.ts:11:"const foo = `foobar is\${/* C1 */ 42 /* C2 */ /* C3 */} years old`",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentTrailingExpr.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentTrailingExpr.ts:11:"const foo = /* C0 */ `foo is\${ /* C1 */ /* C2 */42 /* C3 */}`",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentTrailingStr.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateCommentTrailingStr.ts:11:"const foo = /* C0 */ `foo is\${ /* C1 */ /* C2 */42} years old` /* C3 */",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateConsecutiveStr.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateConsecutiveStr.ts:11:`const foo = \`foobar is \${42} years old and \${6} cars are missing\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateMultiExpr.ts-14-const name = "Eddy"
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateMultiExpr.ts:15:const foo = \`\${name} is \${age} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateOneExpr.ts-12-`const age = 42
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateOneExpr.ts:13:const foo = \`foobar is \${age} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateOtherExprSeq.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateOtherExprSeq.ts:11:`const foo = \`foobar is \${42 * 6 / 4} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateParenthFromExpr.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateParenthFromExpr.ts:11:`const foo = \`foobar is \${42 + 6} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateParenthFromOpening.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateParenthFromOpening.ts:11:`const foo = \`foobar is \${42 + 6} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateParenthFromStr.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplateParenthFromStr.ts:11:`const foo = "foobar is " + (\`\${42 + 6}str\`) + " years old"`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplatePlusExprSeq.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplatePlusExprSeq.ts:11:`const foo = \`foobar is \${42}\${6} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplatePrefixExpr.ts-10-    newContent:
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_ToTemplatePrefixExpr.ts:11:`const foo = \`\${42 - 6 * 4 + 23 / 12} years old\``,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_escapedBackslashes.ts-13-    //     (which is the same as what the user started with)
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorConvertStringOrTemplateLiteral_escapedBackslashes.ts:14:    newContent: 'console.log(`\\\\[[${text}](${link})\\\\]`)',
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType69.ts-5-////        keyof T extends string
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType69.ts:6:////            ? /*a*/(x: `${keyof T}Foo`, callback: (y: keyof T) => void) => void/*b*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType69.ts-7-////            : never;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType69.ts-15-    newContent: [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType69.ts:16:        "type /*RENAME*/NewType<T> = (x: `${keyof T}Foo`, callback: (y: keyof T) => void) => void;",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType69.ts-17-        "",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType71.ts-3-////const key = "key";
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType71.ts:4:////type Foo = /*a*/`${typeof key}Foo`/*b*/;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType71.ts-12-        "const key = \"key\";",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType71.ts:13:        "type /*RENAME*/NewType = `${typeof key}Foo`;",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/refactorExtractType71.ts-14-        "",
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/referenceInParameterPropertyDeclaration.ts-25-    verify.referenceGroups(ranges, [
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/referenceInParameterPropertyDeclaration.ts:26:        { definition: `(property) Foo.${text}: ${type}`, ranges: [r0, r2] },
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/referenceInParameterPropertyDeclaration.ts:27:        { definition: `(parameter) ${text}: ${type}`, ranges: [r1] }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/referenceInParameterPropertyDeclaration.ts-28-    ]);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/renameCommentsAndStrings4.ts-10-////        const Bar = 0;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/renameCommentsAndStrings4.ts:11:////        `[|Bar|] ba ${Bar} bara [|Bar|] berbobo ${Bar} araura [|Bar|] ara!`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/renameCommentsAndStrings4.ts-12-////    }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/semanticClassificationInTemplateExpressions.ts:11:////`abcd${ /*3*/M./*4*/C.x + /*5*/M./*6*/E.E1}efg`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/semanticModernClassificationFunctions.ts-3-//// }
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/semanticModernClassificationFunctions.ts:4://// `/${window.location}`.split("/").forEach(s => foo(s));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpFilteredTriggers01.ts:9:////foo(` ${100}/*3*/`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpFilteredTriggers01.ts-10-////foo(/* /*4*/ */);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpFilteredTriggers02.ts:8:////foo(` ${100/*2*/}`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplates1.ts:6://// f `/*1*/ qwe/*2*/rty /*3*/$/*4*/{ 123 }/*5*/ as/*6*/df /*7*/$/*8*/{   41234   }/*9*/  zxc/*10*/vb /*11*/$/*12*/{ g `    ` }/*13*/  /*14*/  /*15*/`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplates2.ts:6://// f `/*1*/ qwe/*2*/rty /*3*/$/*4*/{ 123 }/*5*/ as/*6*/df /*7*/$/*8*/{   41234   }/*9*/  zxc/*10*/vb /*11*/$/*12*/{ g `    ` }/*13*/  /*14*/  /*15*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplates3.ts:6://// f ` qwerty ${/*1*/ /*2*/123/*3*/ /*4*/} asdf ${   41234   }  zxcvb ${ g `    ` }    `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplates4.ts:6://// f ` qwerty ${ 123 } asdf ${/*1*/  /*2*/ /*3*/41/*4*/234/*5*/   /*6*/}  zxcvb ${ g `    ` }    `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplates5.ts:6://// f ` qwerty ${ 123 } asdf ${   41234   }  zxcvb ${/*1*/ /*2*/g/*3*/ /*4*/`    `/*5*/ /*6*/}    `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplates6.ts:6://// f ` qwerty ${ 123 } asdf ${   41234   }  zxcvb ${ g `/*1*/ /*2*/   /*3*/` }    `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplatesIncomplete6.ts:6://// f `   ${  123 } ${/*1*/  }   `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplatesNegatives1.ts:6://// /*1*/f/*2*/ /*3*/` qwerty ${ 123 } asdf ${   41234   }  zxcvb ${ g `    ` }     `/*4*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplatesNegatives2.ts:6://// /*1*/fo/*2*/o /*3*/`abcd${0 + 1}abcd{1 + 1}`/*4*/  /*5*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplatesNegatives3.ts:6://// /*1*/fo/*2*/o /*3*/`abcd${0 + 1}abcd{1 + 1}abcd`/*4*/  /*5*/
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplatesNested1.ts:6://// f `a ${ g `/*1*/alpha/*2*/ ${/*3*/ 12/*4*/3 /*5*/} beta /*6*/${ /*7*/456 /*8*/} gamma/*9*/` } b ${ g `/*10*/txt/*11*/` } c ${ g `/*12*/aleph /*13*/$/*14*/{ 12/*15*/3 } beit/*16*/` } d`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplatesNested2.ts:6://// f `/*1*/a $/*2*/{ /*3*/g /*4*/`alpha ${ 123 } beta ${ 456 } gamma`/*5*/ }/*6*/ b $/*7*/{ /*8*/g /*9*/`txt`/*10*/ } /*11*/c ${ /*12*/g /*13*/`aleph ${ 123 } beit`/*14*/ } d/*15*/`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/signatureHelpTaggedTemplatesWithOverloadedTags8.ts:8://// f `${ undefined }   ${ undefined }    ${/*1*/   10/*2*/./*3*/01 /*4*/} `
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/smartIndentTemplateLiterals.ts-2-////var x0 = `sadasdasdasdas/*1*/fegsfdrasdesgeryt35t35y35 e4 ergt er 35t 3535 `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/smartIndentTemplateLiterals.ts:3:////var x1 = `sadasdasdasdas/*2*/fegsfdr${0}asdesgeryt35t35y35 e4 ergt er 35t 3535 `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/smartIndentTemplateLiterals.ts:4:////var x2 = `sadasdasdasdasfegsfdra${0}sdesge/*3*/ryt35t35y35 e4 ergt er 35t 3535 `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/smartIndentTemplateLiterals.ts:5:////var x3 = `sadasdasdasdasfegsfdra${0}sdesge/*4*/ryt35${1}t35y35 e4 ergt er 35t 3535 `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/smartIndentTemplateLiterals.ts:6:////var x2 = `sadasdasdasdasfegsfdra${0}sdesge${1}sf/*5*/ryt35t35y35 e4 ergt er 35t 3535 `;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/smartSelection_templateStrings2.ts:3:////`a ${b} /**/c`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/stringTemplateBraceCompletionPosition.ts-3-//// var x = `/*1*/`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/stringTemplateBraceCompletionPosition.ts:4://// var y = `hello /*2*/world, ${100}how /*3*/are you{ 200 } to/*4*/day!?`
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates1.ts-5-////    p1: `hello world`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates1.ts:6:////    p2: `goodbye ${0} cruel ${0} world`,
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates1.ts-13-    c.identifier("p1"), c.punctuation(":"), c.stringLiteral("`hello world`"), c.punctuation(","),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates1.ts:14:    c.identifier("p2"), c.punctuation(":"), c.stringLiteral("`goodbye ${"), c.numericLiteral("0"), c.stringLiteral("} cruel ${"), c.numericLiteral("0"), c.stringLiteral("} world`"), c.punctuation(","),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates1.ts-15-    c.punctuation("}"), c.punctuation(";"));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates2.ts-3-////var tiredOfCanonicalExamples =
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates2.ts:4:////`goodbye "${ `hello world` }" 
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates2.ts:5:////and ${ `good${ " " }riddance` }`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates2.ts-9-    c.keyword("var"), c.identifier("tiredOfCanonicalExamples"), c.operator("="),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates2.ts:10:    c.stringLiteral("`goodbye \"${"), c.stringLiteral("`hello world`"),
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/syntacticClassificationsTemplates2.ts:11:    c.stringLiteral("}\" \nand ${"), c.stringLiteral("`good${"), c.stringLiteral("\" \""), c.stringLiteral("}riddance`"), c.stringLiteral("}`"), c.punctuation(";"));
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/whiteSpaceTrimming2.ts-3-////let noSubTemplate = `/*    /*1*/`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/whiteSpaceTrimming2.ts:4:////let templateHead = `/*    /*2*/${1 + 2}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/whiteSpaceTrimming2.ts:5:////let templateMiddle = `/*    ${1 + 2    /*3*/}`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/whiteSpaceTrimming2.ts:6:////let templateTail = `/*    ${1 + 2}    /*4*/`;
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/cases/fourslash/whiteSpaceTrimming2.ts:21:verify.currentFileContentIs("let noSubTemplate = `/*    \n`;\nlet templateHead = `/*    \n${1 + 2}`;\nlet templateMiddle = `/*    ${1 + 2\n    }`;\nlet templateTail = `/*    ${1 + 2}    \n`;");
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/projects/demo/animals/dog.ts-12-        woof: function(this: Dog) {
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/projects/demo/animals/dog.ts:13:            console.log(`${this.name} says "Woof"!`);
node-typescript-4.1.2/tests/projects/demo/animals/dog.ts-14-        },