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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-amqplib-2.12.1/README.md:188:To avoid this, you can call the method `AMQPChannel::setBodySizeLimit(int $bytes)` on your Channel instance. Body sizes exceeding this limit will be truncated,
php-amqplib-2.12.1/README.md:189:and delivered to your callback with a `AMQPMessage::$is_truncated` flag set to `true`. The property `AMQPMessage::$body_size` will reflect the true body size of
php-amqplib-2.12.1/README.md-190-a received message, which will be higher than `strlen(AMQPMessage::getBody())` if the message has been truncated.
php-amqplib-2.12.1/doc/AMQPMessage.md:46:If you don't want to access the `delivery_info` array directly you can also use `$msg->get('delivery_tag')` but keep in mind that's slower than just accessing the array by key.
php-amqplib-2.12.1/tests/Functional/Bug/Bug458Test.php-45-        $pid = getmypid();
php-amqplib-2.12.1/tests/Functional/Bug/Bug458Test.php:46:        exec('php -r "sleep(1);posix_kill(' . $pid . ', SIGTERM);" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &');
php-amqplib-2.12.1/tests/Functional/Bug/Bug458Test.php-47-        $this->channel->wait(null, false, 2);
php-amqplib-2.12.1/tests/Functional/Channel/ChannelWaitTest.php-152-        $pid = getmypid();
php-amqplib-2.12.1/tests/Functional/Channel/ChannelWaitTest.php:153:        exec('php -r "usleep(' . $delay * 1e6 . ');posix_kill(' . $pid . ', SIGTERM);" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &');
php-amqplib-2.12.1/tests/Functional/Channel/ChannelWaitTest.php-154-    }
php-amqplib-2.12.1/.pc/0002-Adapt-to-recent-PHPUnit.patch/tests/Functional/Bug/Bug458Test.php-45-        $pid = getmypid();
php-amqplib-2.12.1/.pc/0002-Adapt-to-recent-PHPUnit.patch/tests/Functional/Bug/Bug458Test.php:46:        exec('php -r "sleep(1);posix_kill(' . $pid . ', SIGTERM);" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &');
php-amqplib-2.12.1/.pc/0002-Adapt-to-recent-PHPUnit.patch/tests/Functional/Bug/Bug458Test.php-47-        $this->channel->wait(null, false, 2);