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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-nikic-fast-route-1.3.0/README.md:73:The `$method` is an uppercase HTTP method string for which a certain route should match. It
php-nikic-fast-route-1.3.0/README.md-74-is possible to specify multiple valid methods using an array:
php-nikic-fast-route-1.3.0/README.md:84:By default the `$routePattern` uses a syntax where `{foo}` specifies a placeholder with name `foo`
php-nikic-fast-route-1.3.0/README.md-85-and matching the regex `[^/]+`. To adjust the pattern the placeholder matches, you can specify
php-nikic-fast-route-1.3.0/README.md:121:The `$handler` parameter does not necessarily have to be a callback, it could also be a controller
php-nikic-fast-route-1.3.0/README.md-122-class name or any other kind of data you wish to associate with the route. FastRoute only tells you