=========================================================== .___ __ __ _________________ __ __ __| _/|__|/ |_ / ___\_` __ \__ \ | | \/ __ | | \\_ __\ / /_/ > | \// __ \| | / /_/ | | || | \___ /|__| (____ /____/\____ | |__||__| /_____/ \/ \/ grep rough audit - static analysis tool v2.8 written by @Wireghoul =================================[justanotherhacker.com]=== php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst-42- php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst:43:- ``setInput($input)`` - Sets the input data to be tokenized. The Lexer is immediately reset and the new input tokenized. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst-44-- ``reset()`` - Resets the lexer. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst-45-- ``resetPeek()`` - Resets the peek pointer to 0. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst:46:- ``resetPosition($position = 0)`` - Resets the lexer position on the input to the given position. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst:47:- ``isNextToken($token)`` - Checks whether a given token matches the current lookahead. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst:48:- ``isNextTokenAny(array $tokens)`` - Checks whether any of the given tokens matches the current lookahead. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst-49-- ``moveNext()`` - Moves to the next token in the input string. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst:50:- ``skipUntil($type)`` - Tells the lexer to skip input tokens until it sees a token with the given value. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst:51:- ``isA($value, $token)`` - Checks if given value is identical to the given token. php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/index.rst-52-- ``peek()`` - Moves the lookahead token forward. ############################################## php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/simple-parser-example.rst-88- php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/simple-parser-example.rst:89:The variable ``$upperCaseCharacters`` contains all of the upper case php-doctrine-lexer-1.2.1/docs/en/simple-parser-example.rst-90-characters: