=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-149-the more technical sections of this documentation, but roughly it makes ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:150:sure that if you write a test for `foo`, via `(*$T foo` for instance, ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-151-then `foo` is _actually_ tested by each statement – the tests won’t ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-420-A parameter `~max_fail:int` can be given to the test ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:421:by writing `(*$Q & ~max_fail:5` to limit the number of counter-examples ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-422-to find, in case shrinking them is too slow. ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-431-Raw Random Tests:: ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:432:Using `(*$QR`, similar to the raw unit test `(*$R`, it is possible to ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-433-write a random test on multiple lines without the trailing `\` ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-445-+ ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:446:The `(*$QR` block needs to contain exactly two values: ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-447- ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-508- ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:509:The current usage is to use `(*$T` and the following pattern for ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-510-function `foo` and exception `Bar`: ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-624-global form. The effect of that construct is that Submod will be open ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:625:for every test between `(*$< Submod *)` and `(*$>*)`. Of course, you ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-626-_could_ also forgo that method entirely and do this: ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-657-The headers of a test are not just there for decoration; three ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:658:properties are enforced when a test, say, `(*$X foo` is compiled, where ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-659-`X` is `T`, `R`, `Q`, `QR`,… : ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-869- ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:870:Use `(*$inject foo *)` to inject the piece of code `foo` at the ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-871-beginning of this module’s tests. This is useful, for instance, to ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-881- ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:882:You have written something like `(*$ T foo`; there must not be any space ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-883-between `(*$` and the pragma. ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-895- ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:896:You have used a qualified name in a header, for instance `(*$T Mod.foo`. ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-897-You cannot do that, the name must be unqualified and defined under the ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-973- ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:974:- if possible, favor `(*$= a b *)` over `(*$T (a = b) *)`, because the former ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-975- makes it possible to add a printer (with `& ~printer:some_printer`) in ############################################## ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-990- module (for instance, printers or generators for running complex tests), ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc:991: you can use `(*$inject ... *)` somewhere in the `.ml` file: ocaml-qtest-2.11.1/README.adoc-992-+