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              grep rough audit - static analysis tool
                  v2.8 written by @Wireghoul
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:113:The `$dummy` variable now holds a special dummy object. Dummy objects are objects that extend
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-114-and/or implement preset classes/interfaces by overriding all their public methods. The key
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-120-You need to understand one thing - a dummy is not a prophecy. Your object prophecy is still
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:121:assigned to `$prophecy` variable and in order to manipulate with your expectations, you
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:122:should work with it. `$dummy` is a dummy - a simple php object that tries to fulfil your
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-147-Promises are logical blocks, that represent your fictional methods in prophecy terms
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:148:and they are handled by the `MethodProphecy::will(PromiseInterface $promise)` method.
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-149-As a matter of fact, the call that we made earlier (`willReturn('value')`) is a simple
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-160-- `ReturnPromise` or `->willReturn(1)` - returns a value from a method call
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:161:- `ReturnArgumentPromise` or `->willReturnArgument($index)` - returns the nth method argument from call
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:162:- `ThrowPromise` or `->willThrow($exception)` - causes the method to throw specific exception
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:163:- `CallbackPromise` or `->will($callback)` - gives you a quick way to define your own custom logic
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:250:- `IdenticalValueToken` or `Argument::is($value)` - checks that the argument is identical to a specific value
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:251:- `ExactValueToken` or `Argument::exact($value)` - checks that the argument matches a specific value
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:252:- `TypeToken` or `Argument::type($typeOrClass)` - checks that the argument matches a specific type or
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-253-  classname
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:254:- `ObjectStateToken` or `Argument::which($method, $value)` - checks that the argument method returns
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-255-  a specific value
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-258-- `AnyValuesToken` or `Argument::cetera()` - matches any arguments to the rest of the signature
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:259:- `StringContainsToken` or `Argument::containingString($value)` - checks that the argument contains a specific string value
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:260:- `InArrayToken` or `Argument::in($array)` - checks if value is in array
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:261:- `NotInArrayToken` or `Argument::notIn($array)` - checks if value is not in array
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-359-predictions. You can assign predictions to method prophecies using the
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:360:`MethodProphecy::should(PredictionInterface $prediction)` method. As a matter of fact,
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-361-the `shouldBeCalled()` method we used earlier is just a shortcut to:
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-381-- `NoCallsPrediction` or `shouldNotBeCalled()` - checks that the method has not been called
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:382:- `CallTimesPrediction` or `shouldBeCalledTimes($count)` - checks that the method has been called
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:383:  `$count` times
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:384:- `CallbackPrediction` or `should($callback)` - checks the method against your own custom callback
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md-393-you don't need to record predictions in order to check them. You can also do it
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/README.md:394:manually by using the `MethodProphecy::shouldHave(PredictionInterface $prediction)` method:
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/src/Prophecy/Doubler/Generator/ClassCreator.php-48-        $code = $this->generator->generate($classname, $class);
php-phpspec-prophecy-1.12.1/src/Prophecy/Doubler/Generator/ClassCreator.php:49:        $return = eval($code);